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    人教版2019必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife Protection单元综合检测(分层作业)
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    人教版2019必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife Protection单元综合检测(分层作业)02
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀综合训练题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection优秀综合训练题,共19页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共30分,略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    (2022·湖北武汉·高一期末)Humans sweat t keep cl. But did yu knw that besides them, nly a small percentage f the wrld’s animals keep cl by sweating? In fact, animals have a variety f ways t beat the cruel heat, sme f which yu might say are even a little bit strange.
    We knw that giraffes live in a particularly dry, ht envirnment, but they dn’t sweat. Hw d they stay cl? The answer lies in their beautiful skin pattern, which is like a large netwrk with a very cmplex vascular (血管) system under each patch (斑块). A giraffe’s special bld flw can frce heat ut f its bdy. Because f their rather large skin surface, this is a mre-than-effective way t escape the heat.
    As the largest land animal n earth, elephants rely n their huge pair f ears. Simply by tapping their ears, elephants can lwer their bdy temperature by 12℃ r mre. Mrever, elephants ften pen their ears when facing the wind t reach this cling effect.
    The dg’s way f escaping the heat is prbably the mst cmmn in ur daily lives--sticking their tngues ut. By breathing heavily, dgs quickly frce the heat frm their bdy and breathe cler air in, which enters their lungs and cls their entire bdy.
    Kalas are well-knwn fr their “laziness”, s it’s natural t see ne lying n a branch and think it’s just being its lazy self, but that’s nt the case. Researchers say that the kalas select their trees very carefully, lking in ht weather fr tree bark that is cler than the air temperature. By getting int the cl surface f the bark, kalas can stay relatively cmfrtable during Australia’s pwerful heat waves.
    1.Hw d dgs beat the heat?
    A.By chsing the suitable tree skin.B.By putting their tngues ut.
    C.By mving their ears.D.By flwing bld.
    2.Which f the fllwing animals uses their habitats t cl?
    3.What d fur animals have in cmmn?
    A.They live lazily.B.They dn’t sweat.
    C.They dn’t stay cl.D.They live cmfrtably.
    (2022·河南·高一专题练习)The American state f Wyming has created an app t help citizens cllect animals killed in rad accidents. The tl permits peple t legally(合法地) use the animals, knwn as radkill, fr fd. The prgram als aims t cllect data t help fficials decide n measures t imprve rad safety.
    State wildlife and highway fficials added the system t a state-perated app that prvides infrmatin n rad cnditins and traffic. Users can recrd sightings f radkill accidents and seek permissin t remve the animals within the state's rules and guidelines. Wyming describes “rad killed wildlife” as any deer, antelpe, elk, mse, wild bisn r wild turkey that was killed in an accidental vehicle crash.
    State rules require the full animal remains t be cllected. Fr safety reasns, radkill may nt be picked up after dark, alng interstate highways r in areas where rad repairs are happening. The app prvides state fficials with data n the number f radkill accidents and where the crashes happen. This helps wildlife and transprtatin fficials decide where t put up warning signs fr animal crssings.
    Jaden Bales is a spkespersn fr the Wyming Wildlife Federatin. He was recently tld that a deer had been killed n a rad nt far frm his hme in the twn f Lander. He used the app t reprt and cllect the deer. He then prcessed the animal's remains fr fd.
    Bales said sme peple might think it is acceptable t leave radkill where it is s that the “circle f life” can be cmpleted. In this way, ther creatures shw up t feed n the dead animals. But this, he added, presents big risks t the ther animals. It is really dangerus fr any f the creatures that cme and try t eat radkill.
    4.What d gvernment fficials intend t d with the app?
    A.Explre places where wild animals live.B.Find ut why animals crss the rad.
    C.Discver what animals crss the rad.D.Find ways t prtect animals n the rad.
    5.What’s Bales’ attitude twards the use f radkill?
    6.What is ne benefit f picking up radkill frm the rad?
    A.Making up fr the lack f meat as fd.B.Curing wild animals f their injuries.
    C.Preventing mre wild animals being killed.D.Prtecting the circle f life.
    7.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A.App Helps Peple Cllect Animals Killed n Rads
    B.Peple Legally Pick Up Radkill Animals n Rads
    C.App Is Created fr Drivers t Use t Save Animals
    D.State Takes Actin t Remve Animals n Rads
    (2022·湖南·慈利县教育科学研究室高一期中)Elephants might be the mst well-knwn and well-lved animal in African wildlife. But cnservatin (保护) f the African elephant still faces special difficulties. While the elephant ppulatin is half f what it was 40 years ag, sme areas f Africa have mre elephants than ppulated areas can supprt. That’s why AWF scientists are studying elephant behavir, prtecting habitats and finding ways fr humans t live peacefully with elephants in Africa.
    Years ag, verhunting and the ivry trade were the biggest threats t elephants’ survival. Luckily, ivry bans (禁令), hunting rules and prtected areas prtect elephants frm these dangers tday.
    The 21st century brings a different challenge t elephant cnservatin—land-use. Elephants walk acrss brders and utside parks and ther prtected areas. S they ften destry crps, causing cnflicts (冲突) between lcal farmers and these big animals.
    Successful cnservatin strategies must allw elephants t walk freely in their natural habitats while reducing cnflicts between elephants and lcal peple.
    AWF researchers are searching fr a way t give bth elephants and peple the space they need. The AWF is cllecting infrmatin n elephant habitats and behavir. The infrmatin they gather will help t develp the widest pssible space fr elephants.
    The AWF is helping elephants by prtecting their habitats. And they als wrk with lcal farmers t imprve their life in rder t encurage them t prtect rather than destry elephants.
    8.The first paragraph f the text is mainly t tell readers ________.
    A.African elephants are endangered nw.
    B.there remains a lt t d t prtect African elephants.
    C.African elephants are ppular animals.
    D.the number f African elephants has increased ver the years.
    9.What is the biggest difficulty in prtecting African elephants nw?
    A.They are still being killed.
    B.Their habitats are being destryed.
    C.They dn’t have enugh fd.
    D.They can’t live in peace with farmers.
    10.T prtect elephants, the AWF des all the fllwing EXCEPT ________.
    A.feeding elephantsB.prtecting elephants’ habitats
    C.ding research n elephantsD.helping farmers imprve their life
    11.Which is TRUE accrding t the passage??
    A.Overhunting and the ivry trade were the biggest threat t elephants’ survival.
    B.AWF scientists are ding researching n farmer.
    C.It’s n challenge t prtect elephant cnservatinD.Nw African elephants are safe.
    (2022·广西钦州·高一期末)When yu’re walking yur dg in the park, he cmes acrss anther dg. The dgs lk at each ther, sniff each ther, and walk circles arund each ther. And then the fight begins. But is it really a fight, r is it just play-fighting? It’s very imprtant fr yu t knw whether he’s in any true danger.
    Dg wners everywhere like t take their dgs t the park t play. But is their behavir best described as “play”? Scientists have used the wrd “play” t describe any behavir that des nt have any bvius purpse.
    The natural wrld is filled with examples f such “purpseless activities”. Bernd Heinrich and Rachel Smlker describe a cmmn activity amng ravens(乌鸦): snwbarding. Ravens in Alaska and Nrthern Canada are knwn t slide dwn steep, snw-cvered rfs. When they reach the bttm, they walk r fly back t the tp, and repeat the prcess ver and ver again. In Maine, ravens were bserved sliding dwn small hills f snw. “We see n bvius practical functin fr sliding behavir,” they write. Anyne wh has spent time in a schl playgrund will recgnize that ravens and children bth like this type f sliding activity.
    It is easy t see that play may smetimes have a purpse. Given that yung animals brrw actins frm fighting, hunting, r ther behavirs, play may serve as a fr m f practice. Play might help animals becme mre flexible and prepare better fr their future life.
    S next time yu walk by a playgrund r a schlyard, take a lk arund. The kinds f games that yung children play may lk like simpler frms f play seen in animals. Sme children may remind yu f the snwbarding raven, just trying t have a gd time. Other games, thugh, might have a deeper purpse, helping children learn their place in the scial wrld within which they live.
    12.What des “play” refer t accrding t scientists?
    A.Children’s activities.B.Walking dgs in the park.
    C.The fighting between animals.D.Activities withut bvius purpse.
    13.Hw is Paragraph 3 develped?
    A.Giving an example.B.Prviding a way.
    C.Offering a reasn.D.Asking fr advice.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “snwbarding” mean in the third paragraph?
    A.Flying t the tp f snw-cvered rfs.
    B.Hiding in the snw hle.
    C.Sliding dwn rfs cvered with deep snw.
    D.Walking n the snw-cvered grund.
    15.What is the advantage f yung animals’ playing?
    A.Learn sme living skills.B.Get alng well with thers.
    C.Be the ruler f the animal wrld.D.Practice sliding and running.
    (2022·广东·普宁市华侨中学高一期末)Hw t Keep Yur Pet Healthy
    Yu lve yur pets, and f curse, yu want t keep them happy and healthy. It’s imprtant t prvide a gd envirnment. Als, make sure yur pets stays healthy. ____16____.
    Diet is the beginning f keeping yur pet healthy. When yu first get a pet, d yur research t find ut the mst suitable diet and d yur best t fllw it strictly. Fr example, cats are carnivres, s try t pick the fd with the highest levels f prtein.
    Prvide plenty f fresh water every day.
    ____18____. Fr mst pets, that means prviding a bwl r dish f water that yu change ut at least nce a day. Pets need t stay hydrated t be healthy.
    Prvide baths as needed.
    Bathing keeps yur pet clean, and fr animals that like water, it can make them much happier t prvide baths as needed. Hw ften yu bathe yur pet really depends n the species. ____19____. Other animals, like birds, may need baths r shwers several times a week r even every day.
    See yur veterinarian (兽医) fr a checkup and vaccinatins (接种疫苗).
    Just like yu need t g t the dctr fr regular checkups, yur pet des, t. Prviding regular checkups allws yur vet t catch prblems early befre they develp int wrse cnditins. ____20____. Talk t yur vet abut which nes are prper fr yur pet.
    A.Prvide a suitable diet
    B.Exercise is healthy fr yur pet
    C.Here are sme ways t keep yur pets healthy
    D.Fr example, dgs ften need baths at least nce a mnth
    E.Besides, vaccinatins can help keep yur pet happy and healthy
    F.N matter what kind f pet yu have, it will need water in sme frm
    G.While yur pet will play with tys n its wn, it will enjy playing with yu much mre
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    (2022·广东·福田外国语高中高一开学考试)When I first arrived in Santiag, Chile, and tk a walk arund the city center, ne f the first things I nticed was hw many street dgs there were.
    On every crner there was a sleeping ___21___. At every traffic light there was a dg ___22___ t crss. By every shp there was a dg waiting fr ___23___. At first I was ___24___ as I thught they might be ___25___ r unfriendly. Hwever, I have been here fr mre than a year nw and every street dg I have seen has been quiet and ___26___.
    The dgs are ___27___ and welcmed here in Chile. They are ___28___ given fd and water by the public. Sme peple even ___29___ jackets fr the dgs r put ut beds fr them t sleep in.
    There are an estimated 2.5 millin street dgs in Chile and the canine (犬的) ppulatin is ____30____. Sme peple believe that the ____31____ is getting ut f cntrl and that it is ____32____ t have s many dgs n the streets. The dgs can smetimes cause ____33____ such as car accidents if they run int the rad. Many Chileans think that all the street dgs shuld be sterilized (使绝育) s that they cannt ____34____. Others think that the street dg ppulatin shuld be culled (i.e. reducing the ppulatin by killing them).
    The future f street dgs is ____35____, but fr nw it lks like they are here t stay, with their ppulatin expanding year by year.
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    The first z was established arund 3,500 years ag by an Egyptian queen fr her ____36____ (persn) enjyment. Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperr built a huge z t shw his pwer and wealth. Later zs were set up fr the purpse f ____37____ (study) animals .
    Sme f the early Eurpean zs cnsisted f dark hles r dirty cages, the bad cnditins f ____38____ made peple disgusted (厌恶的). Later the zs ____39____(replace) by research centers and animals there were studied and kept in gd cnditin. These places became the first mdern zs. As early as the 1940s, scientists understd that many kinds f wild animals were faced ____40____ extinctin. Since then, zs have been trying t save many endangered species, but relying n zs ____41____ (save) species, is nt enugh. The best methd f prtectin is t leave them in their natural habitat.
    Tday animals in large and natural reserves (保护区) are fed with a balanced diet and are watched ____42____ (careful) fr any sign f disease. With specially trained ____43____ (keep) lking after them and sme hspitals where they can receive treatment when ill, all the animals there live ____44____ cmfrtable life. Anyway, _____45_____ is true that z breeding prgrams have played an imprtant rle in the attempt t save many species f wildlife.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    1. 野生动物濒临灭绝的现状;
    2. 野生动物濒临灭绝的原因;
    3. 拯救措施。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Gd mrning, everybdy!
    It was a day just like every ther day. I wke up early in the mrning and went t run n Munt Gracius with my dg, Bubbles. As I ran up the muntain, with my dg fllwing clse behind, I felt energetic and refreshed. Running in a natural envirnment never failed t make me feel alive. When I reached the tp, I drank sme water and enjyed the beautiful sunrise. This scene always tk my breath away, n matter hw many times I had seen it.
    Having rested enugh, Bubbles and I made ur way back dwn the muntain. As we were running dwnhill, I saw an unfamiliar path and decided t explre the area. The path was full f rcks. It was nt easy t walk.
    Suddenly, I slipped n a muddy patch, rlling dwn five meters befre I managed t grab hld f an expsed rt f a huge tree. I was safe fr nw. Hwever, I was seriusly injured. My knees were badly hurt. My right ft was als dislcated (脱臼). I knew fr sure I wuld be unable t make my way up r dwn the muntain withut help. I called ut t Bubbles and he barked ludly frm abve. It seemed like he understd that I needed help. He lked dwn at me pitifully befre disappearing frm sight.
    As night fell , panic (恐慌) set in and scary thughts went thrugh my mind. There were many things that I had gt t d. I culdn't die! This wuld nt have happened if I had stuck t my usual path.
    I was lsing hpe when I heard barking. It was Bubbles. I rubbed my eyes as I struggled t keep awake. But there was silence. Wh culd it be? Was I hallucinating (产生幻觉)? Then I heard sme vices and mre barking. Yes. Help was near, I knew. I culd cunt n my dg t get help.
    Sn, I heard my parents calling my name.
    Later, my parents tld me what Bubbles had dne t get help.
    1.B 2.D 3.B
    1.细节理解题。由文章Dgs部分第一句“The dg’s way f escaping the heat is prbably the mst cmmn in ur daily lives--sticking their tngues ut.(狗狗逃避炎热的方式可能是我们日常生活中最常见的——伸出舌头)”可知狗通过伸出舌头来逃避炎热。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。由文章Kalas部分最后两句“Researchers say that the kalas select their trees very carefully, lking in ht weather fr tree bark that is cler than the air temperature. By getting int the cl surface f the bark, kalas can stay relatively cmfrtable during Australia’s pwerful heat waves.(研究人员说,考拉选择树木非常仔细,在炎热的天气里寻找比气温低的树皮。通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态)”可知通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态。故选D项。
    3.细节理解题。由文章Giraffes部分“A giraffe’s special bld flw can frce heat ut f its bdy.(长颈鹿特殊的血液流动可以迫使热量排出体外。)”可知长颈鹿通过特殊的血液流动散热;由文章Elephants部分“Simply by tapping their ears, elephants can lwer their bdy temperature by 12℃ r mre.(只要轻拍耳朵,大象就能将体温降低12℃甚至更多。)”可知大象通过拍耳朵散热;由文章Dgs部分“The dg’s way f escaping the heat is prbably the mst cmmn in ur daily lives--sticking their tngues ut.(狗逃避炎热的方式可能是我们日常生活中最常见的——伸出舌头。)”可知狗通过伸出舌头来散热;由文章Kalas部分“Researchers say that the kalas select their trees very carefully, lking in ht weather fr tree bark that is cler than the air temperature. By getting int the cl surface f the bark, kalas can stay relatively cmfrtable during Australia’s pwerful heat waves.(研究人员说,考拉选择树木非常仔细,在炎热的天气里寻找比气温低的树皮。通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态。)”可知卡拉通过栖息地散热。由此四种动物都不流汗,都是通过其他方式散热。故选B项。
    4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A
    4.细节理解题。根据第三段的 “This helps wildlife and transprtatin fficials decide where t put up warning signs fr animal crssings.(这有助于野生动物和运输官员决定在哪里为动物过境设立警告标志。)”可知,政府官员打算用这款应用想办法保护路上的动物。故选D。
    5.推理判断题。根据第四段“He was recently tld that a deer had been killed n a rad nt far frm his hme in the twn f Lander. He used the app t reprt and cllect the deer. He then prcessed the animal's remains fr fd.(他最近被告知,一只鹿在离他在兰德镇的家不远的路上被杀死了。他使用该应用程序报告并收集鹿。然后,他处理动物的遗体作为食物。)”以及最后一段“But this, he added, presents big risks t the ther animals. It is really dangerus fr any f the creatures that cme and try t eat radkill.(但他补充说,这给其他动物带来了很大的风险。对任何来吃被车撞死动物的动物来说,这都是非常危险的。)可推断,他支持人们合法地处理死去的动物。故选B。
    6.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“It is really dangerus fr any f the creatures that cme and try t eat radkill.( 对任何来吃被车撞死动物的动物来说,这都是非常危险的。)”可知,捡走被撞死的动物会防止更多的野生动物被杀害。故选C。
    7.主旨大意题。通读全文并根据第一段的“The American state f Wyming has created an app t help citizens cllect animals killed in rad accidents. (美国怀俄明州开发了一款应用程序,帮助市民收集死于交通事故的动物。)”及全文可知,文章讨论的话题是美国怀俄明州开发了一款应用程序,帮助市民收集死于交通事故的动物。所以“App Helps Peple Cllect Animals Killed n Rads(帮助人们收集死于道路上的动物的应用程序)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。
    8.B 9.D 10.A 11.A
    8.推理判断题。根据第一段关键句“But cnservatin (保护) f the African elephant still faces special difficulties. While the elephant ppulatin is half f what it was 40 years ag, sme areas f Africa have mre elephants than ppulated areas can supprt.”(但非洲象的保护仍面临特殊困难。虽然大象的数量只有40年前的一半,但非洲一些地区的大象数量超过了人口稠密地区的承受能力。)可知,文章第一段内容告诉我们非洲象的保护仍面临特殊困难,非洲一些地区的大象数量超过了人口稠密地区的承受能力,为了解决这些问题,我们还有很多工作要做,由此可知,文章第一段内容主要是告诉读者保护非洲象还有很多工作要做。故选B项。
    9.推理判断题。根据第三段内容“The 21st century brings a different challenge t elephant cnservatin—land-use. Elephants walk acrss brders and utside parks and ther prtected areas. S they ften destry crps, causing cnflicts (冲突) between lcal farmers and these big animals.”(21世纪给大象保护带来了不同的挑战——土地使用。大象跨越边界,在公园和其他保护区外行走。所以它们经常毁坏农作物,导致当地农民和这些大动物之间发生冲突。)可知,目前保护非洲象最大的困难是大象和农民之间的相处问题,因为大象跨越边界,在公园和其他保护区外行走,导致它们经常毁坏农作物,和当地农民之间发生冲突,由此可知,目前保护非洲象最大的困难是它们不能与农民和平相处。故选D项。
    10.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段关键句“The AWF is cllecting infrmatin n elephant habitats and behavir. The infrmatin they gather will help t develp the widest pssible space fr elephants.”(AWF正在收集有关大象栖息地和行为的信息。他们收集的信息将有助于为大象开发尽可能广阔的空间。)可知,为了保护大象,AWF对大象进行了研究,与选项“C”一致;根据最后一段内容“The AWF is helping elephants by prtecting their habitats. And they als wrk with lcal farmers t imprve their life in rder t encurage them t prtect rather than destry elephants.”(AWF通过保护大象的栖息地来帮助大象。他们还与当地农民合作,改善他们的生活,以鼓励他们保护而不是毁灭大象。)可知,为了保护大象,AWF保护大象栖息地帮助当地农民改善生活,与选项“B”和“D”一致,文中并没有提到AWF喂养大象这一点。故选A项。
    11.细节理解题。根据第二段关键句“Years ag, verhunting and the ivry trade were the biggest threats t elephants’ survival.”(多年前,过度狩猎和象牙贸易是大象生存的最大威胁。)可知,过度狩猎和象牙贸易是大象生存的最大威胁,由此可知,根据文章内容,“过度狩猎和象牙贸易是大象生存的最大威胁”这一陈述是正确的。故选A项。
    12.D 13.A 14.C 15.A
    12.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Scientists have used the wrd ‘play’ t describe any behaviur that des nt have any bvius purpse.(科学家们用“玩”这个词来描述任何没有明显目的的行为)”可知,科学家认为“玩”是指没有明显目的的活动。故选D项。
    13.推理判断题。根据第三段首句“The natural wrld is filled with examples f such ‘purpseless activities’.(自然界充满了这种“无目的活动”的例子)”和下文讲了一个乌鸦的例子可推知,作者是通过举例的方式来展开第三段的。故选A项。
    14.词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“Ravens in Alaska and Nrthern Canada are knwn t slide dwn steep, snw-cvered rfs.(众所周知,阿拉斯加和加拿大北部的乌鸦会从陡峭的、被雪覆盖的屋顶上滑下来)”可知,这里是描述乌鸦的一项常见活动:滑雪,所以划线词snwbarding指的是“从厚厚的积雪上滑下来”。故选C项。
    15.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“It is easy t see that play may smetimes have a purpse. Given that yung animals brrw actins frm fighting, hunting, r ther behavirs, play may serve as a fr m f practice.(很容易看出,玩耍有时是有目的的。考虑到小动物从战斗、狩猎或其他行为中借鉴行动,玩耍可以作为练习的一种方式)”可推知,小动物可以通过玩耍学习一些生活技能。故选A。
    16.C 17.A 18.F 19.D 20.E
    16.上文“Als, make sure yur pets stays healthy.(此外,确保你的宠物保持健康)”说明要让宠物保持健康,C项“以下是一些保持宠物健康的方法”承接上文,引出下文内容,符合题意。故选C。
    17.下文“Diet is the beginning f keeping yur pet healthy. When yu first get a pet, d yur research t find ut the mst suitable diet and d yur best t fllw it strictly.(饮食是保持宠物健康的开始。当你第一次养宠物时,要研究并查明最合适的饮食,并尽量严格遵守)”说明要研究合适的饮食以保持宠物健康,A项“提供合适的饮食”总结下文内容,可以作为本段标题句。故选A。
    18.下文“Fr mst pets, that means prviding a bwl r dish f water that yu change ut at least nce a day.(对于大多数宠物来说,这意味着提供一碗或一盘水,你每天至少换一次)”说明要给宠物提供水,F项中water是关键词,F项“无论你养什么样的宠物,它都需要某种形式的水”引出下文,符合题意。故选F。
    19.上文“Hw ften yu bathe yur pet really depends n the species.(你给宠物洗澡的频率实际上取决于物种)”说明要定期给宠物洗澡,D项“例如,狗通常每月至少需要洗一次澡”说明宠物狗需要每个月至少洗澡一次,承接上文,符合题意。故选D。
    20.上文“See yur veterinarian fr a checkup and vaccinatins.(请看兽医检查并接种疫苗)”说明要看兽医并接种疫苗,以及下文“Talk t yur vet abut which nes are prper fr yur pet.(和你的兽医谈谈哪些适合你的宠物)”说明要和兽医谈论哪种疫苗适合自己的宠物,E项中vaccinatins是关键词,E项“此外,接种疫苗可以帮助宠物保持快乐和健康”承上启下,符合题意。故选E。
    21.C 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.D
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个角落都有一只狗在睡觉。A. man男人;B. cat猫;C. dg狗;D. by男孩。根据上文“I nticed was hw many street dgs there were.”可知,此处为每个角落都有一只狗在睡觉。故选C项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个红绿灯处都有一条狗等着过马路。A. jumping跳;B. waiting等待;C. hesitating犹豫,踌躇;D. refusing拒绝。根据“At every traffic light”以及“t crss”可推知,此处为每个红绿灯处都有一条狗等着过马路。故选B项。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每一家商店旁都有一只狗在等待食物。A. partners同伴;B. wners主人,拥有者;C. tys玩具;D. fd食物。根据上文提到流浪狗以及下文“They are ___8___ given fd and water by the public”可知,此处为每一家商店旁都有一只狗在等待食物。故选D项。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一开始我很紧张,因为我认为他们可能是好斗的或不友好的。A. disappinted失望的;B. nervus紧张的;C. shcked震惊的;D. angry生气的。根据“unfriendly”可知,此处为一开始我很紧张,因为我认为他们可能是好斗的或不友好的。故选B项。
    25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一开始我很紧张,因为我认为他们可能是好斗的或不友好的。A. aggressive好斗的;B. thirsty口渴的;C. hungry饥饿的;D. sensitive敏感的,善解人意的。根据r连接的unfriendly“不友好的”可推知,此处为一开始我很紧张,因为我认为他们可能是好斗的或不友好的。故选A项。
    26.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我在这里已经一年多了,我看到的每只流浪狗都很安静,很友好。A. lnely孤独的;B. weak虚弱的;C. friendly友好的;D. strng强壮的。 根据“Hwever”可推知,这些流浪狗和我想的不一样,它们很友好。故选C项。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在智利,狗被接受和欢迎。A. cntrlled控制;B. accepted接受;C. caught抓住,赶上;D. received接受。根据and连接的“welcmed here in Chile”,可知,此处为在智利,狗被接受和欢迎。故选B项。
    28.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们经常由公众提供食物和水。A. ften经常;B. never从不;C. merely仅仅;D. barely几乎不。根据上文在智利狗被接受和欢迎,可推知,此处为他们经常由公众提供食物和水。故选A项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些人甚至给狗做夹克,或者铺上床让它们睡觉。A. wear穿;B. make制作;C. change改变;D. sell卖,销售。根据“r put ut beds fr them t sleep in.”可推知,此处为有些人甚至给狗做夹克。故选B项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:据估计,智利有250万只流浪狗,而且数量还在不断增加。A. aging变老,老化;B. raising提升,举起;C. grwing增加;D. declining下降。根据下文“is getting ut f cntrl”以及“t have s many dgs n the streets”可知,此处为据估计,智利有250万只流浪狗,而且数量还在不断增加。故选C项。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。A. plicy政策;B. psitin位置;C. behavir行为;D. situatin情况。根据上文智利有250万只流浪狗,而且数量还在不断增加为一事实情况。故可推知,此处为有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。故选D项。
    32.考查形容词词词义辨析。句意:有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。A. unacceptable 不可接受的;B. reasnable合理的;C. unusual不寻常的;D. interesting有趣的。根据and连接的“is getting ut f cntrl”可推知,此处为有些人认为情况正在失去控制,街上有这么多狗是不可接受的。故选A项。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果它们跑到马路上,有时会引起诸如车祸之类的问题。A. diseases疾病;B. fears害怕;C. prblems问题;D. questins问题(学术问题)。根据下文“such as car accidents if they run int the rad”可知,此处为如果它们跑到马路上,有时会引起诸如车祸之类的问题。故选C项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多智利人认为所有流浪狗都应该绝育,这样它们就不能繁殖了。A. bite咬;B. breed生育,繁殖;C. bark吠叫;D. grw增长。根据“all the street dgs shuld be sterilized”流浪狗都应该绝育,可知,此处为许多智利人认为所有流浪狗都应该绝育,这样它们就不能繁殖了。故选B项。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:流浪狗的未来是不确定的,但现在看起来它们会留在这里,它们的数量逐年增加。A. bright明亮的;B. different不同的;C. prmising有前途的;D. uncertain不确定的。根据“fr nw it lks like they are here t stay, with their ppulatin expanding year by year.”和表示转折意义的but可知,可推知,此处为流浪狗的未来是不确定的。故选D项。
    36.persnal 37.studying 38.which 39.were replaced 40.with 41.t save 42.carefully 43.keepers 44.a 45.it
    38.考查定语从句。句意:一些早期的欧洲动物园由黑暗的洞或肮脏的笼子组成,恶劣的环境让人厌恶。此处是介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,句中先行词为dark hles r dirty cages,指物,定语从句中缺少介词f作宾语,所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    39.考查时态和语态。句意:后来,动物园被研究中心所取代,那里的动物被研究并保存得很好。根据句中时态可知,用一般过去时。主语the zs与replace之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态,主语是复数。故填were replaced。
    40.考查介词。句意:早在20世纪40年代,科学家就认识到许多种类的野生动物正面临灭绝。be faced with面临, 面对。故填with。
    41.考查非谓语动词。句意:从那以后,动物园一直在努力拯救许多濒危物种,但仅靠动物园来拯救物种是不够的。rely n sb. t d sth.依靠某人来做某事。故填t save。
    44.考查冠词。句意:有经过专门训练的饲养员照顾它们,还有一些医院可以在它们生病时接受治疗,那里所有的动物都过着舒适的生活。live a…life过着……的生活。形容词cmfrtable发音以辅音音素开头,所以用不定冠词a。故填a。
    46.Gd mrning, everybdy! It’s my hnr t speak here. Tday I’d like t share my tpic, wildlife prtectin, with yu.
    As we all knw, many wild animals are endangered. One f the majr reasns is that the habitats f many wild animals are plluted r destryed. Besides, a great many wild animals are hunted and killed fr fd r mney each year. In my pinin, it’s time we tk immediate measures. T start with, all f us shuld raise awareness f wildlife prtectin. At the same time, we’d better set up mre nature reserves t guarantee wild animals a safe hme t live.
    I believe as lng as we take actin immediately, we will live in harmny with wild animals. Thanks fr yur listening.
    众所周知:As we all knw →As is knwn t all
    此外:Besides → What’s mre
    首先:T start with →Firstly
    同时:At the same time → In the meantime
    原句:Besides, a great many wild animals are hunted and killed fr fd r mney each year.
    拓展句:Besides, a great many wild animals are hunted and killed, because peple want t get fd r mney each year.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】One f the majr reasns is that the habitats f many wild animals are plluted r destryed.(运用了that引导的表语从句)
    【高分句型2】I believe as lng as we take actin immediately, we will live in harmny with wild animals. (运用了as lng as引导的条件状语从句)
    47.One pssible versin:
    Sn, I heard my parents calling my name. S I began calling back. A mment later, I saw the light f a flashlight. Fllwing my vice and with Bubbles leading the way, my parents finally fund me. They lked nervus and wrried. After learning I was badly hurt, my parents quickly climbed dwn t me. They examined my cuts and my ft and decided that I had better nt walk. Then, my father carried me n his back, dwn the muntain and t the nearest clinic, where a dctr was waiting fr us.
    Later, my parents tld me what Bubbles had dne t get help. He quickly ran hme and waited until my parents came hme frm wrk. He barked ludly at my parents. They were cnfused and thught the dg might be hungry at first. S they gave Bubbles sme fd, but he didn't stp harking. Suddenly, they realized I hadn't cme back hme with Bubbles as usual and that I must have been in truble. At that mment, Bubbles ran ut and my parents fllwed him clsely. Bubbles remembered the way and led my parents t the spt.
    ①.看见:see / catch sight f
    ②.检查:examine / check
    ③.意识到:realize / be aware f
    ①.发愁的:wrried / anxius
    ②.困惑的:cnfused / puzzled
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. After learning I was badly hurt, my parents quickly climbed dwn t me.(由动名词作宾语,省略that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Later, my parents tld me what Bubbles had dne t get help.(由what引导的宾语从句)

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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection习题</a>,共10页。

    英语必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection当堂达标检测题: 这是一份英语必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002234_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 2 Wildlife protection当堂达标检测题</a>,共7页。

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