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    人教版2019高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Space Exploration(单元测试)
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    人教版2019高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Space Exploration(单元测试)

    这是一份人教版2019高中英语必修第三册Unit4 Space Exploration(单元测试),共19页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第Ⅰ卷两部分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共30分,略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    China in Space
    Did yu knw...
    ★ In 1956 China pened the first missile and rcket research institute?
    ★ Wh is the first Chinese astrnaut in space?
    ★ What is China’s first Mars rver?
    The beginning f China’s space prgram
    In 1956, China pened its first missile and rcket research institute. Qian Xuesen (1911—2009), a Chinese scientist hnred as “the father f China’s space prgram” was the directr. With great determinatin t build China’s wn rckets, he devted himself t China’s space prgram. Less than ten years later, n July 19, 1964, China launched a bilgy rcket “T-7A(S1)” int space with the first Chinese “astrnauts”—4 big rats and 4 small rats inside it. In 1968, China pened anther institute fr manned space flight. But that was just the beginning.
    China’s First Astrnaut in Space
    At 9 a.m. Octber 15, 2003, Yang Liwei, abard the Shenzhu V manned spaceship, tk ff frm the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, starting his lng-expected trip in space. Mre than 20 hurs later, Yang Liwei finished his last actin f this trip by cutting the rpe f the parachute (降落伞) and walked ut f the spaceship, putting an end t Chinese peple’s successful trip t space fr the first time.
    China’s first Mars rver
    On April 24, China’s Space Day, China’s first Mars rver has been named Zhurng, annunced the China Natinal Space Administratin (CNSA). On May 22, the six-wheeled slar-pwered rver, lking like a blue butterfly, left the first “ftprints” n the red planet. Zhurng’s first successful drive made China the secnd cuntry after the United States t land and perate a rver n Mars.
    Zhurng is the gd f fire in ancient Chinese mythlgy. Literally, Zhu expresses the gd wishes fr humankind’s explratin f the universe. Rng means integratin and cperatin, reflecting China’s visin f the peaceful use f space. The name is anther example f Chinese scientific rmance including Tianwen, Chang’e and Beidu, which als shws the Chinese spirit f explratin and cultural cnfidence, accrding t Wu Yanhua, deputy directr f the CNSA.
    1.Which wrd can best describe Qian Xuesen’s quality?
    2.Hw many “astrnauts” were inside the bilgy rcket “T-7A(S1)”?
    3.What is Zhurng accrding t the text?
    A.A rcket.B.A rver.
    C.A butterfly.D.A missile.
    “Welcme t ur new ‘classrm’!” said Chen Dng, ne f the three astrnauts f the Shenzhu XIV missin.
    They were giving a science class 400 kilmeters abve Earth n Oct 12. It was the third space class frm the Tiangng space statin, but the first ne frm the Wentian lab mdule(实验舱) since its launch in July. The frmer tw classes were held in the Tianhe cre mdule(核心舱).
    What des the new “classrm” lk like? Chen, tgether with Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, shwed us arund. “The beds in the Tianhe mdule are placed hrizntally(横着), while ur beds are kept upright,” said Liu. That means astrnauts in the Wentian lab mdule need t sleep standing up! But as Liu explained, peple dn’t feel any difference because there’s n gravity(重力)in space. Astrnauts can even sleep n the ceiling(天花板)r upside dwn!
    The astrnauts als shwed their “space farm”, where lettuce, wheat, thale cress(拟南芥)and rice are grwn. “Take a picture!” “Send the picture!” Thrugh a vice-cntrlled camera, Chen already sent a picture f the thale cress t scientists n Earth. Then he used scissrs t cut a sample. “I’ll put it int a fridge at -80 ℃ and later give it t scientists n Earth,” said Chen. Scientists will study hw the envirnment f space affects the grwth f plants.
    “We hpe in the near future, we can harvest the fd grwn n ur wn,” said Chen. “Maybe ne day, we can grw fd n the mn r even n Mars!”
    4.Where were the astrnauts giving a science class?
    A.In a lab n Earth.B.In the Wentian lab mdule.
    C.In the Tianhe cre mdule.D.In Shengzhu XIV.
    5.What are the bed in the new “classrm” like?
    A.They are placed hrizntally.B.They are n the ceiling.
    C.They are kept straight.D.They are turned upside dwn.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.A piece f thale cress.B.A picture.
    C.A pack f rice.D.A piece f lettuce.
    7.Which wrd best describes Chen Dng’s attitude t the future f space farming?
    Shuld humans explre space? If yu ask me, I’ll definitely give a psitive answer.
    The explitatin (开发) f space has a direct impact n the lives f humans, as well as the state f ur wrld. Satellites mving arund the earth enable cmmunicatin acrss the wrld. cnnecting peple f different cntinents and bradcasting infrmatin wrldwide. The Glbal Psitining System (GPS) can identify ur lcatin anywhere. Furthermre, weather satellites can frecast harmful weather cnditins which allws humans t prepare fr deadly natural disasters and save lives.
    Space prgrams can als indirectly cntribute t the slutin t pverty and wrld hunger. Fr example, large plts f land culd be used far better if humans applied technlgies. The mst effective tl is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas f land within a very shrt time, indicating useful measures such as the cnditin f crps, sil rainfall, and drughts. It can then transmit this infrmatin t grund statins n the earth fr better use.
    In recent years, space-based technlgies have becme an imprtant factr t reach and expand glbal health bjectives. Infrmatin prvided by remte technlgies can be applied t study the epidemilgy (流行病学). This data prvided by space technlgies can mnitr disease patterns, understand the envirnmental causes that spread it, make predictins abut where it can spread in the future, and make plans t fight it efficiently.
    Furthermre, access t better educatin means better life prspects and pprtunities fr human beings. Rural cmmunities have disadvantaged access t educatin and satellite cmmunicatin technlgies are trying t bridge this gap. With the advancement f technlgy, students can nw access any infrmatin and cnnect with peers and teachers in different parts f the wrld via vide cnferences and the creatin f virtual classrms.
    Space explratin is smething we can d fr future generatins. Mankind is using the resurces prvided n the planet, but these will run ut ne day. Overppulatin can be an existential threat fr all mankind. With the advancement f space technlgy, it will be wise t use and explre the vast ptential f ther planets, such as the availability f mining resurces n asterids r ther planets.
    Fr the explratin f the universe, perhaps the mst advantageus f all is that it will unite us t wrk tgether fr a cmmn purpse, regardless f ur differences.
    8.What can space explitatin d accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A.Imprve the traffic n the earth.B.Prmte travel between cuntries.
    C.Help prevent deadly natural disasters.D.Help humans cmmunicate and exchange infrmatin.
    9.Hw can space prgrams help with pverty and wrld hunger?
    A.By benefiting crp prductin with artificial earth satellites.
    B.By transprting fd wrldwide mre easily.
    C.By creating jb pprtunities fr the pr.
    D.By prtecting available land resurces.
    10.What des the authr think f mining resurces n ther planets?
    11.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Why Space Explratin Is Imprtant?
    B.Why Humankind Shuld Keep Explring?
    C.Why We Shuld Imprve Space Technlgy?
    D.Why Humans Shuld Keep Develping Technlgies?
    Space explratin, investigatin, by means f crewed and uncrewed spacecraft, f the reaches f the universe beynd Earth’s atmsphere and the use f the infrmatin s gained t increase knwledge f the csms and benefit humanity.
    Humans have always lked at the heavens and wndered abut the nature f the bjects seen in the night sky. With the develpment f rckets and the advances in electrnics and ther technlgies in the 20th century, it became pssible t send machines and animals and then peple abve Earth’s atmsphere int uter space. Well befre technlgy made these achievements pssible, hwever, space explratin had already captured the minds f many peple, nt nly aircraft pilts and scientists but als writers and artists. The strng hld that space travel has always had n the imaginatin may well explain why prfessinal astrnauts and laypeple alike cnsent at their great peril, in the wrds f Tm Wlfe in The Right Stuff (1979), t sit “n tp f an enrmus Rman candle, such as a Redstne, Atlas, Titan r Saturn rcket, and wait fr smene t light the fuse.” It perhaps als explains why space explratin has been a cmmn and enduring theme in literature and art. As centuries f speculative fictin in bks and mre recently in films make clear,“ne small step fr a man, ne giant leap fr mankind” was taken by the human spirit many times and in many ways befre Neil Armstrng stamped humankind’s first ftprint n the Mn.
    Achieving spaceflight enabled humans t begin t explre the slar system and the rest f the universe, t understand the many bjects and phenmena that are better bserved frm a space perspective, and t use fr human t benefit the resurces and attributes f the space envirnment. All f these activities—discvery, scientific understanding, and the applicatin f that understanding t serve human purpses—are elements f space explratin.
    12.What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A.Identificatin. B.Demnstratin. C.Clarificatin. D.Definitin.
    13.Which f the fllwing has nt been sent int space?
    A.Machines. B.Peple. C.Animals. D.War.
    14.Hw did peple get t space befre real space explratin?
    A.By using their imaginatin.
    B.By reading fictinal bks.
    C.By visiting space museums.
    D.By using their telescpes.
    15.What is the authr’s attitude twards the space activities?
    Over the next 50 years, we are ging t send mre and better rbts t Mars. ___16___ There is a limit t what rbts can tell us, thugh, s eventually we will have t send peple t study the planet.
    Befre peple can visit Mars, we need t invent a spaceship that can take us there. ___17___ Depending n where Mars and Earth are in their rbits arund the sun, it culd take between six mnths and a year t get there.
    The mn is much clser, and we were there many years ag. Over the next 10 years, we are ging t wrk n building a new spacecraft. ___18___
    Once we return t the mn, we are ging t build a statin s that peple can live and wrk n the mn fr mnths at a time. This is imprtant s that we have a place t start frm when we want t visit Mars. ___19___
    By the time yu are ld enugh t be an astrnaut, we will have peple spending mnths n the mn. By the time yu are ld enugh t be a cmmander f a space missin, we will be taking trips t Mars. By the time yur kids are ld enugh t be astrnauts, we may have peple living n Mars. Wuldn’t it be cl t get a pstcard frm smene wh was building a huse n Mars? ___20___
    A.Mars is very faraway.
    B.Peple will g t live n Mars ne day.
    C.Wuldn’t it be cler if it was yu wh sent the pstcard?
    D.Using this craft, we will practice the skills we need t g t Mars.
    E.Thse rbts will send back better pictures, maps, and weather reprts.
    F.It wuld be pssible fr us t g t Mars in a spacecraft in the near future.
    G.This is als imprtant because it gives us practice with living away frm Earth.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Arund 50 Mars missins have been launched glbally s far since 1960. Yet mre than half f them have ____21____ t reach the planet sme 55 millin kilmeters away frm the Earth. S after China’s Mars prbe, Tianwen 1, was ____22____ n July 23 last year, there was an ____23____ wait fr its prgress.
    The craft landed___24___ n the surface f the planet n Saturday. The news has been met with bth ___25___ and celebratin in the cuntry. The landing was ___26___ exactly as planned, which has made China the latest member f the club f the wrld’s pineering ___27___, and shws that China has ___28___the technlgies independently.
    It is the can-d spirit that has played a key rle in China’s scientific and technlgical develpment in recent decades___29___sme failures in explring uter space.
    China made its early____30____in rcket and space technlgies starting frm the 1960s when the cuntry ____31____largely a backward agricultural cuntry. ____32____, the cuntry has made the mst f what it had ver the past mre than six decades, making effrts t mve ahead in the aerspace cause.
    Late last mnth, China sent Tianhe int space,____33____a series f launches that will cmplete the building f the space statin arund 2022.
    All these achievements have_____34_____greatly t the peaceful use f uter space. During its Mars missin, China has wrked with Eurpean _____35_____and ther cuntries and will help push humankind t travel faster and farther in the future.
    26.A.carried awayB.carried ffC.carried utD.carried n
    33.A.getting ffB.cutting ffC.starting ffD.putting ff
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    The Shenzhu XV astrnauts (宇航员) entered the Tiangng space statin n Wednesday mrning and they____36____(give) warm hugs by the Shenzhu XIV astrnauts already circling fr nearly six mnths.
    After abut tw hurs f preparatry wrk fllwing the cnnectin f the Shenzhu XV spacecraft with the Tiangng statin, Fei Junlng, the Shenzhu XV leader, ____37____(pen) a dr n his spaceship and flated int the statin.
    He was welcmed by Chen Dng, leader f the Shenzhu XIV, _38_ had been waiting inside the statin fr a while. The tw leaders hugged each ther with Chen _39_(say): “Welcme! Let’s hug.”
    And then Chen tld Fei, “There are tw mre waiting fr yu”, referring t Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe that _40_(be) inside the statin's Wentian lab.
    In the fllwing minutes, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu mved int the statin ne _41_ ne and they were als greeted by Chen.
    The Shenzhu XV astrnauts then entered the Wentian lab and hugged Liu and Cai____42____(excited). They chatted fr a while __43__then tk a grup selfie(自拍) t the clapping frm grund cntrllers.
    Their meeting marked____44____first time that as many as six Chinese astrnauts are travelling in space at the same time.____45____(early), there had been at mst three Chinese astrnauts in space at a time.
    The entire prcess was bradcast live n the China Central Televisin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    46.假设你是李华。你班最近一次班会的主题是“太空探险的意义”。请你结合下表内容,用英语给《21世纪学生报》的“Vice Yur Opinin”栏目投稿一篇,介绍你们讨论的情况并发表你的观点。
    The quilt (被子) tk a lt f time. But the messages n it were meaningful.
    When I started my current prject, I wke up every day with new ideas and fresh enthusiasm. I really believed in the imprtance f what I wanted t create, and I had my husband, Claudi, t cheer me n. But then, things had gtten hard. I injured my shulder and my recvery was slw. In the middle f it, I lst Claudi t cancer. I was discuraged, lnely, and withut Claudi’s cmfrt. Facing dwn the halffinished quilt in my sewing rm ne mrning sn after his death, I culd hardly gather the energy t sew it.
    The quilt was meant t be a way t keep my ld nursing class tgether. We’d graduated frm Mercy Cllege ver 40 years befre and quickly wrked all ver the cuntry. After ur last anniversary party, I tried t find ways fr everyne t stay in tuch, but nthing ever seemed t wrk ut. I knew I needed t find a cnnectin t share at a distance. I thught abut a quilt.
    I gt in tuch with as many f my ld classmates as I culd. Everyne wh wanted t jin the prject was sent a piece f fabric (布料). They culd sign it r write a persnal message. Once I gt the pieces back, I’d sew them int the finished piece.
    I rubbed my painful shulder and ran my hand ver the unfinished quilt. Even after several peratins, mvement in my left arm was limited. There was still s much t d. Our class’s frty-fifth anniversary party was cming up but my heart wasn’t in this prject anymre. With Claudi’s encuragement I’d kept at it despite my painful shulder. But Claudi was gne nw. Wrking n the quilt was impssible with my aches and pains. Why was I even trying? I cvered up my sewing machine and left the quilt as it was.
    Weeks passed but I didn’t sew a thing.
    I arrived at ur frty-fifth anniversary party.
    1.B 2.D 3.B
    1.推理判断题。根据文中The beginning f China’s space prgram部分中的“With great determinatin t build China’s wn rckets, he devted himself t China’s space prgram.(带着建造中国自己的火箭的巨大决心,全身心投入到中国的太空计划中。)”可知,钱学森带着建造中国自己的火箭的巨大决心,全身心投入到中国的太空计划中。由此推知,“cmmitted(尽心尽力)”一词最能形容钱学森的品质。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据The beginning f China’s space prgram部分中的“Less than ten years later, n July 19, 1964, China launched a bilgy rcket “T-7A(S1)” int space with the first Chinese “astrnauts”—4 big rats and 4 small rats inside it.(不到十年,在1964年7月19日,中国向太空发射了一枚生物火箭“T-7A(S1)”,火箭里有中国首批“宇航员”——四只大鼠和四只小鼠。)”可知,在生物火箭“T-7A(S1)”里搭载了八只“宇航员”。故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据China’s first Mars rver部分中的第一段“On April 24, China’s Space Day, China’s first Mars rver has been named Zhurng, annunced the China Natinal Space Administratin (CNSA).( 中国国家航天局宣布,在4月24日,中国航天日,中国首个火星车被命名为“祝融号”。)”可知,中国首个火星车被命名为“祝融号”。所以“祝融号”是一个登陆车。故选B。
    4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C
    4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“It was the third space class frm the Tiangng space statin, but the first ne frm the Wentian lab mdule(实验舱) since its launch in July.(这是天宫空间站进行的天宫课堂的第三课,但自7月发射以来,这是问天实验舱进行的第一次。)”可知,宇航员们是在问天实验舱里进行太空授课的。故选B。
    5.细节理解题。根据文章第三段““The beds in the Tianhe mdule are placed hrizntally(横着), while ur beds are kept upright,” said Liu. That means astrnauts in the Wentian lab mdule need t sleep standing up! (“天河舱的床是横着放置的,而我们的床是直立的,”刘洋说。这意味着“问天”实验舱的宇航员需要站着睡觉!)”可知,问天实验舱的床保持直立。故选C。
    6.词义猜测题。根据划线词的前一句“Thrugh a vice-cntrlled camera, Chen already sent a picture f the thale cress t scientists n Earth. Then he used scissrs t cut a sample.(通过一个声控相机,陈冬已经向地球上的科学家发送了一张塔勒水芹的照片。然后他用剪刀剪了一个样本。)”结合划线句“ “I’ll put it int a fridge at -80 ℃ and later give it t scientists n Earth,” said Chen. Scientists will study hw the envirnment f space affects the grwth f plants.(陈说:“我会把它放进零下80℃的冰箱里,然后交给地球上的科学家。”科学家们将研究太空环境如何影响植物的生长。)”可知,it代指的是一个塔勒水芹。故选A。
    7.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段““We hpe in the near future, we can harvest the fd grwn n ur wn,” said Chen. “Maybe ne day, we can grw fd n the mn r even n Mars!”(“我们希望在不久的将来,我们可以收获我们自己种植的食物,”陈冬说。“也许有一天,我们可以在月球甚至火星上种植食物!”)”可知,陈冬对于在太空中种植作物充满希望。故选C。
    8.D 9.A 10.C 11.A
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段“The space explratin has a direct impact n the lives f humans, as well as the state f ur wrld. Satellites mving arund the earth enable cmmunicatin acrss the wrld, cnnecting peple f different cntinents and bradcasting infrmatin wrldwide. The Glbal Psitining System(GPS) can identify ur lcatin anywhere. Furthermre, weather satellites can frecast harmful weather cnditins, which allws humans t prepare fr deadly natural disasters and save lives.”(太空探索直接影响着人类的生活,也影响着我们这个世界的现状。环绕地球运行的卫星使全世界的通信成为可能,将不同大陆的人们联系起来,向全世界广播信息。全球定位系统(GPS)可以在任何地方确定我们的位置。此外,气象卫星可以预测有害的天气状况,这使人类能够为致命的自然灾害做好准备,挽救生命。)可知,根据第二段,太空探索可以帮助人类交流和传播信息。故选D。
    9.细节理解题。根据第三段“Space prgrams can als indirectly lead t the slutin t pverty and wrld hunger. Fr example, large plts f land culd be used far better if humans applied technlgies. The mst effective tl is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas f land within a very shrt time, indicating useful measures, such as the cnditin f crps, sil, rainfall, and drughts. It can then transmit this infrmatin t grund statins n the earth fr better use.”(太空计划还可以间接地解决贫困和世界饥饿问题。例如,如果人类应用技术,大片土地可以得到更好的利用。最有效的工具是人造地球卫星。它可以在很短的时间内筛选土地面积,显示有用的措施,如作物状况、土壤、降雨和干旱。然后,它可以将这些信息传输到地球上的地面站,以便更好地使用。)可知,太空计划利用人造地球卫星造福农作物生产来帮助解决贫困和世界饥饿问题。故选A。
    10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“With the advancement f space technlgy, it will be wise t use and explre the vast ptential f ther planets, such as the availability f mining resurces n asterids r ther planets.”(随着太空技术的进步,利用和探索其他行星的巨大潜力将是明智的,例如小行星或其他行星上的采矿资源的可用性。)可推知,作者对在其他星球上开采资源这一行为认为是有必要的。故选C。
    11.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Shuld humans explre space? If yu ask me, I’ll definitely give a psitive answer.(人类应该探索太空吗?如果你问我,我一定会给你肯定的答复)”以及最后一段“Fr the explratin f the universe, perhaps the mst advantageus f all is that it will unite us t wrk tgether fr a cmmn purpse, regardless f ur differences.(对于宇宙的探索来说,也许最有利的是它将把我们团结起来,为了一个共同的目标而努力,不管我们有什么分歧)”结合文章主要讲的是人类是否应该探索太空为此话题而展开的讨论,论述了探索太空的重要性。可知,A选项“为什么太空探索很重要?”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B
    12.推理判断题。根据第一段“Space explratin, investigatin, by means f crewed and uncrewed spacecraft, f the reaches f the universe beynd Earth’s atmsphere and the use f the infrmatin s gained t increase knwledge f the csms and benefit humanity.(利用载人和无人飞船对地球大气层以外的宇宙范围进行空间探索和调查,并利用由此获得的信息增进对宇宙的认识,造福人类。)”及全文可推断,第一段作者阐明了人类对太空探索的事实。故选C。
    13.细节理解题。根据第二段“With the develpment f rckets and the advances in electrnics and ther technlgies in the 20th century, it became pssible t send machines and animals and then peple abve Earth’s atmsphere int uter space.(随着20世纪火箭的发展、电子技术和其他技术的进步,把机器和动物,然后把人送到地球大气层外的太空成为可能。)”可知,送到太空的有机器、动物和人。故选D。
    14.细节理解题。根据第二段“Well befre technlgy made these achievements pssible, hwever, space explratin had already captured the minds f many peple, nt nly aircraft pilts and scientists but als writers and artists. The strng hld that space travel has always had n the imaginatin may well explain why prfessinal astrnauts and laypeple alike cnsent at their great peril, in the wrds f Tm Wlfe in The Right Stuff (1979), t sit “n tp f an enrmus Rman candle, such as a Redstne, Atlas, Titan r Saturn rcket, and wait fr smene t light the fuse.” It perhaps als explains why space explratin has been a cmmn and enduring theme in literature and art. (然而,早在科技使这些成就成为可能之前,太空探索就已经吸引了许多人的注意力,不仅是飞行员和科学家,而且还有作家和艺术家。太空旅行一直以来都是人们想象中的一部分,这很好地解释了为什么专业宇航员和门外行人都同意冒着巨大的危险,用汤姆·沃尔夫在《太空英雄》(1979)中的话说,“坐在一个巨大的罗马蜡烛上,比如红石、阿特拉斯、泰坦或土星火箭,等待有人点燃引信。”这也许也解释了为什么太空探索一直是文学和艺术中一个普遍而持久的主题。)”可知,在真正的太空探索之前,人类是通过读虚构的书到达太空的。故选B。
    15.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Achieving spaceflight enabled humans t begin t explre the slar system and the rest f the universe, t understand the many bjects and phenmena that are better bserved frm a space perspective, and t use fr human t benefit the resurces and attributes f the space envirnment. All f these activities—discvery, scientific understanding, and the applicatin f that understanding t serve human purpses—are elements f space explratin. (航天的实现使人类开始探索太阳系和宇宙的其他部分,更好地了解从空间角度观察到的许多物体和现象,并利用空间环境的资源和属性为人类造福。所有这些活动——发现、科学认识以及应用这些认识为人类服务——都是太空探索的要素。)”可推断,作者认为太空活动是有益的。故选B。
    16.E 17.A 18.D 19.G 20.C
    16.根据上文“Over the next 50 years, we are ging t send mre and better rbts t Mars(在接下来的50年里,我们将向火星发射更多更好的机器人)”可知,此处讲的是未来的50年里这些机器人将会给人类提供更好的服务,与E项“Thse rbts will send back better pictures, maps, and weather reprts.( Thse rbts will send back better pictures, maps, and weather reprts.(这些机器人将发回更好的图片、地图和天气报告))”表达的含义一致,故选E项。
    17.根据下文“Depending n where Mars and Earth are in their rbits arund the sun, it culd take between six mnths and a year t get there.( 根据火星和地球绕太阳轨道的位置,到达那里可能需要六个月到一年的时间)”可知,此处讲的是火星距离很远,与A项“Mars is very faraway.( 火星非常遥远)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
    18.根据上文“Over the next 10 years, we are ging t wrk n building a new spacecraft.(在接下来的10年里,我们将致力于建造一艘新的航天器)”可知此处说的是这艘新的航天器的用途,与D项“Using this craft, we will practice the skills we need t g t Mars.(使用这艘飞船,我们将练习前往火星所需的技能)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。
    19.根据上文“Once we return t the mn, we are ging t build a statin s that peple can live and wrk n the mn fr mnths at a time. This is imprtant s that we have a place t start frm when we want t visit Mars.( 一旦我们回到月球,我们将建造一个空间站,这样人们就可以一次在月球上生活和工作几个月。这很重要,这样当我们想访问火星时,我们就有了一个起点)”可知,此处讲的是在月球上建立空间站的重要性,与G项“This is als imprtant because it gives us practice with living away frm Earth.(这也很重要,因为它让我们练习远离地球的生活)”表达的含义一致,故选G项。
    20.根据上文“By the time yur kids are ld enugh t be astrnauts, we may have peple living n Mars. Wuldn’t it be cl t get a pstcard frm smene wh was building a huse n Mars?( 当你的孩子长大到可以成为宇航员的时候,我们可能会有人生活在火星上。收到一个在火星上建造房子的人寄来的明信片不是很酷吗?)”可知此处在用明信片收发来畅想未来,与C项“Wuldn’t it be cler if it was yu wh sent the pstcard?( 如果是你寄的明信片,那不是更酷吗?)”表达的含义一致,故选C项。
    21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.D 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.C
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,其中一半以上未能到达距离地球5500万公里远的行星。A. begun开始;B. failed失败;C. attempted尝试;D. succeeded成功。根据“Arund 50 Mars missins have been launched glbally s far since 1960.”和“Yet”可知,超过一半的火星任务失败了。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,在中国的火星探测器“天问一号”于去年7月23日发射后,人们焦急地等待着了解它的进展。A. transprted运输;B. discvered发现;C. launched发射;D. settled解决。根据“The craft landed____4____ n the surface f the planet n Saturday.”和常识可知,天问一号是去年7月23号发射的。故选C。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,在中国的火星探测器“天问一号”于去年7月23日发射后,人们焦急地等待着了解它的进展。A. anxius焦急的;B. aware有意识的;C. awkward尴尬的;D. amazing令人惊讶的。根据“Yet mre than half f them have 1 t reach the planet sme 55 millin kilmeters away frm the Earth. ”可知,火星发射失败率很高,因此在天问一号发射之后,所有人都在焦急等待它的进展情况。故选A。
    24.考查副词词义辨析。句意:该飞船于周六在火星表面安全着陆。A. suddenly突然地;B. safely安全地;C. calmly安静地;D. bviusly明显地。根据“The news has been met with bth ____5____ and celebratin in the cuntry.”可知,飞行器安全地着陆在火星表面,举国欢庆。故选B。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个消息让这个国家感到宽慰和喜庆。A. prtest反对;B. regret后悔;C. pity遗憾;D. relief宽慰。根据“The craft landed____4____ n the surface f the planet n Saturday.”可知,飞行器安全着陆火星的消息令人宽慰。故选D。
    26.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这次着陆完全按照计划进行,这使中国成为世界先锋探险者俱乐部的最新成员,也表明中国已经自主研发这项技术。A. carried away带走;B. carried ff夺走;C. carried ut实施;D. carried n继续。根据“which has made China the latest member f the club f the wrld’s pineering ____7____,”可知,飞行器安全着陆,因此它的着陆是按计划实行的。故选C。
    27.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次着陆完全按照计划进行,这使中国成为世界先锋探险者俱乐部的最新成员,也表明中国已经自主研发这项技术。A. explrers探险者;B. applicants申请人;C. fficials官员;D. editrs编辑。根据“The landing was ____6____ exactly as planned,”可知,飞行器安全地着陆在火星表面是一次太空探险,中国已然跻身于世界先锋探险者行列。故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这次着陆完全按照计划进行,这使中国成为世界先锋探险者俱乐部的最新成员,也表明中国已经自主研发这项技术。A. brrwed借;B. selected选择;C. develped开发;D. remved开除。根据“the technlgies independently”可知,此次火星着陆技术是中国自主研发的。故选C。
    29.考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管在探索外层空间方面有一些失败,但这种敢做敢为的精神在中国近几十年的科技发展中发挥了关键作用。A. withut没有,缺乏;B. beynd超过;C. except除……之外;D. despite尽管。根据“sme failures in explring uter space.”可知,与主句之间有让步关系,太空探索尽管遇到失败,但是敢做能为的精神在科学技术发展方面起着关键的作用。故选D。
    30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从上世纪60年代开始,中国在火箭和航天技术方面取得了早期突破,当时中国在很大程度上仍是一个落后的农业国家。A. prmises承诺;B. impacts影响;C. inventins发明;D. breakthrughs突破。根据“in rcket and space technlgies starting frm the 1960s”和下文的“the cuntry has made the mst f what it had ver the past mre than six decades”可知,中国在火箭和太空技术方面取得了早期的突破。故选D。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从上世纪60年代开始,中国在火箭和航天技术方面取得了早期突破,当时中国在很大程度上仍是一个落后的农业国家。A. becme变成;B. remain仍然是;C. end结束;D. start启动。根据“largely a backward agricultural cuntry.”和常识可知,中国在很大程度上仍是一个落后的农业国家。故选B。
    32.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,中国已经充分利用了它在过去60多年里所拥有的,努力向前推进航天事业。A. Thus因此;B. Therefre因此;C. Furthermre此外;D. Hwever然而。根据“the cuntry has made the mst f what it had ver the past mre than six decades, making effrts t mve ahead in the aerspace cause. ”与前文的“largely a backward agricultural cuntry”可知,此处为转折关系,所以用Hwever。故选D。
    33.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:上月末,中国将“天和”送入太空,开启了一系列发射,这些发射将在2022年前后完成空间站的建设。A. getting ff下车;B. cutting ff切断;C. starting ff启动,开启;D. putting ff推迟。根据“Late last mnth, China sent Tianhe int space,”和下文“ will cmplete the building f the space statin arund 2022”可知,随着天和核心舱进入太空,开始了一系列的太空站建设的发射任务。故选C。
    34.考查动词搭配辨析。句意:这些成就为和平利用外太空作出了重要贡献。A. appealed (t)呼吁,吸引;B. cntributed (t)促进;C. respnded (t) 响应;D. belnged (t)属于。根据“greatly t the peaceful use f uter space.”可知,所有这些成就极大地促成外太空的和平使用。故选B。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在火星任务中,中国与欧洲伙伴和其他国家合作,将帮助推动人类在未来走得更快更远。A. neighbur邻居;B. friend朋友;C. partner伙伴;D. classmate同学。根据“and ther cuntries and will help push humankind t travel faster and farther in the future.”可知,在火星任务实施期间,中国已经和其它国家一起合作来探索太空。故选C。
    36.were given 37.pened 38.wh 39.saying 40.were 41.by 42.excitedly 43.and 44.the 45.Earlier
    36.考查时态语态。句意:周三上午,神舟十五号宇航员进入天宫空间站,神舟十四号宇航员热情拥抱了他们,他们已经绕了近六个月。空处为and并列句的谓语动词,陈述过去的事情,且主语they“神舟十五号宇航员”和give之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,故填were given。
    38.考查定语从句。句意:他受到了神舟十四号领导人陈冬的欢迎,他已经在空间站内等待了一段时间。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是Chen Dng,从句缺少主语,应用关系代词wh。故填wh。
    40.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:然后,陈告诉费,“还有两个人在等你”,指的是在空间站问天实验室里的刘洋和蔡旭哲。空处为定语从句的谓语动词,主语that是复数概念(指代先行词 Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe ),且陈述过去的动作,故填were。
    41.考查固定短语。句意:在接下来的几分钟里,邓清明和张陆一个接一个地搬进了车站,他们也受到了陈的欢迎。结合句意表达“一个接一个”用ne by ne。故填by。
    44.考查冠词。句意:他们的会面标志着多达六名中国宇航员首次同时在太空旅行。表达“第一次,首次”应用the first time。故填the。
    46.Outer space explratins, yes r n?
    We had an argument ver whether it is necessary t carry ut uter space explratins at a class meeting the ther day.
    Sme f us feel it imprtant t research the uter space. Firstly, peple can get a better understanding f the uter space thrugh space explratins. Secndly, these explratins can pssibly bring new living space fr human life.
    Hwever, thers think very differently. They say this kind f explratin is much t cstly. Besides, it is very dangerus fr astrnauts t d such wrk.
    In my pinin, peple shuld be pineering and therefre such explratins int uter space are wrth trying ut.
    此外:besides→what’s mre
    原句: Secndly, these explratins can pssibly bring new living space fr human life.
    拓展句:Secndly, these explratins can pssibly bring new living space fr human life, which is wrth the value.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Sme f us feel it imprtant t research the uter space.(运用了it作形式宾语)
    【高分句型2】We had an argument ver whether it is necessary t carry ut uter space explratins at a class meeting the ther day.(运用了whether引导的宾语从句)
    47. passed but I didn’t sew a thing. I saw it ne afternn when I went int my sewing rm. Quilting pieces cvered the table. They were filled with clrful messages frm my ld classmates at Mercy Cllege. I picked ne up: “Mercy sisters—friends frever” The handwriting was messy, but the statement was true. I culd almst imagine my ld friends right beside me, whispering wrds f hpe and lve. Maybe I’m nt as alne as I thught. Suddenly my prject n lnger seemed s frightening. N time t waste. I uncvered my sewing machine and gt t wrk.
    I arrived at ur frty-fifth anniversary party. I was equipped with pictures f the finished quilt. The ladies cheered as the phts went frm hand t hand, ne dear friend t anther. I culdn’t wait fr them t hld the real thing, fr them t be wrapped in the cmfrt f ld friends, just like I had been when I needed it mst.
    ①.走进,进入:g int/walk int
    ②.充满……:be filled with…/be full f…
    ③.开始工作:get t wrk/begin t wrk
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. I saw it ne afternn when I went int my sewing rm. (由when引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]. The ladies cheered as the phts went frm hand t hand, ne dear friend t anther. (由as引导的时间状语从句)

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration精品课后复习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002242_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Space Exploration精品课后复习题</a>,共6页。试卷主要包含了intelligent adj,universe n,determine v,agency n,explre v,disappinted adj,desire n,lack vt等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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