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    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)
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    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)01
    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)02
    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)03
    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)01
    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)02
    人教版2019高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit2Looking into the Future(单元测试)03
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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试同步训练题

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试同步训练题,文件包含UNIT2LOOKINTOTHEFUTURE单元测试原卷版docx、UNIT2LOOKINTOTHEFUTURE单元测试解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共30分,略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The firewrks that yu see are mst likely made in China. The cuntry that makes90% f the wrld’s firewrks is als where they were invented. Mst histrians believe that the Chinese used firecrackers as early as the secnd century B.C.
    Many cuntries hld grand firewrks shw at their imprtant celebratins. Canadians, fr example, put n firewrks shw every July 1 t celebrate their wn natinal birthday, as the French d n July 14 t mark the anniversary f their revlutin. But the United States f America imprts mst f the wrld’s firewrks, spending mre than $650 millin n them per year. The Walt Disney C. alne buys abut $50 millin wrth.
    A mixture f gunpwder and ther flammable cmpunds(混合物) causes firewrks t explde acrss the sky in all thse pretty clrs and fun shapes. Cpper, fr instance, burns bright blue while strntium(锶) creates deep red. Tgether, they prduce purple. But the utlines firewrks frm depend n the placement f these cmpunds inside their casing (knwn as the shell), as well as the shape f the shell itself.
    Fr centuries the nly way t set ff firewrks was by hand, but cmputer cntrlled equipment came ut in the 1980s. Autmatin means mre precisely timed explsins, making the displays mre satisfying, nt t mentin safer.
    As yu might imagine, setting ff firewrks can release harmful substances int the air. Fr example, a chemical that has been linked t thyrid(甲状腺) prblems. “Envirnmentally friendly” firewrks were develped at the request f the Walt Disney C. after it received smke cmplaints frm neighbrs f Disneyland. Nwadays, an even mre ec-friendly alternative t traditinal firewrks is being increasingly adpted: using small aircrafts withut pilts t trace flashy patterns in the sky. With them, there’s als a much smaller risk f causing wildfires. The ec-friendly firewrks industry is expected t grw almst 20% between nw and 2027.
    1.Which cuntry has the greatest demand fr firewrks every year?
    A.Canada.B.China.C.France.D.The USA.
    2.What des the clr f firewrks mainly depend n?
    A.The shape f the shell.B.The amunt f gunpwder.
    C.The type f added metals.D.The placement f cmpunds.
    3.What can be inferred abut firewrks industry frm the text?
    A.It’s disappearing gradually.
    B.It’s trying t keep up with times.
    C.It’s becming a majr pllutin surce.
    D.It’s lsing ppularity amng the yung.
    4.Where can the text be fund?
    A.A science fictin.B.A ppular magazine.
    C.An academic paper.D.An fficial dcument.
    If smene created a flying machine capable f tracking yu dwn by listening fr yur vice, yu might be terrified. But what if yu were trapped in ruins after a natural disaster and first respnders culdn’t lcate yu? Maybe then a human-seeking drne(无人机) wuldn’t be such a terrible idea. That cncept is the fcus fr engineers at Germany’s Fraunhfer FKIE Institute, wh’ve built a drne t find peple by detecting(探测) human screams.
    “The human-seeking drne wuld be ideal fr pst-disaster situatins,” said Macarena Varela, ne f the lead engineers. “They culd hver ver an area that rescue crews have difficulty getting t and lcate exactly where peple may be trapped.” An auditry(听觉的) system wuld need t distinguish human cries frm sunds that ften happen in nature, such as animal calls and wind. It might als need t recgnize patterns assciated with kicking, clapping r ther ways peple try t get the attentin f rescue teams.
    Engineers tk thse situatins int accunt when building ut their cncept drne. They recrded themselves screaming, tapping and creating ther nises that might be a sign f peple in truble. Then, they analyzed each sund frequency t find cmmn signatures and used thse t train artificial intelligence sftware. They als wrked t remve the nise created by the drne and ther envirnmental sunds.
    Once the sftware part was cmplete, the team placed tiny digital micrphnes under the drne and used signal prcessing techniques that enabled them t track where human nises are cming frm. The micrphnes als enhanced the vlume and clarity f the speech. S far, they have cnducted successful pen field experiments, finding that the drne can estimate a victim’s lcatin within a few secnds f picking up sund.
    Next, they wuld like t add a higher frequency micrphne t a drne t acquire mre audi sund signals.
    5.What is the advantage f the human-seeking drne?
    A.Its high speed f flying.B.Its lng wrking hurs.
    C.Its quick respnse t screams.D.Its easy access t disaster scene.
    6.What can the auditry system d?
    A.Make ut human cries.B.Pick up sunds frm far away.
    C.Send victim’s lcatin data t a tablet.D.Imprve the quality f human screams.
    7.What des the underlined wrd “signatures” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    8.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A.AI Enables Drnes t Give Better Perfrmance.
    B.Engineers Teach Drnes t Hunt Human Screams.
    C.Human-seeking Drnes Replace Rescue Crews.
    D.Rescuers Use Drnes t Lcate Disaster Survivrs.
    Tired f standing in line? Wait a bit lnger, and yu may never have t again.
    Amazn has pened 24 f its Amazn G stres, which use cameras and artificial intelligence (AI) t see what yu’ve taken ff shelves and charge yu as yu walk ut. Sme cmpanies are clsely cpying Amazn’s apprach t using AI-pwered cameras fixed in ceilings. But thers are trying an entirely different way t skip the checkut: smart shpping carts. These cmpanies have added cameras and sensrs (传感器) t the carts, and are using AI t tell what yu’ve put in them. Custmers pay by entering a credit card, r thrugh an nline payment system. When a custmer exits the stre a green light n the shpping cart shws that their rder is cmplete, and they’re charged.
    The cmpanies behind the smart carts, including Caper and Veeve, say it’s much easier t add technlgy t the shpping cart than t an entire stre. Amazn’s G stres rely n hundreds f cameras in the ceiling. The shelves als include sensrs t tell when an item is remved. Ahmed Beshry, c-funder f Caper, believes the technlgy t run G is t expensive t use in a large-frmat grcery stre. Neither Caper nr Veeve has said hw much their smart shpping carts will cst, making it difficult t cmpare the different frmats. Shariq Siddiqui, CEO f Veeve, said, “We’re always happy when Amazn is ding smething. They frce retailers (零售店) t get ut f their ld schl thinking.”
    Each time a business uses AI and cameras, it raises questins abut custmers’ privacy and the effect n jbs. Beshry ntes that the cameras in his shpping cart pint dwn int the cart, s nly a custmer’s hand and part f their arm will be captured (拍摄) n camera.
    9.What d we knw abut the smart shpping carts?
    A.They are able t recgnize gds put in them.
    B.They are linked t the cameras fixed in the ceilings.
    C.They flash the green light when the rder is canceled.
    D.They can tell custmers where t find what they want.
    10.What des Beshry think f the technlgy used in Amazn’s G stres?
    A.It is likely t help retailers t think differently.
    B.It has attracted many mre retailers than befre.
    C.It is far mre expensive than their shpping carts.
    D.It may reduce the cst f running a stre greatly.
    11.When it cmes t AI and cameras, what makes the public wrried mst?
    A.That they can nly buy gds nline.
    B.That gds in the stres may be mre expensive.
    C.That they have t wait in a line fr a lnger time.
    D.That smebdy may knw their privacy.
    12.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.The new technlgy imprves retail sale.
    B.AI-pwered cameras are used in retail stres.
    C.Artificial intelligence affects the future f jb market.
    D.Smart shpping carts will let yu skip the line.
    PFAS are fund in nnstick pans, water-prf fabrics and fd packaging. They’re called frever chemicals because f their ability t stick arund and nt break dwn. Nw, using a bit f heat and tw relatively cmmn cmpunds, researchers have degraded (降解) the chemical in the lab.
    While sme scientists have fund relatively simple ways f breaking dwn select PFAS, mst degradatin methds require harsh prcesses using intense pressure — in sme cases ver 22 mega-pascals — r extremely high temperatures — smetimes upwards f 1,000℃ — t break the chemical bnds.
    William Dichtel, frm Nrthwestern University in Evanstn, and his team experimented with tw substances fund in nearly every chemistry lab; sdium hydrxide (氢氧化钠), als knwn as lye, and a slvent (溶剂) called DMSO. The team wrked specifically n a grup f frever chemicals which cntain a large percentage f PFAS.
    When the team cmbined chemicals with the lye and DMSO at 120℃ and with n extra pressure needed, the carblic acid (羧酸) fell ff the chemicals and became carbn dixide. “What happened next was unexpected, ” Dichtel said. The lss f the acid helped degrade the chemicals int fluride ins (氟离子) and smaller carbn-cntaining prducts, leaving behind n harmful by-prducts.
    “It’s a neat methd; it’s different frm thers that have been tried,” says Chris Sales, an envirnmental engineer at Drexel University in Philadelphia wh was nt invlved in the study. “The biggest questin is hw this culd be adapted and scaled up. Understanding this mechanism is just ne step in unding frever chemicals,” Sales said.
    This prcess wuldn’t wrk t deal with PFAS in the envirnment, because it requires a cncentrated amunt f the chemicals, but it culd ne day be used in wastewater treatment plants, where the pllutants culd be filtered ut f the water, cncentrated and then brken dwn.
    13.What can we learn abut the previus ways t break dwn PFAS?
    A.They’re ec-friendly.B.They’ve been widely used.
    C.They’re difficult t perate.D.They’re regarded as useless.
    14.What did the team d in their experiment?
    A.They experimented with different slvents.
    B.They tried tw very cmmn substances.
    C.They tested every grup f frever chemicals,
    D.They expsed chemicals t extreme temperatures.
    15.What made the researchers mst surprised in their experiment?
    A.Envirnmentally-friendly reactins ccurred.
    B.The carbxylic acid became carbn dixide.
    C.N extra pressure was needed fr the trial.
    D.The lye and DMSO culd wrk at 120℃,
    16.What can we infer frm Chris Sales’ wrds?
    A.It is difficult t deal with PFAS in the envirnment.
    B.This mechanism will sn be used in the envirnment.
    C.The methd will be applied t different kinds f chemicals.
    D.Mre research is needed befre the methd is widely used.
    Jhannes Gutenberg--the plneer f the printing press
    Jhannes Gutenberg was chsen t be the mst imprtant figure f the past millennium (千年) by the media (媒体). Yu may nt be familiar with him. 17 Gutenberg is praised fr having invented the printing press and therefre preparing the way fr printing bks.
    He was brn int a wealthy family in the city f Mainz, Germany. His early training was in gldsmithing. In 1428, he mved t Strasburg and lived there fr almst 20 years. 18 Gutenberg used his skills in metalwrk fr the mass (大批量) prductin f bks. 19 That means that each cpy f the Cathlic bible (圣经) and all f its 73 bks were painstakingly handwritten by men. Gutenberg fashined a fnt (字体) f ver 300 characters, far larger than the fnts f tday. T make this pssible, he invented the variable-width mld (模具) and perfected the mixture f materials used by type factries up t the present century.
    20 The between 1450 and 1455,while preparing t prduce a large Latin Bible, Gutenberg is thught t have printed a number f smaller bks, a calendar, and a papal Letter f Indulgence. The Bible f 42 Lines, the ldest surviving printed bk in the Western wrld, was cmpleted by August 15,1456.
    The inventin f the mdem printing press changed the way infrmatin was delivered. 21 Even tday in the cmputer age, we rely heavily n the printed wrd r text fr instructin, infrmatin, and fr the pleasure f reading literature.
    A.Gutenberg made the wrld a much richer place
    B.But he has certainly influenced yur life in sme ways
    C.Gutenberg's idea was ne f the greatest f all mankind
    D.By 1450, Gutenberg was back in Mainz at wrk n a printing press
    E.In fact, this inventin cntributed a lt f educating the masses (大众) wrldwide
    F.Befre the spread f Gutenberg's idea, bks were primarily handwritten
    G.It was in Strasburg that he prbably made his first experiments with mveable type and printing
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    With cities grwing faster than ever, mre and mre 22 urban spaces are appearing all arund the wrld. Dealing with the increase in these lifeless spaces has been a serius prblem fr almst every majr city.
    Valer Square is lcated in the center f the city’s dwntwn at a busy tram line statin and next t a large market. With such a gd lcatin, the site shuld have been a(n) 23 area, but the reality culdn’t have been mre 24 . While thusands f peple mve thrugh the square every day, few stpped t spend time in the square. Peple wuld instead simply 25 withut a secnd thught.
    That was until the installatin f a prject titled “Warde”.
    The installatin is a cluster f giant red “flwers”, which pen t 30 feet wide, n tp f 30-ft-tall “stems”. The flwers can be filled with 26 . This inflatin (膨胀) and deflatin enable the flwers t pen and clse.
    The new installatin is difficult t neglect, but what is truly 27 is the way that these flwers interact with their surrundings. Standing under ne f the flwers will cause it t pen and stay 28 until yu chse t leave, prviding shade and 29 frm the ht sun. Warde is als prgrammed t 30 t public transprt service, springing t life as the trams arrive and depart frm the square, 31 travellers nt t miss their tram.
    Temprary 32 prjects such as Warde are being used mre and mre as a way t reengage cmmunities with neglected spaces. 33 it’s still t early t say if Valer Square has been brught back t life by Warde, the prject has certainly managed t generate increased public 34 in the space. 35 , Warde is an excellent example f hw urban art prjects can be a great tl fr getting peple t stp and really take ntice f their 36 .
    25.A.hld backB.turn upC.pass byD.lk ver
    35.A.In ther wrdsB.In any caseC.In returnD.In additin
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China has launched the CR450 science and technlgy innvatin prject 37 (develp)an even faster train. Accrding t the natinal plan, a mre advanced bullet train, with a tp perating speed f 400 kilmeters per hur and an 38 (experiment)speed f up t 450 km per hur, the CR450 wuld sn be revealed.
    By the end f 2022, China’s transprtatin netwrk 39 (grw)t cver mre than 6 millin kilmeters. Frm 2018 t 2022, China’s transprtatin sectr (部门)saw investments fl7 trillin yuan in fixed assets(固定资产), fficials said at 40 news cnference.
    By the end f 2022, China’s railway netwrk had cvered 155, 000 km, f which 42, 000 km were high-speed railways, 41 (accunt)fr mre than tw-thirds f the wrld’s high-speed railways. In additin, China has develped the wrld’s 42 (large)rad netwrk, which cvers 5. 35 millin kilmeters, f which 177, 000 km are freeways. China, 43 als has 128, 000 km f inland waterways and 21, 000 berths (泊位), can accmmdate industrial prductin.
    Fifty-three cities have city metr transprtatin systems, with 44 (they)peratins cvering a ttal f 9, 584 km. Nearly all administrative villages, twns and cunties have access 45 hardened rads and bus services. Pst 46 (ffice)are established in all twns.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    1. 到鼓浪屿、厦门大学等地方参观。
    2. 欣赏音乐,品美味美食等。
    Jhn Carpenter did nt like t buy tys that smebdy else had made. He liked the fun f making them himself. The thught that they were his wn wrk delighted him. Tm Austin, ne f his playmates, thught a ty was wrth nthing unless it cst a great deal f mney. He never tried t make anything, but bught all his tys.
    "Cme and lk at my hrse," said he, ne day. "It cst a dllar, and it is such a beauty! Cme and see it."
    Jhn was sn admiring his friend's hrse, and he was examining it carefully, t see hw it was made. The same evening he began t make ne n his wn. He went int the wd shed, and picked ut tw pieces f wd—ne fr the head f his hrse, the ther fr the bdy. It tk him tw r three days t shape them t his satisfactin.
    His father gave him a bit f red leather fr a bridle, and a few brass nails, and his mther fund a bit f ld fur with which he made a mane and tail fr his hrse. But what abut the wheels? This puzzled him. At last he thught he wuld g t a turner's shp, and see if he culd get sme rund pieces f wd which might suit his purpse.
    He fund a large number f such pieces amng the shavings n the flr, and asked permissin t take a few f them. The turner(车工) asked him what he wanted them fr, and he tld him abut his hrse. “Oh,” said the man, laughing, “if yu wish it, I will make sme wheels fr yur hrse. But remember, when it is finished, yu must let me see it.”
    Jhn prmised t d s, and he sn ran hme with the wheels in his pcket.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    The next mrning, he went t the turner’s shp with his hrse all cmplete.
    Paragraph 2
    He studied hard in schl.

    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试达标测试: 这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试达标测试,共25页。

    2024届高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第一册UNIT2LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE课时作业含答案: 这是一份2024届高考英语一轮复习选择性必修第一册UNIT2LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE课时作业含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了A 句意,C 句意,D 句意,B 句意等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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