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      安徽省部分学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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    这是一份安徽省部分学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省部分学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题原卷版docx、安徽省部分学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题Word版含解析docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. Which seasn des the wman like?
    A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Autumn.
    2. What des the wman think f her jb?
    A. Bring. B. Dangerus. C. Interesting.
    3. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Accept the jb. B. Lk after his child. C. Talk t his wife again.
    4. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In the hspital. B. In the library. C. In the classrm.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Sister and brther. B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student.
    6. What des the wman want t buy?
    A. A cat. B. A shirt. C. A dress.
    7. Why des the wman fail t buy the clthes?
    A. The price is t high.
    B. She desn’t like the clr.
    C. There is n prper size.
    8. What will the man d?
    A. Have a test. B. Play ftball. C. Help the wman.
    9. What d we knw abut the ftball match?
    A. It is canceled. B. It has been put ff. C. It will be held earlier.
    10. What will the man d next?
    A. Help the wman study. B. Buy fd. C. Study n Saturday.
    11. Why des the wman want t mve her bed?
    A. T get sunlight. B. T avid the cld. C. T take bks easier.
    12. Where will the wman put her desk?
    A. Next t the wall. B. In frnt f the windw. C. In the crner f the rm.
    13. What is the man’s plan fr tnight?
    A. T write a reprt. B. T mve his desk. C. T eat ut with the wman.
    14. Hw des the dg treat the wman?
    A. Impatiently. B. Angrily. C. Unkindly.
    15. What happened t the dg at the park?
    A. A stranger beat it. B. Anther dg frightened it. C. It frightened anther dg.
    16. What des the wman ffer t d?
    A. Prepare sme drinks.
    B. Make the dg calm dwn.
    C. Help the man ck dinner.
    17. When des the man’s dinner party start?
    A. At 6: 30. B. At 7: 00. C. At 7: 30.
    18. Why d the stars recrd a sng?
    A T raise mney. B. T start a prgram. C. T hnr an ld sng.
    19. Wh is rganizing the event?
    A. Linei Richie. B. Quincy Jnes. C. Michael Jacksn.
    20. Hw many stars will sing the sng?
    A.25. B.30. C.100.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best Mvies t Watch with Yur Dad
    The Lin King
    The lvely film The Lin King, a Disney cartn classic, has wn the hearts f audiences f all ages. The stry f a yung lin prince, wh will ne day becme king, is tld in this mving film. The Lin King teaches abut the certain circle f life and the jurney frm child t man that is full f bravery, kindness and lve. The music and unfrgettable sights and characters make this mvie s special.
    Daddy Day Care
    The humrus mvie Daddy Day Care fllws the experiences f tw fathers wh find themselves pening a daycare center after lsing their jbs. Murphy’s attractive and lively perfrmance makes the audience laugh. The pair learn the pleasure and benefits f building relatinships with the kids in their center as they discuss the difficulties f running a daycare service.
    Father f the Bride
    The interesting film Father f the Bride gives audiences different feelings as they experience the disrder and jy that ccur when a father’s wrld is turned upside dwn by his daughter’s cming wedding. Martin’s excellent perfrmance in the film makes the stry bth funny and mving. The stry cleverly shws a parent’s understandable wrry and emtinal jurney as he faces the reality f their daughter grwing up and beginning a new life.
    Cheaper by the Dzen
    The funny mvie Cheaper by the Dzen, starring the gifted Steve Martin as cllege ftball cach Tm Baker, tells his life as a parent ding his jb and raising his twelve kids. The film skillfully examines the difficulties, rewards, and unexpected experiences that happen in a hme where there is a lt f lve and variety. Cheaper by the Dzen will make yu think abut the value f family.
    1. What can be learned frm The Lin King?
    A. The grwth f kids.B. The life f wild animals.
    C. The pleasure f visiting Disneyland.D. The friendship between animals and humans.
    2. What d Daddy Day Care and Cheaper by the Dzen have in cmmn?
    A. They bth express deep lve f father.B. They praise the spirit f wrking hard.
    C. The main rles’ jbs are related t kids.D. The main rles stress the value f family.
    3. Which mvie shws the up-and-dwn feelings f the father?
    A. The Lin King.B. Daddy Day Care.
    C. Father f the Bride.D. Cheaper by the Dzen.
    In the busy and crwded Mexic City, an excellent wman has managed t build a shelter (庇护所) fr ne f nature’s mst beautiful creatures—the hummingbird (蜂鸟) . Meet 73-year-ld Catia Lattuf, an eager bird lver wh has turned her apartment int a hme fr these tiny, lively birds.
    In a city where green spaces are nt enugh, and city wildlife is ften pushed t the edges, Lattuf’s lve fr hummingbirds began in 2011, just a year after recvering frm a deadly illness, when she began caring fr a hummingbird that had an eye injured by anther bird. She named the bird Gucci after the brand (品牌) f the eyeglasses case where she kept it and sn they became the best f friends. The tiny hummingbird rested n Lattuf’s cmputer screen while she wrked.
    “It was a gd medicine fr my spirit,” Lattuf said f Gucei, adding, “It gave me a new life.” Gucci was the first, but many hummingbirds came t be cared fr by Lattuf.
    Fr years Lattuf’s hme had been a bird shelter, but she was cncerned abut whether she wuld be able t meet the requirements f hummingbirds. Hwever, since then, Lattuf has wrked t make the public realize the imprtance f hummingbirds and has saved and freed hundreds f them.
    Hummingbirds are an imprtant part f the American fd web. They help cntrl the ppulatin f insects. Althugh they’re small in size, their diet includes the msquites, spiders and fruit flies. Hummingbirds als pllinate (授粉) a wide variety f flwering plants frm Alaska t the suthernmst pint f Suth America, which is especially imprtant fr native plant species. In fact, sme plants depend almst cmpletely n hummingbirds fr pllinatin.
    Thrugh her effrt, Lattuf has shwn that even in the heart f a big city, it is pssible t cexist (共存) with and prtect the natural wrld. In a city that can smetimes feel discnnected frm nature, Lattuf’s apartment is a wnder that can be fund when we make space fr the wild in ur everyday lives.
    4. Where did the bird’s name cme frm?
    A. The shape f the eyeglasses case.B. The place where Lattuf put it.
    C The park where Lattuf fund it.D. The picture n Lattuf’s cmputer screen.
    5. What can we learn abut Gucci?
    A. It was hard t care fr.B. It nearly died f its serius injury.
    C. It brught sme truble t the authr’s wrk.D. It benefited Lattuf’s health greatly.
    6. What des Lattuf keep ding?
    A. Making gd use f hummingbirds.B. Prtecting hummingbirds frm injury.
    C. Calling n peple t prtect hummingbirds.D. Imprving the living envirnment f hummingbirds.
    7. What des the authr intend t tell us in paragraph 5?
    A. The value f hummingbirds t humans.B. The pssibility f man living with nature.
    C. The grwing cnditins f flwering plants.D. The plants that are pllinated by hummingbirds.
    Mrcc’s natinal wmen’s sccer team is set t make its first appearance at the FIFA Wmen’s Wrld Cup. After years f being largely hidden, Mrccan wmen’s sccer is getting new grwth at hme and arund the wrld.
    During ne game in May, the audience was nt very big. The game was between a Mrccan natinal wmen’s prfessinal league team and the armed frces team called ASFAR. ASFAR, a strng wmen’s team in Mrcc, wn 7 t 0.
    Dressed in a shirt reading “Mrcc” in Arabic, Aliae Benazzuza went t the field t meet the players. “I was very happy,” the yung girl said. Idriss Benazzuza is Aliae’s father. “I teach my daughters cnfidence, nt fear,” he said. “There is n difference between men and wmen in physical exercise.”
    The natinal wmen’s team is knwn as the Linesses. Benazzuza said the Linesses shws “hw wmen’s sccer has prgressed” in the Nrth African cuntry. He said the team has filed him with jy.
    Mrcc hsted the 2022 Wmen’s Africa Cup f Natins. The event drew large numbers f fans and augmented interest in this year’s wrldwide wmen’s champinship.
    Hiba Karami plays fr a lcal team called Fath Unin Sprt. The develpment in wmen’s sccer has made a dream f hers a reality. Last year, Karami was ne f the players playing fr Mrcc in the FIFA under-17 Wmen’s Wrld Cup. “Sme kids r men wuld say that wmen belnged (属于) in the kitchen and weren’t made fr sccer,” she said. “I knew that I lved the game and that I wuld play. Bys in my neighbrhd accepted me because I played better than they did and they thught f me as a rle mdel.”
    Nuhaila Benzina als plays fr the natinal team and fr ASFAR. She said her sccer career (职业) pened up new chances fr her. The 25-year-ld never saw sccer ging against her clthing. Many lk up t her. “This makes me want t wrk harder t shw girls that they can achieve great things,” Benzina said.
    8. Which matches Aliae’s father’s pinin?
    A. Wmen athletes are mre ppular.B. Wmen shuld wrk fr happiness.
    C. Wmen play better than men in sccer.D. Sprts are fit fr bth men and wmen.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “augmented” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Lst.B. Increased.C. Shwed.D. Cmpared.
    10. Why did the bys shw respect t her accrding t Karami?
    A. She was gd at sccer.B. She was friendly t them.
    C. She was a famus player.D. She taught them t play sccer.
    11. Hw des Benzina feel abut her career?
    A. Relaxed.B. Wrried.C. Helpless.D. Cnfident.
    The British Museum, in Lndn, recently planned t make digital (数字的) cpies f all the bjects it keeps. The prject t deal with abut 8 millin bjects will take five years. The reasn fr this is that the museum said in August that abut 2, 000 bjects had been stlen r missing.
    The museum is ne f the busiest in the wrld. It hlds bjects such as the Rsetta Stne, the Parthenn Marbles — knwn as the Elgin Marbles — and ancient stnes and jewelry (珠宝) .
    The leader, r chair f the museum, is Gerge Osbrne. He recently tld the Culture, Media and Sprt Cmmittee f Parliament that he believed a persn wh wrked at the museum was respnsible. Osbrne called it “an inside jb by smene wh the museum had put trust in.” He said the persn tk bjects frm the museum little by little.
    The museum’s manager at the time was German art histrian Hartwig Fischer. Fischer left the jb in August after serving since 2016. He said he must be respnsible fr the thefts (盗窃) in the end. He added the museum did nt react as it shuld have when cncerns first came up that smene had been stealing.
    The museum head said abut 350 f the 2, 000 bjects have been fund and are in the prcess f being returned. Stlen bjects included gld rings, earrings and ther jewelry frm the ancient Greek and Rman times.
    The manager f the museum at present is Mark Jnes. He said the museum is cnfident “that a theft f this kind can never happen again.” Jnes added that ne way t imprve the museum’s safety is t shw mre bjects t the public instead f, as he said, “simply lcking bjects away.”
    In September, the museum asked fr help in finding the missing bjects. The rganizatin ffered a phne number fr peple t call if they had infrmatin.
    12. Wh stle the bjects accrding t Gerge Osbrne?
    A. A visitr.B. An artist.C. An art dealer.D. A museum wrker.
    13. Why did Hartwig Fischer feel srry abut the missing bjects?
    A. He shuldn’t have trusted any wrker.B. He didn’t deal with the stealing in time.
    C. He did nt ntice bjects were missing.D. He shuldn’t have shwn valuable bjects.
    14. What des Mark Jnes want t d t prtect their bjects?
    A. Lck their bjects away.B. Call n the public t help.
    C Make mre bjects knwn.D. Keep visitrs away frm bjects.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. British Museum Will Make Its Objects Digital
    B. Art Lvers Will Sn Visit British Museum Online
    C. Digital Cllectins f Wrld-Famus Museum Were Stlen
    D. Stlen Objects Are Being Returned t British Museum
    What’s the secret t happiness? Althugh that answer wn’t be the same fr everyne, yu can fllw daily practices t develp jy frm within.
    Letting G
    ___16___ Bad thughts, habits, and bad relatinships may hld yu back frm discvering true jy. Sme peple believe they have fund true happiness when they get prmtin (晋升), buy a dream huse, r find that special smene. Yet, within a few years, they may find themselves back t the past r suffering.
    Getting Up Early
    Waking up a bit earlier and practicing yur mrning life can guide yu twards happiness and success. ___17___ And hw yu chse t spend thse early hurs will set the tne (基调) fr the rest f the day. By getting up early, yu’ll lk frward t rising each day and ding the things that make yu feel gd, putting a smile n yur face.
    Mindful Eating
    Gd, healthy fd can bring jy int yur days if yu chse t practice mindful eating. There is n dubt that yur fd chices affect yur verall physical health. ___18___ As the ld saying ges, yu really are what yu eat! Each fd grup influences yu differently.
    What’s mre, being mindful when eating can als bring happiness as yu becme present in the mment and fcus n jy. ___19___
    Living in the Nw
    The secret t happiness is t live fully in the here and nw. ___20___ And they ften let fears and desires hld them back. That’s where living in the nw cmes t light. If yu want t discver true happiness and jy, then in each mment, try t embrace (拥抱) endless presence t achieve inner peace and freedm.
    A. Yet each has unique benefits.
    B. A great mrning results in a great day.
    C. Yu’d better try it the next time yu eat.
    D. Mst peple can’t fcus n living in the present.
    E. Hwever, sme fds can als affect yur feelings.
    F. Discvering a frm f mvement that yu lve is mst imprtant.
    G. Frming happiness begins with giving up what n lnger serves yu.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Tnight, I was n my flight frm Indianaplis t Baltimre. I sat next t a (n) ___21___ kid. She was traveling alne t Baltimre t see her ___22___ wh wrked there. With Suthwest Airlines’ pen seating, anyne culd have sat next t her, but in fact many peple ___23___ her and her endless energy during barding. But ___24___ , a cuple tk the tw seats t her right.
    Within minutes the yung girl began chatting with us, telling us that her mm wuld pick her up at the airprt. The cuple likely ___25___ this wuldn’t be a relaxing ___26___ and they just tk things as they were.
    As drinks were being served, the cuple didn’t even get a (n) ___27___ t vice their requests because they were ___28___ by the yung girl, stating, “I’ll take water and s will they, s we can paint!” And they just ___29___ what the kid asked.
    Within minutes the yung girl ___30___ her Hell Kitty paint bards and the cuple ___31___ the next hur ding what the yung girl instructed.
    After a shrt while, the man next t her was ___32___ with clrful stickers (贴纸) . They were n his ears, nse, arms, everywhere. And they were just taking things as they were.
    The stry ___33___ me: There is gd in this wrld. ___34___ , there is mre gd than bad in this wrld if we just pen ur ___35___ t it. Lve has n guidebk. Yu just have t rll with it.
    21. A. impliteB. beautifulC. unattendedD. smart
    22 A. sisterB. mtherC. fatherD. brther
    23. A. avidedB. helpedC. believedD. recgnized
    24. A. clearlyB. secretlyC. carefullyD. finally
    25. A. prmisedB. realizedC. regrettedD. reprted
    26. A. experimentB. tripC. vacatinD. cnversatin
    27. A. chanceB. taskC. advantageD. right
    28. A. respectedB. invitedC. stppedD. served
    29. A. enjyedB. discussedC. crrectedD. accepted
    30. A. brught utB. set asideC. handed inD. depended n
    31. A. plannedB. waitedC. spentD. saved
    32. A. cveredB. cmparedC. bredD. satisfied
    33. A. warmedB. challengedC. remindedD. perfected
    34. A. Abve allB. Fr exampleC. By accidentD. In fact
    35. A. armsB. eyesC. handsD. feet
    In the small Artinn Twn in Hangzhu, Zhejiang Prvince, a grup f able designers have becme famus ___36___ a result f the recent Asian Games. The designers, graduating frm the same art cllege, are the planners f the Games’ signs and the medals.
    All f thse in charge f the designs are prfessrs f the China Academy f Art, which ___37___ (have) its Xiangshan Central Campus near Artinn Twn.
    “I think every designer hpes ___38___ (create) smething special,” says Fang Hngzhang, the designer f the game sign.
    Zhang Junjie, a 41-year-ld man ___39___ led the design team fr the medals, started his studi in 2009 and mved it t Artinn Twn in 2016. “I decided t wrk there after ___40___ (visit) it fr the first time and immediately seeing ur ffice,” says Zhang. He graduated frm the China Academy f Art, and is nw the ___41___ (direct) f the industrial design department f the cllege.
    “Lking ut f ur ffice windw; yu can see a tiny lake surrunded (围绕) by three muntains. This is the ___42___ (early) place where I gt my inspiratin fr my design f the medals. I really like ___43___ envirnment here. The ffice is quiet and relaxing,” Zhang says.
    ___44___ (actual) , mre cmpanies frm different fields, including film and televisin, settled dwn in the twn. “My film abut Asian Games ____45____ (make) with the supprt f ther cmpanies in the twn last mnth,” Zhang said.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校英文报正在举办以 Smething I have dne fr my parents为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 事件描述;
    2. 体验或感受。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Summer was cming t an end and there was a bit f Autumn in the air. The temperatures were getting cler and cler, the air was turning drier, and I culd already see the first yellw and red leaves n the trees. It’s my favrite seasn. The weather was neither t ht nr t cld, which made peple feel very cmfrtable. Yu culd see fruit everywhere. Therefre, I spent as much time as pssible in the wild enjying the beauty f nature.
    One day’, I had just finished taking my dgs fr their mrning walk when I nticed smething. There was a yung maple tree grwing in my hallway. It was grwing ut f a tiny pile f earth n the prch (门廊) . Its bttm hadn’t even turned t wd yet, but it had three lvely red leaves grwing ut f it.
    I smiled at this strng little tree getting s much grwth and life ut f s little sil. I knew, hwever, that it culdn’t grw much larger where it was. I bent (弯腰) dwn and gently tk it ut f the earth. I tk it inside t shw my daughter and have her take a picture f it. Then I walked with it ut t the edge f the wds arund the grass land behind my huse.
    Walking int the frest, I had a wnderful feeling. Nature can teach us s much abut life. There are s many wnders, grwth, and beauty in it. Yu can’t be ut in it fr lng withut being filled with wnder and respect.
    I als tk a mment t lk at all the life arund me. There were trees, bushes, weeds, flwers, butterflies, bees, spiders, and birds all’ s full f life. And I felt s happy that my behavir, hwever small, was helping d gd t nature.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I wanted t find a happy hme fr this yung tree, t grw.
    Fllwing my daughter’s suggestin, we built a garden t save plants.

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