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    The Best Music Apps fr Yur Mbile Phnes
    The fllwing are sme f the best music apps fr yur mbile phnes that are bth user-friendly and updated regularly.I bet they can make yur music experience much better.
    M Player
    If yu are lking fr an app with a cllectin f almst all sngs,yu shuld definitely give M Player a try.Bth the audi and vide mdes are accessible here t suit yur needs.
    Imprtant Features:
    • It prvides ver 22 different types f music styles.
    • It supprts Bluetth cntrl,and yu can als shake yur phne t g t the next sng.
    Player a try.Bth the audi and vide mdes are accessible here t suit yur needs.
    Imprtant Features:
    • It prvides ver 22 different types f music styles.
    • It supprts Bluetth cntrl,and yu can als shake yur phne t g t the next sng.
    D Music
    D Music lets yu dwnlad sngs at high speed s and play them while being ffline.It's als a gd tl fr discvering new sngs based n yur preferences.
    Imprtant Features:
    • It prvides amazing backgrund themes fr custmizatin(定制).
    • It lets yu create playlists and share them with friends.
    P Player
    P Player prvides users with access t millins f sngs,bth classic and latest.Its clean and decent layuts(布局) make it simple t use,and yu can custmize yur backgrund themes anytime.
    Imprtant Features:
    • It ffers 25 backgrund themes,alng with the clest 3 D effects.
    • The Sleep Timing feature stps music after yu fall asleep and saves yur phne's battery.
    J Music
    J Music serves bth as a music player and as an nline cmmunity .It is the perfect tl fr yu t find sng reviews,latest cncert infrmatin,and a gd deal f unique user-generated music.
    Imprtant Features:
    • It ffers attractive sund quality with lts f effects.
    • The Playlist Exchange feature allws yu t meet peple with similar tastes.
    1.Which music app allws yu t switch sngs by shaking the phne? ______
    A. M Player.B. D Music.C. P Player.D. J Music.
    2.What is special abut P Player? ______
    A. It allws theme custmizatin.
    B. It has a huge cllectin f sngs.
    C. It can turn music ff autmatically.
    D. It has cmplex and well-designed layuts.
    3.Which f the fllwing features d D Music and J Music share? ______
    A. Prviding speed y dwnlads.
    B. Receiving latest music updates.
    C. Playing music based n preferences.
    D. Sharing persnal playlists with thers.
    It was a ht day in June f 1968 when we realized that this summer was ging t be different frm previus nes.Grandpa was wrking up n the farmhuse rf,ludly cmplaining abut a crw(乌鸦) drpping frgs dwn the chimney.Grandma came utside t watch."I wndered what was putting the fire ut!That crw!"The crw landed n the rf and intrduced himself, "CAW!"This was the start f ur family's lve-hate relatinship with a naughty crw we called Fred.
    We kids wuld be playing in the yard and Fred wuld be playing t.He'd jump up and swing frm the laundry Grandma had hung n the clthesline.Grandma wuld make him g away,but he'd sn be back,stealing clthespins(晾衣夹) ff the line.There wuld be laundry all ver the yard.We kids thught it was hilarius——Grandma,nt s much.
    Smetimes things weren't s funny,thugh.We wuld hear ne f the girls screaming and immediately knw it was because f Fred.The girl wuld be seen running dwn the path with Fred dive-bmbing her.
    Hair clips (夹子) weren't the nly thing Fred wanted.He als lved jewelry and anything shiny.Everyne learned t never leave anything we value d n the picnic table.We kids als blamed the crw fr everything that summer. "I dn't knw.Fred must have taken it " was a familiar respnse.But I just knew there was a tree back in the wds filled with Fred's treasures.
    Fred flew away smetime that summer and never came back.We still gt excited at any crw flying arund,but always knew it wasn't Fred.He wuld have dived dwn fr a visit and tried t steal smething.That summer was mre than 50 years ag,but I still call ut t any crw I see, "Fred,is that yu,Fred?"
    4.What des the underlined wrd"hilarius" in the secnd paragraph prbably mean? ______
    A. Amusing.B. Attracting.C. Annying.D. Astnishing.
    5.Why did Fred dive-bmb girls smetimes? ______
    A. T scare them away.B. T get their hair clips.
    C. T play tricks n them.D. T lead them dwn the path.
    6.What can we infer abut the authr frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. She names all crws Fred.B. She misses Fred very much.
    C. She lks fr Fred every day.D. She hates Fred stealing frm her.
    7.What is the purpse f the text? ______
    A. T shw the damage that a crw can cause.
    B. T stress the imprtance f prtecting animals.
    C. T recall a crw that brught her unfrgettable memries.
    D. T illustrate the relatinship between animals and humans.
    Breaking grund n what will be the first 3 D-printed cmmunity in the wrld,a large 3 D printer built tw huses in a pr area f Mexic.The huses aren't just mdels.Develpers hped t build 50 new 3 D-printed huses,replacing the structures that residents built by themselves ut f wd,metal,and whatever materials they culd affrd.
    These residents live in a seismic zne (地震带) that tends t be affected by flding.Building smething that can stand an earthquake and keep peple dry during heavy rain was a key cnsideratin when it came t the design f the huses.
    New Stry,the nn-prfit rganizatin building the huses,has built mre than 2,300 hmes in Suth America and Mexic since it was funded in 2014.This is the first hmebuilding prject it has dne with 3 D printing.The rganizatin paired up with ICON,a cnstructin technlgy cmpany that develped the 3 D-printing rbtics being used n the prject.The hmes were c-designed with the families wh will live in them.
    Accrding t New Stry,3 D printing is much faster than regular cnstructin.The print er prints ut a cncrete mix that hardens when it dries,building the walls ne layer at a time.It takes abut 24 hurs t build tw huses at the same time.Since3 D printing is als cheaper than traditinal cnstructin,there is great ptential fr hw it will change the wrld.
    The technlgy hlds prmise fr affrdable husing.New Stry is excited abut what the technlgy culd mean fr peple wh dn't have safe shelter.Brett Hagler,the CEO and c-funder f the rganizatin,said safe shelter is "ne f the largest crises affect ing humanity tday".The technlgy is there,and the applicatin t build hmes fr thse in need brings a lt f hpe fr the future.
    8.What did the design f the 3 D-printed huses mainly cnsider? ______
    A. The structures f the ld huses.
    B. The materials available in the area.
    C. The financial ability f the rganizatin.
    D. The envirnmental cnditins f the area.
    9.What is the third paragraph mainly abut? ______
    A. The design prcess.
    B. The intrductin f ICON.
    C. The teams behind the prject.
    D. The differences between New Stry and ICON.
    10.What makes the new technlgy meaningful? ______
    A. It can end human crises.
    B. It can prvide shelter free f charge.
    C. It can replace traditinal cnstructin.
    D. It can ffer safe husing t the hmeless.
    11.What is the best title f the text? ______
    A. 3 D Printing Becmes a Reality.
    B. Technlgies Change the Future.
    C. 3 D Printing Helps with Husing Prblems.
    D. Technlgies Bring Hpe t Mexican Cities.
    Talking n vide-cnference sftware like Zm during the crnavirus pandemic has helped lder peple stage ff the effects f dementia,a new study has suggested.
    Researchers fund that regular cmmunicatin helps maintain lng-term memry,and elderly peple wh ften use nline tls shwed less decline in memry than thse wh dn't.
    The study,by the University f West Lndn's Geller Institute f Ageing and Memry,studied the cmmunicatin f11,418 men and wmen ver the age f 50.They were asked hw ften they interacted with friends and family nline,n the phne and in persn,and then cmpleted memry tests that invlved recalling a list f 10 wrds at varius intervals.The participants wh nly used traditinal,face-t-face cmmunicatin shwed mre signs f cgnitive (认知) decline than thse wh used technlgy t keep in tuch with friends and family.
    "This shws fr the first time the impact f diverse ,frequent and meaningful interactins n lng-term memry,and specifically,hw supplementing (补充) mre traditinal methds with nline scial activity may achieve that amng lder adults," the study's leader Snrri Rafnssn said.
    "With mre and mre lder adults nw using nline cmmunicatin s frequently,especially during the past year f glbal lckdwns,it pses the questin as t what extent technlgy can help sustain(维持) relatinships and ver cme scial islatin,and hw that can als help maintain brain health," he als said.
    A study last year fund that negative thinking is linked t dementia later in life.And separate research fund that the decrease in mtivatin and gal-directed behavir culd als be a trigger(起因) in lder adults.
    12.What des the study mainly find abut nline scial activities? ______
    A. They help treat memry lss.
    B. They reduce the risk f dementia fr senirs.
    C. They attract mre senir citizens than befre.
    D. They ffer mre benefits than traditinal activities.
    13.What des the furth paragraph mainly talk abut regarding the study? ______
    A. Its real-wrld applicatins.
    B. Explanatins fr the findings.
    C. Its imprtance t dementia research .
    D. Recmmendatins fr future studies.
    14.What is Rafnssn's attitude tward senirs' increased reliance n nline interactin? ______
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.C. Cautius.D. Surprised.
    15.What is the main purpse f the text? ______
    A. T encurage senirs t imprve their digital skills.
    B. T argue fr the benefits f nline scial interactin.
    C. T share a study n senirs' virtual interactin and dementia.
    D. T describe the cnnectins between dementia and technlgy.
    Can Yu Spt Fake News?
    Fake news is everywhere—— yu see it n yur scial media,and even n frwarded messages in yur phne's grup chats. (1) ______ It is als an imprtant aspect f life in the digital age.Here's a simple guide n hw t spt fake news.
    ( 2) ______ Lk at where the stry cmes frm and read ther articles n the site.Are they well written with prper citatins(引用),r are they full f grammatical errrs?Yu shuld als make sure that yu're n a legal news website.
    ( 3) ______ Fr example,a website that ends with .cm might be real,while the ne with .c is nt.
    Mrever,remember t ask yurself, "Is it the whle truth and nthing but the truth?" Smetimes a fake news stry can have sme truth t it,but mst f the facts and figures are made up.Fr example,the event and the peple mentined are real,but the qutes attributed t them and ther facts are simply made up.(4) ______
    There are ther steps yu can take t check the infrmatin yu receive.Yu can d a reverse(反向的) image search.Uplad a pht t sme image search engines t see where else it has been used and fr what purpse.(5) ______ Yu can als d sme independent research.Check the questinable piece f news against ther news surces r fact-checking websites,which will help expse fake news and rumrs.
    A.Check the website and quality f the articles.
    B.Is it frm what is described as reliable surces?
    C.Being able t spt fake news is a crucial part f mdern educatin.
    D.It can be difficult t distinguish between the fake news and the truth.
    E.That will help yu find ut if a phtgraph is being falsely presented.
    F.Sme fake sites use addresses similar t thse f real news rganizatins.
    G.Search fr the same stry n ther credible websites t avid being misled.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Three men were (1) ______ frm a small,uninhabited Pacific island after writing a big SOS(2) ______ in the sand.
    The men had been (3) ______ in the Micrnesia archipelag(群岛) fr nearly three days befre their distress(遇险) signal was (4) ______ n the Pikelt Island by searchers.SOS is an internatinally recgnized signal riginally established fr ships at sea t request (5) ______ .
    Lcated in the western Pacific Ocean,the Federated States f Micrnesia is (6) ______ f mre than 600 islands.Officials said that (7) ______ the men abard a seven-meter bat started ff frm Puluwat Atll (环焦).(8) ______ t travel abut 43 kilmeters t Pulp Atll when they sailed ff curse and(9) ______ fuel.They were reprted missing after(10) ______ t arrive at their destinatin.
    ( 11) ______ ,the men were fund in gd cnditin abut 190 kilmeters frm where they riginally (12) ______ helicpter landed n the beach and gave the men fd and water befre they were (13) ______ and taken hme by a Micrnesian ship.
    "I'm (14) ______ f the respnse and prfessinalism f all n bard as we perfrm ur duty t (15) ______ t the safety f life at sea wherever we are in the wrld,"said the cmmanding fficer f ne f the search ships.
    21.A. keptB. rescuedC. injuredD. prhibited
    22.A. letterB. wrdC. articleD. sign
    23.A. missingB. dangerusC. intelligentD. lucky
    24.A. recrdedB. fllwedC. spttedD. expsed
    25.A. accessB. permissinC. infrmatinD. assistance
    26.A. cmpsedB. madeC. admittedD. thught
    27.A. strangelyB. traditinallyC. surprisinglyD. riginally
    28.A. applyingB. preferringC. intendingD. turning
    29.A. held n tB. ran ut fC. gave way tD. made up fr
    30.A. failingB. submittingC. pretendingD. stpping
    31.A. SadlyB. ObviuslyC. FrtunatelyD. Cnsequently
    32.A. set utB. tk ffC. gave upD. brke dwn
    33.A. picked atB. picked upC. picked utD. picked ff
    34.A. fndB. awareC. prudD. careful
    35.A. attachB. respndC. cntributeD. bject
    Accrding t a new study,penguins didn't riginate in Antarctica,as scientists(1) ______ ( believe) since a lng time ag;they first evlved in Australia and New Zealand.The study analyzed bld and tissue samples frm 18 different species f penguins,used the (2) ______ ( infrm) t lk back in time,and tracked(3) ______ diversificatin and mvement f penguins ver time.
    The study suggested that penguins riginated in Australia and New Zealand 22 millin years ag,nt in Antarctica as(4) ______ ( previus) thught.Penguins first ccupied temperate envirnments and then mved t cld Antarctic waters,likely (5) ______ ( attract) by the rich fd supply there.
    Then the pening f the Drake Passage—the bdy f water(6) ______ Antarctica and the suthern tip f Suth America—allwed the penguins(7) ______ ( swim) thrughut the cean,and spread mre widely t the warmer castal regins.
    These findings als supprt the thery that king and emperr penguins are the "sister grups" t all ther penguin families,(8) ______ (add) anther piece t the lng-debated puzzle n(9) ______ exactly these tw species sit n the family tree.
    Tday,the flightless birds can(10) ______ ( find) in Australia and New Zealand,as well as Antarctica,Suth America,and ther sub-trpical regins.
    The Students' Unin
    38.It was fur weeks befre New Year,and ur yuth grup wanted t d smething tgether as a New Year prject fr ur cmmunity.The cncept was great,but nne f us seventeen-year-lds had any idea what t d.
    "Maybe we culd have a fd drive t help the hmeless, "Jhn suggested at ur Sunday night meeting. "But we have dne that many times, " answered Brian with a frwn.
    Ten minutes passed withut any prpsal gd enugh t win ur hearts.Finally I decided t speak. "Why dn't we think abut ur prject fr a few days and then cme back with three r fur suggestins we can vte n?" Everyne agreed t wait a week befre deciding.
    I knew time was running ut t get smething ging befre New Year,but I had n clue what we shuld d.During the fllwing week,ne idea after anther ran thrugh my mind,but I was till indecisive.
    Thursday after schl,I wandered int the kitchen as my dad prepared fr dinner.Sensing my uneasiness,he asked what trubled me withut even lking up. "Well.it. "I let ut a lng breath. "Our yuth grup wants t d smething fr New Year,but we dn't knw what t d. "
    "Hmm. " My dad thught ut lud. "There's a senirs' hme I've wrked with clse t St.Jseph's Hspital.The residents dn't get ut much arund New Year with the snw and ice.It might be an idea t take them ut t see the New Year lights arund here. "
    I std still fr a few mments thinking f all the spectacular(绚丽的)New Year light displays in ur neighbrhd.T be hnest,I never thught abut that,but it might just wrk.注意;
    1.续写词数应为 130 左右;
    Next Sunday evening,ur yuth grup met._______________
    On New Year's Day,the bus we rented arrived at the senirs' hme in the snw.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据M Player部分•It supprts Bluetth cntrl,and yu can als shake yur phne t g t the next sng.(•它支持蓝牙控制,你也可以摇动你的手机转到下一首歌。)可知,M Player支持该功能,故选 A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据P Player部分的•The Sleep Timing feature stps music after yu fall asleep and saves yur phne's battery.(•睡眠计时功能在你入睡后停止播放音乐,节省手机电池。)可知,该软件的睡眠时间设定功能可以自动停止正在播放的音乐,且该功能在其他几款软件中未被提及,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。题干询问 D Music 和J Music 两款软件的共同之处,根据D Music下的It lets yu create playlists and share them with friends.(它可以让你创建播放列表并与朋友分享。)和J Music下的The Playlist Exchange feature allws yu t meet peple with similar tastes.(播放列表交换功能可以让你遇到有相似品味的人。)可知,两款软件的共同点是使用者可以和别人分享自己的歌单,故选D。
    这篇短文主要介绍了一些适用于手机的最佳音乐应用程序。这些应用程序用户友好且定期更新,可以提升音乐体验。其中包括M Player,提供几乎所有歌曲的收藏,支持音频和视频模式;D Music,可以高速下载歌曲并离线播放,还可以根据个人喜好发现新歌曲;P Player,提供数百万首经典和最新歌曲,界面简洁,可以自定义背景主题;J Music,既是音乐播放器又是在线社区,可以找到歌曲评论、最新演唱会信息和独特的用户生成音乐。这些应用程序都有各自的重要特点和功能。
    【解析】(1)词义猜测题。根据第二段We kids wuld be playing in the yard and Fred wuld be playing t.He'd jump up and swing frm the laundry Grandma had hung n the clthesline.Grandma wuld make him g away,but he'd sn be back,stealing clthespins(晾衣夹 ) ff the line.There wuld be laundry all ver the yard.We kids thught it was hilarius——Grandma,nt s much.(我们这些孩子会在院子里玩,弗雷德也会玩。他会跳起来,从奶奶挂在晾衣绳上的洗衣房里荡来荡去。奶奶会让他离开,但他很快就会回来,从晾衣绳里偷了晾衣绳。院子里到处都是衣服。我们这些孩子觉得很好笑——奶奶,没那么好笑。)可知,孩子们认为这件事很好笑。A.Amusing好笑的;B.Attracting有吸引力的;C.Annying令人生气的;D.Astnishing令人惊讶的。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第四段Hair clips (夹子) weren't the nly thing Fred wanted.(发夹并不是弗雷德唯一想要的东西。)可知,Fred朝女孩俯冲是为了抢走她们的发夹。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句That summer was mre than 50 years ag,but I still call ut t any crw I see, " Fred,is that yu,Fred?" (那个夏天是50多年前的事了,但我仍然对我看到的任何一个孩子喊道:"弗雷德,是你吗,弗雷德?")可知,尽管时间已经过去了50多年,作者仍然会惦记着Fred,由此推断作者非常想念他,故选B。
    (4)写作意图题。根据全文和第一段Grandpa was wrking up n the farmhuse rf,ludly cmplaining abut a crw(乌鸦) drpping frgs dwn the chimney.(爷爷在农舍的屋顶上干活,大声抱怨一只乌鸦把青蛙从烟囱里扔了下来。)可知,本文主要讲述了作者对童年时期遇到的一只乌鸦的回忆。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Building smething that can stand an earthquake and keep peple dry during heavy rain was a key cnsideratin(建造能够抵御地震并在大雨期间保持人们干燥的东西是一个关键考虑因素)可知,房屋设计主要考虑了当地的环境情况。故选D。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段The rganizatin paired up with ICON,a cnstructin technlgy cmpany that develped the 3 D-printing rbtics being used n the prject.(该组织与ICON合作,ICON是一家建筑技术公司,开发了该项目中使用的3 D打印机器人。)可知,第三段主要介绍了参与这个项目的人员,故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第五段The technlgy hlds prmise fr affrdable husing.(这项技术为经济适用房带来了希望。)和该段内容可知这项技术可以为无家可归的人提供安全且经济适用的住所,故选D。
    (4)标题判断题。根据全文可知,本文主要讲述了3 D打印技术在解决住房问题方面的实际应用,3 D Printing Helps with Husing Prblems(3 D打印有助于解决住房问题)是合适的标题。故选C。
    本文为说明文。这篇短文主要介绍了世界上第一个3 D打印社区的开工情况。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段内容Researchers fund that regular cmmunicatin helps maintain lng-term memry,and elderly peple wh ften use nline tls shwed less decline in memry than thse wh dn't.(研究人员发现,定期交流有助于保持长期记忆,经常使用在线工具的老年人的记忆力下降幅度小于不使用的老年人。)可知,该研究发现线上社交行为可以降低老年人患痴呆症的风险,故答案选B。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第四段 "This shws fr the first time the impact f diverse ,frequent and meaningful interactins n lng-term memry,and specifically,hw supplementing (补充) mre traditinal methds with nline scial activity may achieve that amng lder adults," the study's leader Snrri Rafnssn said.(该研究的负责人Snrri Ravenssn说:"这首次表明了多样化、频繁和有意义的互动对长期记忆的影响,特别是通过在线社交活动补充更传统的方法如何在老年人中实现这一点。")可知第四段主要对研究结果进行分析,阐述了线上社交行为可以降低老年人患痴呆症风险的两方面原因,故选B。
    (3)观点态度题。根据第五段内容 "With mre and mre lder adults nw using nline cmmunicatin s frequently,especially during the past year f glbal lckdwns,it pses the questin as t what extent technlgy can help sustain(维持) relatinships and ver cme scial islatin,and hw that can als help maintain brain health," he als said.(他还说:"随着越来越多的老年人如此频繁地使用在线交流,特别是在过去一年的全球封锁期间,这就提出了一个问题,即技术在多大程度上可以帮助维持关系和克服社交孤立,以及这如何也有助于保持大脑健康。"。)可知,Rafnssn 认为线上社交行为在预防痴呆症方面有积极作用,由此推断他对老年人日益依赖线上社交的情况持支持态度,故选A。
    这篇短文主要讲述了一项新研究表明,在冠状病毒大流行期间,通过像Zm这样的视频会议软件进行交流有助于老年人延缓痴呆症的影响。研究人员发现,定期交流有助于保持长期记忆,经常使用在线工具的老年人的记忆衰退程度较少。这项由伦敦西部大学盖勒老龄化和记忆研究所进行的研究调查了11,418名50岁以上的男性和女性的交流情况。他们被问及他们多久与朋友和家人在线、电话和面对面交流一次,然后完成了涉及在不同时间间隔内回忆10个单词列表的记忆测试。只使用传统面对面交流的参与者显示出更多认知衰退的迹象,而那些使用技术与朋友和家人保持联系的人则较少。研究负责人Snrri Rafnssn表示:"这是首次展示了多样化、频繁和有意义的交流对长期记忆的影响,特别是如何通过在老年人中补充传统方法与在线社交活动来实现这一目标。"他还说:"随着越来越多的老年人现在经常使用在线交流,尤其是在全球封锁的过去一年中,这引发了一个问题,科技在多大程度上可以帮助维持关系和克服社交孤立,并如何帮助维持大脑健康。"去年的一项研究发现,消极思维与晚年痴呆症有关。另外一项研究发现,动机和目标导向行为的减少也可能是老年人的一个触发因素。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Fake news is everywhere—— yu see it n yur scial media,and even n frwarded messages in yur phne's grup chats(假新闻无处不在——你可以在社交媒体上看到,甚至可以在手机群聊中的转发消息上看到);以及后句It is als an imprtant aspect f life in the digital age(它也是数字时代生活的一个重要方面),可知C项"能够识别假新闻是现代教育的重要组成部分"可以承接前文假新闻的话题,介绍能够识别假新闻的重要性,故选C。
    (2)主题判断题。根据后文Lk at where the stry cmes frm and read ther articles n the site.Are they well written with prper citatins(引用),r are they full f grammatical errrs?Yu shuld als make sure that yu're n a legal news website(看看这个故事是从哪里来的,阅读网站上的其他文章。它们有适当的引用吗?还是它们充满了语法错误?你还应该确保你在一个合法的新闻网站上阅读),可知A项"核查网站和文章的质量"可以作为本段的主题---给出了确认网站的合法性和文章的可靠程度这一建议,故选A。
    (3)主题判断题。根据后文Fr example,a website that ends with .cm might be real,while the ne with.c is nt(例如,以.cm结尾的网站可能是真实的,而以.c结尾的网站则不是),可知F项"一些虚假网站会使用与真实新闻机构类似的网址"可以作为本段的主题,后文提到的域名后缀问题是对该观点的举例,故选F。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句Smetimes a fake news stry can have sme truth t it,but mst f the facts and figures are made up.Fr example,the event and the peple mentined are real,but the qutes attributed t them and ther facts are simply made up(有时一个假新闻故事可能有一些真相,但大多数事实和数字都是虚构的。例如,所提到的事件和人物是真实的,但归因于他们的语录和其他事实只是虚构的),可知G项"在其他可靠的网站上搜索相同的故事,以避免被误导"可以承接前文假新闻的另一种可能性---它可能存在部分真实内容,但大多数事实和数据仍是编造的,G想对前文提出的问题给予回应和建议,故选G。
    (5)推理判断题。根据前句Yu can d a reverse image search.Uplad a pht t sme image search engines t see where else it has been used and fr what purpse(你可以进行反向图像搜索。将照片上传到一些图像搜索引擎,看看它在哪里被使用以及用于什么目的),可知E项"这可以帮助你确认该照片是否存在误用的情况"可以承接前文反向图片搜索的建议,指出这样做的作用,其中that指前文的uplad a pht t sme image search engines,故选E。
    【解析】 (1)考查动词及语境理解。A.kept保持;B.rescued拯救;C.injured受伤;D.prhibited禁止。本句为新闻引语,概括了全文的主旨大意。根据后文所描述的救援过程,可推断出这三个人被困在岛上,最终获救,rescue 的过去分词形式为 rescued,意为"获救",符合语境,故答案为B。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.letter信;B.wrd单词;C.article文章;D.sign符号。根据后文的 distress signal 可知,SOS 为求救信号,且有 signal一词作为线索,sign 意为"符号",符合语境,故答案为D。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.missing失踪的;B.dangerus危险的;C.intelligent明智的;D.lucky幸运的。根据前文可知,三人在沙滩上写下 SOS 后得救,在此之前,他们是处于失踪的状态,missing 意为"失踪的",符合语境,故答案为A。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.access机会,入口;B.permissin允许;C.infrmatin信息;D.assistance帮助。此处是对 SOS 的解释,根据前文三人因为 SOS标志获救等信息可知,该标志的作用是发出求救信号以获得援助,assistance意为"援助",符合语境,故答案为D。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.cmpsed组成;B.made制作;C.admitted允许;D.thught认为。此处介绍事件发生的地点,根据前文三人在密克罗尼西亚群岛失踪可知,此处表示该群岛由600余座岛屿组成,be cmpsed f 意为"由……组成",符合语境,故答案为A。
    (7)考查副词及语境理解。A.strangely奇怪地;B.traditinally传统地;C.surprisingly令人惊讶地;D.riginally最初地。根据前后文可知,此处介绍了失踪人员原本从普卢瓦特环礁出发,且第四段第一句复现了 riginally 一词作为线索,意为"最初",故答案为D。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.applying申请;B.preferring更喜欢;C.intending想要;D.turning转变。根据前文对三人出发状态的描述和后文的when they sailed ff curse可推断出三人原本计划前往普拉普环礁,但中途驶离航线,intend 意为"计划",符合语境,故答案为C。
    (9)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.held n t坚持;B.ran ut f用光;C.gave way t向……妥协;D.made up fr弥补。根据前文的when they sailed ff curse和表并列关系的连词 and 可知,三人遭遇了不好的事情,即燃料用光,ran ut f意为"用尽",最接近实际情况,故答案为B。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.failing失败;B.submitting呈递,屈服;C.pretending假装;D.stpping停止。根据前文的 They were reprted missing 可知,三人被报告失踪,故他们没能顺利抵达目的地,fail意为"失败",符合语境,故答案为A。
    (11)考查副词及语境理解。A.Sadly悲伤地;B.Obviusly明显地;C.Frtunately幸运地;D.Cnsequently因此。根据后文the men were fund in gd cnditin 可知,三人获救时身体状况良好,这是一件值得庆幸的事,frtunately意为"幸运地",符合语境,故答案为C。
    (12)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.set ut出发;B.tk ff起飞;C.gave up放弃;D.brke dwn出故障。根据前文可知,三人是在行驶途中偏航后失踪,通过本句 riginally 一词可推断出他们是在距离出发地约 190公里的地方被找到,故答案为A。
    (13)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.picked at挑毛病;B.picked up捡起;C.picked ut分辨出;D.picked ff摘掉。根据前后文可知,三人被直升机带离小岛并送回家,故答案为B。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.fnd喜欢的;B.aware意识到的;C.prud自豪的;D.careful小心的。本句为搜救队员对本次搜救行动的评价,通过前文可知,失踪的三人均成功获救,故说话人对搜救行动应该感到自豪,prud 符合语境,故答案为C。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.attach贴上,重视;B.respnd回复;C.cntribute贡献;D.bject反对。根据前文可知,搜救人员认为他们在本次救援行动中履行了保障他人安全的职责,cntribute 搭配介词 t 意为"促成",符合语境,故答案为C。
    36.【答案】【小题1】have believed
    【小题7】t swim
    【小题10】be fund
    【解析】(1)考查时态及主谓一致。句意:根据一项新的研究,企鹅并不像科学家们很久以前就相信的那样起源于南极洲;它们最早在澳大利亚和新西兰进化。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,根据时间状语since a lng time ag可知,句子应使用现在完成时,主语scientists为复数,助动词应用have。故填have believed。
    (2)考查不可数名词。句意:这项研究分析了18种不同企鹅的血液和组织样本,利用这些信息及时回顾,并追踪了企鹅随时间的变化和运动。分析可知,此处应用不可数名词infrmatin" 信息"作宾语。故填infrmatin。
    (7)考查动词不定式。句意:然后,位于南极洲和南美洲南端之间的德雷克海峡的开放,使企鹅能够在整个海洋中游泳,并更广泛地传播到更温暖的沿海地区。allw sb.t d sth."允许某人做某事",故此处应使用动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填t swim。
    (8)考查现在分词分词。句意:这些发现也支持了王企鹅和帝企鹅是所有其他企鹅家族的"姐妹群体"的理论,为长期争论的这两个物种在家谱上的确切位置增添了另一块拼图。分析可知,此处应用非谓语动词作状语,动词add与其逻辑主语these findings之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词形式作状语。故填adding。
    (10)考查时态及主谓一致。句意:如今,在澳大利亚和新西兰,以及南极洲、南美洲和其他亚热带地区都能找到这种不会飞的鸟。分析可知,所填词为句子谓语动词,主语the flightless birds与动词find之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,情态动词can后应用动词原形。故填be fund。
    37.【答案】Ntice T enrich ur schl life and spread traditinal Chinese culture, a lecture n the theme f traditinal Chinese painting will be held in ur schl.
    ①The lecture, which will be given by Prfessr Wang frm a lcal art schl, is scheduled t be delivered n Friday afternn frm 3 pm t 5 pm in the schl lecture hall. The prfessr will first give us an verall intrductin t traditinal Chinese painting while shwing pictures f sme famus Chinese paintings.Then he will shw us the basic painting skills and draw a painting n the spt. ②Finally, there will be a questin-and-answer sessin where we can have direct cmmunicatin with Prfessr Wang.
    Anyne interested is welcme t attend the lecture!
    The Students' Unin
    ①The lecture, which will be given by Prfessr Wang frm a lcal art schl, is scheduled t be delivered n Friday afternn frm 3 pm t 5 pm in the schl lecture hall.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    ②Finally, there will be a questin-and-answer sessin where we can have direct cmmunicatin with Prfessr Wang.(where引导的限制性定语从句)
    ① braden/widen ne's hrizns拓宽某人的视野
    ②make use f/take advantage f利用
    ③participate in参加
    ①We shuld take every pssible pprtunity t acquire mre useful knwledge and get fully develped.我们应利用一切可以利用的机会去获取更多有用的知识并得到全面的发展。
    ②There are varieties f ut-f-class activities in ur schl, which we can take part in after class.我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,我们课后可以参加。
    38.【答案】Next Sunday evening,ur yuth grup met.My fellws put frward several suggestins and I als cntributed Dad's idea fr discussin.T my pleasant surprise,the New Year lights tur wn their hearts.We called the senirs' hme and they were thrilled abut ur prpsal.The fllwing weeks,we were busy lining up everything fr the tur,including the bus t drive the senirs alng the planned rute.(作者跟朋友们商量在新年那天做什么有意义的事情,作者提出父亲给的建议,大家赞同,精心准备。)
    On New Year's Day,the bus we rented arrived at the senirs' hme in the snw.Despite the cld,the snw added a magical white blanket t the neighbrhd.All residents slwly fund seats n the bus and the tur began.The spectacular light displays lit up their faces and I even saw sme eyes filling up.Returning t the senirs' hme,they culdn't stp talking abut all they'd seen and thanked us again and again.【高分句型一】Lking at their excited and grateful faces,we'd never felt warmer.【高分句型二】(作者和朋友们到养老院,带着老人们去街上看灯饰,老人们很开心,非常感谢他们。)
    Returning t the senirs' hme,they culdn't stp talking abut all they'd seen and thanked us again and again.
    Lking at their excited and grateful faces,we'd never felt warmer.

    2022-2023学年福建省泉州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年福建省泉州市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了选词填空-句子,阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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