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    With the cst f living in the United States saring,mre and mre peple are setting their sights n an internatinal destinatin.
    Fr real bargain hunters,Ecuadr is cheap and safe with a very cmfrtable year-rund climate.The cst f living fr ne persn in the cuntry is ﹩750.Ecuadr is gegraphically diverse with miles f endless beaches,hills and rainfrests.Husing is ecnmical with the average rent fr ne persn csting arund ﹩307 per mnth.
    Csta Rica
    Csta Rica is the perfect place t live abrad withut depleting(耗尽)yur savings.The cst f living is arund ﹩893 and rent fr ne persn runs apprximately ﹩406 per mnth.The trpical destinatin has cst-effective healthcare.The weather is grgeus,the water is warm and the husing is highly affrdable.
    The cuntry is exquisite(精美的),ffering nearly 400 miles f cast,rlling muntains and fur distinct seasns.The cst f living is nearly half f what it is in the states at ﹩1,090 and yu can find a nice apartment at the reasnable price f ﹩500 per mnth.
    Panama culd be a gd ptin fr anyne t live cheaply.The cst f living is under half f what it wuld cst in the ﹩1,040 fr ne persn.Rent runs apprximately ﹩530 per mnth and fd takes up anther ﹩353,but utside f that csts are minimal.The cuntry has a mild climate and ffers wrld-class beaches.
    1.Which cuntry has ecnmical healthcare? ______
    A. Ecuadr.B. Csta Rica.C. Uruguay.D. Panama.
    2.What makes Uruguay special? ______
    A. Its reasnable rent.B. Its gd bargains.
    C. Its diverse climates.D. Its cheap apartments.
    3.Hw much is the cst f living in the United States? ______
    A. Clse t ﹩1,090.B. Arund ﹩750.
    C. Under ﹩893.D. Abve ﹩2,080.
    Schl was always smething I lved because I always enjyed learning mre.I never felt afraid f ging t schl early in the mrning,and I never tried t get ut f any wrk.I stayed after schl every chance I gt.I did mst f the wrk I culd,gt the best grades I culd,and in the end,I graduated frm high schl with hnrs.All my success was because f the teachers I had wh helped me,pushed me,and made learning a fun thing t d.
    At the beginning f the schl year,I had a lt f truble leaving my mm in the mrnings,but Mrs.Trainer always sat with me,talked with me,and helped me feel OK withut my mm.She was understanding,kind,and al-ways made the classrm a cmfrtable als sat dwn and helped me learn;I was,and still,the wrst speller,but she tried her best t help me.
    The secnd was my senir high schl English teacher, was able t make English and writing fun,especially when we had eight-page papers t hand in.Sme f my favrite high schl memries(记忆) were in his als taught my class APA frmat(格式)which t me is invaluable.I use it every day in my life.He put up with s many shenanigans(恶作剧)frm my classmates and me and always did it with a smile.
    My pint t all f this is that there are amazing and caring teachers ut there whether they teach cllege level classes,high schl level classes,r primary level classes.I have had mre influential teachers than I can cunt.I am still in tuch with sme f my high schl teachers,wh give me life advice and guide me.Teachers are invaluable resurces and n ne can take their place.
    4.Which f the fllwing can best describe the authr as a student? ______
    A. Creative and prud.B. Cnfident and plite.
    C. Kind-hearted and hnest.D. Hard-wrking and excellent.
    5.Hw did Mrs.Trainer help the authr? ______
    A. By teaching him like a mther.
    B. By helping him t be the best speller.
    C. By asking him easy questins in class.
    D. By learning abut his habits frm his mther.
    6.What is the mst useful skill the authr learnt frm Mr.Stnerck? ______
    A. Hw t finish papers quickly.
    B. Hw t use APA frmat crrectly.
    C. Hw t learn English in a fun way.
    D. Hw t get n well with classmates.
    7.What is the best title f this text? ______
    A. Hw t Be Gd Teachers.B. My Experience As a Teacher.
    C. The Greatness f Teachers.D. The Jy f Being a Teacher.
    A Midsummer Night's Dream may be ne f Shakespeare's mst perfrmed play—but its latest versin frm the Ryal Shakespeare Cmpany will be unlike any seen befre.Titled Dream,the 50-minute nline prductin cmbines live perfrmance with mtin-capture (动作捕捉) technlgy,3 D graphics,and interactive gaming techniques that let audiences remtely guide the leading character Puck thrugh a virtual frest.
    As live theater put sme seriusly high-tech fairy (小精灵) factrs int practice,Dream prmises t bring the rarest versin f the play t ur screens.In 2016,the theater's prductin f The Tempest used live mtin-capture technlgy t create a 3 D digital image that was prjected abve the stage.The difference this time is that everything in the play—the perfrmers and their surrundings—will be shwn virtually.
    Seven actrs will perfrm in a specially-built studi in Prtsmuth,suthern England,wearing mtin-capture suits.They will be surrunded by a 360-degree camera set,made up f 47 cameras with every mvement almst immediately presented digitally,which is presented t viewers nline.With its much-reduced characters,Dream is nt a cmplete prductin f A Midsummer Night's Dream;rather,it is a stry inspired by it,fcusing n Puck and the fairies.
    Up t 2,000 audience members fr each perfrmance can becme part f the shw and will be invited t guide Puck thrugh the frest.Onscreen,the chsen audience will appear as a clud f tiny fireflies (萤火虫).By using their muse r finger n the screen f a smart device,they will be able t mve their firefly acrss the screen,and Puck will be at their beck and call t g thrugh the virtual space.Fr viewers watching at hme,the virtual fairies mving thrugh a digital frest will lk mre like a vide game than the average Ryal Shakespeare Cmpany shw.But the perfrmances are delivered live and in real time.Every night's perfrmance will be unique.
    "Withut the fireflies—the audiences—Puck wuldn't be ging anywhere," said wh plays the rle. "The audiences are very much the fuel and the energy f the shw."
    8.What makes Dream different frm The Tempest? ______
    A. The number f actrs and actresses.
    B. The surrundings arund the perfrmers.
    C. The 3 D digital image it chses t shw.
    D. The way it presents everything in the play.
    9.Which aspect f the play des Paragraph 3 fcus n? ______
    A. Its leading characters.B. The design f its cntent.
    C. Its prductin prcess.D. The inspiratin fr the play.
    10.What des the underlined part "be at their beck and call" in the last but ne paragraph mean? ______
    A. Be willing t guide them.B. Be likely t receive a call.
    C. Be difficult t cntrl.D. Be ready t fllw their rder.
    11.What d ' wrds in the last paragraph shw? ______
    A. The cst f the shw.
    B. The pleasure f the audiences.
    C. The imprtance f the audiences.
    D. The task f the leading character.
    D yu knw the websites that let yu name a star after yur belved ne,yur kid r yur dg fr a small fee?Yeah,thse are all fake— yu culd pay me t "name" a star fr ﹩50,and I'll take yur mney and shw the name nline.I'll even send yu a fancy certificate!It seems that yu've named a star,but it just desn't cunt.
    Actually,the nly rganizatin that wns fficial naming rights is the Internatinal Astrnmical Unin,r the IAU.It was funded in 1919 and based in Paris,France.It is where astrnmers and ther prfessinals have reached the agreements and is the fficial recrd-keeping bdy fr all discveries in space.
    Recently they d pen up an pprtunity fr the public t name a dzen f planets utside the slar system.These planets will be amng the first t be studied with the James Webb Space Telescpe.Hwever,they currently nly have bring and cmplicated dcuments that were used t find them.That's why the IAU is lking fr smething mre interesting.
    But befre yu start naming the planets,yu shuld knw the rules.First,nthing is rude r annying.Secnd,the name shuld be less than 16 characters lng and prnunceable in at least ne language with n cmmercial r business names and nthing is named after a living individual r a pet.
    The cmpetitin,named "Stars Wrlds",is pen next Thursday,January 20th.It's the third such cntest the IAU has held,and the purpse is t get the public mre interested in science as well as the rganizatin.The cmpetitin als helps t break centuries f Eurpean dminance when it cmes t naming things in the night sky.S peple arund the wrld can share the jy f discvery and make their mark in histry.
    12.Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic f the passage? ______
    A. By listing figures.B. By taking an example.
    C. By ffering a slutin.D. By shwing differences.
    13.What can we knw abut the IAU frm the passage? ______
    A. It was funded by France.
    B. It studies the space telescpe.
    C. It rganizes trips t the space.
    D. It has the right t name the stars.
    14.What is the last paragraph mainly abut? ______
    A. Why the cmpetitin is held.
    B. Hw the cmpetitin develps.
    C. What t expect in the cmpetitin.
    D. Hw t take part in the cmpetitin.
    15.Where is this passage mst likely taken frm? ______
    A. A nvel.B. A textbk.C. A diary.D. A magazine.
    Stepping int the perid f aging life means a new chapter in the life.It brings great prblems and challenges t bth the elder peple and their family members. (1) ______ Many things can be dne t attract public awareness t relieve their sufferings.
    Yu can becme an advcate fr senirs by helping them individually where they live.Vlunteering in a nursing hme t help with daily life is ne f the cmmn ways t ffer help.Speaking and spending time with the elderly will increase yur awareness f their daily cncerns and challenges.(2) ______
    ( 3) ______ The lcal cmmunity center might serve as a gd lcatin fr area residents t gather and learn abut the challenges f elder adults.Hsting cmmunity frums,creating nline blgs and jining a supprtive grup are always wrkable frms.
    Helping get senirs nline is anther way t win them mre resurces fr self-help.One majr daily challenge faced by senirs is that they fail t lcate certain necessary services because they lack vital cmputer knwledge.Wrk with senirs t get wired and train them in basic cmputer skills. (4) ______ If,fr example,their main mtivatin is t cmmunicate with family,yu needn't teach them t pay nline.
    It's essential fr yu t learn sme basic healthcare practices. (5) ______ Yu can get certified in senir first aid,CPR r attend healthcare cnferences t learn mre abut senir care.Try t learn abut the physical,scial,emtinal,and mental health f the elderly t address the prblems effectively.
    A.Yu can als aruse awareness in yur cmmunity.
    B.Yu can rganize a cmmunity speech n eldercare,t.
    C.There are many ways yu are able t help prfessinally fr the elderly.
    D.Healthcare is a majr part f senir care,and it helps imprve the lives f the senirs.
    E.These facts may include cmmn health prblems,nutritinal needs and scial islatin.
    F.Ask the senirs, "What are yur gals when yu g nline?" s that yu prvide specific guidance.
    G.Elder abuse,lack f access t healthcare,and transprtatin challenges are a few difficulties.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    One day ur neighbr,an ambitius businessman,seeing my grandfather planting tw saplings (幼树) n bth sides f ur gate,did the same at his gate.
    My grandfather,a very tugh persn,gave barely (1) ______ amunt f water t his plants and did n't give full attentin t them,while ur neighbr interested in better (2) ______ gave much water t his plants and lked after them with great care.My grandfather's plants were simple but lked gd while ur neighbr's plants were much (3) ______ and greener.
    One evening,it rained heavily with (4) ______ hwling all night.When we came ut t (5) ______ the damage t ur garden,we saw ur neighbr was there in his garden t.He lked upset as his plants were (6) ______ .Hwever,ur plants were standing firm n the grund.
    Surprised,he quickly (7) ______ my grandfather and sheepishly (窘迫地) asked with a tuch f embarrassment, "We bth (8) ______ the same plants tgether and I actually (9) ______ my plants better than yu did fr yurs.Still my plants came ff frm the rts,while yurs didn't.Hw is this pssible ?"
    My grandfather replied, "Yu gave yur plants mre attentin,but because f that they didn't feel the (10) ______ t wrk themselves fr anything.Yu in fact made it very easy fr them t grw.I nly gave my plants the necessities and let their rts d the rest.That is why my plants (11) ______ ."
    With a cntrite (痛悔的) lk,ur neighbr (12) ______ quickly.It made me realize that my grandfather (13) ______ with me because he knew anything easily (14) ______ r given can g ff much mre easily and we may nt understand the hard wrk it takes t (15) ______ thse things ,rightfully.
    21.A. limitedB. adequateC. accurateD. endless
    22.A. returnsB. gradesC. branchesD. lives
    23.A. wetterB. fatterC. uglierD. fuller
    24.A. treesB. wlvesC. windsD. huses
    25.A. repairB. inspectC. avidD. reduce
    26.A. witheredB. uprtedC. stlenD. dug
    27.A. apprachedB. seizedC. fllwedD. suspected
    28.A. weededB. wateredC. grewD. bught
    29.A. fcused nB. brught upC. cut dwnD. attended t
    30.A. needB. pssibilityC. cnfidenceD. ability
    31.A. flurishedB. harvestedC. survivedD. lasted
    32.A. laughedB. recveredC. disappearedD. hesitated
    33.A. disappintedB. cautiusC. satisfiedD. strict
    34.A. madeB. gtC. abandnedD. undertaken
    35.A. earnB. quitC. explreD. imprve
    36.A traditinal Chinese dance (1) ______ ( perfrm) underwater has becme famus n scial media during the Dragn Bat Festival.The shw led t renewed (2) ______ (excite) f traditinal Chinese art and culture amng audiences.The dance featured a character frm the famus ancient Chinese painting Ode t Gddess Lu,the daughter f Fu Xi in Chinese mythlgy (神话) wh drwned,( 3) ______ became a gddess,accrding t the legend.The mves (4) ______ (capture) underwater at 4.5 meters frm the grund.The shrt dance,( 5) ______ lasted less than tw minutes,was seen as (6) ______ creative cmbinatin f cntemprary art and traditinal Chinese culture. "The water (7) ______ (make) the cstume even mre beautiful and the (8) ______ ( mve) mre graceful!" said ne bserver nline. "I'm just s prud f being a Chinese and ur traditinal culture.I cried a little bit after watching the shw," said ne netizen.The Chinese Freign Ministry spkespersn als psted the vide n Sunday,( 9) ______ ( say) that the dance was "unbelievably beautiful" and the actress "danced (10) ______ (graceful) like a swan and agilely like a Chinese dragn".
    37.假定你是李华,上周你校外教Mr Smith做了一场关于提高英语写作技巧的讲座,你的同桌Brian因病未能参加。请你写一封邮件,和他分享讲座相关情况。内容包括:
    Dear Brian,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    One day after schl,Susan's eight-year-ld daughter Liz went hme with disappintment.She cried sadly and tld her mther that she failed t be chsen fr the schl basketball team.And Liz kept saying that she was an unlucky girl.Susan knew that her daughter enjyed playing basketball and had been practicing hard fr the chance,s she must be terribly sad.
    After knwing abut the situatin,Susan decided t cheer her daughter up.She went ver t Liz,asking, "Wuld yu like t cme with me t the supermarket and be my helper?" T Susan's surprise,Liz agreed at nce.
    Susan then gave Liz twenty dllars and a shpping list,saying she culd use the change t get a treat fr herself.Liz was excited and rushed away t get ready.
    When they arrived at the supermarket,Susan advised Liz t put the twenty-dllar nte in her pcket.Liz helped her mther cllect gds and fill the shpping cart (购物车) while keeping an eye ut fr the things she wanted.She wrked ut hw much change she wuld have,and then chse an apple pie as her treat.
    With all gds cllected,Liz went t the checkut cunter (收银台) happily.Just then,shed fund her twenty-dllar nte was gne!In tears,she rushed t her mther and tld her abut that. "What a bad day!I've met s many terrible things tday!she cried. "Take it easy.We'll g t the help cunter and see what the wrkers can d," Susan cmfrted her.
    The wrkers at the help cunter made an annuncement (公告) ver the ludspeaker, "We have a little girl here wh's very sad because she lst the twenty-dllar nte (纸币) her mther had given her fr shpping.If anyne finds the mney,please kindly bring it t the help cunter."
    Paragraph 1:
    Mments later,a wrker gave Liz a twenty-dllar nte,saying a lady just handed it ver.__________
    Paragraph 2:
    "Yeah,actually I didn't find the nte.I gave away my twenty-dllar nte." the lady explained t Liz.__________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段The trpical destinatin has cst-effective healthcare(这个热带旅游目的地拥有经济高效的医疗保健)可知哥斯达黎加拥有经济的医疗保健。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据对四个国家的介绍及第四段第一句话The cuntry is exquisite(精美的),ffering nearly 400 miles f cast,rlling muntains and fur distinct seasns.(这个国家很精致,有近400英里的海岸,起伏的山脉,四季分明)可知,只有Uruguay拥有不同的四个季节,其他国家的气候都是温和的。A.Its reasnable rent.这是合理的租金;B.Its gd bargains.这是很好的便宜货;C.Its diverse climates.它的多样的气候;D.Its cheap apartments.它的廉价公寓。故选C。
    (3)数字计算题。根据第五段第二句话The cst f living is under half f what it wuld cst in the ﹩1,040 fr ne persn. (一个人的生活成本不到美国1040美元的一半)可知,Panama的生活费﹩1040低于美国的一半,故美国的生活费高于2080美元。故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段I never felt afraid f ging t schl early in the mrning,and I never tried t get ut f any wrk.I stayed after schl every chance I gt.I did mst f the wrk I culd,gt the best grades I culd,and in the end,I graduated frm high schl with hnrs.(我从不害怕一大早去上学,也从不试图逃避工作。我一有机会放学就留下来。我做了我能做的大部分工作,取得了最好的成绩,最后,我以优异的成绩从高中毕业了。)可知,作者作为学生时是努力的并且非常优秀。A.Creative and prud富有创造力和自豪感的;B.Cnfident and plite自信且礼貌的;C.Kind-hearted and hnest善良且诚实的;D.Hard-wrking and excellent学习刻苦且优秀的。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段At the beginning f the schl year,I had a lt f truble leaving my mm in the mrnings,but Mrs.Trainer always sat with me,talked with me,and helped me feel OK withut my mm.She was understanding,kind,and always made the classrm a cmfrtable place.(开学之初,早上离开妈妈让我很烦恼,但特雷纳老师总是陪着我,和我聊天,让我觉得没有妈妈也挺好的。她善解人意,和蔼可亲,总是把教室变成一个舒适的地方。)可知,Mrs.Trainer通过像妈妈一样的教育方式来帮助作者。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段Mr.Stnerck als taught my class APA frmat (格式)which t me is invaluable.(斯通洛克先生还教我的班级APA格式,这对我来说是无价的。)可知,如何正确使用APA格式是作者从斯通洛克先生那里学到的最有用的技能。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段All my success was because f the teachers I had wh helped me,pushed me,and made learning a fun thing t d.(我所有的成功都归功于我的老师,他们帮助我,推动我,让学习成为一件有趣的事情。)最后一段Teachers are invaluable resurces and n ne can take their place.(教师是无价的资源,没有人能取代他们。)可知,文章的写作目的是为了赞扬老师对作者来说很重要。C.The Greatness f Teachers.(教师的伟大。)符合文意,故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段The difference this time is that everything in the play—the perfrmers and their surrundings—will be shwn virtually. (这次的不同之处在于,剧中的一切——演员和他们周围的环境——都将以虚拟的方式呈现)可知,对于剧中的人物和环境的呈现方式使得Dream区别于The Tempest。A.The number f actrs and actresses.男女演员的数量;B.The surrundings arund the perfrmers.表演者周围的环境;C.The 3 D digital image it chses t shw.它选择显示的3 D数字图像;D.The way it presents everything in the play.它在剧中表现一切的方式。故选D。
    (2)主旨大意题。根据第三段Seven actrs will perfrm in a specially-built studi in Prtsmuth,suthern England,wearing mtin-capture suits.They will be surrunded by a 360-degree camera set,made up f 47 cameras with every mvement almst immediately presented digitally,which is presented t viewers nline.With its much-reduced characters,Dream is nt a cmplete prductin f A Midsummer Night's Dream;rather,it is a stry inspired by it,fcusing n Puck and the fairies. (七名演员将穿着动作捕捉服,在英格兰南部朴茨茅斯的一个专门建造的摄影棚里表演。他们将被一个由47台摄像机组成的360度摄像机包围,每一个动作都几乎立即以数字方式呈现,并在线呈现给观众。《仲夏夜之梦》的角色被大大删减,因此《梦》并不是一部完整的作品;相反,它是一个受其启发的故事,主要讲述帕克和仙女们的故事)可知,该段主要侧重讲述这部剧的制作过程。故选C。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据划线短语所在的句子Up t 2,000 audience members fr each perfrmance can becme part f the shw and will be invited t guide Puck thrugh the frest.Onscreen,the chsen audience will appear as a clud f tiny fireflies (萤火虫).By using their muse r finger n the screen f a smart device,they will be able t mve their firefly acrss the screen,and Puck will be at their beck and call t g thrugh the virtual space.(每场演出最多有2000名观众可以成为演出的一部分,并将被邀请引导帕克穿过森林。在屏幕上,被选中的观众将以一团小萤火虫的形式出现。通过在智能设备的屏幕上使用鼠标或手指,他们将能够在屏幕上移动他们的萤火虫,而Puck将听命于他们的命令,通过虚拟空间。)可知,观众通过使用鼠标或手指在智能设备的屏幕上移动萤火虫,而Puck会随时待命,即跟随它们的指引,通过虚拟空间。故划线词意思是"准备好服从他们的命令"。A.Be willing t guide them.愿意引导他们;B.Be likely t receive a call.可能会接到电话;C.Be difficult t cntrl.难以控制;D.Be ready t fllw their rder.准备好服从他们的命令。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段"Withut the fireflies—the audiences—Puck wuldn't be ging anywhere," said wh plays the rle. "The audiences are very much the fuel and the energy f the shw." ("没有萤火虫——没有观众——Puck哪儿也去不了,"扮演Puck的E.M.威廉姆斯说。"观众是这部剧的燃料和能量。")可知,没有观众所扮演的萤火虫的指引,这部剧的主角Puck哪儿也去不了。观众就是这部剧的"燃料"和"能量"。由此推知,强调了观众的重要性。故选C。
    这篇文章主要介绍了皇家莎士比亚剧团最新的戏剧作品《梦》。这个50分钟的在线制作将现场表演与动作捕捉技术、3 D图形和互动游戏技术相结合,让观众可以远程引导主角帕克穿越虚拟森林。剧团使用了高科技的仙境元素,将这个戏剧带到了我们的屏幕上。这次的区别在于,剧中的一切,包括演员和他们的环境,都将以虚拟的形式呈现。每场演出有最多2000名观众可以参与,并被邀请引导帕克穿越森林。观众在屏幕上以微小的萤火虫形式出现,并通过智能设备上的鼠标或手指控制它们在屏幕上移动,帕克将按照他们的指示在虚拟空间中行动。对于在家观看的观众来说,通过数字森林中移动的虚拟仙子更像是一个视频游戏,而不是一场普通的皇家莎士比亚剧团的演出。但是演出是实时直播的,每个晚上的表演都是独一无二的。演员E.M.威廉姆斯表示:"没有观众,帕克就无法前进。观众是这个演出的动力和能量。"
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段中的Yeah,thse are all fake— yu culd pay me t "name" a star fr ﹩50,and I'll take yur mney and shw the name nline.I'll even send yu a fancy certificate!It seems that yu've named a star,but it just desn't cunt."(是的,这些都是假的——你可以花50美元给我"命名"一个行星,我会拿着你的钱在网上展示这个名字。我甚至会给你寄一份精美的证书!看起来你已经命名了一颗行星,但这并不算数。)可知,为了让读者对骗子网站的操作一目了然,作者以自己可以随意给行星命名来举例引出本文的主要内容——介绍IAU组织及其给星球命名的活动。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段Actually,the nly rganizatin that wns fficial naming rights is the Internatinal Astrnmical Unin,r the IAU.It was funded in 1919 and based in Paris,France.It is where astrnmers and ther prfessinals have reached the agreements and is the fficial recrd-keeping bdy fr all discveries in space.(事实上,唯一拥有官方命名权的组织是国际天文学联合会(IAU)。它成立于1919年,总部位于法国巴黎。天文学家和其他专业人士在这里达成了协议,是所有太空发现的官方记录机构。)可知,从文章中我们可以了解到关于IAU,它有权为星星命名。故选D。
    (3)段落大意题。根据最后一段The cmpetitin,named "Stars Wrlds",is pen next Thursday,January 20th.It's the third such cntest the IAU has held,and the purpse is t get the public mre interested in science as well as the rganizatin.The cmpetitin als helps t break centuries f Eurpean dminance when it cmes t naming things in the night sky.S peple arund the wrld can share the jy f discvery and make their mark in histry."(这场名为"群星世界"的比赛将于1月20日(下周四)开幕。这是国际天文学联合会第三次举办这样的比赛,目的是让公众对科学和该组织更感兴趣。这项竞赛还有助于打破欧洲在夜空天体命名方面几个世纪以来的主导地位。这样世界各地的人们就可以分享发现的喜悦,并在历史上留下自己的印记。)可知,最后一段主要讲的是活动举办的目的。故选A。
    (4)文章出处题。根据全文大意以及最后一段中的"The cmpetitin,named 'Stars Wrlds',is pen next Thursday,January 20th."(这场名为"群星世界"的比赛将于1月20日(下周四)开幕。)可知,本文介绍了真正拥有行星命名权的组织机构。本文时效性较强,应该是从报刊杂志上节选出来的。A.A nvel.小说;B.A textbk.教科书;C.A diary.日记;D.A magazine.杂志。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题,上文Stepping int the perid f aging life means a new chapter in the life.It brings great prblems and challenges t bth the elder peple and their family members.(步入老年生活意味着人生的新篇章。它给老年人及其家庭成员带来了巨大的问题和挑战。)引出话题,提到步入老年生活给老年人及其家庭成员带来了巨大的问题和挑战。下文Many things can be dne t attract public awareness t relieve their sufferings.(许多事情可以做,以吸引公众的意识,以减轻他们的痛苦。)指出可以做一些事情帮助老人减轻痛苦,由此可知,空处具体指出这些痛苦是什么,G项(虐待老人、缺乏医疗保健和交通挑战是一些困难。)承上启下,具体说明老年人所遇到的困难。故选G项。
    (2)联系上文题。根据设空处上文Speaking and spending time with the elderly will increase yur awareness f their daily cncerns and challenges.(与老年人交谈和共度时光会增加你对他们日常关注和挑战的认识。)可知,可以去养老院做志愿者,通过聊天了解老年人日常生活中担忧的事情和遇到的困难。设空处位于段尾,应对上文内容作补充说明,指出老年人遇到的问题。E项(这些事情包括普遍的健康问题、营养需求和社交孤独感。)举例说明了这些问题,符合语境,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
    (3)段落主题题。设空处位于段首,为本段的主题句。下文The lcal cmmunity center might serve as a gd lcatin fr area residents t gather and learn abut the challenges f elder adults.Hsting cmmunity frums,creating nline blgs and jining a supprtive grup are always wrkable frms.(当地的社区中心可以为当地居民提供一个很好的场所,让他们聚集在一起,了解老年人的挑战。举办社区论坛,创建在线博客和加入一个支持小组总是可行的形式。)提到社区是让本地居民了解老年人现在所面临的挑战的理想场所,举办社区论坛、开线上博客、加入互助小组都是可行的方式。由此可推知,本段的主旨为提升社区爱老助老意识。A项(你也可以提高所在社区的意识。)符合语境,为总结该段内容。故选A项。
    (4)细节理解题。根据设空处上文Wrk with senirs t get wired and train them in basic cmputer skills.(与老年人一起工作,让他们熟悉网络,并训练他们基本的计算机技能。)可知,我们可以帮助老年人上网,并教他们一些基本的计算机技能,空后If,fr example,their main mtivatin is t cmmunicate with family,yu needn't teach them t pay nline.(例如,如果他们的主要动机是与家人交流,你就不需要教他们在线支付。)举例说明,如果老年人上网的主要动机是跟家人沟通,那就没必要教他们网上支付了。根据文章结构和设空处位置可知,此处应为过渡句。F项(问问老年人:"你上网时的目标是什么?",以便你提供具体指导。)承上启下,说明我们要根据老年人的自身需求来有针对性地教他们技能,符合语境。故选F项。
    (5)细节理解题。根据设空处上文It's essential fr yu t learn sme basic healthcare practices.(你有必要学习一些基本的医疗保健实践。)可知,学习基础的医护手法是非常有必要的,设空处下文Yu can get certified in senir first aid,CPR r attend healthcare cnferences t learn mre abut senir care.(你可以获得老年人急救、心肺复苏术的认证,或者参加医疗保健会议,了解更多关于老年人护理的知识。)提到可以通过学习急救、心肺复苏、参加保健会议等方式来了解更多关爱老年人的知识。D项(医疗保健是老年护理的主要组成部分,并且它有助于改善老年人的生活。)承上启下,符合语境,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.limited有限的;B.adequate充足的;C.accurate精确的;D.endless无止境的。句意:我的祖父,一个非常坚强的人,给他的植物很少足够的水,并没有给予他们充分的关注,而我们的邻居对更好的回报感兴趣,给他的植物很多水,并且非常小心地照顾它们。根据下文"didn't give full attentin t them,"以及"I nly gave my plants the necessities"可知,此处应表示我的祖父,一个非常坚强的人,给他的植物很少足够的水。故选B项。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.returns回报;B.grades成绩;C.branches树枝;D.lives生命。句意:我的祖父,一个非常坚强的人,给他的植物很少足够的水,并没有给予他们充分的关注,而我们的邻居对更好的回报感兴趣,给他的植物很多水,并且非常小心地照顾它们。根据上文"ur neighbr,an ambitius businessman"以及下文"gave much water t his plants and lked after them with great care."可知,我的邻居是一位野心勃勃的商人,由此可推知邻居对更好的回报感兴趣,给他的植物很多水,并且非常小心地照顾它们。故选A项。
    (3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.wetter更湿的;B.fatter更胖的;C.uglier更丑陋的;D.fuller更饱满的。句意:我祖父种的植物很简单,但看起来很好,而我们邻居种的植物更饱满、更绿。根据上文"simple but lked gd"以及下文"and greener."可知,祖父种的植物很简单,但看起来很好,而我们邻居种的植物更饱满、更绿。故选D项。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.trees树;B.wlves狼;C.winds风;D.huses房屋。句意:一天晚上,雨下得很大,狂风呼啸了一整夜。根据该句中的"it rained"以及"hwling"可知,此处表示风整夜在呼啸。故选C项。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.repair修理;B.inspect检查;C.avid避免;D.reduce减少。句意:当我们出来检查花园的损坏情况时,我们看到邻居也在他的花园里。根据下文"damage"以及"we saw ur neighbr was there in his garden t."可知,此处为当我们出来检查花园的损坏情况时,我们看到邻居也在他的花园里。故选B项。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.withered枯萎;B.uprted将……连根拔起;C.stlen偷;D.dug挖。句意:当他的植物被连根拔起时,他看起来很沮丧。根据下文"Hwever,ur plants were standing firm n the grund."可推知,此处为当他的植物被连根拔起时,他看起来很沮丧。和我们的情况形成对比。故选B项。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.apprached接近;B.seized抓住;C.fllwed跟随;D.suspected怀疑。句意:他很惊讶,赶紧走到我祖父跟前,有点尴尬地问:"我们一起种同样的植物,实际上我照顾我的植物比你照顾你的好。"根据句意以及下文"and sheepishly (窘迫地) asked with a tuch f embarrassment,"可推知,此处为他很惊讶,赶紧走到我祖父跟前,有点尴尬地问。故选A项。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.weeded给……除杂草;B.watered浇水;C.grew种植;D.bught买。句意:他很惊讶,赶紧走到我祖父跟前,有点尴尬地问:"我们一起种同样的植物,实际上我照顾我的植物比你照顾你的好。"根据第一段One day ur neighbr,an ambitius businessman,seeing my grandfather planting tw saplings (幼树) n bth sides f ur gate,did the same at his gate.提到的邻居看到祖父种树,也跟着种了一样的树,由此可推知,此处表示"我们一起种同样的植物"。故选C项。
    (9)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.fcused n关注;B.brught up养育,抚养;C.cut dwn砍倒;D.attended t照顾。句意:他很惊讶,赶紧走到我祖父跟前,有点尴尬地问:"我们一起种同样的植物,实际上我照顾我的植物比你照顾你的好。"根据第二段第一句中"while ur neighbr interested in better (2)gave much water t his plants and lked after them with great care."可知,此处表示"我照顾我的植物比你照顾你的好"。故选D项。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.need必要;B.pssibility可能性;C.cnfidence自信;D.ability能力。句意:我祖父回答说:"你给了你的植物更多的关注,但正因为如此,它们不觉得有必要为任何事情而努力。根据下文"Yu in fact made it very easy fr them t grw."可推知,此处表示正因为如此,它们不觉得有必要为任何事情而努力。故选A项。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.flurished繁荣;B.harvested收获;C.survived存活;D.lasted持续。句意:这就是我的植物存活下来的原因。根据第三段最后一句"Hwever,ur plants were standing firm n the grund."可知,祖父在给邻居解释他的树存活下来的原因。故选C项。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.laughed嘲笑;B.recvered恢复;C.disappeared消失;D.hesitated犹豫。句意:带着悔恨的表情,我们的邻居很快消失了。根据上下文语境以及该句中的"With a cntrite (痛悔的) lk"可推知,此处为带着悔恨的表情,我们的邻居很快消失了。故选C项。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.disappinted失望的;B.cautius小心的;C.satisfied满意的;D.strict严格的。句意:这让我意识到我的祖父对我很严格,因为他知道任何容易得到或给予的东西都很容易失去,我们可能不理解获得这些东西所需要的辛勤工作,这是正当的。根据第二段第一句中"My grandfather,a very tugh persn,"可推知,此处表示祖父对我很严格。故选D项。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.made制作;B.gt得到;C.abandned抛弃;D.undertaken承担。句意:这让我意识到我的祖父对我很严格,因为他知道任何容易得到或给予的东西都很容易失去,我们可能不理解获得这些东西所需要的辛勤工作,这是正当的。根据该句中的"r given can g ff much mre easily"结合整个故事可推知,此处表示祖父知道任何容易得到或给予的东西都很容易失去。故选B项。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.earn挣得,赢得;B.quit离开,放弃;C.explre探索;D.imprve提高。句意:这让我意识到我的祖父对我很严格,因为他知道任何容易得到或给予的东西都很容易失去,我们可能不理解获得这些东西所需要的辛勤工作,这是正当的。根据该句中的"we may nt understand the hard wrk it takes"可知,此处为表示我们可能不理解获得这些东西所需要的辛勤工作。故选A项。
    【小题4】were captured
    (4)考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:这些动作是在距离地面4.5米的水下拍摄的。主语与谓语构成被动关系,动作发生在过去故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为名词复数mves。故填were captured。
    (6)考查冠词。句意:这支不到两分钟的短舞被视为当代艺术与中国传统文化的创造性结合。表示"……的结合"短语为a cmbinatin f,creative是发音以辅音音素开头的单词。故填a。
    (9)考查现在分词。句意:中国外交部发言人周日也发布了这段视频,称这段舞蹈"美得令人难以置信",这位女演员"跳得像天鹅一样优雅,像中国龙一样敏捷"。分析句子结构可知say与逻辑主语The Chinese Freign Ministry spkespersn构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填saying。
    37.【答案】Dear Brian,
    Are yu feeling better nw?It's a pity that yu missed Mr Smith's wnderful lecture because f illness last week.【高分句型一】And I'm writing t share smething abut it with yu.(表达问候)
    The lecture cnsisted f three parts.First f all,Mr Smith shwed us several brilliant pieces f English writing.Then,he intrduced us t sme useful writing strategies,fr example,reading mre and nting dwn beautiful sentences.They are gd fr imprving ur expressin skills.In the end,he suggested that we practice writing n a regular basis.【高分句型二】(讲座的主要内容)
    This lecture was really wnderful.It made me mre interested in writing.(你的感受)
    Best wishes!(祝福)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:It's a pity that yu missed Mr Smith's wnderful lecture because f illness last week.
    高分句型二:In the end,he suggested that we practice writing n a regular basis.
    38.【答案】【小题1】Paragraph 1:
    Mments later,a wrker gave Liz a twenty-dllar nte,saying a lady just handed it ver.Liz's eyes widened with surprise and relief.She culdn't believe her luck!Grateful and filled with a renewed sense f hpe,Liz thanked the wrker and held the mney tightly in her hand.The kindness f the stranger tuched her heart and made her realize that nt everyne she encuntered wuld bring disappintment.Just at that time,the lady came and Liz's mther thanked the lady fr finding the mney and returning it.(Liz很感激帮助她找到钱的女士,Liz的妈妈问女士在哪里找到的钱)
    Paragraph 2:
    "Yeah,actually I didn't find the nte.I gave away my twenty-dllar nte," the lady explained t Liz.Susan,wh had been listening attentively,was mved by the lady's hnesty and kindness.【高分句型一】She expressed her gratitude fr the lady's selflessness and shared hw much this act f genersity meant t Liz.The lady smiled warmly and said, "I believe in spreading kindness whenever I can.Seeing Liz's smile nw,I'm glad I culd make a small difference." Susan and Liz waved gdbye t the kind lady,their hearts filled with gratitude fr the unexpected act f kindness that turned a challenging day int a memrable ne.【高分句型二】(女士说她实际上没有找到钱,而是捐赠了钱,Liz和妈妈非常感激)
    高分句型一:Susan,wh had been listening attentively,was mved by the lady's hnesty and kindness.
    高分句型二:Susan and Liz waved gdbye t the kind lady,their hearts filled with gratitude fr the unexpected act f kindness that turned a challenging day int a memrable ne.
    分析:这句话使用了their hearts filled with gratitude作为独立主格结构,that引导的定语从句。

    2022-2023学年西藏日喀则市高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年西藏日喀则市高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年河南省商丘市名校联考高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年河南省商丘市名校联考高二(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年西藏林芝第二高级中学高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年西藏林芝第二高级中学高一(下)期末英语试卷(含详细答案解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了单选题,阅读理解,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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