综合练习情境导入情境导入标题栏常用工具栏格式工具栏编辑区菜单栏标尺情境导入The Largest SeedsYou won’t want to be under this tree! The Seychelles coconut tree,found on the Seychelles Islands, has the largest seeds in the world.These seeds take as long as ten years to develop. Each seed looks like two coconuts joined together. It is 43 centimetres long and weighs 18 kilograms.最大的种子你一定不想站在这种树下!塞舌尔岛上的椰子树,有着世界上最大的种子。这些种子要十年才能生成。每粒种子看起来像两个椰子摞在一起。它有43厘米长,重达18千克。 情境导入This Plant Runs Around!The resurrection(复苏)plant can be found in the deserts of America.The plant grows where there is water.When the land becomes dry,the plant uproots itself, dries up and becomes like a ball.Then it rolls along in the wind till it finds water,sometimes many years later.It will then sink its roots into the soil and grow!这种草到处跑!“还魂草”生长在美国的沙漠中。它在有水的地方就能生长。当土地干旱时,它就会自己连根拔起,水分蒸发后就缩成一个球,被风吹得到处跑,直到再找到有水的地方,而这一找有时就是好多年。找到水后它再把根扎入土壤中生长。+1.新建文档合作学习(1)新建文档。第1步:单击“开始”按钮,执行“所有程序”→“附件→ 写字板 命令,出现写字板文档启动窗口。第2步:执行“文件”→“新建”命令。试一试+2.输入标题合作学习(1)新建文档,输入标题,设置标题格式。设置标题加粗 和居中 。试一试加粗居中+3.输入正文合作学习(1)输入正文内容,设置正文格式。 段落下找到首行缩进0.70cm试一试9+合作学习同样方法输入下一篇中文文章输入标题和正文,分别设置格式。标题加粗和居中。10+合作学习保存文档执行保存命令,找到保存位置(个人文件夹),输入文件名,完成文件保存。保存位置文件名保存按钮11试一试+合作学习(2)利用你所熟悉的文字编辑软件,输入文章。This Plant Runs Around!The resurrection(复苏)plant can be found in the deserts of America.The plant grows where there is water.When the land becomes dry,the plant uproots itself, dries up and becomes like a ball.Then it rolls along in the wind till it finds water,sometimes many years later.It will then sink its roots into the soil and grow!这种草到处跑!“还魂草”生长在美国的沙漠中。它在有水的地方就能生长。当土地干旱时,它就会自己连根拔起,水分蒸发后就缩成一个球,被风吹得到处跑,直到再找到有水的地方,而这一找有时就是好多年。找到水后它再把根扎入土壤中生长。1112试一试+合作学习(2)利用你所熟悉的文字编辑软件,输入文章。12记事本软件输入写字板软件输入谢谢观看