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      安徽省“江南十校”2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      安徽省“江南十校”2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份安徽省“江南十校”2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省“江南十校”2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题Word版含解析docx、安徽省“江南十校”2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£ 19.15 B.f9.18 C.£9.15
    答案是 C.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why did the wman stp playing the pian?
    A. She didn’t really enjy it.
    B. She wasn’t very gd at it.
    C. She didn’t have enugh time.
    【原文】M: I just lve the pian. There’s an endless variety f music that can be played n it.
    W: I really enjy it t. I used t be really gd at pian actually. But I stpped playing in high schl because I was s busy.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman mean?
    A. She is full.B. She wants sme cake.C. She desn’t like the meal.
    【原文】M: Can I ffer yu anther piece f cake?
    W: Thank yu. If I had it, I wuld burst. It’s nice f yu t prepare this meal fr me.
    M: Great. As lng as yu enjyed it.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.B. Dctr and patient.C. Husband and wife.
    【原文】W: S, tell me sir, when did yu first ntice the prblem with yur leg? I will examine it later.
    M: I was at a restaurant with my wife and friends abut three weeks ag. I suddenly felt a sharp pain.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What time is it?
    A. 9:30 a. m.B. 10:00 a. m.C. 10:30 a. m.
    【原文】W: Gerge, where have yu been? Yu said nine ’clck. I’ve been waiting here fr an hur and a half since then.
    M: I’m really srry, Jenny. I set ff at eight this mrning, and wuld yu believe I’ve been stuck in traffic?
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw will the wman prbably g t the airprt?
    A. By taxi.B. By train.C. By bus.
    【原文】W : D yu knw if the last bus has gne ?
    M : I’m afraid it left a cuple f minutes ag.
    W : Oh n ! D yu knw where I can get a taxi t the airprt?
    M : Yu can g t the Red Star Square near the railway statin. There are usually a few taxis there.
    6. When was the man called?
    A. Tday.B. Yesterday.C. Tw days ag.
    7. What is wrng with the man’s mther?
    A. She is ill.B. She is dead.C. She is injured.
    【答案】6. B 7. C
    【原文】M: I came as sn as I culd.
    W: Did Carline call yu just nw?
    M: N, it was last night, but I didn’t have the car. I’m srry I wasn’t here t help.
    W: It’s OK. Yu missed the drama, but she’s OK nw. She’s just a little shaky.
    M: Pr Mm. I thught she wuld be dead, the way Carline explained it t me.
    W: Oh n, she’s tugh. She didn’t even break any bnes. Just a few marks.
    M: Where did she fall?
    W: The carpet n the stairs was lse and she went head first.
    M: Ww. She had a lucky escape.
    8. What is the man mainly cncerned abut?
    A. The green space.B. The number f hmes.C. The suburb develpment.
    9. What des the wman say the area was like?
    A. It was dirty.B. It was crwded.C. It was dangerus.
    【答案】8. A 9. A
    【原文】W: What d yu think f the develpment?
    M: Yu’re creating a whle new cmmunity.
    W: We certainly are — 400 hmes, 40 shps and tw schls.
    M: Dn’t yu wrry that yu’re taking mre green space away frm the city?
    W: Lk, Mr. Sharples, yu must understand that this city needs mre affrdable husing.
    M: But surely we have t cnsider the envirnment as well. Will yu be living here r will yu be in a suburb where yu can see trees everywhere?
    W: I’d gladly live in ne f these hmes. In fact, I’ll let yu int a secret. I grew up in this area.
    M: Really? I didn’t knw that.
    W: Oh yes, and it wasn’t the perfect place yu imagine. It was safe and nt s crwded, but there was rubbish and dirt everywhere.
    10. What are the speakers watching?
    A. A mvie.B. A stage perfrmance.C. A TV shw.
    11. What is the man’s jb?
    A. A ck.B. A salesman.C. A musician.
    12. What is the wman trying t d?
    A. Infrm the man.B. Encurage the man.C. Cnsult the man.
    【答案】10. B 11. C 12. B
    【原文】W: What’s the matter?
    M: That’s it. I give up.
    W: What d yu mean?
    M: This guy is amazing. I’ve never seen anybdy play the guitar n stage like that in persn. I might as well stp trying.
    W: But yu’re gd as well.
    M: I’m nt in the same league as him. It’s time that I changed my prfessin and started selling insurance r cking peple’s dinners.
    W: Dn’t be silly. Just use him as inspiratin. Be the best yu can be. Lts f peple like yur music and I d.
    M: Thank yu fr yur faith.
    W: Remember, the man wh we’re watching nce culdn’t play the guitar at all. He had t learn and practice t get t this level.
    M: I bet he practiced every day f his life.
    W: Have cnfidence in yur ability, and enjy the shw.
    13. Why has the picnic been cancelled?
    A. It has been raining.
    B. The man has anther plan.
    C. The wman dislikes picnics.
    14. What did the man d just nw?
    A. He watched a game.B. He played sccer.C. He did an experiment.
    15. Hw des the wman prbably feel abut the exhibitin?
    A. Uninterested.B. Disappinted.C. Excited.
    16. Which f the fllwing are shwn in the exhibitin?
    A. Jewelries.B. Oil paintings.C. Sculptures.
    【答案】13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A
    【原文】M: I hate t tell yu this, but the picnic has been cancelled.
    W: Because f the rain?
    M: Yes.
    W: Did yu still play yur sccer game?
    M: Oh sure, we finished it ten minutes ag. It was hard playing in the mud. Everyne was slipping and falling.
    W: Yu’re crazy. Um, my lab experiment has als been cancelled, s I dn’t have much t d tnight.
    M:Yu knw, my rmmate is an art majr. He’s always telling me abut the Minneaplis Institute f Art. It’s nt far frm here , and it’s free. I hear they even have a number f things frm China.
    W: Really ? I can’t believe it!
    M: It’s even mre than that. There’s even a separate hall fr Chinese cllectins.
    W: I wnder what kinds f Chinese cllectins are shwn there.
    M: My rmmate says there are many interesting things like Chinese water paintings, handcrafts, jewelries, and ther fascinating stuff. We can g there and lk arund fr a while , and yu can tell me all abut them.
    W : That’s great! Let’s g.
    17. What is the talk mainly abut?
    A. A lecture n success.B. A graduatin ceremny.C. A schl award ceremny.
    18. What kind f schl is it?
    A. A girls’ schl.B. A bys’ schl.C. A mixed schl.
    19. Wh is quted in the talk?
    A. A sprtsman.B. A teacher.C. A singer.
    20. What des the speaker say is the mst imprtant?
    A. Cnfidence.B. Success.C. Trying.
    【答案】17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C
    【原文】Gd evening, gentlemen and bys! Thank yu fr being here this evening. We’re here t cngratulate the tp achievers f this year. The bys here have wrked hard in rder t be a part f this ceremny.
    Recgnitin f achievement can make us push urselves and reach ur full ptential. The prize winners are a true representatin f everything that we value here at Hamptn Schl. I have every cnfidence that yu yung men will be precisely the kind f yung peple wh will make a psitive difference t the cuntry and the wrld.
    Yur success will be built n being true t yurself. Yu shuld recgnize yur prblems and dubts as well as yur psitive qualities. I remember listening t an interview with Andy Murray, ne f the tp tennis players in the wrld. After he was defeated in the first rund f a turnament by a much lwer ranked player, the media went crazy. Hwever, Murray was straightfrward and wise. “Nbdy died here,” he said, “I nly lst a tennis match, nthing mre.” We are prud f ur prizewinners tday. They shuld be prud f themselves. But let’s be clear, if yu link mtivatin t winning prizes in life, yu set yurself up fr disappintment. The greatest prize f all is that yu can lk yurself in the eye and say, “I tried my abslute best.”
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    If yur bkshelf is lking a little empty and cllecting dust, r yu’re trying t start reading mre, a bk bx will d it all fr yu and send yu an accurate selectin frm yur favurites.
    Finding the right bk subscriptin can be tricky, thugh, which is why we’ve gathered sme f the best bk subscriptin bxes in Australia fr yu t enjy.
    Binic Bk Subscriptin, $75 per six mnths at Etsy
    This persnalized bk subscriptin service will send yu bks via an algrithm (算法) that learns yur taste preferences t select and send bks yu’ll lve. Yu can enjy a mix f new and recent releases acrss fictin and cntemprary classics.
    Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx, $99.95 per quarter at Isubscribe
    Enjy a great selectin f pre-lved bks, cming straight t yur dr, with a range f extras t keep yu reading cmfrtable. Yu can expect t receive three r six bks sent t yu mnth by mnth, accrding t yur chice.
    “Purchased as a gift subscriptin fr Father’s Day and he abslutely lves it! Such a fantastic and unique ptin fr a bk lver yurself r a lved ne,” a five-star reviewer said.
    Australian Magazine Subscriptin, $36.99 per mnth at Magshp
    Magshp features all f the tp selling Australian magazine subscriptins in ne place, making it easy fr yu t enjy yur favurites. Yu’ll find all kinds f bks—frm entertainment, lifestyle, fashin and beauty t games and puzzles, health and fitness, cking, hmes, and s much mre.
    Ultimate Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx, $190 per year at Etsy
    Sent t yu mnth by mnth, each bx cntains three r six great bks with ne hand-drawn bkmark, a new handmade candle in a variety f clurs, smells and cntainers, and a new pair f scks.
    “Gt 2/3 bks s far and I’m lving the selectin! Can’t believe I gt a perfect-cnditin hardcver n my first g. It was an amazing surprise. The custm little bkmarks are cute t. I’d recmmend this subscriptin in a heartbeat and can’t wait t purchase a secnd rund,” a five-star reviewer said.
    21. Which ne is the least cstly if yu subscribe fr a year?
    A. Binic Bk Subscriptin.
    B. Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx.
    C. Australian Magazine Subscriptin.
    D. Ultimate Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx.
    22. What d we knw abut Australian Magazine Subscriptin?
    A. It cvers a wide range f interest.
    B. It cntains extra hand-made items.
    C. It can be purchased as a gift subscriptin.
    D. It learns readers’ taste preferences via an algrithm.
    23. What d Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx and Ultimate Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx have in cmmn?
    A. A supply f tp-selling bks.B. A service f mnthly delivery.
    C. A mix f new and recent releases.D. A selectin f amazing hardcvers.
    【答案】21. A 22. A 23. B
    细节理解题。根据每个书籍订阅盒后面的价格 Binic Bk Subscriptin, $75 per six mnths(每6个月75美元),Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx, $99.95 per quarter(每个季度99.95美元),Australian Magazine Subscriptin, $36.99 per mnth(每个月36.99美元)和Ultimate Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx, $190 per year(每年190美元)可以推算出,如果订阅一年,花钱最少的是 Binic Bk Subscriptin。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据 “Australian Magazine Subscriptin” 中的 “Yu’ll find all kinds f bks – frm entertainment, lifestyle, fashin and beauty t games and puzzles, health and fitness, cking, hmes, and s much mre.”(你会发现各种各样的书——从娱乐、生活方式、时尚和美容到游戏和拼图、健康和健身、烹饪、家庭等等。)可知,该订阅盒可涵盖很多书籍,可以满足书籍爱好者的广泛兴趣。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx”中的“Yu can expect t receive three r six bks sent t yu mnth by mnth”(你可以指望每月有三或六本书送到你手中)和“Ultimate Mystery Bk Subscriptin Bx ”中“Sent t yu mnth by mnth”(逐月寄给你)可知,这两个订阅盒都是按月将书籍送到顾客手中,故选B。
    Hem an Bekele is nt yur typical high schl student.Rather than spending his free time playing vide games r staring at his phne, this 14 year-ld frm Fairfax, Virginia was calling prfessrs and cnducting experiments, all t create a sap that culd treat skin cancer, and t make it affrdable fr everyne wh needs it.His wrk wn him the grand prize in this year’s 3M Yung Scientist’s Challenge, a cmpetitin that encurages kids t think f unique ways t slve everyday prblems.
    Grwing up in Ethipia, Bekele fund in pity that peple wrking utside were likely t end up getting skin cancer.Skin cancer did have cures and was treatable in mst cases.Hwever, the average price f skin cancer treatment glbally was almst $40,000.Thse shcking statistics really inspired him t create a mre accessible slutin.He started ding experiments and wrking n different things, and that turned int his bar f sap as a prject.
    A lt f his research and develpment started in his family’s kitchen and in his basement.But as he reached the final f the cmpetitin, he realized that he did need t d a little bit mre utside f just his huse.S he reached ut t peple at University f Virginia and peple at Gergetwn, and he gt a lt f assistance.The number ne persn wuld be Debrah Isabelle, wh helped him rganize and structure his ideas during the finalist cmpetitin.Bekele said that he definitely culdn’t have dne that all by himself.
    Bekele’s award-winning sap is a cmpund based bar f sap and it’s charged with different cancer fighting chemicals.The clr f the sap is a bit f a dark type f white and it has a rugh surface, which culd be a gd exfliant(去角质剂).It des have a strng medicine smell and feel a bit stickier.The whle pint f it is that even nce yu wash ff the saps, the medicinal parts will stay n yur skin.It can activate the bdy’s immune cells t defend cancer.
    Bekele wn 25,000 prize mney and he was ging t use it t cntinue research.He said, “I still need a lt f resurces t be able t cnduct this research, s this mney will definitely help me achieve it.”
    24. Why did Heman Bekele start wrking n creating the sap?
    A. Because he thught it was a fun prject.
    B. Because he wanted t win a science cmpetitin.
    C. Because he fund skin cancer treatment unaffrdable.
    D. Because he wanted t create a unique sap fr everyne.
    25. What can we learn frm Bekele’s preparatins fr the final?
    A. Well begun is half dne.B. Learn humbly, ask willingly.
    C. Actins speak luder than wrds.D. Hpe fr the best, prepare fr the wrst.
    26. What is paragraph 4 f the text mainly abut?
    A. What features the sap has.B. Hw the sap is used.
    C. What chemicals the sap cntains.D. Hw the sap is prduced.
    27. Which wrds can be used t describe Bekele accrding t the passage?
    A. Patient and talented.B. Friendly and ambitius.
    C. Cautius and generus.D. Caring and devted.
    【答案】24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位14岁学生Heman Bekele,通过自身努力和不断寻求帮助,发明了一种普通人能负担起的抗击皮肤癌的肥皂,因此获得了“美国顶尖年轻科学家”的称号。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中 “Skin cancer did have cures and was treatable in mst cases. Hwever, the average price f skin cancer treatment glbally was almst $40,000. Thse shcking statistics really inspired him t create a mre accessible slutin.”(皮肤癌确实可以治愈,而且在大多数情况下是可以治疗。然而,全球皮肤癌治疗的平均价格接近4万美元。这些令人震惊的统计数据确实激发了他创造一个人们更容易获得的解决方案。)可知, Heman Bekele 正是因为发现很多皮肤癌患者负担不起治疗费用,才决心发明治疗皮肤癌的肥皂,让人们能够负担得起治疗费用。故选 C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“S he reached ut t peple at University f Virginia and peple at Gergetwn, and he gt a lt f assistance. The number ne persn wuld be Debrah Isabelle, wh helped him rganize and structure his ideas during the finalist cmpetitin.”(所以他联系了弗吉尼亚大学和乔治城大学的老师,他得到了很多帮助。排名第一的人是黛博拉·伊莎贝尔(Debrah Isabelle),她在决赛中帮助他筹备和组织了他的想法。)可知,Heman Bekele 在最后阶段寻求了很多外界的帮助。A 是“良好的开端是成功的一半”;B 是“虚心学习,乐意请教”;C 是“事实胜于雄辩”;D 是“抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算”。故选 B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“Bekele’s award-winning sap is a cmpund based bar f sap and it’s charged with different cancer fighting chemicals.The clr f the sap is a bit f a dark type f white and it has a rugh surface, which culd be a gd exfliant(去角质剂).It des have a strng medicine smell and feel a bit stickier.The whle pint f it is that even nce yu wash ff the saps, the medicinal parts will stay n yur skin.It can activate the bdy’s immune cells t defend cancer.”(Bekele的获奖肥皂是一种复合肥皂,它含有不同的抗癌化学物质。肥皂的颜色有点暗白色,表面粗糙,可能是一种很好的去角质剂。它确实有强烈的药味,摸起来有点粘。重点是,即使你洗掉了肥皂,药用成分也会留在你的皮肤上。它可以激活人体的免疫细胞来防御癌症。)可知,该段主要描述了肥皂的成分、颜色、气味和功效等特征。故选 A项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“Hwever, the average price f skin cancer treatment glbally was almst $40,000. Thse shcking statistics really inspired him t create a mre accessible slutin.”(然而,全球皮肤癌治疗的平均价格接近4万美元。这些令人震惊的统计数据确实激发了他创造一个人们更容易获得的解决方案。)可知Heman Bekele关心他人;又根据第一段中“Rather than spending his free time playing vide games r staring at his phne, this 14 year-ld frm Fairfax, Virginia was calling prfessrs and cnducting experiments, all t create a sap that culd treat skin cancer, and t make it affrdable fr everyne wh needs it.”(这个来自弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯的14岁男孩没有把空闲时间花在玩电子游戏或盯着手机上,而是打电话给教授并进行实验,所有这些都是为了创造一种可以治疗皮肤癌的肥皂,并使每个需要它的人都能负担得起。);以及最后一段“Bekele wn 25,000 prize mney and he was ging t use it t cntinue research.”(Bekele赢得了2.5万美元的奖金,他打算用这笔钱继续研究。)可知,他全心全意地投入到研究抗癌肥皂。故选 D项。
    Fashin designers have a big say in what’s cnsidered beautiful. They pick wh’s in their shws and ads, shaping what’s celebrated as beauty. But this pwer als means respnsibility — it can be used t leave peple ut r lift them up.
    When I was yung fashin was my wrld. I pred ver varius fashin magazines at my lcal bkstre, desiring t be tall, thin, and have lng, shiny hair t fit the ideal. I wanted t be like thse mdels, s I stpped eating. It was a tugh time; my eating disrder cnsumed me. It tk years t break free frm its cntrl, allwing me t fcus n my true passins.
    Fr s lng, the fashin industry has wrked hard t set an ideal f beauty that celebrates thin, yung, white, and able-bdied mdels as the ideal. It’s impssible nt t be expsed t images f mdels that have been phtshpped t where there’s nt a single spt in sight. This idea is everywhere, and it hurts peple. Shckingly, arund 91% f wmen are unhappy with their appearance. It’s sad that teens grw up in a sciety where they deny themselves.
    There’s prgress — mdels and musicians prmte bdy psitivity. Hwever, the pressure t meet unrealistic standards remains. Changing these standards invlves bravely celebrating diverse beauty. True inclusivity ges beynd appearances. It requires diverse decisin-makers, phtgraphers, and casting directrs cperating. Yung designers ften verlk this crucial aspect. Hiring plus-size r transgender phtgraphers, diverse casting directrs, r makeup artists wh understand the imprtance f accmmdating t varius skin tnes, is vital fr an verall apprach.
    We aimed t redefine the “bikini bdy” standards. Hwever, the gal isn’t fr the cnsumer’s bdy t change but fr clthes t accmmdate all sizes. We need mre fashin fr everyne, n matter their size r where they shp. It’s ur respnsibility as designers t challenge this narrw beauty definitin. My hpe is fr future teens t escape the pressures I faced, develping a fashin industry celebrating diverse identities.
    28. What des the underlined phrase “pred ver” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Classified carefully.B. Read attentively.
    C. Cmpared thrughly.D. Recmmended sincerely.
    29. What is the impact f the initial beauty ideals set by the fashin industry?
    A. Causing self-denial.B. Generating individuality.
    C. Fcusing n true passins.D. Cntributing t self-cnfidence.
    30. What can be inferred abut true inclusivity?
    A. It encurages persnal effrt.B. It satisfies traditinal standards.
    C. It fcuses n physical appearances.D. It calls fr diversity and cperatin.
    31 Which f the fllwing will the authr prbably agree with?
    A. Custmers will change their bdy shapes.
    B. Future teens will redefine fashin standards.
    C. Fashin shuld celebrate everyne’s uniqueness.
    D. “Bikini bdy” standards shuld be strengthened.
    【答案】28. B 29. A 30. D 31. C
    词义猜测题。根据上一句“When I was yung, fashin was my wrld.”(当我年轻的时候,时尚就是我的世界。)和划线词所在句“I pred ver varius fashin magazines at my lcal bkstre,”(我在当地的书店里pred ver各种时尚杂志,)可知,作者对时尚非常着迷,所以在书店应该是仔细阅读了各类时尚杂志,了解关于时尚的信息,“pred ver”应该表示“仔细阅读”。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“This idea is everywhere, and it hurts peple. Shckingly, arund 91% f wmen are unhappy with their appearance. It’s sad that teens grw up in a sciety where they deny themselves.”(这种想法无处不在,它伤害了人们。令人震惊的是,约91%的女性对自己的外表不满意。可悲的是,青少年成长在一个他们否定自己的社会中。)可知,时尚界设立的美的标准致使多数女性不满意自己的容貌,从而否定自己。故选 A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“True inclusivity ges beynd appearances. It requires diverse decisin-makers, phtgraphers, and casting directrs cperating.”(真正的包容超越表象。这需要不同的决策者、摄影师和选角导演的合作。)可知,真正的包容是要求有多样性和合作的,它呼吁不同时尚行业的从业者们进行合作。故选 D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“We need mre fashin fr everyne, n matter their size r where they shp.”(我们需要为每个人提供更多的时尚,无论他们的身材或他们在哪里购物。)和“My hpe is fr future teens t escape the pressures I faced, develping a fashin industry celebrating diverse identities.”(我希望未来的青少年能够摆脱我所面临的压力,发展一个崇尚多元化身份的时尚产业。)可知,作者有可能会赞同:时尚界应该崇尚个人的独特性。故选 C。
    Pwer ften bsts an emplyee’s creativity because being pwerful liberates the individual frm restrictins. Hwever, new research shws that emplyees wh are nt in psitins f pwer can becme mre creative when given time t “warm up” t a task by engaging in the creative task mre than nce.
    “This is imprtant because when peple with mre pwer are able t express their creative ideas mre than thse with less pwer, which leads t a rich-get-richer dynamic that strengthens these pwer imbalances,” said Brian Lucas, assistant prfessr in the Crnell University. “Understanding ways t bst the creativity f lwer pwer wrkers can help them find the right way t deal with this lw-pwer disadvantage,” Lucas said.
    Lucas and his clleagues cnducted tw studies t reach their cnclusin.In the first study, they divided the creative idea generatin sessin int tw runds cnsisting f a ne-minute “warm up” fllwed by a secnd rund in which the participants culd take as lng as they wanted.Participants were randmly assigned t a high-pwer cnditin r a lw-pwer cnditin, and feelings f pwer were generated with a rle manipulatin (操纵) where participants were given a leadership rle and cntrl ver resurces (high pwer) r an emplyee rle with n cntrl ver resurces (lw pwer). The study fund that high-pwer individuals were mre creative than lw-pwer individuals in the warm-up rund.There was n difference, thugh, in creativity in the secnd rund.
    In the secnd study, the researchers gave them a different creative task and increased the number f runds frm tw sessins t five, taking as lng as they like t cmplete the task. Similar t the first study, the study fund that high-pwer individuals were mre creative than lw-pwer individuals in the first rund.But the creativity f lw-pwer individuals caught up t the creativity f the high-pwer individuals after the first rund.
    “The lw-pwer warm-up effect suggests a simple interventin that empwers all emplyees t tap their creative ptential and vercmes pwer imbalances in the wrkplace: when pursuing creative wrk, let emplyees warm up first,” Lucas said.
    32. Why des Lcus think it imprtant t bst the creativity f lwer pwer wrkers?
    A. It maintains pwer imbalances.
    B. It mtivates their ambitin t catch up.
    C. It creates a cmpetitive wrk envirnment.
    D. It encurages a wrkplace with mre equality.
    33. Hw did Lucas and his c-authrs stimulate feelings f pwer in the participants?
    A. Thrugh a creative task with time limits.
    B. Thrugh prviding them with different psitins.
    C. Thrugh a cmpetitin between leaders and emplyees.
    D. Thrugh assigning them t different cnditins intentinally.
    34. Hw did the secnd study differ frm the first study?
    A. It had fewer runds.B. It invlved mre participants.
    C. Participants had a changed task.D. Participants’ creativity gap became wider.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Pwer tends t encurage creative ideas.
    B. Changing tasks bsts all the emplyees’ creativity.
    C. Warm-up time crrects creativity pwer imbalances.
    D. Lw-pwer individuals utperfrm the high-pwer nes.
    【答案】32. D 33. B 34. C 35. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段中““Understanding ways t bst the creativity f lwer pwer wrkers can help them find the right way t deal with this lw-pwer disadvantage,” Lucas said. (卢卡斯说:“了解如何提高低权力员工的创造力,可以帮助他们找到正确的方法来应对这种低权力的劣势。”)”可知,了解如何促进职位较低员工的创造力,能够帮助他们找到正确的方法来应对职位低的劣势,让他们产生更多创造性想法,从而促进工作场所更加公平公正。故选 D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“Participants were randmly assigned t a high-pwer cnditin r a lw-pwer cnditin, and feelings f pwer were generated with a rle manipulatin (操纵) where participants were given a leadership rle and cntrl ver resurces (high pwer) r an emplyee rle with n cntrl ver resurces (lw pwer)(参与者被随机分配到高权力情境或低权力情境,并通过角色操纵产生权力感,参与者被赋予领导角色和控制资源的角色(高权力)或没有控制资源的员工角色(低权力)。)”可知,参与者的权力感是通过给予参与者不同的角色(leadership 或 emplyee rle)来产生的。故选 B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“In the secnd study, the researchers gave them a different creative task and increased the number f runds frm tw sessins t five, taking as lng as they like t cmplete the task(在第二项研究中,研究人员给了他们一项不同的创造性任务,并将回合数从两回合增加到五回合,只要他们愿意,就可以完成任务。)”可知,第二项研究中,任务发生了改变。故选 C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Hwever, new research shws that emplyees wh are nt in psitins f pwer can becme mre creative when given time t “warm up” t a task by engaging in the creative task mre than nce.(然而,新的研究表明,没有权力的员工如果有时间通过多次参与创造性任务来“热身”,他们会变得更有创造力。)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍研究发现,一般情况下,职位高的员工比职位低的员工更具有创造力,但是热身环节可以激发职位低的员工的创造力,从而创造一个更加公平的工作环境, 所以选择项C“Warm-up time crrects creativity pwer imbalances. (热身能够纠正创造能力的不均衡。)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C。
    With everything ging n in the wrld, it’s n wnder s many f us are struggling t sleep. ____36____ And it’s hard t fall back asleep again. Hwever, simple steps befre bed can help.
    Test yur pillw. If yu bught yur pillw in 2022, it’s already ld. The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests replacing yur pillw every ne t tw years. ____37____ “When yur brain is sending pain signals, it can’t send sleep signals,” says Dr Michael J Breus, a clinical psychlgist and sleep specialist.
    Get an hur f sunlight each day. Mrning sunlight is imprtant fr gd sleep. “It stps prducing melatnin in yur brain, which, helps relieve the sleepy mrning feeling,” Breus says. It als sets a mental time r t prduce melatnin, the s-called sleep hrmne, that evening. Aim fr 15 t 30 minutes f direct light first and tw 15-minute utdr breaks during the day. ___38___
    Skip salty snacks befre bed. In a Japanese study, researchers fllwed 321 patients with high-salt diets and sleep issues fr 12 weeks. ____39____ And thse wh cnsumed mre salt wke up mre ften t g t the bathrm.
    ___40___ If yu need t air cmplaints t yur family, dn’t wait until night. Tugh discussins are less likely t disturb yur sund sleep if yu initiate them earlier. Arguments can activate yur sympathetic nervus system, which disturbs sleep. Sme research even suggests that ging t bed angry may make yu bad-tempered the next mrning.
    A. Avid arguments with yur family.
    B. Handle yur trubles befre dinner.
    C. It signals yur brain that it is time t be awake.
    D. It cntributes t gd health when expsed t light.
    E. It’s nrmal t wake up at night, especially as yu age.
    F A used ne in the past can cause neck pain and restless sleep.
    G. When peple cut them dwn, their average tilet trips decreased.
    【答案】36. E 37. F 38. C 39. G 40. B
    根据上文“With everything ging n in the wrld, it’s n wnder s many f us are struggling t sleep.(随着世界上发生的一切,难怪我们中的许多人都在努力入睡)”描述了现代社会普遍存在睡眠质量问题,后文“And it’s hard t fall back asleep again.(而且很难再次入睡)”描述很难再次入睡,可知本句主要说明夜晚入睡的问题,故E选项“随着年龄增长,半夜醒来很正常”,在此处能起到承上启下的作用。故选E。
    根据上文“The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests replacing yur pillw every ne t tw years.(美国国家睡眠基金会建议每一到两年更换一次枕头)”提到需要每 1-2 年更换枕头,下文““When yur brain is sending pain signals, it can’t send sleep signals,” says Dr Michael J Breus, a clinical psychlgist and sleep specialist.(“当你的大脑发出疼痛信号时,它不能发出睡眠信号,”临床心理学家和睡眠专家Michael J Breus博士说)”继续谈论疼痛带来的影响。F 选项中的代词 “ne”指代上文的 pillw,进一步解释原因:用过很久的枕头可能导致颈部疼痛和失眠。故选F。
    根据本段首句“Get an hur f sunlight each day.(每天享受一小时的阳光)”可知,本段建议要接受足够的阳光。C选项中的“It” 指代上文提到的接受阳光直射和户外休息的行为。这种行为是为了提醒大脑白天保持清醒。C选项“它告诉你的大脑是时候清醒了”符合语境。故选C。
    根据上文“Skip salty snacks befre bed. In a Japanese study, researchers fllwed 321 patients with high-salt diets and sleep issues fr 12 weeks.(睡前不要吃咸的零食。在日本的一项研究中,研究人员对321名患有高盐饮食和睡眠问题的患者进行了为期12周的跟踪调查)”以及后文“And thse wh cnsumed mre salt wke up mre ften t g t the bathrm.(而那些摄入更多盐的人更频繁地醒来去洗手间)”可知,指出减少高盐饮食后,起夜次数会减少,与下文 “摄入高盐的更频繁去卫生间”的论述相呼应。G选项“当人们减少摄入时,他们的平均上厕所次数减少了”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文“If yu need t air cmplaints t yur family, dn’t wait until night. Tugh discussins are less likely t disturb yur sund sleep if yu initiate them earlier. Arguments can activate yur sympathetic nervus system, which disturbs sleep. Sme research even suggests that ging t bed angry may make yu bad-tempered the next mrning.(如果你需要向你的家人抱怨,不要等到晚上。如果你早点开始,艰难的讨论就不太可能打扰你的睡眠。争吵会激活你的交感神经系统,从而扰乱睡眠。一些研究甚至表明,带着怒气上床睡觉可能会让你第二天早上脾气暴躁)”可知,如果需要向家人抱怨,不要拖到晚上。睡前的争论对睡眠有影响,甚至影响第二天的心情。故B选项“本段的建议应该是在晚饭前处理好麻烦”符合语境。故选B。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was a winter after nn when I tripped ver a high kerb (马路牙子). Suddenly, I was flying thrugh the air. It was nly the next mrning when I tried t take a pht f sme splendid sunlight ____41____ int my kitchen, that I had t face the reality: I culd n lnger lift my camera, let alne use it. Later, a hspital appintment ____42____ my wrst fear — the arm needed ttal rest.
    Sn I became impatient. I culdn’t travel much. Surfing nline, I ____43____ the cncept f gratitude interventin, a methd t bst ____44____ and well-being by being grateful. I had never been wildly ____45____ abut the cncept f cunting ne’s blessings. Hwever, a Califrnian psychlgist, Snja Lyubmirsky, has ____46____ research int smething much mre creative — using a daily phtgraphy ____47____ as a tl fr enhanced gratitude.
    Lyubmirsky’s instructins are ____48____, but nt necessarily easy t carry ut. Take phtgraphs thrughut the day f things central t wh yu are. Reading hw participants assigned t the gratitude interventins ____49____ experienced enhanced psitive emtins, a sense f cnnectedness, mre supprt, and less _____50_____, I decided t carry n.
    Taking a single pht was painful, but the _____51_____ t find anything t feel grateful abut, and then t recrd it, started t greatly _____52_____ bth my md and my images. I began t phtgraph the _____53_____ f my days. Despite everything, I fund I culd find magic in the daily rutines. Life seems repetitive and _____54_____ when yu dn’t ntice the _____55_____ f each mment and the cnstant small changes that are ging n all arund yu. Dn’t just take my wrd fr it — experience it fr yurself.
    41. A. windingB. streamingC. stickingD. kncking
    42. A. cnfirmedB. remvedC. relievedD. vercame
    43. A. brke intB. made upC. tk dwnD. came acrss
    44. A. dreamB. thughtC. mdD. desire
    45. A. enthusiasticB. cnfusedC. nervusD. particular
    46. A. cnsultedB. imaginedC. pineeredD. bserved
    47. A. lessnB. skillC. planD. practice
    48. A. cmplexB. simpleC. nrmalD. abstract
    49. A. ccasinallyB. hardlyC. significantlyD. slightly
    50. A. interruptinB. lnelinessC. willingnessD. mtivatin
    51. A. struggleB. excuseC. pprtunityD. prmise
    52. A. keepB. balanceC. ruinD. imprve
    53. A. detailsB. surprisesC. changesD. achievements
    54. A. wnderfulB. meaningfulC. unfairD. bring
    55. A. painB. anxietyC. uniquenessD. challenge
    【答案】41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. B 51. A 52. D 53. A 54. D 55. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到第二天早上,当我想拍一张照进厨房的灿烂阳光的照片时,我不得不面对现实:我再也不能举起我的相机了,更不用说使用它了。A. winding蜿蜒;B. streaming照亮;C. sticking贴;D. kncking敲击。根据上文“take a pht f sme splendid sunlight”和下文“int my kitchen”可推知,灿烂阳光照进厨房,画面很美,作者想拍下照片。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,赴约前往医院证实了我最担心的事情——手臂需要完全休息。A. cnfirmed证实;B. remved移除;C. relieved缓解;D. vercame克服。根据下文“Sn I became impatient. I culdn’t travel much.”可知,作者变得不耐烦,不能经常旅行,由此可知,他的确需要减少手臂的使用,因此去医院就诊是证实了他最担心的事情。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在网上冲浪时,我偶然发现了感恩干预的概念,这是一种通过感恩来改善情绪和幸福感的方法。A. brke int闯入;B. made up编造;C. tk dwn记录;D. came acrss偶然遇见。根据上文“Surfing nline”和下文“the cncept f gratitude interventin”可推知,作者是在网上浏览信息时偶然发现了这个概念。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在网上冲浪时,我偶然发现了感恩干预的概念,这是一种通过感恩来改善情绪和幸福感的方法。A. dream梦想;B. thught思考;C. md情绪;D. desire欲望。根据下文“Reading hw participants assigned t the gratitude interventins ____9____ experienced enhanced psitive emtins, a sense f cnnectedness, mre supprt, and less ____10____”可知,参与实验的人体验到了情绪上的改善,因此这是通过感恩来改善情绪和幸福感的方法。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有对感恩这个概念有过狂热的热情。A. enthusiastic热情的;B. cnfused困惑的;C. nervus紧张的;D. particular特定的。根据下文表示转折的“Hwever”,以及作者后来真的尝试使用这种方法可推知,此处指作者一开始其实并没有多大的热情。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,加利福尼亚的心理学家Snja Lyubmirsky开创了一项更有创意的研究——用每天的摄影练习作为增强感恩的工具。A. cnsulted咨询;B. imagined想象;C. pineered开辟;D. bserved观察。根据下文“research int smething much mre creative — using a daily phtgraphy ____7____ as a tl fr enhanced gratitude”可推知,这名心理学家是做出了更进一步的研究,开创了更有创意的每日摄影练习,以此增强感恩。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,加利福尼亚的心理学家Snja Lyubmirsky开创了一项更有创意的研究——用每天的摄影练习作为增强感恩的工具。A. lessn课程;B. skill技能;C. plan计划;D. practice练习。根据下文“Take phtgraphs thrughut the day f things central t wh yu are.”可知,增强感恩的工具是每天的摄影练习。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Lyubmirsky的建议很简单,但未必容易执行。A. cmplex复杂的;B. simple简单的;C. nrmal正常的;D. abstract抽象的。根据下文“but nt necessarily easy t carry ut”可知,此处有转折,虽然建议很简单,但执行起来未必容易。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:看到被分配到感恩干预组的参与者如何显著地体验到增强的积极情绪、联系感、更多的支持和更少的孤独感,我决定继续下去。A. ccasinally偶尔;B. hardly几乎不;C. significantly明显地;D. slightly轻微地。根据下文“I decided t carry n”可知,作者决定继续下去,由此推知,作者是看到研究中的参与者显著地体验到情绪好转,觉得这种方法有效。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到被分配到感恩干预组的参与者如何显著地体验到增强的积极情绪、联系感、更多的支持和更少的孤独感,我决定继续下去。A. interruptin中断;B. lneliness孤独;C. willingness愿意;D. mtivatin动力。根据上文“experienced enhanced psitive emtins, a sense f cnnectedness, mre supprt”可知,参与者体验到的是增强的积极情绪、联系感、更多的支持,情绪在好转,因此是更少的孤独感。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:拍一张照片是很痛苦的,但努力寻找任何值得感激的东西,然后把它记录下来,这开始极大地改善了我的情绪和我的形象。A. struggle努力;B. excuse借口;C. pprtunity机会;D. prmise承诺。根据下文“started t greatly ____12____ bth my md and my images”可推知,能对情绪和形象起到真正的影响的应该是真的去努力寻找任何值得感激的东西,并进行记录。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:拍一张照片是很痛苦的,但努力寻找任何值得感激的东西,然后把它记录下来,这开始极大地改善了我的情绪和我的形象。A. keep保持;B. balance平衡;C. ruin毁坏;D. imprve改善。根据下文“Despite everything, I fund I culd find magic in the daily rutines.”可知,作者在日常生活中找到魔力,因此情绪和形象是被改善了。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始拍摄我日常生活的细节。A. details细节;B. surprises惊喜;C. changes变化;D. achievements成就。根据下文“Despite everything, I fund I culd find magic in the daily rutines”可知,作者在日常生活中找到魔力,由此推知,作者拍摄的是日常生活的细节,虽然很寻常,却有神奇之处。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当你没有注意到每时每刻的独特性和你周围不断发生的小变化时,生活就会变得重复而无聊。A. wnderful精彩的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. unfair不公平的;D. bring无聊的。根据上文“Life seems repetitive”可推知,bring“无聊的”符合语境,可以和repetitive“重复”并列,表示生活变得重复而无聊。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你没有注意到每时每刻的独特性和你周围不断发生的小变化时,生活就会变得重复而无聊。A. pain痛苦;B. anxiety焦虑;C. uniqueness独特性;D. challenge挑战。根据上文“Life seems repetitive”可推知,人觉得生活变得重复是因为没有留心到每时每刻的独特性。故选C。
    The Analects f Cnfucius (《论语》) recrds the wrds and deeds f the ancient Chinese philspher Cnfucius, ____56____ (write) smewhere between the Spring and Autumn Perid and the Warring States Perid mre than 2,000 years ag. It ____57____ (highlight) the plitical and mral ideas f Cnfucius and Cnfucianism.
    Ren is a cre cncept in the bk adpted by Cnfucius with riginal meaning f lving thers. ____58____ (represent) a high mral standard, it includes all virtues. Cnfucius stresses that self-discipline is ____59____ must fr practicing the rules f prpriety (礼) and achieving ren.
    Sciety has develped greatly and huge changes ____60____ (ccur) as well after the birth f the Analects f Cnfucius. Nevertheless, it cntains lts f ideas beynd the passage f time, sme f ____61____ are still relevant tday. Fr example, Cnfucius analyzes the relatinship between learning and thinking by saying that learning withut thinking leads t cnfusin while thinking withut learning ends in puzzlement. Besides, the Analects f Cnfucius als ____62____ (vivid) shws the images f Cnfucius’s students. Zi Lu is straightfrward, Zi Gng is smart, and Yan Hui is mild and capable. Cnfucius insists n treating students ____63____ individuals t achieve full ptential, which is ____64____ (cnsist)with sme f the mdern educatinal thughts.
    The Analects f Cnfucius is a fine example f wrld literature, and the publicatin f its _____65_____ (versin) in varius languages will further enhance cultural exchanges between China and the wrld.
    【答案】56. written
    57. highlights
    58. Representing
    59. a 60. have ccurred
    61. which 62. vividly
    63. as 64. cnsistent
    65. versins
    考查非谓语动词。句意:《论语》记载了中国古代哲学家孔子的言行,成书于2000多年前的春秋战国时期。分析句子可知,空处作The Analects f Cnfucius的非限制性后置定语,write“编写”和The Analects f Cnfucius逻辑上是被动关系,且动作已完成,应用write的过去分词形式。故填written。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:《论语》问世后,社会发展迅速,发生了巨大的变化。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,结合“Sciety has develped greatly”可知,时态应保持一致,用现在完成时,且主语huge changes为复数,助动词用have。故填have ccurred。
    考查定语从句。句意:然而,它包含了许多超越时间流逝的思想,其中一些在今天仍然相关。分析句子可知,空处和空前的sme f构成“代词+f+关系代词”的结构,引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词ideas作补充说明,先行词指物,在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词which作引导词。故填which。
    考查介词。句意:孔子坚持把学生当作个体来对待,以充分发挥学生的潜能,这与现代一些教育思想是一致的。根据“treating students”和“individuals”可推知,此处用固定短语treat sb. as,意为“将某人视为”,表示把学生当作个体来对待。故填as。
    考查形容词。句意:孔子坚持把学生当作个体来对待,以充分发挥学生的潜能,这与现代一些教育思想是一致的。分析句子可知,空处作表语,cnsist的形容词形式cnsistent符合题意,意为“一致的”,固定短语be cnsistent with意为“与……一致”。故填cnsistent。
    考查名词的数。句意:《论语》是世界文学的典范,多种语言版本的出版将进一步促进中国与世界的文化交流。分析句子可知,空处作f的宾语,结合“in varius languages”可知,可数名词versin“版本”应用复数形式。故填versins。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    66. 假定你是希望中学的李华,你的加拿大朋友Peter即将作为交换生来你校学习,发邮件向你了解学校的相关情况,请你回复邮件,内容包括:
    1. 校园环境;
    2. 校园生活。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Peter,
    I hpe this message finds yu well.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dear Peter,
    I hpe this message finds yu well.
    I want t take a mment t describe my schl t yu. Our campus is attractive with green grass, tall trees and mdern buildings. The atmsphere is inviting and perfect fr bth studies and leisure. Campus life here is lively and diverse. Frm dynamic classrms t engaging clubs and sprts activities, there’s always excitement arund. What makes it even better is the friendly cmmunicatin amng students. We supprt each ther like a big family.
    I’m cnfident that yu’ll have a fulfilling and enjyable experience at ur schl.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    描述:describe→give an accunt f
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Our campus is attractive with green grass, tall trees and mdern buildings. The atmsphere is inviting and perfect fr bth studies and leisure.
    拓展句:Our campus is attractive with green grass, tall trees and mdern buildings, which creates an inviting atmsphere perfect fr bth studies and leisure.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] What makes it even better is the friendly cmmunicatin amng students. (运用了What引导主语从句)
    [高分句型2] I’m cnfident that yu’ll have a fulfilling and enjyable experience at ur schl. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In a very cld January, a puppy wandered arund Mr. Lacey’s huse, where he lived with his wife Mamie and their daughter Dris. Icicles (冰锥) hung three feet r mre frm the rfs f huses and snw swallwed up cars.
    The puppy had been abandned, and it made its way dwn the rad tward the Laceys’ small huse, with its ears dwn and trembling frm shyness and cld. Dris, whse schl had been called ff because f the snw, was clearing the steps when she sptted the puppy n the rad.
    “Cme n, little dg!” she called it ver. The puppy shyly wagged its tail when Dris apprached. As sn as Dris put the dg dwn in the kitchen, her mm, Mrs. Lacey, asked where the dg came frm. Mr. Lacey, wh was cleaning his fingernails with his pcketknife at the table, said, “I dn’t knw where it came frm, but I knw fr sure where it’s ging.” Dris hugged the puppy hard against her. She said nthing.
    Because f the snwy weather, Mr. Lacey culdn’t take the puppy t the shelter right away. S, it stayed in the basement, and Dris fed it leftvers, even thugh her mm didn’t want t waste fd. Dris thught the puppy was arund six mnths ld and wuld be quite nisy smetimes. Surprisingly, the puppy behaved well, didn’t cry r make truble in the basement, and nly fllwed Dris upstairs when she invited it. Dris ften fund it n the basement steps listening t the kitchen talk and smelling the fd. She felt the puppy wanted cmpany.
    Even after a week, Dris didn’t name the dg, knwing her parents wuldn’t let her keep it. Her father made s little mney that any pets were ut f the questin. Desperate t keep the dg, Dris tried t cnvince her parents by praising the dg’s gd behavir and expressing her lve fr it, but her parents didn’t give a definite answer.
    Despite her effrts, Dris secretly wished the bad weather wuld never g away, fearing the puppy’s unavidable trip t the shelter. Hwever, nine days after the dg had arrived, the sun was shining.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dris knew it was time t say gdbye t the dg and felt rather wrried.
    Dris put her hand t her muth and culdn’t believe what she had heard.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dris knew it was time t say gdbye t the dg and felt rather wrried. She was sitting alne in the living rm, hugging a pillw and rcking back and frth n the edge f a chair. She was trying nt t cry but she was nt strng enugh. Her face was wet and red, her eyes full f sadness. Just as Dris was at her lwest, her parents appeared frm the drway. With a smile n Mrs. Lacey’s face, she said, “Hney, Papa and I have agreed t keep the puppy as a part f ur family.”
    Dris put her hand t her muth and culdn’t believe what she had heard. She lked at her parents surprisedly. “Dris, yu were right. He has brught s much happiness t us,” Mr. Lacey cntinued, “and I drve by the lcal animal shelter yesterday. The cnditins there are quite pr. We can’t leave him there.” Dris smiled with tears f happiness in her eyes and threw her arms arund her parents. She knew they nt nly embraced the puppy int their family but als gave him a chance at a much happier life.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:Dris很担心——Dris的神情和行为——父母打算留下小狗——Dris不敢相信——父母解释原因——Dris很开心
    3. 词汇激活
    ②哭泣:cry/weep/shed tears
    ③出现:appear/shw up
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Just as Dris was at her lwest, her parents appeared frm the drway. (as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] She knew they nt nly embraced the puppy int their family but als gave him a chance at a much happier life. (that引导名词性从句作knew的宾语并被省略、nt nly… but als…固定句型)

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