The second period(第二课时)Page 34 & Page 35▶教学内容与目标▶教学重点复习有关家庭成员的词汇及句型,要求做到听懂、会说。▶教学难点熟练运用本课句型在情景中自然得体地进行会话。Teaching purpose①以谈话导入,拉近与学生的距离。歌曲热身可以激发学生的学习兴趣。▶教学过程课时教学内容课时教学目标Page 34·复习有关家庭成员的词汇及句型·在教材创设的情景中复习询问并回答他人是谁的句型Page 35·进一步了解元音字母“a, e, i”在重读闭音节中的发音·能听懂、会唱歌曲The cat is from the UKStep 1: Warm-up & Revision①1.Greetings.2.Chant together.Play the chant of the last lesson. Let students chant together. (播放课件)Teaching purpose②复习有关描述人物的单词和介绍人物的句型,为后面的学习做准备。Step 2: Presentation1. Look and say.②Show some pictures on the PPT: teacher, boy, girl… Ask students to talk about them by using the sentence structures: He’s/She’s ______. (出示课件)S1: He is a teacher.Teaching purpose③引导学生先熟悉单词,再仔细看图,最后将人物与单词配对,巩固单词词义及书写形式。S2: She is a student.S3: He is a man.…2. Look and tick.③(1) Students read the words three times.(2) Look at the picture carefully, then tick the answers.3. Find Sarah’s family.④Teaching purpose④展示第二单元主情景图,带领学生回顾Sarah的主要家庭成员,并用重点句型进行描述,复习旧知。再利用课件呈现新图,让学生操练对话,逐步深入,加深学生对课本主线人物的记忆。(1) Let students look at their books from Page 12 to Page 13 carefully. Students read the dialogues and remember everyone. Students discuss and talk about them by the following sentence structures: He’s/She’s______.(2) Show the picture on Page 34 on the PPT. Let students look at it carefully. The teacher circles one of the characters and asks.Check the answers. (出示课件)Teaching purpose⑤引导学生听音找音素,复习三上的字母与音素的歌谣,培养学生的听音、辨音能力,活跃课堂氛围。Step 3: Practice1. Find and circle.⑤(1) Review the pronunciation of the letter “a”.T: Class, now listen to me carefully. Dad, bag, fat. What is the same sound?Ss: /æ/.T: Which letter sounds /æ/?Ss: Letter “a”.T: Great! Do you remember the chant? Aa, Aa, Aa. /æ/, /æ/, /æ/. Apple, ant. Let’s chant together!(2) Review the pronunciation of the letter “e”.T: Listen to me. Ten, leg, pencil. What is the same sound?Ss: /e/.T: Which letter sounds /e/?Ss: Letter “e”.T: Good! Do you remember the chant? Ee, Ee, Ee. /e/, /e/, /e/. Elephant, egg. Let’s chant together!(3) Review the pronunciation of the letter “i”.T: Boys and girls, listen to me. Big, pig, thin. What is the same sound?Ss: /Ι/.T: Which letter sounds /Ι/?Ss: Letter “i”.T: Great! Do you remember the chant? Ii, Ii, Ii. /Ι/, /Ι/, /Ι/. Ice, ice cream. Let’s chant together!2 Look and say.⑥Teaching purpose⑥根据课文插图,创设有意义的语境,激发学生兴趣,吸引学生注意力。Show the picture of “Find and circle” on the PPT. Talk about the story with students. (课件出示:教材P35 Find and circle的图片)T: Look, there is a man. He is angry and shouting.Help students understand the word “angry” by body languages.The teacher acts and says, “He is chasing a rat! Why? Can you guess? A brief answer is OK.” Lead students to discuss and answer. Ss: Because the rat steals something from the man’s home.T: You’re right. The rat steals the can and the man chases the rat by using the pens. How many pens can you see?Teaching purpose⑦引导学生找词读词并分类,增强学生的语音意识,强化学生对元音字母发音的记忆。Ss: Ten. 3. Read and circle.⑦(1) Let students look at the letters carefully.T: How many words can you find? Check the answers by reading the words one by one. (课件出示:教材P35 Find and circle的答案)(2) Read and classify.Show the words on the PPT. Let students read the words one by one three times. Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the letters “a”, “e” and “i”.Teaching purpose⑧引导学生说出更多含有相同音素的词汇,激活学生已有知识储备,培养学生积极动脑、勤于思考的习惯。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1 Give more words.⑧T: Can you give more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/? Let’s make a competition.Divide students into 3 groups: /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/. Let them find more words with the pronunciation.Teaching purpose⑨根据故事发展,让学生猜一猜抓住老鼠的方法,引出歌谣。让学生带着问题听录音,提取有效信息。引导学生在理解的基础上学唱歌曲并自编歌曲,有利于开拓学生的发散性思维。2 Sing a song.⑨(1) Listen and answer.T: Look at the man. He is so angry with the rat. What can he do?Ss: Get a cat!T: Yes, he gets a cat. Let’s listen and answer.①What colour is the cat?②Where is the cat from?③Is it fat or thin?Students listen to the song and answer the questions.(播放课件)(2) Sing the song.Students sing the song after the recording. Practice in groups. Then sing together.(3) Make a new song.▶板书设计▶作业设计1. Practice the dialogues and sing the song.▶教学反思1.注重对学生的引导,将课堂的主动性更多地留给学生,体现了以学生为本的教学理念。2.教学设计环环相扣,由浅及深,具有故事性和连贯性。3.基于单元整体设计创设教学情景,注意话题的延续性和整体性。4.教学过程较清晰,较好地完成了教学目标。▶Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsPage 34·Be able to review the words and the sentences about family members.·Be able to review the sentences of asking and answering who he/she is. Page 35·Learn more about the pronunciation of vowels in words.·Be able to understand and sing the song.▶Teaching Priorities·Be able to review the words and the sentences about family members.▶Teaching Difficulties·Be able to use the sentence structures properly in the real situations .▶Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up & Revision 1. Greetings.2. Chant together.1. Greetings.2. Chant together.Arouse students’ learning interest. Help students review the lessons.Presentation1. Look and say.Show some pictures.Ask students to talk about the pictures.Look at the pictures.Talk about the pictures.Lead students to review the words and the sentences. Help them prepare for the next part.2. Look and tick.Let students read the words, look at the picture and tick the answers.Read the words three times. Look at the picture and tick the answers.Help students review the words.3. Find Sarah’s family.Let students look at the picture, talk about Sarah’s family members and answer the questions.Look at the picture carefully. Discuss and talk about Sarah’s family members. Answer the questions and practice the dialogues.Help students review the sentences.Practice1. Find and circle.Lead students to review the pronunciation of the letters “a” “e” and “i”.2. Look and say.Show the picture and talk about the story. Help students understand the word “angry”. Lead students to discuss and answer.3. Read and circle.(1)Let students look at the letters.Check the answers.(2)Show the words on the PPT.Let students read the words and lead students to classify the words.1. Review the pronunciation of the letters “a” “e” and “i”.2. Look at the picture and talk about the story. Understand the word “angry”.Discuss and answer the question.3. (1)Look at the letters carefully. Check the answers.(2)Read and classify the words.Arouse students’ English learning interest. Enhance students’ phonological awareness. Strengthen their memory of the pronunciation of vowels.Consolidation & Extension1. Let students give more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/.2. Let students sing a song.1. Try to find more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/.2. Understand the song and learn to sing it, then make a new song.Cultivate students’ divergent thinking ability.Homework1. Practice the dialogues and sing the song.2. Do the exercises.
The second period(第二课时)Page 34 & Page 35▶教学内容与目标▶教学重点复习有关家庭成员的词汇及句型,要求做到听懂、会说。▶教学难点熟练运用本课句型在情景中自然得体地进行会话。Teaching purpose①以谈话导入,拉近与学生的距离。歌曲热身可以激发学生的学习兴趣。▶教学过程课时教学内容课时教学目标Page 34·复习有关家庭成员的词汇及句型·在教材创设的情景中复习询问并回答他人是谁的句型Page 35·进一步了解元音字母“a, e, i”在重读闭音节中的发音·能听懂、会唱歌曲The cat is from the UKStep 1: Warm-up & Revision①1.Greetings.2.Chant together.Play the chant of the last lesson. Let students chant together. (播放课件)Teaching purpose②复习有关描述人物的单词和介绍人物的句型,为后面的学习做准备。Step 2: Presentation1. Look and say.②Show some pictures on the PPT: teacher, boy, girl… Ask students to talk about them by using the sentence structures: He’s/She’s ______. (出示课件)S1: He is a teacher.Teaching purpose③引导学生先熟悉单词,再仔细看图,最后将人物与单词配对,巩固单词词义及书写形式。S2: She is a student.S3: He is a man.…2. Look and tick.③(1) Students read the words three times.(2) Look at the picture carefully, then tick the answers.3. Find Sarah’s family.④Teaching purpose④展示第二单元主情景图,带领学生回顾Sarah的主要家庭成员,并用重点句型进行描述,复习旧知。再利用课件呈现新图,让学生操练对话,逐步深入,加深学生对课本主线人物的记忆。(1) Let students look at their books from Page 12 to Page 13 carefully. Students read the dialogues and remember everyone. Students discuss and talk about them by the following sentence structures: He’s/She’s______.(2) Show the picture on Page 34 on the PPT. Let students look at it carefully. The teacher circles one of the characters and asks.Check the answers. (出示课件)Teaching purpose⑤引导学生听音找音素,复习三上的字母与音素的歌谣,培养学生的听音、辨音能力,活跃课堂氛围。Step 3: Practice1. Find and circle.⑤(1) Review the pronunciation of the letter “a”.T: Class, now listen to me carefully. Dad, bag, fat. What is the same sound?Ss: /æ/.T: Which letter sounds /æ/?Ss: Letter “a”.T: Great! Do you remember the chant? Aa, Aa, Aa. /æ/, /æ/, /æ/. Apple, ant. Let’s chant together!(2) Review the pronunciation of the letter “e”.T: Listen to me. Ten, leg, pencil. What is the same sound?Ss: /e/.T: Which letter sounds /e/?Ss: Letter “e”.T: Good! Do you remember the chant? Ee, Ee, Ee. /e/, /e/, /e/. Elephant, egg. Let’s chant together!(3) Review the pronunciation of the letter “i”.T: Boys and girls, listen to me. Big, pig, thin. What is the same sound?Ss: /Ι/.T: Which letter sounds /Ι/?Ss: Letter “i”.T: Great! Do you remember the chant? Ii, Ii, Ii. /Ι/, /Ι/, /Ι/. Ice, ice cream. Let’s chant together!2 Look and say.⑥Teaching purpose⑥根据课文插图,创设有意义的语境,激发学生兴趣,吸引学生注意力。Show the picture of “Find and circle” on the PPT. Talk about the story with students. (课件出示:教材P35 Find and circle的图片)T: Look, there is a man. He is angry and shouting.Help students understand the word “angry” by body languages.The teacher acts and says, “He is chasing a rat! Why? Can you guess? A brief answer is OK.” Lead students to discuss and answer. Ss: Because the rat steals something from the man’s home.T: You’re right. The rat steals the can and the man chases the rat by using the pens. How many pens can you see?Teaching purpose⑦引导学生找词读词并分类,增强学生的语音意识,强化学生对元音字母发音的记忆。Ss: Ten. 3. Read and circle.⑦(1) Let students look at the letters carefully.T: How many words can you find? Check the answers by reading the words one by one. (课件出示:教材P35 Find and circle的答案)(2) Read and classify.Show the words on the PPT. Let students read the words one by one three times. Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the letters “a”, “e” and “i”.Teaching purpose⑧引导学生说出更多含有相同音素的词汇,激活学生已有知识储备,培养学生积极动脑、勤于思考的习惯。Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1 Give more words.⑧T: Can you give more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/? Let’s make a competition.Divide students into 3 groups: /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/. Let them find more words with the pronunciation.Teaching purpose⑨根据故事发展,让学生猜一猜抓住老鼠的方法,引出歌谣。让学生带着问题听录音,提取有效信息。引导学生在理解的基础上学唱歌曲并自编歌曲,有利于开拓学生的发散性思维。2 Sing a song.⑨(1) Listen and answer.T: Look at the man. He is so angry with the rat. What can he do?Ss: Get a cat!T: Yes, he gets a cat. Let’s listen and answer.①What colour is the cat?②Where is the cat from?③Is it fat or thin?Students listen to the song and answer the questions.(播放课件)(2) Sing the song.Students sing the song after the recording. Practice in groups. Then sing together.(3) Make a new song.▶板书设计▶作业设计1. Practice the dialogues and sing the song.▶教学反思1.注重对学生的引导,将课堂的主动性更多地留给学生,体现了以学生为本的教学理念。2.教学设计环环相扣,由浅及深,具有故事性和连贯性。3.基于单元整体设计创设教学情景,注意话题的延续性和整体性。4.教学过程较清晰,较好地完成了教学目标。▶Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsPage 34·Be able to review the words and the sentences about family members.·Be able to review the sentences of asking and answering who he/she is. Page 35·Learn more about the pronunciation of vowels in words.·Be able to understand and sing the song.▶Teaching Priorities·Be able to review the words and the sentences about family members.▶Teaching Difficulties·Be able to use the sentence structures properly in the real situations .▶Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up & Revision 1. Greetings.2. Chant together.1. Greetings.2. Chant together.Arouse students’ learning interest. Help students review the lessons.Presentation1. Look and say.Show some pictures.Ask students to talk about the pictures.Look at the pictures.Talk about the pictures.Lead students to review the words and the sentences. Help them prepare for the next part.2. Look and tick.Let students read the words, look at the picture and tick the answers.Read the words three times. Look at the picture and tick the answers.Help students review the words.3. Find Sarah’s family.Let students look at the picture, talk about Sarah’s family members and answer the questions.Look at the picture carefully. Discuss and talk about Sarah’s family members. Answer the questions and practice the dialogues.Help students review the sentences.Practice1. Find and circle.Lead students to review the pronunciation of the letters “a” “e” and “i”.2. Look and say.Show the picture and talk about the story. Help students understand the word “angry”. Lead students to discuss and answer.3. Read and circle.(1)Let students look at the letters.Check the answers.(2)Show the words on the PPT.Let students read the words and lead students to classify the words.1. Review the pronunciation of the letters “a” “e” and “i”.2. Look at the picture and talk about the story. Understand the word “angry”.Discuss and answer the question.3. (1)Look at the letters carefully. Check the answers.(2)Read and classify the words.Arouse students’ English learning interest. Enhance students’ phonological awareness. Strengthen their memory of the pronunciation of vowels.Consolidation & Extension1. Let students give more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/.2. Let students sing a song.1. Try to find more words with the pronunciation /æ/, /e/ and /Ι/.2. Understand the song and learn to sing it, then make a new song.Cultivate students’ divergent thinking ability.Homework1. Practice the dialogues and sing the song.2. Do the exercises.
