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    这是一份福建省2024届高三下学期适应性练习英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含2024届福建省高三下学期适应性练习英语试题docx、24届高中毕业班适应性练习卷听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a supermarket. C. In a restaurant.
    2. What sprt d the speakers bth like?
    A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Hiking.
    3. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Pcket mney. B. The value f mney. C. Mney saving.
    4. What is David busy ding?
    A. Visiting a flat. B. Intrducing a flat. C. Arranging a flat.
    5. Hw much will the man pay fr the magazines?
    A. $50. B. $80. C. $100.
    6. Hw many multiple-chices remain unfinished?
    A.3. B.4. C.7.
    7. Hw did Linda perfrm in the free respnse questins?
    A. Fairly well. B. Just s-s. C. Quite badly.
    S. What d we knw abut Venice at the beginning f March?
    A. It has a travel ff-seasn.
    B. It has a wnderful cncert.
    C. It has a traditinal celebratin.
    9. Why are the speakers ging t make up?
    A. T shw lve fr Venetians.
    B. T adapt t the lcal custm.
    C. T make themselves elegant.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Guide and visitr. C. Directr and actr.
    11. Wh will help deliver the bttles n Mnday mrning?
    A. Lisa. B. Steven. C. The teacher.
    12. Why d the students cllect the bttles?
    A. T decrate the rm fr the party.
    B. T make gifts fr the hmeless.
    C. T use them as mney cans.
    13. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. A cmmunity club.
    B. A charity event.
    C. An entertainment activity.
    14. When was Rebecca ffered the psitin as a lcal news reprter?
    A. In 2016. B. In 2017. C. In 2019.
    15. Why did Rebecca leave her first jb?
    A. She mved t anther city.
    B. She fllwed her husband’s advice.
    C. She wanted t take up a better psitin.
    16. What des Rebecca think f her secnd jb?
    A. Impressive. B. Enjyable. C. Prmising.
    17. What infrmatin des the man want t get frm Rebecca?
    A. Her educatinal backgrund.
    B. Her wrking experience.
    C. Her prfessinal skills.
    18. What was Inhtim like befre 1990s?
    A. It was ppular. B. It was unique. C. It was undevelped.
    19. What is the main purpse fr the visitrs t Inhtim?
    A. T experience the art. B. T see the landscape. C. T visit the farm.
    20. What has directly benefited Inhtim?
    A. Mre emplyment. B. Better living envirnment. C. Strnger cultural atmsphere.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Wildlife cnservatin prgrams are a great way t get invlved in the preservatin f endangered species, as well as learn hw yu can help prtect them. If yu are a wildlife lver, here are sme prgrams yu can chse.
    ●Animal Rescue Prject, Suth Africa
    Yu will be wrking with experienced cnservatinists in Cape Twn. A significant challenge is t find new hmes fr hmeless dgs and cats. The prject cmprises tw sectins: a fully equipped animal hspital and an adptin center fcusing n securing new hmes. Due t limited funding, the center can nly affrd a small number f permanent staff, relying heavily n wildlife_lvers t assist with daily tasks and prvide hands-n care fr these animals.
    ●Sea Turtle Cnservatin Prject, Sri Lanka
    Recent years have witnessed a significant decline in the sea turtle’s numbers due t numerus cmmercial fishing. As a wildlife lver, yur rle extends t supprting hatcheries (孵化场) in their cnservatin effrts. Additinally, yur invlvement helps these hatcheries with funds, as we prvide a placement fee fr each wildlife lver, enabling them t genrate additinal incme.
    ●Wildlife Cnservatin Prgram, Australia
    Yu will be engaged in activities such as animal feeding, cleaning, maintenance, and enrichment. This prgram prvides an incredible pprtunity t gain firsthand internatinal wrk experience. Fr yu, this prgram is an excellent chice. Nt nly will yu cntribute t a nble cause, but it als ffers a fantastic pprtunity t meet peple frm arund the wrld.
    ●Marine Cnservatin Prgram, Bali
    Yu will be wrking in Tianyar, where the reef is nw in a wrsening state. The prject was initiated t rest re and cnserve Tianyar’s cral reef, nt nly t prtect its remarkable and delicate ecsystems but als t secure a sustainable future fr the residents.
    21. What prblem des the adptin center meet with?
    A. Insufficient equipment. B. Insecure surrundings.
    C. Shrtage f shelters. D. Lack f hands.
    22. Which prgram will ffer financial assistance?
    A. Animal Rescue Prject, Suth Africa.
    B. Sea Turtle Cnservatin Prject, Sri Lanka.
    C. Wildlife Cnservatin Prgram, Australia.
    D. Marine Cnservatin Prgram, Bali.
    23. What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T prmte prgram cperatin.
    B. T advcate restring ecsystems.
    C. T intrduce endangered species prtectin.
    D. T encurage engagement in wildlife preservatin.
    Every mrning at 5 am when mst peple are asleep, a single figure wuld be busy in the kitchen, cking meals fr the needy flks f Singapres until the rest f. the vlunteers and the fur full-time cks arrive. Day in and day ut, Mr Tny Tay and his team prepare, ck, pack and deliver the fd t varius parts f the island. This team f caring vlunteers frm all walks f life wrk tirelessly t bring a smile t the less privileged, bringing warmth and kindness int their lives.
    During ne f his visits t cllect vegetables and distribute them t a less-privileged neighburhd, his wife nticed that the elderly flk did nt take the vegetables. Upn asking fr the reasn, ne replied that she culd nt ck and thus nly at e the rice delivered t her. Mrs Tay then ffered t ck fr her, and that single meal initiated Willing Hearts, which has since served nearly 650,000 meals and cunting.
    Since the rganisatin’s early days, vlunteers have learned hw t ck, interact with peple frm all walks f life, pick up different languages, gain greater knwledge abut scial issues, and mst imprtantly, build strng bnds with ne anther. Thrugh Willing Hearts, Mr Tay hpes t expse the yunger generatin t the cuntry’s backyard, t allw them t see and experience firsthand what ges n behind clsed drs. This is t encurage them t becme mre cmpassinate individuals wh understand the imprtance f taking care f the elderly, and be inspired t fster unity within their wn families. His best gift during the curse f this jurney is seeing hw yunger vlunteers help and feed the less privileged. One vlunteer, he prudly tells us, has been inspired t start his wn prgramme t help the needy.
    As a nn-prfit rganisatin, Willing Hearts relies heavily n dnatins and fd cllectins. Althugh the vlunteers at Willing Hearts may be a small and irregular grup, they are always n the lkut fr the pr t extend their assistance t them.
    24. What best describes Mr Tay’s jb?
    A. Prfessinal. B. Demanding. C. Well-paid. D. Urgent.
    25. What inspires Mr Tay t fund Willing Hearts?
    A. Visits t the neighburhd. B. Smiles frm the less privileged.
    C. Encuragement frm his wife. D. One service t the ld lady.
    26. What des the underlined wrd“cmpassinate”in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Qualified. B. Sympathetic. C. Wealthy. D. Dynamic.
    27. What is the main purpse in setting up Willing Hearts?
    A. T pick up different languages.
    B. T enhance unity within sciety.
    C. T encurage yuths t assist the needy.
    D. T strengthen slid relatinship with peple.
    Researchers at MIT created a high-tech pill that starts t vibrate (震动) nce it makes cntact with liquid in the user’s stmach and make him r her feel full. The pill was reprtedly thught up by Shriya Srinivasan, currently an assistant prfessr f biengineering at Harvard University.
    VIBES, shrt fr Vibrating Ingestible BiEletrnic Stimulatr, was nly recently made public in a study published in the Science Jurnal, but it is already being annunced by the media as the future f weight lss. Althugh it has yet t be tested n humans, trials n pigs have achieved very hpeful results. After abut 30 minutes f VIBES activity, pigs cnsumed n average almst 40 percent less fd in the next half hur than they did withut the smart pill. Apparently, the revlutinary device wrks by activating stretch receptrs in the stmach, mdeling the presence f fd. This in turn signals the hypthalamus (下丘脑) t increase the levels f hrmnes that make us feel full. The vibrating stimulatr, which is abut the size f a vitamin pill, is pwered by an encased battery and activated either by the gastric fluid (胃液) breaking dwn a cat arund the pill, r by an incrprated timer. After prducing the desired effect, the pill exits the bdy with ther slid waste:
    The gd news is that it is expected t have a cst in the cents t ne dllar range, and researchers say that it may eventually be pssible t implant the stimulatr and thus remve the need fr peple t cnstantly swallw it.
    “Our study demnstrates the effectiveness f a lw-cst, nn-perative interventin t reduce fd intake and ca lrie cnsumptin. The device functins effectively in the stmach and leading t fullness,” said Givanni Travers, c-authr f the study. “ The device has the ptential t revlutinize ptins fr weight lss treatment. Hwever, future studies will need t explre the physilgical effects f the device befre it’s available fr patients.”
    Researchers are nw explring ways t scale up the prducing f VIBES capsules which culd enable clinical trials in humans.
    28. What is the utcme f taking the pill?
    A. Liquid prductin. B. Fd strage.
    C. Sensatin f fullness. D. Recvery f users.
    29. Which aspect f the device is mentined in paragraph 2?
    A. Its wrking principle. B. Its intelligence.
    C. Its testing histry. D. Its side effect.
    30. What is the researchers’ ultimate gal f the device?
    A. T prduce gastric fluid with it. B. T destry the cat arund it.
    C. T fix it in human bdy. D. T remve slid waste frm it.
    31. What is Givanni Travers’s attitude twards the future f the device?
    A. Wrried. B. Cautius. C. Dubtful. D. Cnfused.
    Cmmn water plant culd prvide a green energy surce. Scientists have figured ut hw t get large amunts f il frm duckweed, ne f nature’s fastest-grwing water plants. Transferring such plant il int bidiesel (生物柴油) fr transprtatin and heating culd be a big part f a mre sustainable future.
    Fr a new study, researchers genetically engineered duckweed plants t prduce seven times mre il per ac re than sybeans. Jhn Shanklin, a bichemist says further research culd duble the engineered duckweed’s il utput in the next few years.
    Unlike fssil fuels, which frm undergrund, bifuels can be refreshed faster than they are used. Fuels made frm new and used vegetable ils, animal fat and seaweed can have a lwer carbn ftprint than fssil fuels d, but there has been a recent negative view again st them. This is partly because s many crps nw g int energy prductin rather than fd; bifuels take up mre than 100 millin acres f the wrld’s agricultural land.
    Duckweed, cmmn n every cntinent but Antarctica, is amng the wrld’s mst prductive plants, and the researchers suggest it culd be a game-changing renewable energy surce fr three key reasns. First, it grws readily in water, s it wuldn’t cmpete with fd crps fr agricultural land. Secnd, duckweed can grw fast in agricultural pllutin release d int the water. Third, Shanklin and his team fund a way t avid a majr bitechnlgical barrier: Fr the new study, Shanklin says, the researchers added an il-prducing gene, “turning it n like a light switch”by intrducing a particular mlecule (分子) nly when the plant had finished grwing. Shanklin says, “If it replicates (复制) in ther species-and there’s n reasn t think that it wuld nt - this canslve ne f ur biggest issues, which is hw we can make mre il in mre plants withut negatively affecting grwth.”
    T expand prductin t industrial levels, scientists will need t design and prduce large-scale bases fr grwing engineered plants and btaining il-a challenge, Shanklin says, because duckweed is a nn-mainstream crp withut much existing infrastructure (基础设施).
    32. What can peple get frm duckweed firsthand?
    A. Plant il. B. Stable bidiesel.
    C. Sustainable water. D. Natural heat.
    33. What des paragraph 4 mainly cnvey?
    A. Optins fr renewable energy.
    B. Reasns fr engineering genes.
    C. The ptential f revlutinary energy surce.
    D. The apprach t aviding agricultural pllutin.
    34. What is the decisive factr t mass-prduce the plant?
    A. Industrial levels. B. Unique design.
    C. Academic research. D. Basic facilities.
    35. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Duckweed Pwer B. Duckweed Prductin
    C. Genetic Engineering D. Genetic Testing
    Aesthetic (审美) educatin aims t enhance aesthetic perceptin, experience aesthetic qualities, stimulate aesthetic creativity, and prmte aesthetic judgement.
    In rder fr kids t be able t appreciate natural wnders, shapes and pictures, they must be able t first ntice them. This is why the develpment f the ability t ntice the beautiful is the primary task f aesthetic educatin. 36 Kids are incapable f nticing particular shapes if their ability t ntice bject s and frms is undevelped. The aesthetic relatinship begins with the nticing f aesthetic qualities.
    37 This means that they generate emtinal respnses like excitement and jy, enriching individuals’ emtinal lives and inspiring artistic expressin. The ability t experience aesthetically must als be develped. The cgnitive (认知的) elements f the prcesses that we experience during nticing must als include emtinal tnes with which we frm impressins. 38 The aim f this task is, with the aid f aesthetic qualities, t enrich the emtinal life f children and yung peple and the develpment f a sense fr aesthetic values.
    It is essential t allw children t participate in activities that will develp their creative abilities. 39 Instead, it is abut creativity in the creatin f aesthetic values in everyday life. We are nt simply brn with creative abilities which have t be develped.
    Judging r evaluating aesthetic qualities demands frmed evaluatin criteria. In rder fr beauty t reveal its true value, we must be familiar with its particularities. Thrughut the prcess f aesthetic educatin, varius types f knwledge, abilities and evaluatin criteria must be applied. 40
    A. Aesthetic qualities have t be felt.
    B. Beauty can be fund all arund us.
    C. The beautiful will be likely t be created.
    D. And it is these that the aesthetic experience is built upn.
    E. In sme way, this is the ability t perceive aesthetic qualities.
    F. This way, the child will develp the fundatins fr assessing the beautiful.
    G. This is nt s much abut creating aesthetic abilities in the sense f training artists.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Ryan’s class at Tully Elementary Shl was planning a hike at Falls f the Ohi State Park. But since the site isn’t wheelchair 41 , her mther, Shlly, tried t find a way t make sure she culd 42 .
    Ryan had missed ut n a similar class trip last year as a third grader. When Shelly 43 the upcming class field trip, she 44 began t think abut making a plan B. “I was preparing fr an ‘alternate field trip day’,”she 45 n the “Team Ryan” nline page, 46 fr her10-year-ld daughter, diagnsed with spina bifida (脊柱裂) as a baby.
    That is, until Jim, a teacher at the schl, 47 t carry Ryan arund n his back all day. This way she culd 48 explre the fssil (化石) beds with the rest f her 49 . He used a special backpack t carry the 55-pund girl n his back acrss the park-and the previusly 50 Ryan became extremely excited.
    The 51 meant s much t Ryan and her family that Shelly wanted t get the 52 ut. Since she psted n the web phts f Jim and Ryan n the field trip, they have been 53 thusands f times.
    “We are s 54 t have a whle schl that never makes her feel left ut,” said Shelly.“These beautiful peple shuld be knwn t the wrld, t educate and 55 thers.”
    41. A. invlved B. present C. preferable D. accessible
    42. A. reserve B. witness C. apprach D. participate
    43. A. checked ut B. learned abut C. put ff D. turned dwn
    44. A. casually B. prudly C. instantly D. accidentally
    45. A. wrte B. cmmented C. respnded D. argued
    46. A. deleted B. created C. dwnladed D. revealed
    47. A. ffered B. agreed C. hesitated D. attempted
    48. A. calmly B. secretly C. extensively D. temprarily
    49. A. family B. fllwers C. class D. teachers
    .50. A. nervus B. ashamed C. trublesme D. heartbrken
    51. A. plan B. decisin C. missin D. act
    52. A. signal B. message C. anxiety D. intentin
    53. A. shared B. submitted C. taken D. cnfirmed
    54. A. lucky B. eager C. willing D. desperate
    55. A. recmmend B. inspire C. hnr D. understand
    Patrick Smmier, a French theater directr, is dvted t passing n the true meaning f Chinese peras t the French public.
    On the ccasin f the 56 (celebrate) fr the 40th anniversary f the establishment f diplmatic relatins between China and France in 2004, Smmier 57 (invite) t cperate n a jint prject t spread Peking Opera in France. Smmier says that when he arrived in China, like many ther 58 (Eurpean), he shwed great interest in Chinese peras. The beauty f Peking Opera 59 (immediate) caught his heart, he says.
    Recalling his first cperatin with the Chinese team, Smmier says he was impressed by the actrs’ makeups, cstumes, 60 the characters f incredible strength. He was als tuched by the Chinese prfessrs’ effrt 61 (pass) their acting skills t their students by acting with them. One prfessr explained,“In China, pera is 62 art requiring lifelng devtin and the effect f the perfrmance largely 63 (depend) n the actrs’ inner strength and acting skills.”
    Smmier began explring int different perfrmance frms and suggested intrducing Chinese peras 64 the French audience. The team then gave sme 65 (rigin) perfrmances, sme withut makeups r cstumes and sme with students perfrming classics in a traditinal way.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Mrs Flippen’s class sat listening t a talk being given by a lcal authr. Tucker sat absent-minded in ne f the library chairs. Mst f the students wanted t hear abut the writer’s wrk. Tucker did nt.
    “Why bther?” Tucker thught t himself. He always received lw marks n his writing assignments, n matter hw hard he wrked n them. He culd never think f anything interesting t write abut.
    “Des anyne have any questins?” Mrs Flippen asked her class.
    Tucker raised his hand,“Hw d yu knw what t write abut?”
    “Well, smetimes I dn’t,” the authr replied. “It takes a lt f hard wrk t cme up with ideas. ”She reached dwn and pulled a wrn-lking bk frm a clth bag n the flr. “I find making a scrapbk (剪贴簿) helps.”
    Tucker sat up a little straighter in his seat. “What’s in the bk?”he asked.
    “I fill it with pictures, stries, and ntes abut things that interest me. ”The writer pened the scrapbk n her knee. “When I need an idea, I lk thrugh the bk instead f staring at a blank page.”
    Tucker thught abut the authr’s scrapbk as he walked hme. H thught abut staring at a blank page each time he tried t write a stry. Digging in his bkcase, Tucker fund an ld binder (活页夹). He filled the binder with ntepaper frm his desk. After supper, Tucker cut sme pictures ut f the newspaper. Then he drew sme pictures f his wn. He cut and pasted (粘贴)stries frm his ld magazines. Then he lked up the wrds he did nt knw and wrte dwn their meanings.
    In the days and weeks that fllwed, Tucker cllected mre ideas. He fund that the mre he cllected, the easier it became t find things t cllect. Tucker’s bk f ideas grew fatter and fatter.
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    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we’re a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club-we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we’re grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er... what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages - yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday-Spanish; Tuesday-Italian;Wednesday-German; and Friday-French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address,I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw yu can have the first mnth free.
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    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
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    (Text 1)
    W: Excuse me, can I have a seat near the windw?
    M: Sure, this way, please. By the way, yu can rder dishes by scanning the QR cde n the table.
    W: Thanks.
    停顿 00'10"
    (Text 2)
    W: Hi, Mike! Any plans fr the weekend?
    M: I’m planning t g fr a run and I d it every day.
    W: That sunds gd! I enjy swimming, hiking and running as well. And I’ll g hiking this weekend.
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    (Text 3)
    M: D yu think it gd t give ur children sme pcket mney?
    W: I think s. It can teach them the value f mney. With it, they can learn t budget their expenses wisely.
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    (Text 4)
    W: Ww, David, yu’ve gt a fantastic view frm the windws. D yu enjy the new flat?
    M: Abslutely,I lve it. We’re n the tp flr.
    W: Hw are things ging?
    M: Fine. A bit busy, thugh. Yu see, I am still srting ut things like bxes and packets here.
    停顿 00'10"
    (Text 5)
    M: Hw much is the magazine, please?
    W: $50. And we ffer a student discunt n it,10% ff fr ne cpy and 20%fr tw.
    M: Thanks. Tw cpies, please.
    W: At yur service.
    停顿 00'05"
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
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    (Text 6)
    M: Linda, wuld yu tell me all abut the test?
    W: Well, I thught the multiple-chice was fairly simple, but the free respnse questins killed!
    M: Really? Hw many did yu leave blanks n the multiple-chice?
    W: I left 4 f 70 blanks, and guessed n 3 thers. They were educated guesses thugh. Hwever, I cannt guarantee that the guessed nes are crrect.
    M: That’s kay. That’s better than mst f the peple I’ve talked t s far.
    W: I knw. It desn’t matter hw well I did n the multiple-chice since I prbably messed up the test with my free respnse questins.
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    (Text 7)
    M: We’ve cme at the right time. The beginning f March is a travel ff-seasn, but Venice is a different scene.
    W: Indeed, lk! Venetians are ut celebrating in the streets. The celebrating grups are cming sn!
    M: Take it easy, hney! Have yu made up?
    W: Make up? Is it necessary?
    M: Certainly. It’s a traditinal festival celebratin in Venice. Peple will dress up in histrical cstumes, and wear interesting black masks and elegant wraps. We shuld d as Rmans d when in Rme, right?
    W: Exactly. Why nt change a strange hair style!
    M: Gd idea. There’s a hairdresser’s ver there!Hurry up.
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    (Text 8)
    M: Hi, Lisa! D yu knw Cmmunity Service Club is ding a penny drive this mnth?
    W: Of curse, Steven. We still need seventy-three milk bttles;ne fr each teacher.
    M: That is a lt f bttles!
    W: That’s why we need all the club members t bring sme. Then we’re ging t decrate the bttles with stickers and cnstructin paper, and then send them t the teachers.
    M: Yu have t cme early n Mnday mrning t help deliver the bttles. S dn’t frget.
    W: I wn’t. Then what else is ging t happen?
    M: Well, basically, the students and teachers in each class will put pennies in the bttles. The class with the mst pennies wins a pizza party.
    W: Where is the mney ging?
    M: We are ging t dnate the mney t the Arizna Hmeless Shelter.
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    (Text 9)
    M: S, Rebecca,I see that after graduating frm university; yur first jb was...
    W: Fr a lcal paper in Yrk called the Yrk Herald in 2016. Actually,I started with them as a trainee in the beginning. This seemed like a first gd step.
    M: Certainly. And after that…
    W: They seemed impressed, and ffered me a psitin as a junir lcal news reprter the next year. I ended up staying tw years there actually. I was in charge f the sprts news sectin f the newspaper.
    M: I see. But yu decided t leave them in 2019, right?
    W: Yes, that’s right. My husband and I mved t Lndn, and s I managed t find a psitin with a natinal newspaper based in Lndn.
    M: Is it the Lndn Weekly?
    W: Exactly. In sme ways it was a step dwn frm my previus jb but it did ffer me much better prspects fr the future.
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    (Text 10)
    M: Welcme t Inhtim. Nw I’ll give an intrductin t it, first. Frm a distance, Inhtim lks like a typical Brazilian cuntryside, but as yu get clser, yu ntice smething a bit unusual. There are turists walking thrugh the fields and gardens!This beautiful place started as a farm and fr many years nly farmers lived here. But that all changed in the1990s when billinaire Bernard Paz decided t use the space fr smething very different. He created a“Disneyland”fr art lvers! Tday, peple travel frm arund the wrld and lk at the art. The spaces f Inhtim include mre than 500 sculptures by Brazilian and internatinal artists. As well as being imprtant culturally, it is really imprtant fr the lcal area because Inhtim creates a lt f jbs -1,000 peple wrk here in the museum, gardens and restaurants. Althugh it is quite far frm the usual turist spts f Brazil, it is nw a very successful and ppular utdr museum.
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    第一部分 听力
    1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B
    6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A
    第二部分 阅读
    21. D 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A
    36. B 37. A 38. D 39. G 40. F
    第三部分 语言运用
    41. D 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. B 53. A 54. A 55. B
    56. celebratin 57. was invited 58. Eurpeans 59. immediately 60. and
    61. t pass 62. an 63. depends 64. t 65. riginal
    第四部分 写作
    Dear David,
    Delighted t knw yu are interested in the exhibitin f creative handmade wrks held in ur schl last week, I am writing t share it with yu.
    All wrks were made by us students, which were created frm waste and used materials. I made a shpping bag frm a pair f wrn-ut jeans, spending cuntless minutes designing, decrating and perfecting it. My wrks has received lts f likes.
    I find it enjyable and meaningful t make handmade wrks frm recyclables. And I’ve develped my innvative ability as well.
    Li Hua
    One mrning, Mrs Flippen tld the class abut a stry writing cmpetitin. Tucker wanted t win and he tried t make a gd stry. That night, Tucker lked thrugh his scrapbk instead f staring at a blank page. At first, nthing happened. Slwly, he began t fit pieces tgether like a puzzle. He picked a setting fr his stry frm a picture. He used the name frm an article fr his character. Tucker’s stry started t grw. He wrked n it every night until it came time t hand in the stry.
    Then came the day when the headmaster annunced the result. Hwever, the headmaster didn’t call ut Tucker’s name. His stry did nt win.“Why did I try?”he thught t himself and sank int his chair, at a lss.“I knw yu are disappinted, Tucker,”Mrs Flippen said.“I want yu t knw I really like yur stry. It might nt be the best in the class this time, but it is yur best wrk s far.”Tucker smiled at Mrs Flippen and went t cngratulate his classmates.Dear David,
    Li Hua
    One mrning, Mrs Flippen tld the class abut a stry writing cmpetitin.
    Then came the day when the headmaster annunced the result.

    福建省2024届高三下学期3月适应性练习英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份福建省2024届高三下学期3月适应性练习英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含试题docx、2024届高中毕业班适应性练习卷录音稿pdf、24高三省检英语答案pdf、24届高中毕业班适应性练习卷听力mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

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