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    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Unique Chinese Cultural Heritages
    The Old Grand Canal
    The 2,500-year-ld Grand Canal-the wrld’s lngest man-made waterway, half f which is used even tday—made it t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List in 2014. It links several majr rivers acrss the cuntry, including the Yangtze, Huaihe and Yellw, and runs thrugh the cities f Beijing and Tianjin, besides the prvinces f Hebei, Shandng, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
    The Frbidden City
    The birth f the Frbidden City, China’s imperial palace f the Ming (1368—1644) and Qing(1644—1911) dynasties in Beijing, is clsely linked t the Grand Canal. The waterway prmted transprt f materials fr cnstructin f the palace cmplex and helped transprt wrkers.
    Peking Opera Peking
    Opera is a great frm f the Chinese art f entertainment. It was frmed in Beijing under the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911) by taking in characters f Huiju, Kunqu and Qinqiang peras. It gathers singing, acting, gymnastics and wushu arts, and was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2010.
    New Year Painting
    Lunar(阴历的)New Year wdblck painting was a ppular flk(民间的)art in areas alng the grand waterway. These paintings are bright and lively, and mainly use the clr red, which is cnsidered t suit bth festivals and happy events. Patterns are clsely related t the life and livelihd f Chinese peple. Paintings frm Tianjin, Shandng and Jiangsu prvinces are the mst ppular.
    Yunjin,r clud brcade (锦缎), is a unique silk craft native t Nanjing city in Jiangsu prvince. It is famus fr its splendid patterns and gentle feel, which make it mre valuable than gld. In 2009, Nanjing brcade was listed n the UNESCO Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity.
    1.What d we knw abut the Old Grand Canal?
    A.It affected the style f Frbidden City.B.It helped put up the Frbidden City.
    C.It was created fr the Frbidden City.D.It linked the Frbidden City at its end.
    2.What d Peking Opera and Yunjin have in cmmn?
    A.They bring enjyment t peple.
    B.They are expensive t appreciate.
    C.They are frmed in the Qing Dynasty.
    D.They are listed n the UNESCO.
    3.Which f the fllwing is related t the Spring Festival?
    A.Yunjin.B.Peking Opera.
    C.New Year Painting.D.The Frbidden City.
    Minh Anh H is sitting beside a micrscpe. Many peple are busy with ther tasks. One is interviewing the mayr fr a TV news statin. Anther is running the electric cmpany. As a researcher fr a cmpany that repurpses plastic, Minh Anh H is studying a sheet f cling wrap (保鲜膜). “It’s a really imprtant jb,” she says. “Plastic takes a really lng time t disappear, s it wuld be gd t cme up with smething else t d with it and nt just thrw it away.”
    The learning center where Minh Anh H and her class are spending their day is designed t intrduce kids t wrking life. Students run an imaginary twn, with each kid ding a different jb in a different business. Each year, abut 83% f all sixth graders in Finland g thrugh the prgram. It teaches them nt just abut business and wrking, but als, as Minh Anh H’s “jb” makes clear, abut the circular (循环) ecnmy.
    Mst scieties have linear (线性) ecnmies, which perate n a “take, make, waste” mdel. Natural resurces are taken frm the Earth and made int prducts, which are usually thrwn away if left ver. In 2016, Finland became the first cuntry t use a “rad map” t a circular ecnmy. This mdel fcuses n the transfrmatin f existing prducts. Businesses rely n recycled r repurpsed materials and use less raw (未经加工的) material t make their prducts. That reduces the amunt f waste ging int landfills.
    Educatin has always been a central part f Finland’s plan. Kindergarten directr Liisa Witsch is sitting n the flr with students and a brken wden chair. “D we just thrw it away nw,” she asks, “r can yu think f anything else that can be dne with it?” A little by punds n the chair. He says it can be used as a drum.
    Anssi Almgren helped design the prgram. “Children have s many great ideas,” he says. “We want t enable them t think abut slutins. But changing a sciety by educating its yuth takes time.”
    4.The authr describes the learning center in paragraph 1 t ________.
    A.make readers better understand the prgram
    B.shw hw excited the students are
    C.express his cncern ver the prgram
    D.praise the students’ cncentratin
    5.Hw des the authr mainly develp paragraph 3?
    A.By prviding reasns.B.By fllwing time rder.
    C.By making cmparisns.D.By giving examples.
    6.What is the main purpse f a circular ecnmy?
    A.T reduce the waste f resurces.B.T keep a higher living standard.
    C.T increase the use f raw material.D.T discver new types f natural resurces.
    7.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The lessns frm a learning center.B.An intrductin t linear ecnmies.
    C.The educatin n the circular ecnmy.D.Finland’s plans n ecnmic develpment.
    If yu walked int a cinema recently, the chances are that yu wuld have felt surrunded by superher mvies. It seems like a new ne is released every week. Hwever, nce upn a time, there weren't any superher films. All that changed with the release f the first Superman mvie in December, 1978.
    The first Superman cmic bk came ut in 1938, and it changed the cmic industry. Befre Superman, nbdy wre a cape (披肩) and nbdy had a big lg n their chest. He wasn't the first superher, but he started the s-called "Glden Age f Cmic Bks" and his lk became the archetype (原型) f all superheres.
    Why did peple take t Superman? One f the keys is "wish-fulfillment", his creatr Jerry Siegel tld CurtainUp. cm. Indeed, Superman reflects many f the values and characteristics that peple admire.
    Superman lives as Clark Kent, a news reprter. Hwever, he can becme the superher whenever he needs t. He can fly, lift any bject, see thrugh walls and melt steel with his eyes. He is selfless. He chses t help the peple f the Earth by fighting injustices against them.
    Over the years, Superman has had different types f enemies and situatins, usually related t the prblems peple faced. When there was a lt f rganized crime in cities in the 1930s, Superman fught bad peple. When yung men went ff t fight Nazi Germany, Superman's mtt became "truth and justice". And after Wrld War II (1939-1945), when African-Americans were terrrized by vilent hate grups, Superman fught against racism.
    Tday, Superman enjys glbal ppularity. We all wrk r study and care abut ur families and friends. We see prblems that we can't change. Thrugh all f these, we struggle t d ur best and als t find persnal happiness. Superman is the guy we wish we culd be. He can save the wrld and still get Clark Kent t wrk n time.
    8.Why d peple like superman?
    A.The image f superman is cl.
    B.It has always been a cultural traditin.
    C.Superman is ppularized by news reprters.
    D.Peple wish t be pwerful enugh t slve hard prblems.
    9.What can we infer frm paragraph 5?
    A.Superman's missin changes with times.
    B.Superman's archetype is a news reprter.
    C.Superman has the pwer t slve all prblems.
    D.Superman went t Germany t fight Nazi in Wrld War II.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “these” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A.Superman's heric deeds.
    B.Superman's extrardinary abilities.
    C.What happens in peple's daily life.
    D.What peple see in superher mvies.
    11.Which f the fllwing des the authr supprt?
    A.Superheres d exist in ur life.
    B.All prblems in sciety shuld be slved.
    C.Peple find themselves expressed thrugh Superman.
    D.Superher mvies need prmtin t be mre ppular.
    D yu speak a dialect (方言) in daily life? While many Chinese peple speak Mandarin, sme lcal dialects are in danger f disappearing. T save them, the Chinese gvernment started the Chinese Language Resurces Prtectin Prject a few years ag.
    This prject lks at hw peple talk in 1,712 places. Their languages include 103 dialects that are almst gne. It has helped China t build the largest language resurce library in the wrld. There’s an nline library where peple can learn dialects frm ver 5.6 millin audi clips (音频) and ver 5 millin vides.
    Why is it imprtant t prtect the dialect culture? Accrding t British linguist Harld Palmer, dialects are a key t stre lcal cultures. Language faithfully shws the histry, the beliefs and the biases (偏见) f an area, he said.
    Schlar Zhang Hngming talked abut his cncerns f the disappearing f dialeets, “Fr abut ver 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhu, children aged 6 t 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Meanwhile, yung peple abve 15 years ld smetimes speak it, but nt very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear,” he said.
    S hw did China make this big library? “A big natinal effrt has been put int the prject t make it happen,” said Ca Zhiyun, chief expert n the prject. Over five years, mre than 350 universities and research grups jined in, alng with ver 4,500 experts and mre than 6,000 dialect speakers.
    The prject is nw entering int its secnd part. This includes creating digital tls like apps and mbile dictinaries t help peple lean dialects.
    12.Hw des the authr start the text?
    A.By quting sayings.B.By sharing a stry.
    C.By stating his wn experiences.D.By asking a questin.
    13.What’s the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The develpment f Mandarin.B.Why t prtect dialects.
    C.Hw t develp speaking skills.D.The disappearing f dialects.
    14.What’s Zhang Hngming’s attitude t Wu dialect?
    15.What can we knw abut the prject accrding t the text?
    A.It has entered int the third part.
    B.Over 5.6 millins vides are cllected in the prject.
    C.It lks at hw peple talk in 1,712 places.
    D.Harld Palme is the chief expert n the prject.
    The iPd Generatin
    Tday it is cmmn t see peple wh walk abut with clred wires hanging frm their ears wherever they g. They mve abut in their persnal bubbles, smetimes unaware f what’s happening arund them. 16 . Outside life is shut ut. S are yu ne f “them”?
    Fr me, walking arund in my wn persnal bubble is perfect. 17 . What’s even better, wearing earphnes seems t give a signal t peple which says, “I’m nt available fr chatting at the mment!”
    Suppse yu’re at wrk and abut t make an incredible breakthrugh, but a clleague suddenly turns up. His sudden appearance wuld break yur cncentratin and cause mistakes. 18 . Once again, thse wires hanging frm yur ears wuld be sure t give that “G away!” signal.
    19 . It’s prbably part f the grwing up stage when they just want t ignre their whle family. While their mthers give them lectures abut why they shuld d their hmewrk, they can just turn up the vlume n their MP3 player, smile, and say “Yes, Mum.” Prblem slved.
    Pretty sn, nt nly will we have pretty clred wires hanging frm ur ears, but als ur brains will be directly plugged int sme new high-tech instruments. We’ll be in a virtual wrld, cmmunicating with everyne else, r chsing nt t, as we like. 20 . And they are changing ur scial habits alng the way.
    In the end, there is a thin line between using technlgy as a tl fr making life better and being a slave t it! It’s s strange — suddenly, I dn’t feel like wearing my earphnes anymre.
    A.Our instruments are changing quickly.
    B.I dn’t have t deal with the nise frm the envirnment.
    C.In the hme situatin, teenagers lve these wires.
    D.I als have wires hanging frm my ears.
    E.After all, I am listening t my favurite music and wuld rather nt be disturbed.
    F.Listening t music thrugh earphnes is the perfect way t ignre such interruptins (中断).
    G.They walk arund in their wn spaces, with their persnal “digital nise reductin systems”.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)
    A heartwarming tale f friendship and selflessness has drawn the attentin f peple wrldwide. In a ppular TikTk vide, Sarah Hallum, a nursing schl student, psted her 21 fr a kidney (肾) transplant. Little did she knw, her call fr help wuld 22 the eyes and heart f Savannah Stallbaumer, a 23 frm acrss the Internet.
    Mved by Hallum’s stry, Stallbaumer 24 t take actin. Ms Hallum wrte n Facebk: “I culdn’t believe it when Stallbaumer first 25 it. In fact, I cmpletely 26 her at first. I didn’t expect smene wh I just met shuld be s 27 t save my life — but she persisted.” After getting tested, Stallbaumer received incredible news — she was a perfect 28 .
    Stallbaumer shared the news with Hallum 29 by hlding up a sign that simply said, “BREAKING NEWS: Yu’re getting a new kidney.” The 30 mment was shared n scialmedia, giving us a brief insight int the pwer f human 31 . Hallum expressed her deep thankfulness fr Stallbaumer’s selflessness, 32 the incredible act f kindness that had taken place.
    This stry is an evidence f the pwer f the Internet t bring peple tgether, even in the mst 33 ways. It als serves as a 34 f the enrmus capacity (能力) fr cmpassin (同情) and 35 that lies within us all.
    第Ⅱ 卷(非选择题 共55分)
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分 满分15分)
    Hiking the Lngji Rice Terraces (梯田) in suthern China is smething I wuld recmmend fr everyne t add t their bucket list. The name 36 (literal) means “Dragn’s Backbne” due t the fact that the rice terraces lk just like a dragn’s scales, while the muntain’s summit 37 (bear) a likeness t the backbne.
    During my visit t Guilin, I decided t set ut n a three-day hike thrugh the famus Lngji Rice Terraces. Knwn as the “Dragn’s Backbne”, the terraces were 38 incredible sight as they stretched acrss the green hills in cmplicated patterns lking like ripples f water.
    The hike 39 (take) me thrugh small villages set against the beautiful landscape. Lcal farmers were busy tending t the terraced rice fields that had been farmed fr ver 1,000 years. Alng the paths, I passed range grves and met friendly lcals 40 ffered me fresh lychee.
    At night, I stayed in simple hme stays run by farming families. Over multi-curse meals
    41 (feature) lcal specialties like sticky rice, I learned 42 (much) abut the terraces and village life. The feeling f cmmunity spirit and cnnectin t the natural envirnment was unique.
    Reaching the hike’s end after three full days, I felt a prfund 43 (appreciate) fr these ancient agricultural wnders carefully built int the landscape 44 generatins f families. The Dragn’s Backbne terraces prvided me with unfrgettable muntain views 45 cultural insights int rural China.
    假设你叫李津,你的英国朋友Jasn所在的学校要组织来中国进行主题夏令营活动,每个学生可以从以下三个主题营中选择一个参加:1. 唐诗学习夏令营;2. 乒乓球训练营;3. 剪纸学习夏令营。Jasn来信希望你能给他推荐一个。请你给他回信,内容包括:
    1.对 Jasn的来访表示欢迎;
    注意:1.词数不少于 100词;
    参考词汇:唐诗(Tang pems);剪纸(paper-cutting)
    Dear Jasn,
    I’d been restless all mrning, feeling uncmfrtable and nt able t put my finger n why. Everything seemed all right. I had a wnderful breakfast with my mther, but I was sitting n the sfa hlding the frnt page f the newspaper and nt really reading it. Smething was wrng, but I didn’t knw what.
    My mther didn’t seem t ntice my distractin (分心). She busied herself making a new quilt (被子). I sat and stared at the backyard thrugh the dr, trying t figure ut what was bthering me. I needed t be smewhere. I didn’t knw where, but I knew it wasn’t here inside the huse. I headed fr the frnt dr and my hand autmatically went t my pcket fr my car keys. But then smething tld me I wasn’t ging t be driving anywhere. I needed t g fr a walk.
    I stepped ut nt the prch (门廊), wndering where I was suppsed t g. Apparently, my legs had an idea because I fund myself starting ff n ne f my nrmal mrning walks. This time, hwever, I turned nrth after ging ne blck and walked up a street that I’d never taken befre.
    After I’d cvered a few blcks, I began t hear tw female vices, and ne f them was crying sharply. A vice in my head said “Hurry” and I fund myself running tward the sund. I ran up t a huse. Tw wmen std in frnt f the huse. One f them was dressed in swimwear. She was the ne crying.
    “My baby!” she shuted, staring dwn at a little girl lying still n the green grass. “My baby’s dead!” The ther wman std there next t her, hlding her hand. She saw me appraching and said, “They were swimming in the backyard. I think her daughter’s drwned (淹死).”
    Hearing this, I remembered that in cllege I’d been trained in CPR (心肺复苏).
    Time was passing slwly and my heart was waiting in expectatin.
    1.B 2.D 3.C
    1.细节理解题。根据The Frbidden City中“The birth f the Frbidden City, China’s imperial palace f the Ming (1368—1644) and Qing(1644—1911) dynasties in Beijing, is clsely linked t the Grand Canal. The waterway prmted transprt f materials fr cnstructin f the palace cmplex and helped transprt wrkers.(紫禁城是中国明(1368-1644)和清(1644-1911)王朝在北京的皇宫,它的诞生与大运河密切相关。这条水路促进了宫殿建筑群建筑材料的运输,并帮助了运输工人。)”可知,紫禁城的诞生与大运河密切相关。这条水路促进了宫殿建筑群建筑材料的运输,并帮助了运输工人。即大运河有助于紫禁城的建设。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据Peking Opera Peking中“Opera is a great frm f the Chinese art f entertainment. It was frmed in Beijing under the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911) by taking in characters f Huiju, Kunqu and Qinqiang peras. It gathers singing, acting, gymnastics and wushu arts, and was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2010.(歌剧是中国娱乐艺术的一种伟大形式。它是清朝(1644-1911)时期在北京形成的,吸收了徽剧、昆曲和秦腔的人物。它集歌唱、表演、体操和武术于一体,于2010年被联合国教科文组织列为非物质文化遗产。)”和Yunjin中“Yunjin,r clud brcade (锦缎), is a unique silk craft native t Nanjing city in Jiangsu prvince. It is famus fr its splendid patterns and gentle feel, which make it mre valuable than gld. In 2009, Nanjing brcade was listed n the UNESCO Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity.(云锦,或称云锦,是一种独特的丝绸工艺,原产于江苏省南京市。它以其华丽的图案和柔软的手感而闻名,这使它比黄金更有价值。2009年,南京锦被列入联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》。)”可知,京剧和云锦的共同之处就是都被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化代表作名录。故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据对New Year painting的介绍“Lunar(阴历的)New Year wdblck painting was a ppular flk(民间的)art in areas alng the grand waterway. These paintings are bright and lively, and mainly use the clr red, which is cnsidered t suit bth festivals and happy events. Patterns are clsely related t the life and livelihd f Chinese peple. Paintings frm Tianjin, Shandng and Jiangsu prvinces are the mst ppular.(木版年画是大江流域一带流行的民间艺术。这些画明亮活泼,主要使用红色,被认为适合节日和快乐的事件。图案与中国人的生活和生计密切相关。天津、山东和江苏的画作最受欢迎。)”可知,木版年画是大水道沿线地区流行的民间艺术。年画与春节有关,即与节日有关。故选C。
    4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章通过介绍Minh Anh H研究保鲜膜,从而引出文章介绍的主题——循环经济。
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Anther is running the electric cmpany. As a researcher fr a cmpany that repurpses plastic, Minh Anh H is studying a sheet f cling wrap (保鲜膜). “It’s a really imprtant jb,” she says. “Plastic takes a really lng time t disappear, s it wuld be gd t cme up with smething else t d with it and nt just thrw it away.”(另一个是经营电力公司。作为一家塑料再利用公司的研究人员,Minh Anh H正在研究一张保鲜膜。“这是一份非常重要的工作,”她说。“塑料需要很长时间才能消失,所以最好能想出其他方法来处理它,而不是直接扔掉。”)”可知,作者在段落中描述了研究中心,其目的是让读者们更好的了解该研究中心有关保鲜膜研究的重要性。即更好的了解整个项目。故选A。
    5.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Mst scieties have linear (线性) ecnmies, which perate n a “take, make, waste” mdel. (大多数社会都是线性经济,按照“索取、制造、浪费”的模式运行。)”以及“In 2016, Finland became the first cuntry t use a “rad map” t a circular ecnmy. (2016年,芬兰成为第一个使用循环经济“路线图”的国家。)”可知,本段是线性经济和循环经济进行比较,从而阐述循环经济的内容。故文章使用比较的方式来演绎本段内容。故选C。
    6.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Businesses rely n recycled r repurpsed materials and use less raw (未经加工的) material t make their prducts. That reduces the amunt f waste ging int landfills.(企业依赖回收或再利用的材料,使用更少的原材料来生产产品。这减少了进入垃圾填埋场的垃圾数量。)”可知,循环经济的目的是减少资源浪费。故选A。
    7.主旨大意题。通读全文,文章通过介绍Minh Anh H对保鲜膜研究,从而引出文章的主题——循环经济。结合第一二段对学习中心的描述,以及最后一段“We want t enable them t think abut slutins. But changing a sciety by educating its yuth takes time.(我们想让他们思考解决方案。但通过教育年轻人来改变一个社会需要时间)”可知,文章主要介绍了关于“循环经济”的教育。故选C。
    8.D 9.A 10.C 11.C
    8.推理判断题。由第三段中的“One f the keys is "wish-fulfillment", his creatr Jerry Siegel tld CurtainUp. cm.”(其中一个关键是“愿望的实现”,他的创造者杰里·西格尔告诉CurtainUp。)和最后一段中的“We see prblems that we can't change. Thrugh all f these, we struggle t d ur best and als t find persnal happiness. Superman is the guy we wish we culd be. He can save the wrld and still get Clark Kent t wrk n time.”(我们看到了无法改变的问题。通过所有这些(日常生活中发生的事情),我们努力做到最好,也找到个人的幸福。超人是我们希望成为的那个人。他可以拯救世界,而且还能让Clark Kent准时上班。),可推断出人们喜欢超人,是因为人们希望像超人一样有足够的能力来解决棘手的问题。故选D项。
    9.推理判断题。由第五段中的“Over the years, Superman has had different types f enemies and situatins, usually related t the prblems peple faced.”(多年来,超人有不同类型的敌人和情况,通常与人们面临的问题有关。)和后面举的3个例子,可推断出超人的使命随着时代的变化而变化。故选A项。
    10.指代猜测题。由最后一段中的“We all wrk r study and care abut ur families and friends. We see prblems that we can't change. Thrugh all f these, we struggle t d ur best and als t find persnal happiness.”(我们都工作或学习,关心我们的家人和朋友。我们看到了无法改变的问题。通过所有这些(日常生活中发生的事情),我们努力做到最好,也找到个人的幸福。),可知生活中会碰到无法改变的事情,但经历这些事情,人们会努力做好自己并找到幸福,可知these指代人们日常生活中发生的事情。故选C项。
    11.推理判断题。由第三段找到“Indeed, Superman reflects many f the values and characteristics that peple admire.”(事实上,超人反映了人们崇拜的许多价值观和特征。)和最后一段中的“We see prblems that we can't change. Thrugh all f these, we struggle t d ur best and als t find persnal happiness. Superman is the guy we wish we culd be. He can save the wrld and still get Clark Kent t wrk n time.”(我们看到了无法改变的问题。通过所有这些(日常生活中发生的事情),我们努力做到最好,也找到个人的幸福。超人是我们希望成为的那个人。他可以拯救世界,而且还能让Clark Kent准时上班。),可知超人身上有许多普通人的特质,遇到无法改变的问题时,人人都想成为超人,是因为超人可以做普通人不能做的事情,可推断出作者认为人们可以通过超人来表达(解决自己身为普通人无法解决的事情)。故选C项。
    12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C
    12.推理判断题。根据第一段“D yu speak a dialect (方言) in daily life? While many Chinese peple speak Mandarin, sme lcal dialects are in danger f disappearing. T save them, the Chinese gvernment started the Chinese Language Resurces Prtectin Prject a few years ag.(你在日常生活中说方言吗?虽然许多中国人说普通话,但一些地方方言正面临消失的危险。为了拯救它们,中国政府在几年前启动了汉语资源保护工程)”中“D yu speak a dialect (方言) in daily life?”可知,作者用一个问题来引出本文要谈论的主题,所以作者是通过问一个问题来开始这篇文章。故选D项。
    13.主旨大意题。根据第三段“Why is it imprtant t prtect the dialect culture? Accrding t British linguist Harld Palmer, dialects are a key t stre lcal cultures. Language faithfully shws the histry, the beliefs and the biases (偏见) f an area, he said.(为什么保护方言文化很重要?根据英国语言学家哈罗德·帕尔默的说法,方言是储存当地文化的关键。他说,语言忠实地展示了一个地区的历史、信仰和偏见)”可知,本段引用英国语言学家哈罗德·帕尔默的话来说明为什么要保护方言。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。根据第四段中Zhang Hngming的话“Fr abut ver 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas such as Shanghai and Suzhu, children aged 6 t 15 can understand but hardly speak the dialect. Meanwhile, yung peple abve 15years ld smetimes speak it, but nt very well. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear(大约十多年来,在上海和苏州等吴语地区,6至15岁的孩子能听懂但几乎不会说方言。同时,15岁以上的年轻人有时会说英语,但不是很好。如果这种情况持续下去,这种方言可能会消失)”可推知,张洪明认为吴语会消失,他对此感到担忧。故选A项。
    15.细节理解题。根据第二段中“This prject lks at hw peple talk in 1,712 places.(这个项目着眼于1712个地方的人们如何说话)”可知,这个项目研究了1712个地方的人们如何说话。故选C项。
    16.G 17.B 18.F 19.C 20.A
    16.根据上文“They mve abut in their persnal bubbles, smetimes unaware f what’s happening arund them.(他们在自己的私人空间里活动,有时对周围发生的事情一无所知)”以及后一句“Outside life is shut ut.(外面的生活被拒之门外)”可知,人们塞着耳机,沉浸在自己的世界里,有时甚至意识不到外界发生的事情,由此可知,空处承上启下,指出人们带着耳机,封闭在自己的空间里,故G选项“They walk arund in their wn spaces, with their persnal “digital nise reductin systems”.(他们在自己的空间里走来走去,带着自己的‘数字降噪系统’)”符合语境,故选G。
    17.根据后文“What’s even better, wearing earphnes seems t give a signal t peple which says, “I’m nt available fr chatting at the mment!”(更妙的是,戴耳机似乎会给人一个信号:“我现在没空聊天!”)” 可知,作者认为在自己的世界中生活是很不错的,戴着耳机对于别人来说是一个信号,告诉他们现在自己不想讲话。What's even better表明空格处与后一句为并列关系,都说明带耳机的好处。故B选项“I dn’t have t deal with the nise frm the envirnment.(我不需要处理来自环境的噪音)”符合语境,故选B。
    18.根据前文“At this precise mment, the slightest disturbance wuld break yur cncentratin.(就在此时此刻,一点小小的干扰都会使你注意力不集中)”以及后一句“Once again, thse wires hanging frm yur ears wuld be sure t give that “G away!” signal.(你耳朵上的耳机会给周围的人会给出“走开,请勿打扰”的暗示)”可知,空格处与后一句为并列关系,说明耳机在不被人所打扰方面所起的作用。故F选项“Listening t music thrugh earphnes is the perfect way t ignre such interruptins (中断).(通过耳机听音乐是忽视这种干扰的最佳方式)”符合语境,故选F。
    19.根据后一句“It’s prbably part f the grwing up stage when they just want t ignre their whle family.(这可能是成长阶段的一部分,他们只想忽略整个家庭)”可知,这可能是成长阶段的一部分,当他们只想忽略他们的整个家庭。所以这一段主要讲青少年在家里戴耳机的原因。故C选项“In the hme situatin, teenagers lve these wires.(青少年喜欢在家里使用耳机)”符合语境,故选C。
    20.根据后一句“And they are changing ur scial habits alng the way.(同时它们也在改变我们的社会习惯)”可知, and提示空格处与后一句为并列关系,且话题一致。故A选项“Our instruments are changing quickly.(我们的设备在快速变化)”符合语境,故选A。
    21.D 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述Savannah Stallbaumer无私地给陌生人Sarah Hallum捐赠肾脏的感人故事。
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在一个很受欢迎的TikTk视频中,护理学校的学生Sarah Hallum发布了她需要肾脏移植的视频。A. ambitin雄心,野心;B. ability能力;C. charge要价,收费;D. need需要,需求。根据下文“her call fr help”可知,Sarah Hallum需要肾脏移植,故选D。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不知道,她的求助会传到Savannah Stallbaumer的眼睛和心里,一个来自互联网的陌生人。A. cure治愈;B. replace替代;C. reach到达;D. pen打开。根据下文“Mved by Hallum’s stry, Stallbaumer ____4____ t take actin.”可知,Stallbaumer听说了Hallum的故事,故此处指“她的求助传到了Savannah Stallbaumer的眼睛和心里”,故选C。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. relative亲戚;B. stranger陌生人;C. classmate同学;D. nurse护士。根据“frm acrss the Internet”可知,此处指来自互联网的陌生人,故选B。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:被Hallum的故事所感动,Stallbaumer决定采取行动。A. decided决定;B. hesitated犹豫;C. pretended假装;D. refused拒绝。根据下文“After getting tested”可知,Stallbaumer去做了配型测试,说明她决定采取行动,故选A。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hallum女士在Facebk上写道:“当Stallbaumer第一次提到这件事时,我简直不敢相信。”A. encuntered遭遇,遇到;B. mentined提到;C. examined检查;D. recgnised认识,识别。根据“I culdn’t believe it”可知,此处指当Stallbaumer第一次提到这件事时,Hallum简直无法相信,故选B。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,一开始我完全无视她。A. cnvinced使信服;B. understd理解;C. ignred忽视;D. cnfused使困惑。根据上文“I culdn’t believe it”和下文“I didn’t expect smene wh I just met shuld be s ____7____ t save my life”可知,Hallum不相信一个陌生人真的会坚持帮助自己,故一开始她无视Stallbaumer,故选C。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我没想到一个刚认识的人会如此坚决地要救我的命——但她坚持了下来。A. determined坚定的;B. cnfident自信的;C. brilliant巧妙的,聪颖的;D. cmpetitive竞争的。结合下文的转折“but she persisted”可知,此处指“我没想到一个刚认识的人会如此坚决地要救我的命”,故选A。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接受检查后,Stallbaumer收到了令人难以置信的消息——她是一个完美的匹配。A. ppnent对手;B. genius天才;C. student学生;D. match相匹配的人(或物)。根据下文“Yu’re getting a new kidney.(你将得到一个全新的肾)”可知,Stallbaumer和Hallum配型成功,故选D。
    29.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Stallbaumer兴奋地和Hallum分享了这个消息,他举着一个牌子,上面简单地写着:“突发新闻:你将得到一个新的肾脏。”A. excitedly兴奋地;B. bitterly苦涩地;C. lsely松散地;D. cnstantly不断地。根据“BREAKING NEWS: Yu’re getting a new kidney.”和语境可知,配型成功,Stallbaumer兴奋地和Hallum分享了这个消息,故选A。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这一激动人心的时刻被分享到了社交媒体上,让我们对人与人之间的联系的力量有了一个简短的了解。A. amusing有趣的,好笑的;B. emtinal情绪激动的,激动人心的;C. peaceful和平的;D. heartbreaking令人心碎的。上文提到Stallbaumer兴奋地和Hallum分享配型成功的好消息,故此处指这一激动人心的时刻,故选B。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. creativity创造力;B. intelligence智力;C. cnnectin联系;D. cgnitin认知。结合语境和下文“This stry is an evidence f the pwer f the Internet t bring peple tgether (这个故事证明了互联网将人们聚集在一起的力量)”可知,Hallum和Stallbaumer是陌生人,但互联网将将他们聚在一起,并配型成功,故此处指人与人之间的联系的力量,故选C。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hallum对Stallbaumer的无私表达了深深的感激之情,并承认发生了令人难以置信的善良行为。A. cnducting组织,实施;B. inspiring鼓舞,激励;C. spreading传播;D. acknwledging承认。结合语境和空后“the incredible act f kindness that had taken place”可知,此处指“承认发生了令人难以置信的善良行为”,故选D。
    33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个故事证明了互联网将人们聚集在一起的力量,即使是以最意想不到的方式。A. desperate绝望的;B. clumsy笨拙的;C. unexpected出乎意料的;D. unbearable无法忍受的。结合上文内容可知,Hallum和Stallbaumer是陌生人,由于Hallum的移植肾脏的求助使两人相识,故此处指以意想不到的方式让人们聚在一起,故选C。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它也提醒我们,我们每个人都有巨大的同情和慷慨的能力。A. reminder提醒;B. reward奖励,回报;C. memry记忆;D. reliever救济者。结合上文“This stry is an evidence f the pwer…”可知,此处是描述这个故事带给人们的启示,指“它也提醒我们,我们每个人都有巨大的同情和慷慨的能力”,故选A。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. hnesty诚实;B. genersity慷慨;C. curage勇气;D. patience耐心。空处和“cmpassin(同情)”并列,结合Stallbaumer将肾脏移植给陌生人可知,此处指“我们每个人都有巨大的同情和慷慨的能力”,故选B。
    36.literally 37.bears 38.an 39.tk 40.wh/that 41.featuring 42.mre 43.appreciatin 44.by 45.and
    37.考查时态和主谓一致。句意参考上题。根据句意和句中的means可知,这里陈述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时。主语为the muntain’s summit,所以谓语应用单数。故填bears。
    39.考查时态。句意:徒步旅行带我穿过了与美丽的风景相对立的小村庄。空处作句子的谓语,take和主语The hike之间是主动关系,应用主动语态,再结合第二段中的“During my visit t Guilin”可知,这里是作者去桂林游览时发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填tk。
    40.考查定语从句。句意:沿着小路,我经过橘子林,遇到了友好的当地人,他们给了我新鲜的荔枝。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词friendly lcals,指人,且在从句中作主语,所以应用wh或that引导。故填wh/that。
    41.考查非谓语动词。句意:在以糯米等当地特色菜为特色的多道菜中,我了解了更多关于梯田和乡村生活的信息。分析句子,空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语multi-curse meals和feature之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词作定语。故填featuring。
    42.考查比较级。句意参考上题。根据句意和“Over multi-curse meals
    6 (feature) lcal specialties like sticky rice”可知,作者在品尝当地特色菜的过程中对梯田和乡村生活有了更多的了解,所以这里应用much的比较级mre。故填mre。
    44.考查介词。句意参考上题。分析句子结构,“carefully built int the landscape 9 generatins f families”是过去分词短语作these ancient agricultural wnders的后置定语,built和these ancient agricultural wnders之间是动宾关系,而built的动作发出者是generatins f families,所以应用介词by,表示“由几代家庭精心打造成景观的古老农业奇迹”。故填by。
    45.考查连词。句意:龙脊梯田为我提供了难忘的山景和对中国乡村的文化见解。根据句意并分析句子结构,unfrgettable muntain views和cultural insights int rural China之间是并列关系,作with的宾语,所以应用and连接。故填and。
    46.Dear Jasn,
    I am glad that yu are ging t jin in summer camps in China. Of the three themes, I suggest that yu shuld chse t learn t play table tennis. My reasns are as fllws.
    In the beginning, it is easy t learn table tennis. Table tennis can help yu build up yur strength and make yu becme mre energetic. Besides, table tennis is ppular amng Chinese peple. By participating in this table tennis training class, nt nly can yu make sme friends with the same interest but als yu can get sme prfessinal guidance and imprve yur skills. By the way, yu can visit sme turist attractins in yur free time t experience lcal cnditins and custms.
    I hpe yu will enjy yur summer camp. I am lking frward t meeting yu in China.
    Li Jin
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给要来中国参加主题夏令营活动的英国朋友Jasn写信,向他推荐三个主题营中的一个活动,内容包括:1.对 Jasn的来访表示欢迎;2.你推荐的课程及推荐理由;3.对这次学访提一些生活方面的建议。
    参加:jin in→take part in
    此外:besides→what’s mre
    游玩:visit→pay a visit t
    原句:Table tennis can help yu build up yur strength and make yu becme mre energetic.
    拓展句:Table tennis is a gd sprt, which can help yu build up yur strength and make yu becme mre energetic.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Of the three themes, I suggest that yu shuld chse t learn t play table tennis. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】By participating in this table tennis training class, nt nly can yu make sme friends with the same interest but als yu can get sme prfessinal guidance and imprve yur skills. (运用了部分倒装结构)
    47.One pssible versin:
    Hearing this, I remembered that in cllege I’d been trained in CPR (心肺复苏). Suddenly, memries f the training flded int my mind. I bent dwn by the little girl and asked if anyne had called 911. The wman standing next t the little girl’s mther ndded weakly. I checked fr a pulse, fund nne and began perfrming CPR. Her mther cntinued t cry sharply, but I fcused n all the steps I remembered frm my CPR class.
    Time was passing slwly and my heart was waiting in expectatin. Sure enugh, the girl came t herself. She cughed vilently. Then she began t cry just as an ambulance pulled up. I stepped aside while rescuers began their wrk. Her mther sat next t her, shaking in excitement. “Yu’re dne here,” the vice inside my head said. S I turned arund and walked away, even as I heard ne f the rescuers call ut t me, “Thanks!”
    ①蹲下:bend dwn/squat dwn
    ②做心肺复苏:perfrm CPR/carry ut CPR
    ③苏醒:cme t neself/cme t life
    ②激动:in excitement/with emtin
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I bent dwn by the little girl and asked if anyne had called 911. (运用了if引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Her mther cntinued t cry sharply, but I fcused n all the steps I remembered frm my CPR class. (由关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句,省略了that)

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