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    牛津译林版9A Unit6-Unit7同步梳理及练习学案
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    牛津译林版9A Unit6-Unit7同步梳理及练习学案

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    牛津译林9AUnit6-Unit7同步梳理及练习【知识梳理】I need a little sleep. 我需要睡一会。sleep作名词:________________ 作动词:_________________sleepy 作形容词 _____________________asleep 作形容词 ______________________fall asleep ___________________ 【例题精讲】例1. The old man found it hard to fall asleep. 这个老人发现很难入睡。例2. The boy stayed up too late yesterday, so he was sleepy at class. 这个男孩昨天晚上熬夜太晚,因此今天在课堂他很困。【巩固练习】1. 用sleep的正确形式填空。I am __________, so I want to _________. Maybe I will be ________ in ten minutes, but I find it is hard to fall ______________. The dog next to me__________ quietly on the floor.Keys:sleepy; sleep; asleep; asleep; is sleepingA weekly round-up of what happened in sport, with up-to-date information. 一周体育摘要,提供最新的信息。 weekly ___________ a weekly magazine _____________ a weekly visit ______________② happen ___________ 常用短语:(1) sth. happen to sb./sth. ________________________ (2)sb. happen to do sth. _________________________区别:take place(尤指经过计划或安排后)发生,举行; 没有被动语态。Keys:1. 每周一次的, 每周的; 周刊; 每周一次的拜访; 补充: daily每天的 monthly 每月的 quarterly 每季度的 yearly每年的vi.发生, 主语常是物; (无被动语态)(1) 某人/某物发生什么事(2) 碰巧做某事 【例题精讲】例1. They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他们正在做每周一次的大扫除。例2. The story happened in Shanghai. 这个故事发生在上海。例3. A fire happened in his factory last night. 昨天夜里他的工厂着火了。例4. If anything happens to the machine, do let me know. 如果机器有问题,请告诉我。例5. I happened to be out when you called. 当你打电话时,我正好外出。例6. In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. 1919年5月4日中国爆发五四运动。例7. The next meeting will take place on Thursday. 下次会议在周四举行。【巩固练习】1. What do you think__________ (happen) to him? He looks so sad.Keys:has happened3.The programme covers different sports. 这个节目涉及不同的体育项目。cover含义较多:① cover vt. ______________② vt. ________________③ v. _______________④ v. _______________⑤ vt. ________________⑥ cover 还可以用作名词:____________________Keys:1. 采访,报道2. 覆盖,遮蔽3. 涉及, 包括4. 行过, 走过(路程)5.(用枪炮等)掩护6. 封面, 覆盖物 【例题精讲】例1. He is covering the big earthquake happened in Japan. 他正在日本报道这场大地震。例2. She covered the sleeping boy with a coat. 她用外套盖住了这个睡着的男孩子。例3. All the world is covered with snow. 整个世界被冰雪覆盖。例4. Is that word covered in the dictionary? 这本字典里有那个单词吗?例5. She covered 50kms that day. 那天她走了50公里。例6. We’ll cover you while you run for it. 当你追捕它的时候,我们会掩护你。例7. The cover of the book is attractive. 这本书的封面很吸引人。例8. When the water boils, take the cover(=lid) from the pan. 当水烧开的时候,把锅盖从平底锅上拿开。【巩固练习】1. The news__________ (cover) by the reporter made all of us excited.2. The little girl___________ (cover)10kms, so she is tired and thirsty.Keys: covered; has coveredThere are a number of interviews with famous players.a number of = a lot of _____________________短语a number of相当于many,后面跟可数名词的复数形式,注意它与另外一个词组the number of的区别,后者的意思是“……的数目”,其后动词应为单数形式。a number of可以转变成numbers of, 它的前面可以用large, great修饰, 表示程度, 意思是“大量的……”。coming adj. ________________Keys:1. 大量的, 后接可数名词复数,构成主语时谓语动词用复数2. 即将来临的;【例题精讲】例1. A large number of students are playing football on the playground. 大量的学生正在操场上踢足球。例2. The number of the women teachers in our school is 68. 我们学校女教师的数量是68。例3. This coming Sunday is her birthday. 本周日是她的生日。 【巩固练习】用a number of或the number of填空。 1. There are ___________ people flying kites in the park at the moment. 2. ________________ the people in this city is more than fifty million. 3. ________________ natural disasters happen all over the world every year.Keys:a number of; The number of ; A number ofThis year's Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday.① live adv. & adj. ____________________________________② adj. ________________③ v. __________________[辨析] alive, lively, living这些形容词均有“活着的,活的”之意 alive: ______________________________________________________live: _______________________________________________________living: 其反义词为dead ______________________________________lively: _____________________________________________________Keys:现场直播(的), 实况转 播(的)句中的live是副词, 读作/laIv/, 意思是“在现场直播”。活着的 (一般不修饰人)3.居住, 生活, 生存辨析:alive: 其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。作后置定语。live: 通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的,还可表示现场直播的。living: 其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。lively: 表示“生动的,活泼的”,可以做定语、表语或宾补【例题精讲】例1. The football match is covered live on TV. 这场足球比赛在电视上现场直播。例2.There is going to be a live TV program about teenage problems. 将有一个关于青少年问题的直播电视节目。例3.They live in Shanghai. 他们住在上海。例4.His parents lived a happy life. 他的父母度过了幸福的一生。例5.Have you ever touched a live snake? 你曾经摸过真蛇吗?例6.The thief was caught alive.(活着的) 这个小偷被活捉了。例7.He is a lively young man full of energy.(充满活力的) 他是一个充满活力的年轻人。例8.This is a live (= living) fish. (活的) 这是一条活鱼。例9.People cannot live without air. (生活) 没有空气人们无法生存。例10.Do you like a live show or a recorded show ? (现场直播的) 你是喜欢直播秀还是录制的秀?【巩固练习】1. Though she is an old woman, she has a _______ mind.2. Nearly all the _______ things need air and water.3. After falling from the plane, he was surprised to find he was _________ .4. The cat was playing with a ___________ mouse.5. Young children are usually___________.Keys:lively; living ;alive ;live; lively Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director.direct vt. _____________direct 还可作形容_____________________director n. ____________拓展:director是 __________________; direction是________________________ Keys:意为“执导,导演”; 意为“直接的;直率的” 意味“导演”拓展:director是“导演;指导者”之意。 direction是“指导;方向”的意思, 两个都是名词。 【例题精讲】例1. He directed various TV shows. 他导演了各种各样的电视节目。例2.He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss. 他似乎直接和老板联系。例3.The woman was the wife of a film director.这个女人是一个电影导演的妻子。例4.She prefers to be an actress rather than (be) a director.她宁愿当演员,而不愿当导演。例5.The research was carried out under the direction of an old professor.这项研究是在一名老教授的指导下进行的。例6.He drove in the direction of the farm.他开车向农场的方向驶去。【巩固练习】用direct的正确形式填空。 1. The birds flew away in every _________. 2. Do you like the film __________ by Zhang Yimou, Sally? 3. My brother wants to be a _________ when he grows up.Keys:direction; directed ;director① dead ____________________② die 动词 _________________③ dying 形容词___________________ ④ death 名词 ____________短语be found dead意为_______________________Keys:形容词 “死的,失去生命的”意为“死,死亡” 是非延续性动词,不能和一段时间连用。意为“奄奄一息的;垂死 的”,一般作定语。意为“死亡” “被发现死了”,dead为形容词,修饰前面的a wealthy doctor。【例题精讲】例1. My father was dead. He died in 2001. 我父亲不在了,他是2001年去世的。例2. My grandfather died fifteen years ago.= My grandfather has been dead for fifteen years. 我爷爷十五年前去世了。 例3. The little girl cried when she saw her dying cat. 看到她快死的小猫,小女孩哭了。例4. His mother’s death was a great blow to him. 他母亲的去世对他来说是个巨大的打击。【巩固练习】1. She looks sad because of her cat’s ____________. (die)2. The farmer saved the __________(die) snake and took it home.3. Her grandfather ___________(die) for twenty years.4. The old woman was found___________(die) in the small kitchen.Keys:1. death 2.dying 3.has been dead 4. deadThe film is excellent and full of horror and mysteries.be full of ______________________be full of= be filled with 【例题精讲】例1. The room is full of different kinds of books. 这个房间里全是各种各样的书。例2. The bottle is full of milk. 这个瓶子装满了牛奶例3. The film is full of horror and mysteries. 这部电影充满了恐怖和神秘。例4. The bottle is filled with red ink. 这个瓶子里面装满了红墨水。例5. He filled the bottle with water. 他用水装满了瓶子。【巩固练习】1. The bottle_______ water was sent to the hospital. A. fill with B. full with C. fill of D. filled with2. Don’t give up, Tom. Study is _________ success and failure. A. filled of B. full of C. full with D. fill ofDB9.Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?① be suitable for 适合 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事 例:This place is not suitable for students to visit.The weather is suitable to go hiking/for hiking.He is the most suitable person to be our monitor.② enter vt. 进入 n. entrance 进入,入口处;登场,出场 enter the theatre = go/come into the theatrethe entrance to+名词 ……的入口处例:The entrance to the hall is on your right.10.When she died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian.① loss n. 丧失,损失,丢失 the loss of sth. 某物的丢失 the loss of sb. 某人的逝世 例:The loss of his money worried him.—What do you do with the loss of the library book? —I’ll pay for it.② lose v. ( lost, lost) 丢失,错过,失败 lost adj. 迷路的,丢失的 【典例讲解】用lose的适当形式填空:Many wild animals are in danger because of __________ their living areas .Many wild animals are in danger because of the __________ of their living areas .All the people in the plane MH370 __________ their lives in the accident.If he __________ the book, he must pay for it .= If the book __________ , he must pay for it .losing;loss;lost;loses;is lost12.Hepburn’s beauty and charm caught the writer’s attention. =The writer was attracted by Hepburn’s beauty and charm. 赫本的美丽和魅力吸引了这个作者的吸引力。① attention 注意力 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 sth. catch one’s attention 某物吸引了某人的注意力 bring sb. to the attention of sb. / sth. 使…引起了…的注意例:Her sweet voice caught others’ attention. This brought him to the attention of the whole school.② charm n. 魅力charming 迷人的,令人陶醉的,有吸引力的;charmless 无魅力的,无吸引力的例:a woman of great charm = an attractive woman一个很有吸引力的女人Someone of great charm has an attractive quality. 13.Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel.① insist vt. 坚持,坚持认为 insist on/upon sth. / doing sth. 坚持做某事;insist on one’s ideas / opinions 坚持某人的看法insist that + 宾语从句 宾语从句部分指的是说话人的建议,要求或事实。【典例讲解】( ) I insist ________ he is correct. that B. on C. what D. which A例:She insisted on carrying on research although she was ill. 尽管她生病了,她还坚持继续研究。② be based upon 以…为基础,句中based upon 是过去分词短语作后置定语例:The novel is based upon what has happened in the past ten years.He is reading a book based on a real story.【典例讲解】(1) —What did you see at the cinema? —The film ________ (direct) by Zhao Wei.(2) I like the film because it ________ (base) upon a true story .directed; is based14.Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday.① play the lead role in… 在……中扮演主角例:play the lead role in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday 在电影《罗马假日》扮演主角② play the lead role of… 在……中起主要作用;扮演……主角例:play the lead role of a young princess 扮演一个年轻公主的主角15.Hepburn made her final appearance in the film …appearance n. 出现,露面,外貌 反义词:disappearance vi. appear 反义词:disappear make one’s first / final appearance in sth 在...中第一次露面/最后露面例:The player made his first appearance in the World Cup. 这个运动员在世界杯中第一次露面。The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 这架飞机消失在云后。【典例讲解】He at the party last night.A. was appeared B. appeared C. has appeared D. is appearedB16.Hepburn’s achievements went beyond the film industry.beyond 介词,“超过;越过”,表示范围、限度超出。go/ be beyond 超过,胜过 例:go beyond everything 超出一切 Her success was beyond what she had thought. 她的成功超出了她之前所想的。This job goes/is beyond my ability. 这个工作超出我的能力。The article goes/is beyond my understanding. 这篇文章超出我的理解范围(我不能理解这篇文章)。The views are beyond words. 这些想法超出了文字/语言。【典例讲解】His achievements (超出)what he expected.go beyond17.On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep.pass away 去世 相当于die,是一种比较委婉的说法。例:Mr. Wang has passed away, but he lives in our hearts forever.【拓展】pass by 路过 18.devotedevote 献身,致力于,把……用于devote sth. to (doing) sth. 把……用于(做)某事 devote oneself to (doing) sth. 献身/ 致力于(做)某事例:Mr King devoted all his money to Project Hope. 金先生把所有的钱都用于希望工程。He devoted himself to taking care of his patients. 他致力于照顾他的病人。He devoted himself entirely to music. 他把自己完全奉献给了音乐。【典例讲解】( ) Our English teacher always ______ herself ______ her students. A. devote; to B. devotes; to C. devote; for D. devotes; for( ) I devoted too much time ______ French, for I still know little of it. A. in learning B. to learn C. of learning D.to learningB;D19.present① present v. 把……交给;颁发;赠予,授予present sth. to sb. = present sb. with sth. 颁发某物给某人② present n. 礼物;赠品;现在,目前at present = now③ present adj. 目前的,现在的;出席的,在场的例:He presented a gold medal to the winner. = He presented the winner with a gold medal.他把金牌颁给了获胜者。When she left the company, the director presented her with a set of gold clubs. 她离开这家公司时,董事赠给她一套高尔夫球杆。I often get many presents on my birthday. 在我生日那天我常得到许多礼物。What are you doing at present? 你现在在做什么?The tall thin man is our present headmaster. 那名高高瘦瘦的男子是我们现在的校长。Were you present when your favourite star came? 你最喜欢的明星来的时候你在场吗?【典例讲解】按要求完成下列各题。He presented a silver cup to the winner. (改为同义句)He ___________ the winner ___________ a silver cup.很抱歉他这会儿不在。(完成句子) I’m sorry he’s out ___________ ___________.你能告诉我你现在的地址吗?(完成句子) Can you tell me ___________ ___________ ___________ ?presented with; at present;your present address20.The film is suitable for all ages. 这部电影老少皆宜。suitable adj. 适合的① be suitable for sb. 适合某人② be suitable for doing sth 适合做某事例:be not suitable for children 儿童不宜be not suitable for drinking 不适合饮用【典例讲解】Who do you think would be suitable for _________ (enter) the film industry?entering21.It is about a woman who falls in love with a man…fall ① v. 落下,跌落fall behind 落后 fall down 倒塌 fall off 跌落 fall over 摔倒② 系动词,与形容词连用,表示进入某种状态fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 生病【典例讲解】It is natural that he _______ such a beautiful girl.A. falls in love with B. falls behind C. falls down D. falls overA22.This Saturday’s talk on films has been cancelled.cancel vt. 取消 终止 过去式cancelledcancel sth. 取消某事【典例讲解】All flights (cancel) because of bad weather yesterday.were cancelled23.A: I don’t like horror films. B: Neither do I. = Nor do I.① neither adv. 也不 (否定替代),放在句首,表示前面否定的内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用倒装。此时也可用nor替换neither。② so (1) 肯定替代 Times have changed and so have I.(2) 上下文是同一人或事物不倒装 —It’s cold today. —So it is24.Jackie Chen is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films, but also his efforts in charity work.  consider v. 认为,考虑① consider…as + n. 把……看作/ 认为例:At first they considered me as a doctor.consider…as + n..+for sth/doing sth 因为某事认为某人是…例:He was considered as a hero for saving the child from water.② consider…to be + adj./ n. 把……看作/ 认为例:This award is considered to be /as a great honor.③ consider + that从句/疑问词+不定式例:We consider that the music is well worth listening to.We must consider what to do next.④ consider sth. / doing sth. 考虑某事/做某事例:You’d better consider my suggestion.I’m considering going abroad some day.【典例讲解】The brave young man _____________ (consider) as a hero.is considered
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