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    1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________
    6. A. I’m fine. B. I’m five. C. Hw are yu?
    7. A. It’s a dg. B. He’s my father. C. She’s my mther.
    8. A. I agree. B. It’s ht in summer. C. Yes, it des.
    9. A. Cngratulatins! B. I’m srry t hear that! C. Cme n!
    10. A. That’s all right. B. It was expensive. C. Thankyu.
    11. Why des Amy like the mvie Jurney t the West?
    A. Because it’s bring. B. Because it’s exciting. C. Because it’s relaxing.
    12. Where are Tm’s bks?
    A. In the bag. B. On the chair. C. On the desk.
    13. Hw des the man get t the nearest pst ffice?
    A. G alng the street B. Turn right C. Turn left
    14. When was Tina cleaning the classrm yesterday?
    A. At 3 ’clck. B. At 4 ’clck. C. At 5 ’clck.
    15. What’s the man ging t d tday?
    A. G skating. B. Play ftball. C. G shpping.
    16. What clr des the girl’s mther like best?
    A. Green. B. White. C. Red
    17. Hw much is the bag?
    A. It’s 18 yuan. B. It’s 19 yuan. C. It’s 20 yuan.
    18. What’s the matter with the man?
    A. He can’t sleep well at night. B. He can’t finish his wrk n time. C. He desn’t have time t d exercise.
    19. Hw lng has the man been like this?
    A. Fr ne day B. Fr tw days. C. Fr three days.
    20. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Visit the dctr ften. B. Stp drinking cffee. C. G t bed early and get enugh exercise
    21. What are the biggest cats?
    A. Tigers. B. Lins. C. Wlves.
    22. What size is a tiger?
    A. Almst 3 meters lng. B. Almst 4 meters lng. C. Almst 5 meters lng.
    23. When d tigers ften lie in a pl f water?
    A. When it’s cld. B. When it’s cl. C. When it’s ht.
    24. Where d the lins usually live?
    A. In the cuntryside. B. In the muntains. C. In the frests.
    25. Why d all cats need gd eyes?
    A. Fr water. B. Fr sleep. C. Fr fd.
    1. She ften plays ________ chess n weekends.
    A. anB. aC. theD. /
    考查冠词。play chess“下国际象棋”,表示棋类的名词前不加冠词。故选D。
    2. ________ my pinin, we shuld be prud f ur cuntry.
    A. FrB. AtC. InD. Of
    考查介词辨析。Fr为了;At在;In在……里面;Of属于……的。固定短语in ne’s pinin“在某人看来”。故选C。
    3. There are tw apples n the table. One is red and ________ is green.
    A. the therB. antherC. thersD. the thers
    【详解】句意:桌子上有两个苹果。 一个是红色的,另一个是绿色的。
    考查代词辨析。the ther指两者中的另一个,常用于“ ther...”结构;anther泛指另外一个,后跟可数名词单数;thers复数,相当于ther+名词复数,代指其他的人或物;the thers= the ther+名词复数。根据“One is red...”可知,此处符合“ ther...”结构,意为“一个……另一个……”。故选A。
    4. Andy desn’t like junk fd at all, s she ________ eats it.
    A. ftenB. smetimesC. usuallyD. never
    考查副词辨析。ften经常;smetimes有时;usually通常;never从不。根据“Andy desn’t like junk fd at all”可知,不喜欢垃圾食品应是从来不吃。故选D。
    5. —Hw much ________ d yu need?
    —We need tw cups.
    A. milkB. eggC. pearD. ptat
    考查名词辨析。milk牛奶;egg鸡蛋;pear梨;ptat土豆。根据“Hw much”可知其后加不可数名词,四个选项中只有A符合。故选A。
    6. I wn’t g t the mvies this afternn ________ I’m free.
    A. rB. unlessC. becauseD. than
    考查连词辨析。r否则,或者;unless除非;because因为;than比。根据“I wn’t g t the mvies this ’m free.”可知,后句是前句的否定条件,除非有空否则不会去看电影。故选B。
    7. Yu ________ drive withut a license!
    A. canB. mustC. mustn’tD. may
    考查动词辨析。can能够;must必须;mustn’t禁止,千万不要;may可以。根据“withut a license!”和常识可知,没有驾照是不可以开车的。故选C。
    8. We have t ________ the sprts meeting because f the bad weather.
    A. turn ffB. put ffC. take ffD. get ff
    考查动词短语。turn ff关闭;put ff推迟;take ff脱下;get ff下车。根据“because f the bad weather.”可知,天气不好应要推迟运动会。故选B。
    9. After the by’s hmewrk ________, he went ut t play.
    A. finishedB. finishesC. was finishedD. is finished
    考查被动语态。分析句子可知,主语“the by’s hmewrk”和谓语“finish完成”之间是被动关系,根据“he went ut t play”可知用一般过去时的被动语态was/were dne。故选C。
    10. —Culd yu please tell me ________?
    —Next Sunday mrning.
    A. when we will g t Gup MuntainB. when will we g t Gup Muntain
    C. why we went t Gup MuntainD. why did we g t Gup Muntain
    考查宾语从句。根据“Culd yu please tell me”可知,此处是宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除BD选项;再根据“Next Sunday mrning”可知,此处是询问时间,用when引导宾语从句。故选A。
    Being street smart is an imprtant skill t have and it’s a gd way t take care f yurself.
    Always carry yur phne with ___11___, but d nt lk at it while yu are walking. Being able t cmmunicate r call fr help is imprtant, ___12___ keep a list f useful phne numbers. But put yur phne away while yu are walking s that yu can keep yur ___13___ up and see what’s ging n arund. If yu d need t check yur phne, stp and lk at it quickly.
    Dn’t wear earphnes while yu are ut. If yu have t ___14___ smething when yu’re ut, use nly ne earphne r play it at a very lw vlume (音量).
    Travel with ___15___ r family members when pssible and never g anywhere with a stranger. It’s imprtant t be ___16___ with strangers. D nt get int a stranger’s car.
    ___17___ dark and ut-f-the-way places. D nt take shrt cuts thrugh dark areas, even if it will make yur trip much faster. If yu have t g t a place, and yu’re nt sure whether it’s safe r nt, g ___18___ smene yu knw r speak t smene n the phne while yu are there.
    Run and shut if yu feel unsafe. Run away as ___19___ as yu can twards a plice statin, hspital, r nearby shp fr help. Shut as ludly as yu can ___20___ the attentin f peple arund.
    11. A. usB. meC. yuD. them
    12. A. becauseB. sC. thughD. but
    13 A. handsB. armsC. nseD. head
    14. A. talk tB. listen tC. wait frD. lk fr
    15. A. parentsB. sistersC. brthersD. friends
    16. A. carefulB. carefullyC. carelessD. carelessly
    17. A. AvidB. FindC. VisitD. Clean
    18. A. tB. frC. withD. withut
    19. A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastest
    20. A. getB. gettingC. gtD. t get
    【答案】11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. D
    us我们;me我;yu你;them他们。根据“Always carry yur phne with”可知你要带着手机。故选C。
    because因为;s所以;thugh虽然;but但是。根据“Being able t cmmunicate r call fr help is a list f useful phne numbers.”可知前后两句是因果关系,前因后果,用s引导。故选B。
    hands手;arms胳膊;nse鼻子;head头。根据“see what’s ging n arund”可知要抬起头。故选D。
    talk t和某人说话;listen t听;wait fr等待;lk fr寻找。根据“use nly ne earphne r play it at a very lw vlume”可知是听东西。故选B。
    parents父母;sisters姐妹;brthers兄弟;friends朋友。根据“Travel family members when pssible and never g anywhere with a stranger”可知要和朋友或家人去。故选D。
    careful小心的,形容词;carefully小心地,副词;careless粗心的,形容词;carelessly粗心地,副词。作be动词的表语,用形容词,根据“with strangers”可知要小心陌生人。故选A。
    Avid避免;Find发现;Visit参观;Clean打扫。根据“D nt take shrt cuts thrugh dark areas”可知要避免黑暗偏僻的地方。故选A。
    t到;fr为了;with和;withut没有。根据“ yu knw”可知是和认识的人一起去。故选C。
    fast快的,副词原形;faster比较级;fastest最高级;the fastest定冠词+最高级。中间加副词原形。故选A。
    get得到,动词原形;getting动名词或现在分词;gt过去式;t get动词不定式。“Shut as ludly as yu can”目的是“get the attentin f peple arund”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故选D。
    21. Wh cleaned the buses after the schl trip?
    A. The teachers.B. The students.
    C. The American visitrs.D. The ftball fans.
    22. When did the American visitrs arrive at ur schl?
    A. June 3rd.B. July 1st.C. July 3rd.D. July 5th.
    23. What activity will be held n July 5th?
    A. The Schl Trip.B. The Visit t Hezhu.
    C. The Hpe Cup.D. The Schl Cncert.
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D
    细节理解题。根据“the students cleaned the buses after the trip”可知学生打扫了公共汽车。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Sixteen visitrs frm America arrived at ur schl n June 3rd”可知美国参观者在6月3号到达学校。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“There’ll be a cncert in ur schl n July 5th”可知7月5日我们学校将有一场音乐会。故选D。
    Once upn a time, tw brthers lived in a village. They were bth famers and grew crn. The elder brther had many children t feed. The yunger brther als had a big family t lk after. Althugh the brthers were pr, they lived happily.
    One year, there was a drught (干旱) and the crn didn’t grw well. The tw brthers cllected their small harvest and stred the grain in their barns (谷仓).
    That night, the elder brther culdn’t sleep. He was wrried abut his brther. Wuld he have enugh grain t feed his family? At last, the elder brther gt ut f bed. He went t his barn and filled a bag with grain. Then he went silently t his brther’s huse and secretly added the grain t his brther’s pile (堆).
    Every night, he did the same thing. He tk sme f his wn grain and added it t his brther’s stre. But after a while, he nticed smething strange. His pile f grain never lked smaller in the mrning.
    One night, he decided t find ut why. After it had gt dark, he hid near his barn and watched. At last, a man came near with his wn bag f grain. At first he didn’t knw wh he was. Then, he was amazed t see his wn brther. Every night the yunger brther had dne the same thing—taking grain frm his wn pile t give t his brther.
    It was true brtherly lve!
    24. Hw was the tw brthers’ life?
    A. Rich and happy.B. Rich but sad.C. Pr but happy.D. Pr and sad.
    25. What happened t the tw brthers ne year?
    A. Their cm didn’t grw well because f the drught.
    B. They cllected much grain.
    C. They didn’t grw any crn at all.
    D. They sld all their grain.
    26. What did the elder brther d that night?
    A. He slept well.B. He was angry with his brther.
    C. He sent a bag f grain t his brther secretly.D. He stle a bag f grain frm his brther.
    27. What d yu knw abut the tw brthers accrding t the passage?
    A. They bth had a small family.B. They lved and helped each ther.
    C. They didn’t care abut their families at all.D. They were strict men.
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. C 27. B
    细节理解题。根据“Althugh the brthers were pr, they lived happily”可知虽然他们很贫穷,但是他们很开心。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“there was a drught (干旱) and the crn didn’t grw well”可知有一年天气干旱,玉米长得不好。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“He went t his barn and filled a bag with grain. Then he went silently t his brther’s huse and secretly added the grain t his brther’s pile”可知哥哥偷偷给弟弟送了一袋粮食。故选C。
    During ancient times in China, children didn’t have any smartphnes, iPads r cmputers t have fun. Instead, they came up with interesting games t play in their childhd. Let’s take a lk.
    Stne balls During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stne ball arund was a ppular sprt in the nrthern part f China, and it was ften played in winter t keep warm. Stnes were carved (雕刻) int small balls and kicked alng with feet.
    Flying kites Kites have quite a lng histry. The earliest kites were made f wd, instead f paper. Nwadays, the three mst famus kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite, and Weifang kite. And they are quite different frm each ther. Fr example, the swallw-shaped kite is a well-knwn Beijing style.
    Hide-and-seek Hide-and-seek is a traditinal game fr children, ppular arund the natin. There are tw ways t play: cvering a child’s eyes while ther kids run arund t enjy themselves r, mre cmmnly, ne child must try t find ther players wh hide.
    Watching shadw plays The clsest thing t watching a film r televisin fr fun during ancient times was ging t see a shadw play. Flk artists use puppets (木偶) behind the screen t shw all kinds f shadws, telling stries with music. During the Qing Dynasty, shadw play art reached its tp, and was shwn fr each imprtant ccasin.
    28. What were the earliest kites made f accrding t the passage?
    A. Paper.B. Stne.C. Bamb.D. Wd.
    29. Hw many children’s games are mentined in this passage?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.D. Six.
    30 What des the underlined wrd “ccasin” prbably mean in Chinese?
    A. 海洋B. 场合C. 机会D. 目标
    31. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Children’s Games in Ancient China.
    B. Children’s Games in Smart Phnes, iPads r Cmputers.
    C. Kicking Stne Balls in Ancient China.
    D. Playing Hide-and-Seek in Ancient China.
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. B 31. A
    细节理解题。根据“The earliest kites were made f wd, instead f paper.”可知最早的风筝是用木头做的,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Stne balls”、“Flying kites”、“Hide-and-seek”、“Watching shadw plays”可知文章提到了四种儿童游戏,故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据“During the Qing Dynasty, shadw play art reached its tp, and was shwn fr each imprtant ccasin.”结合上下文语境可知,此处应表示为“清朝时,皮影戏艺术达到顶峰,并在每一个重要场合展出”。所以划线词“ccasin”意为“场合”。故选B。
    最佳标题题。根据“Instead, they came up with interesting games t play in their childhd. Let’s take a lk.”以及文章内容可知文章主要介绍了四种古代儿童的游戏,故选A。
    Several large cmpanies have begun creating paper bttles t replace glass and plastic nes.
    A cmpany called Pabc has been wrking with many large cmpanies t develp paper bttles. These cmpanies are creating their wn bttle designs.
    Clearly, ne f the biggest challenges is keeping a paper bttle frm leaking (渗漏). The inside f the bttle needs a special liner (衬层) t make sure the liquid desn’t leak thrugh. Many cmpanies are lining their bttles with thin plastic.
    Thugh bttle makers may say this liner can be remved and recycled, many recycling prgrams dn’t have the right machines t deal with these liners.
    A Danish beer cmpany called Carlsberg is wrking with Pabc n a paper bttle called the “Green Fiber Bttle”. Nw the bttle uses a plastic liner. In the future the cmpany hpes t use a “bi-plastic (生物塑料)” that will break dwn naturally ver time.
    But even withut the plastic, paper bttles aren’t perfect. Mst paper bttles use wd pulp (木浆). That culd lead t the lss f frests.
    Frugalpac, a cmpany frm the United Kingdm, has created bttles made f recycled paper, s n trees need t be cut dwn. Frugalpac still uses plastic liners, thugh.
    But with s many cmpanies wrking twards the same gal, we will see mre paper bttles n stre shelves in the near future.
    32. One f the biggest challenges f using paper bttles is _________.
    A. hw t use few liners
    B. hw t make perfect liners
    C. keeping the plastic bttles frm breaking dwn
    D. keeping the paper bttles frm leaking
    33. What des the underlined wrd “Frugalpac” refer t?
    A. A Danish milk cmpany.
    B. A Danish beer cmpany.
    C. A cmpany frm the United States f America.
    D. A cmpany frm the United Kingdm.
    34. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. A cmpany called Pabc has been wrking t develp paper bttles alne.
    B. Many paper bttles have thin plastic inside.
    C. It’s impssible t remve and recycle the liners f paper bttles.
    D. The lss f frests leads t the use f wd pulp in mst paper bttles.
    35. What’s the main idea f this passage?
    A. Paper bttles are nt perfect.
    B. Bttles are made f recycled paper.
    C. Sme cmpanies wrk t develp paper bttles.
    D. Sme cmpanies wrk t develp glass and plastic bttles.
    【答案】32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C
    细节理解题。根据“ne f the biggest challenges is keeping a paper bttle frm leaking (渗漏). The inside f the bttle needs a special liner (衬层) t make sure the liquid desn’t leak thrugh.”可知,制作纸瓶子最大的挑战是防止液体泄露。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据“Frugalpac, a cmpany frm the United Kingdm,”可知,来自英国的公司Frugalpac用再生纸制造了瓶子,所以此处“Frugalpac”指代的是“一个英国公司”。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Many cmpanies are lining their bttles with thin plastic.”以及“Frugalpac still uses plastic liners, thugh.”可知,现在许多纸瓶内部都有薄塑料。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据“But with s many cmpanies wrking twards the same gal, we will see mre paper bttles n stre shelves in the near future.”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了几家大公司为了保护环境已经开始制造纸瓶来代替玻璃和塑料瓶。故选C。
    A: Hell, Bb. The summer vacatin is cming. ___36___
    B: N, I dn’t. Wuld yu please give me sme advice?
    A: What abut ding husewrk with yur family?
    B: ___37___ What can we d?
    A: ___38___ Fr example, we can ck dinner and d the dishes.
    B: It sunds great. ___39___
    A: Of curse yu can! Ding husewrk is s meaningful.
    B: Yes, we can share the husewrk with ur family members.
    A: I agree. Besides, ___40___
    B: Let’s d it.
    A: OK
    A. There is s much we can d.
    B. I dn’t like ding husewrk.
    C. ding chres will make us happy and relaxed.
    D. And I can clean the rms.
    E. That’s a gd idea.
    F. D yu have any plans?
    【答案】36. F 37. E 38. A 39. D 40. C
    根据“The summer vacatin is cming”以及“ N, I dn’t”可知此处询问对方暑假有没有什么计划,选项F“你有计划吗”符合语境。故选F。
    根据“What abut ding husewrk with yur family”可知下文对这个建议进行评价,选项E“那是一个好主意”符合语境。故选E。
    根据“What can we d”以及“Fr example, we can ck dinner and d the dishes.”可知有很多家务可以做,选项A“有很多事情可以做”符合语境。故选A。
    根据“Of curse yu can! Ding husewrk is s meaningful.”可知此处描述具体可以做什么家务,选项D“我可以打扫房间”符合语境。故选D。
    根据“we can share the husewrk with ur family members”以及“I agree. Besides”可知此处进一步说明做家务的好处,选项C“做家务会让我们快乐和放松”符合语境。故选C。
    A man sees a butterfly. The butterfly tries t get ut f ____41____ chrysalis (蛹). The man cut the chrysalis and the butterfly cmes ut easily. T his ____42____, the butterfly is unable t fly. If the butterfly desn’t struggle (挣扎) t get ut f the chrysalis, it can’t fly. The struggle develps the energy in the butterfly. Similarly, the challenges f life bring ut the ____43____ in yung peple and prepare the ability t “fly”.
    When peple are yung, meeting and vercming challenges will make them strng and ready t face life. Fr successful peple, the mre challenges they have had, the mre ____44____ they are. One famus man, wh nw wns many big ____45____, used t sell scks frm dr t dr when he was yung. Anther successful man is Eric. He ____46____ up a cllege at the age f 30. His father died when he was nly 16. He wrked ____47____ in the day and studied hard in the night. His father’s death frced him t grw up fast. He tk up the challenges and vercame them. Tday, nt nly he himself, ____48____ als his brthers and sisters are leading successful lives.
    Nwadays, sme parents and teachers actively ____49____ yung peple t face challenges. It is imprtant ____50____ them t learn t meet challenges and vercme them.
    【答案】41. its
    42. surprise
    43. best 44. successful
    45. factries
    46. set 47. hard
    48. but 49. encurage
    50. fr
    句意:蝴蝶试图摆脱它的茧。根据“The butterfly tries t get ut ”可知,此处是指蝴蝶的茧,即它的茧。空后有名词,此处需用形容词性物主代词its“它的”。故填its。
    句意:令他惊讶的是,蝴蝶无法飞翔。固定短语T ne’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”。故填surprise。
    句意:同样,生活的挑战让年轻人发挥出最好的一面,并为“飞翔”的能力做好准备。根据“the challenges f life bring ut yung peple”和备选词可知,此处是指发挥出最棒的一面。gd“好的”,形容词;空前有“the”,其后需跟形容词最高级形式best“最好的”。故填best。
    句意:对于成功的人来说,他们面临的挑战越多,他们就越成功。根据“the mre challenges they have had, the are.”和常识可知,奋斗越多,成功就越多。结合“they are”可知,此处填形容词作表语,successful“成功的”符合语境。故填successful。
    句意:一位现在拥有许多大工厂的名人,年轻时曾挨家挨户卖袜子。根据“used t sell scks frm dr t dr when he was yung.”可知,空处位于形容词之后,需填入一个名词,备选词factr“工厂”符合语境;又因空前有“many”,其后跟名词复数形式。故填factries。
    句意:另一个成功的人是埃里克。 30岁创办大学,16岁父亲去世。固定短语set up“建立”;此处是叙述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,set的过去式还是set。故填set。
    句意:他白天努力工作,晚上努力学习。根据“studied hard in the night.”可知,此处是指努力工作。固定短语wrk hard“努力工作”。故填hard。
    句意:今天,不仅他自己,就连他的兄弟姐妹们都过上了成功的生活。固定短语nt als...“不但……而且……”。故填but。
    句意:如今,一些家长和老师积极鼓励年轻人面对挑战。根据“yung peple t face challenges.”和备选词可知,此处是指鼓励年轻人面对挑战;再根据“Nwadays”可知,本句是一般现在时,且主语是复数,动词用原形。故填encurage。
    句意:对他们来说,学会迎接挑战并克服挑战很重要。固定句型It be adj. fr sb. t d sth.“对于某人来说做某事是怎么样的”。故填fr。
    51. My __________ (梦想) is t be a scientist like Yuan Lngping in the future.
    52. This is my bk and that is __________ (你的).
    53. My mther always __________ (记得) t remind me t drink milk fr breakfast.
    【详解】句意:我妈妈总是记得提醒我早饭喝牛奶。记得:remember,描述一般情况,用一般现在时,主语是“My mther”,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填remembers。
    54. She has already __________ (找到) a new jb.
    【详解】句意:她已经找到了一份新工作。find“找到”,动词;根据“already”可知,本句是现在完成时(have/has dne),find过去分词为fund。故填fund。
    55. Sally thinks the news is mre __________ (有教育意义的) than the sitcm.
    56. Octber is the __________ mnth f a year.
    【详解】句意:十月是一年的第十个月。根据“Octber is f a year.”和常识可知,此处是指第十个月份,表示顺序用序数词tenth“第十”。故填tenth。
    57. It’s implite t speak ludly in __________.
    【详解】句意:在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。根据“It’s implite t speak ludly in...”可知,此处是指在公众场合大声说话。固定短语in public“在公众场合”。故填public。
    58. Wh’s kncking __________ the dr?
    【详解】句意:谁在敲门?固定短语knck n/at the dr“敲门”。故填n/at。
    59. Mr. White spke neither English __________ German.
    【详解】句意:怀特先生既不会说英语也不会说德语。分析句子可知, 此处是结构“”,意为“既不……也不”。故填nr。
    60. Yu’d better spend mre time __________ sprts after schl t keep healthy
    【详解】句意:放学后你最好多花点时间做运动来保持健康。根据“sprts”可知,此处是指做运动,固定短语d sprts“做运动”;固定句型spend time ding sth.“花费时间做某事”。故填ding。
    61. 假如你是李华,在过去的三年,英语老师教会了你很多英语知识和技能,开拓了你的视野。你感激英语老师的付出,决定将来继续学好并用好英语。请你结合以下提示和要求,用英语写一篇短文。
    要求:1. 文章必须包括所给提示内容,可展开思路,适当发挥;
    2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名和其他真实信息;
    3. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
    I’m Li Hua. My English teacher is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    I’m Li Hua. My English teacher is Ms. Zhang. She is a tall and utging lady wh is very patient with all f us.
    Ms. Zhang has taught me English fr 3 years. I like her interesting classes. Learning English helps me becme mre pen-minded. Nw I can talk with thers in English fluently and read sme English bks. I can als tell sme stries in English. Besides, enjying English sngs and mvies has becme ne f my hbbies.
    Ms. Zhang is an excellent teacher, t whm I want t say thanks. I decide t learn mre English in the future, and try my best t tell the stry f China in English t the wrld.
    2.写作指导:本文时态以一般现在时为主。人称以第一人称和第三人称为主。叙述时可适当运用短语句型或从句,使文章出彩有亮点。写作时确保语句通顺,无单词语法错误。My daily life
    Where t have breakfast n 26 days
    In the garden
    What t d in the afternn
    Practice the 27
    Hw t get t the city center
    By 28 taxi
    Wh t have dinner with
    Friends 29 the band
    What t d after getting hme
    Read a bk r 30 TV
    THE SCHOOL NEWS June 8th, 2022
    Schl Trip
    Students in Grade 7 had a great time n the schl trip n Children’s Day. They went t Huangya Ancient Twn by bus. The teachers were very happy because the students cleaned the buses after the trip.
    American Visitrs
    Sixteen visitrs frm America arrived at ur schl n June 3rd, Friday. And they visited a few places f interest in Hezhu.
    Ftball Wrld
    Here’s gd news fr ftball fans! The Hpe Cup 2022 will be held in ur schl frm July 1st t July 3rd. Wnderful ftball matches are waiting fr yu.
    Schl Cncert
    There’ll be a cncert in ur schl n July 5th. Sme students will shw their talents by singing, dancing and playing the vilin at the music hall.
    gd it factry surprise set encurage hard but fr success
    1.外貌 2.性格……
    1.唱英文歌,欣赏英文电影 2.用英语讲小故事 3.用英语进行简单交流……
    1.感恩老师的教导 2.继续努力学习英语 3. 用英语向世界讲述中国故事……

    精品解析:2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题(原卷版): 这是一份精品解析:2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题(原卷版),共12页。试卷主要包含了听力测试,单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,补全对话,综合填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题(解析版): 这是一份精品解析:2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题(解析版),共20页。试卷主要包含了听力测试,单项选择,完形填空,阅读理解,补全对话,综合填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题: 这是一份2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题,文件包含2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题解析docx、2022年广西贺州市中考英语真题原卷docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。







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