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    1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。
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    Kids are kids, n matter where they live. On fine spring days, yu find them utside lking fr games t play. It’s the nature f being yung.
    1 the game f marbles (弹珠) fr example. Frm villages in deepest Africa t twns alng the China Sea, yungsters have been playing a versin f this traditinal game fr 2 years.
    There are many reasns 3 make the game f marbles s ppular. It’s easy t play and requires n equipment. Bth the rich and the pr have 4 equal chance f winning. 5 yu have at least ne marble, yu can get int a game.
    Perhaps mst imprtant f all, the rules are flexible. It means 6 the rules can be changed by the players. That’s why there are n written rules fr marbles. Yu and yur friends 7 get a game ging and, as lng as yu all agree, thse are the rules fr the game in yur neighburhd.
    Hwever, the gal is always the same. Players put their marbles n the grund. They try t win their ppnents’ marbles by hitting the marbles r by kncking them ut f a circle. 8 the end f a game, ne player ges hme with a bag full f marbles. 9 g hme with bags that are far 10 than when they arrived.
    The first marbles were small rund stnes. Later, clay marbles 11 . Even later, marbles started being made frm glass. The prettiest glass marbles are always the mst valuable. Marble players ften trade marbles, trying t get the mst clurful and beautiful nes fr 12 .
    Tday, there is an Internatinal Marble Champinship. 13 as any yungster knws, the best game f marbles 14 in the schlyard. The days are warm, the marbles rll 15 , and friends gather arund t see wh will have the best luck that day.
    1.A.TakeB.T takeC.TakingD.Tk
    2.A.tw thusandsB.thusand fC.thusands fD.tw thusand f
    9.A.AntherB.The therC.OtherD.The thers
    10.A.lightB.mre lightC.lighterD.lightest
    11.A.are appearedB.have appearedC.were appearedD.appeared
    14.A.are playedB.playC.has playedD.is played
    15.A.mre easilyB.easyC.easilyD.mst easily
    My friends and I jined a tw-day survival training curse in the muntains. The first day was really 16 —there were s many things t d! Arriving at the campsite, we were divided int grups and given a tent, sme fd, a 17 and a cmpass. Standing next t a small river, Fanny suggested camping in the grassy area nearby. Hwever, ur instructr, Mr. Lee, pinted ut that it might fld if it rained. In the end, we fund a 18 area. Putting up the tent was nt easy. 19 , Mr. Lee helped us a lt.
    By the time we had put up the tent, everyne was really hungry. “We wuldn’t have gt this hungry if we had brught sme snacks,” Peter said. We all tld him t stp 20 . He’d better help us 21 a fire t ck ur fd instead. Realizing we were having difficulty lighting the fire, he finally helped ut.
    The next day began early. Wken by a strange nise, Peter went t see what was happening. “Sme cws have 22 ur breakfast!” There’s nthing left. he shuted. “That’s all because yu didn’t 23 the fd prperly last night.” said Mr. Lee.
    Wrried that Mr. Lee might be angry with us, we tried t finish ur next 24 —using the map and cmpass t find a secret lcatin. We made it t the lcatin befre the ther grups did. We all felt very prud f urselves.
    The survival training curse was a great 25 . Nw I have mre survival knwledge than befre!
    23.A.thrw awayB.sell utC.put awayD.take ut
    第一节 阅读理解
    We all knw that there are tw versins f written Chinese characters. Peple in Hng Kng, Maca and Taiwan use traditinal characters. And n the Chinese mainland we write with simplified nes.
    Hwever, at this year’s Chinese Peple’s Plitical Cnsultative Cnference(CPPCC), well-knwn film directr Feng Xiagang suggested that schls shuld teach students 50-200 f the mst meaningful traditinal Chinese characters. “It is nt t get rid f the simplified characters, but t let the children knw abut the mst imprtant part f traditinal Chinese culture,” said Feng.
    Take tw simplified characters as an example, “亲”(meaning dear, r relatives)and “爱”(meaning lve). The traditinal versin fr “亲” is “親”, which has an extra “見” meaning “see”; while “爱” is written as “愛” in the traditinal way, which has an extra “心” meaning “heart”. “Lve needs ‘heart’ and relatives need t ‘see’ each ther,” Feng said. “The simplified versins f these characters have lst their human tuch.”
    Learning traditinal Chinese will als help peple better understand Chinese histrical wrks written in traditinal characters, said Lu B, editr-in-chief f Maca Daily News. Hwever, many peple think it nt necessary t d s. They say simplified characters are easier t learn and write, and peple have gt used t them.
    “Traditinal Chinese characters are t hard fr beginners and students dn’t have the language envirnment utside the classrm,” Zhang Jian, a Guangzhu primary schl teacher, tld the Yangcheng Evening News. Mrever, the simplified characters cme frm the traditinal nes, which means they can als prmte and keep traditinal culture, said Chinese character expert Dang Huaixing.
    26.Hw des the writer explain the imprtance f learning sme traditinal Chinese characters?
    A.By telling stries.B.By giving examples.
    C.By listing numbers.D.By explaining reasns.
    27.What’s the meaning f the underlined phrase “get rid f” in the paragraph 2?
    A.give upB.C.keep…aliveD.shw ff
    28.Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage abve?
    A.Nwadays, all Chinese peple in the wrld write with simplified characters.
    B.A film directr advised schls t teach students t learn traditinal Chinese characters instead f the simplified nes.
    C.Sme peple cnsider that simplified characters are gd and have n need t be changed.
    D.Zhang Jian agrees with the learning f the traditinal characters.
    29.What’s the writer’s attitude twards learning traditinal characters?
    A.The writer strngly supprts the idea.B.The writer disagrees with the idea.
    C.The writer talks abut the idea bjectively.D.The writer feels disappinted abut the idea.
    Isatu Ceesay was brn in 1972 in a small village in the Gambia, Africa. As a teenager, Ceesay was frced t drp ut f schl because f pverty. She used a wven basket t carry sme gds t sell in the market t raise herself. When the basket brke, she tk a plastic bag and started using it. She liked hw strng and light the plastic bag was. Other peple in the Gambia thught the same and saw the same advantages f plastic bags. Then plastic bags became ppular in the Gambia. The prblem was that peple did nt reuse the bags and simply threw them behind their hmes. Over time, the huses in her village were surrunded by rubbish.
    Ceesay lived in such an envirnment fr many years. She kept learning frm the surrunding envirnment and planned t take actin t change it. In 1997, she started a recycling mvement called One Plastic Bag in the Gambia. She educated wmen in the Gambia t recycle plastic waste. In the beginning, the mvement had a task f educating villagers abut the need t reuse rubbish and recycle plastic waste, rather than letting the rubbish increase behind their hmes.
    Over time, the mvement became big and was able t prvide incme fr wmen arund. It was als able t greatly reduce plastic waste in the Gambia. But the wrk f cllecting rubbish turned ut t be difficult. During the rainy seasn, plastic waste became wet and hard t take, and after that, it still tk patience t dry it befre it culd be prcessed.
    Ceesay said, “As a habit, peple are used t puring their rubbish behind their huses, and because it is nt visible, they frget it. But the bad effects knck n yur dr very quickly—dirty air, varius diseases and s n. Of curse, if ne man’s huse is clean but his neighbr’s is nt, then the man is als nt healthy.”
    Fr many years, Ceesay has cntinued t deal with the plastic waste. In 2012, she gt the TIAW Difference Maker Award in Washingtn, DC, the United States. Her stry was written int a bk, which inspires many thers t make a change in their wn cmmunities.
    30.Which f the fllwing statement is TRUE accrding t paragraph 1?
    A.Ceesay sld plastic bags t supprt herself.B.Ceesay’s friends were gd at ding business.
    C.Ceesay didn’t g t schl fr health reasns.D.Ceesay’s village was plluted by plastic waste.
    31.What can we infer abut Ceesay’s recycling mvement?
    A.Wmen in the village are willing t recycle plastic waste.
    B.Few wrkers are needed t d the recycling wrk.
    C.It imprved peple’s incme and the envirnment.
    D.It mainly wanted t help peple becme rich.
    32.What d we learn frm Ceesay’s wrds?
    A.Bad habits are hard t change nce frmed.
    B.Plastic prblems lead greatly t climate change.
    C.The relatinship between neighbrs is imprtant.
    D.Dealing with plastic waste is a shared respnsibility.
    33.Ceesay wn the TIAW Difference Maker Award in 2012 because f ________.
    A.her ability t wrk n her wnB.her idea t help the pr t becme rich
    C.her effrts in prtecting the envirnmentD.her stry f becming ppular in the Gambia
    That night, July 11, 2022, Nick was driving dwn the streets f Lafayette, Indiana, when he fund a tw-stry huse was n fire.
    Flames(火焰) were climbing up the frnt dr way. In n time, Nick stpped his car and ran frm the backdr int the burning building, which belngs t the Barrett family.
    Nick had just started climbing the stairs when he lked up and saw fur faces appear frm a rm at the tp f the stairs. They lked dwn at him with fear. “Yur huse is n fire, yu need t g!” Nick yelled.
    Nick hurried the fur girls int the fresh air. “Is anybdy else in there?” Nick asked.
    “Kelly is in there! We can’t find her!” Sarah, the eldest f the girls, screamed referring t her six-year ld sister. Withut thinking, Nick ran back inside at nce.
    By nw, the whle side f the huse was in flames. Nick went upstairs. He searched every bedrm. N kid. The smke was thick nw. He lifted his T-shirt trying t cver his muth and nse when he heard the sund f crying, frm the dark smke belw.
    Nick felt abut in the blackness and heat, mving dwnstairs tward the sund. Then suddenly Kelly was in frnt f him. Nick quickly lifted the girl int his arms. He thught, “Where is the frnt dr?” Nick remembered seeing a windw n the side f the huse where the fire hadn’t reached.
    Nick climbed back up, made it t the rm and brke the glass. Kelly was still in his arms.
    Kelly lked dwn at the pen grassy space. The girl said, “I dn’t want t jump ut f the windw.” Nick was thinking the exact same thing.
    But they had little chice. The flames were cming ever clser. Hlding Kelly tightly in ne arm, Nick ran frward and threw himself ut f the windw. He managed t land n the ther shulder. Kelly was almst unhurt.
    Days passed. Nick wke up frm first-degree burns t his legs and arms. He felt like he’d just dne what anyne wuld have dne in that situatin. But utside the hspital, the stry f Nick was already spreading. He was a her wh had run int a burning building nt nce, but twice.
    34.Which f the fllwing is the crrect rder f the stry?
    a. Nick lked fr the dr with Kelly in his arms.
    b. Nick led the fur girls ut int the fresh air.
    c. Nick went upstairs t search every bedrm fr Kelly.
    d. Nick jumped ut f the windw hlding Kelly tightly in ne arm.
    e. Nick fllwed the sund f crying t the dark smke belw.
    35.What des the underlined wrd “screamed” mean in Paragraph 5?
    36.Nick did all the things t prtect Kelly frm hurting EXCEPT ________.
    A.hlding her tightly in ne armB.landing n the ther shulder
    C.lking dwn at the pen grassy spaceD.running frward and threw himself ut f the windw
    37.Which f the fllwing wrd best describes Nick?
    Accrding t a new survey, students’ safety has becme a big prblem. Nw in many big cities in China, sme schls have taught an unusual lessn: self-prtectin. Students like this lessn because there are n bring classes. And they can learn hw t save lives and knw hw t stp danger befre it really happens.
    Chen Hayu, a teacher at Beijing N. 25 Middle Schl, gives yung students advice n hw t deal with danger.
    If yu are rbbed
    Keep calm. If yu can nt cry fr help r run away, give the rbber yur mney. Try t remember what the rbber lks like and tell the plice later.
    If yu are in a traffic accident
    If a car hits yu, yu shuld remember the car number. If it is a bicycle, try t call yur parents befre yu let the rider g. This is because yu dn’t knw hw seriusly yu are hurt.
    If it is raining hard and there is lightning
    Dn’t stay in high places and stay away frm trees.
    When there is fire
    Get away as fast as yu can. Put wet things n yur bdy and try t find an exit. D nt take the lift.
    If smene is drwning (溺水)
    If yu can’t swim, dn’t get int the water. Cry ut fr help.
    Remember that danger is never as far away as yu think. Take care f yurself at all times!
    38.There are ________ ways f self-prtectin mentined in the passage.
    39.If yur huse is n fire, yu must ________.
    A.put dry things n yur bdyB.take the lift t leave the huse quickly
    C.take everything yu have and then run awayD.run away and find an exit as quickly as yu can
    40.Where is this passage prbably frm?
    A.A science magazine. B.A strybk.C.A schl newspaper.D.An advertisement.
    第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Mnarch butterflies frm eastern Canada make the mst amazing jurney in the insect wrld. Each year, this butterfly travels abut 3000 miles t its winter hme in central Mexic. Hw can it fly s far? 41 Scientists still dn’t have an answer.
    Fr many years, peple in Mexic wndered where the range-and-black butterflies came frm every winter. Then, in 1937, a scientist started t fllw and study the butterflies. 42 Fur mnths later, it arrived in Mexic.
    43 Hw d the butterflies find their way back t the same place? This is an interesting questin because nly every furth generatin makes the trip suth. In ther wrds, the butterfly that travels t Mexic this year is the great-great-grandchild f the butterfly that traveled there last year.
    Each year, fur generatins f a Mnarch butterfly family are brn. Each generatin f the family has a very different life. The first generatin is brn in the suth in late April. It slwly mves nrth, reprduced, and then dies. 44 Each f these generatins f butterflies is brn. This generatin has a much lnger life. It lives fr abut eight mnths. This generatin f butterflies makes the amazing jurney back t the winter hme f its great-great-grandparents. The butterflies spend the winter there, and in the spring they reprduce and then die. Their ffspring will be the first generatin f the next circle f life.
    45 But they are nt clear abut everything.
    A.Tday, peple are still studying the Mnarch butterfly.
    B.And why des it make this lng and dangerus trip?
    C.On the trip nrth, tw mre generatins are brn, reprduce, and die.
    D.Fr the next 20 years, he discvered that ne butterfly started its jurney in Canada.
    E.Anther amazing thing is that the butterflies always return t the same area in central Mexic.
    第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Befre paper was invented, peple wrte r drew n materials such as bambs, s 46 , animal hides(兽皮)and wd blcks. Writing materials were really expensive s few peple culd learn t read and write. But all changed later, thanks t a man called Cai Lun. He began experimenting with many different materials and methds t t 47 thse materials int paper. In the year 105, he made it. His paper was strnger and c 48 . Mre peple culd affrd it. With Cai Lun’s paper making methd, Chinese culture grew mre rapidly ver the next several centuries. The use f paper spread a 49 helping ther cultures recrd and spread their ideas. Tday, Cai Lun is c 50 as a rle mdel in China. And the whle wrld shuld remember the clever Chinese paper maker frever.
    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    necessary fr us yu are safe.
    The giant pandas are themselves.
    the sldier was! He saved tw children frm the big fire.
    I wndered in such things.
    Yu if yu speak t yur classmates patiently.
    第三节 书面表达(共1题;满分15分)
    1. 短文必须包括要点提示中所有信息,可适当发挥。
    2. 词数:100 左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)
    3. 文中不得出现真实姓名,校名和地点。
    Dear everybdy,
    As is knwn t all, the envirnment arund us is getting wrse and wrse.
    Guangzhu is ur hme. Let’s prtect it tgether!
    Envirnmental prblems arund us
    a. pllutin b. bad habits
    Prtect the envirnment
    ●Take green actins
    ●Save resurce(节省资源)
    Hw d yu feel abut the activity…
    1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C
    Take拿,动词原形;T take拿,动词不定式;Taking拿,动名词或现在分词;Tk拿,动词过去式。根据“ game f marbles (弹珠) fr example.”可知,本句为祈使句,动词原形开头,故选A。
    tw thusands语法错误;thusand f语法错误;thusands f成千上万的;tw thusand f语法错误。thusand“千”,前面有数词,后面不加s,后面有f时thusand变为thusands,所以选项A、B、D均表达错误,故选C。
    which在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语;why在定语从句中作状语;hw在定语从句中作状语;what引导名词性从句。根据“There are many the game f marbles s ppular.”可知,本句为定语从句,先行词是reasns,从句缺少主语,故选A。
    a不定冠词,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,用于元音音素开头的单词前the定冠词,表示特指; /没有冠词。根据“Bth the rich and the pr chance f winning.”可知,此处表达平等的获胜机会,为泛指,又因为equal为元音音素开头,前加冠词an,故选B。
    While当……时;Unless除非;If如果;Since既然。根据“ have at least ne marble, yu can get int a game.”可知,本句为条件状语从句,意为如果你至少有一块大理石,你就可以进入游戏。故选C。
    what什么,在宾语从句中作主语、宾语、表语;why为什么,在宾语从句中作状语;which哪一个,在宾语从句中作主语、宾语、表语;that做宾语从句中不作成份,没有含义。根据“ It rules can be changed by the players.”可知,本句为宾语从句,从句中不缺成分和含义,故选D。
    shuld应该;can能够;must必须;need需要。根据“Yu and yur a game ging and, as lng as yu all agree, thse are the rules fr the game in yur neighburhd.”可知,只要你们都同意,你和你的朋友就可以玩游戏。故选B。
    In在……里;On在……上面;By在……旁边;At在……时刻。at the end f“在……结束时”,固定短语,故选D。
    Anther另一个(三者及以上);The ther另一个(两者中);Other其他的,后加名词;The thers其他的人或事物。根据“ hme with bags that are...”可知,此空缺主语,意为其他人,故选D。
    light轻的;mre light语法错误;lighter更轻的;lightest最轻的。根据空后than可知,此空应填形容词比较级,故选C。
    are appeared被出现,一般现在时的被动语态;have appeared出现,现在完成时;were appeared被出现,一般过去时的被动语态;appeared出现,动词过去式。clay marbles与appeare为主谓关系,为主动,又因为本句为一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选D。
    them他们,人称代词宾格;they他们,人称代词主格;themselves他们自己,反身代词;their他们的,形容词性物主代词。根据“Marble players ften trade marbles, trying t get the mst clurful and beautiful nes fr...”可知,此处表达试图为自己获得最丰富多彩、最美丽的弹珠,用反身代词,故选C。
    But但是;And和;Or或者;S所以。根据“Tday, there is an Internatinal Marble any yungster knws, the best game f marbles...”可知,前后两句话为转折关系,用but引导,故选A。
    are played被玩;play玩;has played玩,现在完成时;is played被玩。game与play为动宾关系,构成被动,被动结构:be+dne。又因为本句陈述的事实,时态用一般现在时,主语为game,系动词用is。故选D。
    mre easily更容易地;easy简单的;easily简单地;mst easily最容易地。根据“the marbles rll...”可知,本空缺副词修饰动词rll,意为弹珠很容易滚动,故选C。
    16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.B
    pleasant愉悦的; busy 忙碌的;quiet 安静的;relaxing令人放松的。根据“there were s many things t d!”可知,因为有很多事情要做,所以第一天非常忙碌。故选B。
    deeper更深的;prer更贫穷的;higher更高的;bigger更大的。根据上文“Hwever, ur instructr, Mr. Lee, pinted ut that it might fld if it rained”可知需在高处搭帐篷,故选C。
    Recently最近;Suddenly突然;Usually通常;Luckily幸运地。根据“Mr. Lee helped us a lt”可知“我”们是幸运的。故选D。
    explaining解释;cmplaining抱怨;asking问;replying回复。根据“t ck ur fd instead”可知是让彼得停止抱怨。故选B。
    play玩;save节约;invent发明;make制作。结合语境可知空处考查make a fire短语,意为“生火”,故选D。
    eaten吃;made制作;drunk喝;brught买。根据“There’s nthing left.”可知,奶牛吃光了“我”们的早饭。故选A。
    thrw away扔掉;sell ut卖光;put away整理;take ut拿出。结合语境可知put away切合句意,故选C。
    task任务;prblem问题;lessn课;husewrk家务。根据“using the map and cmpass t find a secret lcatin”可知,用地图和指南针找到一个秘密地点是一项任务。故选A。
    26.B 27.A 28.B 29.C
    26.细节理解题。根据“Take tw simplified characters as an simplified versins f these characters have lst their human tuch.”可知,文章通过举例子的形式解释学习繁体字的重要性,故选B。
    27.词义猜测题。根据“It is nt t get rid f the simplified characters, but t let the children knw abut the mst imprtant part f traditinal Chinese culture”可知,这不是为了摆脱简体字,而是为了让孩子们了解中国传统文化中最重要的部分,短语“get rid f”指的是“摆脱,放弃”,故选A。
    28.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, at this year’s Chinese Peple’s Plitical Cnsultative Cnference(CPPCC), well-knwn film directr Feng Xiagang suggested that schls shuld teach students 50-200 f the mst meaningful traditinal Chinese characters.”可知,一位电影导演建议学校教学生学习繁体字而不是简体字。故选B。
    30.D 31.C 32.D 33.C
    30.细节理解题。根据“Over time, the huses in her village were surrunded by rubbish.”可知她村子里的房子被塑料垃圾包围。故选D。
    31.推理判断题。根据“Over time, the mvement became big and was able t prvide incme fr wmen arund. It was als able t greatly reduce plastic waste in the Gambia”可知这项运动能够为周围的妇女提供收入,它还能够大大减少冈比亚的塑料废物。故选C。
    32.推理判断题。根据“Of curse, if ne man’s huse is clean but his neighbr’s is nt, then the man is als nt healthy.”可知如果一个人的房子是干净的,而他的邻居的房子是不干净的,那么这个人也不健康,由此可推知处理塑料垃圾是一项共同的责任。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据“Fr many years, Ceesay has cntinued t deal with the plastic waste. In 2012, she gt the TIAW Difference Maker Award in Washingtn, DC, the United States”可知多年来,Ceesay一直在处理塑料垃圾,2012年,她在美国华盛顿获奖。故选C。
    34.A 35.B 36.C 37.D
    34.细节理解题。根据“Nick hurried the fur girls int the fresh air.”可知,Nick急忙领四个女孩出去呼吸新鲜空气,对应b;根据“Nick went upstairs. He searched every bedrm.”可知,Nick上楼在每间卧室里搜寻Kelly,对应c;根据“He lifted his T-shirt trying t cver his muth and nse when he heard the sund f crying, frm the dark smke belw.”可知,Nick顺着哭声来到下面的黑烟中,对应e;根据“Nick quickly lifted the girl int his arms. He thught, ‘Where is the frnt dr?’”可知,Nick抱着Kelly找门,对应a;根据“Hlding Kelly tightly in ne arm, Nick ran frward and threw himself ut f the windw.”可知,Nick从窗户跳了出来,一只胳膊紧紧地抱着Kelly,对应d。所以正确的顺序是b-c-e-a-d,故选A。
    35.词义猜测题。根据“‘Kelly is in there! We can’t find her!’ Sarah, the eldest f the girls, screamed referring t her six-year ld sister.”及感叹号可知,应是:女孩中最大的Sarah指着她六岁的妹妹尖叫道,所以“screamed”的意思应为:尖叫,大喊大叫;选项B“shuted”意为“大声喊叫”,与之同义,故选B。
    36.细节理解题。根据“Kelly lked dwn at the pen grassy space.”可知,是Kelly低头看了看开阔的草地,而不是Nick,故选C。
    38.B 39.D 40.C
    38.细节理解题。根据“If yu are rbbed”、“If yu are in a traffic accident”、“If it is raining hard and there is lightning”、“When there is fire”和“If smene is drwning (溺水).”可知文章提到了五个自我保护的方式,故选B。
    39.细节理解题。根据“Get away as fast as yu can. Put wet things n yur bdy and try t find an exit. D nt take the lift.”可知如果你的房子着火了,你必须跑开,尽快找到出口。故选D。
    41.B 42.D 43.E 44.C 45.A
    41.根据前句“Hw can it fly s far?”以及后句“Scientists still dn’t have an answer.”可知,因此猜测此处询问的是为什么要飞得那么远,B选项“为什么它要进行这次漫长而危险的旅行?”符合语境。故选B。
    42.根据前句“Then, in 1937, a scientist started t fllw and study the butterflies.”可知,此处应是说明对于蝴蝶的研究,D选项“在接下来的20年里,他发现一只蝴蝶从加拿大开始了它的旅程。”符合语境。故选D。
    43.根据“Hw d the butterflies find their way back t the same place?”可知,此处讲述的是蝴蝶回到同一个地方,E选项“另一件令人惊奇的事情是,这些蝴蝶总是回到墨西哥中部的同一地区。”符合语境。故选E。
    44.根据“The first generatin is brn in the suth in late April. It slwly mves nrth, reprduced, and then dies.”可知,此处说的是蝴蝶繁殖的几代,C选项“在向北的旅途中,又有两代人出生、繁殖和死亡。”符合语境。故选C。
    45.根据“But they are nt clear abut everything.”可知,此处说的是现在仍然有人在研究帝王蝶,A选项“今天,人们仍然在研究帝王蝶。”符合语境。故选A。
    46.(s)ilk 47.(t)ransfrm/(t)urn 48.(c)heaper 49.(a)brad
    46.句意:在纸发明之前,人们在竹子、丝绸、兽皮和木块等材料上写字或画画。根据“Writing materials acre rally expensive s few peple culd learn t read and write.”并结合首字母提示可知,写作材料成本高昂,所以此处应填不可数名词silk“丝绸”,故填(s)ilk。
    47.句意:他开始试验许多不同的材料和方法,把这些材料变成纸。根据“…thse materials int paper”及语境可知此处指的是把这些材料变成纸,begin t d sth.“开始做某事”,空处应填动词原形;turn int“变成”,transfrm int“把……转变成……”。故填(t)ransfrm/(t)urn。
    48.句意:105年,他成功了。他的纸更结实、更便宜。由并列连词“and”并结合首字母提示可知,此处应填形容词比较级,根据前文“Writing materials acre rally expensive s few peple culd learn t read and write.”可知此处应填cheaper“更便宜”,与空前“strnger”并列,故填(c)heaper。
    49.句意:纸张的使用传播到国外,帮助其他文化记录和传播他们的思想。根据“…helping ther cultures recrd and spread their ideas.”及语境可知,此处指的是传播到国外,应填副词abrad“国外”,故填(a)brad。
    50.句意:今天,蔡伦被认为是中国的榜样。根据“Cai Lun is…as a rle mdel in China.”可知此处填“被认为是”符合语境,be cnsidered as“被认为是”,句子是一般现在时的被动语态。故填(c)nsidered。
    51. It’s t make sure
    【详解】固定句式:It’s+形容词+fr sb t d sth“对于某人来说,做某事是……的”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语;make sure“确保”,故填It’s;t;make;sure。
    52. strng enugh t prtect
    【详解】strng enugh“足够强壮”,be+adj+enugh+t d sth“足够……去做某事”,prtect“保护”。故填strng;enugh;t;prtect。
    53. Hw brave
    54. why yu were interested
    【详解】由句子结构可知,这是一个宾语从句,根据主句中“wndered ”可知,主句时态是一般过去时,那么从句也要用相应的过去时态;宾语从句遵循陈述句语序,连接词是why,主语是yu,对……感兴趣be interested in sth.,固定短语,此处be动词应用were。故填why;yu;were;interested。
    55. wn’t be laughed at
    【详解】laugh at“嘲笑”,主语是动作的承受者,if引导的条件状语从句满足“主将从现”原则,所以此处是一般将来时的被动语态。故填wn’t;be;laughed;at。
    Dear everybdy,
    As is knwn t all, the envirnment arund us is getting wrse and wrse. Nw pllutin is everywhere. The river has becme dirty, the sky has turned gray and sme areas d nt have clean drinking water. Many peple have bad habits, such as thrwing rubbish everywhere, wasting water and drinking fd.
    S it’s time t prtect the envirnment. First, we shuld take green actins. Fr example, we shuld g t schl by bike r by bus instead f by car. Secnd, we als need t save resurce. Third, we had better plant mre trees.
    I think the activity is meaningful. Envirnmental prtectin is clsely related t ur daily life. S it is everyne’s respnsibility t prtect ur envirnment.
    Guangzhu is ur hme. Let’s prtect it tgether!
    ①thrw rubbish everywhere到处扔垃圾
    ②save resurce节约资源
    ③instead f而不是
    ④be clsely related t与……密切相关
    ①we had better plant mre trees.(had better d sth最好做某事)
    ②S it is everyne’s respnsibility t prtect ur envirnment.(it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语)

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