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    第一部分 听力(共两小节,满分30分)
    1. What will the wman d next?
    A. Help the man carry bks.
    B. Buy sme bks.
    C. Hand ut the bks.
    2. Hw des the wman sund?
    A. Wrried. B. Excited. C. Disappinted.
    3. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Cntinue t wrk. B. Take sme medicine. C. G t the hspital.
    4. Wh is the wman prbably talking t?
    A. A deliveryman. B. An assistant. C. A patient.
    5. Where are prbably the speakers?
    A. At a travel agency. B. On the plane. C. At an airprt.
    6. What day is it tday?
    A. Thursday. B. Friday. C. Saturday.
    7. What is the wman ging t d next Wednesday?
    A. G n a business trip. B. Attend a wedding. C. Dine with the man.
    8. What did the man d yesterday?
    A. He met the president. B. He did his hmewrk. C. He prepared fr a party.
    9. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Clleagues.
    10. Why des the wman lse a lt f weight?
    A. She has been exercising. B. She has been n a diet. C. She is sick.
    11. What des the man invite the wman t d?
    A. G swimming. B. Play badmintn. C. G running.
    12. What is the man's current jb?
    A. A badmintn teacher. B. A fitness cach. C. A captain f the team.
    13. Hw lng did the man wrk fr Tech Services?
    A. Tw years. B. Three years. C. Five years.
    14. What did the man learn frm Sft Slutins?
    A. Training methds.
    B. The sftware-building prcess.
    C. Teamwrk and quick decisin-making.
    15. Why did the man leave Sft Slutins?
    A. He wanted t imprve himself.
    B. The cmpany was clsed dwn.
    C. There were nt many sftware prjects.
    16. What will the man d if he can't get n with smene in his team?
    A. Put the team befre himself.
    B. Keep distance frm that persn.
    C. Talk with that persn heart t heart.
    17. When did the speaker knw abut the cnstructin f a park fr the lcals?
    A. Last mnth.B. Last week. C. Yesterday.
    18. What d the lcals d with the abandned factry?
    A. They chat there.
    B. They raise animals there.
    C. They thrw the garbage there.
    19. Where d mst children play in the speaker's area?
    A. On the streets. B. At their wn hmes. C. In the park.
    20. What is the lcals' attitude twards the administratin's decisin?
    A. Negative. B. Supprtive. C. Casual.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Hng Kng has the largest cllectin f high-rise buildings n Earth, many f which have been designed by wrld-famus architects(建筑师).
    HSBC Headquarters Building
    In 1979, the Hng Kng and Shanghai Banking Crpratin (HSBC) launched an internatinal design cmpetitin fr its new headquarters. Fster+Partners, headed by architect Sir Nrman Fster, wn the cmpetitin with an ut-f-the-bx idea. The British cmpany had the mdular(模块化的)pieces cnstructed in the US, Japan and the UK befre shipping them t Hng Kng fr assembly(组装).
    The Hendersn
    Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) has carried ut the plans t replace a multi-stry car park in Hng Kng's central business district with a new 623-ft twer. Like s many f ZHA's prjects, the ffice twer, which is cmpleted in 2023, emplys technlgy while cnsidering its natural envirnment at the same time. Fr instance, there is a sky garden which is an utdr space with a running track and a planting netwrk that acts as an effective bilgical tl t purify air.
    Tw Internatinal Finance Centre
    On a clear day, yu can see straight acrss Hng Kng frm the ffices in Tw Internatinal Finance Center (21FC), cmpleted in 2003. Designed by the late Cesar Pelli, the 1,352-ft twer was the tallest in the city upn its cmpletin. It transfrmed the skyline when it pened with its breathtaking height and tapered(锥形的)shape, symblizing Hng Kng's rise.
    Bank f China Twer
    The 1,205-ft twer, cmpleted in 1990, brke recrds at the time and became an instant landmark(地标)as the first twer ver 985 feet utside Nrth America. A visin f urban energy, expansin and gemetry, the Bank f China Twer (BOC Twer) was designed t lk like a bamb sht, shwing strength, vitality and China's image as a significant player n the internatinal market.
    21. Which building cmbines technlgy with nature?
    A. The HendersnB. Bank f China Twer
    C. HSBC Headquarters BuildingD. Tw Internatinal Finance Centre
    22. What is special abut the HSBC Headquarters Building?
    A. It was designed by several architect teams.
    B. Its design wn a cmpetitin held by HSBC.
    C. It was cnstructed n the ships all ver the wrld.
    D. Its idea f cnstructin was cnsidered ec-friendly.
    23. What d the BOC Twer and 2IFC have in cmmn?
    A. They are knwn fr being creative.
    B. They were cmpleted in the same century.
    C. They were nce the tallest in Hng Kng.
    D. They display Hng Kng's impact n the wrld.
    A picture f 17-year-ld Zhang Guimei has wn great ppularity n China's scial media. The yung girl with black-rimmed glasses and tw shrt braids is smiling brightly int the camera. Netizens are greatly tuched by the fresh-faced girl in the picture, which is a far cry frm Zhang's nw aged and weathered face peple are familiar with, as it tells a stry f a wman wh has devted her life t prmting educatin and fighting pverty in rural areas.
    Brn in Nrtheast China's Heilngjiang prvince in 1957, Zhang traveled t Yunnan at the age f 17 and has been helping girls frm pr areas pursue educatin fr ver 40 years. Zhang helped establish the cuntry's first senir high schl t ffer free educatin fr girls frm pr families. The schl prvides free educatin t girls wh wuld therwise have had n chance t study after cmpleting their nine years f cmpulsry educatin.
    Despite having serius health prblems, Zhang Guimei tk mrning classes with students fr 12 years. She has als accumulated 110,000 kilmeters visiting her students' families ver the years. Mst f her salary and bnuses were spent n students. Since the schl pened in 2008, it has seen mre than 1, 800 students prgress t universities and clleges.
    “I was built t be a muntain nt a creek, rising t the high peaks with the small valleys at my feet. I was brn t be great, nt wrthless, standing n the shulders f the giants, the petty cwards beneath me.” The mtt f Huaping High Schl fr Girls is als a true reflectin f Zhang Guimei's strength and reslve.
    On Feb 25, 2021 President Xi Jinping presented an award t Zhang Guimei t mark the natin's pverty alleviatin accmplishments and hnr exceptinal pverty fighters at the Great Hall f the Peple in Beijing.
    24. Why are netizens deeply mved by the pht?
    A. Because they are mre familiar with Zhang's aged face.
    B. Because the picture spreads wildly n China's scial media.
    C. Because they can't cnnect the girl in the picture with Zhang.
    D. Because they are reminded f her cntributin t the rural educatin.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “accumulated” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. built upB. tk upC. came upD. turned up
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Zhang Guimei accrding t the passage?
    A. devted and knwledgeableB. selfless and cnfident
    C. strng-willed and respnsibleD. generus and creative
    27. Where des the text prbably cme frm?
    A. A bigraphy. B. A dcument. C. A strybk. D. A news clumn.
    Lts f yung mammals and birds are invlved in behaviur that has a lt in cmmn. It prvides n bvius adaptive result such as access t fd, shelter r a mate. It is vluntary and rewarding in itself and appears t be cnducted pleasantly when the animal is relaxed.
    What abut bumblebees(大黄蜂)?Obviusly they d the same thing t, accrding t wrk just published in Animal Behaviur by Galpayage Dna and Lars Chittka. The idea f asking whether bumblebees like t play came t Chittka during a previus study in which he trained them t rll wden balls arund in rder t btain fd. He nticed that, during this experiment, they wuld ften rll the balls fr n practical reasn. They just seemed t enjy it.
    A perfect PhD prject fr an ambitius student. And Ms Galpayage Dna stepped up t the mark. She created an field, put pllen(花粉)and sugar slutin in it t attract the bees, and cnnected it via a plastic tube t a bumblebee nest in Dr Chittka's labratry. The field cntained 18 wden balls cated with clear plastic, s that they culd be cleaned every day f any scent(气味)picked up. In ne part f the field, nine f the balls were fixed t the flr. In anther,the remaining balls culd be rlled arund. Ms Dna tagged 45 bees, between ne and 23 days ld, s that they culd be fllwed as individuals. She then pened the dr t the field fr three hurs a day fr 18 days and recrded n vide what happened.
    The recrdings suggested that the bees did enjy this experiment. All f the tagged bees rlled a ball at least nce during the experiment. Mst did s many times. One particular enthusiast managed 117 rlls. Overal1, the camera recrded 910 incidents f ball-rlling by tagged insects. Als yung bees played mre ften than ld nes. All that they seemingly need nw is sme galpsts and a referee(裁判), and bumblebee scial behaviur will take ff t the next level.
    28. What's the purpse d animals engage in the behavir based n paragraph 1?
    A. T find sme fd. B. T enjy themselves.
    C. T get rewards frm thers. D. T make an rganized team.
    29. What gave rise t the study published in Animal Behaviur?
    A. A survival training. B. An ambitius prject.
    C. An interesting recrd. D. An unexpected finding.
    30. What d yu knw abut the field built by Ms Dna?
    A. The field was separated frm the bumblebee nest.
    B. She bserved bees' perfrmance all day by vide.
    C. Half f the wden balls culd be rlled n the field.
    D. She decrated it nly with sugar t draw bee's attentin.
    31. What can be a suitable title f the passage?
    A. Why Bumblebees Lve t Play?
    B. Hw Bumblebees Manage Ball-rlling?
    C. Are Bumblebees Ptential Ftball Players?
    D. Is Playfulness Limited t Mammals and Birds?
    When a severe heat wave cvered Califrnia in July 2006, it killed abut 650 peple. But it may be tugh t recall because heat waves dn't typically have names. They are already the deadliest wcather-related danger, yet they remain invisible(看不见的)killers that few peple take seriusly. What if the mst life-threatening heat waves did have names?
    This summer, as many experience high temperatures caused by greenhuse gas pllutin and El Niñ, there has been new penness t the idea f naming heat waves. Peple in Suthern Eurpe have named the July heat wave Cerberus. The results f a survey f mre than 2,000 peple fund that peple wh knew the heat wave was named Cerberus were als mre likely t take actins t stay safe, including drinking mre water, spending mre time indrs and warning thers abut the risk.
    Thugh mre research is needed, this suggests that naming heat waves, cmbined with strnger messaging, can nt nly help change peple's knwledge f the risk, but urge them t take prtective actin. It wuld be mre effective t bradcast that Heat Wave Ze, a dangerus Categry 3 event, will start tmrrw and here's what yu can d t prtect yurself, yur neighbrs and c-wrkers. Names, after all, are easier t remember than numbers r weather frecasts.
    But the Wrld Meterlgical(气象学的)Organizatin is against naming heat waves n the grunds that it wuld cnfuse and distract the public. And the Natinal Weather Service isn't ging t rank r name heat waves either, saying that heat and its health impacts vary s greatly acrss different regins and seasns that even cming up with a standard definitin f a heat wave is almst impssible.
    There's nthing t lse by trying ut a pilt prgram t name the mst dangerus heat waves. It's pretty clear the current apprach t these disasters is falling far shrt f what's necessary t prtect lives. We need ther ways t call attentin t it and warn the public f the danger. It's hard t make prgress fighting an enemy with n name.
    32. Why des the authr mentin the severe heat wave that cvered Califrnia in July 2006?
    A. T clarify the severity f extreme weather.
    B. T intrduce the tpic f naming heat waves.
    C. T call fr peple t prtect the envirnment.
    D. T shw peple's ignrance f the heat wave.
    33. What can we infer frm paragraph 2 and 3?
    A. Naming heat waves des bring benefit t peple.
    B. Naming heat waves is a must due t its effectiveness.
    C. Naming heat waves ensures peple's effrt t prtect themselves.
    D. Naming heat waves and strnger messaging are equally imprtant.
    34. Why des the Natinal Weather Service have n plans t name heat waves?
    A. It will bring cnfusin and distractin t the public.
    B. It is imprper and unnecessary t name heat waves.
    C. It is unlikely t distinguish and predict heat waves.
    D. It is difficult t set a standard t define heat waves.
    35. What is the authr's attitude t naming heat waves?
    A. Dubtful. B. Unclear. C. Psitive. D. Negative.
    In the fast-paced mdern life, the act f eating has ften becme a hurried and mindless rutine. 36 Mindful eating, rted in ancient practices, ffers a refreshing chice-a way t imprved well-being and a deeper cnnectin with ur fd.
    The jurney int mindful eating begins with the simple act f pausing. 37 Sit cmfrtably, take a few deep breaths, and stay away frm electrnic devices r wrk-related materials. This pause sets the tne fr a mindful eating experience, where yu can fully engage with the nurishment(养分)and the present mment.
    Rather than mindlessly cnsuming large amunts f fd, use visual cues(提示,暗示), such as the size f yur palm r a clsed fist, t measure prper prprtin(份额)in yur plate. 38
    As yu eat, tune in t yur bdy's fullness signals. Instead f sticking t external cues r rigid meal schedules, let yur bdy guide yu. Dn't frget t chew thrughly. It supprts the digestive prcess by breaking dwn fd int smaller pieces, making it easier fr yur bdy t absrb nutrients. 39 Aim t chew each bite at least 20 times. By adpting a mre leisurely apprach t meals, yu invite a sense f relaxatin int yur dining experience.
    Amng the fcus n fd, it's vital t extend mindfulness t hydratin(水合作用). Drinking water is an inseparable part f the eating experience. Befre, during, and after yur meal, take mments t hydrate. Mindful hydratin makes a gd cmbinatin with the act f eating, cntributing t verall well-being and ensuring that yur bdy is adequately nurished and hydrated.
    40 It becmes a mindfulness practice that fuels nt nly yur bdy but als yur sul.
    A. Cmmn thugh it is, it is unhealthy.
    B. It als prvides yur brain with the time t hear the signals.
    C. Mindful eating ges beynd the act f just cnsuming fd.
    D. By eating withut multitasking, yu hnur the fd n yur plate.
    E. This apprach fcuses n the quantity rather than the quality f yur fd.
    F. Take a mment t create a specific space fr eating befre having yur meal.
    G. Attending t serving size is helpful in keeping a balanced relatinship with fd.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分40分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Life always has a way f tapping us n the shulder, whispering, “Pay attentin t this.” It happens when we 41 expect it.
    In the 1950s, I spent my days as a sixth grader in my schl. One day, as I remembered, classes 42 with the usual nise f vices and ftsteps f students' mving up r dwn staircases. I was walking twards a large stairway 43 t the secnd and third flr f ur building when a sudden unpleasant sund f cleats(钉鞋)hitting the flr and hcavy ftsteps caught my attentin. I fund Rchelle 44 her way acrss a wden-flred rm. Whenever she went,Rchelle carried the full leg braces(支架)and heavy cleats,which was the 45 f her serius illness a few years earlier.
    As Rchelle mved faster and faster, she lst the balance and landed 46 dwn at the tp f the wide stairway. A wave f kind peple strde tward her, 47 their helping hand. Hwever, ne wrd frm Rchelle 48 them. “N!” she said. While everyne fixed their eyes n her 49 , this amazing girl lifted her head and pushed herself up t a kneeling 50 With a great effrt, she made it t her feet. Then She 51 herself, and made her way up the stairway.
    The whle 52 tk n mre than a cuple minutes, but that day I learned abut dignity and strength f character; I fund ut the meaning f 53 and persistence. 54 the passage f mre than fifty years, I still remember her clearly. If Rchelle is alive tday, she prbably still wears her braces r may even spend her days in a wheelchair, but I feel certain her spirit is 55 She surely cntinues t teach life's little lessns t a great many thers in her wn quite way.
    41. A. wrstB. bestC. leastD. mst
    42. A. beganB. changedC. endedD. disturbed
    43. A. cntributingB. leadingC. turningD. cming
    44. A. struggledB. feltC. pushedD. fught
    45. A. causeB. markC. signalD. reminder
    46. A. faceB. backC. headD. chest
    47. A. bringing utB. giving utC. making utD. reaching ut
    48. A. thankedB. rescuedC. stppedD. prtested
    49. A. curiuslyB. entirelyC. unwillinglyD. anxiusly
    50. A. psitinB. ccasinC. situatinD. relatin
    51. A. lengthenedB. straightenedC. sharpenedD. strengthened
    52. A. incidentB. crashC. eventD. defence
    53. A. patienceB. unselfishnessC. independenceD. hnesty
    54. A. In case fB. On behalf fC. In spite fD. In terms f
    55. A. unfrgettableB. unchangedC. unspeakableD. unbelievable
    第二节 短文填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The 2024 China Ice and Snw Turism Develpment Frum was held n (Lcate) in the nrtheast f China, Harbin Ice and Snw Wrld was recgnized as the largest ice and snw park in the wrld, with 57._________ area f 816,682.5 square meters.
    The park, 58._________ ice, snw, sund and lights are cmbined, is in its 25th year f peratin. Visitrs enjy 59._________ (varius) f artwrks and a range f ther activities. “I was fantastic when 1 60._________ (slide) dwn the 521-meter ice slpe, and a giant Ferris wheel(摩天轮)61._________ the shape f a snwflake als left a deep impressin n me. All these make Harbin 62._________ (glbal) attractive.” A turist recalled.
    The 40th Harbin Internatinal Ice and Snw Festival-the city's annual winter gala als pened at the park, 63._________ (welcme) visitrs frm arund the wrld.
    Liang Huiling, gvernr f Heilngjiang, said at the pening ceremny: “64._________ ur hmetwn is an underdevelped regin, it has richest ice and snw resurces and is als the birthplace f China's mdern ice and snw industry. The whle prvince's snw and ice ecnmy 65._________ (prmte) since the park gained great ppularity.”
    第三节 单句填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. Delighted and _________ (relief), she heard that she wuld have tw day ff this weekend.
    67. The trading ship carrying imprts and exprts, as well ax the glden pleasure bats fr the rich, _________ (destry) in that natural disaster.
    68. Thank yu fr yur letter f _________ (apply), which we received yesterday.
    69. Water pllutin is caused by _________ (pisn) chemicals used in agriculture.
    70. We must be careful when dealing with the pllutin issues, fr we have envirnmental plicy _________ (bserve)
    71. The unexpected fire in Nanjing caused 15 deaths and 44 _________ (injure).
    72. He lst the jb _________ cnsequence f his laziness and rudeness.
    73. If _________ (cnfirm) by the prfessr, the result f the experiment can't be changed.
    74. Alice Brwn, headteacher at Falmnt Primary Schl, was teaching _________ the flr began t shake.
    75. The three students tried t cheat in the exam, nly _________ (catch) by their teacher.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    76.假如你是李华,恰逢植树节(Tree Planting Day),环保问题再度被提起,请你代表学生会向全体同学发出共建绿色环保校园的倡议,内容包括:
    Dear fellw students,
    The Students' Unin
    On Sunday, Nichlas, a teenager, went skiing with his father at Sugarlaf Muntain in Maine. They had a wnderful day and decided t drive hme t Massachusetts after a final run. They tk a chairlift t the tp f the muntain, where they are separated t g dwn in different trails(小路). When the father finished his run, he headed t the parking lt t wait fr his sn. Hwever, Nichlas never shwed up.
    It turned ut that a fierce snwstrm had swept int the area as Nichlas was n his way dwn. Unable t see far, he accidentally left the path and went dwn the west side f the muntain. Befre he knew it, Nichlas was lst and all alne. His way back t the ski trails was blcked. What's wrse, he didn't have any fd r water with him, let alne his cell phne r ther supplies. The sun began t sink and he was getting clder by the minute.
    Nichlas had n idea where he was. He tried nt t panic. He thught abut Bear Grylls' survival shw Man vs. Wild that he used t watch n TV. In the shw, Grylls is in a wild area and has t help himself ut. It was time t put the tips he had learned t use.
    He decided t stp mving arund. He needed the energy, and the winds weren't as strng in the valley where he std as they were up n the muntain. Plus, there was a better chance f smene finding him if he stayed ut. The first thing he did was t seek shelter(庇护所)frm the freezing wind and snw. Using his skis, Nichlas built a snw cave(洞穴). He gathered a huge mass f snw and dug ut a hle in the middle. Then he piled branches n tp f himself, like a blanket, t stay as warm as he culd.
    When evening came, Nichlas was really hungry. He ate sme snw and drank sme water frm nearby stream s that he wuldn't dehydrate(脱水). Then he returned t his cave and slept. When Nichlas didn't shw up, his father realized there must be smething wrng. Seized by fear, he called 911 at nce with his trembling hands. The plice quickly came, cmfrted him and gathered a rescue team t lk fr the missing by with him. They searched the muntain ver the night, but in vain. With the clck ticking, the chance f Nichlas' survival wuld becme slim. Despite the severe weather cnditin and the raring wind, they didn't give up hpe f finding him alive. They decided t expand the search area with sme snwmbiles(雪地机动车)t speed things up.
    The next day, Nichlas heard the sund f a snwmbile ...
    The next day, Nichlas heard the sund f a snwmbile. _________________________________________
    语法 56.Lcated57. an58. where59. varieties60. slid61. in
    62. glbally63. welcming64. While/Thugh/Althugh65. has been prmted
    填空 66.relieved67. was destryed68. applicatin69. pisnus70. t bserve
    71. injuries72. in73. cnfirmed74. when75. t be caught
    Dear fellw students.
    With Tree Panting Day falling n March 12, I'm here t appeal t students t d ur part t create a green campus n behalf f the students' unin.
    We can't emphasize its significance t much. Nt nly des an appealing schl lighten ur md and thus enhance ur learning efficiency, but als the related knwledge can be applied t bettering ur earth later. As t hw t create a green campus, firstly, we can start frm small actins, such as turning ff the tap and lights when nt in use. Mrever, it makes sense t rganize different activities t raise ur students' sense f respnsibility.
    I firmly believe that nly with jint effrts can we make a difference t ur schl. Let's g t great lengths t create a greener campus.
    The Students' Unin
    The next day, Nichlas heard the sund f a snwmbile. Realizing that peple might cme t his rescue, he went ut f the cave quickly and shuted with all his might. The sund getting nearer and nearer, a sense f excitement flwed thrugh him. Finally, the snwmbile pulled up, and ut jumped his father and a pliceman. At the sight f his father, Nichlas rushed frward and hugged him tightly, with tears welling up in their eyes. All the peple present were deeply tuched by the scene f reunin and thught highly f the by's intelligence and calm.
    1. M: We dn't have enugh textbks fr students. I shuld g t the bkstre t buy mre bks. But I have t hand ut the bks right nw.
    W: I'll g get them fr yu. Hw many bks d yu want?
    2. M: Nw tell me, what's yur prblem?
    W: I dn't feel like eating. And I cannt sleep well. I'm s scared. Am I dying?
    M: Certainly nt. Dn't be nervus. Yu just have a cld.
    3. M: Yu lk very weak. What's wrng?
    W: I have a headache. I've taken the medicine, but it didn't wrk. I still have sme imprtant wrk t d.
    M: Oh, n! Yu need t see a dctr right nw. I will help yu with yur wrk.
    4. W: The medicine we rdered has arrived. We shuld be careful with that big blue bx. And the medicine in the red bx shuld be kept refrigerated.
    M: OK, Dr. Lin. What shuld we d with the gray bx?
    W: Oh, there are face masks in it. Just put the gray bx in strage.
    5. M: Excuse me, culd yu please tell me if the flight frm Argentina will be n time?
    W: Dn't wrry, sir. It shuld be arriving in abut ten minutes. Please wait patiently fr a while.
    6. M: Hell, Jane. Wuld yu like t have dinner with me n Friday?
    W: I'm afraid nt. I'm ging n a business trip tmrrw.
    M: What abut Saturday?
    W: Srry, I never g ut n Saturday evenings. I always watch talk shws at hme n Saturday evenings.
    M: What abut next Tuesday?
    W: Oh, dear. I prmised my friend that I wuld attend her wedding.
    M: Then hw abut next Wednesday? W: Okay. That's settled.
    7. W: Hey, Frank, what did Miss Green tell yu?She lks s angry.
    M: Er ... I didn't hand in my hmewrk this mrning.
    W: What? Hw dare yu! She is the strictest f all ur teachers. But why?
    M: Well, I was preparing fr the schl party yesterday. Yu knw, I'm the president f the student unin. I have t be in charge f rganizing events.
    W: Yu're s busy, but yu shuldn't neglect yur study.
    8. M: Lng time n see. Yu've lst a lt f weight.
    W: Yes, I've been exercising all the time.
    M: Really?I remember yu weren't very gd at exercising at all.
    W: Yeah, I used t be lazy and didn't like sprts at all. When a relative f mine gt seriusly ill, I started t realize that being t fat was bad fr health.
    M: Yu're right. I'm glad yu finally realized the imprtance f exercise. S what kind f exercise d yu d every day?
    W: I run every day and I g swimming n weekends.
    M: D yu like playing badmintn?
    W: Sure, but I dn't play it very well.
    M: It desn't matter. I'm prfessinal. Next time we can play badmintn tgether.
    W: OK, I remember that yu were the captain f ur high schl badmintn team. What have yu been ding recently?
    M: I teach students t play badmintn in a primary schl.
    9. W: Hell, Mr. Trres. I can see frm yur resume that yu had tw related jbs befre. Can yu tell me in detail?
    M: Oh, f curse. I gt my first IOS develpment jb at a sftware agency called Tech Services. I had the pprtunity t learn mre abut the sftware-building prcess there. But since there were nt many sftware prjects in that agency, after 2 years, I decided t lk fr anther jb.
    W: It makes sense. What abut the secnd ne?
    M: I sn started t wrk at Sft Slutins, an internatinal startup cmpany. It was a gd chance t jin a team. I culd make full use f my training and experience in this cmpany. I gained experience in many things, like teamwrk, time management and quick decisin-making. I wrked there fr 3 years. But I need the chance t grw and learn mre. S I'm here.
    W: Great! S ... what wuld yu d if yu dn't get n with smene in yur team?
    M: I wuld try t srt things ut in a calm manner. I wuld d my best t get n with that persn fr the sake f the team.
    W: OK. Thanks s much fr cming, Mr. Trres. It is great t meet yu.
    M: It is great t meet yu, t.
    W: I'll call yu abut the result tmrrw.
    M: I'm lking frward t it.
    10. M: Well, t remain up t date with happenings arund the wrld, I always fllw the news, but I have a keen interest in the lcal news as they have a direct impact n my life. Let me talk abut ne such lcal news that I came acrss in the lcal newspaper last week which was abut the cnstructin f a park fr the city residents. Actually, there is n park in my lcality. Hwever, there is an abandned factry where peple thrw the garbage. At the same time, yu can see hmeless animals all the time.
    The lcal administratin has nw decided t transfrm it int a public park. It wuld definitely help t make my lcality clean and green. In additin, it wuld be a wnderful place fr ld peple t sit tgether t play cards and enjy ther activities. Similarly, it wuld als prvide a safe playing area fr children. In my area, mst children play n the streets which are quite dangerus as there is always a risk f accidents. Last but nt least, peple these days suffer frm many health cncerns, but in the park, they can g fr a walk. The cnstructin wrk wuld start by ext mnth, and I just saw that this has brught a huge smile n the faces f lcal residents.

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