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      浙江省丽水、湖州、衢州三市2024届高三下学期二模英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      浙江省丽水、湖州、衢州三市2024届高三下学期二模英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省丽水、湖州、衢州三市2024届高三下学期二模英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省丽水湖州衢州三市2024届高三下学期二模英语试题Word版含解析docx、浙江省丽水湖州衢州三市2024届高三下学期二模英语试题Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man think f the dress?
    A. It is attractive.
    B It is tight.
    C. It is plain.
    【原文】M: What a smart-lking black dress! Yu lk s elegant fr my wrk party tnight.
    W: Thank yu. That suit makes yu lk slim. But I’m a bit wrried. D yu think yur wrk clleagues will like me?
    M: Oh, yes. There are sme clrful characters, but they’ll lve yu.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She fund a great jb.
    B. She is ppular in cllege.
    C. She wn the student electin.
    【原文】W: I’m putting my name frward fr the upcming student electin. I’m hping t be the first student unin president frm Asia at the university.
    M: That’s fantastic news — and yu’d d a great jb. I think yu have a great chance f winning as everybdy likes yu!
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a huse.B. In a park.C. In a frest.
    【原文】M: Hw much further is this walk?
    W: Nt lng. We just have t walk past that big huse and then thrugh a park.
    M: We’ve been walking thrugh the frest fr ages nw.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What animal des the wman wn?
    A. A muse.B. A dgC. A cat.
    【原文】W: Watch what happens when I place sme cheese n the edge f the wall just here…
    M: Oh, my gdness! Is that a muse that just grabbed it?
    W: Yes! And the dg kept watching frm his bed!
    M: Maybe it’s time t get a cat!
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Wh is the wman mst grateful t?
    A. Her parentsB. Her prfessrs.C. Her friends.
    【原文】W: If it weren’t fr my mm and dad, I’m nt sure I wuld have gt my degree.
    M: Aren’t yur prfessrs very gd?
    W: Oh, they are great, and I have supprtive friends. There were s many hard times when my flks helped me ut.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A new discvery
    B. A map f the universe
    C. The secrets in DNA.
    7. Why has the wman been reading abut the tpic?
    A. Out f curisity.B. Fr schlwrkC. As a hbby.
    【答案】6. C 7. B
    【原文】M: Isn’t it incredible hw ur DNA hlds s much infrmatin abut wh we are?
    W: Yeah, it’s like a bilgical map f a human being. I’ve been reading abut it a lt lately as part f my bilgy hmewrk.
    M: It’s fascinating hw it can influence nt just ur appearance but als ur health and persnality.
    W: Abslutely. I wnder if we’ll ever unlck all the secrets hidden in ur DNA.
    M: It seems that the mre we lk clsely at things like this, the mre there is t discver.
    W: Yes, the universe is never-ending, bth lking ut and lking in.
    8. What field attracted the wman when she was a kid?
    A. Sales.B. MedicineC. Engineering
    9. What is it like in advertising accrding t the man?
    A. Interesting.B. InspiringC. Stressful.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and sales representative.
    B. Father and daughter.
    C. Husband and wife.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B
    【原文】W: What’s it like wrking as a sales representative?
    M: Like mst prfessins, it has its gd days and bad days. Why? Are yu thinking abut fllwing me int a career in advertising?
    W: I’m keeping my ptins pen at the mment. I’ll be ging t cllege next year and I d need t think abut my career.
    M: I thught yu always wanted t be a dctr.
    W: That was when I was in primary schl! Recently, I’ve been interested in engineering after being inspired by my friend’s aunt. But I’m nt s sure nw.
    M: Well yu culd d a lt wrse than wrking in advertising. But the pressure can be quite high. Hw abut yu cme t wrk with me fr a few days during yur winter vacatin?
    W: Great idea. Will I get paid?
    M: N, but nice try.
    11. Hw lng did the hike take?
    A. Three daysB. Eight daysC. Furteen days.
    12. What was the main landscape during the hike?
    A. Muntains.B. WdlandsC. Desert.
    13. What animal did the man see in camp?
    A. A lin.B. A wlf.C. A snake
    【答案】11. C 12. A 13. C
    【原文】M: That trip t the Atlas Muntains f Nrth Africa was a very stressful experience.
    W: What happened?
    M: It was a tw-week hike thrugh the muntains. We had t ck ur wn fd and set up camp each night.
    W: That sunds easy fr yu. Yu’re always spending weekends away in the wild.
    M: Yes, but nly fr tw r three days! The maximum I’ve dne befre this was eight nights, and I usually fund nice wdlands t sleep in r warm beaches. This place was cld and uncmfrtable with lads f wild animals.
    W: Like the Atlas lin?
    M: N. But there were wlves! I culd hear them calling in the distance at night! Plus, there were spiders and snakes everywhere! One f the grup fund a snake next t her when she wke up in the mrning!
    W: What? Did she get bitten?
    M: N, I bserved that the snake was pisnus, but it didn’t want t hurt her. It just wanted t keep warm! Anyway, we eventually made it acrss t the desert n the ther side.
    14. What des the man prbably d?
    A. He’s a teacher.B. He’s an authr.C. He’s an astrnmer.
    15. Where are the speakers ging t spend their vacatin?
    A. In Italy.B. In Iceland.C. In Spain.
    16. Why is the htel attractive t the speakers?
    A. It has fine fd.
    B. It has sandy beaches.
    C. It has telescpes t bserve the stars.
    【答案】14 C 15. B 16. C
    原文】M: I lve my jb, but smetimes I can’t get my head arund sme f the numbers when studying ur universe. It is just s big.
    W: It certainly is. I ften wnder abut its size. In schl, my teacher nce said there are mre stars in the universe than there are grains f sand n Earth’s beaches… But that surely can’t be true.
    M: Actually, it is. Carl Sagan, the authr f a bk called Csms, said this. Mst scientists estimate that there are arund ten times mre stars than there are grains f sand n all f Earth’s beaches!
    W: Ww, that is unbelievable!
    M: I knw! Hey, speaking f sand and beaches, have yu thught abut where we’re ging n hliday this year? D yu still want t g t Italy fr its fine fd? Or wuld yu prefer Spain fr its wnderful beaches?
    W: Actually, I fund a lvely htel in Iceland. There are high-pwered telescpes n the tp flr f the htel specifically fr lking at the stars!
    M: What? Bk it nw!
    17. What instrument did the speaker play when she was yung?
    A. The pian.B. The guitar.C. The vilin.
    18. Where is the theater lcated?
    A. In Lndn.B. In Sydney.C. In New Yrk.
    19. Why is winning this cmpetitin imprtant t the listeners?
    A. They’ll meet famus perfrmers.
    B. They’ll have a brighter future.
    C. They’ll get a chance t travel the wrld.
    20. Hw many hurs will the perfrmances last?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Seven.
    【答案】17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A
    【原文】Hell and welcme. My name is Adaline Greenwd. I am the manager f this great theater. Here, many amazing and inspiring musicals are held. Nw I wuld like t ffer each ne f yu the chance t take part in ur next musical. This is an incredible pprtunity fr any yung musician, actr, r actress.
    T win the place, yu all must perfrm a sng with an instrument f yur chice. We have all srts f instruments, such as vilins and guitars. When I was yur age, I t tk part in this cmpetitin. My instrument f chice was the pian.
    This theater is famus fr many things: musicals, ballets, and many mre. It’s mst famus fr its pera thugh. During the 18th and 19th centuries, this theater was used as an pera huse fr the peple f Lndn. Nt nly did the pera attract the lcals, but peple frm arund the wrld came t see it, frm as far as Sydney and New Yrk.
    It is imprtant that all f yu take the rle very seriusly, and perfrm t the best f yur ability. This is a nce-in-a-lifetime pprtunity, which will pen drs fr yur future. Yu must be willing t put in hard wrk t see the best rewards.
    Yu will start yur perfrmances at twelve and finish them by three this afternn. Yu will have yur results at seven this evening.
    Explre the science behind these amazing landscapes
    Retracing Charles Darwin’s travels acrss Nrth Wales
    13 May 2024|6 days
    Uncver the best f Wales as yu explre the dramatic Welsh landscapes f Eryri (Snwdnia) Natinal Park and examine the regin gelgy and hw it has been transfrmed by vlcanic and glacial activity ver the years.Discver the stry f Charles Darwin’s 1831 and 1842 turs f Wales,and retrace his travels n this small grup jurney t Shrewsbury and Snwdnia.
    The Rckies and the Badlands:Gelgy and dinsaurs in Canada
    17 June 2024|7 days
    Explre the majestic Rcky Muntains west f Calgary and the therwrldly Badlands t the cast,witness the stunning scenery and gelgy f sutherm Alberta.This tur includes tw visits t UNESCO Wrld Heritage sites,where yu will see first-hand the rugged peaks and glacial features f the Banff prtin f Canadian Rcky Muntain Parks and the bne-riddled badlands f Dinsaur Prvincial Park.
    Shrt break:Dinsaurs and Hds:Alberta
    23 July 2024|3 days
    Visit ne f the wrld’s premier dinsaur museums,sail all the way arund a Wrld Heritage site with utstanding dinsaur fssils and explre the multi-hued canyns and wind-sculpted hds (石林)f the Alberta Badlands.Thrughut this tur yu will be accmpanied by palaentlgist (古生物学家)Jn Nad,wh will share the stries f the rcks,including tales abut past ceans,swamps,rivers and deserts,the rise and fall f the dinsaurs and,mre recently,ice sheets that cvered Alberta and carved ut spectacular landscapes.
    21. Which f the fllwing might appeal t dinsaur enthusiast mst?
    A. The Eryri Natinal Park.B. The Welsh Glaciers.
    C. The Rcky Muntains.D. The Alberta Badlands.
    22. What d all the three turs invlve?
    A. Scientific facts.B. Tales abut the past.
    C. Special cmpanins.D. Visits t Wrld Heritage sites.
    23. Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. A research paper.B. A science fictin.
    C. A turism reprt.D. A travel brchure.
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. D
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Visit ne f the wrld’s premier dinsaur museums,sail all the way arund a Wrld Heritage site with utstanding dinsaur fssils and explre the multi-hued canyns and wind-sculpted hds (石林) f the Alberta Badlands.(参观世界上首屈一指的恐龙博物馆之一,在拥有杰出恐龙化石的世界遗产遗址周围航行,探索阿尔伯塔荒原的多彩峡谷和风雕石林)”可知,阿尔伯塔荒原可能最吸引恐龙爱好者,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章标题“Explre the science behind these amazing landscapes(探索这些神奇景观背后的科学)”并结合第一段中“Uncver the best f Wales as yu explre the dramatic Welsh landscapes f Eryri (Snwdnia) Natinal Park and examine the regin gelgy and hw it has been transfrmed by vlcanic and glacial activity ver the years.(当您探索厄里(斯诺登尼亚)国家公园引人注目的威尔士景观时,揭开威尔士最好的一面,并研究该地区的地质情况,以及多年来火山和冰川活动如何改变了它)”、第二段中“Explre the majestic Rcky Muntains west f Calgary and the therwrldly Badlands t the cast, witness the stunning scenery and gelgy f sutherm Alberta.(探索卡尔加里西部雄伟的落基山脉和超凡脱俗的荒地,见证阿尔伯塔省南部令人惊叹的风景和地质)”和最后一段中“Thrughut this tur yu will be accmpanied by palaentlgist (古生物学家)Jn Nad,wh will share the stries f the rcks,including tales abut past ceans,swamps,rivers and deserts,the rise and fall f the dinsaurs and,mre recently,ice sheets that cvered Alberta and carved ut spectacular landscapes.(在整个旅程中,古生物学家Jn Nad将与您分享岩石的故事,包括过去的海洋,沼泽,河流和沙漠,恐龙的兴衰,以及最近覆盖阿尔伯塔省并雕刻出壮观景观的冰盖的故事。)”结合文章标题“Explre the science behind these amazing landscapes(探索这些神奇景观背后的科学)”可知,文章介绍了一些有关神奇景观的旅行,探索这些神奇景观背后的科学,故三个旅行的共同点是它们都涉及科学事实,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合文章标题“Explre the science behind these amazing landscapes(探索这些神奇景观背后的科学)”可知,文章介绍了三个关于神奇地质景观的旅行,应是出自一本旅游手册,故选D。
    US Army veteran (退伍老兵) Mazyck remembers when dctrs tld her she wuld never walk again. She’d been paralyzed frm the waist dwn after a serius accident while parachuting in 2003.The dctrs never said anything abut flating, thugh. In 2021,she gt t d just that.
    Mazyck was ne f 12 participants in a Zer G flight, rganized by the grup AstrAccess. This type f flight recreates the weightlessness that astrnauts experience withut ging all the way t space. Flying ver the Pacific Ocean ff Suthern Califrnia, the mdified 747 jet airplane made 15 steep dives and climbs, allwing the flyers multiple perids f weightlessness.
    The experience left Mazyck feeling jyful. “The flight was smething that I wuld have never in my wildest dreams thught I wuld’ve experienced,” she says, “especially the flating, the weightlessness.”
    Traditinally, strict physical requirements have prevented disabled peple frm becming astrnauts. AstrAccess is wrking t make space accessible t all. “Space remves the barriers between peple; nw is the time t remve the barriers t space itself,” says Mazyck, “It is sending a message t peple wh have histrically been excluded frm STEM that nt nly is there rm fr yu in space, there is a need fr yu.”
    During the flight, she says, the participants did experiments and made bservatins. They tk nte f things that peple withut certain disabilities might nt realize are issues. Fr example, peple wh culdn’t grip with their legs needed anther way t hld themselves still while weightless. The grup als experimented with signaling lights fr the deaf and with ways f using braille (盲文) fr the blind.
    These types f issues are easy enugh t address. Nw is the time t make space accessible — befre space turism r space settlements becme cmmnplace. “I am s prud and elated abut what’s happening here,” Mazyck adds. “We are paving the way fr the future.”
    24. What d we knw abut AstrAccess?
    A. It redesigns jet airplanes.B. It ffers weightlessness experience.
    C. It prvides physical treatment.D. It trains the disabled t be astrnauts.
    25. What is required in the flights fr the participants?
    A. Astrnaut experience.B. Steep dives and climbs.
    C. Weightlessness perids.D. Trials and bservatins.
    26. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Mazyck?
    A. Generus and determined.B. Caring and persistent.
    C. Curageus and ptimistic.D. Ambitius and innvative.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title f the passage?
    A. Paving the Way fr the FutureB. Disabled Americans Make It t Space
    C. Making Space a Place fr EveryneD. US Veterans Experience Zer G Flight
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. C 27. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Mazyck was ne f 12 participants in a Zer G flight, rganized by the grup AstrAccess. This type f flight recreates the weightlessness that astrnauts experience withut ging all the way t space.(Mazyck是由AstrAccess组织的零重力飞行的12名参与者之一。这种类型的飞行重现了在没有进入太空的情况下宇航员所经历的失重状态。)”可知,AstrAccess提供失重体验。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“During the flight, she says, the participants did experiments and made bservatins.(她说,在飞行过程中,参与者做了实验和观察)”可知,参与者的飞行要求是试验和观察。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段““The flight was smething that I wuld have never in my wildest dreams thught I wuld’ve experienced,” she says, “especially the flating, the weightlessness.”(她说:“这次飞行是我做梦也想不到自己会经历的事情,尤其是漂浮和失重的感觉。”)”以及倒数第三段““Space remves the barriers between peple; nw is the time t remve the barriers t space itself,” says Mazyck, “It is sending a message t peple wh have histrically been excluded frm STEM that nt nly is there rm fr yu in space, there is a need fr yu.”(“太空消除了人与人之间的障碍;现在是时候消除太空本身的障碍了,”Mazyck说,“这向那些历史上被排除在STEM之外的人发出了一个信息,那就是太空不仅有你的空间,还有你的需求。”)”可推知,Mazyck勇敢乐观。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Nw is the time t make space accessible — befre space turism r space settlements becme cmmnplace. “I am s prud and elated abut what’s happening here,” Mazyck adds. “We are paving the way fr the future.”(在太空旅游或太空定居变得司空见惯之前,现在是时候让太空变得触手可及了。“我为这里发生的一切感到骄傲和高兴,”马齐克补充道。“我们正在为未来铺平道路。”)”结合文章主要说明了AstrAccess组织参与者进行失重体验,腰部瘫痪的Mazyck就是其中一名参与者。AstrAccess正在努力使所有人都能进入太空。可知,C选项“让太空成为每个人的地方”最适合作为文章标题。故选C。
    Three years ag, Juan Carls Sesma had a realizatin. Glbal warming and climate change seemed t be a munting prblem, with scientific recrds indicating rising temperatures and sea levels acrss the wrld. At the same time frest fires, lgging, and aggressive human expansin meant the supply f trees which helped t regulate and remve greenhuse gases frm ur atmsphere was dwindling .
    He decided the best way t tackle a prblem this large was t cmbine tw f the mst pwerful frces emerging in technlgy: big data and rbtics. Sesma funded a new cmpany called CO2 Revlutin, whse plan was t use drnes(无人机) t better understand where new trees shuld be planted and t autmate the prcess f planting s that much larger areas f frest culd be reppulated. The cmpany designed a special smart seed that helped t deliver just the right amunt f prtectin and nutritin t the yung saplings. The verall gal was t cnsiderably lwer the time and cst f large-scale re-frestatin.
    CO2 Revlutin isn’t alne. In the UK, a startup called Bicarbn Engineering ran a trial earlier this year where it used drnes t help replant Mangrve trees in Myanmar. It has als deplyed(部署) its technlgy in Australia, Suth Africa, and Mrcc. “In a lt f places, peple will either have a map taken by aerplane, r just use Ggle Earth satellite imagery.
    They’ll draw things ut freehand and manually plant, either by hand r tractr,” said CEO Susan Graham in a recent interview.
    The challenge fr all these startups is t find ways t create a prfitable, r at least sustainable, business mdel. Fr Sesma and the team at CO2 Revlutin, recent regulatry actin has highlighted ne ptential pathway. “We ffer a slutin that allws clients t carry ut massive plantings, increasing frest mass and thus cmpensating fr their carbn ftprint.” Amid grwing calls fr carbn sequestratin, this kind f effrt might prve nt just nble, but financially sensible fr large crpratins.
    28. What drve Sesma t set up CO2 Revlutin?
    A. Big data and rbtics. B. Frest fires and human expansin.
    C. Glbal Warming and climate change. D. Pwerful frces emerging in technlgy.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “dwindling” prbably mean in paragraph 1?
    A. Declining.B. Changing.C. Recvering. D. Expanding.
    30. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Drnes are ppulated in larger areas f frests.
    B. CO2 Revlutin calls fr a prfitable drne mdel.
    C. Bicarbn Engineering sets up wrldwide technlgy centers.
    D. Smart seeds are designed t imprve the accuracy f planting.
    31. What des the authr think f startups like CO2 Revlutin?
    A. Cnventinal. B. Valueless. C. Beneficial.D. Impractical.
    【答案】28. C 29. A 30. D 31. C
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了Juan Carls Sesma创立了名为“二氧化碳革命”的公司,计划用无人机植树造林,保护环境。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Three years ag, Juan Carls Sesma had a realizatin. Glbal warming and climate change seemed t be a munting prblem, with scientific recrds indicating rising temperatures and sea levels acrss the wrld.(三年前,Juan Carls Sesma意识到了这一点。全球变暖和气候变化似乎是一个日益严重的问题,科学记录表明世界各地的气温和海平面都在上升。)”和第二段中的“He decided the best way t tackle a prblem this large was t cmbine tw f the mst pwerful frces emerging in technlgy: big data and rbtics. Sesma funded a new cmpany called CO2 Revlutin, whse plan was t use drnes(无人机) t better understand where new trees shuld be planted and t autmate the prcess f planting s that much larger areas f frest culd be reppulated.(他决定,解决这么大问题的最佳方法是将技术中出现的两种最强大的力量结合起来:大数据和机器人。Sesma创立了一家名为‘二氧化碳革命’的新公司,该公司的计划是使用无人机更好地了解新树木应该种植在哪里,并自动化种植过程,以便重造更大面积的森林。)”可知,驱使Sesma创立“二氧化碳革命”公司的因素是全球变暖和气候变化这个日益严重的问题。故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“frest fires, lgging, and aggressive human expansin”可知,森林火灾、伐木和人类的侵略性扩张这些事情会导致树木减少。由此可推测出,dwindling意为“减少”,与declining“减少”同义。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The cmpany designed a special smart seed that helped t deliver just the right amunt f prtectin and nutritin t the yung saplings. The verall gal was t cnsiderably lwer the time and cst f large-scale re-frestatin.(该公司设计了一种特殊的智能种子,有助于为幼树提供恰到好处的保护和营养。总体目标是大大降低大规模重新造林的时间和成本。)”可知,智能种子能够为幼树提供恰到好处的保护和营养,从而大大降低大规模重新造林的时间和成本,由此可推测,智能种子能够提高植树的精确度。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Amid grwing calls fr carbn sequestratin, this kind f effrt might prve nt just nble, but financially sensible fr large crpratins.(在越来越多的碳封存呼声中,这种努力可能不仅高尚,而且对大公司来说在财务上是明智的。)”可知,作者认为“二氧化碳革命”这样的公司所作出的努力不仅高尚,而且对大公司来说也很有经济价值,由此可推测出,作者认为这类初创公司非常有益。故选C。
    Babies as yung as 4 mnths ld wh are brn int a bilingual (双语的) envirnment shw distinct and ptentially advantageus brain patterns fr speech prcessing. Our early-life experiences can have lifelng effects n ur behavir. The brain is mst sensitive t its envirnment during the first year f life, which is thught t be a critical perid fr language develpment.
    Previus studies have lked int the brain mechanisms that underlie (构成……的基础) speech prcessing in babies wh hear just ne language. T better understand this in bilingual-expsed infants, Brja Blanc at the University f Cambridge and his clleagues cmpared hw 31 babies wh nly heard Spanish and 26 babies wh heard Spanish and Basque, all aged 4 mnths, respnded t Spanish recrdings f The Little Prince by Antine de Saint-Exupery.
    The team used an imaging technique called functinal near-infrared spectrscpy (fNIRS) t measure changes in brain activities. In the Spanish-nly babies, the recrdings caused activatin in areas which play a rle in speech prcessing. In the bilingual-expsed babies, the recrdings similarly evked these respnses, but they were larger and wider. These infants als had activatin in equivalent areas f their brains’ right hemispheres ( 脑半球 ). When the recrdings were then played backwards as a cntrl arm f the experiment, the infants expsed t just Spanish had larger respnses t the backwards speech, while thse t Spanish and Basque had similar brain patterns as befre. This may be because the bilingual infants take lnger t register their primary language, in this case Spanish, as hearing bth this and Basque reduces their verall expsure t either language.
    If this is the case, it culd help them be sensitive t linguistic differences and enable them t learn t distinguish between languages at a yunger age. The researchers nte that a bilingual envirnment stimulates changes in the brain mechanisms underlying speech prcessing in yung infants, adding weight t the idea that the neural basis f learning tw r mre languages is established very early in life.
    32. Why was the study cnducted?
    A. T reveal the impact f bilingual expsure.B. T cnfirm the pattern f brain mechanism.
    C. T cnclude the factrs fr speech prcessingD. T explre the ptentials fr language develpment.
    33. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. Thery basis.B. Study methds.
    C. Research findingsD. Technical assistance,
    34. What can we learn frm the research?
    A. Bilingual-expsed babies are mre sensitive.
    B. Bilingual-expsed babies are mre linguistically critical.
    C. Bilingual-expsure reduces babies’ linguistic cmpetence.
    D. Bilingual-expsure reduces babies’ verall language expsure.
    35. Which f the fllwing statements might the researchers agree with?
    A. Immigrants speak better languages.
    B. Mixed race families wn mre linguistic ptential.
    C. Exchange students shw greater learning capability.
    D. Overseas wrkers have higher language prficiency.
    【答案】32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Previus studies have lked int the brain mechanisms that underlie (构成……的基础) speech prcessing in babies wh hear just ne language. T better understand this in bilingual-expsed infants, Brja Blanc at the University f Cambridge and his clleagues cmpared hw 31 babies wh nly heard Spanish and 26 babies wh heard Spanish and Basque, all aged 4 mnths, respnded t Spanish recrdings f The Little Prince by Antine de Saint-Exupery. (之前的研究已经研究了只听一种语言的婴儿的语言处理背后的大脑机制。为了更好地了解双语环境下的婴儿的情况,剑桥大学的博尔哈·布兰科和他的同事们比较了31名只听西班牙语的婴儿和26名听西班牙语和巴斯克语的婴儿,他们都是4个月大,对安托万·德·圣埃克苏佩里的西班牙语版《小王子》的反应。)”可知,这项研究是为了揭示双语接触的影响。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段第二句到最后一句“In the Spanish-nly babies, the recrdings caused activatin in areas which play a rle in speech prcessing. In the bilingual-expsed babies, the recrdings similarly evked these respnses, but they were larger and wider. These infants als had activatin in equivalent areas f their brains’ right hemispheres (脑半球). When the recrdings were then played backwards as a cntrl arm f the experiment, the infants expsed t just Spanish had larger respnses t the backwards speech, while thse t Spanish and Basque had similar brain patterns as befre. This may be because the bilingual infants take lnger t register their primary language, in this case Spanish, as hearing bth this and Basque reduces their verall expsure t either language. (在只会说西班牙语的婴儿中,这些录音激活了在语言处理中起作用的区域。在接触双语的婴儿中,录音同样引起了这些反应,但它们更大更宽。这些婴儿大脑右半球的相应区域也被激活。当把录音倒放作为实验的对照组时,只听西班牙语的婴儿对倒放的语言有更大的反应,而那些听西班牙语和巴斯克语的婴儿的大脑模式与之前相似。这可能是因为双语婴儿需要更长的时间来注册他们的主要语言,在这个例子中是西班牙语,因为同时听到西班牙语和巴斯克语会减少他们对这两种语言的总体接触。)”可知,第三段主要是介绍这项研究的发现。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“If this is the case, it culd help them be sensitive t linguistic differences and enable them t learn t distinguish between languages at a yunger age. (如果是这样的话,它可以帮助他们对语言差异敏感,使他们能够在更年轻的时候学会区分语言。)”可知,双语环境下的婴儿对语言差异更敏感。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“The researchers nte that a bilingual envirnment stimulates changes in the brain mechanisms underlying speech prcessing in yung infants, adding weight t the idea that the neural basis f learning tw r mre languages is established very early in life. (研究人员指出,双语环境会刺激婴儿大脑语言处理机制的变化,这进一步证实了学习两种或两种以上语言的神经基础在生命早期就已经建立起来的观点。)”可知,研究人员可能会认同混血家庭拥有更多的语言潜力的观点。故选B。
    Very ften, we take a picture n ur smartphnes and then immediately check the screen t see hw it came ut. ____36____We’ve gathered ur best tips t ensure yu knw hw t lk gd in pictures.
    Knw yur angles.
    Knwing yur angles is the first step t taking a great picture. Maybe yu like ne side f yur face better than the ther. Maybe yu’re cmpletely symmetrical and can take a pht frm the frnt. ____37____ S snap sme selfies and start t get acquainted with yur best angle.
    Ding s will have yu feeling cnfident and lking yur best in yur next sht.
    Make sure the light is behind the camera.
    Great lighting makes a great pht. The key is t make sure yu’re in frnt f the light, and that the light is behind the camera. S, if yu’re utside, make sure the sun is behind the camera. ____38____
    Take multiples.
    ______39______ Take different phts f the same sht, s yu have ptins when chsing which pht t keep. Yu’ll be surprised hw ften yur facial expressin changes in the same sht.
    Invest in a gd quality camera.
    While smartphne cameras keep getting better and better, nthing beats the clear and crisp image quality f a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. The bad news? A gd DSLR can cst anywhere frm $400 n up. ____40____
    With these pht tips in mind, next time yu snap a pht, yu’ll lk at it with a smile.
    A. Yu can never take t many phts, right?
    B. Whatever the case is, yu have t take the time t study yur face.
    C. Yu’ll als shw mre f yur eyelashes and brws frm this angle.
    D. And if yu’re indrs, make sure windws and lighting fixtures are behind the camera.
    E. Mst f the phts yu see frm celebrities and nline influencers cme frm a DSLR.
    F. But it might be wrth the investment if yu really want t achieve that prfessinal lk.
    G. But if yu tend t find yurself deleting every picture yu take, it’s time t up yur pht game.
    【答案】36. G 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. F
    前文“Very ften, we take a picture n ur smartphnes and then immediately check the screen t see hw it came ut.(很多时候,我们会在智能手机上拍照,然后立即查看屏幕,看看结果如何。)”讲述了我们用智能手机拍照后经常会立即检查拍的效果,后文“We’ve gathered ur best tips t ensure yu knw hw t lk gd in pictures.(我们收集了最好的建议,以确保你知道如何在照片中看起来好看。)”讲述了会提供关于如何拍出好看照片的建议,由此可知,空处应讲述提高拍照技巧的必要性,G项“但是,如果你倾向于删除你拍摄的每一张照片,那么是时候升级你的拍照技巧了。”符合题意。故选G。
    前文“Maybe yu like ne side f yur face better than the ther. Maybe yu’re cmpletely symmetrical and can take a pht frm the frnt.(也许你更喜欢你脸的一侧而不是另一侧。也许你是完全对称的,可以从正面拍照。)”讲述了你侧脸好看或者脸部对称的情况,后文“S snap sme selfies and start t get acquainted with yur best angle.(所以,拍一些自拍,开始熟悉你的最佳角度。)”讲述了要拍一些自拍来熟悉自己的最佳角度,由此可知,空处应承上启下,讲述不管怎么样都要熟悉自己的脸,B项“不管是什么情况,你都必须花时间研究你的脸。”符合题意。故选B。
    根据本段小标题“Make sure the light is behind the camera.(确保光在摄像机后面。)”可知,本段主要讲述了如何让光在摄像机后面,前文“S, if yu’re utside, make sure the sun is behind the camera.(所以,如果你在外面,确保太阳在摄像机后面。)”讲述了在外面的时候要确保太阳在摄像机后面,所以空处应讲述在室内的情况,D项“如果你在室内,确保窗户和照明设备在摄像机后面。”符合题意。故选D。
    根据本段小标题“Take multiples.(拍多倍照片。)”可知,本段主要讲述了多拍照片,A项“你拍再多照片也不为过,对吧?”符合题意。故选A。
    根据本段小标题“Invest in a gd quality camera.(投资一部高质量照相机。)”可知,本段主要建议购买一部高质量相机。前文“The bad news? A gd DSLR can cst anywhere frm $400 n up.(坏消息?一台好的数码单反相机的价格从400美元到更高。)”讲述了好的数码单反相机价格昂贵,而本段是在推荐购买好的相机,所以空处应与上文形成转折,讲述虽然数码单反相机价格昂贵,但买它是对拍照的一笔好投资,F项“但是,如果你真的想拥有专业的外表,那么这项投资可能是值得的。”符合题意。故选F。
    I’m sitting impatiently in ur dusty car lking ut. My travel buddy, Lucas, having taken in enugh f the ____41____ , has gne t speak with smene frm ne f the nearby turist suvenir huts. After ages, he walks twards me, ____42____sme sausages, ht water, a new cwby hat, and a big grin n his face. “We’re giving a man a ____43____ ,” he tells me.
    The idea seems ____44____but smehw safe, given that there are tw f us and Lucas is a ____45____ t the cuntry. Hw exciting t create an pprtunity t meet peple that yu wuldn’t have met ____46____ .
    Nw,as I lk at Lucas’ new friend, I see a different kettle f fish. Michael is big. I mean really BIG. I watch in the side mirrr as Michael ____47____twards the car. In his right bt is a big knife, pushed far enugh in that nly the handle and the base f the blade pke ut. A knife!
    I wuld nrmally be alert t this ____48____ stranger nw sitting in the back f my vehicle. Hwever, with Lucas nw eagerly ____49____ with him in a language I barely understand, I’m trying t let myself ____50____ . Then Lucas lsely translates the cnversatin they’re having as Michael prudly ____51____ his knife, explaining that he uses it fr everything: pening bttles, picking his teeth, castrating his cws.
    Gradually, my___52___ twards ur new stranger grws as he persistently tries t cmmunicate with me, ____53____the md f the car. Twenty minutes dwn winding muntain rads and we reach Michael’s huse, where we are invited t have a meal with his ____54____ . Later that day, we leave the huse withut taking any cntact details frm Michael. There is an unspken understanding that this____55____friendship is enugh.
    A. mealB. giftC. mneyD. view
    A. leavingB. carryingC. takingD. ffering
    A. treatB. welcmeC. rideD. cin
    A. daringB. pleasantC. practicalD. wrthwhile
    A. newcmerB. freignerC. lcalD. visitr
    A. therwiseB. insteadC. thughD. nevertheless
    A. climbsB. cyclesC. fliesD. marches
    A. cldB. friendlyC. enrmusD. slim
    A. singingB. chattingC. arguingD. cmplaining
    A. sleepB. waitC. easeD. frget
    A. pulls utB. gives utC. picks utD. sets ut
    A. fearB. warmthC. angerD. sympathy
    A. maintainingB. ruiningC. darkeningD. lifting
    A. familyB. friendsC. neighbrsD. guests
    A. permanentB. briefC. clseD. renewed
    【答案】41. D 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. B 53. D 54. A 55. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的旅伴Lucas看够了这里的景色,就去和附近一家旅游纪念品小屋的人聊了聊。A. meal一餐;B. gift礼物;C. mney钱;D. view景色,风景。结合语境及“has gne t speak with smene”可知,在旅途中和别人聊天,说明看够了风景,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:过了很久,他向我走来,手里拿着一些香肠、热水、一顶新的牛仔帽,脸上露出灿烂的笑容。A. leaving离开;B. carrying携带;C. taking取,拿;D. ffering提供。根据上文“has gne t speak with smene frm ne f the nearby turist suvenir huts”可知,Lucas和附近一家旅游纪念品小屋的人聊天,故此处指带着从纪念品小屋买的东西回来,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们要让一个人搭便车,”他告诉我。A. treat款待;B. welcme欢迎;C. ride免费搭车,搭便车;D. cin硬币。下文“this ____8____ stranger nw sitting in the back f my vehicle”提到一位陌生人在车里,故此处指让一个人搭便车,give sb a ride“让某人搭便车”,固定短语,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个想法看起来很大胆,但却很安全,因为我们有两个人,Lucas是当地人。A. daring大胆的,敢于冒险的;B. pleasant令人愉快的;C. practical实际的;D. wrthwhile值得的。根据语境及下文“I wuld nrmally be alert t this ____8____ stranger”可知,让陌生人搭便车的想法很大胆,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. newcmer新来者;B. freigner外国人;C. lcal当地人;D. visitr访客。根据“given that there are tw f us”及语境可知,作者认为让陌生人搭便车的想法虽然大胆却相当安全,此处是描述原因,作者和Lucas有两个人,Lucas又是本地人,故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:创造一个机会去认识你本来不会认识的人,这是多么令人兴奋啊。A. therwise否则,不然;B. instead相反;C. thugh不过,可是;D. nevertheless然而。结合“yu wuldn’t have met”及语境可知,此处是描述假设的情况,指本来不会认识的人,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从后视镜里看到Michael朝车子走来。A. climbs攀爬;B. cycles骑自行车;C. flies飞行;D. marches行进。下文“this ____8____ stranger nw sitting in the back f my vehicle”提到Michael坐在车里,故此处指他朝着车子走来,故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:正常情况下我会对这个坐在我车后面的大块头陌生人保持警惕。A. cld寒冷的,冷漠的;B. friendly友好的;C. enrmus巨大的;D. slim苗条的。根据上文“Michael is big. I mean really BIG.”可知,Michael是个大块头,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,Lucas现在急切地用一种我几乎听不懂的语言和他聊天,我试着让自己放松。A. singing唱歌;B. chatting聊天;C. arguing争论;D. cmplaining抱怨。根据下文“Then Lucas lsely translates the cnversatin they’re having”可知,Lucas和Michael在聊天,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. sleep睡觉;B. wait等待;C. ease缓和,放松;D. frget忘记。根据上文“I wuld nrmally be alert”和本句中的“Hwever”可知,作者原本应该保持警惕,但却试着让自己放松,故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后Lucas零散地翻译了他们之间的对话,Michael骄傲地拔出他的刀,解释说他做什么都用它:开瓶、剔牙、阉割奶牛。A. pulls ut拔出;B. gives ut发出;C. picks ut挑选;D. sets ut动身,出发。根据下文“explaining that he uses it fr everything”可知,此处指拔出刀,解释其用途,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:渐渐地,我对这个新陌生人的热情越来越高,因为他坚持不懈地试图与我交流,使车内的气氛很愉快。A. fear害怕;B. warmth温暖,热情;C. anger怒气;D. sympathy同情。根据“as he persistently tries t cmmunicate with me”可知,Michael坚持不懈地试图和作者交流,作者对他的热情越来越高,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. maintaining保持,维持;B. ruining摧毁;C. darkening(使)变暗;D. lifting提升,高兴起来,使更愉快。结合上文“as he persistently tries t cmmunicate with me”可知,虽然语言不通,但是Michael坚持不懈地试图和作者交流,下文“we are invited t have a meal”提到Michael邀请他们吃晚饭,由此推知车内的气氛应是很愉快,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:沿着蜿蜒的山路走了20分钟,我们到达了Michael的家,他邀请我们和他的家人一起吃饭。A. family家庭,家人;B. friends朋友;C. neighbrs邻居;D. guests客人。根据“we reach Michael’s huse”可知,到了Michael家应是和他的家人一起吃饭,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一种心照不宣的默契,那就是这短暂的友谊已经足够了。A. permanent永久的;B. brief短暂的;C. clse亲近的;D. renewed更新的。根据上文“Later that day, we leave the huse withut taking any cntact details frm Michael.(那天晚些时候,我们离开了房子,没有从Michael那里得到任何联系方式)”可知,Michael搭作者的便车,分别后没有留下Michael的联系方式,故此处指“这段短暂的友谊”,故选B。
    Fr mst f us, ppcrn is synnymus (同义的) with mvie theaters. We g t the mvies, buy a ppcrn, and enjy the shw____56____ even thinking twice abut it. But, why? Why d we always eat ppcrn at the mvies?
    One reasn fr ppcrn’s increasing ____57____ (ppular) was its mbility: in 1885, the first steam-pwered ppcrn maker hit the streets, invented by Charles Cretr. The mbile nature f the machine made ____58____ the perfect prductin machine t serve custmers___59___ (attend) utdr sprting events, r circuses and ____60____ (fair). Nt nly was ppcrn mbile, but it culd be mass-prduced withut a kitchen, an advantage ____61____ anther crunchy snack — the ptat chip — lacked. Anther reasn fr its dminance ver ther snacks was its appealing smell when ____62____ (heat).
    But it wasn’t super fancy t mvie theatres at first as they didn’t allw such a lud and messy fd int their perfrmances. ____63____relatinship between ppcrn and the mvies was really set in stne during Wrld War II. Things like chclate and sugar were limited during the war while salt and ppcrn kernels were never limited. S the cuntry’s favrite g-t-mvie snack was even ____64____ (available) and ppular. Ever since, ppcrn and mvies ____65____ (cntinue) t be as icnic as any du (二重奏) ut there.
    【答案】56. withut
    57. ppularity
    58. it 59. attending
    60. fairs 61. that##which
    62. heated 63. The
    64. mre available
    65. have cntinued
    考查介词。句意:我们去看电影,买个爆米花,不假思索地欣赏电影。根据前文“Fr mst f us, ppcrn is synnymus (同义的) with mvie theaters.(对我们大多数人来说,爆米花就是电影院的代名词)”可知,此处是指不假思索地欣赏电影,所以应用介词withut表示“没有”。故填withut。
    考查代词。句意:机器的移动特性使其成为完美的生产机器,为参加户外体育赛事或马戏团和博览会的客户服务。根据“the perfect prductin machine”可知,此处是指使这种机器成为完美的生产机器,代指the machine应用代词it。故填it。
    考查名词复数。句意:机器的移动特性使其成为完美的生产机器,为参加户外体育赛事或马戏团和博览会的客户服务。fair意为“博览会”,为可数名词,根据“utdr sprting events, r circuses”可知,此处应用复数形式。故填fairs。
    考查冠词。句意:爆米花和电影之间的关系在第二次世界大战期间确实是板上钉钉的。根据“between ppcrn and the mvies”可知,此处特指爆米花和电影之间的关系,所以应用定冠词the。句首首字母应大写。故填The。
    考查比较级。句意:因此,这个国家最受欢迎的电影小吃变得更容易买到,也更受欢迎。在even后形容词available应用比较级。根据前文“Things like chclate and sugar were limited during the war while salt and ppcrn kernels were never limited.(像巧克力和糖这样的东西在战争期间是限制的,而盐和爆米花仁则从来没有限制过。)”可知,此处是指更容易买到。故填mre available。
    考查现在完成时。句意:从那以后,爆米花和电影就像任何一对搭档一样,一直是标志性的。根据ever since可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语ppcrn and mvies是复数,助动词用have。故填have cntinued。
    66. 上周末你校举办了“急救知识进校园”的活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
    1. 活动的过程;
    2. 活动的影响。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。
    First Aid Knwledge Hits the Campus
    【答案】First Aid Knwledge Hits the Campus
    Last weekend, ur schl hsted an event titled “First Aid Knwledge Hits the Campus”.
    The event began with a lecture by a prfessinal trainer, cvering CPR techniques, wund dressing, and handling cmmn emergencies. Fllwing the lecture, students participated in hands-n wrkshps, practicing their skills under the guidance f experts.
    This initiative nt nly equipped ur students with valuable lifesaving skills but als raised awareness f the imprtance f prmpt first aid. The psitive feedback frm students shws the need fr mre such practical and infrmative events n campus.
    参加:participate in→jin in
    原句:The event began with a lecture by a prfessinal trainer, cvering CPR techniques, wund dressing, and handling cmmn emergencies.
    拓展句:The event began with a lecture by a prfessinal trainer, which cvers CPR techniques, wund dressing, and handling cmmn emergencies.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Last weekend, ur schl hsted an event titled “First Aid Knwledge Hits the Campus”.(运用了过去分词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】This initiative nt nly equipped ur students with valuable lifesaving skills but als raised awareness f the imprtance f prmpt first aid.(运用了nt nly…but als连接并列成分)
    67. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    I first met B when I vlunteered t be a dcent(讲解员) at the z. It was a summer prgram ur schl participated in, where bilgy students earned extra credit by teaching little kids abut sme f the animals. I needed t increase my bilgy grade, s I asked my friend Sue Wang t be my partner. “Melanie, I’ll d this with yu,” she said, “but I’ll d the talking. N way will I handle the animals!” That was OK with me.
    During the training curse, ur instructr, Mr. Lindsey came t Sue and me and said, “OK, girls, yur animal is a ba(蟒蛇).” I felt myself g cld. “I have t handle a ba?”
    That night, I had a nightmare. I was carrying the snake arund a classrm, shwing the kids, when all f a sudden it started cnstricting(收紧). It squeezed and squeezed, and I culdn’t breathe! I wke up in a sweat, my bdy rigid.
    Next day I tld my instructr. “Sure yu can d it,” he said. He slid the dr f the snake carrier pen. “Nw put yur elbw in—slwly —and wait fr him t crawl n yur arm. Gd, that’s the way.” He wasn’t wet r slimy. He was dry and sft! But it was scary! Mr. Lindsey std beside me. “Relax, Melanie. Yu need t shw him yu aren’t afraid. He needs t trust yu, and yu need t trust him.” Yeah, right. He didn’t d anything. Awesme! I named him B. After a few schl visits, I began t really like my ba and was pretty much at ease with him.
    Then came the day I will never frget. As usual, I pened the carrier and tk him ut. After Sue talked abut hw bas live mstly in rain frests in Central and Suth America, I walked arund the classrm, saying, “Dn’t be afraid. See, he is nice. Yu can tuch him gently, here, n his back. His name is B.”
    Mst f the kids actually did tuch him, and everything went fine until ne by, fr sme unknwn reasns, tapped B n the head. I frze.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。
    My wrst nightmare came true!
    I clsed the carrier and signaled the kids t cme inside.
    【答案】 My wrst nightmare came true! He suddenly rushed frward. The next mment, he crawled arund the wrist f a terrified little girl. She screamed, and all the ther children scattered, hrrified. My heart stpped. I knew I had t act fast. Gently, but firmly, I reached ut and started t unwrap the snake frm the girl’s arm. “It’s OK, it’s OK,” I murmured, trying t cmfrt bth her and B. Mr. Lindsey rushed ver and tk the ther end f the snake, guiding it back int its carrier. The little girl, still shaking, was led away by her teacher. The ther children std watching, wide-eyed.
    I clsed the carrier and signaled the kids t cme inside. I knew they were scared, but I als knew that this was a teachable mment. I gathered them arund me and explained that B had just defendd himself. I stressed the imprtance f respecting animals and their space. Then, slwly, ne by ne, the children came frward t lk at the carrier. They were still cautius, but their curisity had wn ver their fear. I smiled and ndded at Mr. Lindsey, wh gave me a thumbs-up. That day, I nt nly tamed a snake, but I als taught a valuable lessn abut understanding and empathy. I knew then that my experience with B wuld be ne I wuld cherish frever.
    【详解】1. 续写线索:
    2. 段落续写:噩梦成真——蟒蛇吓到其他孩子——作者和Lindsey一起把B关到了运输车里——给孩子们解释并教育孩子们——有了难忘的经历
    3. 词汇激活
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Mr. Lindsey rushed ver and tk the ther end f the snake, guiding it back int its carrier.(使用了现在分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】I knew then that my experience with B wuld be ne I wuld cherish frever. (使用了that引导宾语从句、省略关系词that的定语从句)

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