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    这是一份2025版高考英语一轮总复习必修第三册Unit3DiverseCultures课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了幸运曲奇,干酪奶酪,滑稽的,使人发笑的 ,瓷瓷器,爵士乐,酒吧小吃店小馆子,大西洋的,牛仔裤,蘑菇蕈等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    晨背短文 • 语境记词
    I had always been attracted t ethnic cultures.S wearing my jeans and bts,I went t Dali, Yunnan Prvince, which is a district f diverse minrities and has a mild climate.It wuld be a definitely super experience.In fact, at first, I thught there wuld be a large percentage f cnstructins made f primitive materials due t financial difficulty.Hwever, it turned ut that the dwntwn area cntained neat bars in which jazz was played and shps where special clthing, accessries, suvenirs and china, t name but a few were fr sale.Turists can always select what suits them best.Many peple are migrants frm ther places.Sme
    cme t seek their frtune r earn a living while thers settle dwn t escape frm the cld nrth f China.Afterwards,I headed t a neighbrhd where the Bai ethnic grup lived.I had the frtune t participate in a series f activities, including identifying pisnus mushrms,learning abut herbal medicine, and cllecting items unique t the Bai.Apart frm this, I tasted really spicy lcal fd.I experienced the culture first hand and wrte jurnals every day.
    必备知识 • 巧记活用
    阅读词汇会认1.frtune ckie _____________2.chip n. _____________________________________________3.cheese n. _______________4.cmic n. _________________________________ adj. _________ ___________5.china n. ________________6.jazz n. ________________
    7.bar n. ____________________8.diagram n. _____________________________9.Atlantic adj. ____________10.jeans n. ___________11.bt n. __________12.mushrm n. ____________13.suvenir n. _______________14.herbal adj. _______________
    重点词汇会写1._____________ adv.肯定;确实2.___________ adv.在市中心;往市中心3.__________ n.传教(区);重要任务;使命4.___________ n.地区;区域5._____________________________________ adv.以后;后来6._______ vt.& vi.(sught, sught)寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求7.__________ n.日志;日记;报纸;刊物8.________ vt.& n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言
    afterwards(NAmE usually afterward)
    9._________ n.一系列;连续;接连10._________ vi.& vt.逃走;逃脱;避开 n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱11.________ adv.特别;格外 adj.顶好的;超级的12._____________ n.百分比13.__________ n.气候14._______ adj.温和的;和善的;轻微的15.___________ n.材料;布料;素材 adj.物质的;实际的16.___________ n.衣服;服装17._______ n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一条(新闻)18._______ adj.极好的;整洁的;整齐的
    拓展词汇会变1.__________ adj.不同的;多种多样的→____________ n.差异(性);不同(点);多样性2._______ n.机会;运气→_______ adj.幸运的→______________ adv.幸运地→________________ adv.不幸地3.________ vi.& vt.承认 vt.准许进入(或加入)→____________ n.准许进入;承认;入场费4.________ vi.发生;出现→_____________ n.发生;发生的事
    5.________ adj.(有关)历史的→__________ n.历史→___________ adj.有历史意义的;历史性的6._______ vt.& vi.挣得;赚得;赢得;博得→___________ n.收入;收益7.____________ n.(外来)移民;外侨→____________ vi.移入;自外国移入→______________ n.移居入境;移民8._________ vt.选择;挑选;选拔→____________ n.选择;挑选→____________ adj.选择性的;有选择的
    9.___________ n.少数民族;少数派;少数人→________ adj.次要的;较小的10.____________ adj.财政的;财务的;金融的→______________ adv.金融上地;财政上地→__________ n.财政,金融11._________ n.诗集;诗歌;诗作→_______ n.诗人→_______ n.诗歌12._________ adj.引起中毒的;有毒的;分泌毒素的→_________ n.毒物;毒药;毒素 vt.毒死;毒害
    13._______ vt.包;裹;折叠 vt.& vi.(可)折小;(可)叠平→_________ vt.打开;展开14._____________ n.作品集;收集物;收藏品→__________ vt.搜集;收藏15._______ vt.& vi.定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷)→____________ n.解决;定居→__________ n.殖民者;移居者16._______________ n.建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构→____________ vt.建设;建造
    17._______ vt.适合;满足……需要;相配;合身 n.西服;套装→___________ adj.合适的;适当的→___________ adv.合适地18.__________ vt.包含;含有;容纳→____________ n.容器
    运用巩固提能1.(2022·全国Ⅱ卷)Make sure yur handwriting is _______(整齐的).2.(2022·全国乙卷)The training is ________(格外)hard.3.(2022·浙江1月卷)Her pet transprt jb was brn f the _________ (财政的)crisis in the late 2000s.4.(2020·全国Ⅲ卷)We are the prducts f evlutin, and nt just evlutin that ___________(发生)billins f years ag.5.(朗文当代)The earthquake has s far __________(夺取) ver 3,000 lives.
    6.(牛津高阶)Her statement _____________________(含有) ne r tw inaccuracies.7.(朗文当代)His main __________(重要任务) in life is t earn as much mney as pssible.8.Mike _________(寻找) help frm his friends when he was in truble, but they turned him dwn.9.Having gt used t the __________(气候) in the cuntryside, the ld cuple prefer nt t mve t the city.
    10.The cmpany _________(声称) that its prducts can make yu slim withut dieting.11.Our English teacher prvides us with lads f reading __________ (材料) t enhance ur interest.12.There are ________ cultures in ur cuntry, but it's the __________ that makes ur mtherland wnderful.(diverse)13.He went t America t seek his __________ and imagined he wuld be very ____________,but _______________,he culdn't even make ends meet.(frtune)
    14.He ___________ that he _______________ int a financial schl, but he hadn't received the letter f ____________.(admit)15.He is very ____________ abut bks, s he ften ________ sme bks fr his kids t read.Lk! Here is a ________ f his bks.(select)16.The famus _______ has written many wnderful ________.(pet)17.He lves _____________ stamps and he ften shws ff his ______________ in frnt f thers.(cllect)
    was admitted
    18.With the prblems __________,they finally reached a new __________.(settle)19.He ______ three thusand dllars and gives mst f his ________ t his wife.(earn)20.I dn't have anything ___________ t wear fr the party, s I must buy an evening dress that ________ me perfectly.(suit)
    21.The wrkers are _______________ the bridge damaged by the fld, and the bridge under _______________ cnnects the rad with the twn.(cnstruct)22.The ____________ is very heavy and it ___________ a great deal f il.(cntain)
    seek ne's frtune
    earn a living
    apart frm(especially NAmE aside frm)
    7.__________________ ……的真正品味8.______________导致;引起9.____________________仅举几例10.__________________第一手;亲自11._____________为……的所在地12.__________________过去常常做某事13.____________变成14._________________全年
    a real taste f
    t name but a few
    (at) first hand
    used t d sth.
    all year rund
    语境运用1.(2022·全国乙卷)Scttish Natinal Prtrait(肖像画) Gallery presents ______________ lectures fr the general public.2.(朗文当代)Cles came t the Yukn in the 1970s t ____________ .3.(剑桥高阶)Yu can't expect t ________________(=be paid enugh mney t live n)frm yur painting.4.(牛津高阶)Activities available include squash, archery and swimming, ____________________.
    seek his frtune
    5.(朗文当代)We didn't see anyne all day, _____________ a cuple f kids n the beach.6.(朗文当代)A huge amunt f envirnmental damage has been ________________ by the destructin f the rainfrests.7.(朗文当代)Many peple have seen the hrrrs f war ___________. 8.(朗文当代)It's warm enugh t swim _________________.
    brught abut
    at first hand
    原句译背1.what引导的感叹句And what a city—a city that was able t rebuild itself after the earthquake that ccurred in 1906._______________________________________________________________________
    2.独立主格结构There are s many beautiful ld buildings—many sitting n tp f big hills,.不定式作目的状语T earn a living,sme pened up shps and restaurants in Chinatwn.__________________________________________
    4.what引导的主语从句What started as a residential area fr Chinese immigrants then turned int a centre fr Chinese culture._______________________________________________________5.“代词/名词+f+关系代词”引导的定语从句The majrity f residents in Chinatwn are still ethnic Chinese, many f whm d nt speak English fluently.___________________________________________________________________
    仿写运用1.(2020·北京卷,书面表达) 主题为“自律”的调查多么有意义、多么重要呀!______________________________________ with a theme as “self-discipline”!2.那儿湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些树测量起来高达90多米。It is s wet there that the trees are extremely tall, __________________ ______________.
    What a meaningful and imprtant research
    sme measuring ver
    3.(牛津高阶)他们在欧洲开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况。They pened a single stre in Eurpe _________________________.4.(2022·浙江1月卷)给我印象最深的是爱尔兰的民间舞蹈和歌曲,这绝对是艺术节的亮点之一。_____________________________ Irish flk dances and sngs, which were definitely ne f the highlights f the festival.5.(牛津高阶)他们提交了两个报告,都没有任何有用的建议。They prduced tw reprts, ___________________ cntained any useful suggestins.
    t test ut the market
    What impressed me mst was
    neither f which
    核心考点 • 讲练提升
    佳句背诵Many immigrants headed t Califrnia t seek their frtune but ended up ding diverse dd jbs t earn a living.许多移民前往加州碰运气,但最终做各种各样的零工来谋生。
    1.frtune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱;财富;命运
    归纳拓展(1)seek/try ne's frtune找出路;碰运气make a frtune发财;赚钱have the gd frtune t d sth.有幸做某事(2)frtunate adj.幸运的;侥幸的(=lucky)be frtunate t d sth./in ding sth.有幸做某事(3)frtunately adv.幸运地(=luckily)
    多维训练单句语法填空①At the age f fur, she fell int an icy river and was _____________ (frtune)rescued by sme lcal villagers.②My cusin was frtunate __________(find) a jb as sn as she graduated frm the university.
    写作运用提能③他决定到市区去碰碰运气,看看能不能发财。他有幸得到了市长的帮助,并且幸运地成功开办了自己的公司。He decided t _________________ dwntwn t see ______________ ___________________.He ________________________________ get the help f the mayr and successfully started his wn business ____________ ________.
    seek/try his frtune
    if/whether he
    culd make a frtune
    had the frtune t/was frtunate t
    佳句背诵Learning ur schl table tennis team is admitting new members, I can hardly wait t invite yu t jin it.(邀请信)得知我校乒乓球队正在招收新队员,我迫不及待地想邀请你加入球队。
    2.admit v.承认;准许进入(或加入);接纳;可容纳
    归纳拓展(1)be admitted int/t被录取;被接收(2)admit ding sth./having dne sth.承认做过某事admit that...承认……admit sb./sth. t be+adj./n.承认某人/某物(事)为……(3)admissin n.准许进入;承认;入场费
    多维训练单句语法填空①(2022·浙江1月卷)One day I gt wrd that he was admitted _____ hspital fr a serius disease.②(2022·全国乙卷)Last ____________(admit) t the exhibitin: is n readmissin.③Afterwards, he had t admit _____________________(put) sme pisnus mushrms in the sup.
    putting/having put
    写作运用提能④得知你已被北京大学录取,我写信真诚地祝贺你。(祝贺信)____________________________________________________,I am writing t ffer my sincere cngratulatins t yu.⑤(2020·1月浙江,应用文写作)即将到来的汉语演讲比赛被认为是外国人提高汉语口语的好机会。The upcming Chinese speech cntest ___________________________ _______________________________________.
    Learning that yu have been admitted int/t Peking University
    is admitted t be a gd chance
    fr freigners t imprve their ral Chinese
    佳句背诵That night a terrible strm ccurred, with the wind blwing and beating the huse.(天气描写)那天晚上下了一场可怕的暴风雨,狂风吹着,拍打着房子。归纳拓展(1)ccur t sb.某人突然想到;想起It ccurs t sb. d...某人突然想到……(2)ccurrence n.发生;出现
    3.ccur vi.(ccurred, ccurred)发生;出现
    名师点津(1)ccur没有被动语态,不用于进行时。ccur作谓语时,主语不能是人。(2)表示“某人突然想到……”的常用句型还有:It strikes hits 多维训练单句语法填空①A gd idea ccurred _____ me that I culd g dwntwn t buy sme suvenirs after the missin.
    写作运用提能②妈妈突然想起她把帐篷落在我们前一天晚上住的旅馆里了。________________________________ she had left the tent in the htel where we stayed the night befre.
    It ccurred t/struck/hit Mther that
    佳句背诵I meet with sme difficulties with my English, s I have n chice but t seek yur help.(求助信)我在英语方面遇到了一些困难,因此我只得寻求你的帮助。
    4.seek vt.& vi.(sught, sught)寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
    归纳拓展seek jbs/advice/assistance 寻找工作/征求建议/寻求帮助seek ne's frtune寻找致富之路;;闯世界seek fr...寻找……seek sth. frm sb.向某人寻求某物seek t d sth.试图做某事seek ut找出;找到
    多维训练单句语法填空①(2022·全国乙卷)Try t seek ______ chances t renew friendships.②(2021·浙江卷)We yelled at the bear and hit glass bttles, __________(seek) t frighten the bear away.③Once I _________(seek) advice frm yur teacher when I gt int truble in schl.
    写作运用提能④(2022·全国乙卷)从数据中我们可以得出结论,大多数学生寻求轻松的方法学习英语。Frm the data we can cnclude that the majrity f students _________ __________________________________.
    light-hearted ways t learn English
    佳句背诵The angry by escaped int the crwds, squeezed nt the bus, and disappeared.愤怒的男孩逃进人群,挤上公交车,不见了。(动作描写)
    5.escape v.逃脱;逃走;泄漏;避开;被忘掉 n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱
    归纳拓展(1)escape frm从……逃脱,从……逃跑escape(ding) sth.避开(做)某事escape being dne逃避被……(2)have a narrw escape死里逃生
    多维训练单句语法填空①It is said that he narrwly escaped _______________(kill) in the traffic accident the ther day.②It was claimed that a prisner had escaped _______ the prisn, which shcked the public.
    being killed
    At last, we had a narrw escape, frtunately escaping being hurt by the hungry plar bear.
    佳句背诵(2021·全国乙卷,书面表达)The Internet has brught abut great changes in the way we learn.网络给我们的学习方式带来了巨大的变化。
    6.bring abut引起;导致
    归纳拓展bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐bring in引进;获利;赚钱bring ut出版;使显现bring dwn使倒下;减少;降低bring back把……带回来;使回忆起;使恢复
    多维训练用bring短语的适当形式填空①It is widely accepted that high scial status cannt ______________ happiness.②The reasn why diverse gds are sld at such a lw price is that the manufacturers are willing t _____________ the price in return fr big vlume purchases.
    ③The picture ften ______________ t me series f happy memries f my high schl days.④(2022·全国乙卷)The Gvernment's sugar tax n sft drinks has _____________ half as much mney as Ministers first predicted it wuld generate, the first fficial data n the plicy has shwn.⑤Wrking with the medical team in Africa has ______________ the best in her as a dctr.
    brings back
    写作运用提能⑥这家人的善意让我重拾了对人性的信心,将来我会努力给别人带来温暖。(读后续写之主旨升华)The kindness f the family ___________________________ humanity and I wuld try t bring warmth t thers in the future.
    brught back my faith in
    佳句背诵As far as I'm cncerned, the prblems can be settled in n time if yu duble yur effrts.(建议信)在我看来,如果你加倍努力,问题可以很快解决。
    7.settle vi.定居;安家 vt.使定居;(使)平静下来;安排;解决
    归纳拓展(1)settle dwn(使)安定;安居;平静下来;舒适地坐下/躺下settle in/int安顿下来;习惯于;适应settle dwn t(ding) sth.开始认真(做)某事(2)settlement n.定居点;协议;解决settler n.移居者;殖民者
    多维训练单句语法填空①(2020·新高考Ⅰ卷)At the Jrvik Centre in Yrk, the city's Viking _____________(settle) is recreated.
    写作运用提能②得知你每天有许多的问题要解决,我建议你开始认真考虑哪个问题是最紧急的。(建议信)Learning that _____________________________________________,I suggest that __________________________________________ which ne is the mst urgent.
    yu have s many prblems t settle every day
    yu (shuld) settle dwn t cnsidering
    ③他们冲下车,搭起帐篷,舒适地坐在草地上,欣赏着周围惊人的景象。(读后续写之动作链描写)They dashed ut f the car, put up the tent and ___________________ ________,enjying the surrunding breathtaking sights.
    settled dwn n the
    佳句背诵(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷)Their mm tried t cntain her excitement, but the glittering tears failed her.(情感描写)他们的妈妈试图抑制自己的激动,却激动得落泪了。
    8.cntain vt.包含;含有;容纳;控制,抑制
    归纳拓展(1)cntain sth.包含某事物cntain neself控制自己cntain ne's anger/laughter抑制怒火/发笑(2)cntainer n.容器;集装箱;货柜名师点津cntain“包括”,侧重“整体内有”,指在某一范围或容器内能容纳某物,不用于进行时。include“包括”,侧重被包含者只是整体中的一部分。在句中常构成分词短语sth. included或including sth.。
    多维训练单句语法填空①(2022·全国乙卷)First annunced in April, 2016, the tax which applies t sft drinks _____________(cntain) mre than 5g f sugar per 100ml, was intrduced t help reduce childhd besity(肥胖).②(2020· 江苏卷)The class experiment that day was t shw hw heating a ____________(cntain) f water wuld bring air bubbling(冒泡) t the surface.
    写作运用提能③看到凌乱的房间,我妈妈抑制不住自己的愤怒,冲着我们大吼起来。At the sight f the messy rm, my mther ______________________,yelling at us.
    culd nt cntain her anger
    佳句背诵The ld twn is n the side f a muntain and ppsite it is the 5,500-metre Yulng Xueshan Muntain, its peak cvered with snw.古城依山而建,对面是海拔5 500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。
    9.There are s many beautiful ld buildings—many sitting n tp f big hills,...有众多美丽的古建筑——好多都坐落于大山之巅,……
    归纳拓展(1)句中many sitting n tp f big hills是独立主格结构,可表示谓语动作发生的时间、原因、条件或伴随情况等,在许多情况下相当于一个状语从句或并列句。(2)独立主格结构的构成:n./prn.+v.-ing/v.-ed/t d/adj./adv./n./prep.
    多维训练单句语法填空①All the things she wanted _________(buy), she returned hme happily, fllwed by her lvely dg.
    写作运用提能②我紧张地看着爸爸,双腿颤抖着,心狂跳着。(n.+v.-ing)(心理描写)I lked at my father nervusly, ___________________________ _____________________.③(2022·新高考全国Ⅰ卷,读后续写)With the crss-cuntry run ver, David still culdn't calm dwn his thrilled md.→_____________________________,David still culdn't calm dwn his thrilled md.(用独立主格结构改写)
    my legs trembling and my heart
    beating wildly
    The crss-cuntry run ver
    佳句背诵(2021·浙江卷)What impressed me was the amazing wrks by thse gifted student painters.给我留下深刻印象的是那些有天赋的学生画家的令人惊叹的作品。
    10. What started as a residential area fr Chinese immigrants then turned int a centre fr Chinese culture.早先作为中国移民的住宅区的地方后来变成了中华文化的中心。
    多维训练单句语法填空①_______ impressed me mst was her unique teaching methd.②A new stadium was built n _______ used t be a wasteland.写作运用提能③(2022·全国甲卷,书面表达)我们应该关注的是我们能为海洋保护做什么而不是仅仅喊口号。__________________________________ is _____________________ cean prtectin instead f just shuting slgans.
    What we shuld fcus n/cncentrate n
    what we shuld d fr
    ④(2020·浙江1月卷,读后续写)我们既沮丧又担心,不知道什么可以使我们抑郁的爱犬高兴起来。似乎过了一个世纪的时间,我们终于想出了一个好主意——给她买一只小狗。有了一个新的玩伴,我们的狗不再是过去的样子了。我们的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容。Upset and cncerned, we didn't knw ______________________ ur glmy belved pet dg.After _____________________________,a gd idea ccurred t us—buying her a puppy.Having a new playmate, ur dg wasn't ______________________.A relieved smile spread acrss ur faces.
    what culd cheer up
    what seemed like a century
    what she used t be
    关键能力 • 对点习得
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.(2023·全国甲卷) It was a neighbr called Mari, cming t bring us a bx _____________(cntain)sme tmates and a bttle f wine.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:那是一个叫马里奥的邻居,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。由句意可知,此处填cntaining作后置定语,与bx构成逻辑上的主谓关系。
    2.(2023·新课标Ⅱ卷) It's been an hnr t watch the panda prgramme develp and t see the pandas settle _______ their new hme.解析:考查动词短语。句意:我很荣幸能看到熊猫项目的发展,看到熊猫们在新家安顿下来。settle int“安顿下来”。3.(2022·浙江1月卷)T frame his stry, Klein creates the character f Ned, a fictinal witness t the prgress brught ________ by the steams and electric revlutins in America during ne man's lifetime.解析:考查动词短语。句意:为了构建他的故事,克莱因创造了内德这个角色,内德是一个虚构的证人,他在一生中见证了蒸汽和电力革命给美国带来的进步。bring abut“导致,带来”。
    4.(2022·浙江1月卷)She als admitted that a relatively small number f wmen were studied, all f _______ were frm Sweden, s the results might nt be applicable t ther grups.解析:考查定语从句。句意:她还承认,研究的女性人数相对较少,而且全部来自瑞典,因此研究结果可能不适用于其他群体。此处是“不定代词/数词/名词+f+关系代词”引导的定语从句;先行词是wmen, 故填whm。
    5.(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)The sky was clear when we headed _____,but strms mve in fast in the muntains, and this ne quickly interrupted ur peaceful mrning trip.解析:考查动词短语。句意:当我们出发时,天空晴朗,但山上的暴风雨来得很快,这场暴风雨很快打断了我们平静的早晨旅行。head ff “出发,动身”。6.(柯林斯词典)His bject is t gather as great a __________ (diverse) f material as pssible.解析:考查词性转换。句意:他的目标是尽可能收集各种各样的材料。a diversity f “各种各样的”。
    7.(剑桥高阶)Street-fights are an everyday _____________(ccur) in this area f the city.解析:考查词性转换。句意:街头斗殴在这个城市的这个地区每天都有发生。冠词an和形容词everyday修饰名词。8.(朗文当代)Last night was the first time that Ken had pened _____ abut his feelings.解析:考查动词短语。句意:昨晚是肯第一次公开他的感受。pen up“开通; 敞开心扉”。
    9.(柯林斯词典)At the dr was a _________(neat) dressed, dignified man.解析:考查词性转换。句意:门口站着一个衣冠楚楚、仪表堂堂的人。填副词修饰形容词。10.(朗文当代)Gerge std silently with his arms _________(fld).解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:乔治默默地站着,双臂交叉。fld与arms构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填过去分词表被动。
    Ⅱ.语境辨义练1.写出加黑部分的词性和汉语意思①(2020·全国Ⅰ卷)Call Lst Prperty n 13 16 17 during business hurs fr items lst n Queensland Rail services. ______________②I met a classmate f mine in my previus junir high but her name escaped me.______________③(2022·全国乙卷)Admissin t lectures is free.___________________④(2022·新高考Ⅰ卷)S this year, we didn't buy her material things._________________
    2.选出claim的汉语意思A.vt.宣称B.vt.索回C.vt.索要,索赔D.vt.认领 E.vt.夺取(生命)①Heart disease is the biggest killer, claiming 180,000 lives per year.____②The scientist claimed t have discvered a new kind f medicine._____
    ③Yu can claim yur mney back if the gds are damaged._____④Because the accident had nt been her fault, Barbara was able t claim damages._____⑤If the wner desn't claim the dg in 48 hurs, yu can apply fr adptin._____
    核心素养 • 双写培优
    It ccurs t/strikes/hits me that yu will head t Jilin, s I'd like t recmmend Changbai Muntain t yu. 
    It is admitted that nt nly is it a famus turist attractin but it is als China's largest nature reserve. 
    ③陆地高度从海拔700米到2 000多米不等。___________________________________________________________________________④除此之外,它还是多种珍稀动植物的家园。___________________________________________________________________
    The height f the land ranges frm 700 meters t ver 2,000 meters abve sea level.
    Apart frm that, it is hme t a great diversity f rare plants and animals. 
    A series f turist spts can make yu feel relaxed there.It feels gd t walk in the muntains and bathe in a ht spring. 
    It is claimed that the attractin highly appreciated in the district is Tianchi. 
    参考范文:It ccurs t/strikes/hits me that yu will head t Jilin, s I'd like t recmmend Changbai Muntain t yu.It is admitted that nt nly is it a famus turist attractin but it is als China's largest nature reserve.The height f the land ranges frm 700 meters t ver 2,000 meters abve sea level.Apart frm that, it is hme t a great diversity f rare plants and animals.In additin, a series f turist spts can make yu feel relaxed there.It feels gd t walk in the muntains and bathe in a ht spring.It is claimed that the attractin highly appreciated in the district is Tianchi.
    素材运用第一步 按要求完成下列句子。1.当我们站在后台的时候,我紧张极了。When we were standing backstage, ______________________________ _____________.(表紧张的名词作主语)2.当叫到我的名字时,我感觉心都提到了嗓子眼。____________________________________ when my name was called.(夸张的修辞手法)
    nervusness/tensin came flding
    I culd feel my heart in my muth
    3.我往舞台上走的时候,感觉手心冒汗,心跳加速。While I was walking nt the stage, I culd ____________________ ________________.(身体语言)4.挤满观众的大厅让我更加紧张起来。The hall packed with audience ____________________________.(形容词作宾语补足语)
    feel my palms sweating,
    heartbeat racing
    made me even mre nervus
    5.我的心狂跳,双腿发抖。我深吸一口气,心里七上八下。My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled._______________________ _____________________________.(with复合结构)6.我紧张地站在那里,喉咙发紧,想知道下一步该怎么办。____________________________________________wndering what t d next.(副词作状语+身体语言)
    With butterflies in my
    stmach, I breathed deeply
    I std there s nervusly that I felt my thrat tight ,
    7.我伸手去抓她的手,不料却发现她的手指冰冷,手在冒汗并颤抖着。I reached t grab her hand, __________________________________ _____________.(身体语言)
    nly t find her freezing fingers sweating
    and trembling
    第二步 将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇。
    参考范文:When we were standing backstage, nervusness/tensin came flding ver me.I culd feel my heart in my muth when my name was called.While I was walking nt the stage, I culd feel my palms sweating, heartbeat racing.Hwever, the hall packed with audience made me even mre nervus.My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled.With butterflies in my stmach, I breathed deeply.I std there s nervusly that I felt my thrat tight, wndering what t d next.Therefre, I reached t grab her hand, nly t find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling.
    直击高考 · 精准落实
    真题感悟(2023·全国乙卷)What cmes int yur mind when yu think f British fd? Prbably fish and chips, r a Sunday dinner f meat and tw vegetables.But is British fd really s uninteresting? Even thugh Britain has a reputatin fr less-than-impressive cuisine, it is prducing mre tp class chefs wh appear frequently n ur televisin screens and whse recipe bks frequently tp the best-seller lists.
    It's thanks t these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britns are turning away frm meat-and-tw-veg and ready-made meals and becming mre adventurus in their cking habits.It is recently reprted that the number f thse sticking t a traditinal diet is slwly declining and arund half f Britain's cnsumers wuld like t change r imprve their cking in sme way.There has been a rise in the number f students applying fr fd curses at UK universities and clleges.It seems that TV prgrammes have helped change what peple think abut cking.
    Accrding t a new study frm market analysts, 1 in 5 Britns say that watching ckery prgrammes n TV has encuraged them t try different fd.Almst ne third say they nw use a wider variety f ingredients(配料) than they used t, and just under 1 in 4 say they nw buy better quality ingredients than befre.One in fur adults say that TV chefs have made them much mre cnfident abut expanding their ckery knwledge and skills, and yung peple are als getting mre interested in cking.The UK's bsessin(痴迷) with fd is reflected thrugh televisin scheduling.Ckery shws and dcumentaries abut fd are bradcast mre ften than befre.With an increasing number f male chefs n TV, it's n lnger “uncl” fr bys t like cking.
    1.What d peple usually think f British fd?____A.It is simple and plain.B.It is rich in nutritin.C.It lacks authentic tastes.D.It deserves a high reputatin.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段前三句以及第四句中的“Even thugh Britain has a reputatin fr less-than-impressive cuisine...”可知,人们通常会觉得英国食物平淡无奇。故选A。
    2.Which best describes ckery prgrammes n British TV?____A.Authritative. B.Creative.C.Prfitable. D.Influential.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句和最后一句以及第三段内容可知,英国的烹饪节目能够改变英国人对烹饪的看法,尝试从传统的英式饮食走出来,尝试新的烹饪习惯,由此推知英国的烹饪节目具有很大的影响力。故选D。
    3.Which is the percentage f the peple using mre diverse ingredients nw?____A.20%. B.24%. C.25%. D.33%.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的“Almst ne third say they nw use a wider variety f ingredients(配料) than they used t...”可知,三分之一左右的人,也就是33%左右的人,使用的配料比以前更多。故选D。
    4.What might the authr cntinue talking abut?____A.The art f cking in ther cuntries.B.Male chefs n TV prgrammes.C.Table manners in the UK.D.Studies f big eaters.解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“With an increasing number f male chefs n TV,it's n lnger ‘uncl’ fr bys t like cking.”可知,接下来,文章应该具体介绍电视上的男性厨师,从而与上文形成语义连贯。故选B。
    语言能力(一)高级词块1.tp vt.居……之首2.turn away frm对……失去兴趣3.expand vt.扩大,增加4.authritative adj.权威的5.influential adj.有很大影响力的

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures评课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002241_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Diverse Cultures评课ppt课件</a>,共15页。PPT课件主要包含了美 文 导 入,○课标词汇,○重要短语,○句型精析,核心素养目标等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024版高考英语一轮总复习第一部分模块知识复习必修第三册Unit3DiverseCultures课件: 这是一份2024版高考英语一轮总复习第一部分模块知识复习必修第三册Unit3DiverseCultures课件,共59页。PPT课件主要包含了children,句意翻译等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024版新教材高考英语全程一轮总复习Unit3DiverseCultures课件新人教版必修第三册: 这是一份2024版新教材高考英语全程一轮总复习Unit3DiverseCultures课件新人教版必修第三册,共52页。PPT课件主要包含了过基础·语基落实,攻重难·解惑释疑,测效果·素养提能,干酪奶酪,涂鸦胡写乱画,外来移民外侨,瓷瓷器,爵士乐,酒吧小吃店小馆子,纪念物纪念品等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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