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    这是一份2024届内蒙古呼和浩特市高三下学期二模考试英语试题+,共9页。试卷主要包含了 考试时间等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    3. 考试时间:100分钟。试卷满分:120分。
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The University f Greenwich Turs
    Take a tur f ur campuses and find ut frm ur students what it’s like t live and study at the University f Greenwich (GU).
    Greenwich Campus Tur
    Greenwich is a wrld heritage (遗产) site, where ur guides will take yu frm ur brand-new Dreadnught building, thrugh the antique Queen Anne and King William buildings. On the way, yu will pass the recently redecrated Painted Hall as well as the Greenwich twn center.
    Avery Hill Campus Tur
    Our Avery Hill Campus cvers the Suthwd site. This ancient Victrian site huses teaching and library facilities, student accmmdatin, the students’ unin and sprts facilities. Our student guides will shw yu all the key characteristics f Suthwd site, and als give yu a tur f ur Skills Labs.
    Medway Campus Tur
    Dating frm 1903, the Medway Campus is lcated near Chatham Histric Dckyard in Kent. Self-guided turs include the teaching and learning facilities as well as the impressive student accmmdatin. The campus features a mix f scial and leisure facilities, including ur Students’ Unin Hub, a restaurant in Pembrke building.
    Maritime Campus Tur
    Explre the histric Maritime Campus and discver its rich maritime histry. Our knwledgeable guides will shw yu arund the campus. The tur will include a visit t the beautifully restred Old Ryal Naval Cllege, where yu can learn abut its fascinating histry and stunning architecture.
    Are yu lking frward t having a tur? Click here and bk ne nw. Welcme!
    21. Which campus best suits students wh enjy an active scial life?
    A. Greenwich Campus Turs.B. Avery Hill Campus Tur.
    C. Maritime Campus Turs.D. Medway Campus Turs.
    22. What d all the campuses f GU have in cmmn?
    A. They have histric cnstructins.B. They ffer guided campus turs.
    C. They pssess tp-class facilities.D. They supply accmmdatin visits.
    23. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A guidebk.B. A cllege website.
    C. A travel magazine.D. A newspaper.
    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hsseini is ne f the best bks I have read in years. This is a page turner with cmplex characters and situatins that will make yu think hard abut friendship, gd and evil, betrayal, etc. It is intense and a great bk by many measures.
    On ne level, The Kite Runner is the stry f tw bys in Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants in America. It is a stry set in a culture that has becme f increasing interest t Americans since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It als explres the histry f the rise f the Taliban in Afghanistan. On this level, it prvides a gd way fr peple t learn mre abut Afghan histry and culture in the cntext f the stry.
    Lking at The Kite Runner as a stry abut culture, hwever, misses what the bk is really abut. This is a nvel abut humanity. This is a stry abut friendship, lyalty, cruelty, lnging fr acceptance, redemptin, and survival. The cre stry culd be set in any culture because it deals with issues that are universal.
    The Kite Runner lks at hw the main character, Amir, deals with a secret in his past and hw that secret shaped wh he became. It tells f Amir’s childhd friendship with Hassan, his relatinship with his father and grwing up in a privileged place in sciety. I was drawn in by Amir’s vice. I sympathized with him, cheered fr him and felt angry with him at different pints. Similarly, I became attracted by Hassan and his father. The characters became real t me and it was difficult fr me t put the bk dwn and leave their wrld.
    I highly recmmend this bk, especially fr bk clubs. Fr thse f yu wh are nt in a reading grup, read it and then lan it t a friend. Yu are ging t want t talk abut it when yu finish.
    24. The underlined wrds “a page turner” prbably mean that the bk is ________.
    A. abstractB. thrillingC. ridiculusD. tugh
    25. The greatest charm f The Kite Runner lies in ________.
    A. the beauty f languageB. the histry f the Taliban
    C. the reflectin f humanityD. the culture f immigrants
    26. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is true?
    A. The stry can prvide inspiratin fr readers f varius cultures.
    B. The authr always feels sympathy fr the main character, Amir.
    C. The stry is set in the September 11, 2001 attacks in America.
    D. The secret helped Amir t grw up in a privileged place in sciety.
    27. What type f writing is the passage?
    A. An advertisement f a bk.B. An intrductin t a bk.
    C. A summary f a bk.D. A review f a bk.
    The inventin f the ID barcdes revlutinized supermarkets and general market management. But shrtly after their intrductin, their disadvantages were clear. There was an instant demand t be able t encde (编码) mre than 20 alphanumeric characters (字符) that the traditinal barcdes culd hld.
    Dens Wave, a Japanese cmpany, at the time, was in the business f manufacturing 1D barcde scanners. Listening t feedback frm users f the ID barcde scanners they were selling, they put tgether a develpment team t cme up with a slutin.
    One f the key targets was t ensure that n matter what barcde they designed, it can be scanned very fast. It tk the team nearly 18 mnths, and eventually they came up with a barcde that culd hld up t 7,000 alphanumerical characters and culd be scanned up t 10 times faster than any ther cde at the time. In 1994, the QR Cde was brn.
    The QR Cde quickly spread utside f Japan and was apprved fr many standards glbally. But that wasn’t the end f the develpment f the QR Cde. After all, nthing is perfect at its beginning and peple sn began t present mre requirements t Dens Wave. The variatins (变体) f the QR Cde were sn develped.
    One f the biggest reasns why the QR Cde has been able t be used widely is that Dens Wave made the decisin t make the OR Cde publicly available. This means anyne can use it withut paying any fees. Dens Wave d hld a patent fr the QR Cde, but have declared that they have n intentin t exercise it.
    It wasn’t until 2002 that the first smartphnes came t market with the QR Cde scanner, and this really accelerated the technlgy. Once widespread n phnes, almst anyne can read these cdes and desn’t require expensive hardware t d s. It is believed that Nkia is the first t bring this technlgy t a mbile device.
    The ID barcdesthe QR Cde
    28. What is the disadvantage f the ID barcdes?
    A. They disturbed general market management.
    B. They smetimes encded wrng characters.
    C. The infrmatin they stre is t little.
    D. They culd nly be used in sme supermarkets.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. A barcde.B. A scanner.C. A character.D. Dens Wave.
    30. What is a reasn why the QR Cde spreads s widely?
    A. It has been prtected by a patent.
    B. Peple have fewer demands fr its variatins.
    C. It has been perfect since its first appearance.
    D. The public are permitted t use it fr free.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The disadvantages f the ID barcdes.B. An intrductin t the QR Cde.
    C. A famus develpment team.D. The reasns fr develping the QR Cde.
    Great Smky Muntains Natinal Park lies n bth sides f the brder between Nrth Carlina and Tennessee. Its highest peak is called “Clingmans Dme”. But befre it gt that name, the Cherkee peple called the muntain “Kuwahi”. It sits n ancestral Cherkee hmelands. Since the ancient times, the landscape, including muntains and streams, has shaped the histry f Cherkee peple. They used that name fr hundreds f years. Nw, tribal members are hping t return t the Kuwahi name.
    The Cherkee Natin nce spread acrss what is nw Gergia. Nrth Carlina. Tennessee and Alabama. In 1838, the tribe was frcibly relcated t present-day Oklahma — in what was later knwn as the “Trail f Tears”. Thrugh sickness and terrible travel cnditins, nearly 4,000 Cherkee peple died during the frced remval frm their hmeland. Sme Cherkee managed t avid relcatin t Oklahma by ging int hiding, including n Kuwahi. “We’re here tday because ur ancestrs hid in thse muntains, specifically in Kuwahi.” Hill said.
    The name change f the Cherkee’s muntain came in 1859, when gegrapher and prfessr Arnld Henry Guyt labeled Kuwahi “Clingmans Dme”. The peak was named after Thmas Lanier Clingman, wh was a strng supprter f slavery. Clingman was nt cnnected t the Cherkee peple in any way. “Naming the muntain after Clingman erases everything that the Cherkee peple are in rder t rename it after smene with zer ties t ur cmmunity. He didn’t even live here.” said Hill.
    In June 2022, Yellwstne Natinal Park’s Munt Dane was renamed t First Peples Muntain. “That was a huge victry fr ur brthers and sisters,” Hill said. “I hpe it’s just the beginning f accurately recgnizing and hnring numerus histrically significant sites fr tribes and native peple natinwide. There were s many places that were special and imprtant t native peple prir t clnizatin. I want t be the vice fr my peple, fr my ancestrs.”
    32. What d the Cherkee peple intend t d accrding t the passage?
    A. Save their language.B. G back t their hmeland Kuwahi.
    C. Change the name back t “Kuwahi”.D. Reshape their histry.
    33. What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The sheltering place fr the Cherkee peple.
    B. The sad histry f the Cherkee peple.
    C. The causes f the decrease f the Cherkee peple.
    D. The traveling rute f the ancient Cherkee Natin.
    34. Why are the Cherkee peple unsatisfied with the name “Clingmans Dme”?
    A. It is related t the culture f the Cherkee peple.
    B. It reminds the Cherkee peple f their ancestrs.
    C. It reflects the slave psitin f the Cherkee peple.
    D. It remves everything abut the Cherkee histry.
    35. What des Hill actually mean in the last paragraph?
    A. T express the pinins f her peple.
    B. T make his hmeland well-knwn.
    C. T add great hnr t her ancestrs.
    D. T name mre histrically significant sites.
    Many f us spent ur childhds dreaming f becming astrnauts. Hwever, the hard reality is that nly a select few will make it. 36 Nt necessarily.
    In fact, sme f the space jbs are nt nly fr astrnauts and they all sund just as cl. One f the mst interesting space jbs that yu may have never heard f is “chief sniffer (嗅探员)” NASA has already hired a chief sniffer named Gerge Aldrich. whse jb is t smell materials befre they are used in spacecrafts.
    37 A spacecraft is f limited size and relatively high temperature, which makes smells strnger inside f it. “Once a spacecraft is launched, astrnauts have n way f escaping unpleasant smells,” Aldrich tld The Telegraph. Mre imprtantly, smelling bjects can help identify dangerus chemicals that culd threaten astrnauts’ health.
    Anther jb, the “space tur guide”, may seem a little ahead f its time — after all, what’s the pint f hiring a tur guide when there aren’t any turists there? But nw, many private cmpanies are starting t prvide space trips, and wealthy space enthusiasts such as Justin Bieber and Sarah Brightman have already signed up fr turs. 38
    Being a space tur guide requires rich knwledge f astrnmy, astrphysics, gegraphy and histry t help passengers get the mst ut f their jurney. 39
    Astrnauts ften spend weeks r even mnths in a small capsule with the same grup f peple, which is why a “space psychlgist” is als needed t help astrnauts vercme mental challenges, like feeling bred and lnely.
    Rhit Talwar, chief executive f US cmpany Fast Future Research, said, “ 40 Things we’ve seen in the past in mvies are nw becming real career pprtunities.”
    A. But des that mean yu’ll never get the chance t wrk in space?
    B. Mdern astrnauts feel less helpless when wrking as a grup.
    C. It is impssible that nrmal peple will be able t be a space travel.
    D. It may nt be lng befre space becmes a tp travel destinatin.
    E. Tur guides als need t be gd strytellers t help space travel.
    F. We’re crssing the bundaries between science fictin and reality.
    G. Using yur nse at wrk sunds a little strange, but the jb is very imprtant.
    第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    On Mnday, May 9, James Givens, a plice fficer in Cincinnati, Ohi, was sitting in his panda car. Just at that mment he heard what sunded like a 41 . He turned arund nly t find a gse pecking (啄) at the car dr. This was highly 42 given that the birds typically preferred t bserve 43 frm a distance.
    But n this day, the gse appeared t be determined t get his 44 and kept pecking until Givens pened the car dr and 45 . The plice fficer says that thugh the bird then began t 46 , it kept turning arund t make sure he was 47 . When they finally stpped, Givens 48 why the mther gse had been s-She wanted him t 49 her gsling (幼鹅) that had been trapped in sme balln string.
    50 that the mther gse wuld 51 him if he gt clse t the baby, Givens called the lcal SPCA (保护动物协会). 52 , they were unable t send anyne t help right away. Therefre, he had t call his fellw plice fficer Cecilia Charrn, wh was nearby and sn 53 Givens. Cncerned that the gsling wuld nt survive the 54 , Cecilia decided t take n the task herself.
    As it turned ut, there was 55 t wrry abut. The mther gse appeared t understand that Charrn was trying t help and watched 56 frm a safe distance as the fficer untied the trapped bird. As sn as the little gsling was 57 , it ran as quickly as pssible t its 58 , and they tk ff shrtly after. Charrn, a 24-year-ld sldier f the plice frce, said this wuld prbably 59 t be the mst memrable incident f her 60 !
    41. A. cryB. singingC. greetingD. knck
    42. A. hrribleB. unusualC. pssibleD. stupid
    43. A. enemiesB. fdsC. humansD. babies
    44. A. attentinB. welcmeC. attractinD. permissin
    45. A. ran awayB. stepped utC. glanced upD. gave in
    46. A. slide inB. walk awayC. fly upD. push ahead
    47. A. fllwingB. cpyingC. backingD. watching
    48. A. admittedB. recgnizedC. realizedD. wndered
    49. A. careB. cmpanyC. treatD. save
    50. A. WrriedB. PuzzledC. PleasedD. Interested
    51. A. tendB. attackC. thankD. attract
    52. A. UnfrtunatelyB. SurprisinglyC. HurriedlyD. Hpefully
    53. A. praisedB. cntactedC. apprvedD. jined
    54. A. rescueB. sceneC. delayD. injure
    55. A. nthingB. enughC. muchD. smething
    56. A. anxiuslyB. happilyC. willinglyD. patiently
    57. A. dismissedB. relaxedC. freedD. relieved
    58. A. fellwB. caseC. mmD. wner
    59. A. seemB. prveC. likeD. grw
    60. A. pastB. behavirC. experienceD. career
    We are s used t many beautiful things that we may even take them fr granted withut realizing hw much 61 (inspire) they have given us. Here are three fascinating architecture designs.
    Singapre’s ArtScience Museum, 62 (shape) t resemble a ltus flwer, appears t flat abve the waterfrnt prmenade (公共散步场所). Its rf cllects rainwater and the water is recycled. Visitrs are ften amazed t find 63 (they) in an urban building that s 64 (true) captures the beauty f nature frms.
    Harare’s Eastgate Centre is a superb example f bimimicry. It was created by Mick Pearce wh was inspired while watching a nature dcumentary 65 termites (白蚁) were cnstructing their nests. Just like the munds f termites, the Center is cvered in hles t draw air int the building during the day and the heat absrbed by the wall warms the cl air at night, 66 (create) a cmfrtable temperature inside.
    The Algae Huse in Hamburg is 67 excellent piece f wrk f making natural rganisms part f a building. Its surface is cvered in panels that cntain algae (藻类). The panels capture heat 68 the sun and cnvert it int energy that pwers the building. The algae grw faster in bright sunshine and prvide shade. Besides, the algae can 69 (harvest) and used t prduce fuel. Therefre, the building uses less energy and reduces the damage t the envirnment by generating its wn renewable energy.
    Creating buildings such as these 70 (enable) us t live in clser harmny with ur envirnment.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    I have always been very fnd f sprt. When I see sme peple snwbarding, I decided t give them a try. It was difficult t d than I had expected. At the first I fund that I culd nt keep my balances n a bard easily. And it was almst impssible t me t g any distance withut falling. I hated t fail in any sprt, but I cntinued t try and final managed t g all the way dwn a slpe with an accident. It was then that I realized hw a great sprt it was. Nw I’d rather ging snwbarding regularly.
    内容包括:1. 自我介绍; 2. 个人优势; 3. 希望能成为David的导游。
    注 意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear David,
    Li Hua
    A篇 21. D 22. A 23. B
    B篇 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. D
    C篇 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. B
    D篇 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. A
    七选五 36. A 37. G 38. D 39. E 40. F
    41. D 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. A
    51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. A 56. D 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. D
    61. inspiratin 62. shaped 63. themselves 64. truly 65. where 66. creating
    67. an 68. frm 69. be harvested 70. enables
    Dear David,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I’m Li Hua, a student frm senir high schl. I’m thrilled t hear abut the pprtunity t serve as a tur guide fr yur jurney alng the ancient Silk Rad in China. As a passinate student f histry, I have a deep appreciatin fr this icnic trade rute and its rich cultural heritage.
    With my enthusiasm, knwledge f the regin, and excellent cmmunicatin skills, I am cnfident in prviding an enriching and educatinal experience fr yu. I am particularly interested in explring the varius histrical sites and sharing their fascinating stries with yu.
    I wuld be grateful fr the pprtunity t jin yu n this incredible jurney and cntribute t its success. Thank yu fr cnsidering my applicatin. I lk frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    A Tur Guide Wanted
    David, frm England, wants t travel alng the ancient Silk Rad in China during this summer hliday and is recruiting a tur guide. If yu are interested in it, please send an email t David@sina.cn.

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