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    黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)
    黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟  英语  Word版含答案(含听力)01
    黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟  英语  Word版含答案(含听力)02
    黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟  英语  Word版含答案(含听力)03
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    黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)

    这是一份黑龙江省牡丹江市普通高中协同发展共同体2023-2024学年高三下学期第一次模拟 英语 Word版含答案(含听力),共11页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £ 9.15.
    1. What des the man want the wman t get?
    A. His grceries.B. His dinner.C. His clthes.
    2. What is the man trying t d?
    A. Mail smething. B. Order fast fd delivery. C. Bk a flight t Chicag.
    3. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a barber shp.C. In a mvie theater.
    4. What is the wman like accrding t the man?
    A. She is helpful.B. She is careless.C. She is lazy.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Cach and player.B. Friends. C. Mther and sn.
    6. When will the wman prbably finish translating this time?
    A. In tw days. B. In fur days. C. In five days.
    7. Why is the wman translating the Russian sng?
    A. She des it fr fun. B. She is learning the language. C. She wants t sing it fr the man.
    8. Where will the speakers g fishing prbably?
    A. T the river. B. T the lake. C. T the sea.
    9. What is the wman wrried abut?
    A. Being ill. B. Catching nthing. C. Traveling t far.
    10. What des the man think have changed in his hmetwn?
    A. The envirnment. B. His friends. C. Jb pprtunities.
    11. What is the man’s persnal life like?
    A. He is single. B. He has children. C. He desn’t have a wife.
    12. When des the man plan t return t his jb?
    A. In a year. B. In three mnths. C. In abut half a mnth.
    13. What is HS2?
    A. A rad. B. A railway line. C. An airprt.
    14. What stage is HS2 at?
    A. Planning. B. Building. C. Using.
    15. What des China ffer t d fr HS2?
    A. Reduce the cst. B. Cut dwn the building time. C. Make it becme mre wnderful.
    16. Hw des the man feel abut Chinese prjects?
    A. Wrried. B. Indifferent. C. Impressed.
    17. What is the main tpic f the talk?
    A. Energy cnservatin. B. New husing cnstructin. C. The number f bicycles and cars.
    18. What is the purpse f building new huses facing nrth r suth?
    A. T keep ut the cld.
    B. T keep ther huses warm.
    C. T avid being verheated in summer.
    19. Hw did the City Cuncil reduce the number f cars in the city?
    A. By cutting back n parking.
    B. By building 24 miles f bicycle paths.
    C. By encuraging university students t use bicycles.
    20. Why d peple in Davis chse t drive small cars accrding t the speaker?
    A. T save gas. B. T relieve traffic jams. C. T test new energy alternatives.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    16th iPhne Phtgraphy AWARDS Call fr Entries
    Abstract, Animals, Architecture, Children, City life/Cityscape, Landscape, Lifestyle, Nature, Peple, Prtrait, Series (3 images), Still Life, Travel, Other.
    Entries are pen wrldwide t phtgraphers using an iPhne r iPad. Phts shuld nt be published previusly anywhere. The psts n persnal accunts (Facebk, Instagram etc.) are suitable. The phts shuld nt be changed in any desktp image prcessing prgram such as Phtshp. It is OK t use any IOS apps.
    The submissins must be in the riginal size r nt smaller than 1000 pixels in either height r width.
    All phtgraphers cmpete fr the 4 IPPAWARDS Phtgraphers f the Year. Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
    Grand Prizes: All entries cmpete fr the famus IPPA Phtgrapher f the Year Award title.
    14 Gld Bars: The 1st place winner f the 14 categries will win a Gld Bar frm the mst recgnizable private gld mint in the wrld.
    14 Platinum Bars: The 2nd and 3rd place winners f the 14 categries will win a Platinum Bar frm the mst recgnizable private gld mint in the wrld.
    Certificates in all Categries: All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners frm each categry will receive an IPPAWARDS certificate.
    Hnrable Mentins: IPPAWARDS judges will award several Hnrable Mentin t entries t acknwledge talent as they cnsider fit.
    Hw t Enter:
    1. Select hw many images yu want t enter.
    2. Fllw the check-ut prcess t pay the entry fee.
    3. Select yur images and uplad; click here t start.
    21. What makes a qualified entry fr the cmpetitin as an iPhne user?
    A. A tw-image Series. B. A published pht.
    C. An unused riginal pht.D. An 800-pixel pht.
    22. Which prize is specific fr a 1st-place winner in Architecture?
    A. Gld Bar. B. Platinum Bar. C. Hnrable Mentin. D. Grand prize.
    23. Where can yu see this text prbably?
    A. In a fashin magazine. B. In an iPhne manual bk.
    C. On a mbile phne website.D. In a phtgraphy guidebk.
    I used t believe that nly wrds culd catch the essence f the human sul. The literary wrks cntained such distinct stries that they shaped the way we saw the wrld. Wrds were what cmpsed the questins we sught t uncver and the answers t thse questins themselves. Wrds were everything.
    That belief changed.
    In an rdinary math class, my teacher psed a simple questin: What's 0. 99 runded t the nearest whle number? Easy. When runded t the nearest whle number, 0. 99 =1. Smehw, I thught even thugh 0. 99 is nly 0. 01 away frm 1, there's still a 0. 01 difference. That means even if tw things are nly a little different, they are still different, s desn't that make them cmpletely different?
    My teacher answered my questin by presenting anther equatin (等式): 1= 0. 9, which culd als be expressed as 1=0. 99999… repeating itself withut ever ending.
    There was smething mysterius but fascinating abut the equatin. The left side was unchangeable, bjective: it cntained a number that ended. On the right was smething endless, number repeating itself limitless times. Yet, smehw, these tw ppsed things were cnnected by an equal sign.
    Lying in bed, I thught abut hw much the equatin paralleled ur existence. The left side f the equatin represents that smetimes life itself is s unchangeable and s clear. The cncrete, whle number f the day when yu were brn and the day when yu wuld die. But then there is that gap in between life and death. The right side means a time and space full f limitless pssibilities, and endless pprtunities int the pen future.
    S that's what life is. Objective but imaginative. Unchangeable but limitless. Life is an equatin with tw sides that balances itself ut. Still, we can't ever truly seem t put the perfect wrds t it. S pssibly numbers can express ideas as equally well as wrds can. Fr nw, let's leave it at that: 1= 0. 99999. . . and live a life like it.
    24. What des the authr emphasize abut wrds in paragraph 1?
    A. Their wide variety. B. Their literary rigins.
    C. Their expressive pwer. D. Their distinct sunds.
    25. What made the authr find the equatin fascinating?
    A. The repetitin f a number. B. The difference between the tw numbers.
    C. The questin the teacher raised. D. The way tw different numbers are equal.
    26. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd "paralleled" in paragraph 6?
    A. Measured. B. Cmpsed. C. Mirrred. D. Influenced.
    27. What des the authr think f “1= 0. 9” ?
    A. They reveal the meaning f life.B. They are reliable in expressing ideas.
    C. They are useful in learning maths. D. They give limited pssibilities.
    Digital mindfulness(正念) is the applicatin f mindfulness practices in yur digital life. Accrding t Jn Kabat­Zinn, a prfessr at the University f Massachusetts Medicine Schl, mindfulness is “a means f paying attentin in a particular way, n purpse, in the present mment, and nn­judgmentally”. Here tw main key pints are emphasized when it cmes t mindfulness as a practice in yur digital life.
    The first pint is that yu must learn t d things n purpse. Fr instance, yu use yur phne as a habitual escape frm bredm r stress, which is thught by many as a quick slutin t all thse negative feelings. But what if yu get nly negative respnses frm yur phne—the news r psts are negative? Instead f finding peace, yu find mre bredm and mre stress. The slutin that mindfulness prvides is a purpseful and intentinal chice. Therefre, yu are empwered t chse hw t respnd t the stimulus(刺激) behind such feelings as bredm, lneliness, and stress and nt just treat the symptms.
    The ther key is ging thrugh the experience nn­judgmentally. When yu feel sad r angry because f a pst n scial media, all yu ever d is t g thrugh the experience and let it flw. At its cre, mindfulness invlves the acceptance f yur memries, feelings, and thughts and minuses any judgment n yurself r thers because f thse things. These feelings, memries, and experiences cme and g. After they have passed, yu are still yu and in cntrl. Yu will becme mre aware f yur inner wrld. It's this internal mnlgue(独白) that pushes yu t grab yur digital technlgy (phne, Alexa speaker, TV, etc.).
    Digital mindfulness is nt abut aviding the negative things in life. Thrugh mindfulness practice, yu regain the pwer t learn frm these experiences and healthily deal with the negative. Mindfulness will als teach yu t be aware f all yur emtins, s yu learn t deal with the things that yu used t avid. Finally, digital mindfulness brings yu peace f mind in an ever­changing and increasingly cnnected wrld.
    Nw, I wuld rather prefer t think f it as ne f many tls that we can use in ur daily life.
    28. What des the authr suggest readers d when they feel stressed in their digital life?
    A. Find smething interesting t d. B. Use the phne as a habitual escape.
    C. Keep away frm the negative respnses. D. Deal with the rt cause f the prblem.
    29. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. Negative feelings shuld be avided r cntrlled.
    B. Mindfulness invlves bth acceptance and judgment.
    C. Mindfulness helps us fully experience life as it happens.
    D. Digital technlgy is the key t understanding ur inner wrld.
    30. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Hw Can Yu Avid Negative Feelings? B. The Definitin f Digital Mindfulness.
    C. Hw Can Digital Mindfulness Benefit Yu? D. Digital Mindfulness: One f Tls Used in Our Daily Life.
    31. What will prbably be discussed in the next paragraph?
    A. Applicatins f mindfulness in cmmunicatin. B. Ways f practising mindfulness in the digital age.
    C. Develpment f mindfulness in medical field. D. Benefits f practising digital mindfulness in daily life.
    Gethermal (地热的) pwer generatin is ne f ur mst stable renewable energy resurces. Heat generated belw the Earth’s surface can prvide an almst unlimited supply t pwer and heat hmes. And while gethermal electricity nly accunts fr arund ne percent f glbal generatin, that is set t at least triple by 2050.
    The Geysers in Califrnia is the wrld’s largest gethermal electricity cmplex. It prduces enugh electricity frm its 18 pwer plants fr 725,000 hmes, ttaling 20 percent f the state’s renewable energy. Superheated “dry steam” is channeled frm a large sandstne reservir heated by a large magma chamber (岩浆房) mre than fur miles beneath the surface.
    Heat is captured frm its passage thrugh the rck and the heated water cnverts int electricity. Cled water is then recycled and pumped back t gather mre heat. EGS (enhanced gethermal systems) technlgies will pen up many mre sites fr gethermal energy. “Yu can effectively put a pwer plant anywhere,” said Will Pettit, directr f the Gethermal Resurces Cuncil. “All yu have t d is drill deep enugh and yu will find ht rck.”
    Mst gethermal plants actually use a flash steam technique, where ht water (at 360F r 180C) is drawn up, passed int lwer pressure tanks and flashed int steam t pwer a turbine (涡轮机). Binary cycle (双元循环) plants are the grwth technlgy because they can perate at lwer water temperatures and mre diverse gegraphical lcatins. They use mderately ht water t heat a secndary fluid with a lwer biling pint—as lw as 135F—t drive turbines.
    Gethermal plants already emit 11 times less carbn dixide per unit f electricity than the average US cal pwer plant. They can als perate 24 hurs a day t prvide a slid base lad fr hmes and businesses.
    There are drawbacks t. Seismic activity arund drilling wells is a factr. High investment csts are anther. But the US gvernment is backing the sectr with multi-millin dllar funds t push frward advanced EGS research. Gethermal energy is set t play a big part in the lw-carbn electricity future.
    32. What is the significance f EGS (enhanced gethermal systems) technlgies?
    A. They have made gethermal energy less sustainable.
    B. They have greatly reduced the need fr drilling in gethermal sites.
    C. They allw fr mre efficient use f gethermal resurces.
    D. They have pened up new methds f generating electricity frm water.
    33. What can be inferred frm paragraph 4?
    A. Pwer plants are nt affected by water. B. Ht water is used t pwer a turbine directly.
    C. Binary cycle plants are less restricted t sites. D. A flash steam technique is a must in gethermal plants.
    34. What des the authr think f gethermal pwer?
    A. Perfect. B. limited . C. impractical. D. prmising.
    35. What is the main idea f the article?
    A. Businesses have been cmpeting t gain an advantage in gethermal pwer.
    B. Gethermal pwer is likely t be a great chance t sustainable pwer.
    C. Traditinal pwer has been replaced by gethermal pwer in America.
    D. EGS technlgies have cme int widespread applicatin arund the wrld.
    Five nutritin myths and what health experts want yu t knw instead
    MYTH 1: Fresh fruits and vegetables are always healthier than canned, frzen r dried varieties.
    Research has fund that frzen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritius as their fresh cunterparts. 36 Hwever, sme canned, frzen and dried varieties cntain added sugars, saturated fats and sdium, s be sure t read nutritin labels, especially n prepared fds.
    MYTH 2: 37
    By the 1980s, dctrs, gvernment health experts, the fd industry and the media were reprting that a lw-fat diet culd benefit everyne. As a result, many peple replaced calries frm fat with calries frm refined carbhydrates such as white flur and added sugar. In reality, healthy fats help reduce yur risk. Examples f thse include mnunsaturated fats (fund in live il, avcads and certain nuts and seeds) and plyunsaturated fats (fund in sunflwer il, walnuts, fish and flaxseed).
    MYTH 3: “Calries in, calries ut” is the mst imprtant factr fr maintaining weight.
    It’s true that if yu burn mre calries than yu cnsume, yu will prbably lse weight. 38 Rather, it’s the types f fds we eat that may be the lng-term drivers f thse cnditins. Ultra-prcessed fds can lead t weight gain.
    MYTH 4: Plant beverages are healthier than dairy milk.
    While the nutritin f plant-based beverages can vary, many have mre added ingredients which can cntribute t pr health than cw’s milk. 39 Almnd (杏仁) beverage n the ther hand, typically has ne r tw grams in the same amunt.
    MYTH 5: Ptates are bad fr yu.
    Ptates have ften been vilified in the nutritin cmmunity because f their high glycemic index, which can spike yur bld sugar. Hwever, ptates are rich in vitamin C, ptassium, fibre and ther nutrients, especially when cnsumed with the skin n. 40
    A. All fat is bad.
    B. All fat is nt beneficial.
    C. The reasn fr this is that they are rapidly digested.
    D. They are als inexpensive and available year-rund in grcery stres.
    E. Typically, cw’s milk has abut eight grams f prtein per 250 millilitres.
    F. They can be an easy way t make sure there are always fruits and vegetables available at hme.
    G. But research des nt suggest that eating mre will result in becming verweight r bese.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was then in my early twenties. Even thugh I was armed with a degree in Educatin, finding a 41 teaching jb was nt easy. I had t try sme temprary nes.
    This year, when a glden pprtunity 42 t teach 5th grade students in a lcal schl, I 43 it and tk things seriusly. I 44 myself with lessn plans, taught with enthusiasm, and stayed 45 with the students. I had n hesitatin in 46 the kids when they gt the answer right, and encuraged them if they didn’t.
    One day when the kids were 47 , a girl apprached and handed me a 48 befre she went hme. On it was a lvely drawing full f childlike wnder, 49 by the wrds, “Yu are the best teacher I have ever had!” It really amazed me that ne f my kind cmments had 50 that girl’s heart greatly. I tk that nte hme and 51 put it in a flder, lking n it as a 52 because it was very imprtant. Anytime I was feeling dwn, I wuld lk at it and it prved t be a 53 .
    That experience shwed me the 54 f just a single kind wrd. It encuraged me t cntinue t try my best each day t 55 lve and kindness thrugh my wrds and actins. Wish the same fr thers.
    41. A. first-rate B. well-paid C. labr-saving D. full-time
    42. A. escaped B. demanded C. arse D. arranged
    43. A. jumped at B. thught abut C. waited fr D. dreamt f
    44. A. ccupied B. amused C. cncerned D. cntented
    45. A. familiar B. psitive C. strict D. cnsistent
    46. A. evaluating B. supprting C. instructing D. cngratulating
    47. A. graded B. dismissed C. tested D. taught
    48. A. nte B. gift C. parcel D. bk
    49. A. judged B. indicated C. emphasized D. accmpanied
    50. A. hardened B. tuched C. brken D. gladdened
    51. A. simply B. casually C. carefully D. eagerly
    52. A. reminder B. treasure C. prf D. secret
    53. A. cmfrt B. frtune C. fantasy D. privilege
    54. A. target B. applicatin C. pwer D. principle
    55. A. clarify B. find C. feel D. spread
    When night falls, the hustle and bustle f the suthern Chinese city f Guangzhu turns t the banks f the Pearl River in Liwan district. Hundreds f peple and cars 56 (decrate) with clrful lights and eye-catching shp signs swarm (挤满) a lcal car bt sale bazaar (集市).
    Liang Jinsheng, a lcal yuth, sells lemn tea at the bazaar, 57 was pened t the public n July 15 last year. The almst ne-square-meter car trunk is his space fr tea making.
    “I used 58 (wrk) in the catering industry. I saw n the Internet many peple ding business at car bt sale bazaars. S I decided t give it 59 try, as ding business is lw-cst and lw-risk,” Liang says.
    “Althugh my ‘shp’ is small, I have btained the necessary business licenses 60 will stick with hygienic standards t ensure fd 61 (safe),” Liang adds.
    While 62 (make) the lemn tea, Liang als livestreams n shrt-vide platfrms t drive traffic.
    “Recently, a lt f residents 63 (cme) t my tea bth after watching my livestream. I make arund 1,000 yuan ($148) at the bazaar every night,” he says.
    64 mst cases, Guangzhu will supprt these new types f business activities, says the city’s cmmerce department, nting that many cmmercial plazas have ffered 65 (much) space fr car bt sales and intrduced night-themed activities t stimulate cnsumptin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 保持身心健康的重要性;
    2. 保持身心健康的建议。
    Jack fund himself at a crssrads. Althugh Mrs. Frd, his head teacher, appreciated his stries, the label f “nerd” (呆子) frm his classmates cast a shadw ver his passin fr writing. Discuraged and feeling that his writing served n purpse in the eyes f thers, he thught abut giving it up.
    One day, during recess (课间), as Jack was absentmindedly taking dwn sme randm events f the day, he heard an anxius vice calling ut fr help. He put dwn his pen, glanced ut the windw, and saw a gathering f peple near the playgrund fence. With cncern, he walked ver and jined the crwd.
    In the centre f the crwd was Rbin, a sprty by in the class, wh was injured n the knee and bleeding heavily. Rbin was playing kickball when the ball unexpectedly sht ver the playgrund fence, landing in the ld park next t the schl. As he ran t get the ball, he tripped ver the vergrwn weeds, his left knee crashing int a brken bench. Rbin’s face paled, perhaps frm bth pain f the bleeding knee and his panic. Cncerned classmates surrunded him, and Mrs. Frd hurried t the scene, prviding sme initial care befre sending him t see the dctr.
    Amidst the lively discussin f the crwd, Jack absrbed the infrmatin that the park had been abandned fr ages. Turning his attentin t the park, he was astnished at its awful state. Overrun with weeds, brken benches, rusty sprts facilities, and scattered rubbish, the park was practically a dangerus place fr students.
    Jack was prbably a nerd when invlved in reading r writing, but he was never ignrant f the wrld arund him. He felt a strng desire t d smething, and the nly way he culd think f was t pick up his pen.
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    The next day witnessed Jack getting dwn t wrk.
    As the article spread, ffers f help pured in.
    听力: 1—5 CABBC 6—10 ABCAB 11—15 CCBBA 16—20 CACAA
    阅读理解: 21-23 CAC 24-27 CDCA 28-31 DCCB
    32-35 CCDB 36-40 FAGED
    完型填空: 41-45: DCAAB 46-50: DBADB 51-55: CBACD
    decrated 57.which 58. t wrk 59. a 60.and
    safety 62.making 63.have cme 64.In 65.mre
    Physical and Mental Health
    It’s very imprtant fr us t keep healthy physically and mentally because we can’t d anything withut health. Firstly, I recmmend that we have a balanced diet which can give us mre energy t study. Secndly, take regular exercise and take part in extracurricular activities suitable fr us, which can help us keep fit and release stress. Thirdly, be psitive abut whatever happens. If s, we will find mre friends t share jys and srrws with. With prper fd, regular exercise and a psitive attitude, I’m sure we will becme happier and mre relaxed.
    The next day witnessed Jack getting dwn t wrk. With a heavy heart, he wrte an article abut the terrible cnditin f the park and the unfrtunate incident invlving Rbin. Puring his heart int the wrds, he appealed t the cmmunity t help restre the ld park. Never befre had he felt that wrds culd be s pwerful. Later that day, Jack handed the article t Mrs. Frd, wh appreciated his deep cncern fr the park and managed t put the article n lcal news.
    As the article spread, ffers f help pured in. Peple went ut f their way t dnate materials and help fix the brken facilities. Jack’s classmates were impressed by the changes taking place in the park, astnished that his effrt culd make such a significant difference. Once labeled a “nerd”, Jack was nw admired as a surce f inspiratin. Seeing the ld park transfrmed int an inviting place, Jack was glad he hadn’t quit writing. It turned ut that writing culd be put t practical use.
    Text 1
    W: D yu need anything specific frm the grcery stre while I am ut? I wn’t be back until dinner, s tell me nw.
    M: I dn’t need anything frm the stre, but can yu stp by the cleaner’s t pick up my wrk suit?
    Text 2
    M: Hi, I’d like t send this package t Chicag thrugh express.
    W: We have nrmal, fast, and same-day delivery. Nrmal delivery will get there by 6:00 p.m. tmrrw, fast will arrive by 12:00 tmrrw, and same-day will get there tnight.
    M: Fast, please.
    Text 3
    W: What wuld yu like tday? The same as last time, r smething different?
    M: The same. Just take a little ff the tp. When yu finish that, can yu style it like the actr Tm Cruise?
    Text 4
    W: Oh, n! Lk at what I just did. I kncked ver a glass. Can yu help me clean this up?
    M: That’s the secnd glass this week. Yu are always falling dwn r breaking things. Yu need t pay mre attentin.
    Text 5
    W: Oh, lk at yu, yu’re wet and cvered in mud!
    M: Ftball was great tday. Playing in the rain is s much fun.
    W: Rain may be great, but yu had better wash up befre yur father cmes hme. Dinner will be ready sn.
    Text 6
    M: Are yu trying t translate anther Russian sng? The last ne tk yu a week!
    W: Well, I’m getting a little faster. I’m halfway dne, and it’s nly been tw days.
    M: Yu shuld try a different apprach t learning the language.
    W: I’m already taking an nline class. My teacher suggested this activity, because the students were having t much truble reading bks. She said translating sngs will help bth listening and reading abilities. D yu have a better idea?
    M: The first time I studied Chinese, children’s cartns helped me a lt. They usually have simple language that is ften repeated, s I learned many wrds in that way.
    Text 7
    W: Why dn’t we g fishing?
    M: I didn’t knw yu liked fishing. What wuld yu like t catch?
    W: I’m nt bthered, really. Big fish, small fish, n fish — I dn’t care.
    M: N fish? We can stay at hme and catch n fish.
    W: What I like mst abut fishing is just being there, next t the water, lking at a river r lake. It’s peaceful.
    M: Hw abut ging t the cast? We culd even g ut in a bat and catch sme big fish. The water shuld be calm tday.
    W: I hpe s. Yu knw I suffer frm sea sickness when there are a lt f waves.
    M: I think we’ll be OK. We dn’t have t g far. It will be fun.
    Text 8
    W: S, hw des it feel t be hme?
    M: That’s a gd questin. On the ne hand, I’m happy t be back. On the ther hand, it feels different here.
    W: What d yu mean? Nthing has changed here.
    M: I knw. I mean I’m nt the same persn as I was befre I left. Nw, even thugh this is my hmetwn, I feel like I dn’t have anything in cmmn with anyne.
    W: Hw s?
    M: Let me explain. Befre I left, everyne was single. Nw everyne has either gt married r had children.
    W: I thught yu had a wife.
    M: I have a girlfriend.
    W: I see. S, hw lng are yu back fr?
    M: I have a 14-day vacatin, and then I have t g back. Hwever, nce my ne-year cntract is ver, I’ll prbably cme back.
    W: When will yu be back next?
    M: I’m cming back fr a business trip in three mnths.
    W: OK. Why dn’t we get all ur ld friends tgether?
    M: Sure. It wuld be nice t see everyne again.
    Text 9
    W: Have yu heard the latest news abut HS2? It is ging t cst a vast amunt.
    M: Yes, and des the UK really need anther high-speed railway line like HS2? We have gd rads and airprts.
    W: I supprt it. The part they are building nw lks gd, but it will cst far t much.
    M: I read smewhere that China might be asked t build the secnd part.
    W: That is a great idea. Lk at the wnderful railways they have.
    M: The Chinese say they culd build the line at a much lwer price.
    W: I’m sure they culd. I bet they wuld d it quicker as well.
    M: I agree. Did yu see the stry abut the hspital they built in a shrt time? That was amazing!
    W: Prjects in Britain always take s lng. Planning takes years, and building takes years. Peple just want t be able t use it.
    M: I knw. We culd learn a lt frm the Chinese. It wuldn’t wrry me if they tk ver the railway jb.
    W: The nly prblem is the distance. China is a lng way away.
    M: They d prjects all ver the wrld. Lk at the Belt and Rad. That wn’t be a prblem.
    W: Let’s hpe they d it then.
    Text 10
    Tday, I’m ging t talk abut what ne cmmunity is ding t save energy at present. The peple f Davis, Califrnia have succeeded in cutting their energy cnsumptin by ne-third since 1973. All new huses in Davis must make sure that the heat will nt escape unnecessarily during the winter. New huses must als face nrth r suth s that they will nt be verheated by the sun in summer. The laws have had a definite effect. Since 1976, there has been a 50% decrease in the amunt f natural gas and electricity used fr heating and air-cnditining. There are ther energy-saving features abut Davis, t. Public buses transprt university students thrughut the area. There are 24 miles f bicycle paths. And tday, there are twice as many bicycles as cars in the city. By reducing the number f available parking spaces, the City Cuncil has succeeded in reducing the number f cars in the city every day. Anther benefit f the reduced parking is the greater number f small cars. With the intentin f saving gas, peple are chsing nt t drive r driving ecnmical cars instead. Davis has becme an energy-saving mdel fr ther cities. Well, time is up fr tday. Next week, we’ll return t ur regular tpic f natinal energy alternatives.

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