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      云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高中新课标高三下学期第八次考前适应性训练英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高中新课标高三下学期第八次考前适应性训练英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期第八次高考适应性考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高中新课标高三下学期第八次考前适应性训练英语试题Word版含解析docx、云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高中新课标高三下学期第八次考前适应性训练英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    If there may be any errrs when using the juicer, please cnfirm the fllwing pints befre cntacting the custmer service fr supprt.
    1. Errr: Can’t wrk
    Reasn: Dead battery
    Slutin: Charge in time
    2. Errr: Stp suddenly during wrking
    Reasn: (1)The fruit is t big (2)The battery is dwn
    Slutin: (1)Cut small pieces f fruit (2)Charge in time
    3. Errr: Abnrmal nise
    Reasn: (1)Parts f the machine are nt installed in place
    (2)The machine is placed in an inclined (倾斜的) psitin when wrking
    Slutin: (1)Cnfirm whether parts f the machine are well assembled
    (2)Put the machine n a level surface fr use
    4. Errr: There is fd verflw when wrking
    Reasn: (1)The fruit is t big (2)The upper cver is nt installed crrectly
    Slutin: (1)Cut small pieces f fruit (2)Install the upper cver crrectly
    5. Errr: (1)The red alarm light flashes fr abut 10 secnds
    (2)The charging indicatr light is nt bright
    Reasn: (1)The battery is dead r the autmatic prtectin is n
    (2)The charging cable is nt cnnected
    Slutin: (1)Charge in time (2)Cnnect the charging cable
    Warranty (保修) exceptin
    The prduct is nt cvered by the warranty if it breaks dwn r is damaged under any f the fllwing circumstances.
    1. The prducts used are btained thrugh ther channels than the cmpany’s sales channels.
    2. Prducts whse warranty card is lst and cannt prvide relevant supprting materials.
    3. Damage caused by disassembly r repair f the prduct by any individual ther than the special repair designated (指定)by the cmpany.
    4. Prduct damage judged t be man-made.
    If any repairs ccur, the relevant fees will be charged.
    1. What can users d when hearing abnrmal nise?
    A. Charge in time.B. Replace certain parts.
    C. Cut small pieces f fruit.D. Put the machine n a level surface.
    2. What will happen if the upper cver isn’t put in place?
    A. The fd will spill.B. The machine will stp.
    C. The red alarm light will flash.D. The autmatic prtectin will be n.
    3. In which cnditin d custmers lse the right t warranty?
    A. The users refuse t pay relevant fees.
    B. The prduct is purchased at a discunt.
    C. The users have reset the machine fr many times.
    D. The prduct is damaged due t users’ carelessness.
    It all began in Everett, Washingtn, where my prject team was in the prcess f cnducting ne f ur business systems. S tugh was the prject that we ften stayed up cmpleting the tasks assigned. All f us were wrn ut. One night, as I walked thrugh the parking lt with ne f my emplyees. I fund a cent and picked it up. Glancing at my exhausted emplyee. I suddenly had an idea t delight him. Playfully, I presented the cent t the emplyee and said, “This is an infrmal award fr yur effrts.” He put the cent in his pcket. “Thank yu,” he said, a wave f jy sweeping acrss his face.
    Abut six mnths later, I was walking with the same emplyee、this time in Ls Alamits, Califrnia, when I again fund a cent and gave it t him with the same wrds.
    Later, I gt int his ffice and there, taped n a piece f paper were the tw cents, which made me surprised. He said he was displaying them as his recgnitin fr a jb well dne.
    Other emplyees nticed the cents prudly displayed and began asking why they hadn’t received any. They were als lnging fr the “reward”. It was then that I started handing ut cents, explaining that they were fr recgnitin, nt fr reward. Sn, s many peple wanted them that I designed a cent hlder. The frnt features a place fr a cent and beside it the phrase, “Yur wrk is recgnized!” The back has rm fr 30 mre cents and the phrase, “Yur achievements cunt!”
    One time, I sptted an emplyee, Mia, ding smething right and wanted t recgnize her, but I didn’t have a cent, s I gave her a quarter. Later the same day she stpped by and returned 24 cents.
    That’s hw the “One Cent Award” was brn. It’s becme a significant surce f recgnitin in ur rganizatin.
    4. Why did the authr give a cent t the emplyee initially?
    A. T praise him.B. T amuse him.
    C. T reward him.D. T surprise him.
    5. What inspired the authr t hand ut cents?
    A. The design f a cent hlder.B. The shared beliefs in his team.
    C. The eagerness f fellw emplyees.D. The expectatin fr better achievements.
    6. Why did Mia return the authr 24 cents?
    A. One cent std fr recgnitin.B. She was advised t d s.
    C. The authr was mean with mney.D. It is the cmpany’s strict regulatin.
    7. Which can best describe the emplyees?
    A. Greedy.B. Mtivated.C. Aggressive.D. Talented.
    Dgs are man’s best friends, and they may be the heart’s best friends as well.
    A grup f heart disease experts frm the American Heart Assciatin (AHA) reviewed research cnnecting heart health with wning a dg and fund that wning a dg has a likely nexus with a lwer risk f heart disease fr thse withut a histry f heart prblems, and with greater survival rates amng heart disease patients.
    The grup, chaired by Dr. Glenn Levine, a prfessr f medicine at Baylr Cllege f Medicine, released a scientific statement in favr f having a dg t lwer the risk f heart disease by helping peple t be mre physically active as well as reduce bld pressure and minimize the effects f stress. Previus studies shwed that the cmpaninship and clse relatinship that wners build with their dgs can bst levels f anti-stress hrmnes (抗应激激素) that can increase resilience (适应力) and help peple t cpe with stressful situatins. One f the studies fund, fr example, that thse wh adpted dgs enjyed a drp in bld pressure, while anther revealed that amng 5,200 adults, thse wh wned dgs were 54% mre likely t get recmmended levels f exercise and be active than nn-dg wners. That trend is supprted by ther studies that fund peple wh wned dgs were less likely t be verweight.
    Accrding t a reprt f the Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin(CDC), dgs aren’t a panacea (灵丹妙药) against heart disease, and it’s likely that taking care f them requires their wners t get mre exercise, which can reduce stress, weight and bld pressure and thus benefit the heart. “If smene adpts a pet, but still sits n the cuch and smkes and eats whatever he wants and desn’t cntrl his bld pressure,” Levine tld the Ner Yrk Times, “that’s nt a wise strategy t decrease the risk”.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “nexus” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Cmparisn.B. Similarity.C. Cmbinatin.D. Link.
    9. What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A Stress is the cause f heart attack.
    B. Peple raising pets can be slimmer.
    C. Dgs’ cmpanin hlds back hrmne functins.
    D. Anti-stress hrmne levels are lw in dg wners.
    10. Which statement might CDC supprt?
    A. Dg wners wrk ut mre by walking the dg.
    B. Dgs can be trained t detect high bld pressure.
    C. Dgs can prevent wners frm smking n the cuch.
    D. Dg wners attach imprtance t mnitring heart health.
    11. What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A. Hw dgs prmte wners’ mental health.
    B. Raising dgs can help reduce heart attack.
    C. What are the advantages f raising dgs.
    D. Having a dg may lwer heart disease risk.
    Many primitive peple believed that by eating an animal they culd get sme f the gd qualities f that animal fr themselves. They thught fr example, that eating deer wuld make them run as fast as the deer. Sme tribes (部落) even ate enemies that had shwn bravery in battles.
    Amng civilized peple it was nce thught that ginger rts culd imprve the memry. Eggs were thught t make the vice pretty. Tmates als were believed t have magical pwers. They were called lve apples and were suppsed t make peple wh ate them fall in lve.
    Even tday there are a great many wrng ideas abut fd, sme f which are very widespread.
    One such idea is that fish is the best brain fd. Fish is gd brain fd just as it is gd muscle fd and skin fd and bne fd. But n scientist has been able t prve that fish is any better fr the brain than many ther kinds f fd.
    Anther such idea is that yu shuld nt drink water with meals. Scientists tell us that washing fd dwn with water as a substitute fr chewing is nt a gd idea, but sme water with meals has been fund t be helpful. It makes the digestive juices flw mre freely and helps t digest the fd.
    Many f the ideas that have t d with mixtures f fds have n scientific fundatin. A few years ag, the belief became general that range juice and milk shuld never be drunk at the same meal. The reasn given was that the acid in the range juice wuld make the milk curdle (结团) and becme indigestible. As a matter f fact, experts cnfirm milk always meets in the stmach a digestive juice which curdle it; in fact, the curdling f the milk is the first step in its digestin. A similar wrng idea is that fish and ice cream when eaten at the same meal frm a pisnus cmbinatin.
    12. Why did sme tribes eat brave enemies?
    A They were eager t be curageus.B. They hated brave enemies bitterly.
    C. They had t fllw the lcal custm.D. They were extremely lacking in fd.
    13. What might civilized peple apprve f?
    A. Cnsuming eggs culd strengthen the bnes.
    B. Singers were suppsed t cnsume fish frequently.
    C. Apples culd make peple lse their heart t thers.
    D. Thse suffering memry lss shuld eat ginger rts.
    14. Which statement is based n scientific basis?
    A. The curdling f milk can harm peple’s stmach.
    B. Milk will be pisnus by adding range juice in.
    C. Drinking water with meals is beneficial t digesting.
    D. Eating fish and ice cream tgether will sicken peple.
    15. What might be a suitable title f the text?
    A. Civilized Peple’s Table MannersB. Gd Recipes Ppular with Peple
    C. Wrng Widespread Ideas abut FdD. Practical Thughts in Favr f Health
    Mney is smething yu’ve been familiar with thrughut yur life. In fact, yu may already cnsider yurself an expert n the subject. Yu regularly use mney t measure the value f things yu wn. ____16____. It might surprise yu t learn that there’s a great deal f disagreement amng ecnmists abut what mney is and hw t measure it. Mney serves a number f functins, and any definitin f mney must cnsider all f its functins.
    A Medium f Exchange
    Mney rules ut the need fr barter (等价交换), the direct exchange f ne item fr anther. Barter is a very incnvenient means f trading. ____17____. A seller with a gds r service t ffer must search fr a buyer wh has exactly what the seller desires.
    Mney prvides a unit f accunt. The value f an item is a measure f what a persn will sacrifice t btain it. Hw much is a tw-week vacatin in Hawaii wrth t yu? If yu’re like mst peple, yu’ll prbably respnd t such a questin by valuing the vacatin in dllars—apprximately $2,000 — rather than in terms f ther things (like yur car). ____19____.
    A Standard f Deferred Payment (赊账)
    ____20____. The unit f accunt fr deferred payment f debts is als mney. If yu brrw mney t buy a car, the lan cntract specifies hw much yu must pay back every mnth and the number f mnths required t fulfill yur duty.
    A. A Standard f Value
    B. An Accunt f Wealth
    C. Yu’re cnstantly valuing items in dllars
    D. It requires the duble cincidence f wants
    E. Mney can be quickly transfrmed int gds and services
    F. Yu als have sme f it in yur pcket and in bank accunts
    G. Many cntracts invlve prmises t pay sums f mney in the future
    He was 11 years ld and ften went fishing with his father in their bat.
    On the day befre the bass (鲈鱼) seasn ____21____, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch with wrms. When his ____22____ dubled ver, he knew smething huge was n the ther end. He very carefully ____23____ the exhausted fish frm the water. It was the largest ne he had ____24____ seen, but it was a bass.
    The father lit a match and lked at his ____25____. It wuld be tw hurs befre the bass seasn pened. He lked at the fish and then at the by.
    “Yu’ll have t ____26____ it, sn,” he said.
    “Dad!” cried the by.
    “There will be ther fish,” said his father.
    “Nt as big as this ne,” cried the by.
    He ____27____ the lake. N ther fishermen r bats were anywhere arund in the mnlight. He lked again at his father. Even thugh n ne had seen them, nr culd anyne ever knw what time he caught the fish, the by culd tell by his father’s firm vice that the decisin was nt ____28____. He slwly wrked the hk (钩子) ut f the lip f the huge bass and lwered it int the black water, and it ____29____ sn.
    That was 34 years ag. Tday, the by is a successful architect in New Yrk City. He had never again caught such a _____30_____ fish as the ne he landed that night lng ag. But he des see that same fish — again and again — every time he cmes up against a questin f _____31_____.
    As his father taught him, mrals are simple _____32_____ f right and wrng. It is the practice f mrals that is difficult. D we d right when n ne is _____33_____?
    We shuld learn t fllw the _____34_____ as the father taught the sn. It is a stry we will prudly tell ur children and grandchildren. It is nt abut hw we had a chance t beat the system and tk advantage f it, but abut hw we decide and hw we d the right thing. The _____35_____ t d right will live fresh in ur memry.
    A. clsedB. penedC. canceledD. banned
    A. pleB. batC. bucketD. line
    A. scratchedB. squeezedC. liftedD. stamped
    A. rarelyB. neverC. merelyD. ever
    A. watchB. snC. bassD. match
    A. hideB. releaseC. keepD. feed
    A. sught frB. dived intC. lked arundD. wandered abut
    A. unacceptableB. availableC. unavidableD. negtiable
    A. arseB. apprachedC. disappearedD. bled
    A. hugeB. tastyC. freshD. valuable
    A. justiceB. mralC. cnfidenceD. insistence
    A. remarksB. assumptinsC. behavirsD. matters
    A. checkingB. inquiringC. caringD. lking
    A. regulatinB. viewC. mttD. trick
    A. challengeB. decisinC. prpsalD. hnr
    At age 25, Lance Armstrng was ne f the wrld’s best cyclists. He prved it by ____36____(win) the Wrld Champinships and multiple Tur de France stages. Lance Armstrng seemed ever-victrius and his future was bright. Then they tld him he had cancer. Next t the challenge he then faced, bike racing seemed insignificant. The diagnsis was testicular cancer, the ____37____(cmmn) cancer in men aged 15-35. If____38____(detect) early, it had a prmising 90 percent cure rate. Like mst yung, healthy men, Lance ignred the warning signs, and he never imagined the ____39____(serius) f his cnditin. Ging untreated, the cancer ____40____(spread) t Lance’s abdmen, lungs and brain. His chances dimmed.
    Then a cmbinatin f physical cnditining, a strng supprt system and his ____41____(cmpete) spirit tk ver. He declared himself nt a cancer victim ____42____ a cancer survivr. He tk an active rle in educating himself abut his disease and the treatment. Armed ____43____ knwledge and cnfidence in medicine, he underwent aggressive treatment and beat the disease.
    During his treatment, befre his recvery, and befre he even knew his wn fate, he created the Lance Armstrng Fundatin, ____44____ marked the beginning f Lance’s life as _____45_____ advcate fr peple living with cancer and a wrld representative fr the cancer cmmunity.
    46. 假如你是国际学校学生李华,随着世界野生动物日(5月22日)的到来,爱护动物已成为世界十大环保工作之一。请你在学校贴吧上发布一份倡议。要点如下:
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I was driving n the rad n a ht day, feeling my back sweating as my air cnditiner f the car was brken. A by, lking exhausted ran quickly twards me, eager t sell his ccnuts. He lked like he was nly abut 12 years ld and his skin was dark. Judging frm his appearance, he seemed t have already knwn the bitterness f life. “Ccnut, 20 naira each.” He said in a lw vice. I felt s thirty, s I didn’t bargain with him and bught ne. I gave him 50 naira. He didn’t have the change, s I asked him nt t wrry. He said thanks and passed me anther, smiling and shwing a rw f perfect teeth.
    Anther cuple f weeks later I met him again at the same place. I had learned mre abut the pr cmmunity where it was nt that uncmmn t see a little by wh shuld be in schl standing n the crner selling fruit in the ht sun. My parents had raised me t be aware f the advantages we had been affrded and the respnsibilities it brught t us.
    I stpped and rlled dwn the windw. He had a cuple f ccnuts, which were s heavy t carry that he had t sit in the crner. “What’s wrng? Why nt g t schl?” I said. “I... I haven’t gt enugh mney t get a textbk.” I tk ut tw new 500-naira bills frm my pcket. “Is that ging t wrk?” I said. He glanced nervusly abut befre he accepted them. A thusand naira is a great deal fr a by whse family is likely t earn five thusand naira r less every year. “Thank yu very much sir,” he said, with tears rlling dwn his cheeks. “Many thanks!”
    When I was n my way hme I was thinking abut whether r nt my little friend was really using that mney fr schl bks. What if I was taken in? Then I thught abut why I did it. Did I d it t make myself feel better? It ccurred t me afterwards that I did nt knw his name r the least bit abut him, and it never ccurred t me t ask him.
    One afternn in September, I went t the pr cmmunity again.
    The by led me int his huse.

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