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    这是一份江苏省南通市海安市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题(无答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了04,5分,满分7,5分,满分37,5degrees, 3等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.When des the man usually practice yga?
    A.At5:30.B.At 6:00.C.At 6:30.
    2.What is the wman prbably ding?
    A.Preparing fr her tests.B.Planning her hliday.C.Reading a bk.
    3.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.At hme.B.At a supermarket.C.At the man’s ffice.
    4.Why is the by’s father against the trip?
    A.Canada is t far away.
    B.The trip may be meaningless.
    C.The time f the trip is unsuitable.
    5.What is the main reasn fr dctrs t recmmend bike riding?
    A.It can make legs slim.
    B.It can make yu put n weight.
    C.It can build up the bdy.
    6.What can we say abut the weather n Sunday?
    A.It was fine.B.It was ht.C.It was changeable.
    7.What d the lcals think f small balls f ice in midsummer?
    A.It’s beynd their expectatins.
    B.It’s a cmmn phenmenn.
    C.It’s caused by climate change.
    8.Why des the man call the wman?
    A.T make a reservatin.
    B.T check ut f the htel.
    C.T ask abut the city center.
    9.What des the wman say abut the Imperial?
    A.It is cheaper than her htel.
    B.It is rated as a five-star htel.
    C.It is better knwn than her htel.
    10.What des the man finally want t knw abut the Imperial?
    A.The price.
    B.The telephne number.
    C.The lcatin.
    11.What has the wman been reading?
    A.A nvel.B.A dictinary.C.A ckbk.
    12.Why desn’t the man read bks?
    A.He has pr eyesight.B.He dislikes stries.C.He is t busy.
    13.Where des the man usually listen t his bks?
    A.In the kitchen.B.In the car.C.On the plane.
    14.What day is it tday?
    15.What des Claire think helped her get the letter frm Harvard?
    A.Frming gd learning habits.
    B.Attending extra curses.
    C.Staying up late t study.
    16.Why did Claire chse Harvard University ?
    A.Her aunt was studying there.
    B.She has wn a schlarship t it.
    C.She wants t be Madelyn’s schlmate.
    17.What des Claire plan t d befre September?
    A.Visit her aunt.B.Travel abrad.C.Visit sme clleges.
    18.What are the gd seeds cnfirmed by?
    19.Why are seeds stred in frzen envirnment?
    A.T be preserved fr lng.
    B.T tackle climate change.
    C.T safeguard fd supply.
    20.What is the speech mainly abut?
    A.Where seeds are stred.
    B.Hw the seed bank wrks.
    C.Why seed banks are imprtant.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Bks That Celebrate Diverse Hlidays and Traditins
    It’s imprtant t remember there are a diverse set f hlidays available t explre. Belw are a few bks that help intrduce children t different hliday cultures and traditins.
    T Many Tamales by Gary St, illustrated by Ed Martinez
    While helping her mther with Christmas celebratin, Maria is tempted t try n her mther’s diamnd ring. After getting caught up in the jy f the hliday and playing with her cusins, Maria realizes the ring is missing! That’s when she and her cusins cme up with a plan t eat all f the tamales, in hpes f finding the ring.
    Tgether fr Kwanzaa by Juwanda G. Frd, illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger
    This is a stry abut a little girl named Kayla wh wants t see her lder brther Khari cme hme s they can celebrate Kwanzaa tgether as a family. Khari is stuck at cllege when a snwstrm hits and his car breaks dwn. Will he make it hme in time fr Kwanzaa?
    A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thmas, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
    This bk is a funny, nstalgic tale f Christmas Eve afternn thrugh Christmas night in Wales, and is full f unique imagery and petic prse. It will aruse a sense f familiarity fr sme yung readers while intrducing them t different aspects f Christmas traditins.
    We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Srell, illustrated by Fran e Lessac
    The wrd tsaliheliga is used by members f the Cherkee Natin t express gratitude. This is an amazing stry that describes a jurney thrugh the seasns with a mdern-day Cherkee family. Cherkee histry and traditins are als wven int the stry in a very kid-friendly way.
    21.What makes it difficult fr Khari t return hme in time fr Kwanzaa?
    A.A car crash.B.Delayed flights.
    C.Extreme weather.D.Academic pressure.
    22.Wh prvides pictures fr A Child’s Christmas in Wales?
    A.Traci Srell.B.Ed Martinez.
    C.Dylan Thmas.D.Trina Schart Hyman.
    23.The fur bks all infrm readers f ______.
    A.hw t find hidden treasures at hmeB.different hliday celebratins and custms
    C.the lifestyles f different ethnic grupsD.hw t strengthen bnds with friends
    Wrking at an investment bank in New Yrk City in the mid-2010s. Anna Sacks was living the life—just nt the life she wanted. Sure, she was happy. But she wanted t d smething that felt imprtant and was fulfilling n a deeper level.
    Sacks packed up her life and mved t Cnnecticut fr three mnths t participate in Adamah, a Jewish farming prgram that fcuses n sustainable living and grwing sustainable fd. The Adamah prgram pened Sacks’s eyes t the damage cnsumer culture is ding n a lcal, natinal, and glbal level, and the need t find slutins. Frm then n, she began what she calls “trash(垃圾)walking.”
    While walking arund her neighbrhd, Sacks, 31, picked thrugh rubbish t lk fr reusable items. Sn, her trash walks expanded t include cmpany rubbish alng with residential trash. Surprisingly, she discvered a wide range f really great stuff—like clthing, dinnerware, and fd—all f which she dcuments n Instagram and TikTk.
    Under the name The Trash Walker, Sacks quickly gained ppularity fr her educatinal, funny, and surprising vides that highlight the prblems with cnsumerism and share infrmatin abut hw t live a mre sustainable life. “The rt issue is verprductin, which leads t vercnsumptin, which leads t a large amunt f waste,” she says. Sacks’s vides have gne viral many times, causing shckwaves thrugh the industries she calls ut.
    Trash walking has given Sacks a nearly endless supply and she shares much f her “treasure” with thers. She tries giving them infrmally t family, friends, r individuals she knws may need a specific item. Then she takes the remaining items t free stres s ther New Yrkers can benefit frm her treasure-hunting.
    Sacks’s main fcus is simply getting peple t pay attentin t hw many unnecessary things they buy and then thrw away. “Once yu becme aware f the way yu cnsume, yu can see ways yu imprve,” she says.
    24.What inspired Sacks t begin her “trash walking”?
    A.Her invlvement in a prject.B.The great need fr husehld stuff.
    C.Her desire t live a richer life.D.The wish t be an Internet star.
    25.What d Sacks’ vides fcus n?
    A.Funny stries.B.Views n cnsumptin.
    C.Educatinal curses.D.Slutins t prblems.
    26.Hw des Sacks deal with her trash?
    A.She dnates all t the charity.B.She keeps mst fr her family.
    C.She gives away much t thers.D.She sells sme t individuals.
    27.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Trash Walker: Find Treasure in Trash.B.Trash Walking: A Tugh Jurney.
    C.Trash Walker: Live in the Mment.D.Trash Walking: A New Career.
    It’s clear that fllwing a plant-based diet is cnnected with a lwer risk f heart disease. There are many types f plant-based diets, and they are all related t certain fds cnnected with heart benefits, such as whle grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy ils. The diets have been mst studied fr their impact n heart health. These diets are rich in vitamins and minerals that help lwer bld pressure, reduce the risk f diabetes(糖尿病)and keep a healthy weight, all f which can lwer yur risk f heart disease.
    Yet, the types f plant fds and their surces are als imprtant. Fr example, white rice and white bread are plant-based fds, s yu wuld think they’re gd t eat. But they are highly prcessed, and s are depleted f many heart-healthy nutrients(营养)and have enugh sugar, which means they can make bld sugar levels rise sharply and increase hunger, leading t vereating. Drinking 100% fruit juice is nt the same as eating the whle fruit, since juices can be high in sugar.
    D yu really have t cut ut all meat fr yur heart’s health? Which animal fds culd have an impact n heart health? Sme research has shwn that the type and amunt matter mst. A 2014 study shwed that men aged 45t 79 wh ate 75grams r mre per day f prcessed red meat, like cld cuts, sausage, bacn and ht dgs, had a 28% higher risk f heart failure than thse wh ate less than 25grams. Hwever, a study in the January 2017 fund that eating 85grams f unprcessed red meat, three times per week, did nt wrsen bld pressure.
    What is the right plant-based diet fr yu? “Fr many men, this may be a matter f bettering their current fds,” says Dr. Satija, a researcher frm American Cllege f Cardilgy.
    28.Frm the first tw paragraphs, we knw that plant-based diets ______.
    A.cntain enugh sugarB.increase hunger
    C.lead t verweightD.benefit heart health
    29.What d the underlined wrds “depleted f” in paragraph 2mean?
    A.Added t.B.Shrt f.C.Filled with.D.Rted in.
    30.Why des the authr list numbers in paragraph 3?
    A.T prve the result believable.B.T attract readers’ attentin.
    C.T shw the prcess clearly.D.T make the study ppular.
    31.What might the authr cntinue talking abut?
    A.Risks f animal fds.B.Disadvantages f plant-based diets.
    C.Changes f eating habits.D.Effects f heart-healthy diets.
    Chinese scientists have created a breakthrugh fibre that can be wven int warm, lightweight clthing using aergel, a thermal insulatin(热绝缘)material mainly used in the aerspace industry.
    Aergel, ntable fr their perfrmance and durability, culd have varius applicatins. As the wrld’s lightest slid material, it has lng been valued fr its thermal insulatin prperties. Traditinal aergel, made by replacing the liquid in aergel with air, is extrardinarily light, resembling a slid clud f smke. Its high prsity(多孔性)gives it exceptinal heat resistance, but this als makes it fragile and challenging t prcess, limiting its use in civilian applicatins.
    But nw, researchers at Zhejiang University have vercme aergel’s fragility and designed an encapsulated aergel fibre(EAF)with similar thermal insulatin mechanisms-after being inspired by the structure f plar bear hair.
    The China Aerspace Science and Industry Crpratin as well as Nasa have used EAF in Mars rvers, which endure extreme temperatures ranging frm thusands f degrees during the Martian landing t -130 degrees Celsius(-202 degrees Fahrenheit)n the planet’s surface.
    In an experiment, a vlunteer wre textiles(纺织品)made f EAF, dwn, wl, and cttn in a-20 degree Celsius envirnment. The surface temperatures f these materials were 3.5degrees, 3.8 degrees, 7.2 degrees, and 10.8 degrees respectively, indicating the superir insulatin f EAF. They shwed the practicality f EAF by weaving a jumper and cmparing its thermal insulatin t cmmn textile materials.
    As well as being strng and stretchable, EAF can als be washed and dyed, imprving its use in practical applicatins. Traditinal silica aergel will absrb water and cllapse n itself. As a result, it quickly lses its thermal insulatin qualities in wet r humid envirnments. Hwever, EAF maintains its perfrmance even after machine washing.
    Prfessr Zhang Xuetng f the Suzhu Institute f Nan-tech and Nan-binics at the Chinese Academy f Sciences, highlighted the ptential f the aergel fibres in advanced thermal textiles. As well as its ptential fr civilian use, EAF fibre als hlds prmise fr industries that are already familiar with aergels. “EAF textiles feature excellent thermal insulatin and multifunctin and have great ptential in areas such as military unifrms and spacesuits in extremely cld envirnments,” prfessr Zhang nted in a paper. Hwever, he als nted the gap between existing technlgy and capacity fr mass prductin. Challenges exist regarding hw t develp fast spinning technlgy and reslve the cntinuus fabricatin that is necessary fr mass prductin.
    32.What is the characteristic f traditinal aergel?
    A.It can be easily prcessed.B.It is resistant t high temperatures.
    C.It is a slid clud f smke.D.It can effectively insulate electricity.
    33.What is EAF’s advantage in enduring extreme temperature based n?
    A.Research statistics.B.Public cmments.
    C.Scientific predictin.D.Cmmercial reprts.
    34.Prfessr Zhang Xuetng’s study fund that mass prductin culd be pssible if ______.
    A.advancement is made in thermal textiles
    B.there exists need fr cntinuus fabricatin
    C.barriers in fast spinning technlgy are vercme
    D.aergel’s strengths and weaknesses get balanced
    35.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The develpment f aergel fibre.
    B.The ptential use f bimimetic fibre.
    C.Great breakthrugh in aerspace industry.
    D.China’s newly-wven clthing made frm aergel.
    Sme peple think wrking vertime means yu’re a hard wrker. Yu have t sacrifice yur persnal time t stay at wrk, prduce smething, help the cmpany, and be a mre devted emplyee. But is that right? 36 This means it takes yu lnger t prduce smething than smene else.
    A gd manager knws hw t encurage his emplyees t wrk t their full ptential instead f expecting them t wrk late even if they dn’t have smething t d. Peple wh stay in their ffice until late hate their jbs. 37
    Overwrking may negatively influence the level f prductivity and efficiency. Any cmpany that makes their emplyees wrk thse hurs is nt being managed well. 38 And the bss wuld prefer yu wrk efficiently 7 hurs and then g back hme than 10 hurs with pr efficiency.
    39 The fact is the cmpetitin is s fierce that if yu dn’t wrk hard smene will easily and willingly replace yu, especially in the IT industry. Emplyees are tld they need t wrk lnger hurs r they dn’t belng r are denied prmtins. It is time t abandn the culture f verwrking, t wrk smarter, mre efficiently and have a balance with persnal life.
    Nwadays, it’s hard fr a yung persn t build a gd future, fr pressures are n his(r her)shulders: husing, children, parents, themselves, etc. But everyne must keep wrking hard t have urselves n the way t the gd future, which is nt certain. 40
    A.N ne wants t wrk vertime.
    B.The bss thinks highly f verwrking.
    C.Wrking t many hurs nly means yu are inefficient.
    D.Fr it affects their perfrmance, as well as ther aspects f their life.
    E.What’s sure is that if yu’re lazy and dn’t wrk hard, n gd future will cme.
    F.Managers believe that verwrking is an evidence f devtin frm their emplyees’ side.
    G.In many cuntries, verwrking wuld be criticized because it reflects pr wrk efficiency.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项.
    When I was yung, my understanding f life was simple. This made it easier fr me t deal with the wrld arund me. As I grew up, things seemed mre 41 , which made life mre challenging. Nw, middle-aged, I find my 42 f the wrld is returning t the simple.
    When I try t teach my daughter imprtant 43 abut life, I will 44 cmplicated things int small pieces. One f thse basics is 45 , fr yurself, and fr thers. I teach my daughter t 46 . T fail makes us feel bad, certainly, but nt t have tried cntributes t feeling 47 , because yu can’t respect yurself fr it. And as the saying 48 , if yu dn’t respect yurself, n ne else will.
    When I was seven r eight, I played at my cusin’s huse with his tys. His family was better ff, and he had many mre tys. There was ne in particular that I’d always desired, and I 49 it int my pcket. But a mment later, I 50 , even at that age, that I wuld never enjy playing with the ty. I wuld always knw I had 51 , and my evaluatin f myself wuld 52 . When his mther drpped me ff later that day, I shamefacedly 53 ut the ty and gave it back. She knew, I’m sure, what had happened, but she thanked me and never spke f it again.
    I hpe t help my daughter 54 similar mistakes. She first has t gain self-respect befre she can start respecting thers. I believe in respect, because withut it we’re all 55 . I’m far frm perfect in this regard. But I try my best, and I respect thers fr trying their best in this changing wrld.
    44.A.put dwnB.cut dwnC.break dwnD.turn dwn
    Cultural Legacy Highlights China-France Turism Year
    A brief meeting abut the China-France Year f Culture and Turism in 2024 was held at the Palace Museum in Beijing n Thursday. The meeting has released 56 variety f upcming activities cvering fields such as cultural legacy and arts.
    The meeting place, 57 was in the Palace Museum, was chsen fr a reasn. Starting frm April 1, an art shw c-planned by the museum 58 the Palace f Versailles in Paris, will debut(首次亮相)n site. A pcket watch that witnessed the “friendship” between France’s King Luis XIV and the Emperr Kangxi(1654-1722)f China’s Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)will 59 (display)amng 181 ther 60 (item).
    The rare bjects will intrduce visitrs 61 the cultural interactins that tk place between the tw cuntries 62 (date)back t the secnd half f the 17th century thrugh the 18th century.
    Cmpared t fields such as paintings, music and films, “cultural legacy” is a rather nvel field in China-France exchanges. The tw 63 (cuntry)cperatin in areas like legacy cnservatin will inspire the wrld 64 (see)hw the grwth f humanity is independent frm different cultural cntexts.
    Besides shws 65 (hld)in China, mre than 10 prgrams will be launched in France t bring Chinese culture t lcals in 2024.Mre than 20 Tang Dynasty(618-907)treasures will be selected and then exhibited at the Guimet Museum in France in Nvember.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66.第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    近年来,露营活动逐渐兴起,但也带来了环境和安全等方面的问题。假定你是李华,请以Leave-N-Trace Camping为题目写一封倡议书,号召大家在休闲娱乐的同时爱护环境。
    Leave-N-Trace Camping
    Dear all,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    “Where is it? We’re ging t be late!” Janice searched the huse crazily fr her wallet. “Jsh! Did yu hide my wallet? We have t be at Grandpa’s fr his birthday party!” Jsh, Janice’s fur-year-ld yunger brther, smiled inncently at her, but his cunning(狡黠的)eyes gave himself away. She tried her best nt t shut. Grinning(咧嘴笑)like a cat, Jsh reached under the sfa, pulled ut her wallet and held it ver his head. Janice grabbed it.
    Ten minutes later, they hurried t the train statin. Red-faced and sweating, Janice let g f Jsh’s wrist and remved the sweat frm her frehead. The train arrived. Her smile frze when she realized that the train was packed with passengers. Grabbing Jsh’s hand, Janice barded the train. She cmmanded, “The train’s really crwded, Jsh. Behave yurself, stick clse t me, and n mnkey business!” Js h ndded, hlding tightly t a rail. Janice smiled.
    When it was time t get ff the train, Janice quickly pushed her way thrugh the crwd t get nt the platfrm. “We made it!” Janice said, turning arund. Js h was nwhere t be seen. The crwd was flding ut, but Jsh was nt amng them. “The train drs are clsing,” then came the electrnic vice. Sn, the crwd n the platfrm died dwn. The last thing Janice saw was Jsh’s little anxius face at the train windw: Just as Janice was abut t call ut Jsh’s name, the train disappeared frm view. “Jsh!” Janice screamed.
    Janice’s mind was transprted back t when she was lst at the z. She culd still vividly remember the twering figures surrunding her and nne f them were’ familiar. “I dn’t want Jsh t g thrugh that same bitter experience,” Janice let ut a sigh.
    Janice tk ut her mbile phne, ready t call her mther. Hwever, midway, she decided against it. Her mther, wh was far away in France n business, culd d nthing but get restless. Janice paced up and dwn the platfrm anxiusly.
    Just then, Janice received a call frm an unknwn number. ________________________________________
    Having waved gdbye t the lady, they headed fr their destinatin. _______________________________

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