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    这是一份2024年广东省广州市黄埔区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年广东省广州市黄埔区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年广东省广州市黄埔区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    She shwed upn the drstep f my huse. Maybe smene had kicked her ut f their car the night befre. “We’re mving huse.” “N space fr ____1____ any mre with the baby cming.” Peple find all kinds f excuses fr giving up an animal.
    She was ne f ____2____ animals I had ever seen. During thse first ____3____ days, she was very unsettled (不安的). She hardly ate ____4____ and lked sad. It seemed that nthing culd ____5____ t make her happy. Gd knws what had happened t her with her last wner. ____6____ finally at the end f the first week, she cheered up and became as lyal and lving as ____7____ animal culd be. She was always by my side, whether we were ut n lng walks r sitting by the fire.
    That’s why it ___8___ me such a shck when she pulled away frm me ne day when we were ut fr a walk. We were a lng way ____9____ hme. She suddenly gt restless and ran twards a farmhuse _____10_____.
    ____11____ I reached the farm, I was very tired and upset. But when I saw her ____12____ the fur puppies, my heart melted. “We didn’t knw ____13____ she had been,” said the wman at the dr. “I tk her fr a walk ne day, sn after the puppies were brn, and she just disappeared.” “She must have tried ____14____ back t them but gt lst,” added a by frm behind her.
    I ____15____ admit I really miss her frm time t time after that. But when I think f the lvely puppies, I understand her.
    A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself
    A. beautifulB. the mre beautifulC. the mst beautifulD. mst beautiful
    A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little
    A. smethingB. anythingC. nthingD. everything
    A. dB. didC. be dneD. was dne
    A. ButB. SC. HweverD. Or
    A. aB. anC. theD. /
    A. givingB. givesC. giveD. gave
    A. frmB. tC. atD. f
    A. quicknessB. quicklyC. quickerD. mre quickly
    A. UntilB. As sn asC. BecauseD. When
    A. kissB. kissingC. kissedD. t kiss
    A. whereB. whyC. whatD. wh
    A. cmeB. cameC. t cmeD. cmes
    A. canB. mayC. culdD. must
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D
    she她,为主格;her她,为宾格;hers她的,为名词性物主代词;herself她自己。根据“N space with the baby cming”可知,fr是介词,后接人称代词宾格。故选B。
    beautiful美丽的;the mre beautiful错误表达;the mst beautiful最美丽的;mst beautiful最美丽的。“ne f+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”是固定用法,故选C。
    few少量,修饰可数名词;a few几个,修饰可数名词;little少量,修饰不可数名词;a little几个,修饰不可数名词。根据句中“first”及“days”可知,first为序数词,days为名词复数,需few来修饰。故选A。
    d做,为动词原形;did做,为过去式;be dne被做,用于被动语态;was dne被做,用于一般过去时的被动语态。nthing与选项核心动词d之间是被动关系,因句中culd为情态动词,需结构culd+be dne。故选C。
    a一个,用于以辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,用于以元音音素开头的单词;the这个,一般指特指;/不填。根据“ as lyal and lving culd be.”可知,空处表泛指,需不定冠词,animal是以元音音素开头的单词,需an修饰。故选B。
    frm从;t到;at在几点;f……的。根据“We were a lng ”可知,空处指离家很远了。故选A。
    quickness快速,为名词;quickly快速地;quicker更快的;mre quickly更快地。ran“跑”为动词,需副词修饰,此处无比较意味。故选B。
    Until直到;As sn as一……就;Because因为;When当……时。根据空后两句关系可知,需When来引导时间状语从句。故选D。
    kiss亲吻,为动词原形;kissing亲吻,为现在分词或动名词;kissed亲吻,为过去式;t kiss亲吻,为动词不定式。see sb.ding表示“看到某人正在做某事”,此处指她正在亲吻她的四只小狗狗。故选B。
    where哪里;why为什么;what什么;wh谁。根据“We didn’t had been”可知,我们不知道她发生了什么。故选C。
    cme来,为动词原形;came来,为过去式;t cme来,为动词不定式;cmes来,为单三形式。try t d sth.表示“试图做某事”,是固定搭配,故空处需动词不定式。故选C。
    can能;may可能,表推测;culd能,为can的过去式;must必须,一定。根据“ really miss her frm time t time after that.”可知,我真得时不时地想念她,是我必须承认的一点。故选D。
    Last year, I was allwed t give students nline classes at hme. A cmfrtable hme ffice, and getting away frm the crwded subway was very ____16____ t me. I culdn’t wait t be a ____17____ wman and things did g well fr the first few weeks.
    Hwever, the ____18____ f wrking at hme sn shwed up. I started my day with a wnderful plan. I prmised myself t have quick breaks every ne hur and regular ____19____ every day. Yet muntains f hmewrk t be checked, nn-stp text messages frm parents, and nline meetings tied me t my cmputer all day lng. All these left me little time t ____20____. Shrt talks with thers during breaks and quick walks after lunch arund my hme building were all gne. Finally, my wrld was within the walls f my hme, and I nly walked a few meters rather than kilmeters.
    One day, I tried ____21____ ne f my favrite dresses and it culdn’t pass thrugh my bdy at all. When I lked at myself in the mirrr, I saw a ____22____ persn with extra weight, messy hair, instead f a persn wh enjyed the time at hme. The ____23____ f wrk and persnal life made me like a machine that never stps wrking. This experience allwed me t discver my true self. I needed a change, nt just fr my ___24___, but t put my health at the first place. I made a prmise t myself again that I wuld _____25_____ my wrk and my bdy. My life shuld be n a healthier way.
    16. A. attractiveB. surprisingC. challengingD. interesting
    17. A. happyB. gdC. trueD. friendly
    18. A. advantagesB. slutinsC. prblemsD. expectatins
    19. A. exerciseB. breakfastC. shwerD. sleep
    20. A. replyB. relaxC. returnD. read
    21. A. cleaning upB. thrwing awayC. putting nD. getting back
    22. A. lazyB. tiredC. rudeD. mad
    23. A. mixB. successC. exchangeD. value
    24. A. luckB. experienceC. dutyD. weight
    25. A. balanceB. trustC. serveD. test
    【答案】16. A 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. A
    attractive吸引人的;surprising令人惊讶的;challenging富于挑战性的;interesting有趣的。根据“A cmfrtable hme ffice, and getting away frm the crwded subway”可知,舒适的家庭办公室,以及远离拥挤的公共交通,这些都是很吸引人的。故选A。
    happy快乐的,幸福的;gd好的;true真实的;friendly友好的。根据“I culdn’t wait t be ”可知,不需要挤公交,在家有舒适的办公环境,所以此处是指作者想迫不及待地成为一个快乐的女人。故选A。
    advantages优势;slutins解决办法;prblems问题;expectatins期望。根据下文“Yet muntains f hmewrk t be checked, nn-stp text messages frm parents, and nline meetings tied me t my cmputer all day lng.”可知,此处是指居家办公的问题出现了。故选C。
    exercise锻炼;breakfast早餐;shwer洗澡;sleep睡眠。结合上文“have quick breaks”可知,作者原计划每天快速休息,还要进行锻炼,结果事与愿违,根本没有时间锻炼身体。故选A。
    reply回复;relax放松;return回来;read阅读。根据上文“Yet muntains f hmewrk t be checked, nn-stp text messages frm parents, and nline meetings tied me t my cmputer all day lng.”可知,堆积如山的作业要批改,没完没了的来自父母的短信,以及在线会议把我整天都绑在电脑前,所以此处是指作者没有时间去放松自己。故选B。
    cleaning up清理;thrwing away扔掉;putting n穿上;getting back取回。根据下文“it culdn’t pass thrugh my bdy at all”可知,此处是指作者想试着穿一件裙子。故选C。
    lazy懒惰的;tired疲倦的;rude粗鲁的;mad生气的。根据下文“made me like a machine that never stps wrking”可知,作者就像一台永不停歇的机器,负担重,疲惫不堪。故选B。
    mix混合;success成功;exchange交换;value价值。根据第二段“wrking at hme”和下文“wrk and persnal life”可知,作者在家里工作,工作和个人生活是混合在一起的。故选A。
    luck运气;experience经历;duty义务;weight体重。根据上文“I saw a … persn with extra weight,”可知,此处是指作者长胖了,体重增加了;现在想要作出改变,要控制体重。故选D。
    balance平衡;trust信任;serve服务;test测试。根据下文“My life shuld be n a healthier way.”可知,此处是指作者下定决心要注意工作和身体健康的均衡,这样作者的生活才会朝着更健康的方向发展。故选A。
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    One dark strmy night, an elderly cuple hurried int a htel and asked whether they culd be put up fr the night. “I’m srry,” the clerk n night duty said plitely, “All the rms are taken tnight, but I can’t send a nice cuple like yu ut in the rain. Wuld yu be willing t stay in my rm? It’s nt exactly a htel rm but it will make yu cmfrtable. As I’m n duty, I’ll be staying up in the ffice anyway.” The elderly cuple accepted his ffer thankfully.
    The next day, when the ld gentleman went t pay his bill, the clerk behind the receptin desk was that same helpful yung man. “The rm yu and yur wife stayed in is nt a prper guestrms yu dn’t need t pay,” said the clerk with the same friendly smile. The ld gentleman ndded with a smile, “Yu’re an emplyee (雇员) that every bss in the htel business wuld dream f. Perhaps smeday I’ll build a htel fr yu.” The clerk was amazed but he decided that the guest must have been jking. He gave n mre thughts t what the ld man said.
    Tw years later, the yung man received a letter frm the ld gentleman in which he mentined the experience f that dark strmy night. With the letter, there was an air ticket t New Yrk and an invitatin, asking the yung man t pay a visit. At a street crner in Manhattan, the yung man met his ld guest. The gentleman pinted t a great new building and said, “Lk, that is the htel I prmised t build fr yu. I hpe yu’ll manage it fr me.” The yung man was shcked, “Sir, why d yu chse me and wh are yu?” “My name is William Aster. Like I tld yu befre, yu are the best emplyee I culd ever dream f.”
    This building was the Waldrf Astria Htel. This htel has been a symbl in the city f New Yrk and the N.1 chice fr visiting leaders frm different cuntries. The yung man wh became its first manager was Gerge Blt. He turned Waldrf int ne f the mst famus htels in the wrld.
    26. What can we knw abut the cuple frm the beginning f the stry?
    A. They were all wet n a strmy night.
    B. They bked a htel rm befre they arrived.
    C. They stayed in the htel clerk’s rm fr the night.
    D. They flew t New Yrk hurriedly that night.
    27. Why did the ld gentleman nd with a smile after hearing the clerk’s reply?
    A. Because the htel rm was cmfrtable.
    B. Because the price f the rm was reasnable.
    C. Because he was satisfied with the clerk.
    D. Because he fund the clerk’s reply very funny.
    28. Hw did the clerk feel when he heard the ld gentleman’s prmise in paragraph 2?
    A. He didn’t take it seriusly.
    B. He fund the decisin amazing.
    C. He expected it t cme true.
    D. He jked abut it with thers.
    29. Why did William Aster chse Gerge Blt as the manager f his new htel?
    A. Because Gerge Blt was kind and dependable.
    B. Because Gerge Blt was yung and plite.
    C. Because William Aster always kept prmises.
    D. Because Gerge Blt was ppular amng leaders.
    【答案】26. C 27. C 28. A 29. A
    细节理解题。根据职员说的“Wuld yu be willing t stay in my rm? It’s nt exactly a htel rm but it will make yu cmfrtable.”可知,那对夫妇晚上睡在职员的房间里。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据老先生说的“Yu’re an emplyee (雇员) that every bss in the htel business wuld dream f. Perhaps smeday I’ll build a htel fr yu.”可知,因为他很满意这个职员。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“The clerk was amazed but he decided that the guest must have been jking. He gave n mre thughts t what the ld man said.”可知,这个职员感到很吃惊,但是没当一回事。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据老先生说的“Yu’re an emplyee (雇员) that every bss in the htel business wuld dream f. Perhaps smeday I’ll build a htel fr yu.”以及“Like I tld yu befre, yu are the best emplyee I culd ever dream f.”可知,因为老先生觉得乔治博尔特是善良可靠的。故选A。
    What’s the best bk t read when yu travel? Of curse, the bks that can bring yu clser t the places yu visit. By reading the bks, thse places will becme mre attractive when they are in frnt f yu! Here are the bks yu can carry if yu want t g t the fllwing places.
    30. Wh might be mst interested in reading the passage?
    A. Students interested in wrld histry.
    B. Authrs in need f writing advice.
    C. Bksellers lking fr advertisements.
    D. Travellers in need f guide.
    31. If Jane is interested in nature, which bk is the best chice fr her?
    A. Midnight’s ChildrenB. A Wild Child’s Guide t Endangered Animals
    C. My Name is RedD. Where’d Yu G, Bernadette
    32. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Bee Branch went n a trip in Seattle with her mther.
    B. The plts in Salman Rushdie’s stry all cme frm real life.
    C. Millie Martta’s bk shws beautiful scenes mainly frm India.
    D. My Name is Red is a ppular bk all ver the wrld
    【答案】30. D 31. B 32. D
    推理判断题。根据“Of curse, the bks that can bring yu clser t the places yu visit. By reading the bks, thse places will becme mre attractive when they are in frnt f yu! Here are the bks yu can carry if yu want t g t the fllwing places.”可知,这篇文章主要是关于旅游一些书籍,所以需要帮助的旅游人会对本文应该感兴趣。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“The bk takes readers n a trip thrugh freshwater, ceans, frests, muntains, deserts, grasslands and wetlands arund the wrld while learning abut rare and well-knwn animals and their living places.”可知,A Wild Child’s Guide t Endangered Animals这本书适合对自然感兴趣的人,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“It has been translated int mre than 50 languages and published arund the wrld.”可知,这本书在全世界出版。故选D。
    Cmfrtable t wear in bth ht and cld weather, silk is as ppular tday as it was first made.
    The methd t prduce silk has changed very little since it first began 5,000 years ag. It starts with small silkwrms (蚕) that eat a special kind f leaves. When they are fully grwn, the silkwrms create a ccn—a prtective cat made f silk. Fr prductin, wrkers first pick these ccns and divide them accrding t their quality. They are then gently biled in ht water in rder t be sftened and ready fr use. At the same time, the wrms inside are dead. The silk is later turned int thread (丝线). Silk thread is then clured and finally made int clth n the machine.
    Althugh grwing and wearing silk is very ppular wrldwide tday, it was nly prduced in China at first. Actually, it was s valuable that at ne time nly the Chinese emperr and his family were allwed t wear it. The Chinese kept the methd f silk making a secret and made strict laws against taking silkwrms ut f China. T smuggle them wuld be put t death. Hwever, a princess in the fifth century and tw mnks in the sixth century managed t take sme silkwrm eggs ut f China. And this started ther cuntries’ silk making industry.
    Befre this, Eurpeans depended n businessmen bringing silk frm East Asia. They travelled acrss Central Asia and the Middle East. In fact, s much silk was brught t Eurpe n this rute that it became famus as the Silk Rad. By the time f the Han Dynasty, silk had becme ppular in Eurpe.
    Tday, China prduces arund 80% f the silk wrldwide. Althugh man-made materials are cheaper and easier t make, the silk is still hard t be replaced, and there is always a large market hme and abrad.
    33. Which shws the crrect steps f silk making accrding t the passage?
    A. b-e-a-d-cB. e-b-a-d-cC. b-e-a-c-dD. e-b-a-c-d
    34. Hw was the skill f silk making intrduced t ther cuntries?
    A. Businessmen brught silk thrugh the Silk Rad t Eurpe.
    B. The emperr traded the skill fr valuable bjects.
    C. Sme silkwrm eggs were taken ut f China in secret.
    D. The law allwed ther cuntries t learn the skill.
    35 What des the underlined wrd “smuggle” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Keep smething a secret.B. Take ut f the cuntry secretly.
    C. Trade ne thing fr anther.D. Take smething by accident
    36. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T shw the develpment f Silk Rad.
    B. T intrduce the histry f silk.
    C. T explain hw t feed silkwrms.
    D. T shw hw ppular silk is.
    【答案】33. A 34. A 35. B 36. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段“It starts with small silkwrms (蚕) that eat a special kind f leaves. When they are fully grwn, the silkwrms create a ccn—a prtective cat made f silk. Fr prductin, wrkers first pick these ccns and divide them accrding t their quality. They are then gently biled in ht water in rder t be sftened and ready fr use. At the same time, the wrms inside are dead. The silk is later turned int thread (丝线). Silk thread is then clured and finally made int clth n the machine.”可知,其过程为:用桑叶喂蚕;蚕开始结茧;分拣蚕茧;茧被加热并放入水中;用茧制成丝线;丝线被着色;最后在机器上制成布料。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Befre this, Eurpeans depended n businessmen bringing silk frm East Asia. They travelled acrss Central Asia and the Middle East. In fact, s much silk was brught t Eurpe n this rute that it became famus as the Silk Rad. By the time f the Han Dynasty, silk had becme ppular in Eurpe.”可知,欧洲人依赖商人从东亚带来丝绸。他们的足迹遍及中亚和中东。到汉代时,丝绸已在欧洲流行。所以商人通过丝绸之路将丝绸带到了欧洲。故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段“The Chinese kept the methd f silk making a secret and made strict laws against taking silkwrms ut f China. T smugglethem wuld be put t death.”可知,中国人对丝绸的制作方法保密,并制定了严格的法律禁止将蚕带出中国,如果将蚕私自带出中国将会被处死。故划线单词“smuggle”意为“偷偷带出国。” 故选B。
    After entering the main gate f the Han Yu Memrial Hall, yu’ll find a stne rad. At the end f it, there are 51 steps leading t a temple in the muntain. Why d visitrs need t climb such lng steps? It is said that Han Yu was 51 years ld when he arrived in Chazhu.
    Han Yu was a famus writer and thinker in ancient China. He was brn in 768 AD in Henan. Han Yu was gd at writing petry and prse, and he als spent his lifetime spreading Ne-Cnfucianism (新儒学).
    Han Yu’s parents died when he was yung and he had t face many challenges alne. He tried t take the natinal exams, knwn as “Keju” in Chinese, but failed. After trying many times, he did succeed in the end and rse t be a trusted fficial.
    At that time, Cnfucianism was lsing its influence, but Han Yu still strngly believed in it. He even wrte a letter t the emperr in 819 AD t tell him that it was wrng t be against Cnfucian beliefs. The emperr didn’t like what Han Yu said, s Han Yu was sent away t Chazhu fr a year. Chazhu was faraway and few peple lived there at that time. That punishment led t the stry between Han Yu and Chazhu. He brught his Cnfucian beliefs there and did many things t change lcal peple’s lives. Therefre, many peple thught highly f him. They respected his teachings, and even after he left, they kept studying them. Even tday, they still see Han Yu as an imprtant part f their culture.
    In frnt f the Han Yu Memrial Hall, the statue f Han Yu faces the ancient city, as if he has been watching ver Chazhu and never left. In fact, Han Yu’s ideas didn’t just stay in Chazhu. They spread all ver China. Peple still read his bks and study his thughts.
    37. Accrding t the passage, why are there 51 steps leading t the temple?
    A. T encurage visitrs t climb the muntain.
    B. T memrize Han Yu’s age a she reached Chazhu.
    C. T shw that 51isa lucky number fr Chazhu.
    D. T shw the number f years Han Yu lived in Chuzhu.
    38. In what rder did the fllwing events happen in Han Yu’s life?
    a. Han Yu disagreed with what the emperr did.
    b. Han Yu lst his parents and led a hard life.
    c. Peple in Chazhu learned frm Han Yu’s teachings.
    d. HanYu succeeded in the natinal exam.
    e. HanYu was frced t mve t Chazhu.
    A. b-a-d-e-cB. b-d-a-e-cC. d-b-e-a-cD. d-a-b-c-e
    39. What des “That punishment” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Han Yu was sent away t a faraway place.
    B. Han Yu was sent t prisn by the emperr.
    C. Han Yu wasn’t an fficial anymre.
    D. Han Yu wasn’t allwed t teach Cnfucianism.
    40. What can we knw abut Han Yu frm the passage?
    A. The statue f Han Yu was built in rder t welcme visitrs.
    B He gt the emperr angry by writing a pem.
    C. He had a great influence n Chazhu.
    D. He never left Chazhu since he arrived there.
    【答案】37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“It is said that Han Yu was 51 years ld when he arrived in Chazhu.”可知,他在51岁时到达潮州,之所以有51级台阶通向寺庙,是为了记住韩愈到达潮州的年龄。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据第四段“s Han Yu was sent away t Chazhu fr a year. Chazhu was faraway and few peple lived there at that time. That punishment led t the stry between Han Yu and Chazhu.”可知,韩愈被贬至人烟稀少的潮州,这次“惩罚”展开了他与潮州的关系。故推测出“That punishment”意为“韩愈被送到了很远的地方。” 故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“He brught his Cnfucian beliefs there and did many things t change lcal peple’s lives. Therefre, many peple thught highly f him. They respected his teachings, and even after he left, they kept studying them. Even tday, they still see Han Yu as an imprtant part f their culture.”可知,他教潮州人儒家信仰并做了很多事情来改变当地人民的生活。所以他对潮州影响很大。故选C。
    第二节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    Getting int high schl is a big step fr many junir schl students. It’s the first time yu’re living away frm hme and managing yur wn life. ____41____ Yu have t learn mre subjects, meet different peple and even wash yur clthes by hand. The fllwing tips will make yu better prepared fr the challenges.
    Take part in welcme events.
    Mst high schls hst welcme events befre the new term begins, including welcme parties, picnics, cncerts and s n. ____42____ Yu may get a chance t talk with yur teachers and ther senir students. They may tell yu the histry f yur schl, what students d fr fun, and what their favrite classes are.
    Take sme time t check ut the buildings where yur classes will be held. This will stp yu frm getting lst in the first few days f attending classes. And after smetime, it is als imprtant t knw where the ther schl buildings are, such as the lab building, the library and the gym.
    Get used t a new rutine.
    ____44____ Different frm yur timetable in junir schl, classes start early and end late in high schl. S dn’t get t excited abut all f the fun things in the new term. It’s a great idea t start getting used t that rutine. What helps yu mst is t plan yur sleep. ____45____
    Life in high schl is exciting and challenging. Fllwing these tips can help yu enjy yurself in it.
    A. Remember that yu d have a pretty big change cming up.
    B. It will make sure yu have energy t stay wide awake in classes.
    C. It cmes with a lt f challenges.
    D. Explre yur schl step by step.
    E. Thrugh these activities, yu can learn mre abut yur high schl.
    【答案】41. C 42. E 43. D 44. A 45. B
    根据下文“Yu have t learn mre subjects, meet different peple and even wash yur clthes by hand.”可知,此处介绍了进入高中后会遇到挑战,选项C“它伴随着许多挑战。”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Mst high schls hst welcme events befre the new term begins, including welcme parties, picnics, cncerts and s n.”可知,此处提到了很多活动,选项E“通过这些活动,你可以更多地了解你的高中。”符合语境,故选E。
    根据下文“Take sme time t check ut the buildings where yur classes will be after smetime, it is als imprtant t knw where the ther schl buildings are, such as the lab building, the library and the gym.”可知,此处讲的是要了解学校里各种建筑的位置,选项D“一步步探索你的学校。”符合语境,故选D。
    根据下文“Different frm yur timetable in junir schl, classes start early and end late in high schl.”可知,此处说的是高中的作息时间和初中的作息时间不同,课开始得更早,结束得更晚,选项A“记住你即将有一个相当大的改变。”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“What helps yu mst is t plan yur sleep.”可知,空格处应说明为什么计划好睡眠对你的帮助最大,选项B“这将确保你有精力在课堂上保持清醒。”符合语境,故选B。
    第一节 语篇填词(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    My family is a warm and happy family. Bth my parents are humrus and always tell j___46___ t make everyne laugh. We have a clse relatinship. There is a traditin in my family, that is, t ck and eat tgether at hme at weekends. Mum always makes d___47___ abut what t buy because she knws what fd we like. This c___48___ less mney than eating in restaurants, s we can have mre mney t buy smething else. We als cmmunicate with each ther mre when we e___49___ ur meals tgether. After meals, I wash the dishes and my dad takes rubbish ut. We all think it’s n___50___ fr each family member t take respnsibility.
    【答案】46. (j)kes
    47. (d)ecisins
    48. (c)sts
    49. (e)njy##(e)at
    50. (n)ecessary
    句意:妈妈总是决定买什么,因为她知道我们喜欢什么食物。结合首字母提示和“Mum always what t buy”可知,此处表示妈妈总是决定买什么。make decisins意为“做决定”。故填(d)ecisins。
    句意:这比在餐馆吃饭花的钱少,所以我们可以有更多的钱买别的东西。结合首字母提示和“ mney than eating in restaurants”可知,此处表示这比在餐馆吃饭花的钱少。cst“花费”,动词,根据语境可知,时态是一般现在时,主语This表示单数,所以cst要变成第三人称单数形式csts。故填(c)sts。
    句意:当我们一起用餐时,我们也会更多地相互交流。根据“when meals tgether”可知,此处表示当我们一起吃饭时。结合首字母提示,空格处可用动词enjy“享用”,或动词eat“吃”,时态是一般现在时,主语we表示复数,所以动词用原形。故填(e)njy/(e)at。
    句意:我们都认为每个家庭成员都有必要承担责任。结合首字母提示和“take respnsibility”可知,此处表示有必要承担责任。形容词necessary“必要的”符合语境。故填(n)ecessary。
    第二节 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    51. ChatGPT是由一家科技公司发明的。
    ChatGPT _________ _________ by a techlgy cmpany.
    【答案】 ①. was ②. invented
    52. 你想知道ChatGPT能为人们做什么吗?
    D yu want t knw _________ ChatGPT _________ _________ fr peple?
    【答案】 ①. what ②. can ③. d
    【详解】根据句意可知,本句是含有宾语从句的复合句,主句是一般现在时,主语是yu,谓语动词为want,宾语是t knw,所以空缺处是宾语从句的引导词what,且从句需陈述语序,can“能”,后接动词原形;d“做”为从句的谓语动词。故填what;can;d。
    53. 当我们陷入麻烦时,我们可以向ChatGPT寻求帮助。
    _________ we _________ _________ _________, we can ask Chat GPT fr help.
    【答案】 ①. When ②. get ③. int ④. truble
    【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺“陷入麻烦”对应的英文get int truble,此句需When“当……时”来引导时间状语从句,因主句中有情态动词can,故从句用一般现在时,主语为we,谓语动词需用原形。故填When;get;int;truble。
    54. ChatGPT是一个多么神奇的工具啊!
    _________ _________ _________ _________ ChatGPT is!
    【答案】 ①. What ②. a ③. magical ④. tl
    55. 公司曾让人们免费使用ChatGPT是为了收集更多信息来改进它。
    The cmpany pened ChatGPT t public fr free use _________ _________ _________ _________ mre infrmatin t make it better.
    【答案】 ①. in ②. rder ③. t ④. cllect
    【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处缺“为了收集”对应的英文in rder t cllect,in rder t“为了”,其后跟动词原形;cllect意为“收集”。故填in;rder;t;cllect。
    第三节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)
    56. 为了引导学生多读书读好书,提升英语阅读能力,学校准备在假期开展“读好一本英语书”活动。假如你是学生李华,你想在活动前写一封邮件,向外教Gerge求教。内容包括:
    Dear Gerge,
    I’m writing t ask fr yur help. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Best wishes,
    Li Hua
    Dear Gerge,
    I’m writing t ask fr yur help. Our schl will rganize an activity ——“Read a Gd English Bk” during the hlidays. This activity aims t encurage students t read mre and better bks t enhance their English reading skills.
    Currently, my reading habits are smewhat limited, and I believe I culd benefit frm sme guidance n imprving my reading skills. I am eager t enhance my English prficiency and braden my literary hrizns thrugh this activity.
    Culd yu please share sme effective reading techniques and recmmend sme English bks that wuld be suitable fr me?
    Best wishes,
    Li Hua
    ①aim t旨在
    ②benefit frm受益于
    ③be eager t渴望
    ①This activity aims t encurage students t read mre and better bks t enhance their English reading skills. (动词不定式作目的状语)
    ②Currently, my reading habits are smewhat limited, and I believe I culd benefit frm sme guidance n imprving my reading skills.(省略that的宾语从句)
    Where’d Yu G, Bernadette
    It is a nvel written by Maria Semple. It is tld in emails and stries. It talks abut hw Bee Branch tries t find her missing mther, Bernadette.
    The stry happens in Seattle, Washingtn. Althugh it has sme heart-breaking plts, in general it’s a funny stry. This nvel can be a gd friend when yu visit thse famus places mentined in the bk.
    Midnight’s Children
    Midnight’s Children is a nvel f 20th-century’s India.
    Salman Rushdie’s stry begins at midnight, n the night f India’s independence (独立) . The 1, 001 children brn at that hur are fund t have magical pwers. This nvel is mixed with imaginatin and real events. By reading this bk, yu can als knw mre abut the custms f India.
    A Wild Child’s Guide t Endangered Animals
    Here cmes this great celebratin f the animal kingdm! It is written by Millie Martta, a New Yrk Times bestselling authr. The bk takes readers n a trip thrugh freshwater, ceans, frests, muntains, deserts, grasslands and wetlands arund the wrld while learning abut rare and well-knwn animals and their living places.
    My Name is Red
    The bk is written by the Nbel Prize winner fr Literature, Orhan Pamuk. It has been translated int mre than 50 languages and published arund the wrld.
    It tells a stry f a yung man, wh has been away frm hme fr 12 years, cming back t his hmetwn in Istanbul. The bk is full f detailed pictures which shw the special traditin f lcal culture. It als encurages peple t have a deeper thinking f life.

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