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    If yu’re lking fr sme festive atmsphere, here’s part f the Flrida festival calendar.
    Kumquat Festival, Dade City, Jan. 27
    The dwntwn in Dade City fills with as many as 35, 000 peple fr this free event celebrating the tangy little fruit grwn lcally. Alng with dzens f bths and live entertainment, a highlight is enjying kumquat treats, frm kumquat pie, kumquat ckies t kumquat salad.
    Sunnyland Bat Festival, Tavares, Mar. 22-24
    This antique and classic bat festival is ne f the largest classic wd bat shws in the cuntry with as many as 250 t 300 restred ancient bats n display in the water and alng ne third f a mile f Lake Dra shreline at Wtn Park in Tavares, which is really a feast t the eye fr free.
    Siesta Key Sunsculpting Festival, Sarasta, Nv. 10-13
    Tw dzen prfessinal artists cmpete in creating sculptures n the grgeus Siesta Key beach. Thse wh buy tickets can watch the sculptures take shape, view them under clred lights at night, see demnstratins and take lessns. The party atmsphere includes a tent with ful bar (n ticket required) and a vendr(小贩) village.
    Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Dec. 8-10
    Art Basel, an internatinal art fair, draws tp galleries frm arund the wrld plus the rich and celebrities t Suth Flrida. A far cry frm the street art festivals all ver Flrida, this is an event that is nt cheap-Tickets start at $65. Over the years, hwever, a variety f satellite events have develped, creating art-related events fr regular flks, including Miami Art Week.
    1.What can visitrs d at the event held in Dade City?
    A. Learn sculpturing skills.B. Taste a special lcal fruit.
    C. Set up a tent f yur wn.D. Cmpete with prfessinals.
    2.What d Siesta Key Sunsculpting Festival and Art Basel Miami Beach have in cmmn?
    A. They charge fr admissin.B. They take place n the same beach.
    C. They are designed fr artists.D. They have generated smaller events.
    3.Which festival ffers a chance t reflect n the past days?
    A. Kumquat Festival.B. Sunnyland Bat Festival.
    C. Art Basel Miami Beach.D. Siesta Key Sunsculpting Festival.
    A few years ag, I asked a neighbrhd handyman t build a tree-huse in my backyard. In part, this was t slve a prblem: my children were gd friends with the children wh lived beside us and they liked t climb ver the fence that separated the tw yards. We culd have just put a gate int the fence, but I decided that building sme kind f climbable structure arund the large fir tree in the yard, which als included a staircase int the neighbr’s yard, was a mre creative slutin t the prblem, and I liked the idea that the tree-huse wuld als serve t jin the tw play spaces tgether.
    The handyman tk the task much mre seriusly than I had expected. He made drawings, built small wden mdels, and even held a kind f “visining” exercise with the children and their parents t make sure that he hadn’t missed any imprtant details. At the end f ur lengthy discussins, he asked, “Where wuld yu like me t put the beer rail?”
    The questin tk me aback as I hadn’t really cnsidered the pssibility that a nice play structure in my yard might als facilitate beer cnsumptin amng the neighbrhd children, but I quickly tuned in t the fact that ur designer had intuited what shuld have been bvius t me- the children wuldn’t be the nly nes t take advantage f this platfrm up amng the branches f the beautiful ld tree. And, indeed, ver the years that I lived in that huse I discvered that the platfrm made a pretty gd perch (栖息处), nt nly fr the ccasinal cld beer, but als fr sitting and dreaming, reading a bk, enjying a picnic r even getting sme writing dne. My children enjyed climbing arund in the tree-huse, playing tag, setting up imaginary pirate ships and frtresses (城堡), and they als used it fr sme quiet thinking and even the ccasinal math hmewrk. The tree seemed t be a particularly gd algebra tutr.
    4.Why did the authr prefer t build a staircase?
    A. It wuld make the tree-huse lk prettier.
    B. It wuld give better prtectin t the fence.
    C. It wuld be finished at lw cst.
    D. It wuld cnnect the neighbr’s kids mre clsely.
    5.What did the authr think f building a “beer rail” initially?
    A. It was ut f date.B. It was unnecessary.
    C. It was unaffrdable.D. It was t cmplicated.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “intuited” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Misunderstd.B. Examined.C. Recgnized.D. Prved.
    7.Which can best describe the handyman?
    A. Ambitius and persuasive.B. Strict and kind-hearted.
    C. Careful and far-sighted.D. Humble and generus.
    Why d children learn s quickly? Is it simply a necessity, r is a child’s brain mre capable f taking in new infrmatin than an adult’s brain?
    “It is a cmmn way f thinking that ‘children are like spnges’ and have the magical ability t learn new skills faster than an adult, but there are sme miscnceptins here, “ said Debbie Raven, a researcher at the University f Chester. “A child’s cgnitive (认知的) develpment is age-related and, naturally, children perfrm wrse than their lder peers in mst areas. Hwever, there are times when being yung brings an advantage, and this is especially true arund their earliest years.
    This advantage is largely due t neurplasticity, meaning the brain’s ability t frm and change its cnnectins, pathways and wiring based n experiences. Neurplasticity is what gives children the capacity t learn-and, if necessary, unlearn-habits, rutines, appraches and actins very quickly. This ability is mst cnstant and rapid befre a child’s fifth birthday, when much f what they encunter r experience is nvel. “This ability t learn quickly is cnnected t several areas, including plasticity, their experiences with adults, their envirnment, and their bilgical drive t explre, “ Raven said. “Childhd is a place where children spend their time catching up with adults’ mre sphisticated abilities. “
    Language learning, in particular, is an area where children ften have a huge advantage ver adults. This is largely because “babies are able t tune in t the rhythm and sunds used in their native language, and can therefre becme fluent speakers by the age f fur. “This ability can help yung children learn a secnd r third language with apparent ease, Raven said.
    In a research paper, the authrs suggest that “human babies are brn seeing and hearing linguistic infrmatin that lder children and adults miss, althugh they lse this ability with mre experience in their envirnments. Mrever, babies can “discriminate speech sunds and tnes used in al f the wrld’s languages, making them pen t al input, regardless f the linguistic envirnment they are brn int.
    8.Why des Raven make the remarks in paragraph 2?
    A. T prve a new thery.B. T share persnal experience.
    C. T crrect a wrng belief.D. T slve lng-held cnfusin.
    9.What’s ne feature f “neurplasticity”?
    A. It enables children t break a habit quickly.
    B. It accmpanies a persn all thrugh his life.
    C. It is entirely based n a kid’s past experiences.
    D. It disappears sn after a child’s fifth birthday.
    10.What impacts kids’ quick learning ability accrding t Raven?
    A. Their brain structure.B. Their habits and rutines.
    C. Their parents’ experiences.D. Their inbrn desire t explre.
    11.What des the authr mainly talk abut in the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Why children are talented language learners.
    B. What are the prper ways f learning languages.
    C. When is the best time t learn freign languages.
    D. Hw envirnments can influence language learning.
    “Individuals f all ages wh have empathy (共情) understand that smetimes telling little white lies can prtect ther peple frm getting hurt,” says Barbara Greenberg, a clinical psychlgist in Cnnecticut. “Mst peple that I have cme acrss tell these little white lies because they understand that 100 percent hnesty all the time is nt beneficial.” A white lie, she explains, spares peple frm unnecessary hurt.
    At the same time, Dr. Julia Breur, a marriage and family therapist in Flrida, emphasizes the imprtance f paying attentin t the way we respnd t smene. The fact is that nt telling the truth can result in smething unpleasant n yu; it’s nt just abut the persn the white lie is being tld t. Fr example, she says smene wh always tells thers that “all is gd” when it cmes t a sick parent in an effrt t avid discussins abut hw serius their health issue really is, can eventually face stressful experiences. When that parent eventually passes away, the persn wh always gave an “all is gd” respnse ends up emtinally brken.
    Smetimes, telling white lies ften depends n the situatin, Dr. Breur says. Fr example, cnsider a wman wh has nt seen her mther fr several mnths. The daughter has gained nticeable weight, yet the mther respnds by excitedly declaring that she lks great. “I emphasize during psychtherapy sessins with my patients that cntext helps define meaning,” Dr. Breur says. “S when we lk at the cntext f a mther saying yu lk great when she clearly sees that her daughter has gained weight, it can be acceptable. It reflects the intentin f the white lie which is kindness, prtectin and uncnditinal lve. Otherwise, white lies — especially when tld t avid persnal accuntability — can start a cycle f mistrust between peple, ultimately cmprmising integrity,” she adds.
    Therefre, it’s imprtant t ask urselves when it is and isn’t apprpriate t deliver the hnest truth, and when it’s best t step back and ffer a mre delicate respnse. Mre ften than nt, it’s abut finding a balance between the tw.
    12.What can be learned abut white lies accrding t Barbara Greenberg?
    A. They are shrt-lived.B. They are unidentifiable.
    C. They are truble-making.D. They are cmmn.
    13.What message des Dr. Breur deliver in paragraph 2?
    A. White lies can harm bth the liars and the listeners.
    B. We must respnd t ur family members truthfully.
    C. It’s wrng t tell white lies t a seriusly ill parent.
    D. The “all is gd” respnse is effective in dealing with patients.
    14.What is Dr. Breur’s attitude twards the mther’s practice in paragraph 3?
    A. Uncaring.B. Critical.C. Supprtive.D. Dubtful.
    15.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. East r West, White Lies Are the Best
    B. Think Twice Befre Yu Tell White Lies
    C. White Lies Signify Uncnditinal Lve
    D. White Lies Are Empathetic Peple’s Favrable Chice
    16.Camping isn’t the same withut a fire and in fact, many campsites even allw the use f ne as lng as yu remain respnsible and ec-friendly. As daylight disappears, there’s nthing quite like a campfire t see yu thrugh the evening and int the night.
    Remember, campfires can be fun as lng as yu put sme cmmn sense int yur practice. ① _________ If yu’re a first-timer t the whle campfire scene, r simply want t knw hw t get yur fire blazing in n time at all, we’ve gt sme great tips t help yu.
    • Chse the right lcatin. With any campfire it’s imprtant t select a lcatin that’s safe. Preferably yu’d keep away frm areas with verhanging branches and dry undergrwth. ② _________
    • Use dry wd. If yur wd lgs are wet r damp, yu’ll really struggle t get any fire ging. Therefre, stre the wd in a dry place and keep yur matches tucked away in a Ziplc bag.
    • Build up frm small beginnings. ③ _________ Yu’ll need t start small and get the blaze ging with firelighters, kindling r newspapers. Only then can yu start t apply larger wd lgs.
    •④ _________ Dn’t add the larger lgs n t quickly, as this can stifle (抑制) the fire and see yur effrts wasted at the first hurdle.
    • Remember t put the fire ut. After yu sat arund the campfire, enjying great cnversatin and sme light-hearted games, yu’ll need t put the fire ut. ⑤ _________ Instead, let the fire die dwn and pur water r shvel earth n as required.
    A. Avid rushing the prcess.
    B. Dn’t put all yur eggs in ne basket.
    C. A great campfire takes time and patience.
    D. Never g t bed believing a smking fire safe.
    E. Yu might cme acrss a variety f prblems.
    F. Als make sure nt t build yur fire t near any tents.
    G. Camping is a fantastic experience fr peple f all ages.
    I was struggling earlier in the year, even thugh I’m a(n) 1 persn by nature. The entire wrld seemed t have cme t a stp all f a sudden. I was 2 with wrry abut my family and paying the bills, and whether life wuld ever be the same again.
    Then, ne evening I went utside and 3 . The sky was dark and the stars were shining s brightly that I almst held my breath. As I std under that splendid ceiling, I was filled with 4 .
    I really wanted t find ut mre abut them. Suddenly, I remembered I’d 5 an app n my phne a cuple f mnths earlier, which 6 all the stars and planets. Tgether with my daughters, I raced t the upstairs, where we had a perfect 7 f the night sky. Using the app, we were excited t 8 that bright white star hanging ver the hrizn was Venus. Then we lked past Betelguese, a dying red supergiant star 700 times the size f Earth, and many mre. 9 , the wrld n lnger seemed like an unfamiliar place. It 10 me that the Earth had been arund fr 4. 5 billin years and had experienced things much mre 11 . That realizatin 12 brught my wrries int a much brader perspective (眼界).
    Plus, that twinkling night sky was just s beautiful — I felt happier and calmer just lking at it. It became ur 13 t sit at the windw every evening, gazing at the stars. Nt nly did it help us 14 the reality, but fr half an hur each day we gt t 15 utside ur fur walls.
    17.A. ptimisticB. patientC. independentD. cnsiderate
    18.A. cmbinedB. questinedC. cnsumedD. impressed
    19.A. pulled verB. lked upC. headed ffD. calmed dwn
    20.A. wnderB. prideC. anxietyD. guilt
    21.A. designedB. dwnladedC. advertisedD. tested
    22.A. reflectsB. cnnectsC. measuresD. identifies
    23.A. viewB. memryC. recrdD. example
    24.A. explainB. imagineC. discverD. indicate
    25.A. By the wayB. At first sightC. At that mmentD. By all means
    26.A. benefitedB. warnedC. challengedD. struck
    27.A. infrmalB. flexibleC. cnventinalD. dramatic
    28.A. cnstantlyB. instantlyC. secretlyD. randmly
    29.A. regretB. rutineC. adventureD. respnsibility
    30.A. describeB. ignreC. stressD. face
    31.A. trainB. gatherC. travelD. recver
    32.China prduces and uses s much bamb that the cuntry is smetimes referred t① _________ the Bamb Kingdm. 40% f all knwn bamb species in the wrld are grwn in China, s it’s nt② _________ (astnish) that China grws mre bamb than any ther cuntry in the wrld. Tday, rughly ne fifth f the glbal supply f bamb is grwn in China, with Sichuan and Fujian③ _________ (be) the prvinces with the largest ttal area f bamb cultivatin.
    Bamb is ne f④ _________ fastest-grwing plants n earth. Althugh sme types f bamb can grw t be almst 35 meters in height, yu may be surprised t learn that bamb is⑤ _________ (actual) a type f grass rather than a tree.
    In traditinal Chinese culture, bamb, plum blssms, rchids (兰), and chrysanthemums (菊) frm a grup⑥ _________ is called the Fur Gentlemen. Each member f the grup is used⑦ _________ (represent) sme aspect f the character f an ideal persn. In the case f the bamb, it serves as an emblem (象征) f mdesty and mental⑧ _________ (strng).
    Alng with the pine and plum blssm, bamb als smetimes⑨ _________ (appear) as part f the Three Friends f Winter. Each f these three plants⑩ _________ (admire) fr its ability t remain firm and fresh when the weather turns cld.
    33.假定你是李华, 你班上周末组织了一次登山活动, 你的英国笔友Darren想了解相关情况。请给他写一封邮件, 内容包括:
    1. 旅行前准备;
    2. 活动开展情况。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    Dear Darren,
    Last Sunday I went trekking n the nearby hills with my classmates.
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    34.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I’d like t share with yu a funny incident that ccurred almst 4 years ag.
    I was an 8th grader at high schl. One day, the teacher gave us a grup assignment and we went t sme libraries after class t cllect data. In the evening, I fund that my grup members were cmplaining that they were hungry and needed t have sme fd.
    Tgether we entered a restaurant nearby. When the waiter apprached ur table, ne f my classmates made an rder directly withut even lking at the menu. And after we were dne with ur fd, a classmate asked the grup leader t pay the bill. The grup leader was surprised as he had nt ffered the meal and said that he did nt have the mney t pay the bill. I asked the waiter t bring the bill and we were shcked t see the amunt. It was much mre than we had expected. Thugh we were a bit wrried, we started laughing and enjying the whle thing. At this mment, a grup member suggested we cllect all f ur mney t pay the bill. We searched ur wallets, pckets and bags fr mney. There were s many cins there that we had t cunt 2-3 times. But unfrtunately, the ttal amunt was still nt enugh t pay the bill.
    As the scene unflded, the atmsphere shifted frm casual laughter t a shared sense f respnsibility. Realizing the gravity f the situatin, I stepped up and decided t explain ur situatin t the manager, hping fr sme understanding r perhaps a way t wrk ut a payment plan. T ur relief, the manager kindly listened t ur stry. Seeing ur genuine effrts t reslve the issue, he agreed t let us pay what we had cllected and arrange fr the rest t be settled later.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    We left the restaurant with empty wallets but light hearts.
    This incident served as a reminder fr better teamwrk in the future.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Kumquat Festival, Dade City, Jan. 27部分的“Alng with dzens f bths and live entertainment, a highlight is enjying kumquat treats, frm kumquat pie, kumquat ckies t kumquat salad. (除了数十个展位和现场娱乐外,一个亮点是享用金桔美食,从金桔派、金桔饼干到金桔沙拉。)”可知,在戴德市举行的活动中,游客可以品尝当地特色水果金桔。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Siesta Key Sunsculpting Festival, Sarasta, Nv. 10-13部分的“Thse wh buy tickets can watch the sculptures take shape, view them under clred lights at night, see demnstratins and take lessns. (买票的人可以观看雕塑的成型,晚上在彩灯下观看,观看演示和上课。)”和Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Dec. 8-10部分的“A far cry frm the street art festivals all ver Flrida, this is an event that is nt cheap-Tickets start at $65. (与佛罗里达州各地的街头艺术节相去甚远,这是一个不便宜的活动。门票起价65美元。)”可知,Siesta Key Sunscmpting Festival和Art Basel Miami Beach都收取入场费。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据Sunnyland Bat Festival, Tavares, Mar. 22-24部分的“This antique and classic bat festival is ne f the largest classic wd bat shws in the cuntry with as many as 250 t 300 restred ancient bats n display in the water and alng ne third f a mile f Lake Dra shreline at Wtn Park in Tavares, which is really a feast t the eye fr free. (这个古老而经典的船节是该国最大的经典木船展之一,在塔瓦雷斯的伍顿公园,有多达250至300艘修复的古船在水中和三分之一英里的多拉湖海岸线上展出,这真的是一场免费的盛宴。)”可知,Sunnyland Bat Festival提供了一个反思过去日子的机会。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“but I decided that building sme kind f climbable structure arund the large fir tree in the yard, which als included a staircase int the neighbr’s yard, was a mre creative slutin t the prblem, and I liked the idea that the tree-huse wuld als serve t jin the tw play spaces tgether(但我决定在院子里的大冷杉树周围建造一些可攀爬的结构,其中还包括通往邻居院子的楼梯,这是一个更有创意的解决方案,我喜欢这个想法,树屋也可以将两个玩耍空间连接在一起)”可知,作者选择建一个楼梯是因为这更有创意,将两个玩耍空间连接在一起,方便两家孩子玩耍,故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“The questin tk me aback as I hadn’t really cnsidered the pssibility that a nice play structure in my yard might als facilitate beer cnsumptin amng the neighbrhd children(这个问题让我吃了一惊,因为我并没有真正考虑到在我的院子里建一个漂亮的游戏结构可能也会促进邻居孩子们喝啤酒的可能性)”可知,作者一开始没有考虑在院子里建一个漂亮的游戏结构可能也会促进邻居孩子们喝啤酒的可能性,由此推知作者一开始认为没有必要建啤酒横杆,故选B。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第二段中“At the end f ur lengthy discussins, he asked, ‘Where wuld yu like me t put the beer rail?’(在我们漫长的讨论结束时,他问我:‘你想让我把啤酒横杆放在哪里?’)”和划线词下文“the children wuldn’t be the nly nes t take advantage f this platfrm up amng the branches f the beautiful ld tree(孩子们不会是唯一利用这个位于美丽的老树的树枝上的平台)”可知,勤杂工问作者把啤酒横杆建在哪里,说明他意识到了孩子们不会是唯一使用这个平台的人,intuited意为“知道,意识到”,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“The handyman tk the task much mre seriusly than I had expected.(这个勤杂工对待这项工作比我预料的要认真得多)”和第三段中“but I quickly tuned in t the fact that ur designer had intuited what shuld have been bvius t me(但我很快就意识到,我们的设计师已经凭直觉发现了一个对我来说应该很明显的事实)”可知,这名勤杂工做事认真,且从长远角度发现了一个作者忽视的事实,颇有远见,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的““It is a cmmn way f thinking that ‘children are like spnges’ and have the magical ability t learn new skills faster than an adult, but there are sme miscnceptins here, “ said Debbie Raven, a researcher at the University f Chester. “A child’s cgnitive (认知的) develpment is age-related and, naturally, children perfrm wrse than their lder peers in mst areas. (切斯特大学的研究员黛比·拉文说:“人们普遍认为,‘孩子就像海绵’,有比成年人更快地学习新技能的神奇能力,但这里也存在一些误解。孩子的认知发展与年龄有关,理所当然地,孩子在大多数领域的表现都比年长的同龄人差。)”可知,研究员黛比·拉文发表评论是为了纠正一个错误的信仰——孩子有比成年人更快地学习新技能的神奇能力。而实际上孩子的认知发展与年龄有关。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Neurplasticity is what gives children the capacity t learn-and, if necessary, unlearn-habits, rutines, appraches and actins very quickly. (神经可塑性使儿童有能力学习,并在必要时迅速忘记习惯、惯例、方法和行动。)”可知,“神经可塑性”的一个特点是它能使孩子们很快改掉一个习惯。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的““This ability t learn quickly is cnnected t several areas, including plasticity, their experiences with adults, their envirnment, and their bilgical drive t explre, “ Raven said. (拉文说:“这种快速学习的能力与几个方面有关,包括可塑性、与成年人相处的经历、环境和天生的探索动力。)”可知,拉文认为,孩子与生俱来的探索欲望影响了孩子的快速学习能力。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中的“Language learning, in particular, is an area where children ften have a huge advantage ver adults. This is largely because …(尤其是在语言学习领域,儿童往往比成年人具有巨大优势。这在很大程度上是因为……)”以及最后一段的“In a research paper, the authrs suggest that “human babies are brn seeing and hearing linguistic infrmatin that lder children and adults miss, althugh they lse this ability with mre experience in their envirnments. (在一篇研究论文中,作者提出,“人类婴儿在出生时就看到和听到了年龄较大的儿童和成年人错过的语言信息,尽管他们在环境中有了更多的经验后就失去了这种能力。)”可知,作者在最后两段主要讲到为什么孩子在语言学习领域往往比成年人具有巨大优势,即为什么孩子是有天赋的语言学习者。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的““Mst peple that I have cme acrss tell these little white lies because they understand that 100 percent hnesty all the time is nt beneficial. “A white lie, she explains, spares peple frm unnecessary hurt. (‘我遇到的大多数人都会说善意的谎言,因为他们明白,一直100%的诚实是无益的。’她解释说,善意的谎言可以让人们免受不必要的伤害。)”可知,根据芭芭拉·格林伯格的说法,善意的谎言很常见。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“At the same time, Dr. Julia Breur, a marriage and family therapist in Flrida, emphasizes the imprtance f paying attentin t the way we respnd t smene. The fact is that nt telling the truth can result in smething unpleasant n yu; it’s nt just abut the persn the white lie is being tld t. (与此同时,佛罗里达州的婚姻和家庭治疗师Julia Breur博士强调了关注我们回应他人的重要性。事实是,不说实话会让你感到不愉快;不仅仅是谎言的对象感到不愉快。)”可知,善意的谎言给说谎者和听者都会带来伤害。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的““I emphasize during psychtherapy sessins with my patients that cntext helps define meaning,” Dr. Breur says. “S when we lk at the cntext f a mther saying yu lk great when she clearly sees that her daughter has gained weight, it can be acceptable. It reflects the intentin f the white lie which is kindness, prtectin and uncnditinal lve. Otherwise, white lies — especially when tld t avid persnal accuntability — can start a cycle f mistrust between peple, ultimately cmprmising integrity,” she adds. (Breur说:‘在心理治疗过程中,我和病人强调,情境有助于定义意义。’她补充道:‘所以,当我们看到一位母亲清楚地看到女儿长胖了,却说你看起来很棒时,这是可以接受的。它反映了善意谎言的意图,即善意、保护和无条件的爱。否则,善意的谎言——尤其是为了逃避个人责任而撒的谎言——会引发人与人之间不信任的循环,最终损害诚信。’)”可知,Breur博士对第3段中母亲的做法持支持态度,他认为它反映了善意谎言的意图,即善意、保护和无条件的爱。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段中的“Therefre, it’s imprtant t ask urselves when it is and isn’t apprpriate t deliver the hnest truth, and when it’s best t step back and ffer a mre delicate respnse. Mre ften than nt, it’s abut finding a balance between the tw. (因此,重要的是要问问自己,什么时候说实话是合适的,什么时候不合适,什么时候最好退一步,做出更微妙的回应。通常情况下,这是关于在两者之间找到平衡。)”可知,本文主要讲了善意的谎言可以让人们免受不必要的伤害,但有时候,善意的谎言往往取决于具体情况。因此,在说善意的谎言之前要三思。B项“Think Twice Befre Yu Tell White Lies (说谎之前三思)”最能概括本文主旨,适合作为最佳标题。故选B。
    解析:①上文“Remember, campfires can be fun as lng as yu put sme cmmn sense int yur practice. (记住,只要你在实践中运用一些常识,篝火也可以很有趣。)”说明,使用一些常识可以让篝火很有趣,下文“If yu’re a first-timer t the whle campfire scene, r simply want t knw hw t get yur fire blazing in n time at all, we’ve gt sme great tips t help yu. (如果你是第一次到篝火现场,或者只是想知道如何让你的火很快燃烧起来,我们有一些很好的建议来帮助你。)”说明如果想要篝火燃烧起来,有一些有用的建议,因此推断空处承上启下,E项“你可能会遇到各种各样的问题。”符合语境,说明想要篝火随时燃烧,可能会遇到一些问题,有一些建议可以给你帮助。故选E。
    ②上文“Chse the right lcatin. With any campfire it’s imprtant t select a lcatin that’s safe. Preferably yu’d keep away frm areas with verhanging branches and dry undergrwth. ( 选择正确的位置。在任何篝火中选择一个安全的地点是很重要的。最好远离有悬垂树枝和干燥灌木丛的地方。)”说明,要选择合适的篝火位置,安全很重要,要因此推断F项“还要确保不要在离帐篷太近的地方生火。”符合语境,与前文是递进关系,说明安全问题。故选F。
    ③根据“Build up frm small beginnings.”可知,本段建议从小处做起。下文“Yu’ll need t start small and get the blaze ging with firelighters, kindling r newspapers. Only then can yu start t apply larger wd lgs. (你需要从小处开始,用打火机、引火棒或报纸把火点燃。只有这样你才能开始使用更大的原木。)”说明从小处开始,先点火,慢慢地增加更大的木头,因此推断点燃篝火需要时间和耐心,C项“一个大的营火需要时间和耐心。”符合语境,故选C。
    ④空处为段落标题。根据下文“Dn’t add the larger lgs n t quickly, as this can stifle (抑制) the fire and see yur effrts wasted at the first hurdle. (不要过快地添加更大的原木,因为这可能会扼杀火焰,看到你的努力在第一个难关就白费了。)”可知,本段建议要避免操之过急。因此推断A项“不要操之过急。”符合语境,故选A。
    ⑤上文“Remember t put the fire ut. After yu sat arund the campfire, enjying great cnversatin and sme light-hearted games, yu’ll need t put the fire ut. (记得把火扑灭。当你坐在篝火旁,享受着愉快的交谈和一些轻松的游戏后,你需要把火扑灭。)”说明要记住最后要把火扑灭,下文“Instead, let the fire die dwn and pur water r shvel earth n as required. (相反,让火慢慢地熄灭,根据需要浇水或铲土。)”讲述了灭火的方式,因此推断D项“睡觉时不要相信冒着烟的火是安全的。”与主题相符,承接上文,与下文是转折关系,故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我天生是个乐观的人,但今年早些时候我还是在痛苦中挣扎。A. ptimistic乐观的;B. patient耐心的;C. independent独立的;D. cnsiderate体贴的。根据上文“I was struggling earlier in the year, even thugh(今年早些时候我还是在痛苦中挣扎,尽管……)”可推理出下文说的是与“struggling(苦苦挣扎的)”含义相反的形容词,A项“ptimistic乐观的”表达的含义符合语境,故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我非常担心我的家人和支付账单,以及生活是否会再次恢复如常。A. cmbined联合;B. questined问问题;C. cnsumed使充满(强烈的感情);D. impressed使感动。根据下文“wrry abut my family and paying the bills, and whether life wuld ever be the same again(担心我的家人和支付账单,以及生活是否会再次恢复如常)”可知,此处说的是作者被担忧和问题充满了头脑,分析选项,C项“cnsumed使充满(强烈的感情)”表达的含义符合语境,故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后,一天晚上,我走到外面,抬头看了看。A. pulled ver靠边停车;B. lked up抬头看;C. headed ff防止……发生;D. calmed dwn使平静下来。根据下文“The sky was dark and the stars were shining s brightly that I almst held my breath(天空一片漆黑,星星闪烁着耀眼的光芒,我几乎屏住了呼吸)”可推理出作者抬头看向天空,故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我站在那辉煌的天幕下时,我心中充满了惊奇。A. wnder惊奇;B. pride自豪;C. anxiety忧虑;D. guilt内疚。根据下文“I really wanted t find ut mre abut them(我真的很想更多地了解他们)”可推理出作者内心充满了惊奇,故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我想起几个月前我在手机上下载了一个应用程序,它可以识别所有的恒星和行星。A. designed设计;B. dwnladed下载;C. advertised宣传;D. tested测试。根据下文“an app n my phne(在手机上……一个应用程序)”可推理出空白处应填表示“下载”含义的动词,故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. reflects反射;B. cnnects连接;C. measures测量;D. identifies辨认。根据下文“that bright white star hanging ver the hrizn was Venus(悬挂在地平线上的那颗明亮的白星就是金星)”可推理出空白处应填表示“辨认”含义的动词,故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和我的女儿们一起跑到楼上,在那里我们可以看到夜空的完美景色。A. view视线,景色;B. memry记忆;C. recrd记录;D. example例子。根据上文“I raced t the upstairs(我跑到楼上)”以及下文“Using the app, we were excited t…that bright white star hanging ver the hrizn was Venus(使用该应用程序,我们兴奋地……挂在地平线上的那颗明亮的白星是金星。)”可推理出作者跑到楼上是为了更好地看夜空中的星星,短语have a view f“看到,拥有……视野”,符合语境,故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:使用该应用程序,我们兴奋地发现挂在地平线上的那颗明亮的白星是金星。A. explain解释;B. imagine想象;C. discver发现;D. indicate表明。根据下文“that bright white star hanging ver the hrizn was Venus(悬挂在地平线上的那颗明亮的白星就是金星)”可推理出此处上下文说的是发现了悬挂在地平线上的那颗明亮的白星就是金星,故选C项。
    解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:在那一刻,世界不再像是一个陌生的地方。A. By the way顺便问一下;B. At first sight乍一看;C. At that mment在那一刻;D. By all means可以,当然行。根据上文“Using the app, we were excited t discver that bright white star hanging ver the hrizn was Venus. Then we lked past Betelguese, a dying red supergiant star 700 times the size f Earth, and many mre.( 使用这个应用程序,我们兴奋地发现悬挂在天际的那颗明亮的白色星星是金星。然后,我们又看到了参宿四——一颗垂死的红色超巨星,它的体积是地球的700倍,还看到了许多其他的星星。)”以及下文“the wrld n lnger seemed like an unfamiliar place(世界不再像是一个陌生的地方)”可推理出作者在和女儿一起看星星的时候感受到世界不再像是一个陌生的地方,可推理出空白处应填表示“在那一刻”含义的介词短语,故选C项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我突然意识到,地球已经存在了45亿年,经历了更多令人吃惊的事情。A. benefited有益于;B. warned警告;C. challenged挑战;D. struck猛地意识到,突然想到。如下文内容是作者突然想到的、意识到的,故选D项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. infrmal非正式的;B. flexible灵活的;C. cnventinal传统的;D. dramatic令人吃惊的,巨大的。根据上文“the Earth had been arund fr 4. 5 billin years and had experienced things much mre(地球已经存在了45亿年,经历了更多…)”以及下文“brught my wrries int a much brader perspective(让我的担忧进入了一个更广阔的视角)”可知,此处说的地球已经存在了45亿年,经历了许多很多令人吃惊的大事。故选D项。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:这种认识立刻让我的担忧进入了一个更广阔的视角。A. cnstantly不断地;B. instantly立刻;C. secretly秘密地;D. randmly随便地。作者在观察星空并使用手机应用程序了解星体之后,立刻有了一种对地球和宇宙更广阔的认知,这种认知使得作者的忧虑和担心放到了一个更广阔的视角之下。故选B项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们每天晚上都坐在窗前,凝视着星星,这成了我们的惯例。A. regret遗憾;B. rutine惯例;C. adventure冒险;D. respnsibility责任。根据下文“t sit at the windw every evening(每天晚上都坐在窗前)”可推理出此处上下文说的是每日必做之事,分析选项,B项“rutine惯例”符合语境,故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:它不仅帮助我们面对现实,而且每天有半个小时的时间在自己的四面高墙外“遨游”太空。A. describe描述;B. ignre忽视;C. stress强调;D. face面对。作者通过欣赏星空,感受到了宇宙的浩瀚和地球的长久存在,从而让自己的担忧和焦虑得到了缓解,从更广阔的视角看待生活;结合第一段中“I was struggling earlier in the year”可知,欣赏星空帮助作者面对现实,D项“face面对”表达的含义符合语境,它与前文的struggle和wrry共同构成了作者在面对困难时的心态转变过程,从最初的挣扎和担忧,到后来的平静和坦然,这一转变是通过面对现实这一行为来实现,符合语境,故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析,句意:同上。A. train训练;B. gather收集;C. travel旅行;D. recver恢复。作者通过观察星空,宇宙的浩渺,感受到了一种超越日常生活局限的体验,仿佛坐在室内“遨游”太空。travel“旅行”符合语境,故选C项。
    32.答案:①as②astnishing③being④the⑤actually⑥that/which⑦t represent⑧strength⑨appears⑩is admired
    解析:①考查介词。句意:中国生产和使用的竹子如此之多,以至于这个国家有时被称为竹子王国。此处为固定搭配be referred t as,意为“被称为……”。故填as。
    ③考查现在分词。句意:如今,全球约五分之一的竹子供应来自中国,四川和福建是竹子种植总面积最大的省份。分析句子可知,此处是with的复合结构,空格处应填入非谓语动词。该结构中的宾语Sichuan and Fujian与be是逻辑上的主谓关系,be用现在分词形式作宾补。故填being。
    ⑦考查动词不定式。句意:群体中的每个成员都被用来代表理想人物性格的某些方面。be used t d sth. 意为“被用来做某事”,故用动词不定式作目的状语。故填t represent。
    ⑩考查动词的时态和语态。句意:这三种植物中的每一种都因其在天气变冷时保持坚硬和新鲜的能力而备受钦佩。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据句中时间状语从句when the weather turns cld可知,此处应用一般现在时态。主语Each f these three plants与谓语动词admire是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态,注意主谓一致。故填is admired。
    Dear Darren,
    Last Sunday I went trekking n the nearby hills with my classmates. Aiming t help us students keep healthy, ur schl rganized the muntain-climbing activity n August 1. We made full preparatins fr the activity. Fr instance, bring alng sme fd, water and equip urselves with a camera t recrd the beautiful scenery.
    At 8 am, we reached the ft f the Muntain and began the jurney with great excitement. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, breathing the fresh air and enjying the beautiful scenery. At arund 11 am, we reached the tp. We jumped and shuted with jy in the sunshine.
    This activity really did gd t us, thrugh which we enjyed nature t the fullest and were able t develp ur friendships t.
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    目的是:aim t d sth.→targeted at ding sth.
    例如:fr instance→fr example
    到达:reach→arrived at
    对……有好处:d gd t→be beneficial t
    原句:At 8 am, we reached the ft f the Muntain and began the jurney with great excitement.
    拓展句:At 8 am, we reached the ft f the Muntain,after which we began the jurney with great excitement.
    【高分句型1】Aiming t help us students keep healthy, ur schl rganized the muntain-climbing activity n August 1.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】This activity really did gd t us, thrugh which we enjyed nature t the fullest and were able t develp ur friendships t.(运用了介词+关系代词引导非限制性定语从句)
    34.答案: We left the restaurant with empty wallets but light hearts. We had learned an imprtant lessn abut teamwrk and respnsibility. We realized that we shuld have taken the time t discuss ur ptins befre making any decisins. Hwever, althugh we had made a mistake by nt planning ur expenses, we had shwn resilience and unity in the face f adversity. This experience had strengthened ur bnds as a team and taught us t be mre careful and respnsible in the future.
    This incident served as a reminder fr better teamwrk in the future. It nt nly brught us clser as a grup but als taught us valuable lessns abut respnsibility and teamwrk. We understd that clear cmmunicatin and shared respnsibilities were crucial fr success. Frm that day n, we made a cnscius effrt t be mre rganized and cnsiderate when wrking n grup prjects. Nt nly did we strengthen ur bnd as friends but als laid the fundatin fr ur future academic and prfessinal endeavrs. We learned that even in the face f adversity, a psitive attitude and a willingness t wrk tgether can lead t unexpected utcmes.
    ②充当,担任:serve as /act as
    ③合作:wrk tgether /cperate
    ②考虑周到的:cnsiderate /thughtful
    [高分句型1] Hwever, althugh we had made a mistake by nt planning ur expenses, we had shwn resilience and unity in the face f adversity.(运用了althugh引导的让步状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Nt nly did we strengthen ur bnd as friends but als laid the fundatin fr ur future academic and prfessinal endeavrs.(运用了Nt nly…but als…的倒装句式)

    河北省邯郸市2024届高三下学期第四次调研考试(二模)英语含答案: 这是一份河北省邯郸市2024届高三下学期第四次调研考试(二模)英语含答案,共11页。

    河北省邯郸市2024届高三下学期第四次调研考试(二模)英语试卷(PDF版附答案): 这是一份河北省邯郸市2024届高三下学期第四次调研考试(二模)英语试卷(PDF版附答案),共11页。

    河北省邯郸市2024届高三上学期第二次调研英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份河北省邯郸市2024届高三上学期第二次调研英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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