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    Fr the 150th anniversary f the first Impressinist exhibitin, the Musée d’Orsay, which huses the wrld’s largest cllectin f this current, is ffering a majr retrspective (回顾展) f this artistic trend with Paris 1874: Inventing Impressinism frm March 26 t July 14.
    150 years ag, n April 15, 1874, in a luxurius phtgrapher Nadar’s studi in nrthern Paris, Berthe Mrist, Eduard Degas and Claude Mnet came tgether as a cperative limited cmpany t pen the first Impressinist exhibitin, a mvement that wuld frever change the curse f art histry.
    The retrspective will take visitrs n a virtual tur t the very mment 150 years ag. During the 40-minute immersive (沉浸的) tur, visitrs will spend a virtual evening with the famus impressinists and travel by steam train t Bugival, west f Paris, where many f them wrked. Visitrs will then tur the main exhibitin, which pens int a gallery with Renir’s La Parisienne and La Danseuse that featured in the 1874 exhibitin, and ther impressinist paintings, drawings and sculptures.
    “The immersive experience is unique and innvative. Yu can g int this exhibitin and relive the evening with the artists and discver the rigin f this mvement. We want t recreate the emtin fr visitrs f the 1874 exhibitin,” said Abastad, directr f digital develpment at the Musée d’Orsay.
    * The experience is suitable fr children f 11 y/ and abve; children under 8 y/ are prhibited.
    *We remind yu that, in view f the technlgy used, virtual reality experiences are nt recmmended fr peple with balance r visin disrders.
    *Walkers and mtrized wheelchairs are nt permitted in the space, but manual wheelchairs are accepted.
    1.What’s the retrspective mainly aimed at?
    A. Prtecting cultural diversity.B. Fueling peple’s lve fr art.
    C. Shwing hnr t late artists.D. Marking the birth f a mvement.
    2.What can be experienced during the virtual tur?
    A. Painting a picture n the spt.B. Driving a steam train in persn.
    C. Meeting famus impressinists.D. Staying vernight in the gallery.
    3.Wh is the mst suitable t visit the exhibitin?
    A. An eight-year-ld by.B. An adult with a walker.
    C. A visually-challenged girl.D. A teenager in a manual wheelchair.
    Travelling seemed like falsehd t me. I grew tired f backpackers expressing t much praise abut hw petting a baby elephant in Thailand “transfrmed” them. Glbe-traveling t me held n mre prmise than finding a few bills in the pcket f an ld cat. I needed smething deeper than an Eat, Play, Lve mment.
    One day, Vasilis, my Greek best friend, reminded me f ur decade-ld prmise: after ur final exams, I wuld visit his hmetwn in Athens. Maybe, it was time t make gd n that prmise.
    I finally barded the plane. Vasilis picked me up at the airprt. I smiled, thinking hw imprbable this mment seemed all thse years ag.
    The decade-lng wait prved t be well wrth it. Every step thrugh the ancient streets revealed new wnders. Hwever, nn e f them truly mattered. What wuld frever alter my perceptin f travel was a chance encunter with a lcal.
    Vasilis and I were wandering Athens when a special sund caught ur attentin—a rhythmic clinking disturbing the quietness f the residential street. Curiusly, we fllwed the sund t a humble wrkshp. Inside, a welder (焊工) gave n mind t ur presence behind him. He wre n flashy prtective suit—this was just anther day fr him, anther dance with fire and metal that had becme secnd nature. Under the sunshade, his range cat rested in the cmfrting warmth...
    As the man cntinued welding, I felt a bit f envy. I envied his peace and cntentment. I admired the simplicity he embdied. I imagined the welder happy, finding fulfillment in his craft (手艺) and returning t his lving family. The mment mved me t tears. Leaving the wrkshp, rain blending with tears, I realized hw easily life’s petry culd pass unnticed.
    Hme again in Mntreal, I stp simply pursuing better things, better experiences and better peple that are never grasped. I realize the real jurney is inward—t appreciate life’s rdinary magic. That sure beats petting any baby elephant. I may nt have returned hme “transfrmed,” but I’ll always think f the welder and his cat.
    4.Which aspect f travelling makes the authr feel uneasy?
    A. Shrtage f adequate funds.B. Discmfrt in dietary habits.
    C. Overstatement f travel’s effects.D. Danger f petting baby animals.
    5.What drve the authr t g t Athens?
    A. Meeting a cmmitment.B. Explring a unique landscape.
    C. Receiving further educatin.D. Escaping frm the current life.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “petry” in paragraph 6 prbably refer t?
    A. Pems written by masters.B. Peace and simplicity.
    C. Spirit f craftsmanship.D. Special sund in the street.
    7.Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Friendship Lasts FreverB. Travelling Shapes a Better Self
    C. Pursuit f Happiness Never StpsD. The Ordinary Makes Extrardinary
    In 2022, the Nature Cnservancy launched tw 5-year pilt prjects at wrking ranches (牧场) in Kansas and New Mexic t determine if virtual fences enable land managers t better perfrm regenerative management practices and t assess ptential benefits fr bidiversity and fr ranchers’ bttm lines, as well as impacts n sil carbn strage.
    Applauded by the U. S. Department f Agriculture as a climate adaptin strategy, virtual fencing is an innvative technlgy that enables ranchers t use a smartphne r web app t remtely mnitr and cntrl where and when cattle graze (吃草). Virtual fences can reduce the need fr physical fences, which require significant time, expense and labr t maintain. Physical fences als limit land managers in their ability t change grazing bundaries t adapt t seasnal changes in vegetatin r t exclude cattle frm eclgically sensitive areas.
    The cws are utfitted with battery-perated, GPS-enabled cllars that send ut a radi frequency t cmmunicate with receptin twers, creating virtual grazing bundaries set by a rancher. When a cw appraches the edge f the virtual bundary, the cllar prduces a sund signaling it t turn arund. If the cw prceeds t crss the bundary, it receives a mmentary mild shck, signaling that it’s gne t far and shuld rejin its grup.
    Grasslands are the least prtected habitat n earth and ne f the mst effective carbn sinks, string up t 20% f the wrld’s sil rganic carbn. Unfrtunately, grasslands are cntinuing t rapidly disappear fr several reasns. Fr eclgical health, mst grassland ecsystems need perids f disturbance t aerate (使透气) the sil, stimulate plant grwth and recycle nutrients int the sil. Ranchers cmplete this disturbance-rest cycle by managing the timing, lcatin, herd size and intensity f grazing activities, all f which can be time-cnsuming and painstaking.
    “Currently, the csts f virtual fencing are still high, but in the lng run it can help land managers better carry ut management practices that regenerate land health, help address climate change and bidiversity lss,” said William Burnidge, directr f the Nature Cnservancy.
    8.What’s stressed cncerning virtual fencing in paragraph 2?
    A. Its smart design.B. Its majr advantages.
    C. Its wide applicatin.D. Its wrking principles.
    9.What des the mild shck indicate t the cw?
    A. It’s time t return.B. It’s time t graze.
    C. It’s in danger.D. It’s in a wrng directin.
    10.What’s unavidable fr ranchers t cmplete the disturbance-rest cycle?
    A. Intense effrts.B. Plluted sil.C. Financial failure.D. Eclgical imbalance.
    11.What’s Mr. Burnidge’s attitude t virtual fencing?
    A. Intlerant.B. Objective.C. Dubtful.D. Cnservative.
    Over the past few mnths, I’ve been invited t speak with well-knwn writers, musicians and film prducers regarding my recent bk, Extraterrestrial. Prir t these cnversatins, I was n the receiving (and admiring) end f their artistic wrk, but nw they were curius abut my wn research as a scientist. The reverse led me t recgnize the similarities between innvatin in the arts and the sciences.
    In sciences and arts alike, creativity appears magically as an unpredictable funtain f inspiratin frm the subcnscius (潜意识). Its unexpected cntent breaks rutines within traditinal thinking. It delivers smething . new that is distinct frm cmmn practices, ften taking peple ut f their cmfrt zne because it is ahead f its time. As a result, many innvatrs are laughed at and denied the recgnitin they deserve when they need it the mst.
    There are many examples f such circumstances. In 1933 Fritz Zwicky inferred the existence f “dark matter”, but it tk fur decades fr this cncept t gain recgnitin within the astrnmy cmmunity. Vincent van Ggh was cnsidered a madman and a failure thrughut his life. Tday, his paintings are amng the mst expensive ever sld, thugh.
    Typically, life ffers tw ways f acquiring bjects. One is by cllecting available items, and the ther is by creating things that never existed befre. Whereas mst items n the shelves f supermarkets are mass-prduced, prducts that are newly created by artists r scientists are riginally unique. Just like aging wine, a prduct f creative wrk acquires quality ver time. It is clred by the respnse f the audience as well as by imitatins. The initial circumstances are a reminder f an admirable baby. It is fascinating fr a scientist r an artist t watch the interactin f their creatin with the wrld, just as it is fr parents t watch their children.
    Creativity in arts and sciences establishes a backdrp fr human existence, as the cntent it invents gives pleasure and meaning t ur lives. The human act f creatin is an infinite-sum game, frm which all f us benefit. And we can all participate in the creative prcess.
    12.Which can best replace the underlined wrd “reverse” in paragraph 1?
    A. Pririty.B. Assumptin.C. Shift.D. Preference.
    13.What can best describe creativity in sciences and arts?
    A. It tends t be frecastable.B. It mirrrs cmmn beliefs.
    C. It usually leads the times.D. It enjys instant acceptance.
    14.What can be inferred frm paragraph 4?
    A. Creative wrks withstand the test f time.
    B. Mass-prduced items are preferable.
    C. Old wine can’t be put int new bttles.
    D. Inventiveness starts frm childhd.
    15.What’s the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T clarify a cncept.B. T launch an appeal.
    C. T ffer an entertainment.D. T advcate a lifestyle.
    16.Prviding feedback is an essential part f persnal and career develpment. ① _________ One f the mst effective and classic methds t make it easier fr bth the giver and receiver is the feedback sandwich technique, smetimes als referred t as a cmpliment (赞美) sandwich.
    If yu are seeking t enhance yur career grwth, learning abut the feedback sandwich can be a game-changer. ② _________ Rather than simply fcusing n what went wrng, it ensures that the persn receiving the feedback als knws what went well. The prcess can be brken int three parts. A manager r superir starts by prviding psitive feedback t encurage a persn t cntinue their gd wrk. Afterward, they cmmunicate cnstructive feedback fr the persn t imprve. This feedback aims t be specific, behaviral, and relevant t the situatin. ③ _________
    The feedback sandwich technique is a highly useful methd. It can help sften the blw f criticism. By starting and ending with psitive feedback, it’s easier fr the recipient t receive the cnstructive criticism withut feeling attacked. ④ _________ As we all knw, criticism is awkward, but when yu’re giving ptentially negative feedback, it’s easier when yu’re als serving it up with tw cmpliments. Additinally, it enables the meeting r an interactin t end n a psitive nte.
    ⑤ _________ Many peple are knwledgeable abut this technique, which might make it sund insincere r predictable if nt dne crrectly. Als, when feedback becmes a rutine, emplyees can start t perceive psitive feedback as simply a frm f sugarcating the negatives, thus reducing its value. Hence, psitive feedback shuld nt simply be seen as smething t cushin the negative, but shuld be delivered s as t reinfrce and encurage gd perfrmance.
    A. It’s essential t be aware f its limitatins, thugh.
    B. Similarly, it is als easier fr the giver t ffer feedback.
    C. The manager then ends the feedback sessin with psitive feedback.
    D. The technique may lead t unclear and indirect persnal cmmunicatin.
    E. Delivering cnstructive criticism, hwever, can be challenging if nt dne crrectly.
    F. It may nt be fr every situatin, but it can make negative feedback mre digestible.
    G. This technique invlves using cnstructive feedback wrapped between tw layers f psitive feedback.
    I’d been explring the 40-hectare wds arund ur cttage my whle life and I knew the way well. S it was a 1 when I fund myself lst there.
    One dull cld February afternn, I had a sudden 2 t hike the hill with my tw daughters. Putting n ur snwshes, we immediately 3 nrthwestward. While making ur way up the hill, my daughters stpped ccasinally t investigate unknwn plants and t lk at the abandned deer beds. These really made their 4 .
    As the shadws started t 5 , we mved further up. Sn, weariness began t 6 enthusiasm. We decided t return. Instead f backtracking ver ur 7 rute, I chse t walk dwn the steep(陡峭的) side f the hill, 8 my general sense that ahead f us lay the stream that wuld guide us t the rad. But as the terrain (地形) leveled ut, I had my first majr mment f 9 : Where was the stream? Were we ff curse?
    I instinctively (本能地) pulled ut my phne t get my lcatin, but it 10 in my hand in the cld air. 11 , I started feeling a bit panicky. Hwever, I quickly 12 myself, reassuring my daughters t cntinue walking. Fcusing n the landmarks, I sptted a familiar tree and eventually 13 the rad.
    That winter’s day taught me a valuable lessn abut habitual reliance n technlgy. If my phne had 14 then, I might have directly fllwed the GPS, ignring the ld 15 f depending n surrundings and life skills.
    17.A. challengeB. shckC. rewardD. reminder
    18.A. discveryB. respnseC. wrryD. urge
    19.A. escapedB. drveC. headedD. lked
    20.A. reputatinB. dreamC. dayD. way
    21.A. lengthenB. swingC. emergeD. fade
    22.A. fuelB. witnessC. verlkD. utpace
    23.A. riginalB. rughC. ffbeatD. rundabut
    24.A. appreciatingB. trustingC. envisiningD. assessing
    25.A. curisityB. cmparisnC. dubtD. anticipatin
    26.A. diedB. slippedC. flashedD. rang
    27.A. ReprtedlyB. AdmittedlyC. SeeminglyD. Surprisingly
    28.A. expsedB. cmpsedC. defendedD. behaved
    29.A. gt ffB. laid dwnC. came acrssD. made ut
    30.A. wrkedB. remainedC. changedD. verheated
    31.A. theryB. standardC. practiceD. rutine
    32.The Nanjing Hngshan Frest Z, nce struggling t sustain its① _________ (survive),has undergne a remarkable turnarund. It has becme a ppular destinatin② _________ visitrs can glimpse diverse animals and appreciate the beauty and significance f life.
    The man behind③ _________ U-turn is Shen Zhijun, an animal welfare advcate. Last August, Shen tk t the Internet④ _________ (publicize) his decade-lng refrm effrts—a cmprehensive campaign transfrming the cnventinal z int a cnservatin-fcused sanctuary (保护区). During his 30-minute speech⑤ _________ (title) A Z’s Pursuit, Shen shwcased the successful changes that he had perfrmed.
    After witnessing the helpless and hpeless expressins f the animals, Shen’s team set abut making changes. ⑥ _________ (initial), they remved animal shws, which traditinally serve as the financial backbne f zs. Subsequently, they transfrmed the park’s landscape, cleverly using the⑦ _________ (exist) muntainus terrain f Hngshan t reprduce the natural habitats f animals in the wild. Plus, they intrduced “multi-level villas” where animals belnging t the same eclgical zne but nt ccupying the base f the fd chain can⑧ _________ (huse) tgether, based n their eclgical and gegraphical distributin.
    This z has emerged⑨ _________ the mst animal-friendly z in China. Striking a balance between respecting animals’ dignity and prviding visitrs with enjyable experiences is a challenging task, ⑩ _________ Shen’s team has successfully achieved it.
    33.假定你是李华,你校外教Ryan拟举办英语读书会(English Reading Bar)活动,想了解哪类图书更能吸引学生。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1.写作词数应为 80个左右;
    Dear Ryan,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    The Champin f N Scre
    Maggie hated Tuesdays-Tuesdays meant gym class, gym class meant picking teams and picking teams meant Maggie wuld be picked last.
    As a newcmer, she’d cme up with a special title fr each classmate t remember the ther kids. There was Kevin, Champin f the Clean Desk, Lynnie, Champin f Knwing the Answer First. Thinking hard, she finally decided her wn title: Champin f Quiet.
    Maggie felt blue as Tuesday fell again. Mr. Murphy, the gym teacher, asked fr vlunteer captains t pick their wn basketball teams. The usual hands sht int the air. Maggie sighed and glanced t her right. She caught the eye f Jasmine, Champin f Awkward, a girl wh was smetimes picked last, t. Then Maggie had an idea. S when Mr. Murphy asked if anyne else wanted t vlunteer, Maggie felt her hand slwly rise. Lking again at Jasmine, she tk a big breath. Maybe it was time fr her t use her vice.
    “Maggie?” Mr. Murphy smiled. “Yu want a turn?”
    “Yes,” she said.
    The class whispered. Maggie leading a team?
    “Yes,” she answered again, luder this time.
    Mr. Murphy waved Maggie t the frnt, where the ther three captains-Champin f Jumping Rpe, Champin f Never Misses a Sht, and Champin f Desn’t Knw Hw t Lse-std, ready t chse their teams.
    “Maggie, yu get first pick,” said Mr. Murphy. “Jasmine,” annunced Maggie. The class snickered. A jke? Mre than nce, Jasmine had tried t scre n the wrng basket. Eyes wide, Jasmine tk her place beside Maggie. The ther three captains called ut familiar names—the best players n the basketball curt. It was Maggie’s turn again. “I chse Frank.” Frank (Champin f the Untied Shelace) culd nt thrw, r catch. He knew what it felt like t be the last pick. But nt tday.
    Three very talented teams tk shape. And then there was Maggie’s team. Maggie lked at her teammates. There std Jasmine and Frank, plus Gillian (Champin f Chatter) and Gerge (Champin f Sleepy). “I have chsen the wrst team in the histry f the wrld,” Maggie thught t herself.
    1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
    Hand in hand, the Maggie team walked nt the curt.
    They did lse big, but smething psitive began t unfld in them.
    32.答案:①survival②where③the④t publicize⑤titled⑥Initially⑦existing⑧be hused⑨as⑩but/yet
    Dear Ryan,
    Thrilled t hear abut yur plans fr the English Reading Bar, I wuld heartily recmmend fantasy nvels as a captivating chice fr ur students.
    Filled with thrilling adventures and memrable characters, fantasy nvels can transprt readers int magical and imaginative wrlds. These narratives, ften rich in detail and creativity, spark the imaginatin and curisity f yung minds. Mrever, they encurage us students t think utside the bx and develp a deeper understanding f human nature and ethical dilemmas. By discussing these bks, we students can engage in lively debates, exchange ideas, and braden ur perspectives, all enhancing ur critical thinking skills.
    In cnclusin, I firmly believe that fantasy nvels will be a thught-prvking additin t the English Reading Bar, fstering a deeper appreciatin fr literature amng ur students.
    Thank yu fr cnsidering my suggestin.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    34.答案: Hand in hand, the Maggie team walked nt the curt. The ther teams lked at them with scrnful smiles, assuming that the game wuld be a quick and easy victry. As
    the game began, Maggie’s team displayed a surprising lack f skill, but they played with heart and determinatin. Jasmine’s awkward attempts at scring drew laughter, but she persevered. Frank’s untied shelaces tripped him up repeatedly, but he never gave up. Gillian’s chatter turned int encuraging shuts, and Gerge’s sleepy eyes lit up with the excitement f the game. Hard as they tried, they lst the game.
    They did lse big, but smething psitive began t unfld in them. Fr the first time, they tasted the fulfillment and jy f being an integral part f a team. They transfrmed frm a grup f individuals t a chesive unit, supprting and celebrating each ther. As the final buzz er sunded, Maggie turned twards her team, beaming with pride. “We are, indeed, the Champins f N Scre!” she declared and her teammates erupted int cheers. It enlightened them that victry was nt slely determined by the screbard, but abut the jurney and the spirit f teamwrk.

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