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    这是一份福建省三明市2024届高三下学期三模英语试题(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 题
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
    1. What will the man have fr lunch?
    A. A pizza. B. A salad. C. A sandwich.
    2. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A. G t a class.
    B. Buy a new phne.
    C. Find a repair stre.
    3. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Cheerful. B. Prud. C. Sad.
    4. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a city park. B. In a car park. C. In a theater.
    英语试题 第 1 页 (共12页)5. When will the discussin begin?
    A. At 15:20. B. At 15:30. C. At 15:40.
    6. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Rent a huse. B. Decrate a huse. C. Buy an apartment.
    7. Where did the wman live?
    A. In the city center.
    B. In the cuntryside.
    C. In the highway area.
    8. Why did the man lse the race?
    A He fell dwn.
    B. He didn't try hard.
    C. He was late fr the race.
    9. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A. By jining his team.
    B By practicing with him.
    C. By teaching him sme new skills.
    听第8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A Huse cleaner and custmer.
    B. Mther and sn.
    C. Friends.
    11. Hw much des Richard get per week?
    A.$35. B.$30. C.$20.
    12. What des the wman ask the man t d fr her?
    A. Clle ct the leaves.B. Cut the grass. C. Wash her car.
    英语试题 第2 页 (共12页)听第9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。
    13. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A bk. B. A painting. C. An art exhibitin.
    14. On what day will the man have the next meeting?
    A. Mnday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
    15. What has the wman been ding?
    A. Drawing tys. B. Making a bk. C. Painting pictures.
    16. Why did the wman write petry?
    A. T learn abut Chinese culture.
    B T hnr her grandparents.
    C. T recrd her schl life.
    17. What is the speaker writing abut?
    A. A nvel. B. His university life. C. His stry.
    18. What happened t the speaker in 1979?
    A. He finished high schl.
    B. He became a father.
    C. He wrte a bk.
    19. Wh jined the speaker n his trip?
    A. His father. B. His brther. C. His uncle.
    20. What was the speaker's secnd destinatin n his trip?
    A. Luisiana. B. Califrnia. C. Alaska.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    4 Summer Jbs t Get Paid and Take a Break
    Camp cunsellr(辅导员)
    Mst kids head ff t camp during the summertime, and if yu're past the typical age f being a camper, relive yur yuth by becming a summer camp cunsellr. Yu can enjy participating in activities, planning events, and partaking in arts and crafts. It's ne f the best summer jbs because it als builds yur leadership skills while yu earn extra mney. Depending n yur schedule, yu can wrk t fit yur needs. The average starting pay is $10.5 an hur.
    英语试题 第3页 (共12页)Lifeguard
    Spending time n the water is smething many peple d during the summer. And if yu're gd at swimming, then being a lifeguard is a great ptin fr yu. The hurs are flexible, and the pay is great, with the average hurly rate at $11.50.
    Amusement park emplyee
    An amusement park is a great place t wrk during the summertime. There are a variety f psitins yu can get hired fr—frm ride peratr t fd service t bth tender—and the average starting pay is $10 an hur. The hurs are flexible and negtiable depending n where yu decide t wrk: the larger the park, the mre emplyees they’ll have, which culd mean fewer hurs they'll need yu t cver.
    Dg walker
    If yu're lking fr a relaxing jb, being a dg walker culd be the right chice fr yu. Dg walking hurs and pay are easily negtiable, as yu can simply discuss with the dg's wner what yur availability is, when they need yu, and what yur pay rate is.Getting sme exercise with a furry friend will feel mre like a relaxing pastime than a jb.And if yu wish t cntinue being a dg walker, it's the jb that's easiest t keep year-rund.
    21. What is the benefit f being a camp cunsellr?
    A. It brings back the glry.
    B. It bsts artistic creativity.
    C. It is easy t d and well-paid.
    D. It develps cmpetence in leadership.
    22. Fr which jb can the pay be negtiated?
    A. Camp cunselr. B. Lifeguard.
    C. Amusement park emplyee. D. Dg walker.
    23. What d the fur summer jbs have in cmmn?
    A. They need full-time emplyees. B. The wrking hurs are flexible.
    C. The pay remains unclear. D. They need relevant certificates.
    In 2023, the UK SpGmi cmpetitin was scheduled fr August, with the wrld cup in Tky in Nvember. I frmed my team with Alex Winship, and my brther Jnny.
    SpGmi is a sprt invlving litter-picking by teams f three. Teams cllect litter in given areas within a strict time limit, scring pint s fr the weight f cllected items, with sme items awarded mre pints than thers. One gram f cigarette butts is wrth three pints versus nly 0.1 per gram fr burnable rubbish. The team with the mst pint s wins.
    英语试题 第 4 页 (共12页)Initially we were drawn t taking part because f the prize f a trip t Japan. There were abut 20 teams in the UK cmpetitin, which tk place in Lndn's Hackney marshes. We wn by nly 33 pints, which is equivalent t just ne glass bttle.
    We were then heading fr the wrld cup. The cmpetitin was intense. After the first half, Japan came tp and we were secnd. My muscles were aching and I felt cmpletely wrn ut frm the heat f Tky n a sunny day. I didn't have much mre energy, and Iremember Alex and Jnny saying the same, but we had this feeling f being n the edge f smething amazing. We had t just keep pushing. We pulled ahead in the secnd half while carrying several kils f litter ver tw miles at a time. We ended up cming first,ahead f Japan, with 57 kg f rubbish cllected.
    I wuldn't have been smene wh wuld have picked up litter ff the street. At the early stages f ur training, we were s bad at finding litter. Then, just after the Lndn cmpetitin, n the way hme, we saw s much. We were just much mre aware f it.Once yu're drawn int SpGmi, yur attitude twards litter and hw yu cntribute cmpletely changes—it certainly has fr us.
    24. What can we learn abut SpCmi?
    A. It is a sprt t pick up rubbish. B. It has particularly strict rules.
    C. It is a team cnsisting f 3. D. It sets limits t cllected items.
    25. What was the result f the Lndn cmpetitin?
    A. The result was cntrversial.
    B. N team entered the wrld cup.
    C. The authr's team had a narrw victry.
    D. The authr's team had an abslute advantage.
    26. Hw did the authr feel in the secnd half f the wrld cup?
    A. Nervus but hpeful. B. Indifferent and bred.
    C. Exhausted but determined. D. Discuraged and uninterested.
    27. What is presented in the last paragraph?
    A. Prviding tips n picking litter.
    B. Shwing desire fr SpGmi training.
    C. Advcating devtin t the wrld cup.
    D. Encuraging engagement in SpGmi.
    Vcal crds(声带) can easily get damaged by stress, infectins, r veruse. It is nt just verenthusiastic perfrmers wh are at risk f injuring their vice-bxes—accrding t a study, 30% f the ppulatin will experience a vice disrder at sme pint in their life.
    英语试题 第5页 (共12页)ln a study published in the jurnal Nature Cmmunicatins, a team f UCLA engineers have invented a patch-like (片状) device that can be wrn n the skin utside the thrat t help peple with vice disrders speak.
    Even thugh the team's device is an early prttype, it has the ptential t ffer a substantial imprvement n current alternatives. When a persn lses his vice tday, the easiest fix is t resrt t typing, texting, r writing ntes t cmmunicate. Typing can be slw and incnvenient, and writing ntes is nly pssible in gd lighting. Mre advanced slutins require special training t use, and surgical interventins are ften invasive. Apa tch wuld theretically be able t clear all these hurdles.
    The tiny pa tch cnsists f a self-pwered sensing cmpnent, which detects and changes signals generated by the thrat muscle mvements int high-accuracy, analyzable electrical signals, which are then translated int speech signals using a machine-learning algrithm, and an actuatin cmpnent, which turns thse signals int vice expressin.The patch was tested n eight healthy adults wh prnunced five sentences (including:“Hpe yur experiments are ging well!”,“Merry Christmas!”and“I lve yu!”) alud r in silence, and its accuracy was mre than 90%.
    There is a way t g yet. Fr nw the device can nly recgnise the five phrases it was trained n. Plus, individual differences in vcal crds means the algrithm has t be persnalised t each user. T make it practical at scale, the researchers will need t cllect a lt mre data.
    28. What can be inferred frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. The device can be fixed in a persn's bdy.
    B. The device may be a fix t vice disrders.
    C. Mst peple are influenced by vice injury.
    D. Perfrmers have a high risk f vice disrders.
    29. Hw des the authr intrduce the advantage f the patch?
    A. By listing data.
    B. By giving examples.
    C. By making cmparisn.
    D. By analyzing causes and effects.
    30. Which aspect f the device is mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. Its applicatin. B. Its principle.
    C. Its challenge. D. Its purpse.
    31. What is the authr's attitude tward the device?
    A. Unclear. B. Dismissive. C. Dubtful. D. Supprtive.
    英语试题 第6页 (共12页)D
    Unretirement: lder peple return t paid emplyment
    The disappearance f 565,000 mstly lder peple frm the UK's labur frce was ne f the prblematic effects f Cvid. In ther cuntries, emplyment levels recvered mre quickly t pre-2020 levels, making the UK exceptinal. But while evidence in the past few mnths pints t a change f this trend—the rise f“unretirement”—there is n rm fr relief.
    Gvernment initiatives t address the issue have achieved little. The Treasury came up with the idea f“returnerships”, a variant f the skills training aimed at persuading mature peple back t wrkplaces. But in reality this is nt much mre than a new label fr existing training. Meanwhile, fewer than ne in 20 f participants in the gvernment's“skills training camps”—curses intended t equip jbseekers fr the pprtunities in their area—are aged ver 55.
    Mel Stride, the wrk and pensins secretary, champined the idea f ver-50s delivering takeaways, and ding ther jbs mre readily assciated with yunger wrkers.Age shuld nt be a barrier t anyne willing and able t d this kind f wrk. But mre imprtantly, gvernment ministers shuld extend emplyment beynd lw-wage private sectr vacancies(空缺) t labur shrtages in health, educatin and scial care—where umemplyment prblem is serius.
    Revealed in ne survey, descriptins f returning t emplyment are highly variable.Sme did s because they were struggling with the rising cst f living. Others fund that they missed the cmpany f c-wrkers, wanted t make a cntributin t family finances r needed“a purpse in life”.
    The 26.5% f adults aged 50 t 64 wh are ecnmically inactive—neither wrking nr seeking wrk—is still t high. The cexistence f high levels f ecnmic inactivity with key wrker shrtages in vital areas such as teaching remains hugely prblematic. But rising emplyment levels can be seen as part f a delayed return t nrmality. And Ministers still need t better target plicies t encurage ecnmically inactive 50– t 64-year-lds back t wrk.
    32. Why d the UK gvernment plans have little effect?
    A. Mature peple are unwilling t retire.
    B. The gvernment lacks related equipment.
    C. The skills training isn't essentially changed.
    D. The gvernment desn't prvide prfessinal training.
    英语试题 笛 7 页 (共12页)33. What shuld the gvernment d fr unretirement?
    A. Strengthen assciatin with yunger wrkers.
    B. Widen emplyment pprtunities.
    C. Offer diverse training curses.
    D. Predict the ptential prblems.
    34. What was a reasn fr unretirement accrding t the survey?
    A. Financial struggle. B. Cntributin t sciety.
    C. Family's expectatins. D. C-wrkers' encuragement.
    35. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt. B. A bk review.
    C. A scientific reprt. D. A diary entry.
    Is It OK t Be Unhappy?
    Many peple might say that yu shuld always be happy, but is it kay t allw yurself time when sadness may prevail ver happiness? We'll explre hw sadness ffers peple pprtunities fr self-reflectin and why peple shuld appreciate their srrw.
    What is unhappiness?
    Many wrds are used t express sadness: suffering, misery, srrw, pain, and mre.It ften results frm ther feelings like guilt, grief, anxiety, hpelessness, r anger. 36 It may differ frm a persn t anther but it culd change hw yu physically feel—a stmachache, headache, r difficulty sleep disrders.
    Lts f peple are grwing unhappy due t mental health issues. Here are lists f situatins:havingprblems with relatinships, havingtrubleathme(eg. vilencerfinancial issues), having truble at schl r wrk, cmparing self t thers, lsing a lved ne and being self-critical.
    Is it OK fr a persn t be unhappy?
    Everyne has different emtins: sme are gd while thers can be negative. In ther wrds, all peple have feelings that are always changing in sme way—and they happen fr a reasn!S is it OK t feel sadness? 38
    Sadness is a natural part f life.
    It is kay t be unhappy. Being sad desn't mean yu are nt cping with the situatin. 39 Learning t recgnize sad emtins can make yu adapt better, accept mre easily,and persevere when things may be t hard at times.
    英语试题 第 8 页 (共12页)Things will eventually get better.
    Keep in mind yur prblems will nt last frever and will eventually pass t! There is n right way t let g f sadness but what is nt a secret is that the first step is the acknwledgment and acceptance f the pain yu are feeling. It culd be a lt but talking t smene yu trust can be helpful. 40 Eat nutritius fd, exercise regularly, and get enugh sleep.
    A. Why are peple sad?
    B. Take gd care f yurself.
    C. The answer is a definite yes.
    D. S what des it feel like t be sad?
    E. Hw can peple get rid f sadness?
    F. There are als a lt f ther effective slutins.
    G. Rather it helps yu accept yur prblems and mve n.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Ding math helps peple with a lt f daily life. It invlves every aspect like 41 change when ging t the lcal stre t get snacks. But Ahmed Alwan, the 42 f a cnvenience stre, decided t play a game with his shppers: they can get their 43 and mre at abslutely n charge just fr 44 answering a math prblem.
    The rules f the game are very 45 . If shppers can slve the math prblem, they get five secnds t 46 anything frm the stre shelves 47 except the stre cat.Many f the peple wh are participating are 48 custmers, but thers are new faces.Everyne gets the same chance t 49 .
    Alwan made a TikTk, chse a(n) 50 and asked custmers a math questin. It's a way t help peple in need while putting a smile n their face.
    But wh's 51 the stuff that is picked up? Alwan is ut f his wn pcket. It is 52 his business in a psitive way, bringing awareness and 53 t the stre as well as spreading psitive energy thrughut the cmmunity.
    Fr the future, Alwan has set up a prject n GFundMe t help supprt the game t keep it ging and t give back t the cmmunity. As the game prgresses, he is getting much mre 54 with his math questins. The gal, he wrte n the page, is“t 55 thers t be kind-hearted”.
    英语试题 第 9 页 (共12页)41. A. cunting B. saving C. paying D. giving
    42. A. cashier B. wner C. custmer D. emplyee
    43. A. treats B. mney C. snacks D. gifts
    44. A. sincerely B. prperly C. quickly D. crrectly
    45. A. general B. difficult C. cmplex D. easy
    46. A. find B. hld C. grab D. search
    47. A. in charge B. fr free C. withut hesitatin D. at randm
    48. A. regular B. strange C. curius D. friendly
    49. A. visit B. win C. learn D. buy
    50. A. challenge B. prject C. plan D. idea
    51. A. preparing fr B. seeing t C. paying fr D. caring fr
    52. A. running B. serving C. prving D. influencing
    53. A. prfits B. stability C. attentin D. benefits
    54. A. familiar B. creative C. cmfrtable D. cnnected
    55. A. cause B. persuade C. inspire D. teach
    A zipper runs alng a 40-centimeter-tall prcelain vase, with its tp slightly pen.The art piece, nt 56 (riginal) designed that way, has been repaired by Nie Cha. 57 repaired vase wn Nie the new talent award at the Baihe Cup, an art and craft design and imvatin cmpetitin, where mre than 3,000 pieces r sets f wrk were shwn.The cmpetitin 58 (hld) during the secnd editin f the China Arts and Crafts Exp in Nanjing, Jiangsu prvince, in September 2021.
    Asthe 59 (five) generatin inheritr f his family's ceramic-repair skills, Nie has devted himsel f t better preserving them, as well as 60 (bring) traditinal Chinese engraving skills and mdern art designs t the mix. Nie's father and grandfather were fcused n fixing prcelain items t restre their functinality. Nie has taken it a step further as he tries t make the repaired items lk even 61 (gd). Fr example, when mending the 62 (break) cver f a teacup, Nie culd have just added a cuple f metal staples(订书机) t recnnect the brken parts, 63 he decided t create a bamb pattern n it.
    Nie says handmade things have ne advantage 64 mass-prduced items, in that each is unique. Mending ceramics nt nly restres the 65 (appear) and functinality f a war e but als preserves its histrical and cultural value.
    英语试题 第10页 (共12页)第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Kiss marks n the mirrr
    Jessica,a clever cleaner, wrked in an all-girls university.
    One day, she was quietly ding ne f her jbs—cleaning the bathrm—when she nticed a bunch f kiss marks n the mirrr.
    She gt angry at the sight f it. But she decided nt t dwell n her negative emtin and d smething actinable instead. She was hpeful fr the girls seemed smart and reasnable.She wiped away the kiss marks with cleaning clth and a spnge and left instructins n a piece f paper: Please dn’t leave kiss marks n the mirrr. Lipstick stains(口红印) are difficult t clean.
    The next day, Jessica went inside the bathrm t clean. But much t her disappintment,she saw a bunch f kiss marks n the mirrr again. She gt angry and went running t the principal's ffice t reprt the incident. Upn learning f the incident, the principal gt angry at the students. He gave them a strng warning t nt leave kiss marks n the bathrm's mirrr. Jessica verheard the principal when he sclded the students. She felt relieved. She figured the girls wuldn't leave kiss marks n the mirrr again. She was wrng.
    英语试题 第11页 (共12页)The next day, it was as if nthing had happened. When she went inside the bathrm,she fund kiss marks n the mirrr. Wrse, there were mre f them cmpared t the nes she fund during the previus days. Angrily, she strmed ut f the bathrm and went straight t the principal's ffice. She was mad at the girls fr their stubbrnness and als at the principal fr nt punishing the girls’actins.“The girls are hard-headed. Based n experience, they dn't easily fllw my rders. Wait it ut. They'll grw ut f this,”said the principal.
    Rather than say things ut f anger and things that wuld prbably get her fired, Jessica walked ut t get sme fresh air, and then back t the bathrm, staring at the cleaning tls. She was sick and tired f the situatin.
    She needed t think. __________
    It wrked!_______________
    三明市 2024年普通高中高三毕业班质量检测
    第一部分 听力
    第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    1--5 ACCBA
    第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    6--10 ABABB 11--15 ACCAB 16--20 BCABC
    第二部分 阅读
    第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)
    21--23 DDB 24--27 ACCD 28--31 BCBD 32--35 CBAA
    第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
    36--40 DACGB
    第三部分 语言运用
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    41--45 ABADD 46--50 CBABA 51--55 CDCBC
    第二节 (共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
    56. riginally 57. The 58. was held 59. fifth 60. bringing
    61. better 62. brken 63. but/yet 64. ver 65. appearance
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    T imprve students’mental well-being, a lecture with the theme f“Hw tRelieve Stress”was held last Friday in ur schl.
    The lecture which was given by Prfessr Smith, a mental health expert, invlved tw sectins. At the beginning, he talked abut students'present mental health, analyzed the causes and ffered sme practical suggestins, which gave the students a deep insight int hw t relieve their stress. Then, students tk interactive part in the questin-and-answer sectin, creating an active and lively atmsphere.
    The lecture was well received. Mst students claimed that they learned sme ways t maintain healthy cnditin and anticipated mre fllw-ups.

    2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题: 这是一份2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题,共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题: 这是一份2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题,共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题: 这是一份2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题,共13页。试卷主要包含了考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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