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    Frm displays f budding lcal creative minds t famus artists, airprts are stepping up their game t share mre f what their city is knwn fr within the terminal. Visit ur site and the mst surprising, engaging, and inspiring art museums within an airprt are just a click away.
    Athens Eleftheris Venizels Airprt
    Ancient Greece travels t yu when yu arrive at Athens Eleftheris Venizels Airprt. Befre security, travelers can explre 172 pieces f archaelgical artifacts frm the Nelithic and Early Helladie t the Pst-Byzantine perid. Sme f the pieces were actually uncvered during the cnstructin f the airprt. Even thse nt traveling thrugh the airprt can explre the displays thanks t an nline 3D gallery.
    Dha Hamad Airprt
    Scial media enthusiasts have surely seen peple psing fr phts with the famus yellw “Lamp Bear” inside Dha Hamad Airprt. Yu’ll als find 10 ther giant statues and displays within the terminal. These include “A Message f Peace t the Wrld,” a striking sculpture hnring the wrk f a lcal nnprfit rganizatin, Reach ut t Asia, that supprts educatin in underprivileged Asian cuntries. The carefully-selected art n display is a cperatin between the airprt and Qatar Museums.
    Seul Inchen Airprt
    Beynd traditinal pieces f art, Seul Inchen Airprt takes things a step further by ffering interactive experiences and classes fr travelers. Within the airprt is a branch f the Natinal Museum f Krea exhibiting many pieces frm its cllectin. There are rtating (轮流的) exhibits that allw frequent travelers t see a different selectin f lcal artifacts and art pieces n different visits. There are traditinal music cncerts, ancient relic exhibitins and cntemprary art displays.
    Singapre Changi Airprt
    Yu may have seen the famus Jewel at Changi Airprt in Singapre with its garden-envelped waterfall. It is part f a larger shpping cmplex that encurages visitrs, including thse that are nt traveling. Besides, there is ther museum - quality art t explre like magnificent sculptures suspended frm the ceiling, paintings lining the walls and even a rtating prpeller (螺旋桨) that lks like a blssming flwer.
    1.Which airprt’s artwrks can be appreciated bth physically and virtually?
    A. Athens Eleftheris Venizels Airprt.B. Dha Hamad Airprt.
    C. Seul Inchen Airprt.D. Singapre Changi Airprt.
    2.What d Dha Hamad Airprt and Singapre Changi Airprt have in cmmn?
    A. They supprt charity causes.B. They bast splendid sculptures.
    C. They cperate with lcal museums.D. They pssess large shpping malls.
    3.Where can the text pssibly be fund?
    A. In an art magazine.B. On a travel website.
    C. In a gegraphy textbk.D. In a museum guidebk.
    I bserved ne child hugging her belved ty dg while reading a bk t her friend — bth she and her dg were actively turning the pages — and with every page turned, she lked dwn at her dg, lvingly. As a lngtime educatr f tddlers and a current PhD student studying transitinal phenmena and bject relatins, I have had the pleasure t witness the presence f transitinal bjects in the kindergarten.
    The term transitinal bject, cined in 195l by D. W. Winnictt, refers t any material t which a child attaches a special value and by means f which the child is able t make the necessary shift frm the earliest ral relatinship with mther t genuine bject-relatinships. It is typically smething sft, such as a blanket r a sft ty, that is similar t the mther’s warm arms.
    It may als be the subject f the child’s fantasies, fr example where a teddy bear is spken t, hugged, punished, etc. It thus becmes a tl fr practicing interactin with the external wrld. Mrever, the transitinal bject supprts the develpment f the self, as it is used t represent ‘nt me’. By lking at the bject, the child knws that it is nt the bject and hence smething individual and separate. in this way, it helps the child develp its sense f ‘ther’ things.
    If the bject is denied in any way, attachment difficulties may arise later in life. The bject allws fr and invites emtinal well-being, and withut such an bject, true feelings may be hidden r dismissed as the child has n ther means t cpe with and cmprehend the wrld. Wrse still, the bject is intimately bund up with the identity f the child. Taking away the bject is als taking away smething f the child itself.
    Winnictt nted that transitinal bjects cntinue thrugh the curse f ur lives, as “sacred mnuments” which pull us back t “a place and time f great cmfrt and memry”. The attachment t certain bjects like self phtgraphs defines bth memrials, and mre imprtantly a stale f cnnectin and presence in the wrld.
    4.Hw des the writer intrduce the tpic?
    A. By sharing feelings.B. By illustrating a term.
    C. By relating an experience.D. By prviding backgrund infrmatin.
    5.What des the term “transitinal bjects” refer t accrding t the passage?
    A. Tls used by educatrs t aid teaching.
    B. Items t which a child becmes deeply attached.
    C. Tys designed t amuse kids in the kindergarten.
    D. Expensive persnal pssessins gifted by parents.
    6.What might happen if a child’s transitinal bject is denied?
    A. H might lse his imaginatin.
    B. He may becme mre independent.
    C. He is less likely t share persnal feelings.
    D. He prbably distances himself frm his mther.
    7.What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce hw t develp a sense f ‘ther’ things.
    B. T d research n the psychlgical develpment f kids.
    C. T shw hw t enhance the bnd between mther and child.
    D. T stress the imprtance f transitinal bjects t children.
    Pullman is a superb writer and Seagull is a brilliant cmmunicatr. They had a debate after Seagull psted a questin n his scial media platfrm: “When yu were trying t create an envirnment fr learning, what were yur best pieces f classical music t listen t?” He received hundreds f suggestins — and ne negative reply, frm Pullman: “That’s nt what classical music is fr. Treat it with respect.”
    That did it! Everyne — prfessinal musicians, students, teachers — weighed int the argument, and the majrity supprted Seagull and were criticizing Pullman.
    It’s easy t see why peple are annyed. We all want classical music t be as accessible as pssible, especially t the yung. If sme f them are using Bach r Schubert as a tl t help them study, what’s the prblem? They may als develp an attachment t classical music.
    S is Pullman ridiculus and supercilius by bjecting t classical music being used as backgrund music? At first sight, his idea seems stuffy and extreme. By suggesting that classical music shuld be “treated with respect” and nt used as backgrund music, Pullman seems t be clsing classical music f t millins f peple.
    It’s wrth pinting ut, hwever, that he isn’t the first t express cncerns abut classical music being devalued by becming t cmmnplace in tday’s technlgically shaped wrld. In Benjamin Britten’s 1964 speech, the cmpser expressed exactly the same wrries as Pullman. Britten suggested, “The true musical experience demands sme preparatin, sme effrt, a jurney t a special place, saving up fr a ticket, sme hmewrk perhaps”. In shrt, it demands as much effrt frm listeners as frm cmpsers and perfrmers.
    I dn’t agree with such an extreme viewpint, but I d think it tuches n a reality. Yu will never fully grasp the beauty f classical music if yu half-hear it nly in the backgrund. That desn’t necessarily matter. Music can be enjyed n many levels. What Pullman and Britten are really saying is that, in a drive fr “accessibility”, we shuldn’t deny the emtinal and intellectual cmplexity underpinning (构成) much classical music.
    8.What did Seagull’s psting result in?
    A. Great admiratin fr Seagull.
    B. Public criticism f classical music.
    C. A discussin abut learning envirnments.
    D. An argument ver the rle f classical music.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “supercilius” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Self-imprtant.B. Open-minded.C. Impatient.D. Cnsiderate.
    10.Why is the Benjamin Britten’s 1964 speech mentined?
    A. T shw his affectin fr classical music.
    B. T intrduce yung peple t classical music.
    C. T demnstrate classical music is demanding.
    D. T supprt Pullman’s idea ver classical music.
    11.Which wrd best describes the authr’s attitude t Pullman’s idea?
    A. Favrable.B. Dubtful.C. Objective.D. Uninterested.
    Nt much trash and almst n plastic actually gets recycled. Abut a third f U.S. garbage gets recycled, accrding t the Envirnmental Prtectin Agency’s mst recent estimate. The rest ges t landfills, which release greenhuse gases int the atmsphere and pllute their surrundings.
    T make recycling easier, many U.S. cities dn’t ask Americans t separate paper, glass, metal and plastic. ‘They just ask peple t put anything recyclable int ne bin and let waste plants d the srting. But waste plants dn’t catch everything. AI is nw an essential tl fr the wrld’s waste management leaders. Greyparrt, a tech cmpany has already installed mre than l00 AI trash sptters in abut 50 srting facilities.
    Greyparrt’s device is, basically, a set f visual and infrared (红外线的) cameras hked up t a cmputer, which mnitrs trash as it passes by n a cnveyr belt and labels it under 70 categries, frm lse bttle caps t bks t aluminum cans. Waste plants culd cnnect these AI systems t srting rbts t help them separate trash frm recyclables mre accurately. They culd als use the AI as a quality cntrl system t measure hw well they’re srting trash frm recyclables. That culd help plant managers adjust their prductin lines t cver mre recyclables, r cheek that a bundle f recyclables is free f pllutants, which wuld allw them t sell at a higher price.
    In the next few years, sme recycling cmpanies plan t retrfit (改良) thusands f material- recvery facilities with Al trash - sptting tls. Of these cmpanies, Bllegraaf has built thusands f these facilities, including 340 in Nrth America, accunting fr a majrity f the recvery plants in the wrld.
    The trash-sptting cmputers culd ne day help regulatrs punish cmpanies that prduce tsunamis f nn - recyclable packaging because the AI systems are s accurate that they can identify the brands n individual items. Putting the AI tls in thusands f waste plants can raise recycling percentage. If the needle can be mved by even 5 t 10 percent, that wuld be a phenmenal utcme fr greenhuse gas emissins and envirnmental impact.
    12.What des the authr want t shw in paragraph 1?
    A. Peple pay little attentin t envirnmental prtectin.
    B. Greenhuse gas is a majr cntributr t air pllutin.
    C. Americans shw little enthusiasm fr recycling.
    D. All trash has nt been recycled in the US.
    13.Hw des Greyparrt’s AI system wrk?
    A. By wrking with srting rbts.
    B. By adjusting the prductin line.
    C. By mnitring the cnveyr belt.
    D. By cntrlling cameras in a cmputer.
    14.What can he inferred abut AI tls in the last tw paragraphs?
    A. They are well received.
    B. They are highly prfitable.
    C. They have unpredictable prspect.
    D. They present a challenge fr regulatrs.
    15.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Use f the UselessB. AI Assistants in Recycling
    C. A Pressing Trash Issue in USD. AI Tls with Great Ptential
    16.Nervus laughter is a way fr yur bdy t relieve tensin r serves as a defense mechanism t beat painful emtins. But it becmes a prblem when it causes rifts (不和) in relatinships r makes thers uncmfrtable. ①______ As with any habit, it wn’t change vernight. Hwever, it’s pssible t retrain yur patterns.
    ② Any time yu feel a nervus laugh bubbling up, try ne f these behavirs instead: a slw triple nd, whispering ahh r hmmm as yu listen r are with smene. This will give yur bdy smething t d t displace the nervus laughter.
    As yu becme aware f yur nervus laughter habit and pattern, try t identify what purpse it is serving and what is triggering (触发) it. D yu laugh t relieve tensin? Are yu filling the silence when yu dn’t understand what smene has said t yu? ③ In this step f reflectin, jurnaling r talking with a trusted individual may be helpful.
    Once yu’ve fund what is triggering yur nervus laughter, set an intentin fr hw yu will redirect yur nervus energy in that instance. ④ Fr example, if yur manager gives yu cnstructive feedback, then yu can remind yurself he is giving yu an pprtunity fr grwth rather than telling yu that yu’re bad at yur jb.
    Practicing empathy is f great help. Its gal is t share the feelings f the persn yu’re speaking with. This can help yu fcus less n hw uncmfrtable yu feel and mre n hw frightened, puzzled r sad he may feel. T d this, ask pen questins that dn’t assume an answer. ⑤
    A. Once yu knw why, try t avid it.
    B. Is there any hpe fr vercming it?
    C. Play arund with “if-then” s t help yu.
    D. Is it a way f aviding a negative emtinal state?
    E. Replace nervus laughter with a psitive nnverbal.
    F. This will help yu achieve a mre prfund understanding.
    G. The prblem can affect cnnectin and relatinship building.
    I was a rising high schl junir in the summer f 2021, when I tk Philsphy 101 at Lehmn Cllege, a 1 that allws New Yrk City public schl students t earn credits. Why philsphy? 2 , I chse it n impulse (一时冲动). I expected this curse t be interesting. I didn’t expect this class, which 3 me t the wrds and wrks f Scrates, Plat and ther mral philsphers, t change my 4 t cllege educatin.
    But that’s what 5 . During the secnd week f class, when we 6 the wrk f Scrates, I read Scrates’ wrds, “The unexamined life is n life fr a human being t live”. My eyes 7 in surprise and my psture was fixed. I read these wrds ver and ver until my prfessr brke my trance (出神、发呆), “Culd anyne in the class interpret the 8 f Scrates’ wrds?”
    Then I did my best t explain that the wise philspher was making a 9 n hw we shuld live. T me, this meant getting 10 abut all aspects f yurself, putting yurself in academic, scial and cultural spaces that will 11 yur wrld view, and being pen t persnal grwth alng the way.
    After reflecting n the wrds even after the curse was ver, I realized Scrates was 12 meaningful life means a(n) 13 t explratin. Being immersed in ideas such as Scrates’ 14 me t think abut the persn I am. I began t see cllege as a place t gain knwledge and explre my interests, 15 just fulfill classes.
    17.A. interviewB. surveyC. campD. curse
    18.A. GenerallyB. HnestlyC. RughlyD. Briefly
    19.A. recmmendedB. pushedC. intrducedD. cmpared
    20.A. secretB. slutinC. attitudeD. behavir
    21.A. happenedB. startedC. wrkedD. ended
    22.A. made upB. put frwardC. went thrughD. turned dwn
    23.A. widenedB. cludedC. narrwedD. shut
    24.A. differenceB. surceC. meaningD. feature
    25.A. defenceB. betC. stryD. claim
    26.A. scaredB. curiusC. cnfidentD. cnfused
    27.A. satisfyB. challengeC. blckD. expand
    28.A. rightB. psitiveC. rigidD. cautius
    29.A. dignityB. cmmitmentC. failureD. adjustment
    30.A. inspiredB. frcedC. frgaveD. seized
    31.A. butB. simplyC. evenD. nt
    32.Shrtly after the silk and feather umbrellas became ppular in China, their manufacturers managed ① (discver) a new kind f material frm wd paper, enabling the ② (create) f highly stylized, decrative and lightweight umbrellas.
    In additin t prviding prtectin frm sun and limited prtectin frm rain, il-paper umbrellas ③ (view) as symbls f wealth, and pwer in the past. During the height f umbrella ppularity in China, yu culd easily recgnize the wners by the designs and clrs f their umbrellas—ryal family members used yellw r red clrs, ④ the wealthy carried blue. Even in tday’s Chinese and Japanese sciety, umbrellas play ⑤ imprtant rle. They are ne f the mst essential items ⑥ (present) t newly-wed brides, symblizing blessing, prtectin frm evil spirits and wishes ⑦ mre babies.
    The beauty f the Chinese paper umbrellas had ⑧ an impact n wrldwide trends that their ⑨ (elegant) crafted materials and their canpy designs shwcasing dragns, flwers, and landscapes quickly traveled via trade rutes t distant Eurpe. Paper umbrellas tday represent ne f the best -knwn Chinese traditinal exprts, with businessmen selling them t ⑩ (passer-by) n streets wrldwide.
    Dear Jhn,
    Li Hua
    I chewed n my pencil as I walked back and frth acrss my bedrm. What was I ging t d? It was bad enugh that I was the new kid. But nw I was sure t get laughed at by my classmates. Hw culd my first hmewrk be such a disaster?
    “My name is Anna, and this summer I...” I stpped. Hw culd I stand in frnt f my class and say that I’d spent the entire summer handling smething that mst peple dn’t even like t talk abut? Pp (粪便). I’d spent three mnths shveling (铲), cllecting, and analyzing cw pp n my grandparents’ farm. I tried t think f a different adventure I culd share. Maybe I culd say I’d spent the summer n the Weather Cntrl Team preventing flds.
    “Time fr dinner,” my mm called.
    I walked slwly dwn the stairs and slid int my chair.
    “Yu’ve been in yur rm since yu came hme frm schl,” Mm said. “What are yu wrking n?”
    I sighed. “I have t tell the class what I did this summer.”
    My yunger brther, Seymur, began t laugh uncntrllably. “N ne will want t sit next t yu after they hear yu were cvered in cw pp all summer!”
    “OK, that’s enugh, Seymur,” Dad said.
    “Anna,” said Mm, putting green beans in a bwl, “be prud f the wrk we did this summer. Our planet wuld be in sad shape withut scientists like yur grandfather.”
    It’s true that my grandfather des imprtant wrk. He develped an easy way t use pp as a surce f fuel. Using the pp is nw easy, ecnmical, and envirnmentally safe.
    “I knw, Mm,” I said, staring at my meatlaf. “But it’s nt exactly smething peple want t hear abut befre lunch.”
    That night I dreamed abut mre splendid adventures: cave diving in Mexic, hiking thrugh the Amazn rainfrest . . .
    At schl the next day, I bent ver my desk, listening t each kid speak. My palms were sweaty, and the knt (结) in my stmach grew tighter.
    “And that was my jurney t Munt Everest,” Ember Adams said, finishing her reprt. She bwed and lk her seat.
    “It’s yur turn, Anna,” the teacher said.
    After class, sme f my classmates apprached me.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Athens Eleftheris Venizels Airprt部分中“Ancient Greece travels t yu when yu arrive at Athens Eleftheris Venizels Airprt. (当你到达雅典Eleftheris Venizels机场时,古希腊就在你身边.)”和“Even thse nt traveling thrugh the airprt can explre the displays thanks t an nline 3D gallery. (即使那些没有经过机场的人也可以通过在线3D画廊来探索这些展示.)”可知,雅典Eleftheris Venizels机场可以亲身到场参观,也可以通过虚拟方式参观,故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Dha Hamad Airprt部分中“Yu’ll als find 10 ther giant statues and displays within the terminal. These include ‘A Message f Peace t the Wrld,’ a striking sculpture (您还可以在航站楼内找到其他10个巨型雕像和展品。其中包括‘Message f Peace t Wrld’这是一座引人注目的雕塑)”和Singapre Changi Airprt部分中“Besides, there is ther museum-quality art t explre like magnificent sculptures suspended frm the ceiling, paintings lining the walls and even a rtating prpeller (螺旋桨) that lks like a blssming flwer. (此外,还有其他博物馆级别的艺术值得探索,比如悬挂在天花板上的宏伟雕塑,墙壁上的绘画,甚至还有一个看起来像盛开的花朵的旋转螺旋桨。)”可知,两个机场的共同点是它们都有值得骄傲的宏伟雕塑,故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“Visit ur site and the mst surprising, engaging, and inspiring art museums within an airprt are just a click away. (只需点击一下,就可访问我们的网站和机场内最令人惊讶、最吸引人、最鼓舞人心的艺术博物馆。)”可知,文章主要介绍了几个分享艺术的机场,应是出自一个旅行网站,故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中“I bserved ne child hugging her belved ty dg while reading a bk t her friend — bth she and her dg were actively turning the pages —and with every page turned, she lked dwn at her dg, lvingly. As a lngtime educatr f tddlers and a current PhD student studying transitinal phenmena and bject relatins, I have had the pleasure t witness the presence f transitinal bjects in the kindergarten. (我注意到一个孩子抱着她心爱的玩具狗给她的朋友读书—她和她的狗都在积极地翻页—每翻一页,她都低头看着她的狗,充满爱意。作为一名长期的幼儿教育工作者和一名研究过渡现象和客体关系的博士生,我很高兴地目睹了幼儿园中过渡客体的存在。)”可知,作者由自己看到的景象引出本文主题—“过度客体”,因此是通过将自己的经历相联系而介绍主题,故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“The term transitinal bject, cined in 195l by D.W. Winnictt, refers t any material t which a child attaches a special value and by means f which the child is able t make the necessary shift frm the earliest ral relatinship with mther t genuine bject-relatinships. (‘过渡客体’一词是由D.W. Winnictt在1951年创造的,指的是儿童赋予特殊价值的任何材料,通过这种材料,儿童能够从最早的与母亲的口头关系转变为真正的客体关系。)”和第四段中“If the bject is denied in any way, attachment difficulties may arise later in life. (如果对象以任何方式被拒绝,在以后的生活中可能会出现依恋困难。)”可知,“过度客体”是指孩子赋予其特殊价值并深深依恋的东西,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“If the bject is denied in any way, attachment difficulties may arise later in life. The bject allws fr and invites emtinal well-being, and withut such an bject, true feelings may be hidden r dismissed as the child has n ther means t cpe with and cmprehend the wrld. (如果对象以任何方式被拒绝,在以后的生活中可能会出现依恋困难。对象允许并邀请情感健康,没有这样的对象,真实的感受可能会被隐藏或忽视,因为孩子没有其他方法来应对和理解世界。)”可知,如果孩子的“过度客体”被拒绝,他就不太可能分享个人感受,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合最后一段中“Winnictt nted that transitinal bjects cntinue thrugh the curse f ur lives, as “sacred mnuments” which pull us back t “a place and time f great cmfrt and memry”. The attachment t certain bjects like self phtgraphs defines bth memrials, and mre imprtantly a stale f cnnectin and presence in the wrld. ( Winnictt指出,过渡客体在我们的生活中一直存在,就像‘神圣的纪念碑’,把我们拉回到‘一个非常舒适和记忆的地方和时间’。对某些物品的依恋,如自拍照,既定义了纪念,更重要的是,定义了与世界的联系和存在的陈腐。)”可知,文章介绍了“过度客体”及其对孩子的重要性,故本文目的是强调过渡客体对儿童的重要性,故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Pullman is a superb writer and Seagull is a brilliant cmmunicatr. They had a debate after Seagull psted a questin n his scial media platfrm: “When yu were trying t create an envirnment fr learning, what were yur best pieces f classical music t listen t?” He received hundreds f suggestins — and ne negative reply, frm Pullman: “That’s nt what classical music is fr. Treat it with respect.”(普尔曼是一位杰出的作家,而Seagull是一位才华横溢的沟通者。Seagull在他的社交媒体平台上发布了一个问题后,他们进行了一场辩论:“当你试图创造一个学习环境时,你听过的最好的古典音乐是什么?”他收到了数百条建议,但也有普尔曼的一条负面回复:“那不是古典音乐的用途。请尊重它。”)”以及第二段“That did it! Everyne — prfessinal musicians, students, teachers — weighed int the argument, and the majrity supprted Seagull and were criticizing Pullman.(这引起了轰动!所有人,包括专业音乐家、学生、老师,都参与了这场争论,大多数人支持Seagull并批评普尔曼)”可知,Seagull发帖的结果是引起了关于古典音乐作用的争论。故选D项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据前文“ridiculus and”可知,supercilius和ridiculus (荒谬的)并列,为贬义词,以及后文“At first sight, his idea seems stuffy and extreme. By suggesting that classical music shuld be “treated with respect” and nt used as backgrund music, Pullman seems t be clsing classical music f t millins f peple.(乍一看,他的想法似乎很古板且极端。普尔曼建议应该“尊重”古典音乐,而不是将其用作背景音乐,这似乎让数百万人无法接触古典音乐)”可知,普尔曼认为需要尊重古典音乐,所以推知普尔曼认为将古典音乐作为背景音乐是荒谬和傲慢的,supercilius为“傲慢”之意,和A项“妄自尊大的”意思相近。故选A项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“It’s wrth pinting ut, hwever, that he isn’t the first t express cncerns abut classical music being devalued by becming t cmmnplace in tday’s technlgically shaped wrld. In Benjamin Britten’s 1964 speech, the cmpser expressed exactly the same wrries as Pullman. Britten suggested, “The true musical experience demands sme preparatin, sme effrt, a jurney t a special place, saving up fr a ticket, sme hmewrk perhaps”. In shrt, it demands as much effrt frm listeners as frm cmpsers and perfrmers.(然而,值得一提的是,他并不是第一个对古典音乐因在今天这个科技塑造的世界中变得过于普通而被贬值表示担忧的人。在1964年的演讲中,作曲家本杰明·布里顿表达了与普尔曼完全相同的担忧。布里顿说:“真正的音乐体验需要一些准备,一些努力,前往一个特殊的地方,攒钱买门票,也许还要做一些功课。”简而言之,它要求听众和作曲家以及表演者付出同样多的努力)”可知,作者提到了本杰明·布里顿1964年的演讲,是为了支持普尔曼对古典音乐的看法。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“I dn’t agree with such an extreme viewpint, but I d think it tuches n a reality. Yu will never fully grasp the beauty f classical music if yu half-hear it nly in the backgrund. That desn’t necessarily matter. Music can be enjyed n many levels. What Pullman and Britten are really saying is that, in a drive fr “accessibility”, we shuldn’t deny the emtinal and intellectual cmplexity underpinning (构成) much classical music.(我不同意这种极端的观点,但我认为它触及了一个现实。如果你只是在背景中半听,你将永远无法完全领略古典音乐的美。不过这也不一定重要。音乐可以在很多层面上被欣赏。普尔曼和布里顿真正想说的是,在追求“可访问性”的过程中,我们不应该否认许多古典音乐所构成的情感和智力上的复杂性)”可知,作者既不同意普尔曼极端的观点,但是也不认为将古典音乐作为背景音乐是合适的,因为你将永远无法完全领略古典音乐的美,所以他的态度是客观的。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Nt much trash and almst n plastic actually gets recycled. Abut a third f U.S. garbage gets recycled, accrding t the Envirnmental Prtectin Agency’s mst recent estimate.(没有多少垃圾,几乎没有塑料被回收利用。根据美国环境保护署(Envirnmental Prtectin Agency)的最新估计,美国约有三分之一的垃圾得到了回收)”可知,在美国,并非所有垃圾都被回收利用。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Greyparrt’s device is, basically, a set f visual and infrared(红外线的)cameras hked up t a cmputer, which mnitrs trash as it passes by n a cnveyr belt and labels it under 70 categries, frm lse bttle caps t bks t aluminum cans. Waste plants culd cnnect these AI systems t srting rbts t help them separate trash frm recyclables mre accurately.(Greyparrt的设备基本上是一套与电脑相连的视觉和红外摄像头,它可以监控传送带上经过的垃圾,并将其分为70个类别,从松散的瓶盖到书籍再到铝罐。垃圾处理厂可以将这些人工智能系统与分类机器人连接起来,帮助它们更准确地将垃圾与可回收物分开)”可知,灰鹦鹉人工智能系统通过与分拣机器人合作将垃圾与可回收物分开。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“In the next few years, sme recycling cmpanies plan t retrfit(改良)thusands f material- recvery facilities with Al trash - sptting tls. Of these cmpanies, Bllegraaf has built thusands f these facilities, including 340 in Nrth America, accunting fr a majrity f the recvery plants in the wrld.(在接下来的几年里,一些回收公司计划用人工智能垃圾定位工具改造数千个材料回收设施。在这些公司中,Bllegraaf已经建造了数千个这样的设施,其中包括北美的340个,占世界上回收工厂的大部分)”及最后一段“The trash-sptting cmputers culd ne day help regulatrs punish cmpanies that prduce tsunamis f nn - recyclable packaging because the AI systems are s accurate that they can identify the brands n individual items. Putting the AI tls in thusands f waste plants can raise recycling percentage.(有一天,垃圾识别电脑可能会帮助监管机构惩罚那些生产大量不可回收包装的公司,因为人工智能系统非常准确,可以识别单个物品上的品牌。将人工智能工具放入数千个垃圾处理厂可以提高回收率)”可推知,在垃圾处理方面,AI技术已经投入使用,且由于其准确性,高效性,很受欢迎。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“AI is nw an essential tl fr the wrld’s waste management leaders. Greyparrt, a tech cmpany has already installed mre than l00 AI trash sptters in abut 50 srting facilities.(人工智能现在是世界废物管理领导者的重要工具。科技公司Greyparrt已经在大约50个分类设施中安装了100多台人工智能垃圾检测仪)”及全文内容可知,本文介绍了在垃圾处理中,一种AI技术灰鹦鹉人工智能系统能更准确、高效地与机器人合作帮助可回收物进行回收利用。B选项“人工智能辅助回收”适合作为最佳标题。故选B。
    解析:①根据前文“Nervus laughter is a way fr yur bdy t relieve tensin r serves as a defense mechanism t beat painful emtins. But it becmes a prblem when it causes rifts (不和) in relatinships r makes thers uncmfrtable.(紧张的笑是你的身体缓解紧张的一种方式,或者作为一种防御机制来击败痛苦的情绪。但当它导致人际关系破裂或让别人不舒服时,它就成了一个问题)”前文强调紧张的笑会成为问题,结合后文“As with any habit, it wn’t change vernight. Hwever, it’s pssible t retrain yur patterns.(与任何习惯一样,它不会在一夜之间改变。然而,重新训练你的模式是可能的)”可知,紧张的笑是需要克服的。所以B项“Is there any hpe fr vercming it?(有希望克服它吗?)”承接上文,下文是对本问题的回答,符合语境。故选B项。
    ②分析设空,位于段首,为本段中心句,根据后文“Any time yu feel a nervus laugh bubbling up, try ne f these behavirs instead: a slw triple nd, whispering ahh r hmmm as yu listen r are with smene. This will give yur bdy smething t d t displace the nervus laughter.(任何时候,当你感到一阵紧张的笑声涌上心头时,试着用下面的一种方式来代替:慢慢地点头三次,在听别人说话或和别人在一起时轻声说啊或嗯。这会让你的身体有事可做,来取代紧张的笑声)”可知,本段讲述了用别的动作来代替笑声,所以E项“Replace nervus laughter with a psitive nnverbal.(用积极的非语言语言代替紧张的笑声)”符合本段主题。故选E项。
    ③根据前文“As yu becme aware f yur nervus laughter habit and pattern, try t identify what purpse it is serving and what is triggering (触发) it. D yu laugh t relieve tensin? Are yu filling the silence when yu dn’t understand what smene has said t yu?(当你意识到你紧张的笑习惯和模式时,试着确定它的目的是什么,是什么引发了它。你用笑来缓解紧张吗?当你不明白别人对你说的话时,你是否在填补沉默?)”可知,此处讲述找出导致你紧张的笑的原因,作者用提问的方式来叙述,所以D项“Is it a way f aviding a negative emtinal state?(这是一种避免消极情绪的方式吗?)”符合此处主题,承接上文。故选D项。
    ④根据前文“Once yu’ve fund what is triggering yur nervus laughter, set an intentin fr hw yu will redirect yur nervus energy in that instance.(一旦你发现是什么引发了你紧张的笑声,设定一个目标,在这种情况下你如何重新引导你的紧张能量)”可知,此处讲述要重新引导你的紧张能量,后文“Fr example, if yur manager gives yu cnstructive feedback, then yu can remind yurself he is giving yu an pprtunity fr grwth rather than telling yu that yu’re bad at yur jb.(例如,如果你的经理给了你建设性的反馈,那么你就可以提醒自己,他是在给你一个成长的机会,而不是告诉你,你的工作做得不好)”可知,是在具体举例,所以空处应是提出了一个方法,C项“Play arund with “if-then” s t help yu.(使用“如果-那么”来帮助你)”符合文意,提出一种方法,后文是对其举例。故选C项。
    ⑤分析设空,位于段尾,应是对前文的总结,根据前文“Practicing empathy is f great help. Its gal is t share the feelings f the persn yu’re speaking with. This can help yu fcus less n hw uncmfrtable yu feel and mre n hw frightened, puzzled r sad he may feel. T d this, ask pen questins that dn’t assume an answer.(练习同理心很有帮助。它的目的是分享与你交谈的人的感受。这可以帮助你少关注自己的不舒服,多关注他可能感到的害怕、困惑或悲伤。要做到这一点,问一些不预设答案的开放性问题)”可知,空处应陈述这种方法的好处,F项“This will help yu achieve a mre prfund understanding.(这将帮助你获得更深刻的理解)”是对前文的总结,符合文意。故选F项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:2021年夏天,我是一名即将升入高中的三年级学生,当时我在莱蒙学院上了哲学101课程,这是一门允许纽约市公立学校学生获得学分的课程。A. interview面试;B. survey调查;C. camp营地;D. curse课程。根据下文“I expected this curse t be interesting.(我原以为这门课会很有趣)”可知,此处指哲学课程,故选D。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:诚实地说,我一时冲动才选择它。A. Generally通常,一般地;B. Hnestly诚实地;C. Rughly大约,粗略地;D. Briefly简要地,简短地。根据“I chse it n impulse (一时冲动)”可知,此处是描述作者选择这门课程的真实原因,hnestly符合语境,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我没有想到这门课,它向我介绍了苏格拉底、柏拉图和其他道德哲学家的话语和作品,改变了我对大学教育的态度。A. recmmended推荐;B. pushed推;C. intrduced介绍;D. cmpared比较。结合“this class”以及空后“me t the wrds and wrks f Scrates, Plat and ther mral philsphers”可知,此处指这门课使作者接触到很多哲学家的名言和作品,即它向作者介绍了这些,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. secret秘密;B. slutin解决办法;C. attitude态度;D. behavir行为。根据上文“I expected this curse t be interesting. I didn’t expect this class…”以及文章最后一句“I began t see cllege as a place t gain knwledge and explre my interests”可知,作者原本期望这门课会很有趣,但是没想到不是这样,作者开始把大学看作是一个获取知识和探索自己兴趣的地方,由此可知它改变了作者的对大学教育的态度,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是那就是所发生的事情。A. happened发生;B. started开始;C. wrked工作;D. ended结束。上文“I didn’t expect this class, which ________ me t the wrds and wrks f Scrates, Plat and ther mral philsphers, t change my ________ t cllege educatin.”提到作者在这门课程中意料之外的收获,下文对此具体展开介绍,故此处指这就是在这门课上所发生的事情,故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:在第二周的课上,当我们读到苏格拉底的作品时,我读到了苏格拉底的一句话:“未经审视的生活不是人类的生活”。A. made up组成;B. put frward提出;C. went thrugh经历,通读;D. turned dwn拒绝。根据“I read Scrates’ wrds, ‘The unexamined life is n life fr a human being t live’.”可知,此处指在课上读苏格拉底的作品,故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我惊讶地睁大了眼睛,一动不动。A. widened使变宽;B. cluded使模糊;C. narrwed使变窄;D. shut关闭。结合空后“in surprise”可知,作者惊讶得睁大了眼睛,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我一遍又一遍地读这些话,直到我的教授打破了我的出神:“班上有谁能解释一下苏格拉底这句话的意思吗?”A. difference差异;B. surce来源;C. meaning意思;D. feature特点。根据下文“Then I did my best t explain…”以及“T me, this meant…”可知,作者解释苏格拉底的名言,故此处老师是问谁能解释一下苏格拉底这句话的意思,故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我尽力向他解释,这位睿智的哲学家是在对我们应该如何生活提出主张。A. defence防御;B. bet打赌;C. stry故事;D. claim宣称,声明。根据下文“T me, this meant getting ________ abut all aspects f yurself, putting yurself in academic, scial and cultural spaces…”可知,作者认为这意味着对自己保持好奇,把自己置身于学术、社会和文化空间中,故此处指这位哲学家对于我们应该如何生活提出要求,make a claim“提出要求”,故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,这意味着要对自己的各个方面保持好奇,把自己置身于学术、社会和文化空间中,这将扩大你的世界观,并在此过程中对个人成长持开放态度。A. scared害怕的;B. curius好奇的;C. cnfident自信的;D. cnfused困惑的。根据“putting yurself in academic, scial and cultural spaces”可知,把自己置身于学术、社会和文化空间中,即对自己的各个方面都保持好奇,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. satisfy使满意;B. challenge挑战;C. blck堵塞;D. expand扩大。结合上文“putting yurself in academic, scial and cultural spaces”可知,将自己置身于各个领域,应是会扩大自己的眼界,故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在课程结束后回想这句话,我意识到苏格拉底是对的,有意义的生活意味着致力于探索。A. right正确的;B. psitive积极的;C. rigid坚硬的;D. cautius谨慎的。根据下文“meaningful life means a(n) ________ t explratin”可知,作者感悟到有意义的生活意味着去探索,和上文苏格拉底的名言“The unexamined life is n life fr a human being t live(未经审视的生活是不值得的)”意义一致,故作者认为他说的是对的,故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. dignity尊严;B. cmmitment奉献,致力于;C. failure失败;D. adjustment调整。根据上文作者自己对名言的理解“T me, this meant getting ________ abut all aspects f yurself, putting yurself in academic, scial and cultural spaces”可知,作者认为这句名言的意思是要对生活的各个方面保持好奇,探索各个方面,故此处指有意义的生活意味着致力于探索,故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:沉浸在苏格拉底这样的思想中,激发了我对自己的思考。A. inspired激发,启发;B. frced强迫;C. frgave原谅;D. seized抓住。结合空后“me t think abut the persn I am”可知,此处是说他的哲学思想给予作者的启发思考,故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始把大学看作是一个获取知识和探索兴趣的地方,而不仅仅是完成课程。A. but只有;B. simply简单地,仅仅;C. even甚至;D. nt不是。结合第一段中“t earn credits”以及空前“I began t see cllege as a place t gain knwledge and explre my interests”可知,作者一开始选择哲学课程是为了上完课程获得学分,现在开始把大学看作是一个获取知识和探索兴趣的地方,而不仅仅是完成课程,故选D。
    32.答案:t discver;creatin;were viewed;while;an;presented;fr;such;elegantly;passers-by
    解析:①考查非谓语动词。句意:在丝绸伞和羽毛伞在中国流行后不久,它们的制造商设法从木纸中发现了一种新的材料,从而能够制作出高度风格化、装饰性和轻质的伞。此处是固定搭配:manage t d sth.意为“设法做某事”。故填t discver。
    ③考查动词时态和语态。句意:除了提供防晒和有限的防雨功能外,油纸伞在过去被视为财富和权力的象征。view为本句谓语,和主语il–paper umbrellas之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据时间状语in the past可知,用一般过去时,主语为复数。故填were viewed。
    ⑤考查冠词。句意:即使在今天的中国和日本社会,伞也扮演着重要的角色。此处是固定搭配:play an imprtant rle意为“起着重要的作用”。故填an。
    ⑦考查介词。句意:它们是送给新婚新娘的最重要的物品之一,象征着祝福、驱邪和多生孩子的愿望。此处是固定搭配:wish fr意为“希望得到”。故填fr。
    Dear Jhn,
    I am writing t infrm yu that I wn’t be able t attend the Wrld Table Tennis Champinships next Saturday and I’d like t ffer my ticket t yu.
    The reasn why I can’t make it is that smething urgent has cme up and I have t take care f it. Therefre. I wuld like yu t have my ticket as I knw yu are a big fan f table tennis. T ensure a smth experience, it is advisable t prepare yurself by ding sme research n the players and their backgrunds in advance, which will help yu better understand the game and enjy it mre. Als, dn’t frget t wear cmfrtable clthes and bring sme snacks and drinks t enhance yur experience. It prmises t be a thrilling event, and I hpe yu’ll enjy every mment f it.
    Feel free t cntact me if yu need mre details.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    为某人提供某物:ffer sth. t sb.→prvide sb. with sth.
    因此:therefre→as a cnsequence
    确保:ensure→make sure
    提前:in advance→ahead f time
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Als, dn’t frget t wear cmfrtable clthes and bring sme snacks and drinks t enhance yur experience.
    拓展句:Als, dn’t frget t wear cmfrtable clthes and bring sme snacks and drinks, which will greatly enhance yur experience.
    [高分句型1] I am writing t infrm yu that I wn’t be able t attend the Wrld Table Tennis Champinships next Saturday and I’d like t ffer my ticket t yu. (that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] T ensure a smth experience, it is advisable t prepare yurself by ding sme research n the players and their backgrunds in advance, which will help yu better understand the game and enjy it mre. (which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    “It’s yur turn, Anna.” the teacher said. I tk a deep breath, slwly rse frm the seat and dragged my legs twards the platfrm. Hands trembling. I began my narrative. “My name is Anna, and this summer I did smething unusual. Can yu make a guess?” Out f curisity, my new classmates ffered me varius respnses, but nne f them hit the spt. Urged by my new friends, I unflded the tale f my unique summer experience—dealing with cw pp n my grandparents’ farm. The instant the tw wrds “cw pp” escaped my lips, whispers frm the class came int my ears. I cleared my thrat and cntinued, “But I’m prud f what I did.” Then I explained hw my grandfather develped an easy way t use pp as a surce f fuel, making using the pp easy, ecnmical and envirnmentally safe. Suddenly, the whle rm fell silent and they all listened t me attentively, eyes fixed n me. I culd sense the envy in their eyes and my initial uneasiness was cmpletely replaced by a sense f pride and fulfillment. After what seemed like centuries, I brught an end t my narrative. I was nt laughed at instead, I was greeted by thunderus applause.
    After class, sme f my classmates apprached me. Fr an instant, I was surrunded by numerus curius minds. They seemed t be really interested in the smelly cw pp and raced t inquire abut everything t d with it. I patiently shared with them pp’s magic pwer and my grandfather’s anecdtes with the pp. Sme f them even asked me if they culd jin me in the pp prject, which was literally beynd my expectatin. My jb f dealing with pp didn’t put me t shame. It dawned n me that scientists like my grandfather d make a huge difference t the wrld that we live in. Additinally, it didn’t take a lng time befre I made new friends in my new class after my sharing f the extrardinary experience. A seed f hpe was swn in my heart in secret—I made a reslutin that I wuld try t be a scientist like my grandfather and d my part t help reshape ur planet.
    【详解】1. 段落续写
    2. 续写线索:轮到我—内心挣扎—讲述事实—为我欢呼—感到自豪
    ①深呼吸:take a deep breath/ breathe deeply
    ③站起:rise/stand up
    ①自豪:pride/ dignity
    [高分句型1]Then I explained hw my grandfather develped an easy way t use pp as a surce f fuel, making using the pp easy, ecnmical and envirnmentally safe.(运用了hw引导的宾语从句,不定式作定语以及现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]Sme f them even asked me if they culd jin me in the pp prject, which was literally beynd my expectatin.(运用了if引导宾语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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