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    这是一份2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(四)英语试题,文件包含2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测四英语试题docx、长春四模英语试卷pdf、英语答案pdf、长春四模英语答案pdf、英语听力音频英美组合mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共 12 页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
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    第一部分 听力(1~20 小题)在笔试结束后进行。第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Red leaves are a symbl f autumn. Enjying red leaves in the clear and refreshing autumn weather is indeed a gd chice.
    Nw let's have a lk at the best red leaves arund China and the beauty f autumn.
    Destinatin 1
    With different red clrs, the Red Leaf Valley extends mre than 50 kilmeters frm Jiefang village in Qingling twn t Yanjiang village in Sngjiang twn, Jilin prvince, Nrtheast China. Leaves are like different red pigments (颜料), including Chinese red, range red, ruby red and bright red.
    Best time: Octber
    Destinatin 2
    Tachuan r Tashang village is in Huangshan city, Anhui prvince, East China. The beautiful autumn scenery there is knwn as ne f the fur best in China. The red leaves and clear spring add beauty t traditinal huses, ffering material fr phtgraphy lvers.
    Best time: early Nvember
    Destinatin 3
    As a result f lw temperatures, maple leaves in areas suth f the Yangtze River are like shy girls, gradually shwing their beauty, turning frm green t gld, gld t range and finally t red. And as it changes slwly, different clrs can be seen n the same trees called “clrful maple trees”. Viewing at the muntainside is the best chice.
    Best time: Octber t Nvember
    Destinatin 4
    Fr Guangdng prvince in Suth China, autumn always cmes a little late and lasts lnger. Thrugh the end f January, yu can see the red leaves any time yu want. If yu feel pity at saying gd-bye t red leaves in Nrth China, yu can head t Suth China t view the beautiful scenery again.
    Best time: late Nvember t end f January
    Which f the turist spts has the shrtest best-viewing perid?
    A. Destinatin 1. B. Destinatin 2.C. Destinatin 3.D. Destinatin 4.
    What can we learn frm the text?
    Tachuan has the best red leaves in China.
    Turists can enjy the mst clurful leaves in Jilin prvince.
    In Guangdng prvince, red leaves can be seen at any time thrughut the year.
    Maple leaves in areas suth f the Yangtze take n mre clrs because f weather.
    What is the purpse f writing this text?
    T attract phtgraphy lvers.
    T intrduce different places f interest.
    T give advice n hw t spend autumn.
    T recmmend sme red leaves viewing places.
    Raised in a fatherless hme, my father was extremely tightfisted twards us children. His attitude didn’t sften as I grew int adulthd and drifted away t cllege. I had t ride the bus whenever I came hme. Thugh the bus stpped abut tw miles frm hme, Dad never met me, even in cld weather. If I grumbled ( 嘟 囔 ), he’d say in his ludest father vice, “That’s what yur legs are fr!”
    The walk didn’t bther me as much as the fear f walking alne alng the highway and cuntry rads. I als felt less than valued that my father didn’t seem cncerned abut my safety. That feeling was canceled ne spring evening.
    It had been a particularly difficult week at cllege after lng hurs in labs. I lnged fr hme. When the bus reached a stp, I stepped ff and dragged my suitcase t begin the lng jurney hme.
    A rw f hedge (篱笆) edged the driveway that climbed the hill t ur huse. Once I had turned ff the highway t start the last lap f my jurney, I was always relieved t see the hedge because it meant that I was almst hme. On that particular evening, the hedge had just cme int view when I saw smething gray mving alng the tp f the hedge, mving tward the huse. Upn clser bservatin, I realized it was the tp f my father’s head. Then I knew, each time I’d cme hme, he had std behind the hedge, watching, until he knew I had arrived safely. I swallwed hard against the threatening tears. He did care, after all.
    On later visits, that spt f gray became my watchtwer. I culd hardly wait until I was clse enugh t watch fr its secret mvement abve the greenery. Upn reaching hme, I wuld find my father sitting inncently in his chair. “S! My sn, it’s yu!” he’d say, his face lengthening int pretended surprise.
    I replied, “Yes, Dad, it’s me. I’m hme.”
    What did the authr think f the tw-mile walk hme?
    It reflected his value.
    It was the mst trublesme.
    It wasn’t ranked number ne in his cncerns.
    It was extremely unbearable in cld weathers.
    Hw did the authr feel when he saw the hedge?
    A. Disappinted.B. Hpeful.C. Frustrated.D. Regretful.
    Why did the authr’s father watch behind the hedge?
    The authr ften changed rutes back hme.
    He wanted t help the authr build up curage.
    He was really cncerned abut his sn’s safety.
    That was the nly way he culd express his lve.
    Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Father’s Secret.B. My Childhd Life.
    C. Terrible Jurney Hme.D. Riding Bus Alne.
    Were yu t jin a marathn, yu might think yu’d wander int a nightmare. Muths kept shut, runners cver miles breathing just thrugh their nses—smetimes hlding their breath fr quite a while.
    Beynd adpting a new technique, marathn runners can expect t see an imprvement by reviewing n the breathing basics. Studies suggest that 10 percent t 14 percent f wmen are shallw breathers, ver-breathers r muth-breathers, all f which culd restrict mvement f the ribcage (胸腔) and create a build-up f tensin in the upper bdy and tightness in the chest.
    And while this may nt bther yu when yu’re sitting at yur desk, it’s a different stry when yu begin a wrkut. The biggest mistake that Prfessr Dickinsn sees is when athletes want t maintain-r pick up- speed. “When yu’re wrking harder, yu dn’t tell yur heart t beat faster. It just knws that it needs t,” he says, adding that the same is true f yur breathing. He explains that yur bdy is built with neurns called chemreceptrs, which tell yur muscles when they need t breathe mre.
    S hw shuld yu be breathing during an intense wrkut? Prfessr Dickinsn recmmends athletes take basic breath pattern mastery, befre mving n t respiratry muscle (呼吸肌) training.
    “Sme peple accept that the breathlessness they experience when exercising is just their
    nrms and that they’ve reached the limit they can push themselves t in their wrkuts,” says Prfessr Dickinsn. But cmmitting t these techniques, he explains, culd be impactful n yur perfrmance. Hwever, thse wh have high bld pressure, shuld check their cnditins befre getting t wrk n their breath. “In sme cases, it culd be that yu’re nly breathing at 80 percent f yur capacity, s increasing that percentage by practicing breathing exercises can have a huge impact n yur fitness perfrmance,” Prfessr Dickinsn adds. The results just might be breathtaking.
    Why des the authr cmpare a marathn t a nightmare?
    Because they are bth lng in distance.
    Because they are bth time-cnsuming.
    Because peple in bth situatins need a new technique.
    Because peple in bth situatins breathe in similar ways.
    Accrding t Prfessr Dickinsn, what will happen when yu’re wrking ut harder?
    Yu will make the biggest mistake.
    Yu will adjust yur heartbeat intentinally.
    Neurns will tell yur muscles t breathe mre.
    The heart will knw it needs t wrk.
    What shuld high bld pressure patients d befre wrking n their breath?
    A. Have a health check.B. Make a wrkut plan.
    C. Track their perfrmances.D. Check their bld pressure meters.
    Wh is the passage intended fr?
    A. Peple with high bld pressure.B. Marathn enthusiasts.
    C. Office ladies.D. Health cnsultants.
    Travellers arriving at r leaving frm Stuttgart’s main railway statin shuld be warned. They must allw an extra 10-15 minutes t get ut f the building r get t the platfrms t
    catch a train, because f an ugly maze f deturs ( 绕 路 ) arund Germany’s biggest cnstructin site. “It has been like this since I was at schl 13 years ag,” shrugs the barista at a nearby cffee shp.
    The ambitius plan fr a new statin in the capital f Baden-Württemberg, ne f Germany’s mst prsperus states and hme t Daimler-Benz, Bsch and Prsche, was t be an advertisement fr the state’s engineering prwess. By relcating tracks and platfrms largely undergrund, it was suppsed t speed up jurneys t ther places in Germany and all ver Eurpe, while reclaiming (开拓) space fr shps, husing and parkland in the centre f twn. The city picked a design by Christph Ingenhven, a cl mdernist architect frm Düsseldrf, and the late Frei Ott, winner f the prestigius Pritzker prize fr architecture.
    But its fate has been similar t that f Berlin’s new airprt, which was cmpleted after a nine-year delay in 2020, having exceeded its budget by mre than €4bn ($4.7bn). “Stuttgart 21” (named fr the 21st century) was meant t be cmpleted by the end f 2019 at a cst f
    €4.5bn. It is nw frecast t be finished by 2025, and the cst may rise t nearly €12bn. The mega-site currently emplys sme 6,000 cnstructin wrkers, wh even have their wn priest, Peter Maile, t prvide (much-needed) pastral care. The bsses f Deutsche Bahn may need the cnslatin f religin t. The lss-making German railway peratr is in curt, fighting the state, city, regin and airprt ver wh will cver Stuttgart 21’s exrbitant additinal csts.
    Fr sme, Stuttgart 21 remains an awesme engineering masterpiece in the making; fr thers it is a bttmless pit wasting mre and mre taxpayers’ cash. In June the statin culd have celebrated the tpping-ut ceremny f its main building. Oddly enugh, n ne felt much like an undergrund party, r indeed any party at all.
    What phenmenn des the authr describe at the beginning f the text?
    Security checks at the statin are very strict.
    Trains in Stuttgart are ften abut ten minutes late.
    Cafes near the statin are very ppular with travellers.
    The cnstructin f the statin has presented incnvenience.
    Why des the authr mentin Berlin’s new airprt in paragraph 3?
    T emphasize the urgent need fr the new airprt.
    T explain the ptential functin f the new statin.
    T stress the additinal large price f the new statin.
    T intrduce the utstanding designers f the new airprt.
    What d the underlined wrds “cnslatin” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Punishment.B. Cmfrt.C. Influence.D. Memry.
    What is the authr’s attitude tward the new statin?
    A. Critical.B. Objective.C. Apprving.D. Unclear.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Many peple desire strnger, mre authentic friendships as an adult. 36 . Hw d yu skip the awkward chit-chat phase and hit the fast-frward buttn n a ptential friendship? I’ve learned a few things.
    Give yurself permissin t bre peple
    We all knw the safe tpics t brach ( 引 入 ) when yu first meet smene. But this tendency t play it safe can delay knwing whether yu are cmpatible (志趣相投的) with a ptential friend. 37 . “What d yu think is the best televisin finale f all time?” This is a great cnversatin starter as lng as it interests yu. And if the ther persn slwly backs away, then yu’ve just saved yurself hurs f chatting.
    Often ur friendships feel superficial because they are built n a fundatin f gssip. This is because it’s human nature t fcus n a third persn when we are anxius. We share spicy updates abut frmer classmates with ur high schl friends, r grab a drink with clleagues and cmplain abut the bss. But a friendship built n gssip can leave bth peple feeling exhausted and depressed after they hang ut.
    If a friend starts t give yu updates n ther peple yu knw, it can be helpful t say, “I want t hear abut what’s ging n with yu.” Or yu can ask yurself, “What wuld I share abut myself if I were with my best friend right nw?” 39 .
    Be curius abut wh peple are, and wh they want t be
    40 . They are als able t share their struggles withut fear f judgment. A great way t deepen a friendship is t ask smene, “What has been challenging fr yu the last year?” Or “What’s a belief yu have that has changed ver the curse f yur life?” These are questins we rarely ask each ther, but they reveal s much abut wh we are, and wh we’re trying t be.
    Fcus n the gssip
    Cut back n the gssip
    Then jump t the heart f things
    Rather than sticking with superficial chatter, g straight t what excites yu
    True friends strive t knw each ther’s thinking abut difficult subjects
    But the prcess f building these relatinships can prve slw and frustrating
    Ask yurself what’s wrth sharing abut yurself and knwing abut thers
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    A father saw that his 11 year ld sn was crying silently. He asked him, “What’s the matter, sn?” The yung by replied, “My rich classmates laughed at me and called me sn f the 41. They said that my father lived nly n the mney he earns frm watering and feeding plants fr peple”. The father 42fr a mment and then said, “Cme with me, sn. Let’s plant sme flwers. It might cheer yu up.”
    He held his hand and 43 him t the garden. Then he tk ut sme flwer seeds and said, “Let’s 44 an experiment. We will plant tw flwers 45 . I will care fr ne and yu will care fr the ther. I will water mine with the clean water frm the lake while yu will water yurs with 46 water frm the pnd. We shall see the 47 in the weeks t cme.” The sn was 48 as he jined his father in planting the flwers. It tk them sme days t finely sprut the flwer seeds. They cared fr them and watched them grw.
    Later n, the father brught his sn t the garden and said t him, “Lk at the tw flwers and tell me yur 49 .” The by respnded, “My flwer lks better and healthier than yurs. Hw is that 50 when yur water is cleaner?” The father smiled and then said, “That’s because dirty water desn’t 51 a plant frm grwing. Rather, it 52 as rganic fertilizer t help it flurish. S dn’t let the harsh wrds frm peple 53 yu. Instead, let it 54 yu int being a better persn and ding s, yu will be like the plant and will flurish even in the midst f dirt like 55 and harsh wrds.”
    41. A. explrer
    B. salesman
    C. gardener
    D. bilgist
    42. A. waited
    B. paused
    C. cried
    D. sighed
    43. A. walked
    B. admitted
    C. drve
    D. expsed
    44. A. carry ut
    B. wrk ut
    C. bring ut
    D. make ut
    45. A. secretly
    B. casually
    C. patiently
    D. separately
    46. A. cld
    B. dirty
    C. warm
    D. clear
    47. A. fruit
    B. utcme
    C. benefit
    D. effrt
    48. A. delighted
    B. qualified
    C. satisfied
    D. determined
    49. A. lessn
    B. feeling
    C. bservatin
    D. expectatin
    50. A. necessary
    B. available
    C. vital
    D. pssible
    51. A. prtect
    B. stp
    C. remve
    D. save
    52. A. serves
    B. ends
    C. starts
    D. passes
    53. A. warn
    B. persuade
    C. mve
    D. affect
    54. A. frce
    B. persuade
    C. encurage
    D. cheat
    55. A. cnflict
    B. tensin
    C. negativity
    D. dilemma
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Lking fr the best vegetarian vacatins in China? We’ve arranged China turs fr vegetarians with acceptable cuisine. Eating ut while traveling 56 a vegetarian wn’t be tricky; instead, yu can enjy inspiring destinatins and varius cultures.
    Previusly mst Chinese vegetarians were Buddhists & Taists; but nw mre and mre Chinese peple fcus mre n 57 (they) health. By 2018, there had been mre than 50 millin veggies in China, 58 the number is still increasing. The vast land f China 59 (ffer) many fresh vegetables, seasnal fruits, ndles, rice, tfu and yummy dishes 60 are all fine fr vegetarians.
    On ur 61 (guide) vegetarian fd turs f China, yu dn’t need t wrry abut anything. There are many slutins if yu’d like t fcus n a meat-free trip. We select clean and 62 (high) rated vegetarian restaurants at every destinatin. Furthermre, yur lcal guide will take yu t discver and sample 63 wide range f unique vegan snacks and street fds at the traditinal wet market and back streets, 64 (make) yur vegetarian travel t China full f delights.
    The ther wnderful thing abut vegan vacatins in China, f curse, is that immersive cultural 65 (explre) and real life adventure are always n the menu.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    注意: 1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Chinese Traditinal Fd Festival
    第二节 (满分 25 分)
    I remember a time when I learned the true meaning f frgiveness. It was a perid in my life that tested my patience and my ability t understand thers.
    It all started when I was in middle schl. I had a clse friend named Emily, and we spent a lt f time tgether. One day, Emily intrduced me t a new girl in ur class, named Olivia. Olivia was quiet and shy, but we quickly became friends as well.
    One afternn, after schl, we were all wrking n a prject in the classrm. As we were discussing ur ideas, Olivia suddenly exclaimed ut smething that cmpletely cntradicted what I had been saying. I was shcked and felt a little embarrassed. I tried t explain my pint f view, but Olivia was very stubbrn and insisted n her wn idea.
    Emily, wh was sitting next t me, tried t mediate ( 调 节 ) the situatin. But Olivia gt angry and said sme unkind wrds t me. I was hurt and angry, and I culdn’t believe that Olivia wuld treat me like that. I strmed ut f the classrm, leaving Emily and Olivia behind.
    The next few days were very difficult fr me. I avided Olivia as much as pssible, and ur friendship with Emily seemed t be stressed. I felt like I had been betrayed by Olivia, and I culdn’t understand why she wuld d such a thing.
    One day, I asked Emily why she was still friends with Olivia after what she had dne. Emily lked at me with a sad expressin and said, “Yu knw, Olivia has been thrugh a lt
    lately. Her parents are ging thrugh a divrce, and she’s really struggling. Maybe she was rude t yu because she was feeling verwhelmed and insecure.”
    Hearing this, I felt a surge f guilt. I realized that I hadn’t taken the time t understand Olivia’s situatin. I had been t quick t judge her and t fcused n my wn feelings f hurt. I decided t talk t Olivia and aplgize fr my behavir.
    续写词数应为 150 个左右;
    When I fund Olivia, she was sitting alne in the hallway.
    Olivia accepted my aplgy and we had a lng cnversatin.
    注意事项:英语听力共两节,共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分。
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.
    答案是 C。
    What will the wman d?
    A. Brush teeth prperly.B. Have an peratin.C. G t the dentist.
    Where will the wman prbably g next?
    A. T her huse.B. T a gym.C. T a stre.
    What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Take a walk utside.B. Drive hme slwly.C. Stay at his huse.
    Hw des the man get his mney?
    By ding husewrk.
    By asking his grandfather fr it.
    By washing dishes in a restaurant.
    Hw many peple are ging t the cinema in ttal?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In the speakers’ kitchen.B. In a restaurant.C. In a htel.
    Hw des the man sund?
    A. Impatient.B. Srry.C. Surprised.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    Where is the wman frm?
    A. Japan.B. China.C. Denmark.
    What is the man’s favrite thing abut Shanghai?
    A. The transprt.B. The peple.C. The fd.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    What is the wman ding?
    Interviewing an Olympic gld medal winner.
    Training a grup f athletes.
    Attending a cmpetitin.
    What is the man prbably best at?
    A. Swimming.B. Running.C. Bxing.
    What will the man prbably d next?
    A. Talk t his fans.B. Accept an award.C. Meet with his cach.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Fellw students.B. Fellw teachers.C. Teacher and student.
    What shuld be the result f the experiment?
    The liquid will bil.
    It shuld prduce a purple gas.
    It shuld create a new chemical.
    What did the wman d wrng?
    She didn’t heat the liquid.
    She added the wrng chemicals.
    She made a mistake in the rder.
    What will the speakers prbably d next?
    A. Give up.B. Ask fr help.C. Repeat the prcedure.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    What is the main tpic f the talk?
    Different educatinal systems arund the wrld.
    The disadvantages f much hmewrk.
    Children’s mental health.
    What grade is Yunus in?
    A. 2nd grade.B. 3rd grade.C. 4th grade.
    Which cuntry has the lwest high schl graduatin rate?
    A. Canada.B. Finland.C. The US.
    What suggestin des the speaker make?
    The schl shuld give children n hmewrk.
    The schl shuld imprve kids’ perfrmance.
    The schl shuld wrk with parents.

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