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    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件
    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件01
    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件02
    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件03
    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件04
    外研版高中英语选择性版必修第三册Unit1 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas课件05
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Face values图文课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Face values图文课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了明晰 学习目标,boost,pretend,identical,dormitory,bother,pills,enlarge,misjudge,skinny等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Sectin Ⅰ Starting ut & Understanding ideas
    语篇精读 突破核心考点
    1.practice _____________ thinking 练习自我批判性思维2._____ children's career prspects拓宽孩子们的就业前景3._______ t be interested假装感兴趣4.fur _________ huses四座完全相同的房子5.mve int ur new _________ 搬进我们的新宿舍6.______ her with my prblems 让她为我的事烦心7.take six _____ a day每天吃六片药 8.___________ the truth承认真相
    1.large adj.大的→_______ v.(使)增大,扩大2.judge v.判断→________ v.对(人或情况)判断错误3.skin n.皮肤,皮→______ adj.极瘦的,皮包骨的
    1.____________________ 增加某人的信心2.____________ 对……感到吃惊3._______________ 从头到脚4.________________________ 给……留下印象5.________ 保持健康 6.____________ 对……的渴望7._________ 缺少8.______________ 努力9.______ 倾向于
    bst ne's cnfidence
    be surprised at
    frm head t te
    leave/make an impressin n
    a desire fr
    make an effrt
    1.[句型公式] ever since 引导时间状语从句S,____________________________ that culd remve my freckles,enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline,I have becme addicted.所以,自从我发现自拍软件能消除我的雀斑,拉大眼睛,甚至削尖下巴,我就用上瘾了。
    ever since I discvered selfie apps
    2.[句型公式] That's why...“那就是为什么……”_______________________________________,wh has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which ne t use every mrning.所以我永远无法理解我姐姐,她有17支口红,但她每天早上都不知道该用哪支好。
    That's why I culd never understand my sister
    ①psychlgist n.[C]心理学家psychlgy n.心理,心理过程②accunting n.[U]会计③put vt.(以某种方式)说,表达as... puts it 正如……所说t put it simply/mildly 简单地说/婉转地说t put it anther way 换个说法
    [构词法]-lking 常用于构成复合形容词,表示“看上去……的,长相……的”,如gd-lking adj.漂亮的,好看的⑤remve vt.除去,移开,脱下⑥enlarge vt.&vi.(使)增大,扩大[构词法]前缀en-常用于构成动词,表示“使……,使成为”。⑦slim [熟词生义] v.变苗条⑧addicted adj.入迷的,着迷的
    ⑨bst vt.促进,推动bst ne's cnfidence增加某人的信心⑩narcissist n.[C]自我陶醉者[英语释义]smene wh is t cncerned abut his/her appearance r abilities⑪bsessive adj.痴迷的,迷恋的;过度的be bsessive abut...痴迷于……
    ⑫pht editing 照片编辑⑬a lack f self-cnfidence 缺乏自信lack n.[U,sing.]&vt.缺乏a lack f...缺乏……⑭a desire fr attentin 渴望关注⑮present vt.(以某种方式)展现,展示present a mdern image 展现一个现代的形象⑯pretend vt.&vi.假装,装作
    ⑰misjudge vt.对(人或情况)判断错误misjudgment n.[C,U]判断错误⑱identical adj.完全相同的,非常相似的be identical t/with...与……完全相同⑲drmitry n.[C]寝室⑳rmmate n.[C](尤指大学里的)室友mate n.[C]同伴,同事,一同居住的人。常用于构成复合词,如wrkmate(工友),teammate(队友)等。
    ㉑register sb.fr...给某人报名参加……㉒bizarre adj.古怪的;奇异的㉓frm head t te从头到脚㉔makever n.[C](以新衣服、新发型等进行的)打扮,装扮㉕perceive vt.注意到,意识到,察觉到㉖external beauty 外在美inner beauty 内在美㉗wrthless adj.没用的,无价值的
    [词链]wrth (adj.有……价值,值……钱)—wrthless (adj.)—wrthy(adj.值得……的)㉘verlk vt.忽视,忽略㉙bther vt.&vi.(使)苦恼㉚stare at...盯着……看stare vi.盯着看
    [辨析]stare/glare/glancestare尤指吃惊、害怕或深思地盯着看glare 指怒目而视glance指匆匆一看或扫视㉛drive sb.t d sth.迫使/促使某人做某事drive vt.迫使,促进㉜nthing but只有,只是,仅仅㉝attractive adj.有吸引力的,有魅力的
    [词链]attract (vt.吸引)—attractin(n.[C]有吸引力的事,向往的地方)㉞steretype n.[C]模式化的思想㉟skinny adj.极瘦的,皮包骨的㊱wear vt.[熟词生义] 接受,允许
    It's all abut ME!“Me”.It's a small wrd with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual t each f us as the way we lk.Thrugh interviews,I was able t discver [1]what “me” means t ther peple,and hw they have learnt t appreciate the beauty in themselves.Psychlgist①,Dr Hart [1]what和hw均引导宾语从句,作discver的宾语。
    Jade,24,accunting②managerAs a sng in Ugly Betty puts③it,“It's a pretty persn's wrld”.I understand this mre than mst,[2]as I have always been plain-lking④.I'm a girl wh'd lve t lk gd.Well,wh wuldn't?S,[3]ever since I discvered selfie apps that culd remve⑤my freckles,enlarge⑥my eyes and even slim⑦my jawline,I have becme addicted⑧.I spend hurs every day editing my selfies,psting them and eagerly checking my phne a hundred times fr cmments.Each“like”bsts⑨my cnfidence.Dad thinks I am a narcissist⑩,but [4]what I say is [5]that my pictures aren't hurting anyne,s wh cares?
    [2]as引导原因状语从句。[3]ever since引导时间状语从句,其中又包含了一个定语从句“that ”,修饰先行词selfie apps。[4]主语从句,what在从句中作say的宾语。[5]that引导表语从句。
    Dr Hart says:Obsessive⑪nline pht editing⑫indicates a lack f self-cnfidence⑬and a desire fr attentin⑭.Hwever,the image Jade presents⑮t btain the praise f thers is false.Peple [6]wh pretend⑯t be smene they are nt tend t misjudge⑰themselves.[6]wh引导定语从句,修饰peple;“they are nt...”为省略了关系词的定语从句,修饰smene。
    Anthny,21,cllege studentI never really cared abut my appearance.[7]That's why I culd never understand my sister,wh has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which ne t use every mrning.I nly used t have five identical⑱pairs f trusers and five identical shirts.When I first mved int my drmitry⑲at cllege,this made my rmmates⑳quite cnfused as they saw me in the same clthes day after day.Last mnth they registered me fr㉑a TV prgramme,A New Yu.It felt bizarre㉒at first.I didn't like
    being reviewed frm head t te㉓.But I was surprised at hw gd I lked after the makever㉔!Fr the first time in my life I saw myself as a handsme and well-presented yung man.At that mment,I perceived㉕that external beauty㉖isn't ttally wrthless㉗.It can be an expressin f ur persnalities,[8]helping us make a gd and psitive impressin n thers.
    [7]本句属于“That's why...”句型,表示“那就是……的原因”。其中wh引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词my sister,该定语从句中“which ne t use”作decide的宾语,属于“疑问词+不定式”结构。[8]动词-ing形式短语作状语。
    Dr Hart says:[9]It's true that inner beauty is very imprtant,but external beauty shuldn't be cmpletely verlked㉘.It plays a part in the image we present t the wrld,and making an effrt with yur appearance can leave a psitive first impressin n thers and bst yur cnfidence.[9]it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。
    Emma,17,senir high schl studentEver since I was little,I've been larger than ther girls.Fr a lng time,this really bthered㉙me.Peple wuld stare at㉚me because I was “big” and I hated the way I lked.My anxiety drve me t try㉛ every means pssible t lse weight,including dieting and weight-lss pills,but this brught me nthing but㉜pain and pr health.Everything changed when ne day I came acrss the success stry f a plus-size mdel,Tess Hlliday.Althugh she's larger than
    mst ther mdels,she's really attractive㉝and has the cnfidence t be herself—even in an industry full f beauty steretypes㉞.Her stry changed my ideas abut [10]what it means t be beautiful.I realised that my health,mental and physical,is the mst imprtant thing.Nw I exercise a cuple f times a week but just t keep fit.I mean,isn't it better that I'm large and happy,instead f skinny㉟and unhealthy?[10]what引导宾语从句,作介词abut的宾语,what在从句中作means的宾语;其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语t be beautiful。
    Dr Hart says:I cmpletely agree with Emma—being healthy is beautiful,and we shuld wear㊱that beauty with cnfidence.[11]What I really admire is the way she has acknwledged that gd health nt nly makes us mre beautiful,but happier, t![11]本句的主干是What I really admire is the way。what引导主语从句;“she has ,t”是定语从句,修饰先行词the way;that引导宾语从句,从句作acknwledged的宾语。
    一切都关于“我”!“我”,这个小小的字有着十分丰富的含义。对于我们每个人来说,这个意义就像我们的外表一样是因人而异的。通过这次采访,我得以发现“我”这个字对于其他人的意义,以及他们如何学会欣赏自己的美。心理学家 哈特博士
    1.What's the main idea f the text? A.Health is mre imprtant than beauty.B.Hw t make yurself mre beautiful.C.The interviews abut hw t lk at yur appearance.D.Inner beauty is mre imprtant than external beauty.[答案] C
    2.Read the text quickly and fill in the blanks.
    being healthy
    Read the text carefully and then chse the best answer.1.What is Dr Hart's pinin n beauty? A.Peple shuld use every means t lk pretty.B.Nt external beauty but inner beauty matters.C.Beauty is mre imprtant than happiness.D.Health and happiness are the beauty we shuld value.
    2.What can we learn abut Jade? A.She is addicted t a selfie app.B.She is prud f her beautiful appearance.C.She had an peratin n her face.D.Her father apprves f her behaviur.3.What is Dr Hart's attitude twards bsessive nline pht editing?A.Supprtive.   B.Unclear.C.Disapprving. D.Uncncerned.
    4.Accrding t the text,what can we knw abut Emma? A.She ften makes every effrt t put n weight.B.She lst mst f her weight thanks t a plus-size mdel.C.She thinks external beauty is the mst critical aspect f her life.D.She was bthered by the way peple lked at her fr many years.[答案] 1~4 DACD
    I'm a girl wh'd lve t lk gd.Well,wh wuldn't?
    It felt bizarre at first.I didn't like being reviewed frm head t te.
    I realised that my health,mental and physical,is the mst
    imprtant thing.
    Peple wh pretend t be smene they are nt tend t misjudge
    Althugh she's larger than mst ther mdels,she's really
    attractive and has the cnfidence t be herself—even in an industry full f beauty steretypes
    词汇知识过关1.bst v.促进,推动 n.激励;增长;提高
    (1)bst ne's cnfidence  增加某人的信心bst ne's spirit振奋精神bst up向上推,抬高(物价),增强 (2)a bst t sth.……的显著提高
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子/一句多译①(2023·新课标Ⅰ卷)In fact, dn't wait until yu've made a mistake t try this—it's a great way ________(bst) self-cnfidence at any time.②我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的信心。We need a big win t ____________________.
    bst ur cnfidence
    ③因此,他们可以工作更长时间,消费更多,并在总体上促进经济增长。a.Therefre,they can wrk lnger,cnsume mre and in general ______________________.(bst n.)b.Therefre,they can wrk lnger,cnsume mre and in general _________________.(bst v.)
    be a bst t the ecnmy
    bst the ecnmy
    2.a desire fr 渴望
    (1)desire n.     愿望,渴望a desire t d sth.渴望做某事have n desire t d sth.不想做某事(2)desire v.渴望;期望desire t d sth.渴望做某事desire sb.t d sth.渴望某人做某事desire that ...(shuld) d sth.渴望……做某事
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/一句多译①All f us have the desire ________ (visit) the three main temples in Aliens,especially the ne that cntains a gld and ivry statue f Athena.②Tuched by an authentic accunt f life in the desert,sme adventurers desire ________ (drive) acrss the desert n their wn.
    ③许多农民希望当下的政策不要变。a.________________________________________________________ (desire v.)b._________________________________________________________________ (desire n.)
    Many farmers desire that the present plicy (shuld) nt be changed.
    It is many farmers' desire that the present plicy (shuld) nt be
    [温馨提示]当desire作动词后接宾语从句,以及作名词后接同位语从句或表语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“shuld+动词原形”, shuld可以省略。
    3.pretend v.假装,装作
    pretend t d sth.     假装做某事pretend t be ...假装成……pretend t be ding sth.假装正在做某事pretend t have dne sth.假装做过某事pretend that ...假装……
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子①If yu pretend _______ (knw) what yu dn't knw,yu'll nly make a fl f yurself.②The by pretended ________________ (finish) his hmewrk,but in fact he didn't d it.③She pretended ____ she was nt at hme when we rang the dr bell.④当老师进来的时候,她假装正在做作业。She _______________________________ when the teacher came in.
    t have finished
    pretended t be ding her hmewrk
    4.tend t 倾向于
    (1)tend v.       往往会;倾向;照,照管tend t d sth.易于做某事;往往会做某事tend t/twards sth.倾向于某事tend (t) sb./sth.照料/照管某人/某物(2)tendency n.倾向;偏好;趋势,趋向have a tendency t d sth.倾向于做某事tendency fr sb./sth.某人/某物的倾向
    [即学即练] 一词多义/单句语法填空①We tend t get cld winters and warm,dry summers in this part f the cuntry.______②Ambulance crews were tending t the injured.__________③There is a ________ (tend) fr unemplyment t rise in summer.④In general,cmments sectins n the web tend____________ (fill) with insults and attacks,while adding little f substance t the debate.
    t be filled
    5.leave/make/have a(n) n给……留下印象
    (1)impressin n.      印象;感想impressin f ...对……的印象(2)impress v.       给……留下深刻印象;使铭记impress sb.with ...使某人铭记;使某人对……印象深刻be impressed at/with/by对……印象深刻(3)impressive adj. 令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/一句多译①It makes a very bad impressin __ the interviewers if yu're late fr an interview.②I remember being very impressed __________ hw many tys I had when I was a child.③That was an __________ (impress) perfrmance frm such a yung tennis player.
    ④他们的勤奋给我们留下了深刻印象。a.We _________________________ their industry.(impress v.)b.Their industry ______________________________ us.(impressin n.)
    were impressed at/with/by
    made/left/had a deep impressin n
    6.bther v.(使)苦恼;打扰,烦扰;花费时间精力(做某事) n.麻烦,困难;令人烦恼的情况(人或事物)
    (1)bther t d sth.=bther (abut) ding sth. 费心做某事bther sb.t d sth.麻烦某人做某事bther sb.with/abut sth.因某事打扰某人
    can't be bthered t d sth.不愿为做某事而操心,嫌麻烦而不做某事It bthers sb.t d sth./that ...使某人烦恼的是……(2)have n/much bther (in) ding sth.做某事(没)有麻烦
    [即学即练] 一词多义/单句语法填空①He didn't even bther t let me knw he was cming.____________________ ②The prblem has been bthering me fr weeks.________③I shuld have phned the shp first and saved myself the bther f ging there.____ ④Dn't bther _______________ (lck) the dr,fr I am cming back in a few minutes.
    lcking/t lck
    ⑤The grass needs cutting but I can't be bthered _____ (d) it tday.⑥He didn't want t bther her __________ these prblems when she was n hliday.
    7.acknwledge v.承认(某事属实或某情况存在)
    (1)acknwledge sb./sth.t be/as ...         承认某人/某物是……acknwledge (ding)sth./that ...承认(做了)某事/承认……It is (generally/widely) acknwledged that ...大家公认,普遍认为……acknwledge having dne sth.承认做过某事(2)acknwledgement n. 承认;感谢in acknwledgement f表示对……的感谢
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/一句多译①Mary acknwledged ___________ (tell) a white lie t her father in rder t hide the bad news frm him.②He ________________ (acknwledge) as the best player in that cuntry.③I was sent a free cpy in _______________ (acknwledge) f my cntributin.
    was acknwledged
    ④他承认自己输了比赛。a.____________________________________________ (acknwledge having dne ...)b.___________________________________________ (acknwledge that ...)c._________________________________________________(acknwledge+复合宾语)d._______________________________________________(it作形式主语)
    He acknwledged having been defeated in the game.
    He acknwledged that he was defeated in the game.
    He acknwledged himself (t be) defeated in the game.
    It was acknwledged that he was defeated in the game.
    经典句式过关重点句式1 That's why...“那就是为什么……”(教材P3) That's why I culd never understand my sister,wh has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which ne t use every mrning.所以我永远无法理解我姐姐。她有17支口红,但她每天早上都不知道该用哪支好。
    [句式分析] This/That is why...为表语从句的常用句型结构,意为“这/那就是为什么……”,用来表示结果。句中的why引导的是表语从句。
    This is why decrating with plants,fruits and flwers carries special significance.这就是为什么用植物、水果和鲜花装饰具有特殊意义。
    (1)This/That is why...这/那就是为什么……(why从句表示结果) (2)This/That is because...这/那是因为……(because从句表示原因) (3)The reasn that... ……原因是……((表语从句常用that引导,不用because)
    [即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子①I will tell her what t d with it,and that's ___ she cmes t me fr help.②She cmes t me fr help,and that's _______ I will tell her what t d with it.③The reasn ___ she cmes t me fr help is that I will tell her what t d with it.
    ④(2021·新高考Ⅰ卷)罗马对旅行者来说很昂贵,所以很多人选择住在旅社。Rme can be pricey fr travelers,which is _______________ t stay in a hstel.⑤他意识到这是因为没有足够多的树木来保护它们免受炎热的炙烤。He realized that ______________ there weren't enugh trees t prtect them frm the heat.
    why many chse
    it was because
    重点句式2 ever since引导时间状语从句(教材P4) Ever since I was little,I've been larger than ther girls.从小我就比其他女孩块头大。
    [句式分析] 本句为ever since引导的时间状语从句,从句通常用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。
    He has had a car (ever) since he was 18.他从18岁起就有汽车了。
    (ever) since引导的时间状语从句常见的四种用法:(1)(ever) since+过去一个时间点(如具体的年、月、日期、钟点)。(2)(ever) since+一段时间+ag。(3)(ever) since+从句。(4)It is/has been+一段时间+(ever) since从句。
    [即学即练] 完成句子①自从1989年起,我一直在这儿。I_______________ (ever) since 1989.②我在这儿已经有5个月了。I have been here ____________________________.③我考上研究生有两年了。_____________________ (ever) since I became a pstgraduate student.
    have been here
    (ever) since five mnths ag
    It is/has been tw years
    应用落实训练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Cmmunicatin is vital t any relatinship,especially t _________ (寝室) relatinship.2.All f these have enriched my knwledge and ________ (扩大)my hrizns,which are f vital imprtance t imprving my English.3.The tw pictures are similar,althugh nt _________ (完全相同的).
    4.Perhaps I _________ (对……判断错误) him befre,and he is nt s mean as I imagined.5.Over time,I've discvered that many creative peple are highly _____________ (自我批评的).6.He _________ (假装) t his family that everything was fine.7.The prblem has been _________ (使苦恼) me fr weeks.
    8.One grup was treated with the new drug,and the cntrl grup was given a sugar ____ (药丸).9.This may seem s simple,but it is s imprtant,and ften __________ (忽略).10.It was generally ____________ (承认) that it was gd t be reflective,at least briefly.
    Ⅱ.选词填空1.A persn wh pssesses inner beauty _________________________ thers.2.Yu always hesitate t challenge prblems,which indicates _________ self-cnfidence.
    makes a psitive impressin n
    3.When being reviewed ________________,I felt embarrassed.4.T everyne's delight,her passing the exams __________________ in her ability.5.Only when yu ______________ t study can yu pass the test.
    bsted her cnfidence
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.那就是他想练习说英语的原因。(why)That's _____________________________________.2.大家都认为这位著名的歌手和她的母亲很像。(acknwledge)____________________________the famus singer resembles her mther s much.3.使人们吃惊的是那次沙尘暴的强度。(what)___________________ was the strength f the sandstrm.
    why he wants t practice speaking English
    It is generally acknwledged that
    What surprised peple
    4.一项研究表明,每天花两个或三个小时在户外玩耍可以减少孩子患近视的机会。(spend)_______________________________________________ can reduce a child's chance f becming shrt-sighted,a research shws.5.正如我们的老师经常说的那样,被重点大学录取的是那些从不半途而废的人。(as)_______________________,admitted t key universities are thse wh will never give up halfway.
    Spending tw r three hurs playing utdrs each day
    As ur teacher ften puts it
    Ⅳ.课文语法填空Jade,an accunting manager,is a plain-lking girl but lves t lk gd.After finding selfie apps which can make a persn lk mre beautiful,she has becme addicted t them.By 1._______ (edit) her selfies,psting them and eagerly checking fr 2.________ (cmment),each “like” bsts her cnfidence.Thugh 3.__________ (cnsider) as a narcissist by her father,she desn't care because her edited phts dn't d harm t thers.
    Anthny,21,a cllege student wh never cared abut his appearance,didn't understand why his sister was puzzled at which lipstick 4.______ (use) because she had 17 nes.He made his cllege rmmates cnfused,fr he always wre the same clthes.Last mnth,his rmmates 5.__________ (register) him fr a TV prgramme 6._____ he was reviewed frm head t te.After that,he realised that external beauty isn't 7._______ (ttal) wrthless.By dressing well,he can make a gd and psitive impressin n thers.

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