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    这是一份2024届山西省吕梁市高三下学期三模考试英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等填写在试卷和答题卡指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂照。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0. 5mm的黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What time is it nw?
    A. 4: 20. B. 4: 25. C. 4: 30.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At hme. B. In a clinic. C. In an ffice.
    3. Wh is the man prbably?
    A. A reprter. B. A teacher. C. A writer.
    4. What is wrng with the wman?
    A. She has pulled a muscle. B. She has wrn herself ut. C. She is unable t walk.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Their family. B. Their sciety. C. Their educatin.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He wrks at a cmpany. B. He teaches math at a schl.
    C. He studies cmputer science at cllege.
    7. What des the wman think f her jb?
    A. It's fun. B. It's well-paid.C. It's easy.
    8. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On the playgrund. B. In the kitchen. C. In the restaurant.
    9. What des the wman was asked t d?
    A. Tast sme meat. B. Cut tmates and lettuce. C. Make anther sandwich.
    10. When can the wman have a meet with Dr. Smith?
    A. Anytime tday. B. At 7 p. m. C. She culdn't make an appintment.
    11. Why des the wman want t change her curse?
    A. Because she was nt gd at Five-ne-ne.
    B. Because she wants t chse a mre advanced and useful curse.
    C. Because she can't finish her advanced curses in advance.
    12. What can testify her qualificatin?
    A. Her recrds. B. Her papers. C. Her degree.
    13. Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T get help. B. T ask the way. C. T cancel their date.
    14. What happened t the wman?
    A. Her bicycle brke dwn. B. She was ill. C. She was kncked dwn.
    15. Where is the wman right nw?
    A. In a cinema hall. B. On the way. C. At a charging statin.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. See a mvie alne. B. Pick up the wman. C. Charge a bicycle.
    17. When culd Flrence take a hliday?
    A. July. B. June. C. September.
    18. What des Flrence truly hate?
    A. Be pressed fr time. B. Talk t the patients. C. Chat fr a few minutes.
    19. Under what cnditin culd Flrence have a hliday?
    A. After she clck n. B. After she clck ff.
    C. If she wrked an extra lng shift.
    20. What des Flrence like t d n spare time nw?
    A. Hang ut with friends. B. G arund the shps. C. G n a jurney.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Lndn's Must-See Exhibitins
    This year is zipping alng at quite a speed, and Lndn's already witnessed sme great exhibitins. But big treats are still t cme.
    Van Ggh's Sunflwers and Starry Night at Tate Britain
    A majr exhibitin at Tate Britain, which examines hw Van Ggh was inspired by British art, and hw he in tun inspired British artists. His famus painting Sunflwers fills the gallery with jy.
    The EY Exhibitin: Van Ggh and Britain at Tate Britain. Until 11 August, £22.
    Glass Master at Kew Gardens
    Dale Chihuly creates sculptures ut f glass that we wuld nrmally think impssible. With 32 f his sculptures arund Kew Gardens, we're lking frward t Kew becming even mre beautiful than it already is.
    Chihuly at Kew: Reflectins n Nature at Kew Gardens. 13 April-27 Octber, £13. 75.
    Mre f Mre at Museum f Lndn
    Henry Mrr is best-knwn fr his abstract figure sculptures. What many wn't knw abut is his bsessin (痴迷) with armur (盔甲) , and the sculptures he created inspired by Renaissance armur. Actually, they're ging n display at Museum f Lndn, next t the armur that inspired them.
    Henry Mre: The Helmet Heads at Museum f Lndn. Until 23 Octber, £11.
    Shining a Light n Rembrandt at Dulwich Picture Gallery
    Dulwich Picture Gallery cmmemrates 350 years since the death f Rembrandt with an exhibitin n the man wh mastered the use f light and dark in his paintings. The last Rembrandt exhibitin in Lndn was superb.
    Rembrandt's Light at Dulwich Picture Gallery. 2 Octber-2 December, £15.
    21. What d “Class Master” and “Mre f Mre” have in cmmn?
    A. They bth exhibit sculptures. B. They have the same ending time.
    C. They share the same exhibitin area. D. They charge the same fr admissin.
    22. Where can yu enjy an exhibitin n 10 Nvember?
    A. Tate Britain B. Kew Gardens
    C. Museum f Lndn D. Dulwich Picture Gallery
    23. Where can we read this passage?
    A. In an art textbk. B In a sprts newspaper.
    C. In a turist magazine. D. In an exhibitin brchure.
    In many mvies, the clthing the actrs wear is an imprtant part f the stry. In Rme, there is a wrkshp that has been a big part f Italian and internatinal film histry fr 60 years.
    Tirelli Cstumes in Rme's Prati neighbrhd is an atelier, a business that makes special clthing and cstumes. It has earned the nickname the “Oscar tailr's shp” fr its incmparable wrk in film cstume design.
    Umbert Tirelli started the shp in Nvember 1964. It has been behind 17 Academy Awards fr best cstume design. Mst recently, its wrkers helped create the cstumes fr Ridley Sctt's mvie Naplen. The film's cstume designers were nminated (提名) fr an Oscar that will be decided at the Academy Awards in Hllywd this weekend.
    At the start, the shp had “a sewing machine, tw cutters and tw ther seamstresses,” Trappetti said.
    After the 1984 cstume design Oscar fr Amadeus, Tirelli culd have accepted many internatinal prjects “because the market was immediately interested,” Trappetti said. But Tirelli, wh died in 1990. was nt sure. Trappetti remembered him saying, “I'm nt ging t America If America wants, America will cme lking fr me. ”
    Over 60 years, the tailr's shp has created mre than 300, 000 cstumes that are nw stred near Rme. Cstume designers cme fr ideas and histrical infrmatin. They als cme fr hand-cut. hand-sewn creatins by the team f Tirelli wrkers.
    “Yu can't make thse cstumes in a factry. In a factry yu can make films with rbts. futuristic r fantasy, ” Trappetti said. “But these things have t be made by hand. ”
    24. Why is the shp called the “Oscar tailr's shp”?
    A. Because there are many cllectins. B. Because it wrks fr famus directrs.
    C. Because f its tp-class film cstume design. D. Because Oscar winners like wearing its clthing.
    25. Why is Ridley Sctt's mvie Naplen mentined?
    A. T list Umbert Tirelli's wrks. B. T prve Naplen's ppularity.
    C. T shw Ridley Sctt's imprtance. D. T illustrate Tirelli Cstumes' achievement.
    26. What d Tirelli's wrds imply?
    A. The shp started small. B. He didn't realize his ptential.
    C. He is a man f strng self-cnfidence. D. The clthing made by the shp was unique.
    27. What can we learn abut the team f Tirelli wrkers frm the last paragraph?
    A. They are hardwrking. B. They fall victim t cnservatism.
    C. They are pineers f the industry. D. They bast the craftsmanship spirit.
    Human experts spend years rasting and tasting cffee frm many places t learn abut the beans. They might then cmbine a cffee bean frm Africa with anther ne frm Suth America t cme up with a new blend. But, a cffee rasting cmpany in Helsinki, Finland is hping that artificial intelligence, r AI, can help ease the wrklad.
    Kaffa Rastery recently launched its “AI-cnic” blend at the Helsinki Cffee Festival. The blend is a mixture f fur kinds f beans, including Fazenda Pinhal frm Brazil. It is the result f a jint prject by Kaffa and Elev, a lcal AI business. Elev tld The Assciated Press that its cmputer mdels, similar t ChatGPT and Cpilt, created a blend that wuld “push the bundaries f cnventinal flavr cmbinatins. ”
    Svante Hampf is the funder f Kaffa Rastery. He and his partners wanted t d an experiment t see what blend the cmputer wuld prduce. “We basically gave descriptins f all ur cffee types and their flavrs t AI and instructed it t create a new exciting blend, ” Hampf said. The “AI-cnic” blend cmbined beans frm Brazil, Clmbia, Ethipia and Guatemala. It is described as “a well-balanced blend f sweetness and ripe fruit”
    Hampf said he thught the cmbinatin was “smewhat weird. ” He was surprised that the AI prgram chse t make the blend ut f fur different kinds f beans. Mst humans chse nly tw r three beans. Hwever, after the first blind test f the new blend, Kaffa's cffee experts agreed that the AI-assisted blend was perfect. There was n need t change.
    Elev's Antti Merileht said “AI-cnic” is an example f “hw AI can intrduce new perspectives t seasned prfessinals. ” And the rasters at Kaffa said they hpe the AI prject will help t bring mre things t the strng cffee culture in the cuntry.
    28. What des the first paragraph aim t d?
    A. T present a trend. B. T give an example.
    C. T intrduce a tpic. D. T interpret a wrking principle.
    29. What can't we infer abut the new blend?
    A. It came frm a jint effrt. B. It received psitive feedback.
    C. It shwed us mre pssibilities. D. It prved AI was better than human.
    30. What did Hampf think f the the AI-cnic blend?
    A. It was perfect. B. It was a little strange.
    C. It needed imprving. D. It was t sweet t eat.
    31. What des the underlined wrd mean?
    A. Devted. B. Frustrated. C. Overjyed. D. Experienced.
    Is climate candy set t be the next trend?
    LA-based Pure: Plus says yes. The startup launched its first cnsumer prduct, Faven, tw years ag. Tday, each packet f chews cntains ne serving f fruits and vegetables and naves scres f prduce frm ending up in landfill.
    Accrding t PurePlus, every Faves packet uses six carrts, three heels, ne sweet ptat, half a squash and ne-furth f n pumpkin. A lt f the time the prducts are made with “imperfect” prduce. The ultimate aim f the cmpany is l tackle fd waste in a meaningful and healthy way.
    C-funder and CEO Amy Keller knws sweets. She's the granddaughter f Nrman Spangler, a secnd-generatin leader at Spangler, a secnd-generatin leader at Spangler Candy C. Instead f fllwing in her family's ftsteps, she set up PurePlus in 2018. PurePlus wrks with farmers t secure unsld r unsellable prduce t turn int plant-based pwders that can be used in multiple fd and drink applicatins.
    Arund 930 millin tnnes f fd is wasted every year, twice as much as previus estimates, with 61 percent cming frm dmestic husehlds, 26 percent cmes frm fd services and retail claims the last 13 percent.
    The US Sustainable Develpment Gals initiative have laid ut plans t reduce fd waste by half by 2030. It is seeking t tackle the issue due t the increased burden n waste management systems, impact n climate change and fd insecurity that it brings. Up t 10 percent f glbal carbn emissins are tied t waste prduce.
    PurePlus has s far launched tw flavrs f its fruit and vegetable chew: strawberry and grape. Develped using its special prduce pwder and sustainable il, amng ther things, they are marketed as healthy alternatives t standard sweet chews.
    “Faves has set ut t slve the climate crisis by preventing fd waste by upcycling perfectly gd fruits and vegetables t create a candy that's gd fr peple and the planet, thus, making bth healthy chices and climate impact mre accessible, ” Amy Keller said in a statement. “We dn't make a prduct unless it will deliver a real benefit and is truly sustainable. ”
    32. What des the cmpany PurePlus aim t d?
    A. T start a new trend. B. T prduce the best sweets.
    C. T help peple eat mre healthy. D. T recycle fd waste in a sustainable way-
    33. What des the underlined wrd “it” refer t?
    A. Fd waste.B. Climate change.
    C. Fd insecurity. D. Waste management system.
    34. What can be inferred abut Amy Keller?
    A. She set up Faves tw years ag.
    B. She was the nly funder f PurePlus.
    C. She has a sense f scial respnsibility.
    D. She was the furth generatin leader at Spangler Candy C.
    35. Which is the best title?
    A. A new trend is set by Amy Keller. B. Climate candy is tackling fd waste.
    C. PurePlus has launched tw new flavrs. D. Pureplus has made plans t reduce fd waste.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
    Fr many peple, memry imprvement is pssible. The extent t which memry can imprve. hwever, will be different frm persn t persn. 36 .
    Timing activities strategically
    Hw yu rder yur daily tasks can impact yur ability t remember them and get them dne smthly.
    Difficult r cgnitively taxing activities shuld be cmpleted at the beginning f the day when fatigue is lw and attentin is at a high level. 37 . Meanwhile, take frequent breaks when engaged in a lng task.
    38 .
    A clean living and wrking envirnment with minimal distractins may help yu fcus n yur tasks and remember what yu need t d.
    Writing dwn yur persnal experiences
    39 . Memry research has established that when peple write abut their persnal experiences, they tend t recall thse ccurrences much better.
    Aviding multitasking
    40 .
    One study fund that peple between the ages f 60 and 80 have significantly mre truble remembering tasks after they've experienced a brief interruptin than d peple in their 30s and 40s.
    Research has shwn that switching yur attentin frm a laptp t a cellphne r texting while watching TV decreases the gray matter in ur brains that helps us with sensry perceptins including decisin-making and memry.
    A. Minimizing distractins
    B. Cleaning up yur envirnment
    C. Recrd the time each task takes
    D. Here are sme tips that will ffer yu sme help
    E. Large prjects shuld be brken dwn int smaller tasks
    F. The best way t remember persnal experiences is t write abut them
    G. Ding multiple things at nce culd affect yur shrt-term memry, particularly as yu get lder
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分. 满分15分)
    One ht summer we discvered ice cream sandwiches at the crner stre. Althugh it was expensive, we managed t buy ne and taste it, and then we were 41 after that.
    My dad wrked nights. When he came hme ne 42 . I heard the jingle (叮当声) f change in his pants and smething. 43 slwly came int my mind. On hearing his sleeping sunds. I 44 in and tk a handful f change. It was enugh fr my friends and me t eat like greedy 45 . And I became a her t my band f friends.
    That went n every day fr abut tw weeks. One day there was n change in dad's pcket s I felt 46 fr a mment, then tk ut tw whle dllars. I had been OK with taking the change, but thse dllars made my face 47 . Even befre we began enjying sandwiches, my stmach felt sick —if dad knew what I had dne, he'd kill me.
    Early that afternn, I 48 myself in ur basement, crying. Feeling guilty and 49 , I regretted having stlen the mney. Just then my dad came in. Tuching my head gently, he asked what had happened t me. Gathering my 50 , I tld the truth. In a mment I will never 51 he said, “Sn, I've knwn since the first day yu tk the mney. ” S shcked and 52 was I t hear my dad's wrds that I culdn't 53 . a single wrd. Dad explained that he had been waiting fr the mment when I culd realize my mistakes and he felt 54 that I had the curage t admit it. Deeply tuched by what he said, I 55 my dad and prmised t be an hnest persn.
    41. A. madB. excitedC. disappintedD. happy
    42. A. nnB. mrningC. afternnD. night
    43. A. meaningfulB. creativeC. uglyD. pleasant
    44. A. rushedB. slippedC. ranD. strmed
    45. A. dgB. miceC. pigsD. ducks
    46. A. unhappyB. guiltyC. annyedD. hesitated
    47. A. htB. paleC. cldD. dry
    48. A. hidB. layC. restedD. enjyed
    49. A. tiredB. stressedC. embarrassedD. frightened
    50. A. mneyB. curageC. changeD. encuragement
    51. A. rememberB. regretC. retellD. frget
    52. A. gladB. cnfusedC. sadD. exhausted
    53. A. utterB. recallC. writeD. signal
    54. A. verjyedB. gratefulC. relievedD. verwhelming
    55. A. leftB. reachedC. cnnectedD. embraced
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Since ancient times, phenixes 56 (regard) by Chinese as birds that can bring happiness and gd frtune. A male phenix is called feng and a female ne huang, 57 they are cllectively called fenghuang (phenix) . Like the Chinese dragn, the phenix is als viewed. 58 a gd r gddess. The phenix is very beautiful, with the head f a 59 (gld) pheasant, the wings f a dapeng (a huge bird frm Chinese legend ) , the 60 (leg) f a crane, the beak f a parrt and the tail f a peacck, and is 61 king /queen f all birds, as well as a symbl f beauty, happiness and peace. Legend has it that when the state is in a state f peace and prsperity, the phenix will descend frm heaven 62 (live) n earth. When the phenix appears, numerus birds will fly after it frm all directins, 63 is called “birds paying hmage t the phenix”. In the feudal age, the phenix was taken as a symbl f the 64 (nble) wman f the imperial curt. The phenix remains a ppular image in Chinese flklre tday, 65 (symblize) gd frtune. happiness and jy.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友Tm 很想了解即将来临的中国传统节日“端午节”。请写一封电子邮件介绍相关情况。内容包括:
    1. 节日基本情况;
    2. 传统活动。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    第二节 (满分25分)
    It was a particularly dark and strmy night, with the fierce wind shk the windws wildly, as if sme unseen frce was beating them frm utside. The cluds had gathered in a dense mass, blcking ut the mn and the stars. Cntrasting dramatically with the utside, the air in the huse was filled with jy and warmth as family members gathered tgether, all eagerly anticipating the festival. The children were laughing and playing, chasing each ther arund the living rm. Their laughter and chatter filled the air, creating a lively and festive atmsphere. The adults wh sat arund the dining table, sharing stries, were infected by their energy, finding themselves wearing smiles all the tire. t was New Year's Eve and ur annual party is in full swing.
    Unexpectedly, ur hearts skipped a beat as lud explsins eched thrugh the night, sending shivers dwn ur spines. We rushed t the windws, hearts punding, and lked ut int the hills, where a terrifying sight awaited us. The electrical transfrmers (变压器) were nw erupting in a chatic display f sparks and flames. One by ne, the lights in the surrunding areas began t flicker and fade. The darkness swallwed up the hills and just in a minute nly a few scattered lights remained, twinkling weakly in the distance. And then, withut warning, came a deafening explsin, and ur wn huse went dark t.
    I quickly gathered all the candles we had and lit them, casting a sft glw that transfrmed the rm int a czy atmsphere. Hwever, we faced a challenge. With fifteen peple gathering arund. we still needed t prepare dinner. Hw culd we pssibly ck withut electricity? The questin hung in the air, but we knew we had t find a way t make the mst f ur situatin and ensure everyne had a memrable New Year's Eve.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    第一部分(每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
    1-5 AABBA 6-10 CABCC 11-15 BACAC 16-20 BBACC
    第二部分(每小题2. 5分,满分50分)
    21-25 ADDCD 26-30 BDCDB 31-35 DDACB 36-40 DEAFG
    41-45 ABCBC 46-50 DAADB 51-55 DBACD
    第二节(每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    56. have been regarded 57. and /s 58. as 59. glden 60. legs
    61. the 62. t live 63. which 64. nblest 65. symblizing
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    21. A【详解】细节理解题。由 “With 32 f his sculptures arund Kew Gardens…” 及 “... and the sculptures he created inspired by Renaissance armur. Actually, they're ging n display at Museum f Lndn” 可知。
    22. D【详解】细节理解题。由全文最后一句 “2 Octber-2 December, &15.” 可知。
    23. D【详解】推理判断题。本文是对伦敦展览会的介绍,因而最可能出现在介绍展览会的小册子里。
    24. C【详解】细节理解题。由第二段第二句 “It has earned the nickname the “Oscar tailr's shp” fr its incmparable wrk in film cstume design.” 可知。
    25. D【详解】推理判断题。举例是为了说明段落主旨——Tirelli Cstumes 这家公司的成就。
    26. B【详解】推理判断题。由第六段第一句 “... Tirelli culd have accepted many internatinal prjects” 及第二句 “But Tirelli, wh died in 1990, was nt sure.” 可知。
    27. D【详解】推理判断题。全文旨在介绍 Tirelli Cstumes 这家公司。结合本段第一句 “Yu can't make thse cstumes in a factry.” 及最后一句 “... these things have t be made by hand.” 可知,作者赞扬其员工的工匠精神。
    28. C【详解】推理判断题。第一段的功能为引入话题——AI 开发了新功能:研发新的咖啡配方。
    29. D【详解】细节理解题。用排除法做。
    30. B【详解】细节理解题。由第四段第一句中的 “weird” ,及第二句中的 “surprised”可知。
    31. D【详解】猜测词义题。最后一段为人们对AI的认可和期许。由此可推断,在人们心目中AI为“经验丰富的”专业人士打开思路。
    32. D【详解】由三段末句 “The ultimate aim f the cmpany is t tackle fd waste in a meaningful and healthy way.” 可知。
    33. A【详解】由此句句式结构可知句子主干为 “It is seeking t tackle the issue due t A, B and C.” 而 “that it brings” 为 C 的定语。划线词it 等同于同一句中的 “issue” ,而 “issue” 等同于前一句中的 “fd waste” 。
    34. C【详解】由Amy所做的事,及最后一段最后一句她自己所说的话可知,她是一位富有社会责任感的人。
    35. B【详解】全文讲述了新兴公司 PurePlus研发了第一个产品 Faves,并阐释了其生产原料、产品研发背景及目的等内容。由此可知,B项正确。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    36. D【详解】此句为主旨句。
    37. E【详解】由后一句 “Meanwhile” 可知,此句与后一句并列,为具体措施。且结合标题 “Timing activities strategically” 可知,选 E。
    38. A【详解】此句为小标题,由其下内容可知, “minimal distractins” 和 “fcus” “remember” 为关键词,因而选A。
    39. F【详解】根据小标题可知。
    40. G【详解】根据小标题可知。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41. A【详解】根据后文偷钱也要买冰激凌三明治可知,孩子们对于它是很“痴迷的”。
    42. B【详解】根据前一句 “My dad wrked nights. My dad wrked nights.” 可知,爸爸上夜班,所以是“早上”回家。
    43. C【详解】根据后文偷钱的行为可知,这是一种“不好的”想法。
    44. B【详解】根据前文 “On hearing his sleeping sunds” 可知,一听到爸爸睡着了,作者就“溜进”房间。
    45. C【详解】由形容词 “greedy” 可知,我们像贪婪的“猪”一样大吃。
    46. D【详解】根据前文可知,作者一直偷零钱,而这次爸爸裤子口袋里没有零钱了。当常态发生变化的时候,人们瞬间下意识的反应是“犹豫”。
    47. A【详解】根据 “but” 转折可知,对于偷零钱这件事我是可接受的,但是对于偷整钱有点不适应,有点不安和恐慌,觉得自己犯了“大错”。反应在生理上就是“面红耳赤”。
    48. A【详解】根据前文可知,作者意识到自己的错误,羞于见父亲,所以“藏起来”。
    49. D【详解】根据前文 “if dad knew what I had dne, he'd kill me” 可知,作者感到“害怕”。
    50. B【详解】结合前文 “Feeling guilty and frightened” 及后文 “I tld the truth” 可知,作者鼓起“勇气”说出实情。
    51. D【详解】这是一个“难忘”的瞬间。
    52. B【详解】对于爸爸一开始就知道我偷拿零钱这件事,我既震惊又“困惑”。以至于说不出话来。
    53. A【详解】解释同上。
    54. C【详解】由于我能鼓足勇气承认错误,爸爸松了一口气。
    55. D【详解】对于爸爸所采取的态度和行为我心存感激,因而“拥抱”了他,并承诺以后要做个诚实的人。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    56. have been regarded【详解】由时间状语“Since ancient times”可知。
    57. and/s【详解】前后为两个并列分句。顺承或因果关系,因而用and 或者s连接。
    58. as【详解】固定搭配, “be viewed as” 。
    59. glden【详解】前冠词,后名词,此空为形容词。
    60. legs【详解】考察名词复数。
    61. the【详解】唯一性名词前用定冠词。
    62. t live【详解】目的状语。
    63. which【详解】非限制性定语从句关系词,指代整个主句,切在从句中做主语。
    64. nblest【详解】根据句意,考查形容词最高级。
    65. symblizing【详解】非谓语动词做状语,与主语 the phenix 之间为主动关系。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Tm,
    As yu're interested in Chinese traditinal festivals, I'd like t tell yu abut the upcming Dragn Bat Festival.
    It falls n the fifth day f the fifth lunar mnth. T remember the famus pet Qu Yuan, peple eat sticky rice dumplings called zngzi, which symblize the rice balls thrwn int the river t keep the fish frm eating Qu Yuan's bdy. One f the mst imprtant traditins is dragn bat racing, which symblizes the search fr Qu Yuan.
    I hpe this gives yu an verview f the Dragn Bat Festival. If yu have any questins r want t jin me t celebrate, please let me knw.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin
    The barbecue! Why nt ck n the barbecue? The men emptied a rm and then sme held flashlights while thers ck. Meat was sliced int thin pieces and the grill was set up. The wmen devted themselves t the preparatin f salads. Children were busy washing fruits. Everything was delicius. There were still a few hurs t g befre the beginning f the new year, s we all sat arund
    the dining rm table, singing and chatting.
    As the clck ticked clser t midnight, the excitement in the air reached a feverish pitch. The children were cunting dwn the secnds, and the adults jined in, their vices ringing ut in unisn. As the clck struck twelve, the huse erupted in cheers and laughter, signaling the arrival f the new year. The family gathered tgether, embracing and wishing each ther happiness and prsperity in the cming year. Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    The barbecue!
    As the clck ticked clser t midnight, the excitement in the air reached a feverish pitch.

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