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    这是一份福建省泉州市2024届高中毕业班下学期质量监测(三)英语试卷,共10页。试卷主要包含了第二节,第三部分  语言运用第一节,第四部分  写作第一节等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    Teaching English as a Secnd Language (TESL)
    Fr this prgram, yu'll need t apply t theFaculty f Educatin f McGill University.
    1. Which curse prvides the highest credit scre?
    A . EDEM 220. B . EDFE 209. C . EDFE 359. D . EDFE 459.
    2. Hw much shuld a freshman pay fr the tuitin?
    A . CAN$849.49. B . CAN$3114.68. C . CAN$25484.70. D . CAN$28599.38.
    3. Wh can be the mst ptential applicant f this prgram?
    A . A student seeking fr a degree in Kindergarten Educatin. B . A student expecting t teach English in primary schl. C . A student hping fr a career as a health instructr. D . A student planning t specialise in science explratin.
    Bruce Campbell, a retired electrical engineer, wanted t change the behavir f mankind by shwing hw we can recycle ld things int new and practical and livable nes.
    Fr abut $220,000, he purchased a Greek airliner — a Being 727-400 — that lgged abut 40,000 flights in its peak. Befre Campbell gt his hands n his Being 727 and transfrmed it int the airplane hme he lives in, this aircraft saw regular use as it transprted all kinds f peple t all srts f destinatins.
    After the successful transfrm, he hsted a big DJ dance party with a cuple f friends. The party, called Turbulence: A Dance Party at a 727 in the Wds, happened right n the wing! Guests wh attended the party als gt the pprtunity t take a lk at the airplane hme. Overall, they gt the attentin f 14,000 Facebk users wh were interested in what sunded like an incredible party.
    This talented engineer gt anther airliner and started n his secnd airplane hme during the beginning f 2018 n the Kyushu Island cast because he wanted it t serve as a safe place fr the lcal cmmunity as well. Part f Bruce Campbell's visin was t make an airliner that dubled as a lifebat in case tsunami (海啸) threats were issued. He wanted the general public t find ut that planes are capable f surviving hundreds f years and the cruelest weather cnditins thanks t its sealed pressure technlgy.
    Campbell adred the excitement that he received when he recycled airplanes and hped that peple wuld seriusly cnsider it after they gt the chance t see his hme during turs and events. He has psted n his website that it is his gal t "inspire a renaissance (复兴) f thught abut hw t emply this remarkable resurce".
    4. What drew wide public attentin t Campbell's first transfrmed plane?
    A . Its high residential cmfrt level. B . Its remarkable transprting capacity. C . The incredibly high transfrmatin cst. D . The Facebk pst f a party held n it.
    5. What did Campbell think the secnd plane culd serve as?
    A . A tsunami warning center. B . A meeting place fr lcal cmmunity. C . A temprary shelter in disasters. D . An engineering wrkshp.
    6. Why did Campbell transfrm the planes?
    A . T direct attentin t husing prblems. B . T satisfy his scientific curisity. C . T advcate a greener life style. D . T call fr participatin in recycling.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A . A frmer engineer turning retired planes int hme. B . Recent trends f renaissance-themed decratin. C . A talented hme designer receiving nline fame. D . Diverse appraches fr sustainable living.
    Five times strnger than steel, spider silk's unique qualities were recgnised by the Ancient Greeks-and mre recently, scientists have lked at applicatins frm medicine t engineering.
    Nw, ne Japanese startup, Spiber, is explring hw spider web s culd transfrm the clthing industry. The bitech cmpany started by making a spider-silk-like material in the lab and has since expanded its fabric range t include mre sustainable alternatives t wl and cashmere, says Kenji Higashi, head f business develpment at Spiber.
    Spiders create web s by giving ut liquid prtein that will later change int silk. Kazuhide Sekiyama and Junichi Sugahara, Spiber's funders, decided t create a material that is identical t spider silk. They studied "thusands f different spider species," as well as ther silk-prducing species, and cllected a database f silk varieties.
    Having successfully prduced the spider silk alternative, the team went n t develp a range f fabrics by changing the prtein rder. Spiber's fibers are made by fermenting(发酵) water, sugar and nutrients with specially mdified micrbes (改良微生物) in steel tanks t prduce prtein plymers t be made int a fiber. Later, the team discvered that the spider silk alternative shrinks(收缩) when wet, s they mdified the prtein t get a fiber with desirable prperties, such as water prf and increased strength, which is suitable fr an utdr jacket.
    Fashin is ne f the mst plluting industries in the wrld. It prduces arund
    2.1 billin metric tns f CO2 every year. Higashi says Spiber's bidegradable prducts are predicted t generate just ne-fifth f the carbn emissins f animal-based fibers nce they are in mass prductin. And it is nw develping a prcess that will transfrm abandned clthes made frm natural materials like cttn int the sugars needed fr fermentatin.
    Currently trying t expand its prductin and getting ready fr a full cmmercial launch f its prducts, Spiber hpes its technlgy will help t "slve sme f the big glbal challenges that we're facing," says Higashi.
    8. What is a primary purpse f Spiber's research in the lab?
    A . T develp new applicatins f spider silk. B . T invent a replacement fr spider silk. C . T transfrm the structure f spider silk. D . T study silk-prducing spider species.
    9. Hw did the team address the shrinking prblem?
    A . By adapting the prtein. B . By diversifying micrbes. C . By wetting the fiber. D . By lengthening fermenting time.
    10. What can best describe Spiber's prducts?
    A . Fancy and stylish. B . Cstly yet prfitable. C . Strng and sustainable. D . Lightweight yet resurce-cnsuming.
    11. What are the last tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A . The practical applicatin f Spiber's prducts. B . The envirnmental value f Spiber's prducts. C . The technical challenges f Spiber's prducts. D . The ptential markets f Spiber's prducts.
    A new study n 26 chimpanzees (黑猩猩) frm zs arund the wrld fund that chimpanzees can recgnise family members and lng lst friends even after decades f separatin.
    The participating chimpanzees were given juice while staring at a screen flashing side by side phts f ther chimps. One animal frm each pair f phts had lived with the grup fr at least a year, while the ther was a stranger. An eye-tracking camera recrded where the participants were lking and fr hw lng. Data shwed their eyes rested lnger n familiar grupmates, suggesting "rich recgnitin f each ther."
    There is als evidence that they became mreintent when shwn a picture f a chimpanzee with whm they'd had mre psitive interactins, cmpared with cnflicting relatinships.
    In the mst impressive case, a 46-year-ld chimpanzee named Luise repeatedly demnstrated "intense" attentin upn seeing phtgraphs f her sister Lretta and nephew Erin, whm she hadn't seen in mre than 26 years. The team said Luise's results represent the lngest-lasting scial memry dcumented in any nn-human animal t date.
    "We tend t see urselves as unique special creatures with incredible intellectual (智力的) capacities that are very different frm ther animals n earth," said Laura Simne Lewis, a pstdctral fellw in Berkeley's psychlgy department and lead authr f the study. "This study is shwing us hw similar we are t chimpanzees." She nted that the findings supprt the thery that lng-term scial memry in humans and mdern day chimps has cme frm "ur last cmmn ancestr that lived smewhere between 5 t 7 millin years ag" wh als likely had lng-term scial memry.
    Nw that they have definitive evidence that these endangered species pssess lng-term scial memries, researchers have mre questins, including whether chimpanzees miss the individuals they're n lnger with, especially their friends and family. "Our study desn't determine they are ding this, but it raises questins abut the pssibility that they may have the ability t d s," Lewis said.
    12. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A . The nature f chimps. B . The methd f the study. C . The analysis f the recrded data. D . The layut f experimental equipment.
    13. What des the underlined wrd "intent" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Attentive. B . Dubtful. C . Hesitant. D . Emtinal.
    14. Why is the example f Luise in paragraph 4 mentined?
    A . T stress chimps are as intelligent as human beings. B . T explain where chimps' scial memry cmes frm. C . T better demnstrate the chimps' memry length. D . T further prve the existence f chimps' scial memry.
    15. What will the research team mst prbably cntinue t explre?
    A . Whether chimps feel strng emtins t their lng lst friends. B . Hw t strengthen chimps' lng-term scial memries. C . Hw chimps recgnised their clse cntacts after lng separatin. D . Why chimps pssess the amazing scial memries.
    Napping during the day is an ancient custm that is practiced wrldwide. Shrt naps, which last frm 20 t 30 minutes at the right time, can benefit vitality and verall health in cuntless ways.
    Shrt naps can bst mental functining and memry, as well as imprve vitality, attentin and reactin time. 16 Because napping seems t imprve creative thinking, sme cmpanies have attempted t intrduce napping rms.
    What's mre, it appears the brain uses nap time t prcess infrmatin gathered thrughut the day.17 A study revealed that shrt naps als helped peple becme mre cnfident and sensible, which resulted in better fcus and efficiency at wrk. Napping may als lead t an imprved ability t learn new skills, such as a glf swing. This is because these memries r skills are strengthened in the brain during sleep.
    18 Studies shw that mre cnsistent sleep will help lwer "fight r flight" chemicals in ur bdies. As a result, ur bld pressure and heart rates are nrmalized. Napping appears t help this prcess fr sme peple.
    19 One cnditin assciated with napping lnger than 30 minutes is sleep inertia (睡后迟钝). This can harm cgnitive functin frm several minutes up t half an hur. Lng r late afternn naps can lead t difficulties falling asleep during the night. 20
    S, t maximize benefits while reducing risks, please keep naps shrt in the early afternn t avid sleep inertia and nighttime sleep disruptins.
    A. But napping can cme with drawbacks as well.
    B. The reasn fr this phenmenn is mstly unknwn.
    C. Therefre, that appears t enhance prblem-slving abilities.
    D. Shrt naps are als linked t increased prductivity and creativity.
    E. Napping can als be assciated with a reduced risk f heart diseases.
    F. Napping shuld nt serve as an alternative fr enugh nighttime rest.
    G. Besides fr thse aged 60 and up, lnger naps may increase the risk fr heart diseases.
    三、第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Granny fell ill befre Valentine's Day. She had t21 ur planned z trip, which she had been22 .
    "Remember t say hi t the mnkeys fr me," Granny23 us up befre we left. We did g and have fun, but I kept24 Granny culd have been with us.
    Tex sptted sme25 and suggested taking a picture in frnt f them. While we said, "Cheese," Indi accidentally said, "Happy Valentine's Day, Granny!" This slip f the tngue (舌头) reminded me. I26 taking pictures f different animals and27 them int a z valentine fr Granny. Everyne lved that.
    At hme, we 28 ut the printed pictures n the table. Since it was 29 t fit s many pictures nt a heart-shaped card, we 30 t create a whle bunch f valentines, each card representing an animal.
    31 , ur print didn't have clr ink, s we32 the black-and-white pictures with markers and made speech ballns fr the animals. When we were dne, I made a cuple f33 n the cards and tied them tgether t make a bk. It tk frever t finish, but it turned ut34 .
    "Oh, yu little sweet ptates!" Granny smiled when we gave her ur35 . "Yu sure did turn this lady's frwn (眉头) upside dwn! I lve yu s much."
    A . cancel B . miss C . arrange D . ruin
    A . hearing f B . apprving f C . lnging fr D . seeking fr
    A . cheered B . picked C . cnnected D . wke
    A . demanding B . insisting C . imagining D . wishing
    A . cards B . turists C . ballns D . mnkeys
    A . prpsed B . denied C . inquired D . permitted
    A . dividing B . gruping C . turning D . carving
    A . sld B . spread C . cunted D . handed
    A . extrardinary B . impssible C . essential D . meaningless
    A . cntinued B . anticipated C . decided D . claimed
    A . Unfrtunately B . Ultimately C . Gradually D . Apparently
    A . assciated B . displayed C . illustrated D . clred
    A . ntes B . symbls C . hles D . marks
    A . nble B . great C . enrmus D . classical
    A . creatin B . assumptin C . devtin D . invitatin
    Tw years ag, Sng Fei's muscle pain was getting wrse, despite years f gym exercise. A mnth after36(practise)taijiquan, hwever, the pains that had been bthering her were slwly relieved. Sng, 29, a Shanghai-based fitness vlgger (视频博主), has been sharing her changes after learningtaijiquan37 lifestyle-sharing platfrmXiahngshu. Besides perfrming it each mrning, she als integrates38(element) f the Chinese martial art int her fitness curses.
    China'staijiquan has becme39(increasing) ppular as a frm f mind-bdy exercise and stress reductin. Like Sng, mre yung peple are inheriting (继承) and develping ways t integrate the martial art int40 (variety) lifestyle applicatins. Master Li Guangjin, wh created his wn style ftaijiquan, emphasizes41 imprtance f maintaining health, cmbat (格斗), and relaxatin thrugh taijiquan practice. Visual designer Lin Xiaxue has als experienced physical and mental benefits since she picked up taijiquan. She has designed sme visual wrks42(inspire) bytaijiquan. Additinally,taijiquan has influenced ther fitness practices, such as ChiRunning,43 cmbines tai chi techniques with running44(prmte) injury preventin and mindfulness.
    This integratin f traditinal wisdm int mdern lifestyles 45(reflect) a grwing interest in understanding the deeper meaning f life thrugh taijiquan and related practices.
    五、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,请给你校交换生James写一封信,告知他泉州市正向外国友人开展题为"Quanzhu in My Eyes"的短视频征集活动以宣传推介"世遗泉州文化",内容包括:
    1. 活动介绍;
    3. 鼓励参加。
    1. 写作词数应为 80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答;
    3. 参考词汇:世遗泉州文化the UNESCO Wrld Heritage culture f Quanzhu
    Dear James,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Smetimes things dn't g as planned but that desn't mean they can't still be wnderful in their wn way.
    My parents and I had spent frever researching summer camps nline. Finally, we picked ut ne where I culd design games, animate (制作动画) characters, and learn ther cl cding (编程) stuff.
    My mm said, "I like the idea f yu exercising that clever brain f yurs. But I als want yu t get plenty f fresh air." "Campers can chse t hike r swim every afternn!" I said, as I clicked n the registratin frm.
    My dad filled ut the frm, and weeks later, my parents drpped me ff fr what I thught wuld be a week f nnstp cmputer-cding fun.
    I arrived at the check-in table at the same time as a camper f my age named Halley, wh was wearing an adrable sunhat. Halley greeted, "We are in the same grup - number
    7." Led by an advisr, we fllwed the green arrws t the campsite.
    I surprisedly fund that it was s cl and wdsy alng the path. I exchanged ideas with Halley abut what might cme ut f the camp. Halley excitedly mentined the little animals he lved t bserve and smething abut night sky watching.
    "Yu gave me the best idea," I said. "I'll base my characters n the animals yu mentined!" Halley laughed. "I might be missing smething here. Wh are these mysterius characters?"
    "Yu knw, the characters we'll be designing and animating n cmputers this week!" I said. "Uh, srry. Still lst," said Halley. "Why wuld we be ding cmputer stuff at Nature Camp?"
    It was then that I realised sme errrs must have been made. I must have accidentally clicked n the wrng nline frm! We immediately raced back t the welcme table t see if I culd switch ver t Tech Camp, but f curse it was cmpletely full.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I frced a smile as we headed fr ur campsite.
    "OK, I'll have a try," I lked at Halley thankfully.Overview
    This enriching prgram (Bachelr f Educatin, r B. Ed.) will prepare yu t becme a specialist educatr f English as a Secnd Language (ESL) at bth the elementary and secndary schl levels. Yu will graduate with the theretical and practical experience necessary in yur future career.
    Prgram Requirements
    This prgram requires 120 credits and leads t teacher certificatin.
    Students nrmally cmplete 30 credits in their Freshman (U0) year.
    In cnsultatin with the Prgram Adviser, students may select curses frm the recmmended curse list r ther curses.
    As a TESL student, yu can take curses like:
    EDEM 220 - Cntemprary Issues in Educatin (3 credits)
    EDFE 209 - First Field Experience (TESL) (2 credits)
    EDFE 359 - Third Field Experience (TESL) (8 credits)
    EDFE 459 - Furth Field Experience (TESL) (7 credits)
    T learn mre abut the curses, click here.
    Once yu cmplete this undergraduate degree, yu will be qualified t teach in ESL in elementary and secndary schls r wrk in ccupatins that fcus n educatin, cmmunity prgramming, educatinal technlgy, curriculum (课程) develpment, and administratin.
    Yu culd becme a prfessinal:
    ESL Teacher, Elementary r Secndary Schl
    Adult Literacy Instructr
    Educatinal Technlgy Develper
    Curriculum Specialist
    Annual fees fr (CAN$) 30 credits fr 2023-2024
    Tuitin Fee (学费)
    Cpyright Fee
    Sciety & Other Fees
    Infrmatin Technlgy Charge
    Student Services/Athletics & Recreatin
    SSMU Dental Insurance*
    Registratin / Transcripts & Diplma/ General Administrative Charges
    Internatinal Health Insurance*
    Ttal Fees:
    * SSMU Dental Insurance and Internatinal Health Insurance charged nce a year.

    2024届福建省泉州市高中毕业班下学期质量监测(三)英语试卷: 这是一份2024届福建省泉州市高中毕业班下学期质量监测(三)英语试卷,文件包含24届泉州三检docx、泉州市2024届高中毕业班质量监测三答案pdf、2024届泉州三检英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届福建省泉州市高中高三上学期毕业班质量监测(二)英语: 这是一份2024届福建省泉州市高中高三上学期毕业班质量监测(二)英语,文件包含2024届福建省泉州市高三上学期毕业班质量监测二英语试题docx、泉州市2024届高中毕业班质量监测二答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    福建省泉州市2022-2023学年高三毕业班质量监测(三)英语试卷及参考答案和听力: 这是一份福建省泉州市2022-2023学年高三毕业班质量监测(三)英语试卷及参考答案和听力,文件包含福建省泉州市2022-2023学年高三毕业班质量监测三英语试卷pdf、福建省泉州市2022-2023学年高三毕业班质量监测三英语参考答案pdf、2023届三检英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。






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