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    这是一份河北省承德市部分示范性高中2024届高三下学期二模英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含河北省承德市部分示范性高中2024届高三下学期二模试题英语Word版含解析docx、2024河北省承德市部分示范性高中高三下学期二模英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Wh is n the right f the picture?
    A. Uncle Sam.B. Aunt Nancy.C. Cusin Chad.
    2. What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Friends.C. Teacher and student.
    3. What will the wman d first?
    A. Buy sme paper.B. Deal with a cmplaint.C. Visit her sn’s schl.
    4. Where will the speakers g?
    A. T a cafe.B. T a bakery.C. T a bank.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A gift.B. A sprts event.C. Their friend.
    6. Why will the speakers have a meeting?
    A. T imprve the prject. B. T check a schedule.C. T cnfirm an rder.
    7. What time will the speakers meet?
    A. At 9:00, Wednesday.B. At 9:00, ThursdayC. At 11:00, Thursday.
    8. Why is the man upset?
    A. He lst a race B. He failed a test.C. He missed a class.
    9. What des the man want t be?
    A. A prfessinal swimmer. B. An instructr.C. A lifeguard.
    10. What is the wman’s advice?
    A. Trying harder.B. Eating sme ice cream.C. Giving up immediately.
    11. When will the wman g t the restaurant?
    A. On Wednesday B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.
    12. Wh will the wman have dinner with?
    A. Her family.B. Her wrkmates C. Her friends.
    13. What can we knw abut the restaurant?
    A. It clses arund 8 p.m.B. The service is pretty bad.C. It has an n-smking sectin.
    14. What des the man think f the cffee shp?
    A. It’s cheap.B. It’s family-friendly.C. It’s private.
    15. What is the event’s purpse?
    A. T help an animal shelter.B. T enjy sme live music.C. T supprt pr families.
    16. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Cntact sme bands.B. Dnate sme mney.C. Recmmend sme shws.
    17. Hw many levels f curses des the English Training Prgramme ffer?
    A. Twelve.B. Eight.C. Seven.
    18. What is the advantage f the prgramme?
    A. It can meet persnal needs.
    B. It is available thrughut the year.
    C. It prvides curses n US culture.
    19. What can students get if they perfrm well in an end-f-sessin test?
    A. A curse fr free.B. As even-week break.C. A prmtin t a higher level.
    20. What des the students centre ffer?
    A. Extra practice hurs.B. Trips abrad.C. Scial activities.
    The Travel Dctr—Yur Guide t Staying Healthy While Yu Travel
    Review by Barb &.Rn Krll
    Dr. Mark Wise’s bk is a cmmnsense, cmprehensive guide t health, whether travel is fr business r pleasure.
    Infrmal yet highly infrmative, readers will find plenty f basic medical infrmatin, as well as many checklists, guides and summaries.
    Dr. Wise prvides numerus tips: Hw t prevent altitude sickness. Hw t prevent sunburn. What t d if yu’ve been bitten by a snake. Hw t treat a jellyfish sting. Hw yu can avid insect-brne diseases I like malaria.
    A table Summary f Pre travel Inculatins cvers diseases frm hepatitis A(甲肝) t chlera(霍乱).It lists vaccines with curse and duratin fr immunizatin(免疫).Cartn sketches illustrate the travel health bk.
    Mark Wise M.D. is a family dctr specializing in travel and trpical medicine. He has travelled t Suth America, Haiti, India, Nepal, Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Ghana, Uganda and Rwanda. Dr. Wise is als a medical advisr t several nn-gvernmental rganizatins and frequently lectures n travel health.
    Mre infrmatin
    Click Travel Dctr—Travel Medicine Advice Bk
    21. Where are the tips n aviding different diseases mainly presented in the bk?
    A. In Part One.B. In Part Tw.C. In Part Three.D. In Part Fur.
    22. Why is the detailed infrmatin n Mark Wise M.D. prbably prvided?
    A. T increase his ppularity.
    B. T prvide mre turism services.
    C. T enhance the authrity f this bk
    D. T attract the attentin f publishers.
    23. What is the text?
    A. A bk review.B. A medical paper.
    C.A travel brchure.D. An intrductin t a dctr
    Taniguchi’s family is ne f 22 families wh make “paakai”, the Hawaiian wrd fr salt, fllwing a cultural and spiritual traditin. Hanapepe is ne f the last remaining salt patches (盐池) in Hawaii. Its hly salt can be traded r given away but must never be sld. Hawaiians use it in cking, healing and as prtectin.
    Over the past 10 years there have been several threats l threats t this field. They include develpment, pllutin frm a neighburing airfield, damage t the sand frm vehicle traffic and waste left by visitrs t the nearby beach. In additin, rising sea levels and weather might stp the practice. Peple believe science and native knwledge can cmbine t fight against the effects f climate change and save the salt patch. The steps they take include building up the wells’ edges, s water wn’t cver the salt beds.
    The prcess f turning seawater int salt can be slw. The seasn begins nce the rain stps, and water starts t disappear frm the salt beds. Ocean water travels undergrund and enters the wells. Each family has their wn well. As water enters the well, s d tiny, red brine shrimp(虾). These small cean animals give Hanapepe salt its unusual, sweet taste.
    The families first clean the salt beds and line them with black clay. Then they mve water frm the wells int the beds. There, crystals frm. The tp level, r layer, is the whitest. It is used fr table salt. The middle layer is pinkish and is used in cking, while the bttm layer, which is a deep red clur, is used in blessings and rituals(宗教仪式).
    Interest in Hawaiian culture and language has recently grwn n the islands. Peple nw think abut hw t teach their knwledge t yunger generatins.
    24. What is NOT included in the use f “paakai” in Taniguchi’s?
    A. A unique gift.B. A kind f medicine.
    C. A prduct fr sale.D. One f the essential dining items.
    25. What des Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A. The influence f climate n salt prductin.
    B. The current envirnmental pllutin in Hawaii.
    C. The utdated traditinal salt prductin methd.
    D. The difficulties traditinal salt prductin faces and slutins.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “crystals” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Salt beds.B. Salt wells.
    C. Salt grains f different clurs.D. Brine shrimps
    27. What cnclusin can we draw abut Hawaii frm the last paragraph?
    A. Its traditinal culture is making a cmeback.
    B. Its traditinal language is ppular amng yunger peple
    C. The new generatin have mastered the art f salt prductin.
    D. Turism benefits frm the ppularity f its traditinal culture.
    At first lk, the playgrund at the Children’s Guild-Transfrmatin Academy in Baltimre, Maryland, lks like any ther. But it is nt just a place fr fun. Everything is specifically designed fr kids aged 5 t 21 with autism(自闭症) spectrum disrder (ASD) and are lwer-functining.
    The gal f the schl is t make the students as independent as pssible in an effrt t help them prepare fr adult life. The schl aims t prvide help with develping cmmunicatin and scial skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning r cking.
    Parts f the playgrund that seem small are very imprtant fr children with autism and ther disabilities. The surrunding fence extends int a wded area t make it seem mre pen. And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs.
    Instead f just ne slide, there are tw sitting side-by-side. That way, parents r teachers with lder, larger students can g dwn the slide tgether with the kids.
    The playgrund’s designers say a number f sensry elements are als included t help the students. The benches(长凳) n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm faraway but are “ne f ur mst inclusive sensry” elements. They have many different clurs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. If a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.
    One f the mst imprtant designs is a twer that can spray water n multiple children. This can be an imprtant way fr lder children with autism t get ver their fears f water, which fr them can be ver stimulating. Like the shwer, much f the equipment is designed t persuade students t interact with each ther, even thugh they might usually like playing alne. A swing set is designed t permit tw kids t swing at the same time, fr example.
    The schl plans t pen up the playgrund fr everyne in the autism cmmunity, even if they d nt attend Transfrmatin Academy.
    28. Which f the fllwing can accurately describe Transfrmatin Academy?
    A. An n-prfit private rganizatin.
    B. A special schl fr children with disabilities.
    C. A public schl that integrates educatin and fitness.
    D. An imprtant place fr cmmunity children’s activities.
    29. What are the basic principles fr selecting materials within the play area?
    A. They shuld be sft and affrdable.
    B. They shuld be small and cmfrtable.
    C. They shuld be cheap and ec-friendly.
    D. They shuld be safe and cnsidered frm multiple angles.
    30. What is special abut the benches n the playgrund?
    A. They are simple and unifrm in clur.
    B. They are nly fr ne persn t sit alne.
    C. They are smth and fixed in ne psitin.
    D. They are a cmbinatin f varius physical senses,
    31. What can be inferred abut the playgrund?
    A. It encurages students t play alne.
    B. It is nt different frm any ther playgrund.
    C. It is nly available fr students frm the schl.
    D. It scre is t create pprtunities fr secure cmmunicatin.
    Genetic researchers at the University f Cambridge in Britain say ancient DNA shws why nrthern Eurpeans have a higher risk f getting a nerve disease than ther Eurpeans. The disease is called multiple sclersis(多发性硬化) r MS.
    A study released in2023saidit identified the earliest evidence f hrse riding in peple called the Yamnaya. The scientists say they lived 4, 500 t 5, 000 years ag during the Brnze Age perid f human histry.
    The Yamnaya mved frm the grasslands f what is nw Ukraine and Russia int nrthwestern Eurpe, Hwever, the researchers say thse peple carried gene versins that tday are knwn t increase a persn’s risk f MS. The researchers added that they believe the same genes prtected thse herders(牧民) frm infectins frm their cattle and sheep.
    The finding was made pssible by a gene bank with thusands f examples f early humans in Eurpe and western Asia. While MS can strike any ppulatin, it is mst cmmn amng white descendants(后代) f nrthern Eurpeans. Scientists have been unable t explain why.
    The cause f the disease is nt knwn. Hwever, ne thery is that infectins culd cause it in peple wh have certain genetic qualities. Scientists say they have fund 230 genetic variants that might increase the risk f MS.
    The researchers studied DNA frm abut 1, 600 ancient Eurasians. They used the infrmatin t develp a map f ppulatin mvements in nrthern Eurpe. They said farmers frm the Middle East began pushing ut hunter-gatherers abut 5, 000 years ag. Then the Yamnaya mved in. They travelled with hrses and wagns and herded cattle and sheep.
    The research team cmpared the ancient DNA t the genetic infrmatin f 400, 000mdern-day peple stred in UK Bibank in Britain. They wanted t see if MS-linked genetic variatins persisted(持续存在) in the nrth. That is the part f Eurpe where the Yamnaya mved, rather than suthern Eurpe.
    In what is nw Denmark, the Yamnaya replaced ancient farmers, making them the clsest ancestrs f mdern Danes. Rates f MS are especially high in the nrthern part f Eurpe knwn as Scandinavia. The findings raise additinal questins and suggest a need fr mre research.
    32. Which f the fllwing is currently clear in the research?
    A. Nrthern Eurpeans are easy targets f MS.
    B. The MS genes can’t be passed dwn between generatins.
    C. The MS genes prtected the Yamnaya frm infectins with MS.
    D. There are 230 genetic variants that definitely increase the risk f MS.
    33. What methd was mainly used in the published research?
    A. Perfrming DNA data cmparisn.
    B. Referring t varius histrical materials.
    C. Drawing a distributin map f MS patients.
    D. Tracking patients thrughut the entire prcess.
    34. Where culd the ancestrs f mdern Danes pssibly cme frm?
    A. The Middle East.B. The current regins f Ukraine and Russia.
    C. The nrthern Eurpe.D. The suthern Eurpe.
    35. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. The Mystery f the Scandinavian
    B. A Map f Ancient Ppulatin Mvements in Eurpe
    C. Researchers Find Link t Nerve Disease in Ancient DNA
    D. The Genetic Inheritance f the Ancestrs f Mdern Danes
    A New Hbby fr a New Year
    It’s the end f ne year and the start f anther. Yu’ve prbably been cnsidering New Year’s reslutins. 36
    Perhaps, like Debbie Gustig, yu culd start ballet classes. At the age f 53, Debbie stepped int the dance studi, where, fr a while, it feels like “the utside wrld is n pause”.
    Hbbies are away fr us t keep busy and take ur minds ff the realities f wrk and life. 37 Humans have buried themselves int pastimes since the beginning f time, frm drawing n cave walls t playing videgames. 38 That means acquiring, pssibly catalguing(列入目录), and then displaying r string smething precius, whether that be stamps, antiques r bks.
    Linda de Ruiter turned her hbby int a jb. She is a yarn maker(纺纱工) and als the wner f a small business.
    39 She said she always thught yarn making wuld just be “a glrified(美化的) hbby” fr her, but she’s glad t have been prven wrng and says she is having fun.
    40 In Canada, axe(斧头) thrwing is n the rise. In fact, there is even an axe-thrwing league with branches acrss the cuntry and mre than 1, 500 members. S, ballet, cllecting stamps, yarn making, axe thrwing? What will yu pursue in the new year?
    A. Sme hbbies invlve cllecting things.
    B. Her hbbies include hiking and phtgraphy.
    C. Peple ften pursue hbbies as a way f de-stressing.
    D. Peple lng fr time t pursue interests that are valuable and satisfying.
    E. And yu may have decided t take up smething new fr the year ahead.
    F. Every time a new year rlls arund, peple set ut t better themselves.
    G. After helping ut a friend with a stand at a craft market, she realized she wanted a stand fr herself.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The black clud rising every day at sunset in the Chihuahuan Desert went largely ignred fr thusands f years.
    In June f 1901, 41, a teenage cwby named Jim White 42 t see the large, black clud. He was 43 and went t investigate. Instead f finding a vlcan, a she had imagined, he discvered smething equally 44 .It was a big mass f bats. Tw da Tw days later, he returned with a lantern t explre further. It tk him s lng that his lantern 45 .He managed t refill it with just enugh il t find his way back t the 46
    The next time Jim White went t the cave, he brught a friend and 47 .They explred fr three days and returned with descriptins that were s fantastic that few peple 48 them.
    After years f explring the caves and finding n ne t believe his stries, Jim White decided t 49 his wn turist attractin. He 50 trails alng the path she had fund. In 1915, tw men asked Jim fr a 51 .After seeing the caves, the men 52 with a prfessinal phtgrapher. Lcal dubts were finally put t 53 by the phtgraphs f the 54 beauty that Jim had discvered. All 13 lcals finally tk a tur f the caves, which came t be knwn as Carlsbad Caverns.
    Later 1923, the caves were stated a natinal mnument, and in 1930 they 55 a natinal park. Tday, turists can hike t and tur sme f the 100 knwn caves in this huge natural wnder, thanks t the cwby frm New Mexic.
    41. A. therefreB. hwever C. therwise D. anyhw
    42. A. happened B. managed C. expected D. agreed
    43. A. anxius B. serius C. curius D. curageus
    44. A. challenging B. useful C. imprtant D. amazing
    45. A. let ut B. went ut C. brke ut D. came ut
    46. A. cave B. vlcan C. entrance D. bttm
    47. A. supplies B. lanterns C. sticks D. maps
    48. A. accepted B. supprted C. understd D. believed
    49. A. ffer B. cntribute C. purchaseD. create
    50. A. laid B. intrduced C. cnsidered D. ccupied
    51. A. favur B. recmmendatin C. living D. tur
    52. A. arrived B. returned C. started D. accmpanied
    53. A. rest B. use C. wrk D. death
    54. A. enviable B. hidden C. attractive D. varius
    55. A. appeared B. prved C. became D. changed
    An ancient species f great ape(猿) likely disappeared hundreds f thusands f years ag when climate change put their favurite fruits ut f reach during dry seasns, scientists 56 (recent) reprted.
    The species is called Gigantpithecus blacki. It nce lived in suthern China. It std 3 metres tall and weighed up t 295 kilgrammes. It represents the largest great ape 57 (knw) t scientists.
    The huge apes likely lked similar 58 the mdern rangutan(猩猩). It survived fr arund 2 millin years in the frested land f China’s Guangxi area. They ate plants that included fruits and flwers—until the envirnment began t change.
    59 (start) abut 600, 000 years ag, Guangxi’s frests began prducing fewer fruits. The area was experiencing mre perids f dry weather.
    As the climate changed, smaller apes may have be enable t climb trees t search fr 60 (difference) fd. But the researchers fund that the giant apes ate mre fd that prvided 61 (little) nutrients.
    Mst f 62 scientists knw abut the extinct great apes cmes frm studying their remains, r fssils. The fssilized bnes they studied included 63 (tth) and fur large lwer jawbnes. All f the fssils were fund in suthern China. N cmplete skeletns 64 (find) s far.
    It was between arund 2 millin and 22 millin years ag 65 many species f great apes s lived in Africa, Eurpe, and Asia, fssil 1recrds shw. Tday, nly grillas, chimpanzees, bnbs, rangutans and humans remain
    Dear Oliver,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Hlland is a cuntry where much f the land lies belw sea level. Only great walls called dikes keep the Nrth Sea frm rushing in and flding the land. Fr centuries the peple f Hlland have wrked t keep the walls strng s that their cuntry will be safe and dry. Even the little children knw the dikes must be watched every mment, and that a hle n lnger than yur finger can be a very dangerus thing.
    There lived a by named Peter, Peter’s father was ne f the men wh tended the gates in the dikes. One afternn in the early fall, his mther called him frm his play. “Cme, Peter,” she said. “I want yu t g acrss the dike and take these cakes t yur friend, the blind man. If yu g quickly, and d nt stp t play, yu will be hme again befre dark.”
    The little by was glad t g n such a jb, and started ff with a light heart. He stayed with the pr blind man a little while t tell him abut his walk alng the dike and abut the sun and the flwers and the ships far ut at sea. Then he remembered his mther’s wish that he shuld return befre dark and, saying gdbye t his friend, he set ut fr hme.
    A she walked alng he smetimes stpped t pick the pretty blue flwers that grew beside the rad. Suddenly he heard a nise. It was the sund f trickling(流淌) water! He stpped and lked dwn. There was a small hle in the dike, thrugh which a tiny stream was flwing. Peter understd the danger at nce. If the water ran thrugh a little hle it wuld sn make a larger ne, and the whle cuntry wuld be flded. In a mment he saw what he must d.
    Thrwing away his flwers, he climbed dwn the side f the dike and put his finger int the tiny hle.
    It was lng after sunset, and the anxius mther decided t g ut and lk fr Peter.
    1~5CACBA 6~10ABBCB 11~15CACBA 16~20ABACC
    【解析】细节理解题。根据Cntents中的Part Tw可知。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据Review by Barb &. Rn Krll以及后文内容可知为书评。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中“Its hly salt can be traded r given away but must never be sld.”可知C项不包含在内。
    【解析】段落大意题。根据本段首句“Over the past 10 years there have been several threats t this field.”以及最后一句可知。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Everything is specifically designed fr kids aged 5 t 21 with autism spectrum disrder(ASD) and are lwer-functining.”和第二段中“The gal f the schl is t make the students as independent as pssible in an effrt t help them prepare fr adult life.”可知。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段中“And the grund under the play areas is made f sft, but slid materials t supprt students using wheelchairs.”以及第五段中“They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved.”可知所用材料从安全和多种角度考量。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段中“The benches n the utside f the playgrund lk simple frm far away, but are ‘ne f ur mst inclusive sensry’ elements. They have many different clurs that bring abut feelings f calm and curisity. They are als made with smth material that can be felt and mved. If a child starts t feel uneasy, they can sit dwn and feel the bench, which can help them relax.”可知。
    【解析】推理判断题。可采用排除法。A项根据倒数第二段中“Like the shwer, much f the equipment is designed t persuade students t interact with each ther, even thugh they might usually like alne.”可知为错误推论。B项根据第一、三段可知为错误推理。C项根据最后一段可知错误。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Genetic researchers at the University f Cambridge in Britain say ancient DNA shws why nrthern Eurpeans have a higher risk f getting a nerve disease than ther Eurpeans. The disease is called multiple sclersis r MS.”以及第四段中“While MS can strike any ppulatin, it is mst cmmn amng white descendants f nrthern Eurpeans.”可知。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The research team cmpared the ancient DNA t the genetic infrmatin f 400, 000 mdern-day peple stred in UK Bibank in Britain.”可知。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“The Yamnaya mved frm the grasslands f what is nw Ukraine and Russia int nrthwestern Eurpe.”和最后一段中“In what is nw Denmark, the Yamnaya replaced ancient farmers, making them the clsest ancestrs f mdern Danes.”可知。
    【解析】考查动词。happen t d sth.意为“碰巧做某事”。
    【解析】考查形容词。根据“and went t investigate”以及后文内容可知,他对这种现象充满了好奇。
    【解析】考查形容词。根据“It was a big mass f bats”可知出乎预料。
    【解析】考查动词短语。根据“It tk him s lng”可知,灯笼熄灭了。g ut(灯)熄灭,(燃烧物)熄灭。46.【答案】C
    【解析】考查动词。根据后文“After years f explring the caves and finding n ne t believe his stries”可知。
    【解析】考查名词。put t rest意为“平息(谣言);消除(恐惧)”。
    【解析】考查介词。此处为be similar t的搭配。
    【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处start为不及物动词,逻辑主语Guangxi’s frests,两者之间为主动关系。
    【解析】考查形容词的比较级。根据上文“the giant apes ate mre fd”可知。
    【解析】考查名词复数。根据空后“and fur large lwer jawbne s”可知为名词复数。
    64.【答案】have been fund
    【解析】考查时态、语态和主谓一致。根据前后语境和“s far”可知为现在完成时。N cmplete skeletns与find之间为被动关系。
    65.【答案】that 【解析】考查强调句型。“It was+被强调部分+that”强调句型。
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Oliver,
    This winter, the cld was very ppular and I lacked exercise, s my physical cnditin has been pr. It is yur cncern and encuragement that have cntinuusly strengthened my cnfidence. I feel warm t have friends like yu.
    Spring has arrived. A year’s plan lies in spring. I am planning t develp a detailed fitness plan accrding t what yu said. Firstly, participate in mre utdr activities and breathe fresh air. Secndly, handle the relatinship between learning and health crrectly, and emphasize the rle f physical health in learning. In the future, I will cntinue t cmmunicate with yu abut this situatin. I als wish yu better health.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Thrwing away his flwers, he climbed dwn the side f the dike and put his finger int the tiny hle. The flwing f the water was stpped! This went all very well at first, but sn it grew dark and cld. The little fellw shuted and screamed. “Cme here; cme here,” he called. But n ne heard him. Peter tried t whistle, but his teeth chattered with the cld. He thught f his belved nes. “I must nt let them be drwned,” he thught. “I must stay here until smene cmes, even if I have t stay all night.”
    It was lng after sunset, and the anxius mther decided t g ut and lk fr Peter. Finally, Peter was fund cruching n a stne n the side f the dike. He was nt asleep, fr every nw and then he rubbed the hand that was hlding back the angry sea. As sn a she saw his mther, Peter yelled, “I’m keeping the water back! Tell them t cme quickly!” The alarm was spread. Peple came running with shvels and the hle was sn mended. T this day, peple have never frgtten the brave little her f Hlland.
    (Text 1)
    M: Wh are the peple in this pht?
    W: Frm left t right, Aunt Nancy and then Cusin Chad.
    M: S, Uncle Sam must have taken it.
    (Text 2)
    M: Where’s ur sn, Julie?
    W: His best friend is here. They must be playing smewhere in the garden behind the huse.
    (Text 3)
    M: Can yu get sme printer paper during yur lunch break? I’ll be handling a custmer cmplaint.
    W: Sure, but befre that I’ll stp by my sn’s schl. He left his wrkbks at hme this mrning.
    (Text 4)
    M: Hey, Betty! Are yu ging t the cafe dwnstairs t get a cup f cffee?
    W: N, that’s clsed. I’m ging t the bakery by the bank n the next street.
    M: D yu mind if I g with yu?
    W: Nt at all. I feel lnely ging by myself anyway.
    (Text 5)
    W: I knw what t get Jhn fr his birthday.
    M: An iPad?
    W: N, even better. A dg.
    M: is nt that int exercise. D yu think he wants t walk a dg every day?
    (Text 6)
    W: I’m nt sure if that prject wrks. Jerry, I think we’d better have a meeting abut imprving it.
    M: Yu’re right. Are yu free n Wednesday?
    W: Let me check my schedule. Srry, I’m pretty busy n Wednesday. Is Thursday OK?
    M: I’m fine with that. Hw abut 9 ’clck? Or anytime befre 11 ’clck.
    W: 9 ’clck is perfect. Yur ffice r mine?
    M: Oh, I’ll cme t yur ffice if yu like.
    W: That’s great. See yu then.
    M: See yu.
    (Text 7)
    W: What’s up, Ben? Is anything bthering yu?
    M: I just gt my results frm my swimming lessns. I didn’t pass the swimming test. Nw I have t take the class again.
    W: Yu already knw hw t swim. Why is it s imprtant t yu? It’s nt like yu’re trying ut fr the swim tea in.
    M: N, but I need t pass this class s I can apply t becme a lifeguard.
    W: I see. S what d yu have t wrk n?
    M: My instructr said I need t be able t hld my breath lnger and imprve my strength. Otherwise I wn’t be able t save smene’s life when the time cmes.
    W: Maybe yu just need t take yur mind ff things. Why dn’t we get sme ice cream?
    M: Fine.
    (Text 8)
    M: Gd evening, Frank’s Chp Huse. Hw may I help yu, please?
    W: Gd evening. I’d like t bk a table fr Wednesday r Thursday night, please.
    M: Srry, but we’re fully bked every day until Friday. Can yu cme that night?
    W: Let me , I’ll bk a table fr Friday.
    M: Gd. S hw many peple are there in yur party?
    W: I need t bk a table fr a family f fur. Tw adults and tw kids.
    M: Yu’re lucky, madam. A cuple has just canceled their reservatin, and we have such a table left fr that night. But it’s nt in the smking sectin. I hpe yu dn’t mind that.
    W: That’s fine with me. Nne f us smke. As a matter f fact, we hate secnd-hand smking. By the way, can we cme arund 8: 00 p.m.?
    M: Yes. And we clse arund 10: 00 p.m. Nw may I knw yur name and yur number, please?
    W: Certainly.
    (Text 9)
    M: Hey, Maria, this charity fundraiser I’m rganizing, is ging t be a big event!
    W: Where are yu hsting it, Peter?
    M: Herein this cffee shp. There’s space fr live music, fd, and lts f activities fr kids.
    W: Oh, I assumed yu wuld d it at a music hall.
    M: We cnsidered it. But it wasn’t available then. Then we decided either here r the park. Finally, we chse this shp as it’s mre family-friendly.
    W: Yeah, that makes sense, and I suppse this is mre private cmpared t the park. What charity is it?
    M: A lcal animal shelter. I thught this wuld be a great way t raise awareness and funds. They always need a little supprt.
    W: That’s awesme. What can I d t help?
    M: Well, I was actually hping yu culd lend me a hand with the music. Yu knw a lt f bands, and I was thinking maybe yu culd help me bk sme shws fr the event.
    W: Sure, I’d be happy t help ut. I’ll see what I can d.
    (Text 10)
    Gd mrning! Welcme t the language centre f ur university. We aim at helping peple imprve their language ability in seven languages. Nw, I’ll fcus n ne f ur prgrammes, the English Training Prgramme, which I think yu might be interested in. The prgramme ffers year-rund English curses in eight levels. It ffers curses fr students, schlars, and prfessinals. Participants can prepare fr study at an American university and imprve their language skills and knwledge f American culture. The strength t the prgramme is its ability t ffer curses t meet any students’ specific needs and gals. Mst students in this prgramme study fulltime, which cnsists f twenty hurs a week. On the first day f the prgramme, yu take a test t determine yur level. At the end f each seven-week sessin, yur language skills are evaluated. And if yu’ve made enugh prgress, yu are prmted t the next level. In additin, yu can enter the Language Centre Bnus Prject, which will allw yu t have extra English hurs with a native speaker. Fr mre practice chances, there are als several scial activities and fieldtrips rganized by the students centre.Cntents
    ★Part One—Befre Yu G
    ·Getting Ready
    ·The Cmmn Sense Guide
    ·First Aid
    ·Medical Care Abrad
    ·Regin-by-Regin Guide
    ★Part Three—The Wrld Arund Us
    ·The Jys f Flight
    ·Mtin Sickness
    ·Culture Shck
    ·Yur Persnal Safety
    ·The Sun Did It
    ·Int Thin Air-Altitude Sickness
    ·Snakes, Scrpins and Other Scary Creatures
    ★Part Tw—Infectius Cncerns
    ·Pre travel Inculatin(提前接种)
    ·Traveller’s Diarrhea
    ·Other Insect-brne Diseases
    ·Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    ·A Few Other Cncerns
    ★Part Fur—Specific Cncerns
    ·The Business Traveller
    ·Wmen and Internatinal Travel
    ·Let’s Take the Kids—The Yung Travel le
    ·The Traveller with Medical Cnditins ·Travelling t Adpt
    ★Part Five—Nw That Yu’re Hme
    ·Hey Dc, I’m Hme
    ★Surces f Infrmatin

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