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      福建省泉州市2024届高中三下学期5月三模试题 英语 Word版含答案.docx
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    这是一份福建省泉州市2024届高三下学期5月三模英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含福建省泉州市2024届高中三下学期5月三模试题英语Word版含答案docx、2024福建省泉州市高三下学期5月适应性练习英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024. 05
    1. 答题前,考生须在试题卷、答题卡规定的位置填写自己的准考证号、姓名。考生应认真核对答题卡上粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束,考生须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例如:Hw much is the shirt?
    Α. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What time is it nw?
    A. 3:55 pm. B. 4:00 pm. C. 4:05 pm.
    2. What des the man ffer t d?
    A. Revise the reprt. B. Fetch anther typist. C. Type fr the wman.
    3. What des the wman mean?
    A. She missed the TV special.
    B. She fell asleep while watching.
    C. She recrded the dlphin shw.
    4. What is bthering Paul?
    A. Chsing ecnmics-related curses.
    B. Making his lecture understandable.
    C. Deciding n a gd lecture title.
    5. Where are the speakers?
    A. At the airprt. B. In a clinic. C. In a meeting rm.
    6. Hw des Marcus feel at the beginning f the cnversatin?
    A. Curius. B. Calm. C. Disappinted.
    7. What des the cnversatin fcus n?
    A. The chice f career.
    B. A jb searching experience.
    C. Secrets f a successful interview.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A travel plan. B. A guidebk. C. An artwrk exhibitin.
    9. What attracts Peter t the Art Gallery?
    A. A painting by Rembrandt.
    B. The flexible pening hurs.
    C. The free admissin.
    10. Where will the speakers g after lunch?
    A. The Museum. B. The Castle. C. The Btanical Gardens.
    11. Hw lng did Rger Federer's prfessinal career last?
    A. 14 years. B. 17 years. C. 24 years.
    12. What happened t Federer in the 2017 Australian Open?
    A. He gt a sudden knee injury.
    B. He had a hard-fught victry.
    C. He faced a series f lsses.
    13. Which f the fllwing best describes Federer?
    A. Determined. B. Kind-hearted C. Humrus.
    14. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Schlmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Bss and secretary.
    15. What kind f learner is Jessica?
    A. A visual ne. B. A lgical ne. C. An emtinal ne.
    16. What des Jessica suggest the man d?
    A. Put his favurite subject first.
    B. Apply clurs t arrange ntes.
    C. Practise shrt-term memry.
    17. What is Carline Smith?
    A. A z specialist. B. A scial wrker. C. A TV reprter.
    18. What des Carline talk abut in the Kyrie Belle Shw?
    A. Recently extinct wildlife.
    B. Latest campaigning activities.
    C. Cmmn misunderstandings f animals.
    19. What des a mnkey's ear-t-ear smile suggest?
    A. They are quite shy. B. They feel at risk. C. They are impatient.
    20. Why des the speaker deliver the speech?
    A. T advertise a natinal z.
    B. T present a charity shw.
    C. T intrduce a preservatinist.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Upcming Events in Essex Cunty Envirnmental Center
    LITTLE EXPLORERS Mndays -May 6, 20, June 3, 17
    Fr ages 2 and 3; 10am t 1lam; Fr ages 2 and 5; 3pm t 4pm
    Jin us fr explratins f nature as we study plants and animals and bserve the clrs, shapes, and sunds in the Center's frest habitat. Please cme dressed and prepared fr all weather cnditins; all classes include an utdr adventure. All children must be walking and accmpanied by an adult. Maximum f tw children per adult. All sessins are limited t 10 children. Fee: 515 per child per sessin.
    Thursdays -May 9, June 6, 4pm t 5pm
    Fr children ages 5 thrugh 10
    We'll explre the frest t investigate nature in ur wded wetland habitat Tgether we hpe. t raise ur children's nature respnsibilities and ffer an pprtunity t take part in hands-n. cnservatin prjects. Fee: $12 per child per sessin.
    Friday, May 10, 6pm t 7:30pm
    Fr families
    Take a walk in the frest t identify and discuss the variety f frest grceries available fr harvest. Yu'll meet Spice Bush, Muntain Mint and thers. Learn sme flklre (FIA) behind the plants and we'll discuss prper identificatin, grwing envirnment and methds f preparatin while walking. Fee: $40 per family (up t tw adults and tw children) r $12 per child, $15 per adult.
    Saturdays -May 4, 18, 25, 10am t 11 am
    Fr children in grades K-12
    Have yu ever wndered hw vegetables and flwers grw? Hw t find a rainbw in a garden? The 4-H Yung Gardener's Club can guide yu t find the answers t these questins and mre. Learning and fun happen all the time here. Meet in Garibaldi Hall. Advanced registratin required; please call 973 3531337.
    21. When can children jin in hands-n prjects?
    A. On May 6. B. On May 9. C. On May 10. D. On May 18.
    22. Hw much shuld a cuple with three kids pay at least fr the Spring Wild Edible Walk?
    A. $40. B. $52. C. $55. D. $67.
    23. What d the fur events have in cmmn?
    A. They are targeted at families.
    B. They fcus n theretical curses.
    C. They ffer experiences in nature.
    D. They present lcal flk cultures.
    Lce Hui Ling was expsed t envirnmental and scial issues at a yung age. Brn int a family f artists, she was impressed by the envirnmental subjects f her mther's art wrks and thus develped a pasin fr the envirnment. "As a child, wuld wrry abut the zne layer(臭氧层)expanding, rubbish pllutin, and animals ging extinct. Very serius tpics fr a little girl!"
    After graduating frm the Sarah Lawrence Cllege in New Yrk and mving back t Malaysia, Hui Ling's cnceras fr the envirnment grew. She set up a Greenpeace Malaysia nline cmmunity n varius scial media platfrms. This was instrumental in the eventual setting up f the Malaysian ffice in 2017.
    Hui Ling helped t rganise and lead at meet-ups, as well as run wrkshps and training. An artist and educatr, Hui Ling rganised participatry art prjects in line with Greenpeace Malaysia campaigns n defrestatin, plastic pllutin and cnsumerism. One f them was the Wings f Paradise prject, where she led a team f 30 yuth vlunteers in creating a 64-meter lng mural(壁画), shwing the essence f the brightly clured feathers, crazy dances and fantastic behaviurs f birds f paradise(天堂鸟). The prject aimed t remind the public f the cnstant threat t this Indnesian wildlife, and inspire peple t act t prtect it.
    "Envirnmental activism has taught me that ding gd is nt a sprint, but a marathn, and we need t make urselves tugher and strnger t keep ging thrugh the difficult times," Hui Ling said. "There is a ray f hpe in the yuth activism f the last few years. The yuths f tday are well rganised and passinate in expressing their desire fr psitive change and a green and sustainable future fr all." said Hui Ling.
    24. What d we knw abut Lee Hui Ling?
    A. She grew up in a family f educatrs.
    B. She jined Greenpeace ut f curisity.
    C. She studied envirnmental science in cllege.
    D. She was envirnmentally aware since childhd.
    25. What is"Wings f Paradise"intended fr?
    A. Beautifying lcal city streets.
    B. Furthering researches n the lcal wildlife.
    C. Preserving the beauty f birds f paradise.
    D. Training yung artists f bird paintings.
    26. What is Hui Ling's pinin n envirnmental activism?
    A. It is a lng-term cmmitment.
    B. It lacks invlvement frm the yuth.
    C. It is a reflectin f scial well-being.
    D. It allws free expressins abut future.
    27. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Jurney t the Wild
    B. Art fr Change
    C. The Funding f Greenpeace Malaysia
    D. A Green and Sustainable Future
    Researchers at the Tky University f Science(TUS)have develped a grundbreaking sweat bisensr that pens up new pssibilities fr real-time health mnitring.
    Wearable sensrs, typically wrn directly n the skin, can mnitr vital signs such as heart rate, bld pressure, and muse activity: Hwever, designing chemical sensrs fr detecting substance in bdily liquid, like seat, has prven mre cmplex due t sues f skin irritatin(刺激)and accuracy when integrated int clthing.
    Addressing these challenges, the research team at TUS used a technique called "heat-transfer Printing®* t fix a thin, flexible chlride in(氯离子)sensr nt a clthing base and then integrated it int clthes such as T-shirts. Further, health signs such as chlride in cncentratin in seat in be measured by simply wearing them. By mving the sensr utside f the clthing piece, skin irritatin is prevented The wicking effect(芯吸效应)f fiber helps distributing sweat evenly between the sensr's electrdes(电极), ensuring stable electrical cntact and therefre imprving the accuracy.
    Additinally, the team carefully selected skin-friendly materials and cnducted varius experiments using artificial sweat t prve the sensr's accuracy in measuring chlride in cncentratin. T assess its practicality, the team tested the sensr n a vlunteer wh engaged in a 30-minute exercise n a still bicycle. Measurements f bdily liquid were taken every five minutes and cmpared with the data cllected by the sensr. The wearable sensr reliably measured the cncentratin f chlride ins in sweat. Mrever, the sensr has the capability t deliver data wirelessly, enabling real-time health mnitring.
    This breakthrugh can bst the develpment f advanced healthcare devices that ffer precise and cnvenient mnitring f imprtant health indicatrs. With the pwer f these tiny electrnics, researchers are pushing the bundaries f healthcare innvatin t imprve disease preventin and verall well-being.
    28. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. Varieties f sweat bisensrs.
    B. Ppularity f wearable equipment.
    C. Cmplexity in mnitring vital bdy signs.
    D. Difficulties in designing chemical sensrs.
    29. What cntributes t the even distributin f sweat between the sensr's electrdes?
    A. The technique f heat-transfer printing.
    B. The chlride in sensr.
    C. The wicking effect f fibre.
    D. Selected skin-friendly materials.
    30. What is the purpse f the test n the vlunteer?
    A. T evaluate the sensr's reliability.
    B. T imprve the vlunteer's perfrmance.
    C. T determine the sensr's duratin.
    D. T ensure the vlunteer's well-being.
    31. What is the authr's attitude tward the new technlgy?
    A. Critical. B. Expectant. C. Reserved. D. Dubtful.
    "Sating frm nw n, t be healthy, I will NOT eat any snacks besides granla bars(燕麦棒)," is what I tld myself yesterday, and yet here I am tday chewing a Chcpie. I'm aware that I'm breaking my wn prmise t myself. Instead f eating this, I shuld be wrking ut r smething. But the thing is, chclate is t gd at this mment fr me t refuse it!
    As I type this, I'm experiencing what's called instant gratificatin-the desire t experience Pleasure r fulfillment withut delaying it fr a future benefit. Essentially, when yu want it, yu get it.
    Instant gratificatin is als the exact ppsite f what we're taught t d-delayed gratificatin: deciding t put ff satisfying ur current want t gain smething better in the future. We've all encuntered instant gratificatin befre. Shuld I sleep in r wake up early t wrk ut? When I get hme, shuld I rest and watch TV first r get started n my hmewrk?
    All humans have the tendency t seek pleasure and avid pain, a basic but fundamental cncept knwn as the pleasure principle. Originally cined by Sigmund Freud, it clearly states that all humans are driven, t sme extent, by pleasure.
    Cnstantly seeking quick pleasure may bring subsequent trubles. Hwever pleasant nt ding yur hmewrk may seem right nw, it nly results in pleasure plagued by guilt and last-minute panicking late at night. An inability t resist instant gratificatin may result in underachieving in the lng term and failure t meet certain gals.
    Instant gratificatin, hwever, is nt necessarily a bad thing. Yu dn't always have t say n t things yu want at that mment, and it's gd t treat yurself when yu need it. In ther wrds, times where yu "treat yurself"are nly valuable in cmbinatin with delayed gratificatin. While my Chcpie may taste gd nw, it' ll taste even better if I nly eat it after I've wrked ut r dne smething healthy.
    32. Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic?
    A. By making a cntrast. B. By giving a definitin.
    C. By citing a persnal case. D. By listing detailed prblems.
    33. Which f the fllwing is an example f instant gratificatin?
    A. Purchasing items regardless f budgets.
    B. Exercising regularly fr lng-term health.
    C. Limiting time n scial media platfrms.
    D. Finishing hmewrk befre watching TV.
    34. What des the underlined wrd "plagued" in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Reminded. B. Highlighted. C. Intrduced. D. Bthered.
    35. What may the authr agree with?
    A. Delayed gratificatin is unnecessary.
    B. Instant gratificatin shuld be priritized.
    C. Enjying the mment brings in endless pleasure.
    D. Instant treats paired with delayed gratificatin are sweeter.
    When yur child plays yuth sprts, we knw yu want t be the best parent yu can be and make sure they're set up fr success! It's easy t get caught up in the game just like the players and caches d. 36 Check ut these tips fr parents with kids wh cmpete in yuth sprts.
    · 37
    Dn't frce children t play basketball just because yu were a child basketball player, r because yu missed an pprtunity f a basketball career. Sme parents may find themselves caring mre abut hw well the child plays than they d. It may be a sign t take a step back. Let yur yung athlete create their wn path.
    ·Let the cach d the caching.
    38 While yu may want t step in and give ut pinters t yur child, always let the cach d the caching. The biggest prblem with parents caching is yu might be telling them ne thing while the cach is telling them anther. It's essential t keep the rles f parents and instructrs separate.
    ·Encurage psitive life lessns.
    Yu shuld leave the caching t the cach, but what yu can d is encurage cre psitive values. Talk t them abut the imprtance f cmmitment. 39 Dn't let them get discuraged if they're playing badly. Explain t them that it takes hard wrk and dedicatin t be gd at smething.
    ·Be a psitive rle mdel.
    Make sure that yu're being a psitive example n the field fr yur child. Treat the ther players and the cach with respect, and yur child will fllw. It's als imprtant t set a gd example f being active. Get utside and play with each ther. 40
    A. Never live yur dreams thrugh yur children.
    B. This makes it mre likely fr them t get injured.
    C. A cach is the instructr encuraging yung players.
    D. Avid getting children trapped with cmpetitiveness.
    E. But yu can supprt yur kids in sprts in cnstructive ways.
    F. If they see yu up and mving, it'll mtivate them t get up t.
    G. They shuld als be reminded f their cntributins t their team.
    第三部分 语音运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My life is full and active taking care f my grandsn. But weeks ag, he headed fr an verseas hliday, I was left feeling 41 and lst. I needed smething extrardinary t lift my 42 .
    Then ne day, I entered the Cffee Club near my hme and 43 a cup f cffee. I settled int a cmfrtable sfa, 44 tasting the delicius drink. After a while, I apprached the waitress and handed her my 45 . She smiled and said, "That's already been paid fr."
    I lked at her in 46 . "Really?" Then she said the wrds I'll never frget. "It was a 47 f kindness, and it happens a lt."
    I was shcked. I never really 48 these things thugh I had heard abut them. Tday, I 49 it firsthand. Gd, kind peple are ut there in the wrld. And they 50 when yu need them mst. I left hme this mrning feeling, smewhat lst. I returned with a 51 in my step, excited abut sharing my stry and 52 the kindness.
    Tw weeks later, I paid fr a girl in the Cffee Club. The nly thing is, this time, the Cffee Club did it 53 . The waiter pinted me ut. She culdn't believe it and 54 me. I simply smiled, explaining that I was passing n the 55 I'd received nt lng ag.
    41. A. embarrassed B. flat C. patientD. cntent
    42. A. sightsB. frtunesC. spiritsD. vices
    43. A. mixedB. rdered C. preparedD. served
    44. A. awkwardlyB. cnfidently C. restlesslyD. leisurely
    45. A. bill B. receiptC. drink D. license
    46. A. desperatinB. relief C. surpriseD. shame
    47. A. test B. gesture C. feelingD. pwer
    48. A. believedB. enjyedC. refused D. inquired
    49. A. pursued B. avidedC. cnfirmedD. experienced
    50. A. hang arundB. break inC. shw up D. mve n
    51. A. pain B. lad C. dragD. spring
    52. A. repaying B. evaluating C. shapingD. delaying
    53. A. secretly B. regularlyC. differentlyD. casually
    54. A. puzzled B. rejectedC. cmfrted D. thanked
    55. A. curage B. kindness C. respect D. hnr
    In a heartwarming turn f events, giant panda Fuba has finally returned hme t China. Fuba was brn in Suth Krea in July 2020 and quickly gained a 56 (mass)fllwing due t its lvely appearance and appealing persnality.
    The jurney t bring Fuba back t China was a lng and challenging ne, but it was made pssible thrugh the 57 (cperate)f bth Chinese and Suth Krean authrities. On April 3, Fuba barded a plane frm Suth Krea and arrived safely in Chengdu, China, 58 it belngs. There, it was greeted by a grup f fans wh were 59 (eager)waiting fr its arrival.
    Fans f Fuba have been visiting the Everland theme park in Suth Krea every mnth t catch sight f 60 belved panda. The Chinese media has been clsely fllwing Fuba's jurney back t China, with many netizens 61 (express)their excitement and happiness. Sme have even gne s far as t set up advertisements 62 (welcme)Fuba back hme.
    Fuba will nw be able t live in its natural habitat, 63 (surrund)by ther pandas and receiving the care and attentin it 64 (deserve). A special quarantine(隔离)area has been set up fr Fuba at the Chengdu Research Base f Giant Panda Breeding, where it can adjust 65 its new surrundings.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear David,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    My Uncle Je had a farmland in the cuntryside. Every summer, I wuld spend a few weeks there, playjing arund and ding sme help. his farmland is ften visited by crws(乌鸦). I discvered that they were s intelligent. They wuld drp nuts nt rads t be brken pen by passing cars and even culd use their sharp beaks(鸟喙)t pen cups f bttles.
    That day was the httest day f the year. Even the birds wuld rest in the shades f ur yard t cl themselves. Uncle Je was wiping sweat ff his face when he came int the huse. "Ken, did yu let the air ut f tw tyres n my ld truck?" he asked me. And I denied.
    "I guess I must have run ver sme nails," Uncle Je said. I helped him pump(打气)sme air int the tyres s we culd drive t the garage. The garage man culdn't find any nails, It seemed i was due t the pening f the tyre valves(阀门).
    "MaybeKen, here, was playing a trick," he tld Uncle Je.
    "I wuldn't d that!" I said with red face, "Flattyres aren't funny."
    "But there are nly three thers wh live nearby, and they're n vacatin," Uncle Je said. "It's a mystery."
    The next mrning was even htter. Uncle Je strmed int the huse, shuting at me, "Nw three tyres are flat! Wh else culd be pulling such a trick?"
    We pumped up the tyres again. When Uncle Je went back inside, I decided t slve this mystery myself. I hid behind a bush, keeping an eye n the truck. Maybe sme kid wh is visiting ne f ur neighbrs is ding it, I thught.
    The sun gt htter and htter. I gt sleepier and sleepier. Suddenly I heard a ssst, ssst hissing sund. My eyes flew pen, and I stared at the strangest sight I'd ever seen.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    I nticed a crw standing beside Uncle Je's back tyre.
    Seeing the crw cling frm tyre's air, I rushed t find Uncle Je.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1—5 ACBBC 6—10 CBAAB 11—15 CBAAC 16—20 BACBC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    21—25 BBCDC 26—30 ABDCA 31—35 BCADD
    36—40 EACGF
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    41—45 BCBDA 46—50 CBADC 51—55 DACDB
    56. massive 57. cperatin 58. where 59. eagerly 60. the
    61. expressing 62. t welcme 63. surrunded 64. deserves 65. t
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    One pssible versin:
    Dear David,
    I heard that yu' re interested in taking ne f the new Chinese language nline curses at my schl. I wuld highly recmmend the Daily Cnversatins curse.
    This curse fcuses n practical speaking skills that yu can use in varius everyday situatins. It's taught by experienced instructrs wh are passinate abut helping students succeed in their language learning jurney. Mrever, the curse includes interactive activities and real-life dialgues t enhance yur learning experience. I believe that by taking this curse, yu will nt nly imprve yur Chinese language skills but als gain valuable insights int Chinese culture and custms.
    Let me knw if there's anything else I can assist yu with.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    W: I think I'll run dwn t the classrm and take up a few things.
    M: But aren't we ging t meet Mary at the library sn? She is expecting us at fur 'clck. We nly have five minutes left.
    Text 2
    W: The reprt shuld be handed in n Mnday. I'm such a terrible typist that I mayd never finish it.
    M: Wuld yu like me t take ver fr a while?
    Text 3
    M: I really enjyed that TV special abut dlphins last night. Did yu get hme in time t see it?
    W: Well, yes. But I wish I culd have stayed awake lng enugh t see the whle thing.
    Text 4
    W: What's the prblem, Paul?
    M: I'm ging t give a lecture abut ecnmics at a high schl this afternn, but I have n idea hw I'm ging t simplify sme f the cncepts fr them.
    W: Why nt cnsult Dr. Smith? He may give yu sme suggestins.
    M: Gd idea.
    Text 5
    M: I thught yu wuld be picking up yur sister t the airprt.
    W: Oh, she called last night t say she had the flu.
    M: I am srry t hear that.
    W: She's been better. Let's begin the cnference.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, Marcus! Hw is the jb searching ging?
    M: Nt s great, actually. It's really discuraging.
    W: Why is that?
    M: I have submitted my applicatins t ver ten places, but nly gt ne interview.
    W: That is tugh. Hw did the interview g?
    M: I was nervus and spke really fast. Ultimately, they gave the jb t smene with mre experience.
    W: Well, just relax. Yu have t pass failure t meet up with success.
    M: Thank yu s much. I wish the same as yu say.
    Text 7
    W: Peter, let's decide what we' ll see tday.
    W: Accrding t this guidebk, the Museum is pen all day. The Castle is just pen frm ne t five. I really want t visit the Art Gallery. They've gt this wnderful painting by Rembrandt.
    M: What else shuld we see?
    W: Well, the guidebk says the Btanical Gardens are wrth spending sme time in. But the Art Gallery isn't pen n Sundays, s we' ll have t g there tday.
    M: Are all these places free r d we have t pay t g in?
    W: I think there's a charge fr all f them except the Btanical Gardens.
    M: OK, let's see the painting yu like first, then have lunch and g n t the Castle after that.
    Text 8
    W: Hell everyne. This is Face-t-Face frm Radi 1. With us tday is the great tennis player Rger Federer. Welcme, Mr. Federer.
    M: Thank yu fr having me here.
    W: S, Mr. Federer, we all knw that yu retired at the age f 41. Hw lng did yur prfessinal tennis career last?
    M: Well, I picked up tennis when I was 3 and turned prfessinal at the age f 17.
    W: What's yur mst unfrgettable match in yur prfessinal tennis career?
    M: It was the 2017 Australian Open. At that time, I hadn't trained fr almst 6 mnths because f my severe knee injury. I received an peratin and it tk me a lngtime t recver. I hadn't expected that I wuld make it t the final and win my title.
    W: Amazing! Hw did yu d that?
    M: I guess it was my firm belief and desire t win. As I always say, if yu believe, yu can g really far in yur life.
    Text 9
    M: Hi, Jessica. I'm really struggling with this term's wrklad.
    W: Have yu cnsidered making a study guide? It's a useful tl t take the stress ut f studying.
    M: Sunds great. My main prblem is that my study flder is full f ntes and wrksheets, and is ttally disrganized. I dn't knw where t start.
    W: Okay. Well, the main thing is t have everything in rder. Whatever yu are reviewing, it's imprtant that it's arranged fr yur particular needs f that subject and in the mst user-friendly way yu can. What kind f learner are yu?
    M: I'm nt sure.
    W: Well, visual learners prefer using images, clrs and maps t rganize infrmatin. Lgical learners wuld rather use lgic, reasning and systems. I'm an emtinal learner, which means I need t cnnect t infrmatin emtinally t understand it.
    M: Well, I'm very much dependent n visin as a way f taking in infrmatin.
    W: Then I suggest rerganizing yur ntes using clur-cded sectins, and yu' ll prbably start t grasp infrmatin a lt quicker.
    Text 10
    When all the animals f a species die ut, the whle wrld lses. That creature is gne frever. Many peple are wrried abut this happening t a large number f wild animals. They spend time campaigning t help preserve wildlife. One f the best-knwn preservatinists is Carline Smith. She is an attractive yung wman wh wrks fr the Natinal Grand Z.
    Carline Smith's vast knwledge f animals makes her a frequent guest n TV talk shws. She has been n the "Kyrie Belle Shw" ver frty times. She explains cmmn errrs in thinking abut wildlife. Fr example, grillas aren't the vilent, cruel and rude ffenders they appear t be. They are really quite shy. Mnkeys that smile aren't as happy as they seem. In fact, a mnkey's ear-t-ear smile means "watch ut". Snakes really help nature by eating harmful insects. S peple shuld try t prtect them. Carline Smith hpes that nce peple understand animals better, they will d their best t preserve them. Hw lucky animals are t have a friend like Carline Smith!

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