


新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材3:野兽口中智救小男孩
展开根据前文续写:(本文改编自《I survived》系列之《The Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941》 Chapter 4+Chapter 5) Danny stood with his mother at the kitchen window of their tiny house. Mom put her arm around Danny. “Just look at that view,” she said. “Can you believe we live here? I think it’s the most beautiful place on earth.” Mom was right; it looked like a postcard out there, with the palm threes swaying in the breeze, the bushes covered with pink and white flowers, and the ocean a sparkling silver strip in the distance. Danny couldn’t stand looking at it. All he wanted was to be back in New York City, looking out his old apartment window at the jumble of dirty buildings, the smoke thick in the air, and his friends. Mom thought that coming here to Hawaii would give Danny a fresh start-just she and Danny. She wanted to get him away from danger and trouble. After a while, Mom kissed Danny good-bye after straightening her white nurse’s cap and went off to work. Slowly Danny stood up, making a plan in his mind for his journey back to New York City. But then he heard a noise in his backyard. There was a crash, a strange squeal, and an earsplitting scream. Danny flung open the back door. Mom’s new pot of flowers lay shattered on the ground. “Was someone in trouble? Or were robbers planning to break in?” thought Danny. He picked up a broom, ready to strike. He didn’t see anyone, but then he caught sight of a small dark head poking out from behind one of the thick bushes. Danny put down the broom and walked over. It was a little kid, maybe three years old. “What the hack was he doing here all by himself? Was he hurt?” thought Danny. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” the kid screamed. “Hey!” Danny said. The kid turned around. He was grinning like a monkey standing on a mountain of bananas. And he was clutching a little animal of some kind. “Puppy!” the kid said. Danny studied the animal. It was very small and black except for one white ear. He didn’t want to break the kid’s heart, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t a puppy. It looked more like a rat.“My puppy!” the kid said, hugging the poor ugly critter so tight Danny was sure it would pop like a balloon. Danny looked around. The kid was too young to be wandering around on his own. “Who are you?” Danny said, bending down to look the kid in the eye. “Aki!” he said. “Who you?” “I’m Danny,” said Danny. “Danny see my puppy?” Aki held out his poor squished pet like he wanted Danny to give it a big smooch. And then the kid’s eyes got huge. He pointed to something over Danny’s shoulder. “Monster!” he said. Danny spun around and there, moving toward them, was the ugliest animal Danny had ever seen in his life. It was black, the size of a huge dog, with wiry bristles, a pig’s snout, and two huge spiked tusks sprouting right from its face like swords. It did look like a monster.The animal grunted and snorted as it stared at Aki with beady black eyes.Prepare to die! it seemed to be saying. And it seemed the monster was ready to charge at them.Paragraph 1:“Put down the puppy!” Danny said, suddenly understanding:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:“Aki want puppy,” he said, throwing his arms around Danny and burying his face in Danny’s chest.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:“Put down the puppy!” Danny said, suddenly understanding: That was a mother monster, and she thought Aki was stealing her baby. Danny pried the baby out of Aki’s hands. He gently placed it on the ground. The mother rushed up to it, and nudged it with her nose. “My puppy!” Aki screamed. Suddenly, the monster’s sharp tusks aimed right for Aki’s stomach. Danny managed to grab Aki by the seat of his pants and hoist him up just in time. One of the monster’s tusks tore through Danny’s pant leg. Amazingly/Luckily, it missed his flesh. He almost fell, but he regained his balance. With Aki held high, Danny ran across the backyard and into the house, slamming the door. “Aki want puppy,” he said, throwing his arms around Danny and burying his face in Danny’s chest. “Sorry, Aki,” Danny said. “But that puppy is the monster’s baby.” “Not my puppy?” Aki said, eyes getting better. “Then, can we be friends?” Aki asked in a voice sweeter than a chocolate doughnut. He gazed up at Danny with an angelic smile, melting Danny’s heart away. “OK.” smiling Danny, thinking it was not too bad to stay there. Just then, Danny heard someone shouting Aki’s name. It turned out to be Aki’s mom. What an adventure!文章主题:人与动物—“野兽口中智救小男孩”本文大意:妈妈和Danny是刚刚从New York City搬过来夏威夷,想要开始新生活的一家人,而Danny其实不大想来,心里想着原本的城市和朋友,很是孤单,还想回去。有一天,妈妈出去上班了,Danny一个人在家的时候,听到院子里有奇怪的声音,发现院子里有个名叫Aki的小男孩,抱着一个小动物,说是自己的“小狗狗”,但其实不是小狗,而此时,有一只丑陋无比的野兽出现了,看似对两个孩子很不友好。Danny机智地保护了Aki并获得了友谊。适合学生多少词汇量: 3000左右学生收获: 本文有大量关于“险境脱身”、“野兽攻击”及体现小朋友神态的词汇和句式,另外,还有部分关于景色的地道描写,可以丰富人与动物之间续写题材的写作内容。本文中核心、生疏词汇及拓展:1. sway (v.) to move slowly from side to side 摇摆翻译:树叶在温柔的微风中轻轻飘动。_______________________________________________________________________________2. poke (v.) to (cause something to) appear or stretch out from behind or through something else 探出来翻译: 她轻轻地敲了敲我的门,把脑袋探了进来。_______________________________________________________________________________3. clutch (v.) a. to hold tightly (in the hands) (用手)紧紧抓住翻译:她手中正紧紧地抓着一个娃娃。_______________________________________________________________________________b. (with “at”) (with at) to try to take hold of 猛地想要抓住翻译:我紧紧地抓住一块漂浮的木板,以免淹死。_______________________________________________________________________________4. fling (v.) a. to rush 猛冲翻译:他一下把门冲开了。_______________________________________________________________________________b. to throw with great force用力扔翻译:他把一块砖头扔破了玻璃。_______________________________________________________________________________5. charge (v.) to rush or to move quickly (towards) 冲翻译:这只老虎似乎准备好冲向他了。_______________________________________________________________________________6. nudge (v.) to push something or someone gently, especially to push someone with your elbow (= the middle part of your arm where it bends) to attract the person's attention (用手肘等身体部位)轻推翻译:孩子们正一起咯咯地笑着,用手肘轻轻推搡着。_______________________________________________________________________________原文自我检测:环境描写篇:1. 这里的风景看上去就像是明信片一样,棕榈树在微风中轻轻摇曳,灌木丛上裹着粉色和白色的花朵,远处的海面上泛着银色带子般的光芒。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 他听到后院有噪音。有什么东西打碎的声音,紧接着是一阵奇怪的尖叫,还有一阵震耳欲聋的惊叫声。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 妈妈的新花盆碎了一地。_______________________________________________________________________________Danny的动作篇:1. Danny猛地把门打开。_______________________________________________________________________________2. 他拿起一把扫帚,准备随时出击。_______________________________________________________________________________萌趣Aki篇:1. 他看到一个小小的脑袋从一棵茂密的小树后探了出来。_______________________________________________________________________________2. 他手上抓着一只小动物。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 他咧着嘴笑着,像是一只小猴子站在一大堆香蕉上那样开心。_______________________________________________________________________________4. “我的小狗狗!”这个孩子说着,紧紧地把这个可怜又有点丑丑的小家伙抱住,以至于Danny觉得它随时会像气球一样被挤爆。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Aki把他那被挤扁的小宠物伸手递过来,想要给Danny亲亲抱抱。_______________________________________________________________________________见到猛兽惊奇篇:1. 然后,这个孩子的眼睛睁得很大。他用手指着Danny身后说:“有野兽!”Danny转过身去,然后他看到一只有生以来见到的最丑陋的动物正慢慢朝他们过来。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________猛兽描写篇:1. 它黑黑的,身材和大狗差不多,身上长了又短又硬的毛,鼻子和猪一样,还有一对像剑一样锋利的尖尖的獠牙从嘴巴两边长出来。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 这个动物用它又黑又圆的小眼睛盯着Aki,一边用鼻子发出咕噜声。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 这只猛兽似乎准备冲向他们俩了。_______________________________________________________________________________范文自我检测:Paragraph 1:1. Danny撬开Aki的手臂,将小幼崽宝宝夺了出来。_______________________________________________________________________________2. 这妈妈冲向它,用自己的鼻子轻推着自己的宝宝。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 突然,这只猛兽的獠牙对准了Aki的肚子。_______________________________________________________________________________4. Danny好不容易一把抓住了Aki的裤裆部分,及时将其托举起来。_______________________________________________________________________________5. 这只野兽的一颗獠牙扯破了Danny的一条裤腿。_______________________________________________________________________________6. 幸运的是,它没有咬到他的肉。_______________________________________________________________________________7. 举着Aki,Danny穿过后院,跑进了房子里,猛地关上了门。_______________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:1. “Aki要小狗狗嘛!” 他说着,一把抱住Danny,把脸埋进Danny的胸口。_______________________________________________________________________________2. Aki问道,声音比巧克力甜甜圈还甜。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 他抬头凝视着Danny,露出天使般的微笑,将Danny的心都融化了。_______________________________________________________________________________参考答案:核心、生疏词汇拓展仿写:1. The leaves sway in the gentle breeze.2. She knocked at my door, poking her head in.3. a. She was clutching a doll. b. I clutched at a floating piece of wood to save myself from drowning.4. a. He flung the door open. b. He flung a brick through the window.5. The tiger seemed to be ready to charge at him.6. The children were giggling and nudging each other.原文自我检测:环境描写篇:1. It looked like a postcard out there, with the palm threes swaying in the breeze, the bushes covered with pink and white flowers, and the ocean a sparkling silver strip in the distance.2. He heard a noise in his backyard. There was a crash, a strange squeal, and an earsplitting scream.3. Mom’s new pot of flowers lay shattered on the ground.Danny动作篇:1. Danny flung open the back door.2. He picked up a broom, ready to strike.萌趣Aki篇:1. He caught sight of a small dark head poking out from behind one of the thick bushes.2. He was clutching a little animal of some kind.3. He was grinning like a monkey standing on a mountain of bananas.4. “My puppy!” the kid said, hugging the poor ugly critter so tight Danny was sure it would pop like a balloon.5. Aki held out his poor squished pet like he wanted Danny to give it a big smooch. 见到猛兽惊奇篇:And then the kid’s eyes got huge. He pointed to something over Danny’s shoulder. “Monster!” he said. Danny spun around and there, moving toward them, was the ugliest animal Danny had ever seen in his life.猛兽描写篇:1. It was black, the size of a huge dog, with wiry bristles, a pig’s snout, and two huge spiked tusks sprouting right from its face like swords. 2. The animal grunted and snorted as it stared at Aki with beady black eyes.范文自我检测Paragraph 1:1. Danny pried the baby out of Aki’s hands.2. The mother rushed up to it, and nudged it with her nose.3. Suddenly, the monster’s sharp tusks aimed right for Aki’s stomach.4. Danny managed to grab Aki by the seat of his pants and hoist him up just in time.5. One of the monster’s tusks tore through Danny’s pant leg.6. Amazingly/Luckily, it missed his flesh.7. With Aki held high, Danny ran across the backyard and into the house, slamming the door.Paragraph 2:1. “Aki want puppy,” he said, throwing his arms around Danny and burying his face in Danny’s legs.2. Aki asked in a voice sweeter than a chocolate doughnut.3. He gazed up at Danny with an angelic smile, melting Danny’s heart away.更多的关于野兽的描写:动作描写:growl/howl 嚎叫snarl 龇牙低吼circle back and forth 来回转圈spring at 朝……扑过去charge at朝……冲过去hurl oneself at…猛冲过去leap at 朝……跳过去fling oneself at 向……跳过去smash sb down 把某人撞倒gain on sb 逼近plunge into 跳进curl up 蜷缩着advance cautiously 小心翼翼地前进stagger limply about 瘸着腿走来走去his tongue lolling out of his mouth 舌头伸出来His strength ebbed and eyes glazed. 力气没有了,眼睛呆滞了。The tongue was out and lolling, the white fangs showing white. 舌头伸出来耷拉着,露出白色的獠牙。sink its teeth in the neck of…用牙齿咬住……的脖子put forth all one’s strength 使出全身力气buckle down 全力以赴做某事Danny jerked back his leg, ripping his pants away from the tusk/fang. Danny把腿猛地往后退去,把裤子从獠牙上扯了下来。长相描述:gaunt adj. 消瘦憔悴的battle-scarred adj. 伤痕累累的cunning adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的furry adj. 毛茸茸的知识迁移:尝试用上文中的语言迁移续写2017年6月浙江卷读后续写的第一段 On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaka with friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday. Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dog!” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him. Mac’s heart jumped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fires the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the anima, and to Mac’s belief, it fell back, shaking his head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac’s bike, tearing open his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase. Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wolf’s teeth would be tearing into his flesh. At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn’t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now. Paragraph 1: The car abruptly stopped in front of him._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2: A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Paul shouted through the window, “Get in the car!” Mac jumped off the bicycle and tried to get into the car. Meanwhile, the wolf gained on him. Mac spun around, only to find the wolf’s sharp teeth aiming right for him. The next minute, the beast charged at him. Prepare to die! it seemed to be saying. “Quick!”, urged the couple, grabbing Mac by his arms, trying to drag him into the car. Luckily, it missed his flesh. Mac managed to climb into the car. The creature sprang at/flung at/hurled itself at the door several times, but failed. It circled back and forth, growling. Its tongue was out and lolling, the white fangs showing white. Becky threw some food out of the window and Paul blared the horn to make an alert. At length, the wolf left and vanished from sight.
新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材7:狼狗白牙不舍主人离开: 这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材7:狼狗白牙不舍主人离开,共6页。
新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材6:谁动了我的奶酪: 这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材6:谁动了我的奶酪,共6页。
新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材5:争吵: 这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材5:争吵,共7页。