新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材4:热爱生命
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材4:热爱生命,共7页。
根据前文续写:Love of Life Jack LondonTwo men walked slowly, one after the other, through the shallow water of a stream. All they could see were stones and earth. The stream ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs. They had guns, but no bullets; matches, but no food.Suddenly the man who followed fell over a stone. He hurt his foot badly and called: "Hey, Bill, I've hurt my foot." Bill continued straight on without looking back. The man was alone in the empty land, but he was not lost. He knew the way to their camp, where he would find food and bullets. He struggled to his feet and limped on. Bill would be waiting for him there, and together they would go south to the Hudson Bay Company. He had not eaten for two days. Often he stopped to pick some small berries and put them into his mouth. The berries were tasteless, and did not satisfy, but he knew he must eat them. In the evening he built a fire and slept like a dead man. When he woke up, the man took out a small sack. It weighed fifteen pounds. He wasn't sure if he could carry it any longer. But he couldn't leave it behind. He had to take it with him. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and staggered on. His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go on until darkness fell. His blanket was wet, but he knew only that he was hungry. Through his restless sleep he dreamed of banquets and of food. The man woke up cold and sick, and found himself lost. But the small sack was still with him. As he dragged himself along, the sack became heavier and heavier. The man opened the sack, which was full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock. Eleven days passed, days of rain and cold. One day he found the bones of a deer. There was no meat on them. The man broke the bones and he sucked and chewed on them like an animal. Would he, too, be bones tomorrow? And why not? This was life. Only life hurt. There was no hurt in death. To die was to sleep. Then why was he not ready to die? He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on. One morning he woke up beside a river. Slowly he followed it with his eyes and saw it entering into a shining sea. When he saw a ship on the sea, he closed his eyes. He knew there could be no ship, no sea, in this land. A vision, he told himself. He heard a noise behind him, and turned around. A wolf, old and sick, was coming slowly toward him. This was real, he thought. The man turned back, but the sea and the ship were still there. He didn't understand. Had he been walking north, away from the camp, toward the sea? He stood up and started slowly toward the ship, knowing full well the sick wolf was following him. In the afternoon, he found some bones of a man. Beside the bones was a small sack of gold, like his own. So Bill had carried his gold to the end. He would carry Bill's gold to the ship. Ha—ha! He would have the last laugh on Bill. His laughing sounded like the low cry of an animal. The wolf cried back. The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold? Paragraph 1:The man was very sick, now. He crawled about, on hands and knees.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:Three weeks later, when the man felt better, he told them his story. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:The man was very sick, now. He crawled about, on hands and knees. He had lost everything—his blanket, his gun, and his gold. Only the wolf stayed with him hour after hour. At last he could go on no further. He fell. The wolf came close to him, but the man was ready. He got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed. Then he bit it with his last strength. The wolf's blood streamed into his mouth. Only love of life gave him enough strength. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it, and then he fell on his back and slept. The men on the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach. It was moving toward them—perhaps twenty feet an hour. The men went over to look and could hardly believe it was a man. Three weeks later, when the man felt better, he told them his story. But there was one strange thing—he seemed to be afraid that there wasn't enough food on the ship. The men also noticed that he was getting fat. They gave him less food, but still he grew fatter with each day. Then one day they saw him put a lot of bread under his shirt. They examined his bed and found food under his blanket. The men understood. He would recover from it, they said.文章赏析:《热爱生命》是杰克伦敦的代表中篇小说,该小说讲述了一个悲壮的故事,生动地展示了人性的伟大与坚强。小说将主人公置于绝望的恶劣环境中,与寒冷、饥饿、疾病、野兽做斗争,在一系列的生死抉择中,主人公展现出了人性中永不放弃热爱生命的执着精神,歌颂了生命的坚韧与顽强,给人以震撼人心的力量。原文材料是根据原版中篇小说的改编版,以适用于高中学段学生的理解和学习,并且该文本保留了故事的完整性,虽是改编作品,里面依然留有大量丰富的记叙文描写语言,利用动作、形态、心理、环境描写来刻画人物,发展情节,设置悬念,抬升冲突,使整个故事引人入胜,过程扣人心弦,结局震撼人心(李浩)。适合学生多少词汇量: 3000左右学生收获: 本文有大量关于“走”、“野兽搏斗”的词汇和句式,另外,还有部分关于景色的地道描写,可以丰富人与动物之间续写题材的写作内容。。本文中核心、生疏词汇及拓展:1.limp(v.) to walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury 跛行;不稳定地进行翻译:我步行,确切点说,是一瘸一拐地走了两英里才回到家。_______________________________________________________________________________2.stagger (v.) to walk with great difficulty蹒跚翻译:那人为什么摇摇晃晃地在屋里走来走去。_______________________________________________________________________________3.sack (n.) a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customer’s purchases 麻袋,包翻译:入侵者把所有的东西洗劫一空。_______________________________________________________________________________4. banquet (n.) a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed 宴会翻译:他举行宴会庆祝自己的生日。_______________________________________________________________________________5. strive (v.) to attempt by employing effort 努力;奋斗翻译:游泳者正在和激浪搏斗。_______________________________________________________________________________原文自我检测:环境描写篇:1.两个人一前一后慢慢地趟过一条浅浅的小溪。他们只能看到石头和泥土。溪水冰冷地漫过他们的脚。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.十一天过去了,连日阴雨阴冷。_______________________________________________________________________________3.一天早晨,他在河边醒来。慢慢地,他的眼睛顺着它望去,看见它进入一片闪光的大海。_______________________________________________________________________________行走篇:1. 比尔头也不回地继续往前走。_______________________________________________________________________________2. 他挣扎着站起来,一瘸一拐地走着。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 他把它放回背包,站起来,蹒跚地走着。_______________________________________________________________________________4. 当他拖着沉重的步子前进时,麻袋变得越来越重。_______________________________________________________________________________5. 他站起身来,慢慢地朝船走去,他知道那只病狼正跟着他。_______________________________________________________________________________饥饿篇:1.他的脚很疼,但和他的饥饿相比根本不算什么,饥饿使他坚持到天黑。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 他的毯子湿了,但他只知道他饿了。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 在他不安的睡眠中,他梦见宴会和食物。_______________________________________________________________________________4. 一天,他发现了鹿的骨头。上面没有肉。那人打断骨头,像动物一样吮吸、咀嚼它们。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________热爱生命篇:驱使他前进的是他那不愿死的生命。_______________________________________________________________________________范文自我检测:Paragraph 1:1. 他爬来爬去,手脚并用。_______________________________________________________________________________2. 他爬到狼身上,握住狼的嘴。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 然后他用最后的力气咬了下去。_______________________________________________________________________________4. 狼的血流进了他的嘴里。_______________________________________________________________________________5. 他用牙齿咬住狼,把它咬死,然后仰面倒下睡觉。_______________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:但有一件奇怪的事——他似乎害怕船上没有足够的食物。_______________________________________________________________________________参考答案:核心、生疏词汇拓展仿写:1. I walked, or rather limped, the two miles home.2. Why is that man staggering about the room like that?3. The invaders put all to the sack.4. He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.5. The swimmer was striving against the current.原文自我检测:环境描写篇:Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the shallow water of a stream. All they could see were stones and earth. The stream ran cold over their feet.Eleven days passed, days of rain and cold.3.One morning he woke up beside a river. Slowly he followed it with his eyes and saw it entering into a shining sea.行走篇:1.Bill continued straight on without looking back. 2.He struggled to his feet and limped on.3.He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and staggered on.4.As he dragged himself along, the sack became heavier and heavier. 5.He stood up and started slowly toward the ship, knowing full well the sick wolf was following him. 饥饿篇:His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go on until darkness fell.His blanket was wet, but he knew only that he was hungry. Through his restless sleep he dreamed of banquets and of food. One day he found the bones of a deer. There was no meat on them. The man broke the bones and he sucked and chewed on them like an animal. 热爱生命篇:It was the life in him, unwilling to die, that drove him on.范文自我检测Paragraph 1:1. He crawled about, on hands and knees.2. He got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed. 3. Then he bit it with his last strength. 4. The wolf's blood streamed into his mouth.5. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it, and then he fell on his back and slept.Paragraph 2:But there was one strange thing—he seemed to be afraid that there wasn't enough food on the ship. 更多的关于野兽的描写(周陶陶):动作描写:growl/howl 嚎叫snarl 龇牙低吼circle back and forth 来回转圈spring at 朝……扑过去charge at朝……冲过去hurl oneself at…猛冲过去leap at 朝……跳过去fling oneself at 向……跳过去smash sb down 把某人撞倒gain on sb 逼近plunge into 跳进curl up 蜷缩着advance cautiously 小心翼翼地前进stagger limply about 瘸着腿走来走去his tongue lolling out of his mouth 舌头伸出来His strength ebbed and eyes glazed. 力气没有了,眼睛呆滞了。The tongue was out and lolling, the white fangs showing white. 舌头伸出来耷拉着,露出白色的獠牙。sink its teeth in the neck of…用牙齿咬住……的脖子put forth all one’s strength 使出全身力气buckle down 全力以赴做某事Danny jerked back his leg, ripping his pants away from the tusk/fang. Danny把腿猛地往后退去,把裤子从獠牙上扯了下来。长相描述:gaunt adj. 消瘦憔悴的battle-scarred adj. 伤痕累累的cunning adj. 狡猾的,奸诈的furry adj. 毛茸茸的知识迁移:尝试用上文中的语言迁移续写2016年10月浙江卷读后续写的第一段阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tom, had driven three hours to camp overnight by a lake in the forest. Unfortunately, on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was so angry that she said to Tom. “I'm going to find a better spot for us to camp" and walked away.With no path to follow, Jane just walked on for quite a long time. After she had climbed to a high place. she turned around, hoping to see the lake. To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest and, far beyond, a snow-capped mountain top. She suddenly realized that she was lost.“Tom! "she cried. "Help!"No reply. If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom. Jane kept moving, but the farther she walked, the more confused she became. As night was beginning to fall, Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family. She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.Jane rose at the break of day, hungry and thirsty. She could hear water trickling (滴落) somewhere at a distance. Quickly she followed the sound to a stream. To her great joy, she also saw some berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling stronger now. Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.As she picked her way carefully along the stream, Jane heard a helicopter. Is that for me? Unfortunately, the trees made it impossible for people to see her from above. A few minutes later, another helicopter flew overhead. Jane took off her yellow blouse, thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark. The temperature got lower and it was bound to be a night of cold. Jane hurriedly put on her yellow blouse but was seized by fatigue and horror. Suddenly, she fell over a stone. However, she struggled to her feet and limped on, hoping to meet Tom as soon as possible. She dragged herself along slowly and cautiously until she found a flat rock to rest herself. Lying on her back, Jane felt very lonely, regretted quarreling with Tom and missed Tom much. Through her restless sleep, she dreamed of banquets and of food. ,
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材7:狼狗白牙不舍主人离开,共6页。
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材6:谁动了我的奶酪,共6页。
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材5:争吵,共7页。