新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材7:狼狗白牙不舍主人离开
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材7:狼狗白牙不舍主人离开,共6页。
根据前文续写:(本文改编自典范英语10之White Fang Chapter 12 Going home)Something was in the air. White Fang knew it. All his senses told him that some big change was about to come.“Listen to that.”said Matt one night.Scott listened. Through the open door came a low, anxious whine(哀鸣), like a sobbing under the breath. Then came a long sniff, as White Fang looked at his master, checking he was still there.“I think that dog’s on to you,”said Matt.Scott looked at his friend sadly. “I can’t stay any longer. I’ve got a new job in California. How could I look after a wolf-dog there?" he said. “ He would hate living in a city, anyway.”Matt looked at him. “That dog loves you,” he said.Scott glared across the table. “Don’t make me feel bad! I’ve got to do what I think is best!”He knew a dog like him needed the wide open spaces of the frozen North. Five or six times he changed his mind. But in the end he decided firmly against taking him.Then came the day when through the cabin door White Fang saw his master packing his bags. This was just like last time! He knew his master was going away and leaving him behind!The next day, White Fang’s fears grew and grew. He wouldn’t leave his masters side for a second, and when Scott went inside, he stood outside by the door, watching his every move. Then Scott took his two large bags out of the cabin, followed by a tin box. Now the terrible thing was happening.White Fang watched as two men arrived. They took the bags away down the hill towards the steamship port.Scott called White Fang. “ Poor fellow, ” said Scott, gently rubbing White Fangs ears. “I’m leaving, old boy, where you can’t follow. Now give me one of your growls, the last. A goodbye growl!” But White Fang wouldn’t growl. He gave his master a wistful(若有所求的), searching look and buried his head out of sight, between his master’s arm and body.A ship’s horn sounded. “There she blows!” said Matt. “You’ve got to go now. You don’t want to miss the boat!” The two men closed up the cabin and Matt locked the door.Paragraph 1:From inside, came a low whining and sobbing. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:Surprisingly, Scott found White Fang sitting on the deck of the steamship, watching wistfully._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:From inside, came a low whining and sobbing. Scott wiped his eyes. “Take good care of him, Matt. ” he said. “Sure, ” replied Matt. “But listen to that, will you?” Both men stopped. White Fang was howling as dogs howl when their masters die. His cry burst upwards, dying down into quavering misery. A heart-breaking cry, it rose up again and again. Leaving White Fang behind, Matt and Scott set out for the steamship port. The steamship was jammed with passengers. Scott said goodbye to Matt and turned to the deck. Surprisingly, Scott found White Fang sitting on the deck of the steamship, watching wistfully. Scott walked close to the dog and saw blood on his muzzle(动物的口鼻) and a fresh cut between his eyes. “You must have butted his way clean through the window of the cabin.” He cried unbelievably. The steamship hooted its final whistle. This time Scott firmly decided to take White Fang with him. The steamship swung out from the bank. Scott waved a last goodbye to Matt on the shore. Then he bent down to pat the dog and said :“ Growl for me now, you stupid, brave fellow!” White Fang growled and nuzzled his beloved master for all he was worth.文章主题:人与动物—“狼狗白牙不舍主人离开”本文大意:白牙的主人Scott在California找到新工作,决定将White Fang留在北方,独自一人坐汽船回南方。聪明的白牙察觉到了主人即将离开的迹象,非常悲伤。他一刻不离地跟着主人,但主人和朋友Matt把他关在屋里,走了。适合学生多少词汇量: 3000左右学生收获: 本文出现大量有关狼狗白牙不舍主人离开以及狗狗与人互动的词汇和句式,另外,还有部分关于港口的环境描写,可以丰富人与动物之间续写题材的写作内容。核心、生疏词汇及拓展:1. sob (v.) draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain while crying啜泣,抽噎翻译:我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭着。_______________________________________________________________________________2. firmly (adv.) in a firm way坚实地,坚固地,坚定地翻译:主席礼貌而坚定地回绝了该建议。_______________________________________________________________________________3. growl (v.) (animals or thunder) make a low threatening sound (动物或雷)作低沉的怒吼声,作狺狺的叫声,作隆隆声翻译: 狗向经过房子的陌生人狺狺狂吠。_______________________________________________________________________________雷在远处隆隆地响。_______________________________________________________________________________4. howl (v.) ●make a long loud cry of a dog, wolf, etc (狗、狼等的)尖利的的长嚎,嗥叫翻译:狼群在森林中嚎叫。_______________________________________________________________________________●say sth with a loud and angry voice 怒吼翻译:“我恨你们所有的人!”她吼叫着说。_______________________________________________________________________________5. quiver (v.) tremble slightly 轻微颤动,抖动翻译:她气得浑身发抖,砰的一声使劲把门关上。_______________________________________________________________________________6. be jammed with (Verb Phr.) crowd so as to block 挤满,塞满翻译:春节期间车站里挤满了人和行李。_______________________________________________________________________________7. pat (v.) tap sb/sth gently with the open hand or with a flat object 轻拍(某人/某物)翻译:她轻轻地拍着狗的头。_______________________________________________________________________________8. butted his way clean through the window 它直接用头破窗而出原文自我检测:环境描写:1. 白牙知道有什么事情正在酝酿之中。他所有的感觉都在告诉他一个巨大的变化即将到来。______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. 后来有一天,白牙穿过舱门,看见他的主人在收拾行李。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 然后斯科特从小屋里拿出两个大袋子,然后是一个锡盒。_______________________________________________________________________________4. 白牙看到两个人来了。他们把行李从山上搬到了汽船港。_______________________________________________________________________________Scott关爱白牙的动作:5. “可怜的家伙,”斯科特说,轻轻地揉着白牙的耳朵。_______________________________________________________________________________白牙不舍主人离开的描写:6. 从敞开的门里传来一声低沉而焦虑的哀鸣,就像一声呜咽。_______________________________________________________________________________7.然后长长的嗅了一下,好像白牙看着主人,看看他还在不在。______________________________________________________________________________8. 他一刻也不会离开他的主人,斯科特进去的时候,他站就在门边,注视着他的一举一动。______________________________________________________________________________9. 他向他的主人投去渴望和探询的目光,把头埋在主人的手臂和身体之间。______________________________________________________________________________、范文自我检测:Paragraph 1:1. 汽船上挤满了乘客。_______________________________________________________________________________2.白牙像狗在主人死去时一样嗥叫。_______________________________________________________________________________3. 他的叫声突然高亢了,逐渐减弱,变为颤抖着的痛苦。_______________________________________________________________________________4. 一声令人心碎的叫声,一次又一次地升起。_______________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:5. 汽船拉响了最后一声汽笛。_______________________________________________________________________________6. 汽船摇晃着离开岸边。_______________________________________________________________________________7. 然后他弯下腰,轻轻地拍了拍白牙,说:“现在为我而叫吧,你这个勇敢的傻瓜”。_______________________________________________________________________________6. 白牙发出低吠声,用鼻子蹭着他心爱的主人,因为他值得。_______________________________________________________________________________参考答案:核心、生疏词汇拓展仿写:1.We could hear the child sobbing in that room.2.The suggestion was politely and firmly rejected by the chairman.3.The dog growled at the stranger passing by the house. The thunder growled in the distance.4. The wolves were howling in the forest. “I hate you all!” she howled.5. Quivering with anger she slammed the door shut.6. During the Spring Festival, the train stations are jammed with people and luggage.7.She patted the dog on the head.原文自我检测:环境描写篇:1.Something was in the air. White Fang knew it. All his senses told him that some big change was about to come.2. Then came the day when through the cabin door White Fang saw his master packing his bags.3.Then Scott took his two large bags out of the cabin, followed by a tin box.4. White Fang watched as two men arrived. They took the bags away down the hill towards the steamship port.Scott关爱白牙的动作:5. “ Poor fellow, ” said Scott, gently rubbing White Fangs ears.White Fang不舍主人离开的描写:6. Through the open door came a low, anxious whine(哀鸣), like a sobbing under the breath. 7. Then came a long sniff, as White Fang looked at his master, checking he was still there.8. He wouldn’t leave his masters side for a second, and when Scott went inside, he stood outside by the door, watching his every move.9. He gave his master a wistful(若有所求的), searching look and buried his head out of sight, between his master’s arm and body.范文自我检测Paragraph 1:1. The steamship was jammed with passengers.2. White Fang was howling as dogs howl when their masters die.3. His cry burst upwards, dying down into quavering misery.4. A heart-breaking cry, it rose up again and again.Paragraph 2:5. The steamship hooted its final whistle.6. The steamship swung out from the bank.7. Then he bent down to pat the dog and said :“ Growl for me now, you stupid, brave fellow!”8. White Fang growled and nuzzled his beloved master for all he was worth.知识迁移:尝试用上文中的语言迁移续写2017年6月浙江卷读后续写的第二段“I’m going to miss you so much, Poppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent down to hug his old friend goodbye. He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions(情绪) get the better of him.His parents were not quite able to keep theirs under control. They had driven their son several hours out of town to the university where he would soon be living and studying. It was time to say goodbye for now at least. The family hugged and smiled through misty eyes and then laughed.The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it,” he said. “I’ll see you back home in a month, okay?” His parents nodded, and they watched as he walked out of sight into the crowds of hundreds of students and parents. The boy’s mother turned to the dog, “Okay, Poppy, time to go back home.”The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there. All that week, Poppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favorite toy, or even in her daily walk. Her owners were sad too, but they knew their son would be back to visit. Poppy didn’t.They offered the dog some of her favorite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit on the sofa, but the old girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her owners started to get worried. “What should we do to cheer Poppy up?” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.”“I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,” smiled Mom. “Without anybody left in the house but us, this place could use a bit of fun. Let’s get a little dog for Poppy.It didn’t take long before they walked through the front door carrying a big box. Poppy welcomed them home as usual but when she saw the box, she stopped. She put her nose on it. Her tail began wagging(摆动)ever so slowly, then faster as she caught the smell.Paragraph 1: Dad open the boxed and a little sweet dog appeared. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2: A few weeks later, the boy arrived home from university.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________One possible version:A few weeks later, the boy arrived home from the university. When he caught sight of Poppy, he rushed towards her and bent down to pat her. Poppy licked his face and buried his head out of sight between his arm and body. Suddenly, a small golden cloud came racing up to them. It growled and nuzzled Poppy. “Oh, gosh. I can’t believe you got yourself a puppy!” the boy exclaimed. His parents laughed at the look of shock on his face. “We didn’t,” replied Mom, “This puppy is for Poppy!”
这是一份新高考英语读后续写素材课件 新高考英语读后续写素材 指向续写的小说素材6:谁动了我的奶酪,共6页。
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