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    The editr f the schl newspaper was leaving s the paper wuld need a new editr.Hearing the news,Tara knew it was her(1) ______ .
    Tara had always wanted t imprve the paper.Unluckily,mst students cared little abut(2) ______ .There were nt any nice pictures,but the real(3) ______ was that the stries culdn't attract the kids.
    After class,Tara talked t Mr.Alvarez,the headmaster,abut her wish t be the editr." We' ve (4) ______ had a sixth grader in charge.Editing the paper is a big jb,even fr an eighth grader."he said,"And we may nt have a paper much lnger because f budget cut."
    Tara stepped frward and said(5) ______ ,"I can make students like the paper and d my best t make it pay fr itself." Mr.Alvarez(6) ______ Tara's ffer and agreed," Yu nly have three weeks befre the budget meeting."
    Tara didn't lse any time.During lunch,she(7) ______ the newspaper grup and tld them abut her cnversatin with Mr.Alvarez.
    " We shuld d smething(8) ______ the newspaper and make it different.Nw we need(9) ______ teams." Tara said t the grup." The sales team will wrk n getting advertisers t help us(10) ______ the paper.And the editrial team need t discver stries students like."
    The grup ndded(11) ______ they felt a bit unsure abut the new leader.They started t discuss hw t imprve the paper.
    The editrial team created a questinnaire t knw what students were(12) ______ .The sales team visited many lcal businesses.By the end f the week,things were ging well.The grup gathered again fr further imprvement.
    They came up with a(13) ______ idea — create an nline paper with mre cl pictures and even
    vides.Everyne culdn't wait t have a try.
    The big day finally came.The grup presented the paper at the meeting.When it was time t vte,every hand in the rm went up fr(14) ______ their ideas.
    " Well dne,students." Mr.Alvarez said t Tara's grup." Yur(15) ______ really wrks."
    1.A. answerB. chanceC. methdD. pinin
    2.A. itB. herC. himD. them
    3.A. resultB. exampleC. prblemD. purpse
    4.A. alwaysB. ftenC. smetimesD. never
    5.A. angrilyB. nervuslyC. plitelyD. cnfidently
    6.A. waited frB. laughed atC. thught abutD. depended n
    7.A. metB. askedC. helpedD. nticed
    8.A. withB. withutC. frD. against
    9.A. twB. threeC. furD. five
    10.A. brrwB. readC. checkD. affrd
    11.A. whenB. untilC. thughD. unless
    12.A. gd atB. prud fC. careful withD. interested in
    13.A. newB. funnyC. simpleD. similar
    14.A. sharingB. supprtingC. cllectingD. explaining
    15.A. habitB. effrtC. praiseD. kindness
    16.What's the questinnaire abut? ______
    A. Health prblems.B. Accidents in schl.
    C. Learning experiences.D. Outdr sprts safety.
    17.Wh is the questinnaire fr? ______
    A. Students.B. Teachers.C. Drivers.D. Dctrs.
    18.Accrding t the questinnaire,the persn wh cmpleted it ______ .
    A. likes hiking bestB. prepares well befre cycling
    C. ften hurts badlyD. waits fr help after getting hurt
    It's cmmn t see the cffee art,but have yu seen the art in a cup f tea?This kind f tea art is called Dian Cha,a main tea drinking methd in the Sng Dynasty.The prcess f making it is nt easy but peple really enjy Dian Cha especially because f the nice patterns n the surface f the tea.
    The tea art begins with adding ht water ver the fine pwdered(粉末的)tea.This actin creates a paste(糊状物)n the tea.Then add mre water while whisking(搅动)it by hand with a bamb whisk.It usually requires whisking abut 200 times befre the thick fam(泡沫)appears.Then,ne can begin drawing.But drawing n the tea fam is nt the same thing as drawing n the paper.One may use the hard teaspn against the sft fam,which requires great attentin.Unlike nrmal spns,the teaspn used in Dian Cha is quite thin and has a pinted end t help t draw,just like a pen.
    In the Sng Dynasty,many famus peple regarded Dian Cha as an imprtant free-time activity.Emperr Sng Huizng even wrte a bk called Treatise n Tea which included sme details f tea-whisking.Accrding t the bk,gd tea shuld be white and fine.The better the tea was,the whiter it shuld be,and the lnger the fam shuld last.
    In 2019,Dian Cha was listed as a cultural heritage (遗产) in Zhenjiang,China.A grwing number f peple nw want t learn and spread this traditinal skill.Han Zheming,a designer frm Shanghai,has created nearly 200 images n the tea and put the prcess f Dian Cha nline. "I want mre peple t understand and appreciate the beauty f Dian Cha." Han says.
    19.What is Dian Cha ppular fr? ______
    A. Its lng histry.B. Its patterns n the tea.
    C. Its special taste.D. Its tea-making prcess.
    20.During the prcess f Dian Cha, ______ is used t draw n the tea fam.
    A. B. C. D.
    21.Which f the fllwing abut Dian Cha is TRUE? ______
    A. Better tea has much less fam.
    B. Han Zheming tries t spread this tea art.
    C. It was chsen as a cultural heritage in Shanghai.
    D. Many famus peple wrte Treatise n Tea tgether.
    22.The passage is prbably taken frm a magazine abut ______ .
    A. art and cultureB. sprts and health
    C. life and histryD. nature and travel
    Eczema (湿疹) is a disease which influences children and teenagers much mre ften than adults.
    The symptms (症状) f eczema are different amng peple,such as dry,itchy (发痒的) skin with redness,r sres.Eczema can happen n any part f the bdy,such as hands,feet,knees,face and neck.The cnditin can last fr mre than ne year.Mst children will nt get eczema as they grw up.Hwever,sme peple have eczema again when they get lder.This means that they need a lng-lasting treatment.
    Why d peple get eczema?Yur genes (基因).Dctrs fund that if bth parents have eczema,their child is 3-5 times mre likely t have ne as well.Meanwhile,sme dctrs fund that kids wh live in cities may have the higher pssibility f getting eczema than thse wh live in the cuntry.Other causes f eczema include types f sap,dry wintertime air,and sme clthes that make the skin uncmfrtable.
    Eczema can have a large effect n a persn's life.The itchy feeling f eczema can be s serius that it keeps many patients awake at night,which makes them mre tired and nervus during the day.The itchiness can als make it hard t fcus n wrk r schl.Als,if viruses get under the skin,smetimes they can cause mre serius diseases.S peple with eczema are mre likely t get ill than peple with healthy skin.Finally,peple may lse cnfidence because f lking different.
    There are plenty f ways t treat eczema r t stp it frm getting wrse.The mst imprtant is t make sure t use misturizers (润肤膏) ften.They misturize the skin and prevent it frm getting dry.When misturizer des nt wrk,dctrs may tell patients t take medicines t help with eczema.If thse ways can't help patients at all,dctrs will suggest ther treatments like light therapy (疗法),which uses specific waves f light by machine.But if yu d have eczema,avid ht shwers r baths t keep the skin frm getting itchy.Remember t keep clear f sme clthes like sweaters.Nw yu can help thers learn abut eczema t!
    23.Eczema ______ .
    A. makes peple's skin wet
    B. needs a shrt-time treatment
    C. influences peple f all ages
    D. happens n certain parts f the bdy
    24.Accrding t the passage,what prblem can eczema cause? ______
    A. Patients' genes may be changed.
    B. Patients suffer frm sleeping lss.
    C. Patients lk at thers differently.
    D. Patients mve away frm the cuntry.
    25.Which f the fllwing abut treating eczema is TRUE? ______
    A. Sunlight can stp eczema frm spreading.
    B. Misturizers are helpful t make patients better.
    C. Wearing sweaters will make peple cmfrtable.
    D. Peple can take ht shwers t stp itchy feelings.
    26.What is the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. Eczema and Its SymptmsB. Eczema:A Way t be Beautiful
    C. New Discveries in HealthD. Eczema:A Great Enemy f Skin
    27.One day,Wald went t the supermarket t buy sme grceries(杂货)fr his wife Layla.On the way hme,he stpped at an art gallery where peple were hlding a pp-art exhibitin.
    Then,being s mved by what he saw,he left the bag f grceries n the flr and went hme.When Wald rushed back t the gallery,the grceries had been awarded the first prize in the exhibitin.
    "We've been lking everywhere fr yu," the gallery wner said. "Why didn't yu sign yur name f art?"
    "What?It's nt a wrk f art.It's my dinner fr tnight!" Wald replied.
    The gallery was suddenly full f laughter."He's nt nly a great artist,but has humur as well."A judge said. "Yu can see that in his wrk,"anther judge cheered,"Hw the bttle f tmat ketchup is leaning against the prk and beans!He is a genius(天才)!Ntice the way the bttle f peach is lying n its side!Even Artist Andy Warhl wuldn't have thught f it!"
    "Did yu ntice the way that he pressed the cheesecake n the bttm f the bag?I think that's why he can win the first prize.It makes Artist Picass feel ashamed." A lady said excitedly.
    "Lk," Wald said. "I'm very thankful fr all these praises,but my wife is waiting fr these grceries,and I have t get it hme."
    "Get it hme?" The gallery wner said surprisingly, "I've just sld it t that cuple ver there fr1,500 dllars."
    "But the grceries cst me nly 18 dllars," Wald said.
    "It isn't a bag f grceries.It's what yu did with them.The thught yu expressed in yur art is even mre meaningful than Artist Auguste Rdin shwed thrugh his "Thinker"!Yu have said what Artist Rembrandt tried t say in 1,000 paintings with this bag f grceries!" The gallery wner said, "Here is yur mney!"
    With a burning face,Wald std still and culd nt say a wrd.Finally,he accepted the mney and that night he tk his wife ut fr dinner.
    The next day,he went t the supermarket and bught anther bag f grceries,much mre expensive.He immediately tk the bag t the gallery.But the reviews were terrible t him.Sme leading critics even said that success had gne t his head but his talent was gne,and all that was left was a bag f tasteless grceries.
    (1) Why did Wald g back t the gallery fr the first time? ______
    A.T pick up the grceries.
    B.T shw his art wrk.
    C.T find his mney back.
    D.T enjy the exhibitin.
    (2) What can we knw frm the stry? ______
    A.The cuple in the gallery wanted t laugh at Wald.
    B.Wald was as well-knwn as ther artists in the wrld.
    C.Wald hardly thught abut getting prizes in art befre.
    D.The grceries were treated as valuable art wrks twice.
    (3) Hw did Wald's feelings change accrding t the stry? ______
    ①shy and ashamed
    ②relaxed and mved
    ③sad and disappinted
    ④surprised and shcked
    (4) Was Wald an artist?Why?(请用约 40词回答)
    (1) (1) ______
    •Chesters Rman Frt:
    Step int the Rman baths.
    •Birdswald Rman Frt:
    Discver hw the wall was built.
    •Husesteads Rman Frt:
    Take in wnderful views.
    •Crbridge Rman Twn:
    Walk alng a Rman high street.
    (2) (2) ______
    Open Wed t Sun,10 am-4 pm
    Open daily fr Husesteads Rman Frt 3.
    (3) ______
    Start in Newcastle in the east r Carlisle in the west.Drive t Newcastle n the Al mtrway r t Carlisle n the M6 and leave n the A69 rad.

    (4) ______ The Sill has ver 170 car parking spaces.Our car parking charges are:Time Charges
    1st 15 minutes:Free
    Up t 2 hurs: ₤2.00
    One day: ₤10
    (5) ______
    .Yu need a map because the wall is 84 miles.
    .Cmfrtable shes are necessary.
    .Bring yur waterbttles.
    .Yu'd better leave yur dgs at hme. A.Opening times
    B.Ticket prices
    C.Car parking
    D.Tips fr yu
    E.Places t visit
    F.Ways t find us
    (1) Jack tld me his phne number and I tld him ______ .
    (2) Mark desn't knw what his neighbur is like because he ______ talks t her.
    (3) Tny always buys ______ ,because all his family members lve eating them.
    (4) Mary has visited many places,and New Yrk is ______ ne she has ever been t.
    (5) Children ______ t stay away frm the edge f hill paths befre setting ff fr hiking.
    30.Mack Rutherfrd,17,a British teenager wh landed at Sfia West Airprt in Bulgaria,became the yungest man t fly arund the wrld alne.
    31.The Chinese language has a histry f 6,000 years.But Pinyin,which tells (1) ______ ( we) hw t read Chinese wrds crrectly,is still yung.
    In 1958,Chinese linguist Zhu Yuguang and his team made Pinyin.Befre that,Chinese peple used many ther ways t shw hw t prnunce Chinese characters,but these ways culdn't be used as (2) ______ ( easy) as Pinyin.Because f Pinyin,mre peple learn hw t read.It is (3) ______ helpful system that imprves Chinese language learning fr all.
    This year,Pinyin turns 66 years ld.It (4) ______ ( use) everywhere in ur daily life.We learn t speak Putnghua with the help f Pinyin.We write Chinese wrds n (5) ______ ( cmputer) by using Pinyin.It is als becming a bridge (6) ______ China and the wrld.Many peple arund the wrld start t learn Chinese by learning Pinyi (7) ______ yu may say "niha" t mean "hell" t a freign friend.
    Nw,many peple in ther cuntries are (8) ______ ( interested) in using Pinyin than befre.Fr example,fewer freigners use "dumplings".They prefer t say "jiazi".The Oxfrd English Dictinary has (9) ______ ( hundred) f Chinese wrds in Pinyin,such as wanggu fr "shpping nline".Maybe ne day,Pinyin will play a key rle in (10) ______ ( spread) the Chinese language.
    32.一个有意义的周末可以这样度过:你可以与家人共享美食,可以与朋友参加志愿活动,可以学习特长提升自我⋯⋯请你根据下面的评价量表写一篇短文,在班级"My Meaningful Weekend"英语沙龙上分享。
    My Meaningful Weekend
    【解析】(1)考查名词辨析。句意:听到这个消息,塔拉知道这是她的机会。answer答案;chance机会;methd方法;pinin观点。根据"The editr f the schl newspaper was leaving s the paper wuld need a new editr(校报的编辑要走了,所以该报需要一位新的编辑)"可知校报的编辑要走了,所以该报需要一位新的编辑,所以对塔拉来说这是她的机会。故选B。
    (2)考查代词辨析。句意:不幸的是,大多数学生对此漠不关心。it它;her她;him他;them他们。根据"Tara had always wanted t imprve the paper(塔拉一直想改进报纸)"可知此处指的是"paper",用it来指代。故选A,
    (3)考查名词辨析。句意:没有任何好看的照片,但真正的问题是这些故事无法吸引孩子们。result结果;example例子;prblem问题;purpse目的。根据"the stries culdn't attract the kids(这些故事无法吸引孩子们)"可知这些故事无法吸引孩子们是真正的问题。故选C。
    (4)考查副词辨析。句意:我们从来没有一个六年级学生负责。always总是;ften经常;smetimes有时候;never从不。根据"Editing the paper is a big jb,even fr an eighth grader(编辑论文是一项艰巨的工作,即使对八年级学生来说也是如此)"可知编辑报纸是一项艰巨的工作,即使对八年级学生来说也是如此。此处填"never"符合语境,指的是从来没有一个六年级学生负责。故选D。
    (5)考查副词辨析。句意:塔拉走上前,自信地说。angrily生气地;nervusly焦虑地;plitely有礼貌地;cnfidently自信地。根据塔拉说的"I can make students like the paper and d my best t make it pay fr itself(我可以让学生喜欢这篇论文,并尽我所能让它自己付费)"可知她非常有信心,故选D。
    (6)考查动词短语辨析。句意:阿尔瓦雷斯先生考虑了塔拉的提议并同意了。waited fr等待;laughed at嘲笑;thught abut思考;depended n依赖。根据"agreed(同意)"可知阿尔瓦雷斯先生是考虑过才同意的,故选C。
    (7)考查动词辨析。句意:午餐期间,她会见了报业团队,并向他们讲述了她与阿尔瓦雷斯先生的谈话。met遇见;asked问;helped帮助;nticed注意。根据"tld them abut her cnversatin with Mr.Alvarez(告诉他们她和阿尔瓦雷斯先生的谈话)"可知应是见面了才能告诉他们她和阿尔瓦雷斯先生的谈话。故选A。
    (8)考查介词辨析。句意:我们应该为报纸做点什么,使它与众不同。with和;withut没有;fr为;against反对。根据"make it different"可知此处应指为报纸做点什么来使它与众不同。故选C。
    (9)考查数词辨析。句意:现在我们需要两个团队。tw两个;three三个;fur四个;five五个。根据后文的"The sales team(销售团队)"及"the editrial team(编辑团队)"可知是两个团队。故选A。
    (10)考查动词辨析。句意:销售团队将努力让广告商帮助我们支付得起报纸。brrw借;read读;check检查;affrd买得起。根据"The sales team will wrk n getting advertisers t help us(销售团队将努力让广告商帮助我们)"可知销售团队做的应是让广告商帮助支付得起办报的开销。故选D。
    (11)考查连词辨析。句意:这群人点了点头,尽管他们对新领导人有点不确定。when当.…….时;until直到;thugh尽管;unless除非。根据"The grup ndded…they felt a bit unsure abut the new leader(大家点了点头……他们对新领导人有点不确定)"可知前后句是转折关系,故选C。
    (12)考查形容词短语辨析。句意:编辑团队制作了一份问卷,以了解学生对什么感兴趣。gd at擅长;prud f.……感到骄傲;careful with小心;interested in对..…感兴趣。根据前文"Unluckily,mst students cared little abut it(不幸的是,大多数学生对此漠不关心)"可知学生们不感兴趣,此处应是指制作问卷以了解学生对什么感兴趣。故选D。
    (13)考查形容词辨析。句意:他们想出了一个新主意,创建了一份包含更多酷炫图片甚至视频的在线报纸。new新的;funny有趣的;simple简单的;similar类似的。根据"The grup gathered again fr further imprvement(这群人再次聚集在一起,以求进一步改进)"及"create an nline paper with mre cl pictures and even vides(创建一篇包含更多酷炫图片甚至视频的在线论文)"可推知这是一个新主意,故选A。
    (14)考查动词辨析。句意:到了投票的时候,房间里的每一个人都站起来支持他们的想法。sharing分享;supprting支持;cllecting收集;explaining解释。根据"When it was time t vte…(当该投票的时候…)"可知说的是投票,此处应填"支持",故选B。
    (15)考查名词辨析。句意:你的努力真的很奏效。habit习惯;effrt努力;praise赞扬;kindness仁慈。根据"Well dne,students(干得好,同学们)"可知阿尔瓦雷斯先生表扬了学生,此处应指的是学生的努力奏效了。故选B。
    (1)根据问卷前说明T learn abut yur awareness f utdr sprts safety,we'd like yu t fill ut this survey.(为了了解您对户外运动安全的认识,我们希望您填写这份调查表。)可知问卷调查是关于对户外运动安全的,故选:D。
    (2)根据问卷基础信息High Schl(高中)可知是对学生进行的调查,故选:A。
    (3)根据问卷第5条 Wear prper clthes (穿合适的衣服)、Warm up befre starting (开始之前热身)、Make a specific plan (制定具体的计划)可知运动之前做充分的准备,故选:B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第1段"The prcess f making it is nt easy but peple really enjy Dian Cha especially because f the nice patterns n the surface f the tea."(制作过程并不容易,但人们真的很喜欢电茶,尤其是因为茶表面有漂亮的图案。)可知点茶因为茶上面的美丽图案而著名。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第2段"But drawing n the tea fam is nt the same thing as drawing n the paper.One may use the hard teaspn against the sft fam,which requires great attentin.Unlike nrmal spns,the teaspn used in Dian Cha is quite thin and has a pinted end t help t draw,just like a pen."(但是,在茶沫上画画和在纸上画画不是一回事。可以用硬茶匙抵住软泡沫,这需要非常注意。与普通的勺子不同,点茶中使用的茶匙很薄,有一个尖头,可以帮助画画,就像钢笔一样。)可知是用硬茶匙在茶上画,与普通的勺子不同,点茶中使用的茶匙很薄,有一个尖头。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第4段"I want mre peple t understand and appreciate the beauty f Dian Cha."(我想让更多的人了解和欣赏点茶的美丽。)可知韩哲明想要让更多人知道点茶这种工艺。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第2段"Eczema can happen n any part f the bdy,such as hands,feet,knees,face and neck."(湿疹可以发生在身体的任何部位,如手、脚、膝盖、脸和脖子。)可知,湿疹发生在身体的某些部位上。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第4段"The itchy feeling f eczema can be s serius that it keeps many patients awake at night,which makes them mre tired and nervus during the day."(湿疹的瘙痒感可能非常严重,以至于许多患者晚上睡不着觉,这使他们白天更加疲劳和紧张。)可知,湿疹可能让病人失眠。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第5段"The mst imprtant is t make sure t use misturizers (润肤膏) ften.They misturize the skin and prevent it frm getting dry."(最重要的是确保经常使用保湿霜。它们滋润皮肤,防止皮肤干燥。)可知,润肤膏可以帮助病人缓解。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了湿疹的症状、发病原因、不良影响以及治疗方法。因此选项D "湿疹:皮肤的大敌" 可作为最佳标题。故选D。
    【小题4】N,he wasn't.Because he didn't knw anything abut art,it was accidental that he wn the prize fr the first time,he didn't fully understand the reasn why the things he bught culd win the prize.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Then,being s mved by what he saw,he left the bag f grceries n the flr and went hme.When Wald rushed back t the gallery,the grceries had been awarded the first prize in the exhibitin.(然后,他被眼前的景象感动了,把那袋杂货扔在地板上回家了。当瓦尔德赶回画廊时,这些杂货已被授予展览一等奖。)可知,他第一次返回画廊是为了拿回自己买的杂货。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段"What?It's nt a wrk f art.It's my dinner fr tnight!" Wald replied.("什么?这不是一件艺术品。这是我今晚的晚餐!"瓦尔德回答说。)可推知,瓦尔德以前几乎没有想过在艺术方面会获奖。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第二段being s mved by what he saw,he left the bag f grceries n the flr and went hme.(他被眼前的景象感动了,把那袋杂货扔在地板上回家了。)和第四段"What?It's nt a wrk f art.It's my dinner fr tnight!" Wald replied.("什么?这不是一件艺术品。这是我今晚的晚餐!"瓦尔德回答说。)和倒数第二段With a burning face,Wald std still and culd nt say a wrd.(沃尔德满脸火辣辣地站在那里,一句话也说不出来。)以及最后一段But the reviews were terrible t him.Sme leading critics even said that success had gne t his head but his talent was gne,and all that was left was a bag f tasteless grceries.(但是这些评论对他来说很糟糕。一些主要评论家甚至说,成功冲昏了他的头脑,但他的才华已经消失,剩下的只是一袋无味的杂货。)可知,感情变化为:放松和感动→惊讶和震惊→害羞和羞愧→难过和失望,即②④①③。故选D。
    (4)观点表达题。他并不是一个艺术家。因为他并不懂得艺术,第一次能够获奖也是一种偶然,他完全不明白为什么他买的东西会得奖。故填N,he wasn't.Because he didn't knw anything abut art,it was accidental that he wn the prize fr the first time,he didn't fully understand the reasn why the things he bught culd win the prize.
    【解析】(1)细节推理题。根据下文的介绍Chesters Rman Frt:Step int the Rman baths…Crbridge Rman Twn:Walk alng a Rman high street.(切斯特罗马堡:走进罗马浴场……科布里奇罗马城:沿着罗马商业街漫步。)可知本段主要介绍了不同区域可以参观的景色,选项E"参观的地方"符合要求。故选E。
    (2)细节推理题。根据下文Open Wed t Sun,10 am-4 pm;Open daily fr Husesteads Rman Frt(开放时间:周三至周日,上午10点至下午4点;豪斯特德罗马堡每日开放)可知本段主要介绍了景点的开放时间,选项A"开放时间"符合要求。故选A。
    (3)细节推理题。根据下文Start in Newcastle in the east r Carlisle in the west…t Carlisle n the M6 and leave n the A69 rad.(从东部的纽卡斯尔或西部的卡莱尔出发……走M6公路到卡莱尔,然后离开A69道路。)可知本段介绍了到哈德良长城的路线,选项F"找到我们的路线"符合要求。故选F。
    (4)细节推理题。根据下文The Sill has ver 170 car parking spaces.Our car parking charges are…(希尔有170多个停车位。我们的停车费是……)可知本段介绍了停车场及收费标准,选项C"停车"符合要求。故选C。
    (5)细节推理题。根据下文.Yu need a map because the wall is 84 miles. .Cmfrtable shes are necessary.(你需要一张地图,因为这城墙有84英里。.舒适的鞋子是必要的。)可知本段是给游客的建议,选项D"给大家的建议"符合要求。故选D。
    【小题4】the farthest
    【小题5】were advised
    【解析】(1)考场名词性物主代词。句意:杰克告诉了我他的电话号码,我告诉了他我的电话号码。根据"Jack tld me his phne number(杰克告诉了我他的电话号码)"并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示"我"告诉了他"我"的电话号码,应用"my"的名词性物主代词"mine",作宾语。故填:mine。
    (2)考查副词。句意:马克不了解他的邻居是什么样的人,因为他很少和她交谈。根据前句"Mark desn't knw what his neighbur is like(马克不了解他的邻居是什么样的人)"可知马克不知道邻居是什么样的人,因此此处表示几乎不和邻居说话,备选词汇seldm"几乎不"符合语境。故填:seldm。
    (3)考查名词复数。句意:托尼总是买土豆,因为他的家人都喜欢吃。根据"because all his family members lve eating them(因为他的家人都喜欢吃)"可知此处应填一种食物,结合备选词汇可知应用名词"ptat"的复数"ptates",表示一类。故填:ptates。
    (4)考查形容词的最高级。句意:玛丽参观过很多地方,纽约是她去过的最远的一个地方。根据题干可知此处缺少形容词,修饰"ne",结合备选词汇可知应用"far(远的)",由"she has ever been t(她曾经去过)"可知此处表示"最远的",应用"far"的最高级"farthest",前面需加定冠词"the"。故填:the farthest。
    (5)考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:在出发去远足前孩子们被告诫要远离山路边缘。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知,此处表示孩子们被告诫远离山路边缘,应用动词"advise(建议、忠告)","children(孩子们)"和"advise"之间是被动关系,因此应用被动语态"be dne",根据语境可知时态为一般过去时,主语是复数,因此be动词用"were",动词变为过去分词"advised"。故填:were advised。
    【小题6】was cnsidering
    【解析】(1)考查连词。句意:是的,从11岁起,我就明确地知道自己想要飞行。根据"have knwn"可知,本句使用现在完成时,空格处表示"自从",引导时间状语从句,表示"自从11岁时"。连词since"自……以来"符合句意。故填since。
    (3)考查名词。句意:我相信为我的梦想努力永远不会太早。my后面应接名词,根据汉语提示,dream"梦想"符合题意,这里指前文提及的"I wanted t fly(我想要飞行)"这个梦想,应用单数。故填dream。
    (4)考查名词。句意:所以,实际上我从2022年3月开始,从保加利亚的索非亚起飞,前往意大利。根据"in ...,2022"和汉语提示"三月"可知,此处应填专有名词March,表示时间。故填March。
    (6)考查过去进行时。句意:事实上,我正在练习飞行,而我的团队为我考虑很多事情。while意为"当……时",连接时间状语从句,表示主从句的事件同时发生,主句"was practising(正在练习)"用过去进行时,因此从句也用过去进行时,主语my team为单数,be动词应是was,cnsider意为"考虑"。故填was cnsidering。
    (8)考查动词。句意:他们还检查了允许我降落的机场。分析句子结构可知,"that t land(允许我降落的)"是定语从句修饰the airprts,空格处为从句谓语动词,allw"允许"符合句意,结合主句checked可知,本句应使用一般过去时,因此用allw的过去式。故填allwed。
    【小题4】is used
    【小题8】mre interested
    (2)考查副词。句意:但是这些方法并不能像拼音一样用起来很简单。"as…as…"中间用形容词或副词的原级,表示"和……一样",此空修饰动词"be used",因此应用"easy"的副词形式"easily"。故填easily。
    (4)考查动词时态及语态。句意:它在我们日常生活中被处处使用。此处的主语"It"和"use"是被动关系,应用被动语态"be dne",根据语境可知时态为一般现在时,主语是单数,因此be动词用"is",动词变为过去分词"used"。故填is used。
    (6)考查介词。句意:它也变成了中国和世界之间的桥梁。根据"a bridge…China and the wrld"可知,此处应用"between","between…and…"表示"在……和……之间"。故填between。
    (7)考查连词。句意:全世界很多人通过学习拼音来学中文,所以你可以和一个外国朋友说"niha"来打招呼。此处需用连词连接两个句子,"yu may say 'niha' t mean 'hell' t a freign friend"是前句"Many peple arund the wrld start t learn Chinese by learning Pinyi"的结果,因此用"s"。故填s。
    (8)考查形容词比较级。句意:现在很多其他国家的人也比以前对使用拼音更感兴趣了。根据"than"可知此处应用"interested"的比较级"mre interested"。故填mre interested。
    (9)考查名词复数。句意:牛津字典中有成百上千个用拼音写的汉语,比如"wanggu"表示"网购"。根据"…f"可知此处应用"hundreds",hundreds f"成百上千的"。故填hundreds。
    32.【答案】My Meaningful Weekend As the weekend apprached,I had planned a series f activities that wuld nt nly fill my time but als give it meaning.(点明主题)
    On Saturday,I headed ut with my friends t participate in a vlunteer activity.We spent the afternn at a lcal cmmunity center,assisting with a clean-up prject.The sense f fulfillment that came frm cntributing t the betterment f ur surrundings was immense.【高分句型一】Mrever,the camaraderie and teamwrk displayed by my friends reminded me f the imprtance f cmmunity spirit.On Sunday,I enrlled in a wrkshp n phtgraphy,a hbby I've always been interested in.The sessin taught me new techniques and insights int capturing the essence f a mment.(介绍时间、地点以及活动)
    Reflecting n my weekend,I am grateful fr having had such a meaningful weekend,and I lk frward t creating mre such mments in the future.【高分句型二】(表达感受)
    The sense f fulfillment that came frm cntributing t the betterment f ur surrundings was immense.
    Reflecting n my weekend,I am grateful fr having had such a meaningful weekend,and I lk frward t creating mre such mments in the future.
    Hadrian's Wall was built t prtect the wild nrthwest f the Rman Empire (帝国).Discver the remains f the Wall,and take in wnderful views t find ut what life was like fr the men,wmen and children n the edge f Rman Britain.
    Hst:Hi,Mack.Cngratulatins n the new recrd.Yu started flying early.Did yu plan anything fr it?
    Mack:Yes,I have knwn fr certain that I wanted t fly (1) ______ (自从) I was eleven.And I have flwn plenty f times with my(2) ______ (父亲) wh is a prfessinal pilt.I believe it's never t early t wrk twards my(3) ______ (梦想).S in fact I started in(4) ______ (三月),2022 and tk ff frm Sfia,Bulgaria and headed t Italy.I wanted t g t Algeria next.Hwever,I flew t Greece(5) ______ (代替).Then I wasn't able t mve ahead.
    Hst:What happened?Did yu meet any prblems?
    Mack:In fact,I was practising flying while my team(6) ______ (考虑) many things fr me.They checked if I had(7) ______ (足够的) fuel t get t the destinatin safely.They als checked the airprts that(8) ______ (允许) me t land.But truble started after I reached the Casc Cve,an island f the Aleutian archipelag.And the mst dangerus part f my flight was abut(9) ______ (十) hurs f flying nn-stp ver pen water. (10) ______ (幸运地), I managed t survive thrugh strng winds and heavy rain.
    Hst:That's really amazing!I think what yu said just nw inspired lts f peple.Thank yu s much.And hpe yu can get mre achievements.
    Mack:Thank yu.
    I include:
    specific infrmatin(time,places...)
    meaningful activities
    I use prper expressins and crrect sentences.
    I write clearly.

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