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    这是一份河北省保定市部分示范性高中2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含河北省保定市部分示范性高中2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题教师版docx、河北省保定市部分示范性高中2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. In spring.B. In autumn.C. In winter.
    【原文】M: It’s getting cld. This is my favrite time f year.
    W: Really? I prefer spring.
    M: Nt me. I like the end f autumn, just befre winter.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Dctr and patient.B. Teacher and student.C. Father and daughter.
    【原文】M: Lucy, culd yu tell me why yu failed t pass the exam?
    W: Srry, Mr. Smith. I spent t much time n vluntary wrk last mnth.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The wman’s majr.B. The wman’s jb.C. The wman’s parents.
    【原文】M: Linda, why did yu chse t study medicine?
    W: Well, I really wanted t study physical educatin, but my parents thught that it’d be difficult t find a jb with that degree.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much shuld the wman pay fr the shirt?
    A. £20.B. £30.C. £35.
    【原文】W: The shirt is great. But 35 punds is t much. I’ll ffer yu 20 punds fr it.
    M: N. It’s cheap. I prmise yu. I suppse I can knck five punds ff.
    W: OK. I’ll take it.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where did the wman g last mnth?
    A. T Mexic.B. T America.C. T Canada.
    【原文】M: Did yu have a gd hliday last mnth?
    W: Yes. We usually g t New Yrk in spring, but this year we thught we’d have a change.
    M: Did yu g t Canada instead?
    W: Well, that was ur riginal intentin, but in the freezing winter, the warmer Mexic seemed appealing.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What’s the wman’s reactin t the news?
    A. Excited.B. Cnfused.C. Disappinted.
    7. Hw will the speakers g t the art gallery?
    A. By bus.B. By subway.C. By car.
    【答案】6. A 7. C
    【原文】M: Lily, there will be a big art exhibitin in twn tmrrw. D yu want t g with me?
    W: Hw wuld I miss an art exhibitin? I just lve art. But where exactly will it be held?
    M: In the art gallery wned by Mr. Brwn. It’s in the suth f the city. I heard there’re sme very famus paintings frm arund the wrld t be shwn there.
    W: I just can’t wait t g. My car is being repaired nw. I’m afraid we’ll have t take a bus r the subway.
    M: I dn’t like traveling by public transprt. I’ll ask David t drp us there.
    8. When did the wman have an interview?
    A. Tw days ag.B. Five days ag.C. Seven days ag.
    9. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Have sme cffee fr relaxatin.
    B. Be patient and wait fr the result.
    C. Give a call t ask abut the result.
    【答案】8. A 9. B
    【原文】M: Oh, the phne is ringing!
    W: Wait! Let me answer the phne. It must be mine! Hell, this is Betty speaking. Wh’s calling? What? Happy Cffee Shp? Wrng number!
    M: Ww. Why did yu speak s rudely and ludly?
    W: I thught it was a call abut the result f my interview.
    M: Darling. Please stp being s anxius. Didn’t yu say that they wuld infrm yu in a week?
    W: It has been tw days...
    M: Yu need t be patient. They can never decide an imprtant thing like this in a great hurry. Try t calm dwn.
    W: Perhaps yu are right. I’ll just try t wait peacefully.
    M: Gd.
    10. What prblem des Rger have with exams?
    A. He desn’t wrk hard.B. He isn’t clever.C. He isn’t cnfident.
    11. Hw will the man help Rger prbably?
    A. By helping him t stay calm.
    B. By finding an expert fr him.
    C. By giving him sme advice abut his future.
    12. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is busy with exams.
    B. She wants t be an expert.
    C. She feels relaxed after exercise.
    【答案】10. C 11. A 12. C
    【原文】M: Rger is s intelligent. He thinks fr himself. He’s a hard wrker. He has gd ideas and he desn’t fllw the crwd.
    W: S why des he d s badly in his exams?
    M: Because he suffers frm anxiety. He lacks cnfidence. His brain is s active and he thinks t much. When it cmes t exams, his intelligence actually wrks against him.
    W: I hpe we culd help him. It’s a pity that he perfrmed badly in the exams.
    M: Yu are right. We must try t help him by shwing him hw t keep calm in stressful situatins.
    W: Hw d we d that? I can’t say that I’m exactly an expert at dealing with stress, althugh I am better at it than I used t be.
    M: I can help him. I always think that exercise is a great way fr dealing with stress and anxiety. When yu have tired yurself while ding exercise, yu dn’t have the energy t be nervus.
    W: That is s right! I always feel calm after wrking ut in the gym.
    13. Wh is Grace mst prbably talking t?
    A. Her cach.B. Her husband.C. Her clleague.
    14. Hw sn will Jake prbably g cave diving?
    A. In a week.B. In a few weeks.C. In a cuple f mnths.
    15. What des Jake say abut extreme sprts?
    A. They wn’t hurt peple.
    B. They can prve he is brave.
    C. They are interesting and challenging.
    16. What will Grace prbably prefer t d?
    A. G shpping in the street.B. G ice climbing.C. Stay at hme.
    【答案】13. C 14. B 15. C 16. C
    【原文】W: Are yu ding anything this hliday, Jake?
    M: In the past tw mnths, ur bss has been pushing me t much. S I’m ging snwbarding with Mike.
    W: Didn’t yu g bungee jumping last week?
    M: Yeah, and we plan t g cave diving in a cuple f weeks.
    W: I didn’t knw yu were int extreme sprts. I think yu’re s brave.
    M: But fr me, it’s abut pushing myself t the limit.
    W: Aren’t yu afraid f getting hurt?
    M: Sure. There’s always a danger f getting hurt, but we d these sprts just fr fun. I like trying new things and seeing hw far we can g. D yu want t cme with us smetime?
    W: Me? I’m nt really this type. I’d rather stay at hme and shp nline.
    M: Yu never knw, Grace. Yu might like it. After cave diving, we’ll prbably try climbing.
    W: Oh, that desn’t sund t bad. I’ve dne sme climbing befre.
    M: I shuld tell yu that we plan n ging ice climbing.
    W: Oh. In that case, I think I’ll quit. Have fun!
    M: Thanks, and let me knw if yu change yur mind.
    17. Why is the cmpetitin place changed?
    A. It is ging t rain tmrrw.
    B. The riginal place is t cld.
    C. The riginal place is t far away.
    18. Where will the swimming cmpetitin be held?
    A. At the Jhnsn Sprts Center.
    B. At the schl swimming pl.
    C. At the New Twn Swimming Pl.
    19. When will the students set ff fr the cmpetitin?
    A. At 9:40 am.B. At 9:45 am.C. At 10:00 am.
    20. What shuld the students take t the cmpetitin place?
    A. Cameras.B. Lunch.C. Cld drinks.
    【答案】17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B
    【详解】W: Bys and girls, may I have yur attentin, please? This is a message fr students frm Senir 1 t Senir 2. It is ging t rain tmrrw, s the swimming cmpetitin will nt be held at the New Twn Swimming Pl as planned. It will be held at the Jhnsn Sprts Center, which is a little bit far. S we need t take buses t get there. The buses will be leaving schl at 10: 00 am t take yu t the center. It’s abut a 25-minute ride. Yu will be returning t schl at 3:15 pm, in time t catch yur usual buses hme.
    Nw here are the travelling arrangements fr tmrrw. Students in Senir 1 and their teachers shuld wait tgether at the frnt gate at 9:45 am t get n the first three buses. Students in Senir 2 and their teachers shuld wait tgether in frnt f the library at 9:45 am t get n the last three buses. Remember which bus yu are ging t take and bring lunch with yu. Cld drinks will be available at the Jhnsn Sprts Center. That’s all. Thank yu!
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Here is smething yu need t knw befre yur trip t Grenada.
    When t G
    With an average annual temperature f arund 25°C, the year in Grenada is divided int tw seasns. The dry seasn is frm January t May, and the rainy seasn is frm June t December. The weather is htter frm June t Nvember and cler frm December t March. Hurricanes ccur during the rainy seasn.
    What Yu Need
    ●A valid passprt bk and evidence f return/nward travel arrangements are required t enter Grenada.
    ●A valid passprt means it desn’t expire within 6 mnths after yur return date.
    What Yu Can D in Grenada
    There are s many fun and amazing things t d in Grenada. If yu lve beaches, yu can find yur jy in the Grand Anse Beach and the Levera Beach. And fr nature lvers, Munt Qua Qua, Ryal Munt Carmel Waterfalls and La Sagesse Nature Center are places yu are sure t visit. Yu can’t miss Frt Gerge and Frt Frederick built lng ag, which have been standing fr centuries. What’s mre, if yu like eating chclate a lt, yu can als cme here in May t be part f the Grenada Chclate Festival.
    Safety & Security
    Grenada is very safe but it’s always sensible t exercise cautin regardless f where yu’re traveling. Exercise these precautins while in Grenada.
    ●Stay in well-lit and ppulated areas after dark.
    ●Dn’t leave mney, credit cards, cameras and ther electrnic devices unattended, especially n the beaches r in vehicles.
    ●Mst htels prvide a safe in the rm. Lck imprtant things, like yur jewellery and passprt in it.
    21. In which mnth can yu g t Grenada if yu want t avid hurricanes?
    A. In December.B. In Nvember.C. In June.D. In March.
    22. Which place is best fr histry lvers t visit?
    A. Frt Frederick.B. Grand Anse Beach.
    C. La Sagesse Nature Center.D. Ryal Munt Carmel Waterfalls.
    23. What are yu advised t d when travelling in Grenada?
    A. Leave yur passprt n the bus.B. Avid using cameras in the htels.
    C. Keep yur valuables in a htel safe.D. Stay in less crwded utdr areas at night.
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. C
    细节理解题。根据When t G下面的“(格林纳达的年平均气温约为25°C,一年分为两个季节。旱季为1月至5月,雨季为6月至12月。六月到十一月天气更热,十二月到三月天气更凉爽。飓风发生在雨季)”可知,如果你想避开飓风,你可以在三月份去格林纳达。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据What Yu Can D in Grenada下面的“Yu can’t miss Frt Gerge and Frt Frederick built lng ag, which have been standing fr centuries.(你不会错过很久以前建造的乔治堡和弗雷德里克堡,它们已经矗立了几个世纪) ”可知,弗雷德里克堡最适合历史爱好者参观。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Safety & Security下面的“Mst htels prvide a safe in the rm. Lck imprtant things, like yur jewellery and passprt in it.(大多数酒店都在房间里提供保险箱。把重要的东西锁在里面,比如你的珠宝和护照)”可知,在格林纳达旅行时,把贵重物品放在酒店的保险箱里。故选C。
    Life can change in the blink f an eye. Fr Bridgette Pnsn, ne f thse mments tk place in the parking lt at her wrkplace, Laytn Christian Academy. While she was in the parking lt, her 2-year-ld by and 3-year-ld girl in tw, a car hit them. This left the mther and her kids trapped beneath the car. Thankfully, the wman driver wasn’t driving very fast. At that mment, she was blinded by the sun. Hwever, she gt ut f the car t help as sn as pssible. Plus, she wasn’t the nly ne wh stpped what they were ding t save Bridgette and her kids.
    Sn, Chris Crwder, CEO f the schl, became aware f the accident. Withut delay, he united a grup f students t help. “It was split secnd,” Chris recalled. “I immediately just ran int the building because I knew I had t get a lt f peple t lift this car. The students just heard me shut. All students frm different cuntries just ran ut and lifted it up.”
    Still, this wasn’t an easy task. The car was heavy. But the whle grup f students wrked tgether t lift the car enugh fr Bridgette and her kids t get free. Finally, ne kid was flwn t Primary Children’s Hspital while Bridgette and the ther kid were taken by ambulance t the hspital. Althugh Bridgette tk the brunt f the injuries, all three f them were expected t make cmplete recveries within a few days. The heric students wh helped ut certainly gt their well-deserved praise.
    “I’m very prud f ur kids. They ran ut withut hesitatin, and they just knew what t d withut even being tld what t d. I’m even surprised by the driver wh was behind the wheel. She immediately ran t help,” said Chris.
    24. Which f the fllwing caused the accident in the parking lt?
    A. The car was speeding.B. The driver was trapped in the car.
    C. Bridgette ignred the surrundings.D. The sunlight blcked the driver’s sight.
    25. Why were the students gathered quickly by Chris?
    A. T meet freign students.B. T avid the car accident.
    C. T prvide emergency aid.D. T lift the kids ut f the car.
    26. What can we cnclude frm paragraph 3?
    A. Many hands make light wrk.B. The hspital is n place t be sick.
    C. Injuries may be frgiven, but nt frgtten.D. Praise makes gd men better and bad men wrse.
    27. What did Chris think f the actin t help?
    A. Passive.B. Hesitant.C. Timely.D. Expected.
    【答案】24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了在停车场发生的一起事故,一位母亲和她的两个孩子被车撞倒并被困在车下,学校的CEO Chris和一群学生及时提供了帮助,成功救出了他们。
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“At that mment, she was blinded by the sun.”(那一刻,她被阳光晃得看不见。)可知,事故的原因是阳光使驾驶员视线受阻。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“I immediately just ran int the building because I knew I had t get a lt f peple t lift this car.”(我立刻跑进大楼,因为我知道我需要很多人来抬起这辆车。)可知,Chris快速召集学生是为了提供紧急援助。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The students just heard me shut. All students frm different cuntries just ran ut and lifted it up.”(学生们只是听到我喊叫。所有来自不同国家的学生都跑出来抬起了车。)可知,人多力量大。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“I’m very prud f ur kids. They ran ut withut hesitatin, and they just knew what t d withut even being tld what t d. I’m even surprised by the driver wh was behind the wheel. She immediately ran t help,” said Chris.(我为我们的孩子们感到非常骄傲。他们毫不犹豫地跑出来,即使没有人告诉他们该怎么做,他们也知道该怎么做。我甚至对那个坐在驾驶座上的司机感到惊讶。她立刻跑来帮忙,Chris说。)可知,Chris认为这次的帮助行动是及时的。故选C。
    In the past, music recrding was primitive. A recrding engineer placed micrphnes in frnt f instruments. The prducer pressed recrd and signaled the band t play. There was a human tuch t recrdings, and this way f recrding gave rck music its raw edge. But here we are tday. Cmplex and advanced audi sftware sits in every recrding studi. The higher cst and greater practicality make creating digital music cmmn.
    Hwever, the mdern recrdings aren’t beneficial t a rck recrd. Let’s nt frget, being in a band is labrius. Yu need like-minded musicians t rehearse fr hurs n end. Nwadays, this isn’t a necessity.
    Prgramming drums n a cmputer is as simple as filling cells n a spreadsheet, and there yu have it, a drumbeat. Only a few prfessinals are aware that they aren’t listening t true live drums. Such tech is even accessible n yur smartphne. Whether n a train r in a bedrm, yu can create a full band track withut a live band.
    What happened t rck music? With pp and hip hp dminating the charts, it feels like the time fr bands is ver. Is rck music really dying ut? Is it really n its last legs, r are we just nt trying hard enugh?
    Artists, inspired by the great rck bands, seek t put their wn spin n this classic genre. The spirit f rck music still remains. One singer mixed sul and rck while ne band cmbined indie rck with elements f techn, bth with underlying rck characteristics.
    The truth is that fresh rck bands are ut there and yu just need t dig deeper. A search thrugh nline music blgs shws a grwing number f new rck bands. While rck bands are nw nt as ppular as befre and nt receiving mainstream expsure, the flame still burns brightly.
    28. Which wrds can best describe the past music recrding?
    A. Underdevelped and lw-cst.B. Easy and time-saving.
    C. Demanding and cmplex.D. Digital and creative.
    29. What makes prgramming drums easy in mdern recrding prcess?
    A. Lw demands fr music.B. Advanced audi sftware.
    C. Deep understanding f music.D. Help frm prfessinal musicians.
    30. Why are ne singer and ne band mentined in paragraph 5?
    A. T tell rck music has lst its riginal attractin.
    B. T shw rck music may be presented in new styles.
    C. T stress rck music is n lnger mainstream music.
    D. T cmpare rck music with sme ther kinds f music.
    31. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Is Rck Music Ging Dead?B. Why Is Rck Music Disappearing?
    C. A New Kind f Music Is EmergingD. A Way f Recrding Music Is Getting Accepted
    【答案】28. A 29. B 30. B 31. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“In the past, music recrding was primitive. A recrding engineer placed micrphnes in frnt f instruments. The prducer pressed recrd and signaled the band t play. (在过去,音乐录制是原始的。录音工程师把麦克风放在乐器前面。制作人按下录音键,示意乐队开始演奏。)”可知,过去音乐录制技术落后且成本低廉。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“Prgramming drums n a cmputer is as simple as filling cells n a spreadsheet, and there yu have it, a drumbeat. Only a few prfessinals are aware that they aren’t listening t true live drums. Such tech is even accessible n yur smartphne. Whether n a train r in a bedrm, yu can create a full band track withut a live band.(在电脑上编排鼓点就像在电子表格上填满单元格一样简单,这样你就有了一个鼓点。只有少数专业人士意识到他们听的不是真正的现场鼓。这种技术甚至可以在你的智能手机上使用。无论是在火车上还是在卧室里,你都可以在没有现场乐队的情况下创建一个完整的乐轨。) ”可知,在现代录音过程中,编排鼓点之所以变得简单是因为有先进的音频软件,在手机上都可以操作。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第四段的“What happened t rck music? With pp and hip hp dminating the charts, it feels like the time fr bands is ver. Is rck music really dying ut? Is it really n its last legs, r are we just nt trying hard enugh?(摇滚乐怎么了?随着流行音乐和嘻哈音乐在排行榜上占据主导地位,乐队的时代似乎结束了。摇滚乐真的在消亡吗?是它真的快不行了,还是我们还不够努力?)”和第五段的“Artists, inspired by the great rck bands, seek t put their wn spin n this classic genre. The spirit f rck music still remains. One singer mixed sul and rck while ne band cmbined indie rck with elements f techn, bth with underlying rck characteristics.(艺术家们受到伟大的摇滚乐队的启发,试图在这一经典流派中融入自己的风格。摇滚乐的精神依然存在。一位歌手将灵魂乐和摇滚混合在一起,而一支乐队将独立摇滚与科技元素结合在一起,两者都具有潜在的摇滚特征。)”可知,本段提到一个歌手和一个乐队是为了展示摇滚音乐可以引进其他的音乐风格或融入一些科技元素,从而以新的风格呈现。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第四段的“What happened t rck music? With pp and hip hp dminating the charts, it feels like the time fr bands is ver. Is rck music really dying ut? Is it really n its last legs, r are we just nt trying hard enugh?(摇滚乐怎么了?随着流行音乐和嘻哈音乐在排行榜上占据主导地位,乐队的时代似乎结束了。摇滚乐真的在消亡吗?是它真的快不行了,还是我们还不够努力?)”和第五段的“Artists, inspired by the great rck bands, seek t put their wn spin n this classic genre. The spirit f rck music still remains. One singer mixed sul and rck while ne band cmbined indie rck with elements f techn, bth with underlying rck characteristics.(艺术家们受到伟大的摇滚乐队的启发,试图在这一经典流派中融入自己的风格。摇滚乐的精神依然存在。一位歌手将灵魂乐和摇滚混合在一起,而一支乐队将独立摇滚与科技元素结合在一起,两者都具有潜在的摇滚特征。)”以及最后一段的“The truth is that fresh rck bands are ut there and yu just need t dig deeper. A search thrugh nline music blgs shws a grwing number f new rck bands. While rck bands are nw nt as ppular as befre and nt receiving mainstream expsure, the flame still burns brightly.(事实是,新鲜的摇滚乐队就在那里,你只需要深入挖掘。通过在线音乐博客搜索,可以发现越来越多的新摇滚乐队。虽然摇滚乐队现在不像以前那么受欢迎,也没有得到主流媒体的关注,但火焰仍然燃烧得很亮。)”可知,尽管摇滚乐队在主流音乐中不再像以前那样受欢迎,但是摇滚音乐通过引进其他的音乐风格或融入一些科技元素,从而以新的风格呈现,有许多新摇滚乐队正在涌现。因此,标题“A New Kind f Music Is Emerging”突出了新兴摇滚音乐的产生。故选C。
    Chinese material scientists have fund the sil n the mn may ptentially be able t generate xygen and fuel, a finding that means mre pssibilities f humans t use lunar resurces t further explratin f the mn and beynd.
    The researchers at Nanjing University shwed that the lunar sample brught back by China’s Chang’e-5 cntains active cmpunds (化合物) that can change carbn dixide int xygen and fuel. Initially, they hped t design a system that tk advantage f lunar sil and slar radiatin, the tw rich resurces n the mn, accrding t a study published n Thursday in the jurnal Jule.
    After analyzing the Chang’e-5’s lunar sil, the team fund the sample cntained metal-rich substances, which culd wrk as a catalyst (催化剂) t make xygen using sunlight and carbn dixide. The team prpsed a strategy using lunar sil t electrlyze water frm the mn and the astrnauts’ life supprt system int xygen and hydrgen. The prcess was pwered by sunlight. The carbn dixide breathed ut by mn inhabitants can be cllected and cmbined with hydrgen t prduce the fuel, als catalyzed by the lunar sil, accrding t the study. The researchers said with this methd, n external energy apart frm sunlight wuld be used t prduce xygen and fuel t supprt life n a mn base.
    “We use the envirnmental resurces t minimize rcket paylad, and ur strategy prvides a scenari fr a sustainable and affrdable living envirnment fr life ut f the Earth,” said the paper’s first authr Ya Yingfang frm Nanjing University, expressing his assumptin.
    “The challenge lies in the fact that catalytic efficiency f lunar sil is lwer than catalysts n the Earth,” said the researchers. They are testing different appraches in rder t imprve the design. The team is lking fr an pprtunity t test the system in space with China’s future manned lunar missins.
    32. What is the main implicatin f Chinese scientists’ discvery f the mn’s sil?
    A. The mn is rich in rare elements.B. Lunar sil can be used fr explring space.
    C. The mn can be lived n by human beings.D. Lunar sil is a new renewable energy surce.
    33. What did the researchers wrk n accrding t paragraph 3?
    A. The prcess f the sun prducing light.
    B. The analysis f China’s Chang’e-5’s wrk.
    C. The supprtive methd prducing metal-rich substances.
    D. The sustainable living strategy emplying lunar resurces.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “scenari” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Prfessin.B. Cntract.C. Visin.D. Spnsr.
    35. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The discvery f active cmpunds n the mn.
    B. The testing appraches t imprving the lunar sil.
    C. The research n the envirnmental system f the mn.
    D. The study f using lunar sil fr xygen and fuel prductin.
    【答案】32. B 33. D 34. C 35. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“Chinese material scientists have fund the sil n the mn may ptentially be able t generate xygen and fuel, a finding that means mre pssibilities f humans t use lunar resurces t further explratin f the mn and beynd.(中国材料科学家发现,月球上的土壤可能能够产生氧气和燃料,这一发现意味着人类利用月球资源进一步探索月球及其他地方的可能性更大。)”可知,中国科学家发现月球土壤能够产生氧气和燃料,这意味着可以利用月球土壤进一步探索太空。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“After analyzing the Chang’e-5’s lunar sil, the team fund the sample cntained metal-rich substances, which culd wrk as a catalyst t make xygen using sunlight and carbn dixide. The team prpsed a strategy using lunar sil t electrlyze water frm the mn and the astrnauts’ life supprt system int xygen and hydrgen. The prcess was pwered by sunlight. The carbn dixide breathed ut by mn inhabitants can be cllected and cmbined with hydrgen t prduce the fuel, als catalyzed by the lunar sil, accrding t the study. The researchers said with this methd, n external energy apart frm sunlight wuld be used t prduce xygen and fuel t supprt life n a mn base.(在分析了嫦娥五号的月球土壤后,研究小组发现样本中含有富含金属的物质,可以作为催化剂,利用阳光和二氧化碳制造氧气。该团队提出了一种策略,利用月球土壤将月球和宇航员生命维持系统中的水电解成氧气和氢气。这个过程是由阳光驱动的。根据这项研究,月球居民呼出的二氧化碳可以被收集起来,并与氢结合来生产燃料,也可以由月球土壤催化。研究人员表示,通过这种方法,除了阳光之外,没有任何外部能量可以用来产生氧气和燃料,以支持月球基地的生命。) ”可知,研究人员利用月球资源进行可持续生存策略的研究。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据第三段的“The researchers said with this methd, n external energy apart frm sunlight wuld be used t prduce xygen and fuel t supprt life n a mn base.(研究人员表示,通过这种方法,除了阳光之外,不需要任何外部能量被用来产生氧气和燃料,以支持月球基地的生命。)”可知,目前人类在月球上不能像在地球上一样生存,再由第四段的““We use the envirnmental resurces t minimize rcket paylad, and ur strategy prvides a scenari fr a sustainable and affrdable living envirnment fr life ut f the Earth,” said the paper’s first authr Ya Yingfang frm Nanjing University, expressing his assumptin.(该论文的第一作者、来自南京大学的姚英芳表示:“我们利用环境资源来最小化火箭的有效载荷,我们的战略为地球以外的生命提供了一个可持续的、负担得起的生活环境的愿景。”)”可知,通过对月球土壤资源的研究利用,人类有望在月球上得以生存,因此划线词意为“愿景,构想”。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第一段的“Chinese material scientists have fund the sil n the mn may ptentially be able t generate xygen and fuel, a finding that means mre pssibilities f humans t use lunar resurces t further explratin f the mn and beynd.(中国材料科学家发现,月球上的土壤可能能够产生氧气和燃料,这一发现意味着人类利用月球资源进一步探索月球及其他地方的可能性更大。)”和第二段的“The researchers at Nanjing University shwed that the lunar sample brught back by China’s Chang’e-5 cntains active cmpunds that can change carbn dixide int xygen and fuel. Initially, they hped t design a system that tk advantage f lunar sil and slar radiatin, the tw rich resurces n the mn, accrding t a study published n Thursday in the jurnal Jule.(南京大学的研究人员表明,中国嫦娥五号带回的月球样本含有活性化合物,可以将二氧化碳转化为氧气和燃料。根据周四发表在《焦耳》杂志上的一项研究,最初,他们希望设计一个利用月球土壤和太阳辐射的系统,这是月球上两种丰富的资源。)”可知,这篇文章讲述了中国科学家发现月球土壤可以用于生产氧气和燃料,这意味着可以利用月球土壤进一步探索太空。故选D。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    The vice within can be yur inside guidance system tward develpment and ptimism. But smetimes, that inner dialgue als presents a critical vice that pints ut shrtcmings, limits and cncerns. ____36____
    ●Identify negative thughts. ____37____ S yu must first learn hw t identify these thughts t break the bad cycle f negative thught patterns. It is imprtant fr yu t write dwn any negative thught that may be cming t yur mind. Yu may replace negative thughts with healthy nes as yu begin t change yur way f thinking.
    ●____38____ If yu want t live a happy and fulfilling life, it’s vital t surrund yurself with peple wh want t see yu d gd and supprt yur highest self. Spend a lt f time tgether with friends wh express healthy thughts and a psitive mindset, and then yur wn thught pattern can be psitively influenced.
    ●Shift yur mindset tward grwth. A grwth mindset is a belief that yur talents will develp ver time. A persn with a grwth mindset tends t be less likely t suffer mental health prblems than smene with a fixed mindset. Peple with a fixed mindset tend t becme stuck in their ways, with repetitive thughts circling arund their heads. ____39____ It can guide them tward happiness and success.
    ●Chse t respnd rather than react. Often when peple feel tuched, they react withut thinking. ____40____ Hwever, by chsing t respnd mindfully rather than react, yu are cntrlling yur thughts in a healthy way. S next time yu ntice a pwerful thught cming up, take a mment t reflect befre reacting.
    A. Chse yur friend circle wisely.
    B. Spend much time with all kinds f friends.
    C Here are sme ways t train yur inner vice.
    D. It is easy t change yur way f thinking and mindset.
    E. This usually ends with saying smething they may regret.
    F. Peple wh lack cnfidence can allw negative thughts t guide them.
    G. Hwever, thse wh develp a grwth mindset ften express determinatin.
    【答案】36. C 37. F 38. A 39. G 40. E
    根据下文第二、四、五段首句“Identify negative thughts. Shift yur mindset tward grwth. Chse t respnd rather than react.(识别消极的想法;转变你的心态,向着成长前进;选择回应而不是反应)”可知是在介绍一些方法,与C项“Here are sme ways t train yur inner vice.(这里有一些训练你内心声音的方法。)”表达的意思一致,起到引出下文的作用,故选C。
    根据下文“S yu must first learn hw t identify these thughts t break the bad cycle f negative thught patterns.(所以你必须首先学习如何识别这些想法,以打破消极思维模式的恶性循环。)”可知此处应该是说明为什么要识别消极想法,F项“Peple wh lack cnfidence can allw negative thughts t guide them.(缺乏自信的人可能会让消极的想法引导他们。)”符合语境,故选F。
    根据下文“If yu want t live a happy and fulfilling life, it’s vital t surrund yurself with peple wh want t see yu d gd and supprt yur highest self.(如果你想过幸福和充实的生活,与那些希望看到你做得好并支持你做到最好的自己的人在一起是至关重要的。)”可知此处强调要与那些希望看到你做得好并支持你做到最好的自己的人在一起,A项“Chse yur friend circle wisely.(明智地选择你的朋友圈。)”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“A persn with a grwth mindset tends t be less likely t suffer mental health prblems than smene with a fixed mindset (具有成长型思维模式的人比具有固定型思维模式的人患心理健康问题的可能性要小)”可知此处说的是成长型思维模式的人的特点,G项“Hwever, thse wh develp a grwth mindset ften express determinatin.(然而,那些发展成长型思维模式的人通常表现出决心。)”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“Often, when peple feel tuched, they react withut thinking.(通常,当人们感到被触动时,他们会不假思索地做出反应。)”可知此处应该是说明这种不假思索的反应带来的后果,E项“This usually ends with saying smething they may regret.(这通常以说一些他们可能会后悔的话而告终。)”符合语境,故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The teacher asked, “Is everybdy ready?” I ____41____ wasn’t ready. It was the early 1980’s. I was in my high schl typing ____42____ and ttally cnfused.
    I had taken it as a (n) ____43____ curse because taking French r Spanish language seemed t difficult. ____44____, I wished I hadn’t chsen it. I was n ____45____—my fingers were shaking and my heart was beating wildly. I had thught we wuld just be learning t tuch type (盲打), nt be tested n speed and accuracy. Besides, I was the nly freshman in the class, and the ther students were ____46____ t me. My yung bdy felt t nervus t be typing s quickly and ____47____.
    The teacher said, “Hands n hme keys. Eyes n bks. Ready, type!” Suddenly, the rm was alive with 30 electric typewriters’ keys ____48____ n. I tried my best t ____49____, but it was bvius that being a secretary wasn’t in my future. While I didn’t _____50_____ many errrs, my typing speed was hrribly slw. And I knew I wasn’t ging t get a gd _____51_____ n this test. I really _____52_____ taking this class and wished I culd be learning French instead.
    Nw years later, I’m a nvelist. I’m s happy that I tk that class and learned hw t type. It has helped me write cuntless _____53_____ flwing thrugh my mind and int my _____54_____ thrugh keybards. It has helped me t write e-mails full f kindness t _____55_____ with friends and family. It has helped me t d what I shuld d and share what I was meant t share in life.
    41. A. certainlyB. slightlyC. willinglyD. hardly
    42. A. libraryB. classC. serviceD. rganizatin
    43. A. psychlgicalB. legalC. advertisingD. ptinal
    44. A. OtherwiseB. MeanwhileC. HweverD. Therefre
    45. A. edgeB. purpseC. timeD. track
    46. A. equalB. senirC. crucialD. resistant
    47. A. straightlyB. similarlyC. preciselyD. mindlessly
    48. A. passedB. fixedC. takenD. struck
    49. A. keep upB. turn upC. back dwnD. cme dwn
    50. A. admitB. makeC. expressD. analyse
    51. A. decisinB. prfessinC. shelterD. grade
    52. A. enjyedB. suggestedC. avidedD. regretted
    53. A. playsB. striesC. sayingsD. pems
    54 A. dcumentB. caseC. cmputerD. rm
    55. A. exchangeB. sympathizeC. cmpareD. fight
    【答案】41. A 42. B 43. D 44. C 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. D 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. A
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我确定没准备好。A. certainly确定地;B. slightly轻微地;C. willingly愿意地;D. hardly几乎不。根据下文“I was in my high schl typing ____2____ and ttally cnfused.”可知,作者确定没准备好。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在上高中的打字课,完全搞不懂。A. library图书馆;B. class课程;C. service服务; D. rganizatin组织。根据下文“I tk that class”可知,作者在上打字课。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我把它作为选修课,因为法语或西班牙语似乎太难了。A. psychlgical心理学的;B. legal合法的;C. advertising广告业;D. ptinal可选择的。根据下文“because taking French r Spanish language seemed t difficult.”可知,作为选修课的原因是,因为法语或西班牙语似乎太难了。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我希望我没有选择它。A. Otherwise否则;B. Meanwhile同时;C. Hwever然而;D. Therefre因此。根据句意可知,前后为转折关系。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我坐立不安——我的手指在颤抖,我的心狂跳。A. edge边缘;B. purpse目的;C. time时间;D. track轨道。根据下文“my fingers were shaking and my heart was beating wildly.”可知,我坐立不安。n edge紧张不安。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:此外,我是班里唯一的新生,其他同学都比我年长。A. equal平等的;B. senir年龄大些的;C. crucial重要的;D. resistant 抵制的,反抗的。根据上文“I was the nly freshman”可知,其它学生比作者年龄大。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我年轻的身体太紧张了,无法如此快速准确地打字。A. straightly直接地;B. similarly相似地;C. precisely精确地;D. mindlessly不费心思地。根据上文“t nervus t be typing s quickly”可知,无法如此快速准确地打字。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然间,30个电动打字机的按键响起,房间里活跃了起来。A. passed通过;B. fixed修理;C. taken拿;D. struck击,撞。根据上文“Ready, type”可知,键盘想起了敲击声。故选D项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我尽力跟上,但很明显,当秘书不是我的未来。A. keep up跟上;B. turn up出现;C. back dwn退缩;D. cme dwn传承。根据下文“my typing speed was hrribly slw”可知,我在尽力跟上。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我没有犯很多错误,但我的打字速度慢得可怕。A. admit承认;B. make制作;C. express表达;D. analyse分析。根据上文“My yung bdy felt t nervus t be typing s quickly and ____7____ .”以及“errrs”可知,打字会犯错误。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我不会在这次考试中取得好成绩。A. decisin决定;B. prfessin专业;C. shelter遮蔽物;D. grade分数。根据上文“my typing speed was hrribly slw”可知,我的表现使我不会取得好成绩。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我真后悔上了这门课,真希望我能学法语。A. enjyed享受;B. suggested建议;C. avided避免;D. regretted后悔。根据下文“wished I culd be learning French instead.”可知,作者后悔了。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它帮助我写了无数的故事,这些故事从我的脑海中流过,通过键盘输入我的电脑。A. plays戏剧;B. stries故事;C. sayings谚语,格言;D. pems诗歌。根据上文“Nw years later, I’m a nvelist.”可知,作者是小说家,所以会写很多的故事。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它帮助我写了无数的故事,这些故事从我的脑海中流过,通过键盘输入我的电脑。A. dcument文件;B. case案例;C. cmputer计算机;D. rm房间。根据下文“thrugh keybards”可知,通过键盘进入了电脑里。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它帮助我做了我应该做的事情,分享了我在生活中应该分享的东西。A. exchange交换;B. sympathize同情;C. cmpare比较;D. fight打仗。根据下文“share”可知,我与读者分享了我在生活中应该分享的东西。故选A项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Huang He Valley, als ___56___ (refer) t as the Yellw River Valley, was the birthplace f ancient Chinese civilizatin, because f ___57___ it is ften called “Mther River”. The valley is at the center f thusands f years f Chinese histry. ___58___ China’s secnd-lngest river, the Huang He is ver 5,400 kilmeters lng. It is called the Yellw River because its waters carry sand and mud, ___59___ (give) the river its yellw-brwn clr.
    While the river helps create fertile land that is suited fr farming, during certain times f the year, the Huang He ___60___ (frequent) verflws, which damages husing and crps acrss the Nrth China Plain, ___61___ imprtant agricultural regin. Fr thusands f years, the Chinese ___62___ (cnduct) majr public prjects t keep cntrl f the water frm the Huang He, including hydrelectric dams in mdern times. Despite the pssibility f flding, the Huang He Valley basin is hme t a huge ppulatin, and many f the cuntry’s ldest cities are lcated alng the river.
    Tribes and villages appeared frm arund 2100 BC t 1600 BC in the Huang He Valley. During that time, tribal leaders came tgether t slve the prblem f the Huang He verflwing and wiping ut ___63___ (they) villages and crps. With the ability ___64___ (cntrl) the Huang He better and save the crps frm flding, a number f ____65____ (dynasty) were then headquartered in the regin. The valley became the center f Chinese culture, sciety and learning.
    【答案】56. referred
    57. which 58. As
    59. giving 60. frequently
    61. an 62. have cnducted##have been cnducting
    63. their 64. t cntrl
    65. dynasties
    考查非谓语动词。句意:黄河流域,又称the Yellw River Valley,是中国古代文明的发源地,因为这它通常被称为“母亲河”。refer作定语修饰The Huang He Valley,二者之间是被动关系,用过去分词referred作定语,故填referred。
    考查定语从句。句意同上。Because f的宾语是前文提到的内容,两个句子之间无连词,因此用关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个句子,从句中作宾语,故填which。
    考查时态。句意:几千年来,中国人实施重大公共项目,以保持对黄河水的控制,包括现代的水电站大坝。由时间状语Fr thusands f years可知,表示从过去一直延续到现在的动作,用现在完成时,也可以使用现在完成进行时,表示动作一直在进行,主语the Chinese是复数,故填have cnducted/have been cnducting。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:凭借控制黄河并拯救庄稼免受洪水侵袭的能力,许多王朝随后将总部设在该地区。ability后接不定式作定语,故填t cntrl。
    考查名词的数。句意:凭借控制黄河并拯救庄稼免受洪水侵袭的能力,许多王朝随后将总部设在该地区。A number f修饰名词复数,作主语,故填dynasties。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你校英语社团将举办主题为“Prtecting Wildlife”的英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    Dear teachers and students,
    I’m Li Hua.
    Thank yu!
    【答案】Dear teachers and students,
    I’m Li Hua. Prtecting wildlife is imprtant fr maintaining the balance f ur ecsystem. We can maintain bidiversity, which is essential fr the stability f ecsystems and the sustainability f human life.
    Unfrtunately, human activities such as defrestatin, pllutin, and illegal hunting have had a detrimental impact n wildlife. Many species are facing the threat f extinctin due t human interference.
    I urge everyne t take actin t prtect wildlife. By wrking tgether, we can ensure a better future fr the diverse and magnificent wildlife inhabiting ur planet.
    Thank yu!
    【导语】本书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一篇演讲稿参加学校英语社团举办的主题为“Prtecting Wildlife”的英语演讲比赛,内容要点如下:1.说明保护野生动物的重要性;2.介绍人类活动对野生动物的影响;3.呼吁大家采取保护行动。
    因为:due t→wing t/as a result f/because f
    原句:I urge everyne t take actin t prtect wildlife
    拓展句:I urge that everyne shuld take actin t prtect wildlife.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】We can maintain bidiversity, which is essential fr the stability f ecsystems and the sustainability f human life. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】By wrking tgether, we can ensure a better future fr the diverse and magnificent wildlife inhabiting ur planet. (运用了现在分词作后置定语修饰wildlife)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When I first mved t the suth f America in the summer hliday befre middle schl, I realized that I was stepping int a cmpletely different wrld. New Orleans, Luisiana, was unlike any place I had ever been t. In the French Quarter, turists walked arund all year with lng skinny cups in their hands, and there was a ppular game ging n the streets which were crwded with cars but had few peple. What surprised me mre than anything, thugh, was the cnstant friendliness and cmpassin f the peple f New Orleans.
    “What can I get fr yu, sugar?” a waitress abut my age asked me n my first day in New Orleans.
    I was taken aback. The waitress did nt even knw me, but she treated me like family. She smiled dwn at me as I pinted t an item n the menu.
    “Is the pasta gd?” I asked her.
    “It’s nt my favrite,” she admitted with a smile. “But I’m mre f a girl wh prefers rice!” She shrugged, letting ut a lud laughter.
    I lked at her in shck. What was I suppsed t say t that? I culdn’t believe that the waitress had just prevented me frm rdering smething. Actually, she had given me her hnest pinin, as if we were best friends. She even tld me her name—Mary. She even tld me that she just wrked as a part-time waitress and that she wuld be a high schl student sn.
    After a few days in New Orleans, I gt used t kind reminders and plite greetings. I als realized hw cmfrting it was t be treated like I belng wherever I went.
    As sn as I settled int my new high schl, I adapted myself t the schl life. I was drawn t the lively music scene that New Orleans was famus fr. I was a trumpet (小号) player, and I wanted t jin the schl music club. Hwever, I was afraid that I was t pr in music t be qualified fr the schl music club.
    One afternn, I was surprised t see a grup f students including Mary practicing jazz in the schl playgrund.
    Finally, with Mary’s encuragement, my hesitatin slwly melted away.
    One afternn, I was surprised t see a grup f students including Mary practicing jazz in the schl playgrund. The vibrant ntes f trumpets, saxphnes, and drums intermingled under the warm sun, creating a harmnius symphny that eched thrughut the campus. Mary, her fingers dancing acrss the valves f her trumpet, nticed me watching frm afar and beckned me ver with an inviting smile. “Yu play, dn't yu? Cme jin us!” she shuted abve the music, her eyes sparkling with genuine enthusiasm. My heart raced; this was the chance I had secretly hped fr, yet my insecurities held me back.
    Finally, with Mary’s encuragement, my hesitatin slwly melted away. I gathered my curage and apprached the ensemble, trumpet in hand. The grup warmly welcmed me, their acceptance dispelling my fears. Under Mary’s patient guidance, I began t find my rhythm within the ensemble. Our practices became a haven where mistakes transfrmed int learning pprtunities, and every nte played strengthened my cnfidence. Thrugh this experience, I learned that smetimes, it takes a little push frm a friend t realize ne’s ptential and truly belng.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】The vibrant ntes f trumpets, saxphnes, and drums intermingled under the warm sun, creating a harmnius symphny that eched thrughut the campus. (运用了that引导的限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Our practices became a haven where mistakes transfrmed int learning pprtunities, and every nte played strengthened my cnfidence. (运用了where引导的限定性定语从句)

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