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    第一部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Spirit Day ideas are themes that bring a fun twist t a nrmal wrkday. The purpse f these ideas is t fster a psitive wrk envirnment. Als, Spirit Days encurage creativity and bst mrale amng emplyees. Here is a list f ideas t liven up yur ffice.
    Superher Day
    On Superher Day, teams can dress up as their favrite superheres r create their wn unique characters. Yu culd make this exercise mre ffice themed by asking wrkers t make a superher based n their wrkplace talents. Hst a cstume cntest where clleagues can vte fr their favrite utfits.
    Beach Day
    T set this day up, chse a suitable beach lcatin. Participants can bring their wn blankets, twels, and beach chairs. Outdr activities ffer a break frm the ffice,such as beach vlleyball and building sandcastles. Beach Days are als a great time t enjy a delicius meal tgether! Yu can bring barbecue classics t enjy, such as ht dgs, burgers, and ptat salad.
    Sprts Team Day
    On Sprts Team Day, participants wear their favrite sprts team clrs r jerseys. Emplyees can als dress up as specific athletes. Cnsider hsting this theme during a big game that mst flks in the ffice want t watch. Teams can als cmpete in field day exercises! Wrkers can g head-t-head in sccer, ftball, r even lawn games.
    Animal Day
    On Animal Day, participants can dress up like their favrite animals r wear animal-print accessries. Pet-friendly ffices can even welcme emplyees’ pets int the ffice fr the day! Flks culd put n a pet parade and let furry friends meet each ther. Yu can als hst activities such as trivia r pet pht cntests.
    1. Why is the idea f Spirit Day put frward?
    A. T enhance the wrking cnditins.
    B. T establish an active wrkplace.
    C. T lessen the pressure f emplyees.
    D. T strengthen the team cmpetence.
    2. What d Sprts Team Day and Beach Day have in cmmn?
    A. Emplyees can g utdrs t relax.
    B. Emplyees can bring their belngings.
    C. Emplyees can have a delicius meal tgether.
    D. Emplyees can watch a big game in the ffice.
    3. On which day can emplyees cmpete fr the best dressed?
    A. Superher Day. B. Beach Day. C. Sprts Team Day. D. Animal Day.
    While mst cffee shps ffer free Wi-Fi cnnectins t get mre custmers, Offline Club, a pp-up cafe in Amsterdam, ffers a different cnnectin where a Wi-Fi signal is unnecessary. Upn entering, its members leave their devices behind, grab a cffee, and enjy a 90s’ atmsphere.
    Ilya Kneppelhut, wh started the Offline Club, said that the club is fr peple verwhelmed by their busy lives and cnstant ntificatins, accrding t Inside Editin. He added that their members want t cut dwn n their scial media and screen time and fcus n in-persn cnnectins— a simple idea, but participants enjy it.
    One f their members said, “being with the club makes yu feel present in a way yu didn’t expect”. “It felt a bit like travelling in time and made me feel nstalgic (怀旧) abut the way bars and cafes used t be because nwadays, thse are places we’re nly ging t with friends and peple we already knw and spend time ding digital things like wrk,” anther member added.
    The funders believe this cncept culd wrk in ther cities, t. Kneppelhut stated that they want t spread the idea wrldwide. “Right nw, we’re getting tgether with a franchising cncept, and we hpe t have ffline detx events in the entire wrld fr peple t recnnect,” he said.
    Meanwhile, the internet and cmputers are deeply integrated int ur lives. Being addicted t the internet can hurt yu in different ways, bth in bdy and emtins. Given this, the digital detx prvided by the Offline Club culd be helpful fr individuals wh feel they spend t much time nline. It’s a chance t reduce stress and fcus mre n talking t peple. It als helps stp us frm becming t reliant n technlgy. Ultimately, a digital detx is abut stepping back t cnnect with what really matters.
    4. Why did Ilya Kneppelhut start the Offline Club?
    A.T ease life pressure.B. T refuse scial media.
    C.T attract mre custmers.D. T encurage real interactin.
    5. Hw did the members feel abut the club?
    A. Cntent with the club. B. Enthusiastic abut the club.
    C. Tired f the visit t the club. D. Scared f the club’s atmsphere.
    6. What can we draw frm Ilya Kneppelhut’s wrds?
    A. Peple in the club deny real bnds.
    B. He expects the wrld can recnnect.
    C. Peple have been disturbed by the club.
    D. The club has been a hit in ther cities.
    7. What d the underlined wrds “the digital detx” mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Aviding nline cmmunicatin.B. Resisting the use f digital device.
    C. Taking a break frm the Internet.D. Surfing the Internet fr infrmatin.
    Out in the Atlantic Ocean, rughly 60 miles ff the nrthwest cast f Africa, lie the Canary Islands. In the 1950s, the bm in package turism shwed prmise as a new cash crp. But while the Canary Islands had the sunshine, warm climate and ease f access frm Eurpe needed fr this new industry, they were missing a vital element—picture-pstcard sandy beaches.
    S the develpers n Tenerife in the Canary Islands cnstructed a breakwater (防波堤) ver half a mile lng. And then, frm the Western Sahara n Africa’s nrthwest cast, they shipped in 270, 000 tns f sand. By 1973, the prject was cmplete. As anticipated, turists arrived. Alng the engineered beach, rws and rws f turists relax n beach chairs under umbrellas r walk acrss sft sand t cl dwn in the water.
    Unanticipated was what their presence gave t ne f the wrld’s mst endangered fish species, angel sharks—visibility. The gentle wind creates tiny waves n the water’s surface, a magical cver fr what lies beneath—an angel shark nursery. Female angel shark regularly migrate (迁徙) t these ideally sheltered waters t give birth t pups (幼崽), wh remain in the shallws fr abut a year. Feeding n small fishes, they grw t arund the same length as a newbrn human baby.
    Surveys have shwn that ther beaches in the Canary Islands are als ptential nursery sites. Interestingly, mst f them have been remade t make them mre attractive t peple. Playa Chica has anther lng sweep f imprted sand. It’s an attractin fr divers as well as angel sharks, s the number f sightings f mature angel sharks f this shreline is ne f the highest in the islands.
    Nrmally, envirnmentally disruptive prjects are bad fr wildlife. But what’s clear is that after the breakwater was built and the sand arrived, peple fllwed, and in the calm, shallw waters they began t see baby angel sharks. And unlike hw many an assciatin between humans and wildlife ends-in cnflict and dead animals-this time it led t cnservatin.
    8. Hw did the develpers attract turists t Tenerife?
    A. By building a base fr shipping. B. By prmting lcal culture.
    C. By imprting sand t create beaches. D. By ffering discunts n package tur.
    9. What was an unexpected result f the prject?
    A. It gave angel sharks a hme.
    B. It made a magical turist attractin.
    C. It caused the disappearance f sme fishes.
    D. It created cnflicts between sharks and turists.
    10. What can we learn frm paragraph 4?
    A. Engineered beaches are gd fr angel sharks nursery.
    B. Beaches are remade t attract mre freign turists.
    C. Playa Chica is well-knwn fr its beautiful shrtline.
    D. Playa Chica has the highest number f angel sharks.
    11. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. The ecnmic benefits f develping the Canary Islands.
    B. The impact f turism n the envirnment f the Canary Islands.
    C. The unexpected benefits f beach develpment fr angel sharks.
    D. The challenges faced by the angel sharks in the Canary Islands.
    Algrithms (算法) affect nearly every part f a persn’s experience n the Internet. Search engines are mst peple’s entry t the Internet. If a persn wants t find infrmatin abut smething, they usually start with a search bar. As sn as they start typing r chsing links, the algrithm starts gathering data abut every chice users make and uses that data t try t find the websites r infrmatin that mst directly relate t what the user is lking fr.
    The prblem with algrithm is that they can limit the kinds f infrmatin peple see, says MacMillan, a reading researcher with Prject Infrmatin Literacy. He argues this can be harmful t peple’s critical thinking and lead them t believe that nly ne pint f view is crrect.
    Cmpanies als pay t pst advertisements fr prducts that culd relate t users’ search data. Fr example, if yu search fr places t take a vacatin, yu will likely start t see ads fr travel cmpanies, flights r htels.
    Renee Hbbs, directr f the Media Educatin Lab at the University f Rhde Island, hwever, argues that algrithms are nt all bad. She says search engine algrithms can help yu find what might be the mst useful infrmatin faster. But she says it is in the interests f Internet cmpanies t keep users n the Internet fr as lng as pssible s they see mre ads.
    The current generatin f yung peple grw up using the Internet and they are prne (易于遭受) t distrustful infrmatin. That is why schls must train students hw t use the Internet mre wisely. It is the duty f educatin t keep students infrmed abut the wrld arund them. Yet it is nt the duty f educatin alne. And lawmakers shuld cnsider increasing data prtectin rules. Individuals can als use a wide variety f websites t avid algrithmic cntrls.
    12. Hw d algrithms affect users’ Internet experience?
    A. They lead t slwer Internet cnnectin.
    B. They determine the cntent users receive.
    C. They always help users get reliable links.
    D. They blck ads fr users autmatically.
    13. What is Renee Hbbs’ attitude twards algrithms?
    A. Dubtful.B. Supprtive.C. Objective.D. Indifferent.
    14. What can be cncluded frm the last paragraph?
    A.Yung peple fall victim t the Internet.
    B. Data prtectin rules are already enugh.
    C. Educatin is fully respnsible fr algrithmic cntrls.
    D. Jint effrts are needed t handle algrithmic cntrls.
    15. Which clumn f a magazine is the text mst likely frm?
    A. Fashin. B. Entertainment. C. Advertisement. D. Science.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Pythagras was a philspher and mathematician wh revlutinized the wrld. He’s best knwn fr the Pythagrean Therem. 16 Here we mentin sme famus sayings frm Pythagras.
    “D nt be ambitius and stingy; the just measure is excellent in such cases.”
    17 That’s because excessive ambitin can turn yu int a persn wh desn’t knw hw t enjy the little things in life. In fact, it sws the seed f cntinuus dissatisfactin.
    “Listen, yu will be wise. 18 ”
    D yu knw hw t listen t thers? D yu balance ut yur speaking and listening? Althugh this may seem easy t answer, in reality, yu usually tend t talk mre than listen. Hwever, this is a serius mistake t make.
    Pythagras was aware that s much can be learned by listening t thers. There’s n rush t respnd r t challenge an pinin with which yu dn’t agree. 19 That’s the key.
    “Assist a man in raising a burden, but d nt assist him in laying it dwn.”
    Smetimes, yu want t help thers. Maybe they have prblems with their partner r they’re just feeling sad.
    Being there fr these peple and supprting them is smething that’ll help them a lt. Hwever, if yu help them, it shuld be because yu want t. Remember, yu’re nt required t cmpletely assume their prblems fr them. Mre than anything, this is because yu wn’t slve anything by ding s. 20
    A. It is better t express yur ideas.
    B. The beginning f wisdm is silence.
    C. Listen first then respnd wisely later.
    D. Such behaviur can lead t endless quarrels.
    E. Indeed, this is still studied in philsphy tday.
    F. In fact, yu’ll just add mre weight t their lad.
    G. Yu are bund t maintain mderate psitins in life.
    第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    T start a business, my father mved ur family frm New Jersey t Massachusetts when I was seven years ld. The 21 was especially hard n my mther, as it was the first time she had placed her hurs away frm her mther and sisters in her life.
    Settled in ur new hme, my brthers and I were 22 with making friends and dealing with schlwrk. Hwever, it was harder fr Mm t 23 new peple. On tp f that, we had a 24 budget while my dad wrked t 25 his business. Cnsequently, Christmas gifts were nt really in the financial 26 that year. Mrever, we 27 mst f ur Christmas tree rnaments (装饰品) had brken during the mve.
    Therefre, my mther tk an unexpected 28 . One day in early December when I came hme frm schl, Mm was arranging a 29 crafts statin n the picnic table in the back yard. “We 30 ur Christmas rnaments,” she declared, “s we’re ging t make ur wn.” Mm had 31 spray paint and glitter (发光物) t prcess the unlikeliest f decratins: tin can lids. And that day, she 32 waited fr us kids t arrive befre cutting them int stars, bells, and angels. What a 33 mther!
    That December afternn at the picnic table was mre 34 than mst Christmas mrnings full f shiny paper and expensive gifts. The 35 f that particular Christmas came thrugh my lving mther, wh culd turn tin cans int angels, and darkness int light.
    21. A. agreementB. decisinC. resettlementD. distributin
    22. A. disappintedB. satisfiedC. assciatedD. ccupied
    23. A. assistB. meet C. greet D. evaluate
    24. A. betterB. hardC. tightD. balanced
    25. A. limitB. explreC. imprveD. launch
    26. A. listB. arrangementC. scheduleD. supprt
    27. A. admitted B. discveredC. thughtD. remembered
    28. A. actinB. breakC. risk D. measure
    29. A. cheapB. cmplexC. tempraryD. distant
    30. A. gained B. lst C. pssessed D. threw
    31. A. selectedB. cllectedC. purchasedD. remved
    32. A. eagerlyB. prudlyC. nervuslyD. casually
    33. A. generusB. braveC. carefulD. smart
    34. A. amazingB. interestingC. unfrgettable D. imprtant
    35. A. beliefB. innvatinC. imprtanceD. magic
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Yu’ve prbably heard 36 Chinese culture is packed with: ancient and mdern methds fr staying fit. Baduanjin, which literally means Eight Pieces f Brcade, is 37 excellent traditinal Chinese health maintenance Chi Kung. This style centers n breathing—by 38 (take) slw, deep breaths, it helps muscles relax and calms the mind as well.
    Baduanjin, which riginated in the Bei Sng Dynasty has a histry f mre than 800 years. Over time it 39 (develp) int many different styles. There are a ttal f eight mvements in Baduanjin, each with 40 (it) wn characteristics and specific fcus. The mvements are very slw and intentinal—each exercise is dne abut 3 times 41 mving nt the next exercise in the sequence.
    Regular practice f Baduanjin is believed t bring numerus health 42 (benefit). The great advantage f Baduanjin lies in its accessibility. It desn’t require much space r time and uses special breathing 43 cncentratin techniques t imprve health. Peple f all ages and fitness levels can practice it withut any special 44 (equip) r prir experience. Whether 45 (perfrm) in the park r the cmfrt f ne’s hme, Baduanjin prvides gentle yet effective care fr bth bdy and mind.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 你的方案;
    2. 你的理由。
    1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    July 1971, I was taking a summer class in Black-American literature n the campus f SUNY Onenta in nrthern New Yrk. Prfessr James walked int the classrm and annunced that he had invited a special guest t class, but his guest was delayed. The class stirred with curisity and anticipatin.
    “Wh’s cming?” smene asked.
    “All I will tell yu is that he is the authr f ne f the bks yu have read fr this class,” he said. “I need a vlunteer t meet him in the hall f the administratin building and take him here.”
    T my amazement, my right hand sht up as thugh it had a mind f its wn. “What am I ding?” I thught. I never vlunteered fr anything. I was shy and uncmfrtable meeting new peple. In fact, I was abslutely the wrng persn fr this jb. Realizing my mistake, I pulled my hand dwn quickly, but it was t late.
    “Thank yu, David,” Prfessr James said. “Yu’d better leave nw. He’ll be arriving any minute.”
    Seeing n way t back ut, I reluctantly gt ut f my seat and headed fr the classrm dr. When I reached it, I stpped.
    “Umm,” I said. “If I dn’t knw wh this persn is, hw will I recgnize him? I’d hate t bring back the wrng guy.”
    Prfessr James laughed. “Gd pint,” he said. He pulled me aside and whispered a name in my ear. “Alex Haley,” he said.
    “Really?” I said. I gave a thumbs-up t the class and left the rm.
    As I entered the empty hallway, I criticized myself fr vlunteering. “Why didn’t yu let smene else d this?” Alex Haley was the authr f The Autbigraphy (自传)f Malclm X. He was als famus fr his diligence, perseverance and in-depth thinking.
    As I walked acrss the campus, my anxiety grew. I feared that I was abut t embarrass myself in frnt f this famus gentleman by asking stupid questins, r wrse, accmpanying him in painful silence. I reached the frnt steps and climbed them slwly.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    1—3 BAA 4—7 DABC 8—11 CAAC 12—15 BCDD
    16 —20 EGBCF
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    21—25 CDBCD 26—30 ABACB 31—35 BADCD
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    36. what 37. an 38. taking 39. has develped 40. its
    41. befre 42. benefits 43. and 44. equipment 45. perfrmed
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 本题总分为15分,按三个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 评分时应考虑:内容是否完整,条理是否清楚,交际是否得体,语言是否准确。
    4. 拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    5. 词数少于70,从总分中减去2分。
    第二节 (满分25分)
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    As I pulled pen the heavy glass dr, I realized why I raised my hand t vlunteer fr this jb. This man was what I want t be: a writer. He was living my dream. I culd learn frm him. I paced back and frth acrss the plished hall flr until a black man with a briefcase entered the building. He stpped and scanned the hall. His gaze fell n me. “Mr. Haley?” I said. “Yes,” he said. “I’m frm Prfessr James’ class. Welcme,” I said. “Thank yu,” he said. He extended his hand, and we shk. As we crssed the campus, I was struck by hw apprachable this man was. My fear was replaced by curisity and purpse.
    Paragraph 2:
    “I’d like t becme a writer, but I dn’t knw if I have the talent,” I said. Mr. Haley laughed and said, “If yu want t becme a writer, dn’t wrry abut whether yu have sme magical gift. Just keep writing, and dn’t give up until yu succeed.” After my cnversatin with Alex Haley, I n lnger bsessed ver the “gift”. Instead, I started writing every day. Within tw years, I published three stries in natinal children’s magazines. Had I nt vlunteered t meet this extrardinary man, I wuld never have received the benefit f his wise advice and the rewards that fllwed.
    1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右(词数少于130的,从总分中减去2分)。
    4. 阅卷评分时,主要从以下四个方面考虑:
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写和词汇用法均可。
    6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。
    Dear Editr,
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    As I pulled pen the heavy glass dr, I realized why I raised my hand t vlunteer fr this jb.

    “I’d like t becme a writer, but I dn’t knw if I have the talent,” I said.


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