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北师大版高中英语必修第三册 Unit 9 Section Ⅲ Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop & Reading Club PPT课件
这是一份高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9 Section Ⅲ Writing Workshop,Viewing Workshop & Reading Club PPT课件,共60页。
Unit 9 LearningSection ⅢWriting Workshop, Viewing Workshop & Reading Club课前预习一、单词英汉互译1. reflection / rɪ ̍ flekʃən / n._____________________2. reflective / rɪ ̍ flektɪv / adj.____________________3. journal / ̍dʒɜːnl / n.__________________________沉思;想法;反射沉思的;深思的日记,日志4. moreover /mɔːr ̍ əʊvə/ adv._________________5. surfing / ̍sɜːfɪŋ / n.________________6. gap /gæp/ n._____________________________7.___________/aɪ ̍ dentɪkəl/ adj.完全相同的;非常相似的 8.___________/ ̍ kɒmɪk / adj.滑稽的,好笑的 9.___________ / ̍ fɪkʃən/ n.小说 此外,而且冲浪(大的)差距,差额,差别identicalcomicfiction10._____________ / ̍ evɪdəns / n.证据,证明 11._____________ / ɪk ̍ spəʊz / vt.使接触;使体验 12._____________ / ̍ aʊtkʌm / n.结果,后果 evidenceexposeoutcome二、短语英汉互译1._____________________ 充分利用 2._____________________ 逐渐了解 3._____________________ 复习 4._____________________ 为……制订计划 5._____________________ 对……有影响 make the best use ofget to knowgo overmake plans forhave an impact on...6._____________________ 在……方面7. make an effort _________________8. what′s more ___________________9. at the moment _________________10. in addition ___________________ 11. fit in ________________________in terms of努力而且此刻;现在另外融入12. be associated with ________________13. rather than ______________________与……有联系而不是课文呈现A LEARNING REFLECTIONWRITING WORKSHOPGET READY FOR WRITING• What have you learnt from this unit?• Did you learn anything useful or interesting? Give an example.READ FOR WRITINGMy Reflection on “The Secrets of Your Memory”□“The Secrets of Your Memory” has helped me better understand how my memory works. Before reading the text,I didn′t know that there are so many interesting things about our memory.□ Now l understand why we remember the events in childhood better than those that happened recently. I also learnt that some people have amazing memories,These people can remember things better than most others. For me,it′s good to know that no one has a photographic memory. That is to say,most of us will have to make an effort when trying to remember things. What′s more,it is amazing to know how a person′s memory changes with age. Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25! Isn′t that surprising? This means my memory is at its best state at the moment. I should make the best use of it..□ Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it,but also the ways to improve it. I think I will follow the advice provided and try to strengthen my memory,When acquiring new knowledge I′ll try to make connections with what I have already learnt. Moreover,I must also learn to do “spaced review” especially during the first day after learning. For example,this means going over what I′ve learnt soon after learning and before going to bed. In addition,it is important for me to make plans for the work I need to do. I′m sure these methods will help me improve my learning.FOCUS ON STRUCTURE AND LANGUAGEa What I can do to improve my memoryb Reflections on what I′ve learnt from the lesson c Reflections on my past knowledge about memory______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Addition LinkersalsoI also learnt that some people have amazing memories.what′s more / moreover What′s more,it is amazing to know how a person′s memory changes with agenot only ... but also ...Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it,but also the ways to improve it.in additionIn addition,it is important for me to make plans for the work I need to do.COMPOSE YOUR WRITINGWriting a Learning ReflectionIt′s important to:• understand why you should reflect on what you have learnt;• choose one topic that you want to reflect on;• list what you knew about the topic before learning it, and what you know about it now;• include how you will use your new skill / knowledge in the future.VIEWING WORKSHOPTHE DYNAMIC BRAINDo we continue to learn and develop our brains throughout life or are we predisposed to learn certain topics only at certain times? This video shows how our brains learn.ACTIVATE AND SHAREVIEW AND LEARNa The latest research finding on brain research.b Why people can learn from birth until death.c How different stages of brain development affect our learning ability.a Practising motor skills. d Having many kinds of sounds around usb Learning a foreign language. e Studying various school subjects.c Getting enough visual and light input.c,da,b,e1 What is “brain plasticity”? Why is it important for the function of the brain?2 What is the result of the people taking juggling exercises in just three months in the 2004 research?EXPRESS YOURSELFSTUDYING ABROADREADING CLUB 1Living in a foreign country sounds exciting,but it′s not always easy to fit in1 with another culture. These Chinese students are studying at universities abroad.融入“I′ve found it difficult to make friends here. The Australian students seem friendly,but they only talk about things which I find boring,like football and surfing. I like to talk about C-pop2,but I haven′t found anyone local who shares that interest. Actually,I′ve noticed that a lot of Chinese students seem to only spend time with their Chinese friends.”Liu Baon.中文流行音乐“I like many things about American culture. but I don′t like American food. At first,I had cornflakes3 for breakfast,a hamburger for lunch,and pizza for dinner. The food tasted good,but after a couple of days,felt sick Now I cook at home or have dinner in a local Chinese restaurant.”LiNin. 玉米片“The teachers here in the UK are great. My maths teacher says I′m his best student and I‘m learning a lot. But some subjects are very difficult because have to read and write in English,There are also a lot of discussions and debates in class,and our teachers expect us to ask questions about what we′re learning. My spoken English is improving,but I still feel quite shy sometimes.”Chen XinForeign students who visit China sometimes struggle with Chinese culture,too.“I spent a few months studying at a language college in Beijing. I was surprised by how many people I met in Beijing could speak English. I really wanted to practise speaking putonghua whenever I had a chance,but the people I met were often more interested in practising their English than in helping me practise my Chinese!” Martin the UK“After my visit to a Chinese friend′s family,my friend′s grandfather walked me to the bus station. I kept telling him that I knew the way myself,but he insisted on taking me there. That was very kind of him. I don′t think this would happen in many other cultures.”Tom,the US“On the first night of my study tour in China. our class went to a big seafood restaurant for dinner. Everyone shared the food,which was nice. but I′m used to ordering my own meal. Also,at the end of the dinner,everyone wanted to pay the bill! In my country,we usually split4 the bill and everyone pays their own share.”Tina,New Zealand v. 分摊1 fit in 融入2 C-pop n. 中文流行音乐3 cornflakes n. 玉米片4 split v. 分摊GENERAL UNDERSTANDINGCRITICAL THINKINGDO BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE DIFFERENT READING HABITS?READING CLUB 2The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study of 15-year-old school pupils′ scholastic performance in mathematics,science, and reading undertaken by the OECD1. A closer look at the reading tests, shows the interesting fact that girls are outperforming boys in reading and that this is associated with girls′ greater enjoyment of reading.(Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织One key area which has a major impact on reading performance,is reading for enjoyment rather than simply for study or school work purposes,Interestingly,the PISA study found that in all countries assessed (apart from South Korea),girls read for enjoyment more than boys. The study found that in all the countries assessed,just over half of boys (52%),but almost three-quarters of girls (73%) said that they read for enjoyment which may come as a surprise to many.In countries such as Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania and the Netherlands,the difference between boys and girls was most significant,where they found a 30% gap or more between the genders. Additionally in places such as Austria and Liechtenstein, very low levels of boys expressed interest in reading (40% or less),which are worrying statistics.However,not all countries had such an obvious trend. In places like Japan,boys and girls read for enjoyment at an almost identical level,with 54% of boys and 58% of girls reporting that they enjoy reading. And there were a few countries and regions that scored very highly in boys′ reading enjoyment,for example in Albania,Indonesia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Shanghai in China and Thailand where at least 80% of boys enjoy reading,although these positive numbers are matched and passed by girls who reported an even higher level of reading enjoyment (90% or higher).An interesting area which the PISA study looked at was the types of literature that both girls and boys generally enjoy. There were clear differences in the choices boys and girls make when deciding on what to read. Boys were found to enjoy reading magazines, newspapers and comic books more than girls. Girls were found to be twice as likely to enjoy works of fiction than boys. Unlike reading enjoyment, this pattern was clearly repeated across all countries,especially in terms of boys′ reading of magazines and comic books.While reading in all forms is certainly beneficial and shouldbe encouraged,the low numbers of boys reading for enjoyment and their limited choices when they do,is evidence of an issue that needs to be addressed. Countries need to think about ways to inspire interest for boys in reading and ensure that they are exposed to a wide variety of different types of literature from a young age. Given that in OECD countries,two in three boys only read newspapers for pleasure,there is work to be done.The PISA study has helped show a clear pattern in genders when it comes to reading.Low levels of interest in or enjoyment of reading can have long term effects on future success in life. For this reason,it is important that governments, teachers and parents all work to identify opportunities and strategies to raise reading proficiency2 levels. Fortunately,studies such as PISA provide clear evidence that can be acted on to improve outcomes for all young people. n. 熟练2 proficiency n. 熟练1 OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织GENERAL UNDERSTANDING• in all the countries assessed ( )• in Austria and Liechtenstein ( )• in Albania,Indonesia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Shanghai in China and Thailand ( )cabCRITICAL THINKINGCHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse what you have learnt from the unit “Learning” to introduce ways to improve memory,offer suggestions on learning,and talk about learning plans.Complete the two talks with the correct form of the words and expressions below.Speaker 1 (a famous writer):blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishNow that I am an 1____________writer,people often ask my 2_______________ about the best age to start writing. Well,when l was in secondary school I started writing an online 3___________. establishedopinionblogI posted 4_____________ I had on learning,social issues and school life. Sometimes,my classmates 5__________ with me about my posts,while others agreed with my ideas. As a result,my blog became so popular that it became the 6_________ of after-class talks in my school. blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishreflectionarguedfocusMy teachers were 7____________ about it and read it. My principal even told me that reading my blog had left a deep 8______________ on him and helped him understand many 9______________ of students′ lives. However,he also suggested that I 10____________ more on my studies! blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishcuriousimpressionaspectsconcentrateWhen I first 11____________ to write a novel,I struggled to think of a story,but believe it or not,it ended up being 12_________ on one of my blog posts.blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishattemptedbasedSpeaker 2 (an English teacher):context literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomAs an English teacher,I′d like to share some of my advice on ways to learn English well. Firstly,you need to practise as often as possible,not just in school but 1____________ ___________________,too. For example,try reading more than just the coursebooks.beyond the classroomcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomThere′s lots of English 2____________ that is written for young people. Secondly,if you are having trouble with 3__________ words,try thinking about the 4__________ in which the words are spoken. That might help you figure out the meaning. literatureunfamiliarcontextcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomGrammar can be 5__________________ for some students. Unfortunately,just 6___________________ is not enough. I would 7____________ learning the rules and not worrying if you make small mistakes while practicing. a big headachememorising the rulesrecommendcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomIt will come in time and slowly you will begin to 8______ __________ the language without even realising it. I hope you all find my 9_________ helpful. Good luck in your English language learning!acquiretipsFor the third talk,choose the best option.Speaker 3 (a memory expert):Thank you for having me here today! As a memory expert,I try to understand why some people are so much better at 1 memorising / memory things than others. One thing I often do is:show people an 2 arrange / arrangement of letters and numbers and then ask them to recall them five minutes later. Most people can remember a 3 limited / limit number of them,but about 10% of people can remember almost all of them. These amazing people have brains that allow them to remember the smallest 4 detailed / details. Unfortunately,not all of us are born with 5 amazed / amazing memories,but with daily practice we can all 6 significant / significantly improve our brainpower.Another easy activity is regular exercise,which has been found to be an 7 effect / effective way to improve memory and mental performance .• How can I balance learning and having fun?• How can I remember more vocabulary?• How can I improve my writing?• How can I read if my vocabulary is not large enough?On the first day,start at Baker Street Station. Sherlock Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street but don′t expect 1______________ (see) him there now. While you are in the area you will want 2_____________(visit) Madame Tussaud′s Waxworks. to seeto visitNext door,you should expect 3___________ (be) amazed at the Planetarium,where you can see the stars indoors. If you like 4______________ (watch) plays and musicals,you are not too far from the West End where you′ll find the theatre district. If you decide 5_________ (go) there, you can take the underground although walking is just as easy as it′s only ten minutes away.to bewatchingto goit sounds so different ah interesting wowMike:So Li Zhen,I′ve decided that I'm going to study in South Africa next year!Li Zhen:1_______! Which part of southern Africa?Mike: No,South Africa,the country.Li Zhen:2________, I see. Where will you stay?WowAhit sounds so different ah interesting wowMike:I′ve enrolled in the University of Cape Town and I′m going to stay with a friend of my parents′,who lives in the city.Li Zhen:Have you enrolled in a particular course?Mike:Yes,they have a research department where I can study African wildlife.it sounds so different ah interesting wowI spoke to a university professor on the phone the other day. It was interesting to hear his way of pronouncing words. 3______________________to Americans ! He was very friendly,so I can′t wait to get over there.Li Zhen:How 4___________! Well,I can′t wait to visit you. It sounds so differentinteresting考点精讲★ at the moment 此刻;现在Eg. He is trying to adapt to the new life at the moment. Let him alone.现在他正在努力适应新生活。不要打扰他。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① At that moment,I remembered what my father once said. 词组________________ 含义____________at that moment 那时② For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just happened.词组________________ 含义________________③ Don′t worry! He′ll be back in a moment.词组________________含义________________for a moment片刻,一会儿 in a moment 马上,过一会儿记一记·长知识 the moment 可用作连词,意为“一……就……”,后接从句,相当于as soon as。Eg. I will tell him the news the moment I see him. 我一看见他就告诉他这个消息。说一说·勤归纳 一、单句语法填空① He asked me to hold the warm bottle __________a moment.② The old couple are travelling in Europe ________the moment.③I′m sorry that you′ll have to wait. He′ll come back ________ a moment. foratin二、同义句转换④ The thief ran away as soon as he saw the policeman. →The thief ran away __________________________. the moment he saw the policeman★ go over 复习Eg. I′ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow′s exam. 我必须为明天的考试复习我的笔记。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① Let us go over your answer again. 词组___________ 含义__________________go over 仔细检查 ② We went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower.词组_________________含义_________________③ I was doing my homework when the light went out.词组________________ 含义________________ go over 从一处到(另一处)go out 熄灭④ Go through those things that seem impossible,and achieve what we never believed we could.词组______________ 含义______________⑤ The price of houses goes up and most young people can′t afford one.词组_______________ 含义_______________go through 经历go up 增长⑥ Everything will get easier as time goes by.词组___________ 含义____________ ⑦ Look! The dog is going after a duck.词组____________ 含义____________go by 流逝go after 追赶 说一说·勤归纳 go over 复习;仔细检查;从一处到(另一处)go out 熄灭go through 经历go up 增长go by 流逝go after 追赶一、单句语法填空① Our teacher asked us to go ________ our lessons before the exam. ② You can′t imagine what the old man had gone ________ during the war. ③ The price of some materials is still going ________,which makes us worried. overthroughup二、翻译句子④ 当时我们都在谋求同一份工作。______________________________________________⑤ 灯突然熄灭了,孩子们开始变得有点紧张。____________________________________________________________________________________________We were going after the same job at the time.Suddenly the light went out and the children became a little nervous.剖析 本句中的not always是部分否定的一种表达形式,意为“不总是”。读一读·细观察 阅读下列带有部分否定的句子,写出其汉语意思① Not everyone of us likes the new film.__________________________________________并不是我们每个人都喜欢这部新电影。② Not all bamboo grows tall._____________________________________________③Both (the) windows are not open._____________________________________________④The businessman is never to be entirely trusted._____________________________________________并非所有的竹子都长得高。两扇窗子并不都开着。不可以完全信任商人。说一说·勤归纳 当always,entirely,everyone,both 等词和 not/never连用时,表示部分否定。★ fit in 融入Eg. I′m not sure how he′ll fit in with the other people. 我不能确定他是否能跟其他人配合得好。 Jenna decided she′d continue to try to fit in at her new school. 詹娜决定她要继续努力适应她的新学校。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① I′ll try and fit you in after lunch.词组___________________含义___________________fit sb in找到时间见某人② Can you fit one more table in?词组____________ 含义________________③ The old man tried to keep fit by jogging every day.词组____________ 含义________________④ The food is not fit for so young children.词组____________ 含义________________fit sth in 有足够的空间 keep fit 保持健康 be fit for... 适合于… 说一说·勤归纳 fit in with... 与……合得来;适应fit sb/sth in 找到时间(见某人、做某事);有足够的空间keep fit 保持健康be fit for... 适合于……一、单句语法填空① The new building must fit in _______its surroundings.② I want to fit _______ a swim before supper. within二、翻译句子③ She fitted into the team very well._________________________________________④ We can′t fit in any more chairs.__________________________________________⑤ The kind of food is fit for the old.__________________________________________她非常适应这个队。我们没有地方摆更多的椅子了。这种食物适合老人吃。剖析 本句是复合句。while意为“虽然”引导让步状语从句;该从句的主语是由动词-ing形式短语reading...充当的;when引导时间状语从句;that引导定语从句,修饰issue。Eg. While I dislike the girl,I often help her out. 虽然我不喜欢这个女孩,但我经常帮助她。 While she is not very rich,she is generous to the homeless. 虽然她不富裕,但是她对无家可归者很是慷慨。★ evidence n. 证据,证明Eg. There is evidence that Beijing Man used fire to cook food.有迹象表明北京猿人曾用火烹制食物。Before making his decision,the judge heard the evidence.法官听取证词后才做出他的决定。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① We all knew that it was an evident mistake. 词性____________ 含义________________形容词明显的② It is evident that the education of the young is very important.句式_____________________ 含义_____________________③ Evidently,the father didn′t agree to his son′s plan.词性____________ 含义_______________It is evident that...……是很明显的。副词显然说一说·勤归纳 evidence n. 证据;证明evident adj. 明显的It is evident that... ……是很明显的。evidently adv. 显然一、单句语法填空① The policeman is looking for enough _____________ (evident). ② She walked slowly down the road,____________ (evident) in pain. evidenceevidently二、完成句子③显然,大多数村民都不知道这个政策。_________________ most villagers don′t know the policy. ④你有足够的证据支持这个说法吗?Do you ______________________to support the theory?It is evident thathave enough evidence★ expose vt. 使接触;使体验Eg. You′d better not expose your skin to the hot sun. 你最好不要把皮肤暴露在烈日下。 The mother tried to expose her son to many interesting books. 这位母亲尽量让她的儿子多接触有趣的书籍。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① He smiled suddenly,exposing a set of white teeth. 词性_________ 含义__________动词露出②He said that he would expose me to the police.词性____________ 含义_______________③Scientists worry that exposure to light while sleeping can increase a person′s chances of getting cancer.词性____________ 含义_______________动词揭发名词暴露说一说·勤归纳 expose vt. 使接触;使体验;露出;揭发expose...to... 使……暴露于……exposure n. 暴露一、单句语法填空①_______________ (expose) to sunlight for long time will harm your skin. ②You′d better make your children ___________(expose) to more books.Being exposedexposed二、完成句子③ 这个公司被命令不得使人们再受污水的影响。The company was ordered not to_______________________________________. expose people to polluted water本课结束This lesson is overTHANKS!
Unit 9 LearningSection ⅢWriting Workshop, Viewing Workshop & Reading Club课前预习一、单词英汉互译1. reflection / rɪ ̍ flekʃən / n._____________________2. reflective / rɪ ̍ flektɪv / adj.____________________3. journal / ̍dʒɜːnl / n.__________________________沉思;想法;反射沉思的;深思的日记,日志4. moreover /mɔːr ̍ əʊvə/ adv._________________5. surfing / ̍sɜːfɪŋ / n.________________6. gap /gæp/ n._____________________________7.___________/aɪ ̍ dentɪkəl/ adj.完全相同的;非常相似的 8.___________/ ̍ kɒmɪk / adj.滑稽的,好笑的 9.___________ / ̍ fɪkʃən/ n.小说 此外,而且冲浪(大的)差距,差额,差别identicalcomicfiction10._____________ / ̍ evɪdəns / n.证据,证明 11._____________ / ɪk ̍ spəʊz / vt.使接触;使体验 12._____________ / ̍ aʊtkʌm / n.结果,后果 evidenceexposeoutcome二、短语英汉互译1._____________________ 充分利用 2._____________________ 逐渐了解 3._____________________ 复习 4._____________________ 为……制订计划 5._____________________ 对……有影响 make the best use ofget to knowgo overmake plans forhave an impact on...6._____________________ 在……方面7. make an effort _________________8. what′s more ___________________9. at the moment _________________10. in addition ___________________ 11. fit in ________________________in terms of努力而且此刻;现在另外融入12. be associated with ________________13. rather than ______________________与……有联系而不是课文呈现A LEARNING REFLECTIONWRITING WORKSHOPGET READY FOR WRITING• What have you learnt from this unit?• Did you learn anything useful or interesting? Give an example.READ FOR WRITINGMy Reflection on “The Secrets of Your Memory”□“The Secrets of Your Memory” has helped me better understand how my memory works. Before reading the text,I didn′t know that there are so many interesting things about our memory.□ Now l understand why we remember the events in childhood better than those that happened recently. I also learnt that some people have amazing memories,These people can remember things better than most others. For me,it′s good to know that no one has a photographic memory. That is to say,most of us will have to make an effort when trying to remember things. What′s more,it is amazing to know how a person′s memory changes with age. Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25! Isn′t that surprising? This means my memory is at its best state at the moment. I should make the best use of it..□ Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it,but also the ways to improve it. I think I will follow the advice provided and try to strengthen my memory,When acquiring new knowledge I′ll try to make connections with what I have already learnt. Moreover,I must also learn to do “spaced review” especially during the first day after learning. For example,this means going over what I′ve learnt soon after learning and before going to bed. In addition,it is important for me to make plans for the work I need to do. I′m sure these methods will help me improve my learning.FOCUS ON STRUCTURE AND LANGUAGEa What I can do to improve my memoryb Reflections on what I′ve learnt from the lesson c Reflections on my past knowledge about memory______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Addition LinkersalsoI also learnt that some people have amazing memories.what′s more / moreover What′s more,it is amazing to know how a person′s memory changes with agenot only ... but also ...Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it,but also the ways to improve it.in additionIn addition,it is important for me to make plans for the work I need to do.COMPOSE YOUR WRITINGWriting a Learning ReflectionIt′s important to:• understand why you should reflect on what you have learnt;• choose one topic that you want to reflect on;• list what you knew about the topic before learning it, and what you know about it now;• include how you will use your new skill / knowledge in the future.VIEWING WORKSHOPTHE DYNAMIC BRAINDo we continue to learn and develop our brains throughout life or are we predisposed to learn certain topics only at certain times? This video shows how our brains learn.ACTIVATE AND SHAREVIEW AND LEARNa The latest research finding on brain research.b Why people can learn from birth until death.c How different stages of brain development affect our learning ability.a Practising motor skills. d Having many kinds of sounds around usb Learning a foreign language. e Studying various school subjects.c Getting enough visual and light input.c,da,b,e1 What is “brain plasticity”? Why is it important for the function of the brain?2 What is the result of the people taking juggling exercises in just three months in the 2004 research?EXPRESS YOURSELFSTUDYING ABROADREADING CLUB 1Living in a foreign country sounds exciting,but it′s not always easy to fit in1 with another culture. These Chinese students are studying at universities abroad.融入“I′ve found it difficult to make friends here. The Australian students seem friendly,but they only talk about things which I find boring,like football and surfing. I like to talk about C-pop2,but I haven′t found anyone local who shares that interest. Actually,I′ve noticed that a lot of Chinese students seem to only spend time with their Chinese friends.”Liu Baon.中文流行音乐“I like many things about American culture. but I don′t like American food. At first,I had cornflakes3 for breakfast,a hamburger for lunch,and pizza for dinner. The food tasted good,but after a couple of days,felt sick Now I cook at home or have dinner in a local Chinese restaurant.”LiNin. 玉米片“The teachers here in the UK are great. My maths teacher says I′m his best student and I‘m learning a lot. But some subjects are very difficult because have to read and write in English,There are also a lot of discussions and debates in class,and our teachers expect us to ask questions about what we′re learning. My spoken English is improving,but I still feel quite shy sometimes.”Chen XinForeign students who visit China sometimes struggle with Chinese culture,too.“I spent a few months studying at a language college in Beijing. I was surprised by how many people I met in Beijing could speak English. I really wanted to practise speaking putonghua whenever I had a chance,but the people I met were often more interested in practising their English than in helping me practise my Chinese!” Martin the UK“After my visit to a Chinese friend′s family,my friend′s grandfather walked me to the bus station. I kept telling him that I knew the way myself,but he insisted on taking me there. That was very kind of him. I don′t think this would happen in many other cultures.”Tom,the US“On the first night of my study tour in China. our class went to a big seafood restaurant for dinner. Everyone shared the food,which was nice. but I′m used to ordering my own meal. Also,at the end of the dinner,everyone wanted to pay the bill! In my country,we usually split4 the bill and everyone pays their own share.”Tina,New Zealand v. 分摊1 fit in 融入2 C-pop n. 中文流行音乐3 cornflakes n. 玉米片4 split v. 分摊GENERAL UNDERSTANDINGCRITICAL THINKINGDO BOYS AND GIRLS HAVE DIFFERENT READING HABITS?READING CLUB 2The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study of 15-year-old school pupils′ scholastic performance in mathematics,science, and reading undertaken by the OECD1. A closer look at the reading tests, shows the interesting fact that girls are outperforming boys in reading and that this is associated with girls′ greater enjoyment of reading.(Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织One key area which has a major impact on reading performance,is reading for enjoyment rather than simply for study or school work purposes,Interestingly,the PISA study found that in all countries assessed (apart from South Korea),girls read for enjoyment more than boys. The study found that in all the countries assessed,just over half of boys (52%),but almost three-quarters of girls (73%) said that they read for enjoyment which may come as a surprise to many.In countries such as Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania and the Netherlands,the difference between boys and girls was most significant,where they found a 30% gap or more between the genders. Additionally in places such as Austria and Liechtenstein, very low levels of boys expressed interest in reading (40% or less),which are worrying statistics.However,not all countries had such an obvious trend. In places like Japan,boys and girls read for enjoyment at an almost identical level,with 54% of boys and 58% of girls reporting that they enjoy reading. And there were a few countries and regions that scored very highly in boys′ reading enjoyment,for example in Albania,Indonesia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Shanghai in China and Thailand where at least 80% of boys enjoy reading,although these positive numbers are matched and passed by girls who reported an even higher level of reading enjoyment (90% or higher).An interesting area which the PISA study looked at was the types of literature that both girls and boys generally enjoy. There were clear differences in the choices boys and girls make when deciding on what to read. Boys were found to enjoy reading magazines, newspapers and comic books more than girls. Girls were found to be twice as likely to enjoy works of fiction than boys. Unlike reading enjoyment, this pattern was clearly repeated across all countries,especially in terms of boys′ reading of magazines and comic books.While reading in all forms is certainly beneficial and shouldbe encouraged,the low numbers of boys reading for enjoyment and their limited choices when they do,is evidence of an issue that needs to be addressed. Countries need to think about ways to inspire interest for boys in reading and ensure that they are exposed to a wide variety of different types of literature from a young age. Given that in OECD countries,two in three boys only read newspapers for pleasure,there is work to be done.The PISA study has helped show a clear pattern in genders when it comes to reading.Low levels of interest in or enjoyment of reading can have long term effects on future success in life. For this reason,it is important that governments, teachers and parents all work to identify opportunities and strategies to raise reading proficiency2 levels. Fortunately,studies such as PISA provide clear evidence that can be acted on to improve outcomes for all young people. n. 熟练2 proficiency n. 熟练1 OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) 经济合作与发展组织GENERAL UNDERSTANDING• in all the countries assessed ( )• in Austria and Liechtenstein ( )• in Albania,Indonesia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Shanghai in China and Thailand ( )cabCRITICAL THINKINGCHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse what you have learnt from the unit “Learning” to introduce ways to improve memory,offer suggestions on learning,and talk about learning plans.Complete the two talks with the correct form of the words and expressions below.Speaker 1 (a famous writer):blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishNow that I am an 1____________writer,people often ask my 2_______________ about the best age to start writing. Well,when l was in secondary school I started writing an online 3___________. establishedopinionblogI posted 4_____________ I had on learning,social issues and school life. Sometimes,my classmates 5__________ with me about my posts,while others agreed with my ideas. As a result,my blog became so popular that it became the 6_________ of after-class talks in my school. blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishreflectionarguedfocusMy teachers were 7____________ about it and read it. My principal even told me that reading my blog had left a deep 8______________ on him and helped him understand many 9______________ of students′ lives. However,he also suggested that I 10____________ more on my studies! blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishcuriousimpressionaspectsconcentrateWhen I first 11____________ to write a novel,I struggled to think of a story,but believe it or not,it ended up being 12_________ on one of my blog posts.blog concentrate focus reflection base opinionargue attempt aspect impression curious establishattemptedbasedSpeaker 2 (an English teacher):context literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomAs an English teacher,I′d like to share some of my advice on ways to learn English well. Firstly,you need to practise as often as possible,not just in school but 1____________ ___________________,too. For example,try reading more than just the coursebooks.beyond the classroomcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomThere′s lots of English 2____________ that is written for young people. Secondly,if you are having trouble with 3__________ words,try thinking about the 4__________ in which the words are spoken. That might help you figure out the meaning. literatureunfamiliarcontextcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomGrammar can be 5__________________ for some students. Unfortunately,just 6___________________ is not enough. I would 7____________ learning the rules and not worrying if you make small mistakes while practicing. a big headachememorising the rulesrecommendcontext literature recommend memorise the rules tipsacquire unfamiliar a big headache beyond the classroomIt will come in time and slowly you will begin to 8______ __________ the language without even realising it. I hope you all find my 9_________ helpful. Good luck in your English language learning!acquiretipsFor the third talk,choose the best option.Speaker 3 (a memory expert):Thank you for having me here today! As a memory expert,I try to understand why some people are so much better at 1 memorising / memory things than others. One thing I often do is:show people an 2 arrange / arrangement of letters and numbers and then ask them to recall them five minutes later. Most people can remember a 3 limited / limit number of them,but about 10% of people can remember almost all of them. These amazing people have brains that allow them to remember the smallest 4 detailed / details. Unfortunately,not all of us are born with 5 amazed / amazing memories,but with daily practice we can all 6 significant / significantly improve our brainpower.Another easy activity is regular exercise,which has been found to be an 7 effect / effective way to improve memory and mental performance .• How can I balance learning and having fun?• How can I remember more vocabulary?• How can I improve my writing?• How can I read if my vocabulary is not large enough?On the first day,start at Baker Street Station. Sherlock Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street but don′t expect 1______________ (see) him there now. While you are in the area you will want 2_____________(visit) Madame Tussaud′s Waxworks. to seeto visitNext door,you should expect 3___________ (be) amazed at the Planetarium,where you can see the stars indoors. If you like 4______________ (watch) plays and musicals,you are not too far from the West End where you′ll find the theatre district. If you decide 5_________ (go) there, you can take the underground although walking is just as easy as it′s only ten minutes away.to bewatchingto goit sounds so different ah interesting wowMike:So Li Zhen,I′ve decided that I'm going to study in South Africa next year!Li Zhen:1_______! Which part of southern Africa?Mike: No,South Africa,the country.Li Zhen:2________, I see. Where will you stay?WowAhit sounds so different ah interesting wowMike:I′ve enrolled in the University of Cape Town and I′m going to stay with a friend of my parents′,who lives in the city.Li Zhen:Have you enrolled in a particular course?Mike:Yes,they have a research department where I can study African wildlife.it sounds so different ah interesting wowI spoke to a university professor on the phone the other day. It was interesting to hear his way of pronouncing words. 3______________________to Americans ! He was very friendly,so I can′t wait to get over there.Li Zhen:How 4___________! Well,I can′t wait to visit you. It sounds so differentinteresting考点精讲★ at the moment 此刻;现在Eg. He is trying to adapt to the new life at the moment. Let him alone.现在他正在努力适应新生活。不要打扰他。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① At that moment,I remembered what my father once said. 词组________________ 含义____________at that moment 那时② For a moment she just stood there,unable to believe what had just happened.词组________________ 含义________________③ Don′t worry! He′ll be back in a moment.词组________________含义________________for a moment片刻,一会儿 in a moment 马上,过一会儿记一记·长知识 the moment 可用作连词,意为“一……就……”,后接从句,相当于as soon as。Eg. I will tell him the news the moment I see him. 我一看见他就告诉他这个消息。说一说·勤归纳 一、单句语法填空① He asked me to hold the warm bottle __________a moment.② The old couple are travelling in Europe ________the moment.③I′m sorry that you′ll have to wait. He′ll come back ________ a moment. foratin二、同义句转换④ The thief ran away as soon as he saw the policeman. →The thief ran away __________________________. the moment he saw the policeman★ go over 复习Eg. I′ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow′s exam. 我必须为明天的考试复习我的笔记。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① Let us go over your answer again. 词组___________ 含义__________________go over 仔细检查 ② We went over to the flower seller and asked her if we could buy a flower.词组_________________含义_________________③ I was doing my homework when the light went out.词组________________ 含义________________ go over 从一处到(另一处)go out 熄灭④ Go through those things that seem impossible,and achieve what we never believed we could.词组______________ 含义______________⑤ The price of houses goes up and most young people can′t afford one.词组_______________ 含义_______________go through 经历go up 增长⑥ Everything will get easier as time goes by.词组___________ 含义____________ ⑦ Look! The dog is going after a duck.词组____________ 含义____________go by 流逝go after 追赶 说一说·勤归纳 go over 复习;仔细检查;从一处到(另一处)go out 熄灭go through 经历go up 增长go by 流逝go after 追赶一、单句语法填空① Our teacher asked us to go ________ our lessons before the exam. ② You can′t imagine what the old man had gone ________ during the war. ③ The price of some materials is still going ________,which makes us worried. overthroughup二、翻译句子④ 当时我们都在谋求同一份工作。______________________________________________⑤ 灯突然熄灭了,孩子们开始变得有点紧张。____________________________________________________________________________________________We were going after the same job at the time.Suddenly the light went out and the children became a little nervous.剖析 本句中的not always是部分否定的一种表达形式,意为“不总是”。读一读·细观察 阅读下列带有部分否定的句子,写出其汉语意思① Not everyone of us likes the new film.__________________________________________并不是我们每个人都喜欢这部新电影。② Not all bamboo grows tall._____________________________________________③Both (the) windows are not open._____________________________________________④The businessman is never to be entirely trusted._____________________________________________并非所有的竹子都长得高。两扇窗子并不都开着。不可以完全信任商人。说一说·勤归纳 当always,entirely,everyone,both 等词和 not/never连用时,表示部分否定。★ fit in 融入Eg. I′m not sure how he′ll fit in with the other people. 我不能确定他是否能跟其他人配合得好。 Jenna decided she′d continue to try to fit in at her new school. 詹娜决定她要继续努力适应她的新学校。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① I′ll try and fit you in after lunch.词组___________________含义___________________fit sb in找到时间见某人② Can you fit one more table in?词组____________ 含义________________③ The old man tried to keep fit by jogging every day.词组____________ 含义________________④ The food is not fit for so young children.词组____________ 含义________________fit sth in 有足够的空间 keep fit 保持健康 be fit for... 适合于… 说一说·勤归纳 fit in with... 与……合得来;适应fit sb/sth in 找到时间(见某人、做某事);有足够的空间keep fit 保持健康be fit for... 适合于……一、单句语法填空① The new building must fit in _______its surroundings.② I want to fit _______ a swim before supper. within二、翻译句子③ She fitted into the team very well._________________________________________④ We can′t fit in any more chairs.__________________________________________⑤ The kind of food is fit for the old.__________________________________________她非常适应这个队。我们没有地方摆更多的椅子了。这种食物适合老人吃。剖析 本句是复合句。while意为“虽然”引导让步状语从句;该从句的主语是由动词-ing形式短语reading...充当的;when引导时间状语从句;that引导定语从句,修饰issue。Eg. While I dislike the girl,I often help her out. 虽然我不喜欢这个女孩,但我经常帮助她。 While she is not very rich,she is generous to the homeless. 虽然她不富裕,但是她对无家可归者很是慷慨。★ evidence n. 证据,证明Eg. There is evidence that Beijing Man used fire to cook food.有迹象表明北京猿人曾用火烹制食物。Before making his decision,the judge heard the evidence.法官听取证词后才做出他的决定。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① We all knew that it was an evident mistake. 词性____________ 含义________________形容词明显的② It is evident that the education of the young is very important.句式_____________________ 含义_____________________③ Evidently,the father didn′t agree to his son′s plan.词性____________ 含义_______________It is evident that...……是很明显的。副词显然说一说·勤归纳 evidence n. 证据;证明evident adj. 明显的It is evident that... ……是很明显的。evidently adv. 显然一、单句语法填空① The policeman is looking for enough _____________ (evident). ② She walked slowly down the road,____________ (evident) in pain. evidenceevidently二、完成句子③显然,大多数村民都不知道这个政策。_________________ most villagers don′t know the policy. ④你有足够的证据支持这个说法吗?Do you ______________________to support the theory?It is evident thathave enough evidence★ expose vt. 使接触;使体验Eg. You′d better not expose your skin to the hot sun. 你最好不要把皮肤暴露在烈日下。 The mother tried to expose her son to many interesting books. 这位母亲尽量让她的儿子多接触有趣的书籍。读一读·细观察 阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① He smiled suddenly,exposing a set of white teeth. 词性_________ 含义__________动词露出②He said that he would expose me to the police.词性____________ 含义_______________③Scientists worry that exposure to light while sleeping can increase a person′s chances of getting cancer.词性____________ 含义_______________动词揭发名词暴露说一说·勤归纳 expose vt. 使接触;使体验;露出;揭发expose...to... 使……暴露于……exposure n. 暴露一、单句语法填空①_______________ (expose) to sunlight for long time will harm your skin. ②You′d better make your children ___________(expose) to more books.Being exposedexposed二、完成句子③ 这个公司被命令不得使人们再受污水的影响。The company was ordered not to_______________________________________. expose people to polluted water本课结束This lesson is overTHANKS!