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    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory PPT课件
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件01
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件02
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件03
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件04
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件05
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件06
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件07
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 9    Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips & Lesson 3 The Secrets of your Memory  PPT课件08
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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 7 ArtLesson 2 Beijing Opera教学演示ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 7 ArtLesson 2 Beijing Opera教学演示ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,课文呈现,考点精讲等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Sectin Ⅱ Lessn 2 Language Learning Tips & Lessn 3 The Secrets f yur Memry
    1. simplified / ̍sɪmplɪfaɪd/ adj.____________________2. classic / ̍klæsɪk/ adj.__________________________3. unfamiliar /̩ ʌnfə̍ mɪliə/ adj.____________________4. memrise / ̍meməraɪz/ vt._____________________
    5. strategy / ̍strætɪdʒi/ n.________________________6. effectively /ɪ ̍ fektɪvli/ adv.____________________7. beynd /bɪ ̍ jɒnd/ prep._______________________8. recmmend / ̩ rekə ̍ mend/ vt.___________________9. sufficient /sə ̍ fɪʃənt/ adj._______________________10. nrmally / ̩ nɔːməli/ adv._____________________
    11._____________/ ̍ kɒntekst/ n.上下文;语境;背景 12._____________/ ə̍ kwaɪə/ vt.学习,获得(知识,技能) 13._____________/ə ̍ reɪndʒmənt/ n.计划;安排 14._____________/ɪ ̍ məʊʃənəl/ adj.情感上的;情绪上的 15._____________/ɪk ̍ saɪtmənt/ n.兴奋,激动 16._____________/ ̍pʌblɪʃ / vt.& vi.出版;发表;刊登 
    17._________ /ʃɑːp/ adj.急剧的,猛烈的;尖的,锋利的 18._________/ ̍ taɪmli/ adj.适时的,及时的 19.______________ / ̩ pɪəri ̍ ɒdɪkli/ adv.定期地 20.______________ /tek ̍ niːk/ n.技巧,手法 
    1. _________________________很荣幸做某事 2. _________________________不管怎样 3. ___________________作为结果 4. ___________________放轻松 5. cme acrss __________________
    be hnured t d sth
    in ne way r anther
    as a result
    take it easy 
    6. lk up ___________________________7. catch n __________________________8. apart frm _________________________9. fr the first time _____________________10. up t ____________________________11. at the time ________________________
    1. We can learn frm the first paragraph that    . A. we can remember exciting things betterB. we can remember new things betterC. we can remember things happening in ur childhd betterD. we can remember things having strng cnnectins in ur mind better
    2. Which f the fllwing statements is NOT true accrding t the passage?___________A. It′s natural that smetimes yu are frgetful.B. Sme peple really have amazing memries.C. Every persn has a phtgraphic memry in the wrld.D. Our memry perfrms best when we are 25.
    3. The Frgetting Curve tells us that    . A. when we are ver 40,we can hardly remember smethingB. we can draw a detailed picture t imprve ur memryC. n ne will frget the things he has rememberedD. we shuld review the material peridically t increase hw much we remember
    • t read simplified classic wrks• t check the dictinary while reading• t guess the meaning f an unfamiliar wrd• t memrise grammar rules and d a lt f exercises• …
    Hw t:□increase knwledge f English □learn new wrds □use a dictinary □learn grammar□deal with unfamiliar wrds □be a gd learner
    1 What is Dr Smith′s advice n effective English learning?Dr. Smith′s advice is t ________________________ f English beynd the classrm. One way t d that is ___________________. He recmmends that yu try __________________________.The ther way is t __________________.
    increase yur knwledge
    by reading mre
    simplified classic literature
    2 What is his advice n learning wrds?Firstly,yu shuld______________________. A lt f the time,yu′ll be able t _________________ f an unfamiliar wrd withut _________________. Als,yu shuld learn __________________. Fr example,we say “pen the bk”, but “turn n the cmputer”.
    learn wrds in cntext
    guess the meaning
    lking it up
    wrds in chunks
    3 What advice des he give n learning grammar?Just memrising the rules is_________________. His advice is that when yu learn a grammar rule,yu shuld try t use it in _________________________________. By ding s,yu′ll be learning grammar in a mre natural way than frm a grammar bk.
    nt helpful
    speaking and writing activities
    1 D yu find Dr Smith's advice helpful?2 What are ther wavs t learn English vcabulary and grammar effectively?
    example,dancing in the classrm
    uses f wrds
    WwThey sund s differentAhInteresting
    Shwing Interest (1)
    1 — We have different ways f prnuncing wrds. Fr example ... — That′s dd !________________________! D they still mean the same thing?
    They sund s different
    4 — The American “subway” is called the “undergrund” in the UK,r the “tube” in Lndn. — __________! I never realised ...
    Can yu add mre expressins fr shwing interest?
    • names and faces• numbers:telephne numbers, passwrds,etc.• stries• facts and arrangements• things that happened lng ag• things that happened recently
    Memry expert Jemima Gryaznv answers sme f the mst cmmn questins abut memry.
    1 Why can I remember events in my childhd but nt what happened last week?
    We remember things that have strng cnnectins in ur mind,especially emtinal cnnectins. Childhd memries are ften very emtinal. This is because when we experience things fr the first time,we ften have strng feelings f fear r excitement.
    Als,interesting r funny stries frm ur childhd are ften tld again and again. As a result,we remember them much better,as retelling events helps fix experiences in ur memries. _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
    2 D sme peple really have a phtgraphic memry?
    A persn with a phtgraphic memry culd remember every detail f a picture,a bk r an event many years later,but n ne has prved that there are peple wh really have phtgraphic memries,Yet, there are sme peple wh d have amazing memries.
    Fr example,Daniel Tammet can remember the first 22,514 digits f pi (π) and Stephen Wiltshire can draw a detailed picture f a city frm memry after flying ver it in a helicpter. They are bth gd at remembering particular things fr a limited time.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    3 Why d I frget the new wrds that I learnt yesterday?
    Dn′t wrry. This is natural fr many peple.In1885,Hermann Ebbinghaus published a bk called Memry and presented a famus frgetting curve. Accrding t him,the sharpest lss f memry ccurs during the very early perid after learning.
    This means timely review during this perid,with a few revisits t what is learnt,can significantly help us t remember the infrmatin._______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    4 I′m 16,but I smetimes frget things. ls my memry getting wrse?
    Definitely nt. Our memry reaches its full pwer at the age f 25. At that pint,we can remember up t 200 pieces f infrmatin in a secnd. After this age hwever,the brain starts t get smaller. By the age f 40,we lse 10,000 braincells every day.
    By middle age,ur memry is significantly wrse than when we were yung. ______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ( ) 1 We remember certain events in ur childhd, because we experienced many f them fr the first time,and we felt strngly abut them at the time.( ) 2 When we tell a stry many times,we frget imprtant details.
    ( ) 3 Stephen Wiltshire has a phtgraphic memry because he can draw a detailed picture f a city frm memry after flying ver it.( ) 4 It has been prved that sme peple have a phtgraphic memry.( ) 5 The sharpest lss f memry ccurs during the first five days.( ) 6 Our memry starts t get wrse in middle age.
    Yur crrectins:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A What can we learn frm all this? When remembering smething new,try t cnnect it t ur emtins. It is imprtant t cnnect it with what we already knw. Als,we can try t retell what we have learnt t a few thers
    B Therefre,ne f the glden rules t increase hw much we remember is t review the material peridically,especially during the first day after learning. This “spaced review” sn after learning helps build strnger memries and it is mre effective than waiting t review everything befre exams.
    C S take it easy. Yu are at a gd age in terms f yur memry. Make gd use f it!
    D As mst f us d nt have amazing memries like them,when memrising detailed learning materials,we simply need t fcus n the imprtant ideas and be curius abut what we learn. Asking questins abut what we learn als helps with memrisatin. Anther effective technique t remember things is t grup similar ideas r infrmatin tgether s that they can be easily cnnected t things that are already knwn.
    Truth and advice 1:___________________________Truth and advice 2:___________________________Truth and advice 3:___________________________Truth and advice 4:___________________________
    1 Hw has the expert tried t make her statements t each questin cnvincing? What methds has she used and what signal wrds can yu find?
    2 Are there any answers given by Jemima Gryaznv that are nt cnvincing t yu? What are yur dubts?
    Jemima Gryaznv thinks peple remember things that have strng sentimental attachment.When we d things with enthusiasm,we tend t remember them well.When we try t remember detailed materials, we shuld fcus n the imprtant ideas.
    Jemima Gryaznv suggested anther effective methd t remember things:gruping similar ideas r infrmatin tgether.A gd strategy t increase memry is t review the material yu are trying t remember ften.
    Subject-Verb Agreement
    • Retelling events________(help) fix experiences in ur memries. • There__________ (be) sme peple wh d have amazing memries.
    • They__________(be) bth gd at remembering particular things fr a limited time.• One f the glden rules t increase hw much we remember ________(be) t review the material peridically.
    1 If anybdy has / have any tips fr memrising infrmatin,I wuld like t hear them.2 Many experts says / say that yu shuld review infrmatin peridically after yu learn it.3 Each f the students is / are trying ne f these memrising techniques this week.
    4 Bth f my English teachers tells/tell me t ask questins t identify the mst imprtant infrmatin I need t remember.5 Writing infrmatin dwn clearly makes / make it easier fr yu t review it later.
    Five Tips fr Imprving Yur Memry
    1 Sleep well:If yu dn′t sleep prperly,yu “lse”many f yur memries.2 D physical exercise:When yu exercise,mre xygen ges t yur brain and makes yur memry wrk better.3 D mental exercise:It is imprtant t exercise yur brain just like yur bdy. New activities are mre challenging than familiar nes.
    4 Be interested:Ask yurself questins abut what yu are learning. We learn better if we are interested.5 Frm a mental picture:Fr example, if yu want t remember the name “Jhn Keys”,imagine his face with a big key n it. The stranger the picture,the better!
    ★ simplified adj. 简化了的
    Eg. It is a simplified versin f the stry fr yung children. 那是供小朋友们阅读的故事简本。
    ① The applicatin frms have nw been simplified. 词性_____________  含义__________________
    ② Fr mst f us,it is a simple task. 词性_____________  含义_______________③ The bk explains grammar simply and clearly. 词性_____________  含义_______________④ Yu can enjy all the water sprts,r simply lie n the beach. 词性_____________   含义________________
    simplify vt. 使简化simple adj. 简单的simply adv. 简单地;仅仅t put it simply 简单地说
    ★ beynd prep. 超出……范围
    Wrking ut in the mrning prvides additinal benefits beynd being physically fit.在早晨锻炼除了保持身体健康以外还有其他好处。It′s beynd me why she wants t marry Jeff.我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。
    ① I′d like t help yu,but it′s really beynd my pwer.词组________________________含义________________________
    beynd ne′s pwer
    ② The beauty f the ld twn is really beynd descriptin.词组_____________________含义_____________________③ Yu shuld put the medicine in the place which is beynd yur sn′s reach.词组_____________________含义_____________________
    beynd descriptin
    beynd ne′s reach
    be beynd sb 使人无法想象、理解beynd ne′s pwer 超出某人的能力范围beynd descriptin 无法形容beynd ne′s reach 某人够不到
    ① Yu′d better buy yur child the ____________(simplify) nvels.② I can buy smething ____________ (simple) with a tap f my mbile phne. 
    ③ It is said that the palace was beautiful ____________ descriptin. 
    ④ T put it simply,cmputer skills are imprtant t tday′s learners. ____________________________________________⑤ I had planned t help yu,but it′s really beynd my pwer. ____________________________________________
    ★ recmmend vt. 推荐;建议
    Eg. Our hsts shared many f their experiences and recmmended wnderful places t eat,shp,and visit.我们的东道主分享了他们的很多经历,并给我们推荐了吃饭、购物和参观的好地方。I recmmend that yu find yur way in style.我建议你找到自己的风格。
    ① Students are recmmended t read the fllwing bks.词组______________________含义______________________
    recmmend sb t d sth 
    ②I recmmended meeting him first.词组_______________________含义_______________________③I recmmended this bk t anyne with an interest in art.词组_______________________含义_______________________
    recmmend ding sth 
    recmmend sth t sb
    recmmend sb sth=recmmend sth t sb 向某人推荐某物recmmend ding sth 建议做某事recmmend sb t d sth 建议某人做某事recmmend d... 建议……应该做……
    ① The dctr recmmended me ________(take) a lng rest.② He recmmended ___________ (read) the bk befre seeing the mvie. ③When I arrived there,he recmmended a new htel ____ me.
    他们建议每年把机器检修一下。④ They recmmended that _________________________ every year. ⑤ They recmmended ___________________ every year. 
    the machines shuld be checked
    checking the machines
    ★ be hnured t d sth 很荣幸做某事
    Eg. I was hnured t have been mentined in his speech.很荣幸他在讲话中提到了我。I feel very hnured t have been able t take n this rle.能够担当这一角色,我感到非常荣幸。
    ① I feel it a great hnur t be invited. 词性______________   含义_______________
    ② They held a party in hnur f the brave yung man. 词组____________________________ 含义____________________________③ May I have the hnur f this dance? 词组_________________________ 含义_________________________
    in hnur f sb
    have the hnur f 
    ④ They urged her t d the hnurable thing. 词性_____________________ 含义_____________________
    in hnur f...向……表示敬意,为了纪念……have the hnur f ding sth 有幸做某事hnurable adj.光荣的;值得尊敬的
    ① I felt _____________(hnur) t make a speech in this great schl. ② The children will hld a party ________hnur f their dear teacher. 
    ③ The man had a lng and _____________ (hnur) career in gvernment. 
    ④ 和您一起工作是我的荣幸。 It is _______________fr me t wrk with yu. ⑤ 我希望有幸和您一起吃饭。 I hpe t __________________having dinner with yu. 
    a great hnur
    have the hnur f
    剖析 本句是“the +比较级,the+比较级”结构,意为“越……越……”。
    Eg. Usually,the stranger the idea is,the mre it gets nticed. 通常,想法越是新奇,就越会被注意到。 The lnger she waited,the mre impatient she became. 她等得越久,显得越是不耐烦。
    The girl is becming mre and mre hard-wrking.含义____________________
    ★ catch n 理解;领会
    Eg. The lady repeated her questin several times but I still culdn′t catch n.那位女士重复了几遍她的问题,但我仍然没有理解。
    ① It is a nice sng and I think it will catch n quickly. 词组____________ 含义_____________
    ② I gt caught in the rain and my suit was ruined.词组_______________________含义_______________________③ I caught him stealing the car while walking past.词组_______________________含义_______________________
    get caught in... 
    catch sb ding sth 
    ④ When I pened the dr,a parcel n the flr caught my eye.词组_____________________含义_____________________⑤ I ran faster and faster till I caught up with all the ther runners.词组____________________含义____________________
    catch ne′s eye
    catch up with
    ⑥ When we turned arund,we caught sight f a big park.词组____________________含义____________________
    catch sight f 
    ① If a ck is caught ___________(smke) in the kitchen,he will be fired. ② _________(catch) in the traffic jam,he was late fr the meeting. ③ He is walking faster in rder t catch up _______the thers. 
    ④ He was walking in the park when a bird caught his eye._______________________________________________⑤ The new jacket is very fashinable and it will catch n sn._______________________________________________
    ⑥ When she stepped nt the twer,she caught sight f the car in the distance._________________________________________________⑦ The mre yu read,the mre satisfied yu will be with yur life._________________________________________________
    ⑧ Time becmes mre valuable t him as ne gets lder.______________________________________________________________________________________________
    The lder ne gets,the mre valuable time becmes t him.
    剖析 本句中含有句式have (n) difficulty (in) ding sth意为“做某事(没)有困难”。
    Eg. The man had difficulty in cmmunicating with thers.这个男人与别人交流时有困难。It is cmmn fr students t have difficulty understanding classics.学生们理解名著有困难,这很常见。
    ★ refer vi. 提到;谈到
    Eg. She referred t the subject several times during the speech.她在演讲中几次提到了这个主题
    ① I had sme truble in expressing myself in public.句式_________________________含义_________________________
    have truble in ding sth 
    ② My girl had a little truble with her English.句式________________________含义________________________
    have truble with sth 
    ★ in ne way r anther 以这样或那样的方式;不管怎样
    Eg. The wrk must be finished in ne way r anther. 不管怎样,这项工作必须完成。
    ① The girls climbed dwn the tree and ran all the way t the riverside. 词组_______________   含义______________
    all the way
    ② Cinemas have gradually given way t the rise f the Internet and cellphnes. 词组_______________ 含义________________③ In a way,I′m glad that yu made that mistake.词组_____________________含义_____________________
    give way t 
    ④ In n way can we allw this t cntinue.词组_____________ 含义____________⑤ The big shelf is in the way,s yu′d better remve it.词组_____________ 含义______________
    in the way 
    ①The by has n difficulty ________ English grammar.②Yu can′t imagine what difficulty she had________(bring) up her children.③_____a way,what he said at the meeting was reasnable.
    ④回家的路上,她没和我说过一句话。 She didn′t speak a wrd t me ____________ back hme.⑤最后,她只好向她的儿子让步。 In the end she had t _______________ her sn. ⑥我没有打扰他们,因为我觉得我碍他们的事。 I left them alne,as I felt I was ______________. 
    ★ arrangement n.计划;安排
    Eg. We have already made arrangements fr ur vacatin. 我们已经为我们的假期做了安排。
    ① My dad arranged sme swimming lessns t surprise me.词性__________   含义___________________
    ② Have yu arranged t meet him?词组___________________含义___________________③ I have arranged fr her t take part in the ceremny.词组______________________含义______________________
    arrange t d sth 
    arrange fr sb t d sth
    make arrangements/an arrangement fr... 为……做安排arrange vt. 安排;筹备arrange t d sth 安排做某事arrange fr sb t d sth 安排某人做某事
    ① I′ve arranged __________ (pick) him up at the statin.② Dave arranged fr smene ________ (drive) him hme.③ We have an ______________ (arrange)—she gives me a ride t schl and I help her with her English. 
    ④ 你能不能在你方便时给我来个电话,安排见一次面?Can yu telephne me at yur cnvenience t _________ __________________________? ⑤ 我们学校将筹备这次比赛。Our schl is t ________________________the match. 
    arrange a meeting
    make arrangements fr
    剖析 本句中的because引导表语从句。This is because... “这是因为……”。
    Eg. He failed in the exam. That was because he was t careless.他在考试中失败了,那是因为他太粗心了。
    ① She had seen that film. That is why she didn′t see it last night. 含义______________________
    ② The reasn why she didn′t see the film last night was that she had seen it befre.含义________________________
    This/That is because...这/那是因为……,because引导表语从句,表示原因。This/That is why...这/那就是为什么……,why引导表语从句,表示结果。
    The reasn that...的原因是……,why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句(切忌不可用because),that从句表示原因。
    ★ excitement n.兴奋,激动
    Eg. In her excitement,she didn′t seem t realise that she was sharing the baby′s phts with a cmplete stranger.这位妈妈很兴奋,她似乎没有意识到她把宝宝的照片分享给了一个完全陌生的人。
    ① Try nt t excite yur baby t much befre bedtime.词性_____________  含义______________
    ② The children were very excited abut pening their presents.词性_______________  含义_____________词组______________________含义______________________
    be excited abut... 
    ③The yung man was excited t be asked t play fr Wales.词组______________________含义______________________④They waited and waited fr smething exciting t happen.词性___________________ 含义___________________
    be excited t d sth 
    ①T her __________ (excite),her sn has wn first prize. ②The children were _________(excite) at the thught f the jurney. ③The marathn is an_________(excite) event in any year. 
    ④博物馆提供很多活动来激发孩子们的兴趣。The museum ffers many activities __________________.⑤孩子们对玩他们的新玩具感到很兴奋。Children _________________ playing with their new tys. ⑥收到你的一封电子邮件,我非常激动。I′m ________________have gt an email frm yu. 
    t excite the kids′ interest
    are excited abut
    very excited t
    ★ as a result 作为结果
    Eg. The by didn′t wrk hard. As a result,he failed t live up t his parents′ expectatins.这个男孩学习不刻苦。结果,他辜负了他父母的期望。
    ① As a result f unemplyment,many peple have t leave hme fr a new jb.词组____________________含义____________________
    as a result f... 
    ② Failure usually results frm laziness while diligence can result in success.词组_______________含义_______________词组_______________ 含义______________
    result frm... 
    result in... 
    as a result 作为结果as a result f... 因为……result frm... 因为……result in... 导致……
    ① Abut 21 millin peple died during the 1990s as a result _______ smking. ② Alice verslept this mrning. As _________ result,she was late fr schl.
    ③ 人类的发展引起了污染和其他严重的问题。Pllutin and ther serius prblems have _____________human prgress. ④ 是他的粗心导致了这次严重的事故。It was his carelessness that __________the terrible accident.
    resulted frm
    resulted in

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 1 Masterpieces背景图ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002317_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 1 Masterpieces背景图ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,课文呈现,TOPIC TALK,考点精讲等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips说课课件ppt: 这是一份高中<a href="/yy/tb_c4002328_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips说课课件ppt</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,课文呈现,考点精讲等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory教学课件ppt: 这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory教学课件ppt,共33页。PPT课件主要包含了Pair work,Question 1,Advice,Truth,Question 2,Question 3,Question 4,Group work,examples ,figures等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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