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    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What des the wman recmmend the man t d?
    A. Have a cup f tea. B. Drink sme water. C. Eat lts f chips.
    2. Hw many favrable cmments did the wman receive?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    3. Why des the man want t visit Denmark?
    A. Fr the fd. B. Fr the fashin. C. Fr the scenery.
    4. Hw much has the city's ppulatin increased since five years ag?
    A.1.5%. B.15%. C.50%.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Buying their dream huse.
    B. Creating an artistic painting.
    C. Finishing preparatins fr their new huse.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    6. Why des the man want t pen a new accunt?
    A. Fr daily use.
    B. Fr saving mney.
    C. Fr a mre expensive purchase.
    7. What is the man's main prblem?
    A. He desn't wn an ID card.
    B. He desn't get enugh mney.
    C. He desn't have the right dcuments.
    8. Hw fast can the man's electric bike g per hur nw?
    A.30 kilmeters. B.50 kilmeters. C.120 kilmeters.
    9. Hw can the man make his bike g faster?
    A. He can drive ut f the city.
    B. He can take it t a mechanic.
    C. He can change the limit himself.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第10至13题.
    10. What jb is the man applying fr?
    A. A restaurant manager. B. A waiter. C. A chef.
    11. What is the man asking fr help with?
    A. Hw t make different cffee drinks.
    B. What t d while serving custmers.
    C. Where t find necessary items fr wrk.
    12. What d the speakers definitely have in cmmn?
    A. They grew up in the same area.
    B. They're excited t wrk tgether.
    C. They've wrked in restaurants fr a lng time.
    13. Hw much mney did the man expect t make per night?
    A.$80. B.$100. C.$200.
    听下面一段对话, 回答第14至17题.
    14. Why is the wman exhausted?
    A. She is running.
    B. She is wet in the rain.
    C. She didn't sleep well.
    15. Hw far des the wman cver every week?
    A. Six miles. B. Three miles. C. Tw miles.
    16. What is the man's healthy habit?
    A. He gets enugh sleep. B. He has a healthy diet. C. He des much exercise.
    17. What wuld the man like t d?
    A. Start cycling.
    B. G t bed earlier.
    C. G t the pl every day.
    听下面一段独白, 回答第18至20题.
    18. What did the detective ntice abut the apartment?
    A. It was empty. B. It was nisy. C. It was tidy.
    19. What was the wman ding in the kitchen?
    A. Feeding her cat.
    B. Cking a meal.
    C. Talking t her grandmther.
    20. What did the detective prbably think happened?
    A. A persn stle the wman's necklace.
    B. The wman's pet swallwed the necklace.
    C. The wman gave her necklace t smene else.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Times are hard and the price f just abut everything we need and care fr ur rescued animals, has been skyrcketing.
    As yu can imagine, with ver 4,000 muths t feed, ha y (草料) is ne f ur biggest expenses and we are finding it very hard t make ends meet this winter.
    If yu culd help, every dnatin twards prviding ha y fr the animals, hwever small,will be s gratefully received.
    Dnatin/Order helpline:01603 736200
    Time: 9 A. M. — 9 P. M.(7 Days)
    ● Inf: Hillside Animal Shelter was funded in 1995 t help and campaign fr animals in need, particularly thse suffering every day in the intensive factry farming industry. We are hme t 2,500 rescued hrses and dnkeys, 750 cws, 300 pigs,850 sheep and gats, and lts f ther animals including dgs and deer...
    21. What makes it extra difficult t run Hillside Animal Shelter?
    A. Small dnatins. B. Rising ha y prices.
    C. High medical expenses. D. Skyrcketing price f animals.
    22. Whatcanyupssiblygetwith$10
    A. Casters and Hillside Ty Dnkeys.
    B. Casters and Hillside Ntepad & Pen Set.
    C. Hillside Ty Dnkeys and Hillside Ntepad & Pen Set.
    D. Hillside Ty Dnkeys and Shelter Scene Greeting Cards,
    23. What might be the purpse f this passage?
    A. T seek supprt fr shelter peratin.
    B. T raise awareness f animal sheltering.
    C. T encurage dnatins fr Hillside website.
    D. T prmte Hillside Animal Shelter' prducts.
    “It can be very annying being a cmpser,” laughs Errllyn Wallen. Music cnstantly cnsumes her thughts even during walks r chres. “Music is always n my mind, even when I'm ding smething else. But with dishwashing, I tidy up and escape ccasinally," says the cmpser.
    Wallen's passin fr music shines thrugh her impressive wrks and awards. Her music, bth instinctive and emtinally expressive, shws great technical skill. With an Ivr Nvell Award, 22 peras, and numerus ther cmpsitins, she graced events like the 2012Paralympics and the Queen's anniversaries with her music. Her re-imagining f Jerusalem tk the BBC Last Night f the Cncerts by strm in 2020. Cmpsing fr her is as natural as breathing.
    She's warm, talkative, and pen-minded. Last year, she cmpleted a memir Becming a Cmpser, reflecting n her musical jurney, creative prcess, and the challenges f cmpsing fr a living. The bk is a generus, amusing and beautiful read, effectively telling the cmpser's life thrugh Wallen's accessible apprach. In her bk, Wallen reflects n her cmplex childhd, mving frm Belize t Lndn and grwing up in Tttenham with an uncle and aunt while her parents lived in New Yrk. Despite feeling deserted and rejected, music became her cmfrt, “The mment I began learning the pian was magical. The pian served as my windw int the wrld f music and my cmpsing table, transprting me t new places.”
    Wallen's music ften addresses plitical themes, such as Mighty River and her pera YES. She believes in telling stries that haven't been explred enugh, especially frm persnal perspectives. Hwever, she acknwledges that being a Black artist requires mre persnal, cultural, and histrical cnsideratin than White artists. There is still much prgress t be made.
    Wallen challenges the classical music nrm, advcating fr cmpsers t embrace their unique backgrunds. She encurages her nn-Western students t use their heritage int their wrk, ppsing the need t fllw traditinal styles.
    24. What wuld help Wallen t get rid f music fr a while?
    A. Preparing dishes. B. Ging fr a walk.
    C. Thinking abut chres. D. Ding sme wash up.
    25. Accrding t the underlined part, Wallen's re-imagining f Jerusalem .
    A. received mixed review s frm critics.
    B. caused a minr stir amng cncertgers.
    C. became a hit and attracted a lt f attentin.
    D. was an unexpected additin t the cncert prgram.
    26. What is the fcus f Becming a Cmpser?
    A. The shaping f Wallen's persnality. B. The cmplex childhd and grwth.
    C. The jurney t musical cmpsitin. D. The magical pian and cmpsing table.
    27. What des Wallen think f cmpsing as a Black artist?
    A. Challenging. B. Annying. C. Cmfrting. D. Amusing.
    Fat-shaming cmments and weight-lss advice frm classmates and relatives have been a cnstant in my life fr years. One vivid memry is frm ninth grade when a friend embarrassed my sister in the cinema by calling her “fat”. In university, this pattern cntinued with my uncle's frequent questining abut my diet and prgress in lsing weight.
    As a frmer therapist, I guided clients n bdy image and cping with hurtful cmments, advising them t set bundaries with well-meaning but critical relatives. As fr myself, I've always had t avid questins abut my bdy, while recgnizing the natural curisity that arises when we ntice ur friends’ bdies experiencing nticeable changes. It's human nature t cmpare urselves t ur peers.
    With mre weight-related ads all ver bus shelters, TV and yur scial media feed, it's hard nt t feel the impact. But is cmmenting n thers' weight lss ever apprpriate?
    Hwever well-intentined, remarks abut weight lss can be quite hurtful, says clinical psychlgist Elizabeth Fedrick. Even if curisity gets the better f yu, it's nt necessary r acceptable t mentin a friend's weight gain r lss.
    “We ften think we're being supprtive, but in reality, saying ‘Yu lst weight —yu lk great’ actually implies that they didn’t befre, r that they need t be a certain weight t lk great,” says Fedrick. Such remarks can be uncmfrtable and fatphbic.
    Fatphbia extends beynd harmful cmments; it's als present in subtle clthing suggestins and judgments ver dessert. This prejudice links ur sense f self-wrth clsely t thinness, falsely assciating it with health. T address this issue, we must value all bdies, reject fd-shaming, and prmte bdy psitivity by accepting urselves at any weight r size.
    “Praise fr appearance changes isn't always welcme,” says Fedrick, “Instead, shwing understanding and asking pen questins”. She cautins against assuming weight lss equals gd health, as it can smetimes indicate health issues r disrdered eating. Fedrick says fcusing n a persn's character r appearance isn't effective supprt; rather, caring abut their well-being as a whle persn is key.
    28. Why des the writer mentin his uncle in Paragraph 1?
    A. T intrduce his uncle t readers.
    B. T share his vivid memry abut his uncle.
    C. T shw his relatives` cncern fr his weight.
    D. T make a cmparisn between classmates and relatives.
    29. Which f the fllwing is an example f Fatphbia?
    A. Yu are pretty just t be yurself.
    B. Yu lk great in whatever clthes.
    C. I think yu'd better nt rder that cake.
    D. I'm glad yu're making health a pririty.
    30. What des Fedrick think peple shuld fcus n accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. A persn's diet. B. A persn's well-being.
    C. A persn's characters. D. A persn's weight lss.
    31. What is mainly discussed in the passage?
    A. The challenges f weight lss. B. The imprtance f bdy psitivity.
    C. The impact f media n bdy image. D. The harm f weight-related cmments.
    Accrding t the Glbal Maritime Wrecks Database, the cean's bttm hsts ver 250,000shipwrecks (沉船) , frm 2,200BCE t tday, but UNESCO believes there culd be as many as three millin, largely undiscvered.
    Wrecks ffer histrical insights, relics, metals fr reuse, and ptential treasures. The Clmbian gvernment is wrking ut the best way t raise the San Jse, an 18th-centurySpanish sailbat that sank within the cuntry's waters, having invested $3.5 millin in cnservatin. But sme scientists believe that shipwrecks are just as valuable when left at the bttm f the sea.
    A shipwreck cntains histry and becmes part f the cean, influenced by nature. It's like a museum piece interacting with its surrundings. Shipwrecks help us see hw ceans and casts change. In the Mississippi delta, they track dangerus mudslides affecting il facilities and pipelines. A sunken tanker near Luisiana mved 1 1km ver 80 years due t mud. Shipwrecks als shw hw sea life might live arund new underwater structures. They create hmes fr sea animals, with sme having mre diversity than natural reefs. Meyer-Kaiser says any man-made bject in water becmes a habitat, thugh sme might nt be as gd fr sea creatures.
    Ocean currents, warming waters, and invasive species can be risks t shipwrecks. T prevent unauthrized explratin, the lcatins f mre than 200 shipwrecks have largely been kept secret. Meyer-Kaiser says she had t sign a nn-disclsure agreement (保密协议) t study them. Hwever, Meyer-Kaiser's research suggests that anther activity culd be causing much mre damage: cmmercial fishing. In respnse, a pilt prject called the Shipwreck Avidance Prgram was launched, shwing prmising results.
    32. What d sme scientists prbably agree with accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A. Underwater shipwrecks shuld als be valued.
    B. The San Jse sailbat is wrth the investment.
    C. Shipwrecks are mre valuable than ptential treasures.
    D. The Clmbian gvernment thinks little f shipwrecks.
    33. What des Paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. The histry f shipwrecks. B. The interactin with nature.
    C. The habitat fr sea creatures. D. The significance f shipwrecks.
    34. What has been dne t prtect shipwrecks?
    A. Remving invasive creatures.
    B. Stpping explring shipwrecks.
    C. Agreeing t prevent further damage.
    D. Cnducting the Shipwreck Avidance Prgram.
    35. What might be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Diversity f Shipwrecks B. Ocean's Hidden Museums
    C. Undiscvered Shipwrecks D. Insight int Wrecks Research
    第二节 (共 5 小题: 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5 分)
    The pening sentences f yur essay are crucial; first impressins ften matter. 36 Think f hw yu skim a magazine, reading a paragraph r tw f each article that lks prmising. If the early paragraphs interest yu, yu'll cntinue reading. When writing yur wn intrductry paragraph, assume yu have limited wrds t attract yur audience. Therefre, fcus n making yur initial lines especially interesting and well written.
    In sme essays, a strng main pint alne can attract readers. 37 The lead-in serves three key purpses: drawing readers’ attentin, intrducing the essay’s tpic and tne, and paving the way fr the thesis and essay utline.
    Here is sme advice t help yu avid cmmn lead-in errrs.
    Make sure yur lead-in clearly presents yur main pint. 38 T prevent a lse flw, use a bridging sentence r phrase between yur lead-in and main pint.
    Keep yur lead-in brief. Lng lead-ins in shrt essays ften give the appearance f a tail wagging the dg. 39 Dn't make yur intrductin the biggest part f yur essay.
    40 Identify the related facts even thugh yu knw yur readers knw the assignment. If yu are writing abut a particular piece f literature r art, identify the title f the wrk and its authr r artist, using the full name in the first reference.
    A. But hw can we write a gd sentence?
    B. But ther times, using a lead-in can help.
    C. Yu might think f yur essay as a clear, cnnected whle.
    D. Dn't assume yur readers already knw yur subject matter.
    E. Use a brief, engaging intrductin t establish yur main pint.
    F. A cmmn issue is an interesting start but n clear link t the main pint.
    G. Then, yur essay's start must attract readers' attentin and keep them engaged.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题:每小题1分,满分 15分)
    When Linda Newbery was eight, she knew she wanted t becme a writer. “I wrte a lt —usually in secret 41 peple tld me at schl that writing wasn't a prper jb,” she recalls. “I was mtivated by the bks I 42 , like a simplified versin f Black Beauty which I culd almst recite.”
    This sets the tne fr Linda's lifelng theme f animal 43 , which is central t her wrk. Fr instance, her recent bk Cruelty Free, published in 2021, explres hw ur daily chices 44 animals and the envirnment.
    “I nce aimed t be a pet,” says Linda, admitting her 45 attempts were less than impressive. “It's strange that althugh I write my prse(散文) 46 n the cmputer, I still prefer using traditinal pen and paper fr petry.”
    Originating frm Essex, Linda attended grammar schl befre earning an English degree and 47 settling as a secndary schl teacher in Oxfrdshire. Her first nvel Run with the Hare, released in 1988 withut the aid f an agent, was 48 by her experiences teaching and running writing wrkshps fr 49 . Despite facing numerus industry 50 ,including takevers (收购) and lst publicatins, Linda remains psitive, 51 fr a cnsistent writing practice t maintain creative drive even while dealing with ther tasks.
    Linda 52 her writing style t suit each stry's needs, always cnsidering readers' perspective. As a lng-time passinate advcate fr animal welfare, she uses scial media t 53 animal prtectin. Alngside fellw authrs, she runs Reviews by Writers, a website discussing literature and industry tpics, 54 Linda's adaptable strytelling apprach and her devtin t 55 readers.
    41. A. until B. befre C. because D. thugh
    42. A. read B. wrte C. published D. illustrated
    43. A. diversity B. intelligence C. welfare D. behavir
    44. A. reflect B. affect C. benefit D. interest
    45. A. frequent B. ultimate C. recent D. early
    46. A. directly B. briefly C. urgently D. perfectly
    47. A. accidentally B. eventually C. immediately D. gradually
    48. A. shaped B. inspired C. guided D. imprved
    49. A. agents B. pets C. writers D. students
    50. A. trends B. pprtunities C. challenges D. innvatins
    51. A. advcating B. begging C. answering D. waiting
    52. A. keeps B. tailrs C. mirrrs D. simplifies
    53. A. hld back B. slw dwn C. defend against D. campaign fr
    54. A. shwing B. determining C. imagining D. expecting
    55. A. wrrying abut B. turning t C. cnnecting with D. depending n
    第二节 (共 10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    In tday's fast-paced wrld, many peple rush abut their day, 56 (attend) t wrk and persnal matters. It is in a wrld like this 57 the relatinship between peple becmes mre cmplex due t pr cmmunicatin. Such miscmmunicatin may leave peple feeling they have nt been treated fairly. This, 58 turn, may affect ther aspects f their life, such as happiness and well-being.
    When a persn feels he is treated unfairly, he may feel he is nt valued, cntributing t a decrease in his happiness. Fr example, tw 59 (emplyee) have been assigned the same rle, 60 they chse t accmplish their tasks in different ways. One puts in the extra hurs t ensure that his wrk is f tp quality and ges beynd what is required, while the ther simply finish the basic tasks t get the jb 61 (cmplete). If they are given the same pay, the emplyee wh makes mre effrt may feel frustrated as his cntributins fail 62 (recgnize).
    As humans, we have emtins and as we g abut life, it is 63 (avidable) that we cme acrss situatins 64 we may feel that we have nt been treated fairly. It is imprtant fr us t acknwledge that the cncept f fair treatment and its influence n ne's happiness can't 65 (ignre).
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    在英语口语课上, 外教 Chris 组织同学们讨论“Is it better t have siblings (兄弟姐妹)than t be an nly child?”, 请你代表小组发言, 内容包括:
    Hell, everyne.
    Thank yu fr listening.
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25 分)
    It was Mar 8, 1970. Henry, the paperby, finished delivering his newspapers n Maple Street. He was t meet the chief editr f the newspaper The Gazette. “Maybe I’d get a lnger rute,” he smiled.
    “Hell, Henry. Ww! Strng handshake!” The chief editr shk hands with Henry.
    “Thanks. It's frm rlling and delivering all thse newspapers.”
    “S, abut the newspapers ……”the editr paused. Henry's smile faded.
    “We’re clsing shp. Last July, the whle wrld saw the mn landing n TV —— live. Televisin is hw peple get their news tday. Lcal newspapers are the first t clse.” He shrugged.
    “Um, n! It's sad. Peple wn't get their neighbrhd news anymre,” said Henry. The editr ndded and sighed. Then, they waved gdbye.
    A week later, Henry wndered if his ld custmers n Maple Street missed The Gazette as much as he did. He started ut in the mrning n his ld rute with a ntebk. First stp: N.26. Mr. Grady answered when asked, “I sure miss the days f reading the weeks’ happenings in The Gazette. By the way, I have a pile f cmics(漫画) frm The Gazette. Think smene wuld want them?”
    “Maybe. I'll ask arund.” Henry tk a nte in his ntebk.
    He stpped at N. 27. Mrs. Burke was busy feeding her three babies. Henry suggested, “Yu shuld hire a babysitter.”
    “Definitely! I was ging t put an ad in The Gazette, but …… Knw any neighbr with experience?”
    Mr. Simn was at N.28, carrying his guitar. “Hey, Henry. My band is having a cncert in the park next Friday. Tell all yur friends.”
    As Henry made mre ntes, an idea flashed acrss his mind: maybe he culd create a newsletter(简报) fr the neighbrhd. But hw wuld he print it?
    He headed t the library and fund the librarian. Secnds later, in frnt f a mimegraph machine (滚筒油印机), the librarian turned a handle and a printed sheet rlled ut. “Will mimegraphed cpies wrk?” she asked.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    "Perfect," Henry was cnfident t carry ut his plan.

    The neighbrs n Maple Street were amazed at the newsletter..

    Hillside Ntepad & Pen Set
    Casters (杯垫) -chse HORSE r COW.
    Shelter Scene Greeting Cards
    Hillside Ty Dnkeys
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分;每题1.5分)
    1-5 ABACC 6-10 CCACB 11-15 CBBAA 16-20 BACAB
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21-23 BBA 24-27 DCCA 28-31 CCBD 32-35 ADDB
    第二节 (共5小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    36-40 GBFED
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41-45 CACBD 46-50 ABBDC 51-55 ABDAC
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56. attending 57. that 58. in 59. emplyees 60. but/yet
    61. cmpleted 62. t be recgnized 63. unavidable 64. where 65. be ignred

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