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    这是一份[英语]四川省泸州市2024年中考真题,共11页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:分钟 满分:分
    姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 学号:____________
    2、提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡
    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    一、基础知识运用,第一节 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(共两节;满分30分)(共10题;共10分)
    1. —Thank yu fr lending me yur umbrella yesterday.
    A . Take it easy B . Well dne C . It's up t yu D . My pleasure
    2. Yu will never truly understand yur parents' great lve ____ yu grw up.
    A . until B . if C . since D . as
    3. When yu ____ Mamianqun(hrse-face skirt), yu will sense the beauty f China's traditinal clthing.
    A . turn n B . get n C . put n D . depend n
    4. ____ healthy, we students always d mrning exercises every day at schl.
    A . Keep B . T keep C . Keeping D . Keeps
    5. —Can yu teach me hw t imprve spken English?
    —The mre yu practice, ____ it becmes.
    A . the wrse B . the wrst C . the better D . the best
    6. —Rebecca, have yu decided what t d this Saturday?
    —Nt yet. I ____ vlunteer at the ld peple's hme.
    A . may B . must C . shuld D . wuld
    7. —The best things in life are free.
    —Culdn't agree mre. Air csts ____, but we can't live withut it.
    A . smething B . nthing C . anything D . everything
    8. —Tm, the high-speed railway (高铁) cnnecting Luzhu with Chngqing ____ this year hpefully.
    — Amazing! I'm lking frward t it!
    A . cmpletes B . is cmpleted C . was cmpleted D . will be cmpleted
    9. —Hi, Ethan. I called yu at 8:00 last night, but yu didn't answer.
    —Srry, I ____ the dishes.
    A . wash B . washed C . am washing D . was washing
    10. A true friend is a persn ____ will always be there t share yur laughter and tears.
    A . what B . which C . wh D . whm
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    二、基础知识运用,第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(共2题;共15分)
    The histry f the cmpass (指南针) dates back t the Warring States Perid (476—221 BC), when Chinese peple used a tl called Si Nan t pint the directin.
    After cntinuus imprvement, a rund cmpass 11 a tiny magnetized needle (磁针) was invented during the early Sng Dynasty. One end f the needle pints t the suth and the ther t the nrth. Then it was 12 t Eurpe during the Nrthern Sng (960—1127).
    Befre the inventin f the cmpass, peple depended n reading the 13 f the sun, the mn, and ple stars t tell directins. Hwever, travelling was 14 in bad weather.
    After the inventin, peple culd easily find a directin when ging ut t sea and explring unknwn areas.
    The inventin f the cmpass has a strng influence n the wrld. The cmpass hugely 15 the trade and cmmunicatin between cuntries.
    11. A . in B . with C . f D . at
    12. A . brrwed B . pushed C . returned D . intrduced
    13. A . psitins B . numbers C . sizes D . clrs
    14. A . lnely B . difficult C . tiring D . meaningless
    15. A . cntrlled B . checked C . imprved D . recrded
    When I was turning thirty years ld, a friend asked me t share my biggest 16 in life. It nly tk me a(n) 17 t say I mst regretted nt cmpleting cllege. I explained that I was cnsidered t be 18 in schl, gt great grades, and had big dreams. 19 finishing university, I felt like I was nt nly letting myself dwn, but als everyne wh believed in me.
    My friend said, "Why nt nw?" But with a sn in primary schl, a busy jb, and lts f ther respnsibilities at hme, I had a millin 20 . The ne I thught was the strngest: If I went back, I wuld be thirty-tw 21 I graduated. What I heard was smething I wuld never 22 : "Yu're ging t be thirty-tw anyway (无论如何). "
    Lking back, I feel it's the 23 and wisest advice I have ever received.
    I wuld turn thirty-tw with a cllege degree (学位) r withut ne anyway. S I 24 t cntinue my study.
    I graduated frm university 25 and felt prud f myself. And I have reviewed this 26 many times. I believe it's never t late fr me t d anything except becming a teenager.
    D I really want t 27 my first bk in my frties? I'm ging t be frty anyway.
    D I really want t run a half marathn (马拉松) in my fifties? I'm ging t be fifty anyway.
    D I really want t travel arund the 28 in my sixties? I'm ging t be sixty anyway.
    I hpe yu never hear me say, "I'm t ld fr that. " 29 , I hpe yu hear me say, "I'm ging t be seventy anyway. "
    It's never t 30 t start smething new, t d all thse things that yu've been wishing t d.
    16. A . regret B . happiness C . rle D . success
    17. A . week B . day C . hur D . minute
    18. A . lvely B . plite C . smart D . friendly
    19. A . Giving up B . Making up C . Ending up D . Taking up
    20. A . ways B . reasns C . chances D . steps
    21. A . althugh B . because C . unless D . when
    22. A . reply B . accept C . frget D . guess
    23. A . simplest B . funniest C . strangest D . cldest
    24. A . happened B . decided C . helped D . failed
    25. A . smthly B . patiently C . silently D . suddenly
    26. A . activity B . prmise C . plan D . suggestin
    27. A . read B . write C . buy D . chse
    28. A . university B . city C . village D . wrld
    29. A . Finally B . Besides C . Instead D . Als
    30. A . dangerus B . pr C . late D . slw
    Kalas are cute and easy t recgnize, with fluffy ears and a large, spn-shaped nse. They're ppular with peple.
    They used t be cmmn acrss Australia, but the last 200 years haven't been gd fr them. Their frests have been cut dwn and burnt in bushfires. Nw, kalas are endangered, s it's necessary t make sure f kala ppulatins by cunting (数) them in different areas. This infrmatin can be used t find ut where help is mst needed. Then it'll becme much easier t prtect them and their hmes.
    31. Why is it necessary t cunt kalas?
    A . Because peple lve them s much. B . Because they are easy t recgnize. C . Because they are cmmn acrss Australia. D . Because their ppulatin infrmatin is helpful.
    32. Hw many ways are there t cunt kalas?
    A . 2. B . 3. C . 4. D . 5.
    33. Which f the fllwing is NOT needed t cunt kalas?
    A . A hat. B . A watch. C . A smartphne. D . A backpack.
    34. What shuld be dne first t cunt kalas?
    A Search fr kalas. B. G ut t the frest.
    A . Recrd when nt seeing a kala. B . Fill in persnal infrmatin.
    35. Wh is the passage mst prbably written fr?
    A . Teenagers. B . Wrkers. C . Teachers. D . Keepers.
    What year were yu brn in? Are yu a dragn? That is t say, were yu brn in the Year f the Dragn?
    As we knw, the Year f the Dragn has arrived with us fr a while, and everyne is excited abut talking abut dragns. Many f them have nticed that mre and mre peple are using the wrd "lng" instead f "dragn" in their daily life. Actually, the lngs in Chinese culture, believe it r nt, are far different frm the dragns in Western culture.
    First, let's talk abut their rigins (起源). Lngs are cnnected t stars and rain. They are believed t have t d with the pwer f emperrs in the past. Dragns, hwever, are related t flds and dangerus waters undergrund.
    Secnd, let's dig int their stries. Lngs are like messengers between the sky and the earth. They help ut the rulers, wh becme kings because f them. Dragns, thugh, are trublemakers. They fight with the rulers and can even beat them! But as time passes, dragns lse their shine and heres start killing them.
    Third, let's lk at what they mean. Since lngs represent (代表) pwer, they are seen as a symbl f the emperr and an imprtant part f ceremnies and traditins. Dragns, thugh, are bad news. They are a symbl f evil (恶), and beating the dragns is seen as a victry ver evil.
    Lastly, let's check ut hw they lk. Lngs are like a mix f animals, with heads like camels and necks like snakes. They dn't need wings t fly because they are already skilled at it. Dragns are mre like snakes, living undergrund and causing prblems. They dn't have wings either, but peple add thse t make them lk mre impressive.
    36. Why des the writer start the passage by asking questins?
    A . T make a reprt. B . T d a survey. C . T intrduce a nrmal year. D . T catch readers' interests.
    37. What are lngs cnnected with accrding t the passage?
    A . Stars and the mn. B . The pwer f emperrs. C . Trublemakers and evil. D . Dangerus waters undergrund.
    38. What des the underlined wrd "them" in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A . Rulers. B . Snakes. C . Heres. D . Lngs.
    39. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A . Lngs have wings. B . Dragns are gd news. C . Lngs are used in ceremnies. D . Dragns' heads are like camels.
    40. What's the main idea f the passage?
    A . The rigins f dragns and lngs. B . The meanings f dragns and lngs. C . The stries between dragns and lngs. D . The differences between dragns and lngs.
    Anna Mary Rbertsn was a famus American painter. It is ften said that Anna first tk up painting when she was nearly 80 years ld. In fact, when she was a little girl, she drew whenever she had a chance.
    Lng befre she became knwn, Anna lived a life full f challenges. She always kept busy with farm chres, husewrk, and children, but she never really stpped pursuing (追求) art.
    In Anna's late age, she pictured sme scenes in her mind befre painting. She wuld clse her eyes and recall a happy time frm her early life. She wuld remember helping her father n the farm. She wuld see the peple, the farm buildings, and the animals. She wuld imagine the blue muntains and the sftly falling snw.
    Anna's friends and family members lved the paintings. She gave them away as gifts. A friend hung several f the paintings in a lcal stre. One day a stranger came int the stre and bught every ne f her paintings. He tk her paintings t New Yrk City and shwed them t sme art cllectrs. One f these cllectrs, Dr. Kallir, liked the paintings. He hung sme f them in his gallery (画廊). The newspaper did a stry abut the art shw. The reprter called Anna "Grandma Mses. " Frm then n almst everyne called her that way. Grandma Mses kept n painting. Her paintings gt better, and they gt mre ppular.
    In her lifetime, Mses created abut 1,500 wrks f art. They were cheerful, warm and full f life, just like Grandma herself. Her paintings still remain ppular tday.
    "As I lk back n my life, it's like a gd day's wrk. It was dne and I feel satisfied with it. I knew nthing better than painting and made full use f what life ffered. And life is what we make it, always has been, always will be," she said.
    41. When did Anna first take up painting?
    A . When she was a little girl.
    B When she was abut 80 years ld.
    C. When she saw the blue muntains.D. When she helped her father n the farm.
    42. Accrding t Paragraph 3, what's the main theme f Anna's paintings?
    A . Farming. B . Animals. C . Cuntry life. D . Family members.
    43. What's the crrect rder f the fllwing events?
    ①Anna was knwn t the public.
    ②Anna's friends received her paintings as gifts.
    ③An art shw abut Anna's paintings was reprted.
    ④A man brught Anna's paintings t New Yrk City.
    A . ②④①③ B . ②④③① C . ①④②③ D . ①④③②
    44. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Anna?
    A . Hnest and friendly. B . Outging and independent. C . Clever and well-educated. D . Creative and hard-wrking.
    45. In which part f a magazine can we read this passage?
    A . Language and culture. B . Art and peple. C . Nature and envirnment. D . Science and technlgy.
    We all want t d things well. Fr example, as students all f us want t have a gd perfrmance in study and get gd grades. Hwever, grwing up als includes accepting when things g wrng. In fact, mistakes can lead t sme f the mst interesting and meaningful results.
    Aiming fr gd results can help yu fcus n (关注) yur gals, but it's als imprtant t fcus n enjying the prcess. Getting t hung up n whether things g as planned can put a lt f pressure n yu and lead t wrry. That's why it's gd t leave sme rm fr mistakes and imperfectins.
    Dr. Rekha Vara is a dctr wh helps peple with their mental health (心理健康). She says getting things wrng is part f grwing up. "We als have t experience the uncmfrtable feeling when we get things wrng. This helps us t becme strnger," says Dr. Vara. "Or we'll be t scared t make mistakes. This fear can lead us t put ff ding difficult things r avid trying new things. "
    Learning frm yur mistakes is necessary during grwing up. The mst imprtant thing is what yu chse t d next. Try nt t take it t seriusly, blame (责备) yurself r feel t disappinted r upset. Dr. Vara explains, "Remember yu're a cmmn man. Humans make mistakes. " ____, then these feelings will sn pass and then yu'll feel happier.
    Instead, thinking abut what yu might d differently next time helps a lt. In ne study, if students were reminded t frgive (宽恕) and be kind t themselves when they failed a test, they felt mre encuraged t try again, while ther students were less pleased t have a secnd try.
    46. What des the underlined part in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A . 执迷 B . 懊悔 C . 遗憾 D . 忽略
    47. Which f the fllwing wuld Dr. Vara agree with?
    A . Fear leads us t try new things. B . Failure is nrmal in grwing up. C . Gd results make us strnger. D . Peple hardly ever get things wrng.
    48. Which f the fllwing can be put in "____" in Paragraph 4?
    A . Everyne will grw up B . Prcess is really imprtant C . Yu shuld enjy yur feelings D . Yu might feel uncmfrtable at first
    49. Hw des the writer supprt his idea in the last Paragraph?
    A . By telling stries. B . By giving an example. C . By listing numbers. D . By describing a prblem.
    50. What's the best title fr the passage?
    A . Stick t yur gals B . Avid making mistakes C . Imperfectin can be a gift D . Pressure is the key t success
    A: Bb, d yu like playing sprts?
    B: Of curse I d. Sprts are gd 51 ur health.
    A: What sprts d yu like best?
    B: I like basketball.
    A: Hw 52 d yu play basketball?
    B: Abut three times a week. And I als like watching basketball games n TV.
    A: Wh is yur 53 basketball player?
    B: Ya Ming.
    A: Culd yu 54 me smething abut him?
    B: Sure. He is a famus basketball player. And I want t be a star like him. Hw abut yu?
    A: I like science, s I hpe t be a 55 just like Deng Jiaxian.
    B: That's cl. I hpe ur dreams will cme true!
    Imagine living in a wrld yu can't see the bstacles (障碍) in yur way, the traffic lights at a crssing, r the faces f peple arund yu. Fr millins 56 the blind, this is a daily reality (现实). Traditinal guide dgs have prvided necessary supprt fr the blind, helping them mve 57 . Hwever, training a traditinal guide dg is unbelievably 58 and takes tns f time. It means that the number f guide dgs is smaller than that f blind peple. Luckily, gd news cmes! Thanks t researchers frm Nrthwestern Plytechnical University (西北工业大学) in China, AI guide dgs may sn 59 available t them. They achieved a breakthrugh (突破) using an AI language mdel.
    The researchers are develping an AI guide dg that can help blind peple 60 streets, use lifts and walk arund indrs withut having t be cnnected t the Internet.
    "In recent years, there have been sme electrnic guide dgs, 61 they cannt have cnversatins with peple r fully understand human instructins," said Sun Zhe, a teacher at the university. "They can nly carry ut tasks accrding t pre-designed prgrams. They are just cld machines. That's nt 62 . "
    "Our research makes it pssible fr the blind t get better guidance service and be less lnely. Blind peple face many 63 in daily life. AI guide dgs can ffer 64 a mre cnvenient and safer life. " Sun added. Accrding t the research team, there are still sme ways t g befre the guide dg can be put int use, and they will put mre 65 int it and make it available t peple in need as sn as pssible.
    Because f his excellent perfrmance, Ha Yngquan, 58, was chsen as Gansu's mst beautiful frest ranger (护林员) in December, 2023.
    Ha has been a frest ranger fr 37 years since he stpped serving in the army in 1987. He and his wrkmates at Guanyin Frest Farm are called the "frests eyes" and "green guardians".
    "Daily wrk usually starts with patrlling (巡逻). Every mrning, we carry necessary equipment after having breakfast and then set ff t frests with dry fd and water bttles, patrlling until it gets dark," Ha said.
    Rangers have been living in the muntains and frests fr years, getting used t difficulties and lneliness. They always g ut early and return at sunset during the whle year, and their duty is t prtect green muntains and clear waters.
    A frest ranger ften has t walk mre than 12 kilmeters a day, and a pair f shes wears ut in tw t three mnths, accrding t Ha.
    Ha Yngquan wrks at Liuping Frest Management Office. It manages 10,511. 6 hectares (公顷).
    "Because f pr rad cnditins, if rangers g t the farthest villages fr patrls, they have t walk 30 t 40 kilmeters n muntain rads, climb fur muntains, and crss mre than 10 rivers," Ha said. "And each patrl takes three t fur days. "
    When Ha returns frm his patrl every day, he writes dwn the results in the patrl diary, recrding his lve fr muntains and frests.
    "The envirnment is imprving day by day, and that makes me feel my wrk is wrth it," he said.
    66. When was Ha Yngquan chsen as Gansu's mst beautiful frest ranger?
    67. What are Ha Yngquan and his wrkmates called?
    68. What is the duty f the frest rangers?
    69. Hw many days des the farthest village patrl take?
    70. Why des Ha Yngquan feel his wrk is wrth it?
    71. 时光如梭,三年转瞬即逝。假如你是李华,请你代表全班同学给你的英语老师Mr. Wu写一封英语邀请函,请他参加毕业晚会。
    要点提示:1. 发出邀请;2. 时间和地点;3. 晚会安排:分享回忆;谈论理想;感谢恩师和同窗;……(除前三项外,至少补充一项活动)。
    要求:1. 要点提示均须涉及,可适当增加内容;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名、地名;3. 语句通顺,语意连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁;4. 词数100左右,首句已给出,不计入总词数。
    参考词语:memry, activity, friendship
    Dear Mr. Wu,
    We are ging t have a graduatin party.
    Li Hua题号

    We can cunt kalas in different ways, such as:
    ·walking arund and lking frm the grund
    ·sending up drnes t lk frm the sky
    ·recrding kala calls
    ·using trained dgs
    ·A smartphne
    ·Walking shes, a hat and a backpack
    ·Binculars (望远镜).
    Safety: Ask parents befre yu g int the frest.
    When yu are utdrs, remember t be sun safe with a hat.
    ·Fill in yur persnal infrmatin in Kala Sptter(an App).
    ·G ut t the frest and search fr kalas. Lk up carefully in the trees.
    ·Reprt any kala sightings in the app.
    ·Remember t recrd when yu dn't see a kala.
    A. becme B. but C. f D. effrt E. challenges F. expensive G. them H. crss
    I. enugh J. safely

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