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    2.试卷共10页,分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120 分钟。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What will the wman d next?
    A. Make a phne call. B. G t see a mvie. C. Meet a friend.
    2. Hw did the wman cmmunicate with her friend?
    A. She emailed them. B. She wrte t them. C. She messaged them.
    3. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a hairdresser's. B. At a library. C. At a tailr's.
    4. Why did the wman clean the flr last night?
    A. There was cffee n it.
    B. Wrkers left paint n it.
    C. Smene spilled sup n it.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Decrating an apartment.
    B. Finding a new apartment.
    C. Living with ther peple.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听第 6段材料,回答第6、7题。
    6. Which picture has already been chsen by the wman?
    A. A picture f her cusin.
    B. A picture f her mther.
    C. A picture f an ld man.7. Where was the picture f the wman's mther taken?
    A. In a fashin shw. B. In the park. C. In her garden.
    听第 7段材料,回答第8至 10题。
    8. What inspires the wman t think abut living n the Mn?
    A. News. B. Scientific studies. C. Mvies.
    9. What des the man think will be supplied t the Mn cntinually?
    A. Oxygen. B. Water. C. Fd.
    10. What is the wman's final idea abut living in uter space?
    A. She is excited abut the pssibility.
    B. She needs time t think abut it.
    C. She prefers t stay n Earth.
    听第 8段材料, 回答第11至 13题。
    11. What jb did Michael prbably d in the past?
    A. Teaching. B. Writing. C. Advertising.
    12. Why des Michael enjy his life nw?
    A. He lives clser t wrkplace.
    B. He has mre chices.
    C. He gets paid mre.
    13. What des Michael believe is the right thing t d?
    A. Wrking in a cmpany t d the same things.
    B. Staying at hme all day withut ding anything.
    C. Cntributing t the cmmunity thrugh his wrk.
    听第 9段材料,回答第14至17题。
    14. What happened t Mr. Brwn's cell phne?
    A. He turned it ff.
    B. It ran ut f pwer.
    C. He changed his number.
    15. Why des Mr. Brwn need t get n the flight t Trnt tday?
    A. He has a jb interview.
    B. He has a business meeting.
    C. He is ging back t his cmpany.
    16. Why has the wman been calling Mr. Brwn?
    A. T change his ticket t the first class.
    B. T infrm him abut a change in flight time.
    C. T tell him his cmpany did nt pay fr his flight.
    17. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Airprt crew and passenger.
    B. Interviewer and interviewee.
    C. Bss and emplyee.
    听第10段独白, 回答第18至20 题。
    18. What was the man's life like befre the age f 40?
    A. He ften went t the gym.
    B. He ate whatever he wanted.
    C. He tk gd care f himself..
    19. What caused the man's headache accrding t the dctr?
    A. High bld pressure. B. Lack f exercise. C. Eating t much.
    20. What change did the man make after he turned 40?
    A. Giving up chclate. B. Exercising regularly. C. Starting t take pills.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    We've gathered up sme fun things t d in DC this hliday weekend.
    DC Histry Cnference
    Learn abut the histry f the natin's capital fr free by attending this cmmunity cnference that cnsiders the city's past, present and future. The event celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and prvides a stimulating frum fr riginal research n DC.
    Saturday| Free Admissin
    Martin Luther King, Jr. Memrial Library,901 G Street NW, Washingtn, DC 20001
    Little Shp f Hrrrs
    Originally a sci-fi/hrrr cmedy film released in 1960, Little Shp f Hrrrs then became an ff-Bradway musical in the early 1980s. Yet anther film adaptatin fllwed a few years later, shwing hw this timeless stry f a flral shp assistant and his singing, deadly plant will always amaze audiences. The histric Frd's Theatre revives the dynamic prductin during its upcming spring seasn. Make sure t use cde DDCSHOP20 fr.20% ff yur tickets t the shw(valid fr March 16-April 6 & May 1-18; limit tw tickets per purchase)!
    DC Defenders vs. Hustn Rughnecks
    The United Ftball League——a new league funded thrugh a cmbinatin f the XFL and the USFL—kicks ff in DC. The Defenders play hme games at Audi Field and feature quite pssibly the best team the new ftball league has t ffer. Prepare fr hard-hitting, fast-paced actin n the field as the Hustn Rughnecks cme t twn.
    4p. m. Sunday| Tickets $27-$182
    Audi Field, 100 Ptmac Avenue SW, Washingtn, DC 20024
    21. Where culd a histry fan g this weekend?
    A. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memrial Library. B. Frd's Theatre.
    C. Bradway Theatre. D. Audi Field.
    22. What makes Little Shp f Hrrrs special?
    A. It was riginally a sci-fi/hrrr tragedy film in 1960.
    B. It was adapted frm a Bradway musical in the 1980s.
    C. It has attracted many generatins fr mre than 60 years.
    D. It features the stry f a flral shp wner and his assistants.
    23. What is the UFL accrding t the text?
    A. A stadium hsting ftball games. B. A newly funded ftball league.
    C. The name f a ftball team in DC. D. The name f a ticket selling cmpany.
    As my wife puts it, “Animals have vertaken ur lives.”
    I was n the air last week when Daisy, ur dg, ate a bittersweet chclate bar heartily. We hide chclate frm her; it can be dangerus fr dgs. But Daisy is the Hercule Pirt f hidden sweets. An empty wrapper in her muth tld the tale.
    Our family rushed Daisy t a vet clinic, where——well, I'll spare yu the details. Daisy is fine nw, but ur hearts are just restarting.
    We are als caring fr a huge, white cat we've named Gat Blanc. He claws furniture n his hind(后部的) legs, like Catzilla tearing dwn a Tky bridge. Every chair in ur apartment is nw cvered with sheets, twels, r plastic wrap. We keep a windw pen, n matter the weather, because ne f ur daughters is allergic t cats. But she wants t keep Gat clse, even as he kncks phts, flwers, pens and my micrphne ff tables, with a smart frehand.
    Our feline ldger(猫科房客) als climbed nt a planter utside ur apartment and strlled ver t the ther side f the building, seven flrs up. Is that Spider-Man? N--it's Gat!
    Daisy the dg sits beneath ur dinner table, quivering and blinking her large, dew y eyes. Sme f us may let a few pieces f fd fall her way frm time t time. We can't let her get t excited, thugh, because she has a tendency t... well, mre details t spare. We keep twels handy fr such episdes f excitement.
    Gat Blanc, meanwhile, leaps nt ur table. But nt t eat, just t hang with the cl kids, ur daughters. “Hey, hw was yur day,” I imagine him saying. “We gnna watch smething after dinner?”
    Our family may cmplain as we sneeze, mp, and search the flr fr ur missing pens. But we als hld ur animals clse as they help us laugh, marvel, and care fr them, and fr each ther. Our lives have been vertaken by ur animals. And we're having a trublesme and wnderful time.
    24. What d we knw abut Daisy?
    A. She is allergic t cats. B. She has a heart prblem.
    C. She desn't get excited easily. D. She is gd at finding sweets.
    25. What can Gat d?
    A. Fly like Spider-Man. B. Make a mess f the rm.
    C. Talk like a real human. D. Tear dwn a Tky bridge.
    26. Which f the wrds can best describe the writer's feeling twards their animals?
    A. Bittersweet. B. Cncerned. C. Cntent. D. Depressed.
    27. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T warn readers against keeping pets at hme.
    B. T give advice n what species f animals t buy.
    C. T share their stries and feelings abut keeping pets.
    D. T entertain readers with dark humur jkes abut pets.
    Students have submitted mre than 22 millin papers that may have used generative AI in the past year, new data prvided by plagiarism(剽窃) detectin cmpany Turnitin shws.
    A year ag, Turnitin intrduced an AI writing detectin tl that was trained n its database f papers written by students as well as ther Al-generated texts. Turnitin fund that 11 percent f the submissins may cntain AI-written language in 20 percent f its cntent, with 3 percent f the ttal papers reviewed having 80 percent r mre AI writing.
    ChatGPT's launch was met with fears that the English class essay wuld die. The chatbt can prcess infrmatin near-instantly——but that desn't mean it always gets it right. Generative AI has been knwn t create its wn facts and cite academic references that dn't actually exist.Generative AI chatbts have als been caught prducing discriminatry (歧视性的) text n gender and race. Despite thse disadvantages, students have used chatbts fr research, and rganizing ideas. Traces f chatbts have even been fund in published academic writing.
    Detecting the use f generative AI is tricky. It's nt as easy as marking plagiarism, because generated text is still riginal text. Plus, there's a slight difference t hw students use generative AI; sme may ask chatbts t write their papers fr them in large parts r in full, while thers may use the tls as an aid r a brainstrm partner.
    Detectin tls themselves have a risk f discriminatin. English language learners may be mre likely t set them ff; a 2023 study fund a 61.3 percent false psitive rate when evaluating Test f English as a Freign Language (TOEFL) exams with seven different AI detectrs.
    “This is hard. I understand why peple want a tl,” says Emily Isaacs, executive directr f the Office f Faculty Excellence at Mntclair State. But Isaac s says the university is cncerned abut ptentially discriminatry results frm AI detectrs, as well as the fact that the tls can't prvide cnfirmatin the way they can with plagiarism.
    28. What did Turnitin find?
    A. All submitted papers were written by generative AI.
    B. AI wrte 80% f the cntent f the papers they had cllected.
    C. AI culd nly be used t imprve language instead f cntent f papers.
    D. AI may have created ne fifth f the cntent amng 11% f the submitted papers.
    29. What can we learn abut generative AI?
    A. It smetimes prduces discriminatry cntent.
    B. It will surely lead t the death f English class essays.
    C. It's getting ppular fr its accuracy and quick respnse.
    D. It has been fficially accepted in published academic writing.
    30. What d Paragraphs 4-5 mainly fcus n?
    A. The ways t detect plagiarism in paper writing.
    B. The challenges f using plagiarism detectin tls.
    C. The differences between plagiarism and riginal writing.
    D. The advantages f applying AI detectrs t fighting plagiarism.
    31. Hw des Emily Isaac s respnd t the use f detectin tls?
    A. She supprts it. B. She's against it.
    C. She desn't care. D. She's cautius.D
    A recent study by UCLA Health discvered that wmen wh feel lnely shw brain activity in areas linked t cravings and the drive t eat, particularly when viewing images f high-calrie fds like sugary treats. These wmen als displayed unhealthy eating habits and suffered frm pr mental health.
    Arpana Gupta, Ph. D., a researcher and c-directr f the UCLA Gdman-LuskinMicrbime Center, wanted t research the negative impacts f lneliness, especially as peple cntinue t be wrking remtely after the COVID-19 pandemic, and hw the brain interacts with scial islatin, eating habits, and mental health. While it is established that besity is linked t depressin and anxiety and that vereating is understd t be a cping mechanism (机制)against lneliness, Gupta wanted t bserve the brain pathways assciated with these feelings and behavirs.
    The researchers surveyed 93 wmen abut their supprt system and their feelings f lneliness and islatin, then separated them int tw grups: thse wh scred high n the perceived scial lneliness scale, and thse wh scred lw. The researchers fund that wmen wh had higher levels f scial lneliness tended t have higher fat mass, lwer diet quality, reward-based eating, and uncntrlled eating, and increased levels f anxiety and depressin.
    The wmen were then shwn pictures f fd versus nn-fd, sweet fd versus nn-fd, and savry fd versus nn-fd. MRI scans recrded the participants’ brain activity while they viewed these images.
    The researchers fund that the grup f wmen wh perceived themselves t be lnely experienced increased activatin in regins f the brain assciated with greater drive t eat sugary fds, and decreased activatin in the brain regin assciated with self-cntrl tward eating behavirs.
    “These findings are interesting because it prvides evidence fr what we intuitively (直觉地) knw,” Gupta said. “When peple are alne r lnely, it impacts mre than hw they are feeling; they underreprt what they eat, and their desire t eat unhealthy fds.”
    32. Which wrd is clsest in meaning t “craving” in Paragraph 1?
    A. Desire. B. Willingness. C. Discipline. D. Ambitin.
    33. What's the functin f Paragraph 2?
    A. Prviding earlier research results.
    B. Explaining the research methds.
    C. Intrducing the research backgrund.
    D. Telling the significance f the research.
    34. Which f the fllwing statements matches the findings f this research?
    A. The lnelier wmen feel, the less they eat.
    B. Obesity is linked t depressin and anxiety.
    C. Lneliness can drive wmen t eat mre sugary fd.
    D. Lnely wmen ften lie abut their mental prblems.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Eating the Way t Happiness B. Feeding the Lnely Brain"
    C. Lneliness Leads t Obesity D. Fd Sweetens Sad Suls第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    N matter where yu are n the planet, the effects f the climate crisis are vast and real. We knw individual actins can nly get us s far, and slving the issue f climate change is the jb f gvernments. 36 Here are sme tips fr what we individuals can d t help wrk tward a mre sustainable future.
    Switch t climate friendly hme appliances
    By using hme appliances and vehicles that run n electricity, we can help reduce ur carbn ftprint and leave mre fssil fuels in the grund. Here are a few appliances t cnsider, such as clthing dryers with the “Energy Star” label and water heaters that use heat pump technlgy. 37 S dn't feel like yu have t change ut yur appliances vernight. Instead, buy them as yur existing machines wear ut.
    Eat less meat
    Meat prductin is hard n the envirnment: It requires a lt f land t raise cattle —and glbally, many frests are being cleared t make rm fr thse animals. 38 If peple culd cut back their beef cnsumptin, it culd have a majr impact n creating a mre sustainable fd system.
    Freeze prduce yu can't use right away
    Abut 8% f greenhuse gas emissins cme frm wasted fd, and rughly half f all fd waste ccurs during “the cnsumptin stage”. One f the best tls t help reduce wasted fd? The freezer. If yu're nt ready t use fresh fruit and vegetables right away, freeze them. 39
    Cut back n plastic
    The plastics prblem is verwhelming. 40 Are yu using a bttle f bdy wash? Replace it with a bar f sap. Bring yur wn bags fr grceries instead f packing yur gds in plastic bags, r yur favrite reusable cup t yur lcal cffee shp.
    A. This lcks in flavr and nutrients.
    B. But we als knw that ur decisins matter.
    C. And cws themselves release a lt f methane.
    D. That means we shuld nt use the ld appliances any mre.
    E. Making these upgrades t yur hme and lifestyle will cst mney.
    F. The mst effective thing yu can d is t figure ut hw much yu use.
    G. S gvernments shuld make plicies t slve climate change prblem.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    The drbell rang ne mid-December evening. I frequently had 41 visitrs in thse early days after my husband's death. We wndered wh it might be this time. `But when my6-year-ld sn Danny pened the dr, nbdy was there. Instead, n the drmat was a bx with a nte 42 , which read “On the First Day f Christmas …”
    The secnd night, I turned n the prch (门廊) light s we culd see wh was leaving the43 , then Danny and I sat n the sfa and 44 . When the drbell rang, Danny ran t the frnt f the huse, but all he fund were three large candy canes. Same 45 :“On the secnd Day f Christmas …”
    This seemed like the kind f 46 my friend Caren wuld make, s I 47 the secret Santa t her, but she 48 that she hadn't dne it.“ 49 ,”she said, “I wish it was me!”.
    Fr the next cuple f nights, Danny 50 near the frnt dr as lng as he culd t spt the giver, but in vain. In thse dark days f grief, smebdy 51 ur life with a simple but 52 message: “Yu are lved.”
    Fifteen years later, I still dn't knw wh gave us 53 in the midst f ur grief. And I'm 54 that I dn't knw. The nt-knwing became my favrite part. That mysterius light pushed its way int ur 55 . Nt a miracle. Nt magic. Just generus, selfless, human lve.
    41. A. enthusiastic B. unexpected C. patient D. cautius
    42. A. cnnected B. signed C. attached D. decrated
    43. A. gift B. evidence C. puzzle D. bag
    44. A. sighed B. relaxed C. waited D. slept
    45. A. rutine B. dialgue C. result D. message
    46. A. mistake B. wish C. effrt D. cmment
    47. A. mentined B. intrduced C. shwed D. brught
    48. A. suggested B. bjected C. revealed D. insisted
    49. A. Frtunately B. Seriusly C. Undubtedly D. Suddenly
    50. A. appeared B. played C. walked D. hid
    51. A. messed up B. lit up C. gave up D. tk up
    52. A. pwerful B. cmplete C. urgent D. brief
    53. A. cmmitment B. infrmatin C. advice D. hpe
    54. A. thrilled B. glad C. sad D. upset
    55. A. crisis B. perspective C. darkness D. chas
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    The virtue f frugality ( 节 俭 ) has made a majr cmeback amng China's yung cnsumers. Accrding t data 56 (release) by iiMedia Research, 72.49 percent f yung Chinese prefer t save rather than verspend.
    Cmpared t their parents, 57 sense f frugality is rted in memries, frugality amng yung Chinese is a matter f chice rather than necessity. This new frm f frugality is nt a cmplete denial (否定) f cnsumerism, 58 a frm f smart spending aimed at achieving a balance between price and the quality f gds.
    This new trend has driven the rapid 59 (grw) f China's secndhand ecnmy, as yung cnsumers shift their fcus frm chasing after new things 60 recycling ld items. A reprt shwed that the market value f secndhand items rse frm 300 billin yuan in 2015t ver 1 trillin yuan in 2020, and 61 (expect) t hit 3 trillin yuan in 2025.
    Despite 62 shared gal f saving mney, frugal living is 63 (actual)leading a kind f lw-cst life. The temprary excitement, which ften 64 (accmpany)a shpping experience, hlds less attractin fr tday's yung Chinese. 65 truly attracts their attentin is the sense f fulfillment that cmes with strategic spending and saving.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,一个月前参加了“Healthy Life”杂志社组织的“健康生活方式选择”主题夏令营活动。请你给该杂志社编辑写封信反馈你参加夏令营前后的变化,内容包括:
    Dear Editr,
    Yurs truly, Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    My furth f July vacatin began with a scream. “Tara!” I jumped, my eyelids snapping pen. I realized that my fur-year-ld sister, Tammy, was staring dwn at me. I struggled t push her ff me as she bunced n my legs. She screamed, and then ran ut f my rm.
    It was as if Tammy never did anything wrng. If Tammy gt angry, Mm wuld say she was trying t get her pint acrss. When Tammy brke a plate, Dad said she was just “helping” me empty the dishwasher. When Tammy scribbled (乱涂乱画) all ver the wall, instead f sclding her, my parents chuckled and said, “She's turning int an artist just like yu, Tara.”
    We were flying t Utah t visit my grandma fr the Furth f July. Every year I draw Grandma a picture fr her birthday, but I sighed as I cnsidered abut what picture I shuld draw this time. When we walked ff the plane, I was relieved t see the smiling face f my grandma. We raced ver t her.
    “Hi, sweetheart.” Grandma gt dwn n ne knee t hug Tammy and then swung her in the air. Tammy screamed with laughter. Then Grandma hugged me. “It's s gd t see yu t, Tara.”
    After six hurs f flight, I was exhausted—six hurs f listening t Tammy scream with delight again and again and again. I wanted t be alne, s I went utside with my sketchbk and clred pencils. Lking at the scenery, I felt inspired t wrk n Grandma's drawing. As I admired the shading n the muntains and the swirls f the sunset, I smiled t myself and thught, this is the best picture I have ever made.
    Befre I finished my picture, Mm was calling me inside fr dinner. When I walked back int the rm, my heart stpped. Tammy was lying n the bed, scribbling n a piece f paper. When Tammy saw me frzen in the drway, she jumped frm the bed. She ran ver t me and grinned. “I drew yu a picture.” she shuted.
    “Out!” I screamed angrily, and she ran ut f the rm. I ran ver t the bed. I picked up the paper, and it was just as I'd feared. My drawing had black scribbles all ver it.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    Mm appeared in the drway with Tammy by her side.
    I gathered up the curage t walk ver t Grandma.衢州市2024年6月高二年级教学质量检测
    第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 ABACA 6-10ACCAC 11-15CBCCA 16-20CABAB
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共10小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    A篇: 21-23 ACB B篇: 24-27DBAC C篇: 28-31DABD D篇: 32-35ACCB
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    41-45BCACD 46-50CADBD 51-55BADBC
    第二节 (共 10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    56. released 57. whse 58. but 59. grwth 60. t
    61. is expected 62. the 63. actually 64. accmpanies 65. What

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