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    这是一份上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题,文件包含英语试题含答案-2docx、英语答案-4docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (120 分钟 140 分)
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the f ur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. Tday. B. Three days ag. C. Tw days ag. D. Yesterday.
    2. A、Her husband. B. A waiter. C. An airprt staff. D. A taxi driver.
    3. A. He will nt attend the meeting. B. He didn't get the message.
    C. He will call the wman back. D. He didn't understand the message.
    4. A. Discuss the need t arrive n time with Jack.
    B. Praise Jack fr his attendance.
    C. Give back mre time t cmplete his share f wrk.
    D. Ask Jack t reschedule the meeting.
    5. A. Lk fr Tm with the man. B. Call Tm in a few minutes.
    C. Lk fr Tm's phne number. D. G t the class with the man.
    6. A. Prepare healthier meals. B. Save mney by eating at hme.
    C. Buy a smaller TV. D. Spend less n buying things.
    7. A. Tny's disappintment wn't last lng. B. Tny's birthday party is bring anyway.
    C. He will g t the party with the wman. D. He will ask Tny t pstpne the party.
    8. A. She’d als like t watch the shw.
    B. The man shuldn't waste his time watching TV.
    C. The shw desn't start till later that day.
    D. The man had better wait fr her fr 30 minutes.
    9. A. Ask Sandy t say srry. B. Aplgize t Sandy.
    C. Make clear why Sandy is mad. D. Sandy prbably is nt really angry with the man.
    10. A. He can't attend the sccer match. B. He is surprised the wman likes sccer.
    C. He desn't enjy playing sccer. D. He’d like t play sccer mre ften.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw ne lnger cnversatin and tw shrt passages, and yu will be asked several questins n the cnversatin and each f the passages. The cnversatin and the passages will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 14 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    11. A. It's kind f bring. B. It's t stressful fr him.
    C. It's exhausting. D. It's the right jb fr him.
    12. A. He wants t make mre mney. B. He prefers a mre stressful lifestyle.
    C. He enjys wrking in a bank. D. He hpes t prve his wrking ability.
    113. A. She likes the jb which helps peple lk gd.
    B. She enjys talking t ther peple abut fashin.
    C. She hpes fr a discunt fr the clthes she wants t buy.
    D. She knws hw t talk peple int buying mre things.
    14. A. She was gd at getting peple t buy things.
    B. She liked t be with a lt f peple
    C. She enjyed talking t strangers.
    D. She was easy t be persuaded.
    Questins 15 thrugh 17 are based n the fllwing passage.
    15. A. Cking lessns are mainly designed fr girl students.
    B. Cking curses will be cmpulsry fr verweight students.
    C. Cking lessns are regarded as imprtant as art lessns.
    D. Cking educatin used t be cmmn in English schls.
    16. A. They can't find the right teachers fr the new lessns.
    B. They have dubts n what kind f cking t teach.
    C. They dn't have enugh schl hur fr cking lessns.
    D. They have n kitchens fr hands-n cking lessns.
    17. A. T avid a new crisis after anther 30 years.
    B. T discver their ptential f living n themselves.
    C. T learn a life skill which is f great fun.
    D. T gain mre knwledge than previus generatins
    Questins 18 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    18. A. Hw we can fight against gender inequality tday.
    B. There are dramatic differences between tw genders.
    C. Why wmen are underrespresented in science and technlgy.
    D. A new study finds that females tend t have better jbs than men.
    19. A. Many wmen wh are gd at Maths dn't chse STEM careers.
    B. Mre female students achieve higher scres in the SAT than male nes.
    C. Females shw strengths in bth Maths and language skills.
    D. Fewer wmen wrk in science, technlgy, engineering r medicine.
    20. A. Females are just nt that interested in these fields.
    B. Wmen tend t chse jbs fr which they get mre supprt.
    C. Females are nt very likely t be Maths geniuses.
    D. Wmen dn't have as much talent in these fields as men.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    2Lenard da Vinci r the Chinese?
    It has lng been cnsidered that Lenard da Vinci was actually the first persn t ever draft a landscape n August 5th, 1473. This unprecedented act f describing muntains and trees n their wn was revlutinary and surely helped Lenard’s already genius status, but is this really the truth? Lng befre ne f the greatest minds f humanity was brn, the Chinese artists have been painting landscapes, (21) (describe) rivers and rcks, muntains and trees, fr centuries. Lenard’s1473 drawing actually lks a lt like a painting Winter Evening Landscape by Li Gngnian, (22) (paint) in 1120, ver350 years befre da Vinci's famus sketch.
    The western wrld tends t center (23) in terms f inventins, the practice that cntinues n even t the 215t century. Just (24) (lk ) back n yur years in schl and try t remember ne thing yu learned abut the Far East, whether its histry r art, and I be t that yu will have t think lng and hard(25) yu remember anything. This, f curse, is nthing new f scandal(丑闻), as all cultures tend t think (26) their wn as the mst imprtant ne, but when it cmes t unfairly crediting a western artist fr smething the Chinese have been ding fr centuries, the Western-centrism becmes a bit f a prblem,(27) brings us t Chinese landscape painting. The artists frm the Middle Kingdm have been painting with such sensitivity and petry while Eurpe was in the midst f fighting the cruel crusades(十字军东征) and cmpletely frgetting the flurishing creativity f the ancient Greece. China has been in its glden age that Eurpe wuld nt see until the ages f Lenard and Van Ggh, wh (28) (inspire) interestingly, heavily by the Chinese art. It is still a mystery (29) da Vinci's sketch lks almst exactly like the Gngnian piece, which draws the curius minds(30) (wnder)if Lenard had smehw managed t see the painting fr himself, maybe thrugh the artifacts brught frm the Silk Rad.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce.Nte that there ne wrd mre than yu need.
    A. avid B. diligent C. flexible D. guidance E. imaginatin F. independent
    G. initiative H. prspects I. pursue J. ruin K. unrealistic
    Why dn't yu get a prper jb?
    Tday's 14-and 15-year-lds are ambitius. They are ptimistic abut their 31 , but their career ideas are rather vague. A jb fr life is nt in their vcabulary; neither is a dead-end but se cure jb that is bring but pay s the bills. Almst half the bys surveyed expected that their hbbies wuld lead them int the right srt f jb, while mst girls seemed determined t 32 traditinally female careers such as nursing.
    In the past, this might have cunted as bad news. But the wrld has changed. The glbal ecnmy is nt kind t yesterday's 33 and dependable wrker. The future belngs t quick-thinking peple wh are resurceful, ambitius and can take the 34 . This means that a 14-year-ld wh sees her wrking future as a kind f adventure, t be made up as she ges alng, is nt necessarily being 35 .
    Hwever, she has t have the training and 36 t help her develp the right skills fr tday's market;nt the rigid(死板的) preparatin fr a wrkplace that disappeared 20 years ag. S what is t be dne?Agd first step wuld be t change the way in which schls prepare yung peple fr adult life. The educatin system is becming less 37 and mre bsessed (无法摆脱) with traditinal skills at just the time that the emplyment market is ging in the ppsite directin.
    3Accurate, up-t-date infrmatin n new jbs and qualificatins can help guidance cunsellrs t help their students. Yung peple need slid infrmatin n the srt f training they need t= 38 the career f their dreams. Als, a little bit f encuragement can g a lng way.
    What, then, can we as parents d t help them? The best thing is t frget all the advice that ur parents gave us, and step int ur teenager's shes. Once we've dn c that, it's easier t see hw imprtant it is that they learn hw t be 39 and resurceful. Give them the curage t fllw their dreams—hwever dd they might sund right nw. In a wrld that ffers ecnmic security t almst n ne, 40 is a terrible thing t waste.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins:Fr each blank in the fllwing passages there are fur wrds r phrases marked A,B,C, and D.Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Thrughut histry, many lives have been lst at the hands f severe weather. Meterlgists(气象学家)and scientists al ike are always investigating new ways t increase the warning time fr strms, with the hpe f reducing the 41 f lives. In the past few decades, lcal weather radar advancements have been made,which allw fr better accuracy in 42 the paths f strms.
    Meterlgists and scientists have been able t successfully track severe thunderstrms and pssible trnades by using an advanced tracking system called NEXRAD (Next-Generatin Radar). NEXRAD is a tracking netwrk 43 158 Dppler weather radars. And during a strm this high-reslutin cmputerized 44 takes readings n the amunt f precipitatin(降水) in the air. the mvements in the cluds, and the wind speeds.
    These 45 are bunced back t a lcal weather cmputer, and a clrful image appears n the screen,giving meterlgists a clear picture f what kind f weather is n the hrizn. This final image is what yu see when the meterlgist breaks in with severe weather reprts and warnings. 46 , n yur televisin screen yu will see a cmputer animated image f the appraching strm.
    If the strm is severe enugh, then the Natinal Weather Service (NWS) will 47 se vere weather reprts f severe thunderstrm warnings fr yur area. 48 , the strm captured n the radar will have prduced strng readable winds, detectable lightning, and sme hail (冰雹). Paying attentin t the weather map is 49 when severe weather is arund.
    On the televisin screen yu will see several clrs n the precipitatin map, 50 frm blue (the lightest) t black(the heaviest). If the clrs fr yur 51 area are yellw, take cautin. If the clrs range between range and red, take cver immediately, as damaging winds and dangerus lightning have been reprted.
    When lcal weather radar in Atlanta, Gergia reprted high winds, circular wind patterns and large hail earlier this year, the Natinal Weather Service issued a trnad 52 . Meterlgists in the area used the cllected data t predict what path the strm wuld take, 53 which areas needed t be warned.
    Thanks t this technlgy, mst residents received the severe weather reprts early enugh t seek 54 befre the strm hit. Paying attentin t yur 55 weather surce during severe weather plays a vital rle in yur safety.
    41. A. lss B. increase C. prtectin D. value
    42. A. changing B. cntrlling C. predicting D. guiding
    43. A. faced with B. expsed t C. invlved in D. made up f
    44. A. structure B. system C. mde D. style
    445. A. figures B. data C. readings D. statistics
    46. A. Mst likely B. Mst evidently C. Mst interestingly D. Mst imprtantly
    47. A. decide B. estimate C. handle D. issue
    48. A. By the way B. In that case C. T sme extent D. On the cntrary
    49. A. vital B. reasnable C. nrmal D. available
    50. A. expanding B. spreading C. ranging D. extending
    51. A. prper B. specific C. typical D. regular
    52. A. prcess 13. threat C. warning D. sign
    53. A. indicating B. recgnizing C. cvering D. recmmending
    54. A. rescue B. residence C. supprt D. shelter
    55. A. lcal B. internatinal C. natinwide D. neighbrhd
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fit s best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Ze Chambers was a successful PR (Public Relatins) cnsultant and life was ging well——she had a great jb, a beautiful flat and a busy scial life in Lndn. Then ne evening in June last year, she received a text message telling her she was ut f wrk. The first tw weeks were the mst difficult t live thrugh."she said. "After everything I'd dne fr the cmpany, they dismissed me by text! I was s angry and I just didn't feel like lking fr anther jb. I hated everything abut the city and my life."
    Then, Ze received an invitatin frm an ld schl friend, Kathy, t cme and stay. Kathy and her husband, Huw, had just bught a farm in nrth-west Wales. Ze jumped at the chance t spend a weekend away frm Lndn, and nw, ten mnths later, she is still n the farm.
    "The mment I arrived at Kathy's farm, I lved it and I knew I wanted t stay." said Ze. "Everything abut my past life suddenly seemed meaningless."
    Ze has been wrking n the farm since Octber f last year and says she has n regrets. "It's a hard life,physically very tiring."she says."In Lndn I was stressed and ften mentally exhausted. But this is a gd,healthy tiredness. Here, all I need t put me in a gd md is a ht bath and ne f Kathy's wnderful dinners."
    Ze says she has never felt bred n the farm. Every day brings a new experience. Kathy has been teaching her hw t ride a hrse and she has learnt t drive a tractr. Since Christmas, she has been helping with the labing — watching a lamb being brn is unbelievable, she says, "It's ne f the mst mving experiences I've ever had. I culd never g back t city life nw."
    56. When wrking as a PR cnsultant in Lndn, Ze thught she lived a life.
    A. satisfying B. tugh C. meaningless D. bring
    57. The mst imprtant reasn why Ze went t visit Kathy's farm is that .
    A. Ze lst her jb as a PR cnsultant B. Kathy persuaded her t d s
    C. Ze gt tired f the city life D. Ze lved Wales mre than Lndn
    58. Hw dcs Ze feel abut the cuntry life accrding t the passage?
    A. Tiresme and trublesme. B. Rmantic and peaceful
    C. Mentally exhausting but healthy D. Physically tiring but rewarding.
    59. Which f the fllwing is clsest t the main idea f the passage?
    A. A friend in need is a friend indeed. B. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    5 C. A misfrtune may turn ut a blessing. D. Kill tw birds with ne stne.
    Hw t get yur tax refund
    At the stre
    Get a Glbal Blue Tax Free Frm. If yu d nt have a SHOP TAX FREE Card, see“Hw t fill in yur Tax Free Frms".
    Make sure yur Tax Free Frm is filled in befre arriving at the pint f departure.
    Remember n refund withut:
    Cmpleted Receipts Custms
    Frm attached validatin (验证)
    At the pint f departure
    Fr nn-EU residents nly
    Gds carried in checked-in luggage:
    1. Check yur luggage in at the check-in cunter;tell the check-in clerk yu need it back frCustms purpses.
    2. Take the labelled luggage t Custms, shw the gds, and have yur Tax Free Frms stamped.
    3. Cash in yur stamped Frm at the apprpriate refund service prvider.
    Gds carried in hand luggage:
    1. G t Custms after passprt cntrl, shw the gds, and have yur Tax Free Frms stamped. Please nte:Custms clearance f gds in hand luggage can nly take place at the last EU airprt befre yu finally leave the EU.
    2. Cash in yur stamped Frm at the apprpriate bank cunt er r pst it t the apprpriate refund service prvider.

    Allw time fr the re fund prcess. G t Custms befre r after check-in, see Refund Office list. Present yur cmpleted Tax Free Frms, receipts, passprt, and purchased items t get a stamp.
    G t a Refund Office displaying the Glbal Blue lg(标识). Receive yur refund paid t yur credit card within five days r in cash.
    In a rush? Mail yur stamped and cmpleted Tax Free Frms and receipts back t us in the envelpe prvided and get yur refund paid t yur credit card within three weeks.
    * EU: Eurpean Unin
    660. Whm is the abve infrmatin intended fr?
    A. EU residents wh want t get their tax refunded.
    B. Nn-EU residents wh are ging t travel in EU.
    C. EU residents wh have Glbal Blue Tax Free Frms.
    D. Nn-EU residents wh are leaving EU after purchases.
    61. T get yur tax refund, yu need t after having yur luggage checked in if yu've put yur purchased gds in yur check-in luggage.
    A. shw yur purchased gds t the check-in clerk
    B. cash in yur stamped Frm at the check-in cunter
    C. take back yur luggage t the Custms t get a stamp
    D. g t the Custms t fill in a frm withut the luggage
    62. What can be learned frm the passage?
    A. It's a must t attach the receipts t the frm t get yur tax refund.
    B. It's unnecessary t shw yur passprt t the Custms fr a stamp.
    C. Yu can get yur refund in cash after psting yur frm if in a hurry.
    D. Yu can get yur refund by credit card at nce at the apprpriate cunter.
    Here is ne f the wrld's largest indr ski-slpes. It cvers an area f 22,500m², abut the same size as three ftball fields, and the temperature is a cnstant -1°C t -2°C. Hwever, the strangest thing abut this place is that it's in the middle f the desert! It's called Ski Dubai and the utside temperatures can rise t mre than 40℃!
    It sunds crazy, but it just shws hw serius peple are abut having fun. We spend huge sums n sprts facilities. We pay ur sprts stars ridiculus amunts f mney. And we spend hur after hur playing games! I wnder if all the sprts-lvers and game-players in the wrld aren’t a little crazy. I knw I am. Iwas nce driving past a ftball field where sme kids were playing. I turned t watch and crashed my car. Iknw it's stupid but I can d nthing abut it. As smene said,“Ftball isn't a matter f life and death. It's much mre imprtant than that!”
    Of curse, it isn't that imprtant really. N game is. But the prblem is that games are addictive(使人上瘾的). Frm the tennis curt t the glf curse, yu'll find participants and spectatrs wh can't live withut the drug f their chice. It culd be a gd thing. After all, despite being addictive, it's true that sprts and games help us t relax. Maybe if it wasn't fr sprt, ur scieties wuld be mre vilent. Perhaps sprt is a substitute fr war? It's hard t think f a quieter, mre peaceful game than chess, and what's the bjective?Capturing yur ppnent's king. And surely, it's better t have wars in athletics stadiums rather than n battlefields.
    What's mre, playing is natural. Kittens chase balls f wl and puppies pretend t fight. Games help us perfect ur skills and prepare us fr the serius cntest f survival.
    But d all games help us relax and stay away frm vilence? What abut cmputer games? A recent article in New Scientist suggests that playing vilent vide games(and mst f them are extremely vilent)makes peple mre aggressive and mre likely t cmmit vilent crimes.
    Are these games a rehearsal fr life r a substitute fr life? D we play instead f facing up t ur real prblems?I dn't knw. But what I d knw is that I need a break. Smething t help me relax. Skiing wuld be nice. I wnder hw much it csts t get t Dubai?
    163. Accrding t the authr, the mst surprising thing abut Ski Dubai is its .
    A. slpes B. size C. lcatin D. facilities
    64. The expressin“the drug f their chice”in the 3rd paragraph refers t .
    A. the game they are k een n B. the medicine they take
    C. the activity gd fr health D. the sprt in place f war
    65. Which f the fllwing statements des the authr mst prbably agree with?
    A. Sprts stars shuld be paid mre t play well.
    B. Sprts are mre imprtant than life and death.
    C. Chess is t peaceful t be cnsidered a sprt.
    D. Games can make ne relaxed as well as vilent.
    66. What des the authr mainly talk abut in the passage?
    A. The relatinship between games and crimes.
    B. Human natural craze fr having fun with games.
    C. Serius cncerns abut time that is spent n games.
    D. Real prblems facing game players in everyday life.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Ggle is my dctr
    When illustratr Sctt Adams lst his vice, his dctrs were cnfused. 67 It turned ut thatSctt was suffering frm spasmdic dysphnia. With the help f Ggle alerts and advice frm his dctrs,Sctt gt in tuch with an expert in the US and had special surgery n his thrat t cure his prblem. He is nw a firm believer f using the Internet fr self-diagnsis.
    A dams is ne f an increasing number f peple wh have started using the Internet t get health advice.The advantages f this are numerus, starting f curse with the bvius cnvenience f getting a diagnsis frm the cmfrt f yur wn hme. 68 The Internet prvides a vast number f specialized experts, and Ggling can help yu tap in t that.
    Diagnsing minr medical prblems frm infrmatin n the Internet can als have an impact n sciety’s medical csts. Yu can cmpare insect bites with Internet pictures, ask what type they are and whether they are dangerus withut wasting yur busy dctr's precius time.
    Hwever, it must be said that diagnsis is tricky, and cmparing yur rash (疹子) with an nline phtgraph may lead yu dwn the wrng path. 69 Dctrs als take int accunt yur medical histry, state f mind, etc. N cmputerized symptms checklist can equal a cmplete prfessinal assessment.
    In cnclusin, the Internet is a gd starting pint in diagnsing yur health prblems, but yu shuld always cnsult yur dctr befre acting n anything yu find there. 70
    8A. On a prfessinal level, there is n way ne dctr can be an expert in everything.
    B. It was nt until he turned t the Internet that he managed t identify his cnditin.
    C. This cnditined was the very ne that made him unable t speak.
    D. Appearance prvides nly ten percent f the infrmatin needed t make a diagnsis.
    E. D nt underestimate the value f talking t peple—dctrs and telephne helplines will help yu put what yu read int cntext.
    F. T sum up, if yur dctr refuses t talk t yu, the Internet will help yu find a better slutin.
    IV. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    If yu suffer shyness, yu are nt alne, fr shyness is a universal phenmenn. It is nt surprising that scial scientists are explring its envirnmental causes.
    The first envirnmental cause f shyness may be a child's hme and family life Tday's children are grwing up in smaller and smaller families, with fewer and fewer relatives living nearby. Grwing up in hmes in which bth parents wrk full time, children may nt have the scializing experience f frequent visits by neighbrs and friends. Because f their lack f scial skills, they may begin t feel shy when they start schl.
    A secnd envirnmental cause f shyness in an individual may be ne’s culture. In a large study cnducted in Japan,57 percent f participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Lynne Hendersn andPhilip Zimbard say,“One explanatin is that in Japan, an individual’s perfrmance success is credited externally t parents, grandparents, teachers, caches, and thers, while failure is entirely blamed n the persn.”Therefre, Japanese learn nt t take risks in public and rely instead n grup-shared decisins.
    Technlgy may als pay a rle. In the United States, the number f yung peple wh reprt being shy has rise n frm 40 percent t 50 percent in recent years. Due t ur huge advances in technlgy, watching televisin, playing vide games, and surfing the Web have replaced recreatinal activities that invlve scial interactin fr many yung peple. Adults, t, are becming mre islated as a result f technlgy. Face-t-face interactin with bank clerks, gas statin attendants, and shp assistants are n lnger necessary because peple can use machines t d their banking, fill their gas tanks, and rder gds. In shrt, they becme shy.
    It appears that mst peple have experienced shyness at sme time in their lives. Therefre, if yu are shy, yu have lts f cmpany.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 你不必在乎他人对你的评论。(care)
    VI. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw inChinese.
    假设你是明启中学高二学生李明,是“The English Wrld”这份英语杂志的忠实读者。最近,这份杂志正在考虑取消纸质版,只在电子阅读器上提供电子版供读者阅读,并就这一计划征求读者意见。写一封邮件给该杂志“读者来信”专栏,内容须包括:
    1. CDAAC 6. B A B B D 11. A BCD 15. D DC 18. C AB
    21. describing 22. painted 23. itself 24. lk 25. befre
    26. f 27. which 28. was inspired 29. that/why 30. t wnder
    31. HABGK 36. DCIFE
    41. ACDBC 46. ADBAC 51. BCADA
    56. AADC 60. DCA 63. CADB 67. BADE

    2024上海市敬业中学高二下学期6月期末考试英语含答案: 这是一份2024上海市敬业中学高二下学期6月期末考试英语含答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 A, A, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了 A, A, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    上海市闵行区2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题: 这是一份上海市闵行区2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题,共10页。






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