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    这是一份江苏省泰州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题,文件包含江苏省泰州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题docx、英语试题解析pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共20页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间: 120分钟; 总分: 150分)
    3. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What des the wman need t d?
    A. D mre exercise. B. Change eating habits. C. Start taking medicine.
    2. What is the wman ding nw?
    A. Watching TV.
    B. Listening t the radi.
    C. Ding her hmewrk.
    3. What is the market value f the item accrding t the man?
    A.$750. B.$500. C.$400.
    4. When will peple knw abut the event?
    A. In March. B. In May. C. In July.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a classrm. B. In a bkstre. C. In a library.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the man?
    A. A student. B. A visiting prfessr. C. A teaching assistant.
    7. Hw will the wman help the man?
    A. By giving him a map.
    B. By leading him t the lab.
    C. By cnducting an experiment with him.
    8. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Keeping a healthy life. B. Finding a cach. C. Jining a gym.
    9. Hw much did the wman pay in ttal?
    A.$10. B.$20. C.$30.
    10. Which activity des the man enjy?
    A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Weightlifting.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11 至 13 题。
    11. What is the wman's majr at university?
    A. Jurnalism. B. Sprts science. C. Media studies.
    12. What des the wman think abut newspapers?
    A. They are a valuable resurce.
    B. They are replaced by the Internet.
    C. They have lst a lt f readers.
    13. What is the wman ging t d?
    A. Wrk fr herself.
    B. Find a jb at a newspaper.
    C. D research abut a scial media cmpany.
    14. What is special abut the carrts?
    A. They are especially large.
    B. They are naturally grwn.
    C. They have been cleaned with chemicals.
    15. Where des the man's uncle sail his bat?
    A. On the lake. B. In the cean. C. Alng a river.
    16. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Uncle and niece.
    B. Farmer and visitr.
    C. Shp assistant and custmer.
    17. What kind f persn is the wman?
    A. Friendly. B. Adventurus. C. Disagreeable.
    18. What shuld yu d first t learn abut a new culture accrding t the speaker?
    A. Visit a museum. B. Try lcal fd. C. Learn the native language.
    19. What is the benefit f taking part in hliday events?
    A. Getting lts f free fd.
    B. Discvering mre abut traditins.
    C. Learning many unique expressins.
    20. What's the speaker's suggestin at the end f the talk?
    A. Asking questins.
    B. Becming a teacher.
    C. Being prud f yur wn culture.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分42.5分)
    第一节 (共12小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分30分)
    Sia was 13 when she nticed the bareft children f wrkers at a cnstructin site. “Their feet were bare. Hard. Dirty. Bleeding.” reflects Sia. “They were just walking arund just as it was an everyday practice.” It was then that Sia realized their lives were s different frm hers.
    Sia went back hme and saw shes piled up high — many f which hadn't been wrn fr mnths. Then she rushed t distribute them t the children she saw at the building site. Later that year, with the help f her parents and cmmunity vlunteers, Sia funded Sle Warrirs, a charity cmmitted t prviding shes t thse in need, whse mtt is: “Dnate a sle(鞋), save a sul.”
    The idea quickly grew. After she spread the wrd with psters, enquiries frm peple wh wanted t help came flding in. Nw in its fifth year, the rganizatin cllects used shes, refurbishes(翻新) it and dnates the finished prducts t peple in need. That need is endless. In the wrld, an estimated 300 millin peple can't affrd shes. Of the nearly 24 billin shes made every year, shckingly mre than 90 percent end up in dustbins.
    In its first distributin, Sle Warrirs cllected and gave ut 700 pairs f shes. Tday that number rises t 28,000 acrss fur cuntries. But the rganizatin's grwth met with many challenges. When it came t lking fr a cmpany that wuld d the refurbishments free f charge, Sia faced ne barrier after anther befre finding a partner. “Being a 13-year-ld, I did face a lt f prejudice because peple were less willing t hear what I say.” says Sia.
    In recgnitin f her great influence, Sia was given the Diana Award in 2021. It's ne f the mst remarkable hnrs a yung persn can receive fr scial actin. But her wrk isn't dne. “Our gal has always been t tuch a millin feet, ”she says.
    21. Why des the authr mentin Sia's visit t a cnstructin site?
    A. T display Sia's genersity.
    B. T aruse readers' sympathy.
    C. T shw the life f cnstructin wrkers.
    D. T explain why Sia started Sle Warrirs.
    22. Hw des Sle Warrirs ffer help?
    A. By urging gvernments t make jint effrts.
    B. By dnating refurbished shes t thse in need.
    C. By cllecting secnd-hand shes frm dustbins.
    D. By searching fr cmpanies t make new shes fr free.
    23. What difficulty did Sia have in develping the rganizatin?
    A. Their dnatin culdn't meet peple's demand.
    B. The prcess f refurbishment was t cmplicated.
    C. Her request was rejected by quite a few cmpanies.
    D. Few peple were willing t give away their ld shes.
    24. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Being a scialist is Sia's dream.
    B. The Diana Award is awarded annually.
    C. Sia felt ttally satisfied with her scial actin.
    D. Sia wuld nt stp her wrk with Sle Warrirs.
    When it cmes t ppular symbls f marriage, ne cannt lk past the wedding ring. The wedding ring serves as a perfect symbl f everlasting lve ——a ring is a circle and thus has n beginning r end, representing the never-ending unin f marriage.
    Evidence suggests that wedding rings were used in ancient Egypt arund 6,000 years ag. Hwever, unlike the metals and jewels used tday, they were crafted frm materials such as leather r bne. In the centuries that fllwed, the wedding ring traditin was picked up in the West, where it spread first in ancient Rme and Greece, subsequently thrughut Eurpe during the Middle Ages, and eventually t Eastern culture.
    Thrughut histry, the rund shape f the ring has cntinued, and s has the traditin f wearing it n the furth finger f the left hand. The latter practice riginated frm an ancient belief that a vein (静脉) ran directly frm this finger t the heart. Althugh this belief has since been cnsidered wrng, the custm has cntinued.
    Regarding custms surrunding wedding rings, there was a time when nly the bride wre a wedding ring. It wasn't until the early 20th century that the practice f bridegrms wearing rings gained ppularity. This change was influenced by sldiers ging ff t war, wh wre rings as reminders f their lved nes waiting fr them at hme. Tday, the exchange f wedding rings remains an essential part f the wedding ceremny, symblizing the cmmitment and lve shared between tw individuals wh will begin a life tgether.
    Wedding rings hld a symblic significance that ties the tw members f a married cuple. In an ever-changing wrld, the wedding ring stands as an ancient traditin that is likely t cntinue fr generatins t cme, reflecting the timeless and everlasting lve celebrated thrugh marriage.
    25. What can we knw abut wedding rings in the text?
    A. They have their rts in Eurpe.
    B. They date back t the Middle Ages.
    C. They symblize the wners' scial status.
    D. The rund shape has remained unchanged.
    26. Why did peple in ancient times wear a wedding ring n the furth finger f the left hand?
    A. Because it brught gd luck t sldiers ging ff t war.
    B. Because they wished t keep their lver in their heart.
    C. Because a vein runs directly frm this finger t the heart.
    D. Because it represented the never-ending unin f marriage.
    27. What can be predicted abut the future f the wedding ring traditin?
    A. It will underg great changes.
    B. It will gradually fall ut f date.
    C. It will prbably last fr quite a lng time.
    D. It will nly be ppular in certain cultures.
    28. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The design f wedding rings.
    B. The significance f wedding rings.
    C. The lng histry f wedding rings.
    D. The materials used fr wedding rings.
    At the Prt f Ls Angeles, a lng gray ship is ding its part t fight against climate change. On the ship, which belngs t Captura, a Ls Angeles-based cmpany, is a system f pipes, pumps, and cntainers that pumps seawater and remves CO₂, which can be used t make plastics and fuels r buried. Then the treated seawater is returned t the cean, where it absrbs mre CO₂ frm the atmsphere, in an effrt t battle the rise f the greenhuse gas.
    Capturing(捕获) CO₂ frm the cean shuld be easier and cheaper than a seemingly mre direct apprach: capturing it directly frm the air. Direct air capture, which relies n fans t sweep air past chemicals that can absrb CO₂, currently csts between $600 t $1000 per tn f CO₂ remved, largely because atmspheric CO₂ nly makes up less than 0.05% f the air by vlume. Earth's ceans, in cntrast, hld the gas at a cncentratin nearly 150 times higher, and absrb rughly 30% f all emitted (排放) CO₂ each year.
    Besides, cean capture is develping faster than ther cean CO₂ remval appraches. That’s partly because the systems can usually be attached t desalinatin (脱盐) plants, wastewater treatment equipment, and ther large water-prcessing systems.
    Hwever, ne challenge fr the apprach is determining exactly hw much CO₂ the treated water absrbs and at what rate. Still, the absrptin rates will vary based n where the water is released and hw easily it mixes with surrunding water. That makes site selectin a really imprtant part f this prcess.
    Even if the technlgy takes ff, it will have t be prmted widely t make a difference in ffsetting glbal emissins. Accrding t the Intergvernmental Panel n Climate Change, by 2050 engineered carbn remval effrts will need t remve sme 5 billin tns f CO₂ every year t limit the glbal temperature increase t 1.5°C. At present, the cean capture cmpanies are remving nly thusands f tns.
    29. What des Paragraph 1 mainly talk abut?
    A. The re use f remved CO₂.
    B. The basic infrmatin abut Captura.
    C. The wrking prcess f cean capture.
    D. An unusual phenmenn in Ls Angeles.
    30. Why des cean capture cst less than direct air capture?
    A. Because the system is used mre widely.
    B. Because the cean absrbs CO₂ mre directly.
    C. Because capturing CO₂ frm the cean is faster.
    D. Because the cncentratin f CO₂ in seawater is higher.
    31. What des the underlined wrd “ffsetting” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Sending ut. B. Canceling ut. C. Figuring ut. D. Giving ut.
    32. What des the Intergvernmental Panel n Climate Change want t cnvey?
    A. The cean capture cmpanies still have a lng way t g.
    B. The cean capture cmpanies have remved enugh CO₂.
    C. Mre CO₂ will be emitted int the atmsphere in the future.
    D. Limiting the glbal temperature increase t 1.5℃is the final gal.
    第二节 (共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    The imprtance f learning utside ges beynd fresh air and fun. Spending time utdrs can expse kids t the cncept f climate change. Here are sme tips.
    ●Keep a climate jurnal. Yu can explain t yur children that climate is a pattern f weather. 33 Hwever, in recent years, extreme weather like strms and abnrmal temperatures has ccurred frequently. Have them keep a weather jurnal t get a sense f the climate.
    ● 34 Kids can help take care f plants, like vegetables r plants in a garden. Grwing and lking after plants helps children understand that peple have a rle t play in helping living things meet their needs. Make cnnectins between climate change and the needs f plants.
    ●Play sme games. Encurage yur children t head utside fr a few runds f nature scavenger hunt (寻物游戏) , where yu give them a list f items t find, like sticks, clrful leaves and rcks. It is als a gd chice t play “I Spy”, which gets them t assciate wrds with the natural wrld. 35
    ●Build an utdr tl set. Put tgether an utdr tl set with a magnifying glass(放大镜),a telescpe and a cntainer. 36 Then, try starting with smething they are interested in, such as building a mini park r cllecting natural items.
    ●Walk and talk. G n walks with yur kids frequently. Alng the way bserve and discuss hw ther members f the cmmunity are helping the envirnment. 37 Over time, under the guidance f parents, kids will grw int adults wh care abut the envirnment.
    A. Get in the dirt.
    B. It used t be mre stable.
    C. Observe the plants arund.
    D. These tls allw kids t survive in the wild.
    E. Language enables kids t better cnnect t their envirnment.
    F. These tls can help kids find and cllect natural samples and play freely.
    G. Putting these cnversatins int daily life keeps kids aware f climate change.
    第二部分 语言知识运用 (共三节,满分37.5分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    As a kid, I ften suffered frm nsebleeds. My parents had sme 38 f traditinal Chinese medicine, and they said this was caused by my lve fr 39 fruits. Lychees, my 40 , had given me “t much heat.” But it didn't stp me frm eating them by the 41 . After we mved frm China t Canada, lychees became harder t find. Whenever we drve t a Chinatwn, I wuld 42 all the fruit markets fr my red jewels.
    As I grw lder, trying new fruits widens my hrizns. Just when I thught I had 43 every pleasant fruity smell in the wrld, the lul(龙葵) appeared at my regular fruit shp. Its taste left me wide-eyed and 44 . The strng, sweet flavr filled my whle huse fr days. It was such a 45 smell that I'd rather believe it was picked frm a fd scientist's imaginatin.
    “What lasted is what the sul ate,” Jack Gilbert wrte in his pem The Spirit and the Sul, “The way a child knws the wrld by putting it int his 46 .”Each tasting is a chance t be 47 with my inner child. The experience is n less 48 than seeing the cean fr the first time, leaving me 49 what else this wrld has been hiding frm us.
    I try mst fruits nly several times because I always lve newer things. But there is ne I keep returning t: the sursp(刺果番荔枝). When it is ripe, it tastes wnderful. Wait just ne mre day, 50 , and it starts t brwn, giving ff a terrible smell. Yes, it ges bad fast, 51 that life is t shrt. S dn't let ur sweetest days 52 .“Taste” the jys arund us as they cme alng.
    38. A. prejudice B. knwledge C. applicatin D. recgnitin
    39. A. unusual B. unsafe C. unknwn D. unfrgettable
    40. A. ptin B. recipe C. favrite D. privilege
    41. A. half B. pile C. grup D. dzen
    42. A. search B. purchase C. cnsult D. apprach
    43. A. checked B. encuntered C. cntacted D. explred
    44. A. tireless B. hpeless C. speechless D. restless
    45. A. rare B. familiar C. terrible D. vital
    46. A. mind B. pcket C. muth D. heart
    47. A. refreshed B. reunited C. recharged D. rearranged
    48. A. rewarding B. practical C. meaningful D. memrable
    49. A. understanding B. investigating C. wndering D. suspecting
    50. A. thugh B. therefre C. therwise D. instead
    51. A. recmmending B. prmising C. ensuring D. reminding
    52. A. set in B. slip away C. split up D. slw dwn
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    On April 13, a seminar(研讨会) (53) ▲ (hld) in Jiujiang, Jiangxi prvince, discussing the histrical imprtance and cntemprary use f Yangshi Lei ryal architecture.
    The Yangshi Lei family became successful during the Qing Dynasty, with many members serving as chief (54) ▲ (architect) fr the Qing curt, cntributing t the design f buildings, mst f(55) ▲ are nw recgnized as wrld cultural heritage sites in China, such as the Summer Palace in Beijing.
    (56) ▲ (regard) as a vital cmpnent f human archival (档案的) heritage, Yangshi Lei architectural recrds ffer a windw int ancient Chinese architectural design.(57) ▲ tw-day event, hsted by the Natinal Library f China, aimed t further uncver the cultural value f Yangshi Lei, using it t establish a glbally (58) ▲ (influence) symbl f Chinese culture.
    The effrts made by the Natinal Library shwed (59) ▲ (it) recgnitin f the histrical and architectural significance f Yangshi Lei drawings. (60) ▲ (current), there are mre than 20,000 drawings and files left, (61) ▲ the Natinal Library is hlding three-quarters f them.
    Experts praised the seminar (62) ▲ the first cmprehensive research n YangshiLei at the natinal level. It als represents a pineering explratin f strategies fr prtecting and utilizing (利用) wrld-class heritage.
    第三节 (共15小题; 每小题0.5分, 满分7.5分)
    63. She has already f ▲ her sn fr lying t her, thugh she was really angry at first.
    64. The wrld champin c ▲ anther challenger and defended his title last mnth.
    65. Driven by a p ▲ fr phtgraphy, she quitted her well-paid jb and established a phtgraphy studi.
    66. Fr security cncern, Sam has recently u ▲ the sftware n his cmputer.
    67. I have been s ▲ t the magazine fr many years because it ffers a wide range f interesting stries.
    68. Many traffic rules have been s ▲ and are easy t understand nw.
    69. Several c ▲ were called fr a secnd interview and Tm successfully gt the jb.
    70. In the ever-changing wrld, yu will never c ▲ t learn as lng as yu live.
    71. Three surgens successfully t ▲ a heart int a tw-year-ld girl in Shanghai last
    72. We shuld nt make ▲ (假设) abut the utcme f an event withut enugh infrmatin.
    73. The factry will receive severe punishment if it misses the ▲ (截止日期) t cut water pllutin.
    74. The wman was ▲ (逮捕) fr pssessin f illegal drugs by the plice.
    75. The gvernment has ▲ (批准) the building plans, s wrk n the new schl can begin immediately.
    76. The peple affected by the earthquake are living at ▲ (临时的) emergency shelters nw.
    77. Reprters asked the prime minister t ▲ (阐明) his psitin, presenting exactly what his belief is.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,原计划本周六将无人机(drne)借给你校交换生Daniel 使用,但因故不能履行诺言。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Daniel,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    The Secret f Grwing Flwers
    Amy helped her mther in their vegetable garden every day, s the vegetables wuld be healthy and ready fr the market. Amy ften pretended the plants she tk care f were beautiful chrysants(菊花) , like Mrs. Taylr's prize flwers.
    “Flish girl! ”her mther sclded. “N ne in ur pr village wastes mney s flishly n flwers. Take care f the vegetables. That's ur living.”
    Amy knew her mther was right. The nly persn in the village wh made mney by selling flwers was Mrs. Taylr. Every year she wn first prize at the Chrysant Festival. Other cmpetitrs whispered that Taylr used magic t grw her chrysants.
    Amy envied Mrs. Taylr. But chrysants were expensive t start, and Amy culd nly dream abut grwing them.
    One day, Amy visited Mrs. Taylr. Mrs. Taylr was inspecting her chrysants.“Spying n me again!” Taylr frwned. “But, Mrs. Taylr, I nly cme t see yur flwers.” Amy tk a deep breath.“I wish I culd grw beautiful chrysants and win a prize at the festival like yu.”
    “Yu?”Mrs. Taylr laughed. “Child, d yu knw what's required t grw such flwers? The secret f grwing chrysants has been passed dwn frm my grandfather. Stick t vegetables. Leave flwers t thse wh knw the secret.” Taylr pulled up a weak plant and threw it away.
    Suddenly Amy had an idea. She asked fr Taylr's permissin t have that plant, dashed back hme, and grew it behind the cttage. She leaned clse t the hanging leaves and whispered, “Grw, little flwer. Yu dn't have t win a prize. Just grw.” She tk care f her plant every mrning and evening. “Yu are my beautiful plant,” Amy wuld sing sftly, as she weeded and watered it. “Smeday, yu will blm (开花) prettier than any flwer at the festival.” Each time Amy visited her little plant, it lked greener and taller. Time seemed t fly by as the festival neared.
    1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
    On the mrning f the festival, when Amy visited her plant again, she screamed with delight.

    Amy's chrysant wn first prize as Mrs. Taylr had predicted.


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