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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man ask Erin t d?
    A. Take a cat.B. Walk t schl.C. Dress warmly.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the weather like nw?
    A. Snwy.B. Sunny.C. Rainy.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers?
    A. At a taxi stand.B. At an airprt.C. At a statin.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A film.B. A play.C. A cncert.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the wman d n Thursday?
    A. Attend an event.B. Send an invitatin.C. Visit a museum.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6 Which department did Ms. Lng wrk in?
    A. The marketing department.
    B. The accunts department.
    C. The verseas department.
    7. What des Denis want t d?
    A. Recmmend a jb t Ellit.
    B Ask fr a jb transfer.
    C. Talk with Ms. Lng.
    8. What des the wman like t try?
    A. African dishes.B. Asian dishes.C. Suth American dishes.
    9. What will the man d at the festival?
    A. Jin a dish-making class.
    B. Buy sme lcal prduce.
    C. Ck sme ndles.
    10. Hw lng will the festival last?
    A. Tw hurs.B. Five hurs.C. Seven hurs.
    11. What was the man’s pinin n his jb in China?
    A. Rewarding.B. Bring.C. Easy.
    12. What did the wman initially plan t study?
    A. Mechanical engineering.
    B. Business administratin.
    C. Htel management.
    13. What did the wman realize thrugh her gap year experience?
    A. It was challenging t wrk abrad.
    B. The planned majr wasn’t suitable fr her.
    C. She desired t set up her wn business.
    14. Hw many bestsellers has Philip authred except The Fear Within?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.
    15. Hw des Philip feel abut entering the film industry?
    A. Uncnfident.B. Uninterested.C. Determined.
    16. What is Philip planning t d in September?
    A. Start a new bk.
    B. Find sme new talent.
    C. D sme teaching wrk.
    17. Where did the speaker stay in Seul?
    A. In an Airbnb.B. In a spa htel.C. In a beach huse.
    18. Hw des the speaker describe Seul?
    A. Magic and adventurus.B. Calm and beautiful.C. Busy and energetic.
    19. What was the mst unfrgettable fr the speaker abut Jeju’s visit?
    A. Enjying the perfect beaches.
    B. Explring a hidden waterfall.
    C. Attending a village festival.
    20. What is the purpse f the talk?
    A. T discuss Krean cultural traditins.
    B. T recmmend Krean turist attractins.
    C. T share travel tips n visiting the Republic f Krea.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    After a warm receptin frm yur tur manager at yur dedicated pick-up pint in Lndn, settle in yur cmfrtable cach as we set ff n ur jurney twards Stnehenge. The wrld’s mst famus prehistric mnument has inspired peple t study and interpret it fr centuries, yet many questins remain t be answered —abut wh built it, when, and why.
    After visiting Stnehenge, we drive t Windsr Castle, which is hme t ryalty and 1,000 years f ryal histry. The stunning 13-acre site is the largest and ldest ccupied, wrking castle in the wrld. There are many famus, must-see mments within these spectacular rms in the castle, like the grand Waterl Chamber and the magnificent Crimsn Drawing Rm.
    In the early evening, we make ur way twards Lndn and prceed twards yur respective drp ff pints and bid farewell t all friends yu have made n the tur.
    We recmmend yu wear cmfrtable clthing and carry essentials such as a jacket r jumper, dry snacks, water, tissues, chargers, pwer bank, etc., in yur handbag as access t the luggage hld is nly pssible until a cmfrt stp r arrival at yur destinatin. Ht fds are nt allwed t be carried r cnsumed inside the cach.
    Click here t g thrugh the general infrmatin and Terms & Cnditins befre bking and travelling.
    21. Hw many turist spts will the participants visit?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    22. It is advised t put yur essentials in the handbag because ________.
    A. the luggage hld is inaccessible when the bus is in mtin
    B. they are nt allwed t be carried inside the cach
    C. it’s cnvenient fr yu t enjy ht fds
    D. drivers are likely t access them
    23. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A jurnal.B. A webpage.
    C. A travel brchure.D. A magazine.
    My head was s full f digital nise that it felt like my brain was abut t blw a fuse (导火线).I had n greater pwer f cncentratin than the lifeless stare f a gldfish.As a writer I was ashamed t admit that my lve f bks had been cmprmised by a brain that simply culd nt sit still.
    S, this year I cmmitted myself t restring bks t the place that they held in my life befre the Internet brke my brain.
    My gal was 52 bks: It seemed like an impssible task. A 400-page bk will take the average persn arund eight hurs t read. Finding the time t read was a challenge but here's hw I did it. Firstly, I decided t treat my mind like a misbehaving child wh needs sme rules laid dwn.Then I decided that I wuld read fr an hur r tw at a time withut distractin each day. It was smething I hadn't dne in years and it was scary hw difficult it was.
    In his bkThe Distracted Mind, Larry Rsen says that the mre we practice spending time away frm ur electrnic devices, the calmer and mre fcused we becme. And this is what I fund. Again and again, I wuld gently bring myself back t the page, resisting the urge t reach fr that screen. I tk inspiratin frm Niki Gemmell, wh describes in On Quiet, hw investing in a safe t lck away her family's devices fr lng perids had pened up a space fr deep reflectin. Fr me, finding that quiet time meant finding time in my day just t read. It was like a date between me and my bk. And it meant actively chsing t read at times when I nrmally wuld reach fr my phne. I read n the tram, at the park, in bed at night and n lunch breaks.
    By reawakening my lve with bks I created a sacred space where I culd press pause and fund inspiratin knwledge, reflectin and escape. In ur mdern wrld, reading is a pwerful and beneficial way fr us t slw dwn and be urselves.
    24. What was the first thing the authr did t achieve the gal?
    A. The authr went t the bkstre t buy bks.
    B. The authr was determined t regulate himself.
    C. The authr was buried in reading fr an hur r tw at nce.
    D. The authr decided t get invlved in reading with peple arund.
    25. What is the authr’s attitude twards electrnic devices?
    A. FavrableB. AmbiguusC. DubtfulD. Critical
    26. What can we infer abut the authr?
    A. The authr benefited a lt frm reading bks.
    B. The authr gt inspiratin when he reached fr the screen.
    C. The authr wuld rather read bks utdrs than indrs.
    D. The authr was reminded t kill time with electrnic devices.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Ging back t the bksB. Falling in lve with reading
    C. Escaping frm the nisy wrldD. Resisting the urge t reach fr the screen
    Pssible discvery f the first planet utside ur galaxy
    Signs f a planet transiting (经过) a star utside f the Milky Way galaxy may have been detected fr the first time. This intriguing result, using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatry, pens up a new windw t search fr explanets at greater distances than ever befre. The pssible explanet candidate is lcated in the spiral galaxy Messier 51 (M51), als called the Whirlpl galaxy because f its distinctive prfile.
    “We are trying t pen up a whle new arena fr finding ther wrlds by searching fr planet candidates at X-ray wavelengths, a strategy that makes it pssible t discver them in ther galaxies,” said Rsanne Di Stefan f the Center fr Astrphysics I Harvard & Smithsnian (CfA), wh led the study, which was published Mnday in Nature Astrnmy.
    Because the regin prducing bright X-rays is small, a planet passing in frnt f it culd blck mst r all f the X-rays, making the transit easier t spt because the X-rays can cmpletely disappear. This culd allw explanets t be detected at much greater distances than current ptical light transit studies, which must be able t detect tiny decreases in light because the planet nly blcks a tiny part f the star.
    The team used this methd t detect the explanet candidate in a binary system (双星系统) called M51-ULS-1, lcated in M51. This binary system cntains a black hle r neutrn star r biting a cmpanin star with a mass abut 20 times that f the sun. The X-ray transit they fund using Chandra data lasted abut three hurs, during which the X-ray emissin decreased t zer. Based n this and ther infrmatin, the researchers estimate the explanet candidate in M51-ULS-1 wuld be rughly the size f Saturn, and rbit the neutrn star r black hle at abut twice Saturn’s distance frm the sun.
    While this is a tantalizing (引起好奇心的) study, mre data wuld be needed t cnfirm the understanding as an extragalactic (银河系外的) explanet. One challenge is that the planet candidate’s large rbit means it wuld nt crss in frnt f its binary partner again fr abut 70 years, thwarting (阻碍) any attempts fr a cnfirming bservatin fr decades.
    28. What is the significance f the new finding fr future study?
    A. It has distinctive result.
    B. It pens up explratin at lnger distance.
    C. It uses NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatry.
    D. It detects a star utside f the Milky Way fr the first time.
    29. Accrding t Rsanne Di, hw did they try t find explanets?
    A. By using X-ray wavelengths t lk fr explanets.
    B. By discvering explanets in ther galaxies.
    C. By pening up a whle new arena.
    D. By finding ther wrlds.
    30. What des this refer t in paragraph 4?
    A. Chandra dataB. X-ray emissin
    C. The decrease f X-rayD. The X-ray transit that lasted three hurs
    31. What’s the team’s future fcus?
    A. Thwart attemptsB. Tantalize the study
    C. Cnfirm bservatinD. Find mre infrmatin
    Figuring ut bidiversity patterns and detecting rare r just-gd-at-hiding species has lng psed challenges fr ecsystem mnitring and cnservatin effrts. Traditinal survey methds are labr intensive and cver limited areas. Nw, emerging envirnmental DNA (eDNA) techniques pen new pssibilities.
    Scientists cllect water r sil samples frm an envirnment and extract any DNA traces left behind by rganisms. This is the envirnmental DNA (eDNA). They then use ne f the tw analysis methds-quantitative PCR (qPCR)r DNA sequencing. Similar t COVID tests, qPCR is used t detect if a specific species’ DNA is in the sample. Fr example, researchers tested river water eDNA t see if endangered fish X was present. When it was detected, they cnfirmed that the fish lived in that river withut directly seeing it. DNA sequencing analyzes all DNA in the sample at nce. Scientists can then match the DNA barcdes t databases t identify which species were in the sampled envirnment.
    Althugh eDNA sampling cannt identify new species r thse nly knwn frm phts and vides if they are nt already listed in the reference databases, the real pwer f it lies in its ability t capture a wide range f rganisms. With just ne sample, scientists can detect all kinds f living things, frm bacteria t whales, in almst any envirnment where life exists, including the deep sea and undergrund caves. One f the mst significant advantages f eDNA sampling is that it allws scientists t detect species that are difficult t see r capture. This is particularly useful when studying rare r very small species, r when wrking in envirnments like dark water where visibility is limited.
    This is just the start. Imagine a future where eDNA data culd be cllected frm the mst remte ceans by autnmus vehicles, analyzed by the drne (无人机) r n bard a research vessel, and integrated with ther mnitring data s marine managers and the public can see near-real-time data abut the cnditin f the cean. Science fictin? Nt any mre.
    32. What can we infer frm paragraph 1?
    A. Finding ut species diversity is difficult fr related scientists.
    B. The previus research methds are cmpletely depend n labr.
    C. eDNA techniques culd make up fr sme limitatins psed by the traditinal ne.
    D. eDNA techniques have already substituted traditinal survey methds.
    33. What’s the advantage f eDNA sampling?
    A. It can detect species frm phts and vides.
    B. It can help scientists capture endangered species.
    C. It imprves adaptability t different researching envirnments.
    D. It can identify any living creature with a sample f it.
    34. What culd eDNA data be applied t in the future?
    A. Studying micrbial cmmunities.
    B. Analyzing diversity changes ver time.
    C. Cllecting species in new envirnments.
    D. Offering statistics fr cean supervisin.
    35. What’s the main idea f the text?
    A. New bidiversity mnitring techniques are arund the crner.
    B. Traditinal survey methds are abandned fr their shrtcmings.
    C. Rare species have been discvered with tw analysis methds.
    D. Scientists have made a breakthrugh in undersea research.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Shein exemplifies a new style f Chinese multinatinal
    Xu Yangtian funded Shein in 2008. The creatr f the fashin wrld's latest hit is a specialist in search-engine ptimisatin (最优化). This year Shein's grss merchandise value (GMV) is frecast t surpass $20 billin. By 2022 analysts expect Shein's (GMV) t vertake Zara's revenues.___36___
    The first is a turbcharged versin f the fast-fashin frmula f ffering a cnstantly updated range f garments at bargain-basement prices. Whereas Zara launches abut 10, 000 new prducts a year, Shein releases 6, 000 fresh “stck-keeping units” every day.
    Shein tests the new designs simultaneusly (同时地) n its app. If a new design is ppular, the cmpany quickly rders mre.___37___
    ___38___. Besides handing ut prducts free f charge t influencers, it has recruited lcal designers in America and several ther cuntries. As well as dreaming up new clthes, they market its prducts and backstries n scial media.
    The third ingredient is brilliant avidance f geplitical cntrversy. Shein wears its Chineseness lightly. Unlike ther Chinese brands such as Huawei, it sells next t nthing dmestically. ___39___. Western cnsumers assume that like mst f their clthing, Shein clthing is made in Asia.
    ___40___. The cmpany relies n cllecting lts f data frm American shppers. Shein's Western cmpetitrs may use natinal security as a reasn t fight against its relentless (不留情面的) rise. That wuld be a cmpliment — after a fashin.
    A. Shein is a huge success.
    B. Shein's success has three threads.
    C. That makes them gain supprt frm Chinese citizens.
    D. That weakens its assciatin with China in Western eyes.
    E. If cnsumers shrug (耸肩) at the new style, n mre rders are placed.
    F. Fr all its stupendus (惊人的) success, Mr Xu's frmula is nt withut risks.
    G. Shein has used digital understanding als in sales and marketing — the secnd thread f its success.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My mther has always been ne f thse rare peple that sees the gd in everyne and des gd things. She's had her ups and dwns but has always ___41___ a psitive, sunny utlk n life and been very helpful t peple.
    One day, my little sister fell and hurt her ankle, ___42___ needing a visit t the hspital emergency rm. My mther immediately shift int crisis mde, ___43___ my sister int the car, and drve t ur lcal hspital. In such a ___44___my mther didn't call t tell my father. When she gt t the hspital,she realized she needed t ____45____with my father immediately.
    While waiting fr my sister t be ___46___, my mther ___47___ her way t the pay phne t place her call. She put her cin in, called my father and tld him everything. After she ___48___, the phne returned several additinal cins that Mm wasn’t ___49___.
    Realizing that the phne was ___50___, my mther decided t leave the 50 cins by the phne. She tld us that in a ___51___, peple might nt remember t bring change with them t make that emergency call.
    I've ften thught abut her decisin frm an adult's ____52____. I realize that smene seeing the mney by the phne may have ___53___ taken it because nt everyne was as ___54___ as my mther. But I like t believe that my mther's faith was ____55____ and that smene wh needed them fund the cins waiting there.
    41. A. tleratedB. anticipatedC. maintainedD. expressed
    42. A. temprarilyB. desperatelyC. prfessinallyD. frequently
    43. A. attendedB. extendedC. liftD. packed
    44. A. mixtureB. rushC. circumstanceD. pressure
    45. A. cme alngB. keep in lineC. make upD. get in tuch
    46 A. emergedB. examinedC. dminatedD. disturbed
    47. A. fundB. returnedC. madeD. charged
    48. A. put upB. shw upC. hung upD. use up
    49. A. assignedB. bradcastC. belngedD. wed
    50. A. amateurB. blankC. cnvenientD. brken
    51. A. crisisB. chasC. episdeD. expeditin
    52. A. mtiveB. perspectiveC. appintmentD. psychlgy
    53. A. simplyB. suddenlyC. bviuslyD. gradually
    54. A. thughtfulB. gratefulC. hpefulD. wnderful
    55. A. hard-wnB. newly-builtC. well-placedD. deeply-rted
    Originally cnstructed arund 256 BCE by the State f Qin as an irrigatin and fld cntrl system, Dujiangyan is a___56___ (remark) example f ancient engineering skill and is still ___57___ use tday. During the Warring States perid, peple wh lived alng the ____58____ (bank) f the Min River were trubled by annual flding.
    Qin gvernr and irrigatin engineer Li Bing investigated the prblem ___59___ (thrugh). He led a team t cnstruct a levee ____60____ (redirect) a prtin f the river’s flw. Then they cut a channel thrugh Munt Yulei t discharge the excess water. After the system was finished, n mre flds ccurred. What’s mre, the redirected water frm the Min River culd be used fr irrigatin,____61____ made Sichuan ne f the mst prductive agricultural regins in China .
    If yu visit Dujiangyan, yu will see ___62___ unusual cnstructin that resembles a fish’s muth. This famus attractin, Yuzui, tgether with tw ther imprtant parts, namely, Feishayan and Bapingku, ___63___ (design) scientifically t cntrl the water flw thrughut the year. ____64____(recgnize) as a UNESCO heritage site, Dujiangyan ____65____ (irrigate) farms while preventing flds fr ver 2,000 years.
    第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66. 假如你是李华,上周六你校学生会举办了“走进社区,服务大家”的公益活动。请你为校英文报写一边报道,内容包括:
    Students’ Vluntary Wrk in a Cmmunity
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I didn’t like Del s much. He always called me the nickname “Germy”, which meant “dirty”, instead f my real name “Jamie”. Besides, he was knwn as a truble-maker in schl. S when the head teacher Mr. Smith asked Del t cme t his ffice, I naturally thught that Del had dne smething mean t smene. Thrugh the windw, I caught sight f a smaller by crying. Del seemed unhappy, t.
    He did nt return t class that day. All f us were discussing what had happened t him. What else culd such an annying by d? “He must have hit the by and was sent hme,” I whispered t my friends. Their eyes widened. It felt gd t see them s interested in what I said.
    The next mrning, the whle schl was talking abut Del being expelled(开除) fr beating up a kid. I was surprised that my assumptins were passed n s quickly. S when Del walked int the classrm, all the kids were shcked. The kids next t him shift ed their desks away. “What’s yur prblem?” Del asked. “I dn’t want yu t attack me,” ne kid said. Sme laughed. “Yeah, I might,” said Del. I culd tell he was jking, but many kids thught he admitted he did beat up smene.
    During recess(课间休息), Del tried t jin the kickball game. “Neither team wants yu,” ne f the players said. “Why?” Del asked, lking cnfused. “I always play with yu guys.” They ignred him and went n playing. Del sat by himself while the rest f the schl enjyed their recess away frm him. Del lked lnely and sad, much different frm befre. I started t feel srry fr him.
    Later that day, I learned what really happened. The kid was Del’s little brther and he was crying because their mther fell ill and was sent t hspital. I felt even srrier fr what I said befre. I started a rumr(谣言).
    At recess the next day, I saw Del sitting alne watching the kickball game.
    Nw that Del had frgiven me, I decided t d mre befre the recess was ver.
    Outside McDnalds, 363 Statin Rad, Harrw, Lndn HA1 2AW
    Outside Hunslw West Statin, Bath Rad, Lndn TW3 3DH
    MANTRA HOLIDAYS, 296 Kentn Rad, Harrw, Lndn HA3 8DD

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