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    这是一份湖北省十堰市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末调研考试英语试卷(附答案与听力材料),文件包含湖北省十堰市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末调研考试英语试卷docx、湖北省十堰市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末调研考试英语试卷听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What is Gerge’s favrite sprt?
    2.What is the man ging t d?
    A.Change his ticket.B.Give the ticket t smene.C.Try t catch the plane at 6:00.
    3.Hw will the man pay the bill?
    A.In cash.B.By card.C.By phne.
    4.What time is it nw?
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.A labratry.B.A university campus.C.An apartment building.
    6.What des the wman majr in?
    7.What will the wman d tmrrw?
    A.See a dctr.B.Start a new jb.C.Buy the man lunch.
    8.What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    9.Where are the speakers?
    A.In Paris.B.In Rme.C.In Lndn.
    10.What des the wman need?
    A.A hand.B.A prject.C.Sme tape.
    11.What d we knw abut the speakers?
    A.They are bth busy.B.They d the same prject.C.They need t help each ther.
    12.What des the wman think is imprtant?
    A.Wrking hard.B.Staying in cntrl.C.Making gd preparatins.
    13.What kind f music des the man prefer?
    A.Lively music.B.Dance music.C.Classical music.
    14.What des the wman usually d when she listens t music?
    A.She des hmewrk.B.She surfs the Internet.C.She des sme cking.
    15.Why is the man ging t listen t classical music?
    A.Because he is ut f wrk.B.Because he is a lively persn.C.Because it is gd fr the brain.
    16.What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.Dwnlad sme music.B.Listen t the radi.C.G t the cncert.
    17.What clrs shuld be used t paint a bedrm?
    A.Blue and yellw.B.Black and white.C.Red and green.
    18.Hw des range make peple feel?
    19.Which rm shuld be painted white?
    A.The kitchen.B.The bathrm.C.The dining rm.
    20.Wh will answer the phne if ne calls 8745632?
    A.A ck.B.A painter.C.An expert.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Summer is the perfect time fr pre-cllege students t enrich themselves. We prepare sme camps fr students t experience the campus life while expanding their knwledge, building life skills and explring their interests.
    Academic Enrichment Camps
    As an excellent resurce fr sharpening yur mind, Academic Enrichment Camps give students the pprtunity t expand their knwledge in specific subjects. Students will be engaged in interactive virtual learning and enrich their learning in language arts, science r scial studies every weekday fr tw weeks. Daily subject lessns are 50 minutes lng. Access t the Internet is available, and an electrnic device is needed.
    BG CyberGuardians Summer Camp
    Dive int the special camp! Invlve yurself in netwrk security wrk. Our dynamic mixture f lectures, labs and wrkshps ensures students t practice. Here, they dn’t just study netwrk security. They experience it first-hand. Explre real-wrld defense skills and becme the digital defender f tmrrw!
    Discver Hidden Health Career Camp
    Have yu thught abut a career in healthcare but just dn’t knw exactly what yu want t d? In this camp, yu will experience varius healthcare prfessins that are nt widely knwn. During these tw days, students can div e int different settings in which these prfessins wrk and get practical experience in what they d. Cme and discver what area f healthcare may be the right fit fr yu!
    21.What d Academic Enrichment Camps mainly help students d?
    A.Cntrl the use f electrnic devices.B.Get career pprtunities in healthcare.
    C.Increase the subject-related knwledge.D.Develp the netwrk security awareness.
    22.What des BG CyberGuardians Summer Camp feature?
    A.Theretical study.B.Hands-n learning.
    C.Self-guided research.D.Online vide teaching.
    23.What pprtunity des Discver Hidden Health Career Camp ffer?
    A.Learning abut healthcare plicies.B.Netwrking with healthcare prfessinals.
    C.Experience f wildly-used healthcare prfessins.D.Explratin f less-knwn healthcare prfessins.
    Resting n a branch in the dark is a Xingu screech wl with piercing eyes. Created by British artist Sarah Ball, the artwrk refers t the scientific name f this species nly fund in the native Xingu regin f Brazil. The striking wrk is unique nt just fr its subject matter, but fr hw it was made: It was created with ash (灰烬) left behind after wildfires in the Amazn rainfrest.
    It’s part f a prject called “Frm the Ashes”, an exhibitin that ran in February in Lndn. “Featuring 29 native and nn-native artists, all the wrks were created using ink, clur and pastels prduced frm ash and charcal (木炭),” said Migrate Art, the Lndn-based scial business that created the prject, whse gal is t help fix damage frm the fires by raising mney.
    In March, the artwrks were auctined (拍卖) in Lndn with estimates fr individual pieces ranging frm £2, 000 t ver £50, 000, accrding t Simn Butler, funder f Migrate Art. “We keep 20% f what we make. The rest f it ges t the native Xingu cmmunity, primarily fr firefighting equipment,” he said.
    Butler visited the Amazn rainfrest tw years ag. Witnessing the areas f the frest that had been burnt dwn, which he described as a “red desert that lked like the end f the wrld”, mtivated him t create change thrugh art. He cllected the burnt remains f the rainfrest, and shipped it back t Lndn t be made int art materials. The materials were then sent t artists arund the wrld. British artist Piers Secunda used black in k t create a painting titled Smke In The Jungle. The cllectin als includes wrks made by members f the native cmmunity.
    “The sale f my wrk t help the Xingu Reserve buy firefighting equipment t extinguish Amazn fires is the best use f my time and resurces that I can imagine,” said Secunda. “These art advcacy actins are grains f sand which build a pile. Fr nw, the pile is small, but it is grwing and will becme substantial.”
    24.What is the authr’s purpse f describing the artwrk in paragraph 1?
    A.T detail the artist’s mtivatin.B.T prvide insights int a new bird.
    C.T highlight its unique creatin methd.D.T discuss the effects f climate change.
    25.What is a direct result f the artwrks?
    A.They will be stred by Simn Butler.
    B.Artists will make a cntributin t the pr.
    C.Migrate Art will cperate with mre artists.
    D.Native Xingu cmmunity will affrd firefighting equipment.
    26.Hw did Butler take actin t make peple fcus n rainfrest wildfires?
    A.By visiting Amazn rainfrest.B.By watching relevant infrmatin.
    C.By talking with rainfrest prtectrs.D.By appealing t artists t create related wrks.
    27.Which wrd best describes the prject?
    In an era marked by glbalizatin, there exist all kinds f cultural differences, leading t sme cultural divides and misunderstandings. Hw t settle them? Educatin is a way. Educatin is a pwerful tl in bridging cultural divides and minimizing misunderstandings. In a wrld that is increasingly intercnnected, educatinal systems play a key rle in preparing individuals t handle and respect cultural diversity.
    Multicultural educatin invlves incrprating different cultural perspectives int the curriculum. This apprach helps students understand and appreciate varius cultural backgrunds, develping empathy (同理心) and respect. It als challenges steretypes (刻板印象) and prejudices by presenting a mre delicate view f different cultures.
    Language educatin is als crucial. Beynd learning t cmmunicate in different languages, language educatin prvides insights int the way peple think, behave and interact in different cultures. It pens drs t understanding slight differences in cmmunicatin and cultural standards that are ften tied t language.
    Mrever, educatinal exchange prgrams are vital in prmting cultural understanding. By studying abrad r participating in exchange prgrams, students gain firsthand experience f ther cultures, which helps break dwn barriers and build intercultural cmpetence—the ability t handle and respect cultural differences effectively.
    Digital technlgy als plays a rle in cultural educatin. Online platfrms and virtual exchanges ffer pprtunities fr students t interact with peers (同龄人) frm arund the wrld, pushing crss-cultural dialgue and understanding. These platfrms can be particularly effective in reaching a wider audience and ging beynd gegraphical limitatins.
    In an ever-intercnnected wrld, the imprtance f understanding and bridging cultural differences cannt be verstated. The jurney twards bridging cultural gaps begins with awareness and respect. Recgnizing that ur ways f seeing the wrld are nt universal, but rather ne perspective amng many, is the first step. This des nt mean wakening ur cultural identity but expanding ur understanding t appreciate the cultural identities f thers. It invlves listening with an intentin t understand, nt just t respnd, and adapting ur cmmunicatin styles and expectatins t suit diverse settings.
    28.Hw can educatin help in a glbalized wrld accrding t the text?
    A.By remving language barriers.B.By prmting ecnmic grwth.
    C.By increasing technlgical advancements.D.By develping empathy and understanding.
    29.What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut language educatin?
    A.Its imprtance.B.Its rigin.C.Its prgrams.D.Its standards.
    30.Hw d digital technlgies cntribute t cultural educatin?
    A.They replace traditinal methds f teaching.
    B.They limit students’ interactin with negative peers.
    C.They braden students’ access t cultural knwledge.
    D.They merely fcus n prmting lcal cultural cntent.
    31.What des the authr think is the primary actin t bridge cultural gaps?
    A.Enhancing mutual respect.B.Ignring cultural differences.
    C.Wakening ne’s wn culture.D.Rejecting ther cultural views.
    The rapid melting f the ice sheets at the tp f Greenland and Antarctica, as measured by satellite-based gravitatinal measurements, is shifting mre mass tward Earth’s waistline. And the extra increase is slwing the planet’s rtatin (自转). That climate-change-driven mass shift is thrwing a new challenge int internatinal timekeeping standards.
    The internatinally agreed-upn crdinated (协调) universal time, r UTC, is set by atmic clcks, but that time is regularly adjusted t match Earth’s actual rtatin. Earth’s rtatin isn’t always smth sailing—the speed f the planet’s spin changes depending n a variety f factrs, including gravitatinal drag frm the sun and the mn, changes t the rtatin speed f Earth’s cre, frictin (摩擦) between cean waters and the seaflr, and shifts in the planet’s distributin f mass arund its surface. But the impact f the quake is much smaller than that f the ice sheets’ melting. Humankind has dne smething that affects, measurably, the rtatin rate f the entire Earth.
    The need fr ccasinal tweaks t the synchrnizatin (同步) f atmic clcks and Earth’s rtatin gave birth t the “leap secnd” in 1972, an extra ti ck that internatinal timekeepers agreed t add t UTC as needed. Timekeepers have added 27 leap secnds t the clck since the idea was intrduced.
    The slightly slwer rtatin has actually delayed the need fr timekeeping changes by a few years—in fact, as a result f this change, the last time a leap secnd was required t be added was in 2016. At the mment, in fact, Earth’s rtatin and atmic clcks are nearly in sync.
    “But the study suggests that, thanks t climate change, glbal timekeepers nw have an extra tw r three years befre they need t adjust,” ntes gephysicist Jerry X. Mitrvica f Harvard University. “But n realistic prjectins f future melting can prevent the unavidable beynd 2030. One way r anther, the wrld is ging t have t start lsing time—r internatinal timekeeping rules are due fr an update,” Mitrvica adds.
    32.What is causing the change in Earth’s rtatin speed?
    A.Frictin between cean and land.B.Melting f ice sheets at Earth’s ples.
    C.Gravitatinal drag frm Earth.D.Directin f spin f Earth’s cre.
    33.What des the underlined wrd “tweaks” in paragraph 3 mean?
    34.What is a result f slwer rtatin f Earth?
    A.Internatinal timekeeping study will disappear.
    B.“Leap secnd” will be put int use mre frequently.
    C.Wider gap s will arise between UTC and atmic clcks.
    D.Internatinal timekeeping rules will have t be revised.
    35.Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A.Atmic Clcks Matter In Glbal TimekeepingB.Earth’s Rtatin Affects The Accuracy Of Time
    C.Climate Change Is Affecting Hw We Keep TimeD.Earth’s Slwer Rtatin Wrsens Climate Change
    Empwering Yur Friends With Psitive Wrds
    Encuragement is pwerful. The wrds f encuragement have a lasting impact n mental and scial happiness, creating a supprtive envirnment where individuals can get alng well. By frming a culture f encuragement in friendships, we cntribute t a wrld filled with psitivity.
    36 In friendships, the wrds f encuragement play an imprtant rle in strengthening ties and cntributing t mutual grwth. Research and persnal experiences stress the deep impact f supprtive wrds in increasing cmfrt and building gd relatinships between each ther.
    An expert emphasizes the lng-lasting influence f encuragement. 37 When we give it t ur friends cnstantly, we create a psitive effect that spreads beynd the mment f cmmunicatin. Encuraging wrds act as a surce f inspiratin, increasing cnfidence and self-respect and prviding the necessary drive t vercme challenges and pursue gals.
    Offering supprtive wrds t thers has the pwer t create hpe and recvery, ptentially changing lives. Encuragement serves as a guiding light during difficult times. 38 It frms a sense f belnging and supprt, creating a safe space where yu can keep them cmpany and share their weaknesses.
    Encuraging wrds can build bridges and cure wunds. 39 They als have a “healing medicinal” effect, ffering supprt and cmfrt during times f suffering r uncertainty. Such simple acts f kindness can truly make a difference when yu are in difficult situatins.
    All in all, psitive wrds frm friends can act as a pwerful factr fr persnal grwth and develpment. The expert finally suggests using them t inspire us t step ut f ur cmfrt zne. 40
    A.Friendships frmed in life benefit us a lt.
    B.It is described as a gift that keeps n giving.
    C.They cnnect minds, develping understanding and trust.
    D.It reminds yur friends that they are nt alne n their jurney.
    E.Hwever, these wrds have little effect when we are in truble.
    F.In this way, we can take risks and hug new pprtunities cnfidently.
    G.Encuragement has the ability t inspire bth the giver and the receiver.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    During my childhd, my family lived with my grandma in the charming ld huse. The 41 was encircled by a vegetable garden and an abundance f fruit trees and flwers decrating the area. It was a place f remarkable 42 , particularly in spring and summer.
    Grandma had dzens f 43 plants. She wuld put them utdrs, water them and talk with them. In winter, she wuld carry the plants in the pts inside t 44 cld. The plants were alive and even grew with warmth. In spring, they 45 became taller, but they didn’t flwer. Sn they were s dense that they frmed a natural barrier.
    I was 46 by the effrt that my grandma had 47 in thse plants. Planting the fruit trees and flwers arund the huse was 48 —they were useful and smelt gd. But I didn’t knw why she grew s many nn-flwering plants. T my yung mind, it remained a 49 .
    One day, I asked my grandma, “Why are yu 50 these plants s patiently? They dn’t give us fd r flwers.” She smiled and said, “They remind me that even in the darkest mnths, there’s always smething t 51 . They bring me jy as yu d. S I lk after them and treat them like the apple f my eye.” That made 52 . Then I understd.
    Tday, I have a different 53 f Grandma’s ptted plants. Her devtin t the plants is a (n) 54 f her lve fr her family. She shws me that beauty and strength can be fund in the 55 time. Her lve cntinues t encurage me all the time especially in adversity.
    50.A.caring frB.turning tC.figuring utD.picking up
    On July 8, 2023, Harbin wn the bid t hst the 9th Asian Winter Games, 56 (indicate) that the reginal games will take place in China fr the third time. In 57 first mnth f 2024, the mascts (吉祥物) f the 9th Asian Winter Games—Binbin and Nini— 58 (eventual) appeared in public at the ceremny in Harbin.
    The tw cute little Siberian tigers, Binbin and Nini, 59 (bear) in September, 2023 at the Siberian Tiger Park in Harbin. 60 (create) by a team frm the Academy f Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, they symblize the in-depth explratin and shaping f the uniquely natural and cultural heritage f the Nrtheast—the Siberian tiger culture. 61 (they)names mean “Welcme t Harbin”, and shw Harbin’s eager anticipatin and sincere welcme t friends frm Asian cuntries. Binbin represents the ice events while Nini represents the snw events.
    In traditinal Chinese culture, the tiger stands 62 gd luck and has many psitive characteristics, amng 63 integrity, strength and curage are highly cnsistent with the Olympic spirit. The emblem (徽章) f the 9th Asian Winter Games in 2025 “Breakthrugh” expresses the inspiring gal f advancing the 64 (cnstruct) f China’s sprts pwer in the new era, making cnstant effrts 65 (challenge) the gal f higher, faster and strnger, and making a new cntributin t Asian ice and snw sprts.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Ryan,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    This is a stry abut an act f kindness that I did, which in turn changed my life in a way.
    I used t teach in a university with a master’s degree. In my cuntry, it was better t have a PhD fr career advancement, and my qualificatins needed t be imprved. S I telephned Prfessr Smith fr help. I had heard that he was a gd dctral supervisr in the university, but I hadn’t met him. I tried t call him nce, but t my disappintment, he said he was a little busy at that time and that he wuld cntact me later.
    One day, I was driving hme frm the university when I saw an accident at the side f the rad. The tw cars cllided (碰撞), but frtunately the drivers were nt injured. They argued with each ther abut the accident and became annyed. Then I stpped my car t see if they might need my help.
    “Calm dwn, gentlemen. What’s the matter?” I apprached them and said.
    “It’s just a minr scratch (划痕). There were sme disagreements when we tried t wrk things ut privately. I think he is asking fr a little t much,” ne driver said t me. I learned that he didn’t have enugh mney n hand t pay fr the damage. Understanding the situatin, I ffered t help. I paid the amunt needed t settle the matter.
    A trublesme matter turned int a peaceful reslutin with my invlvement. When the driver ffered t exchange ur business cards, I agreed. “It was s kind f yu t reach ut. I’ll repay yur mney tmrrw,” he said. “Frget it. It’s just a small thing,” I respnded. Finally, we said gdbye t each ther. Hwever, I didn’t expect my kind behavir wuld really bring me gd luck.
    When I went back hme, I happened t see the driver’s business card. I was surprised t find that the driver I had helped was Prfessr Smith wh I wanted t turn t fr help. I cnfidently decided t call him again the next day t make an appintment.
    Unexpectedly, early the next mrning, my phne rang.
    That afternn, I met Prfessr Smith in his ffice.
    1—5 BAACB6—10 BACAC11—15 ABBCC16—20 AABBC
    21—23 CBD24—27 CDDA28—31 DACA32—35 BBDC
    36—40 GBDCF41—45 ABDBC46—50 ADBCA51—55 DADBC
    56.indicating57.the58.eventually59.were brn60.Created
    61.Their62.fr63.which64.cnstructin65.t challenge
    Dear Ryan,
    I’m excited t share with yu my experience as a vlunteer last weekend.
    I participated in a cmmunity service prgram with the theme f “Caring fr the Elderly”. Our main task was t visit a lcal nursing hme and spend time with the elderly. In the mrning, we helped clean the cmmn areas, decrated the rms and assisted the staff with their daily rutines. In the afternn, we rganized varius activities such as singing, dancing and playing games t entertain the elderly.
    This experience was incredibly rewarding. Nt nly did I develp a deeper understanding f the needs f the elderly, but I als felt a greater sense f fulfillment frm making a psitive impact n their lives.
    Li Hua
    Unexpectedly, early the next mrning, my phne rang. It was Prfessr Smith’s vice. “Gd mrning, I just fund ut it was yu that ne called me fr help. I believe we met yesterday in a rather unusual circumstance,” he began t say. I was astnished. He cntinued, “I’m calling t thank yu fr yur assistance and t see if yu’re free t discuss yur dctral aspiratins this afternn.” His vice was filled with sincerity, and I culd hardly cntain my excitement. “Of curse, Prfessr Smith,” I respnded, feeling a surge f hpe.
    That afternn, I met Prfessr Smith in his ffice. He insisted n giving me my mney back, althugh I refused several times. Then he discussed with me abut my academic gals and invited me t jin his dctral prgram. His unexpected call paved the way fr a new chapter in my academic jurney. As we cmmunicated, I realized that smetimes, the mst significant pprtunities culd arise frm the simplest acts f kindness. It was a lessn that I wuld carry with me thrughut my career.
    M: Hell. Internatinal Friends Club. Can I help yu?
    W: Oh, hell. I read abut yur club in the paper tday and I thught I’d phne t find ut a bit mre.
    M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a srt f scial club fr peple frm different cuntries. It’s quite a new club—we have abut 50 members at the mment, but we are grwing all the time.
    W: That sunds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came t Washingtn abut three mnths ag. I’m lking fr ways t meet peple. Er, what kinds f events d yu rganize?
    M: Well, we have scial get-tgethers, and sprts events, and we als have language evenings.
    W: Culd yu tell me smething abut the language evenings?
    M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. Peple can cme and practice their languages—yu knw, ver a drink r smething. We have different languages n different evenings. Mnday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant fr anyne wh wants t cme.
    W: Well, that sunds great. I really need t practice my French.
    M: OK. Well, if yu can just give me yur name and address, I’ll send yu the frm and sme mre infrmatin. If yu jin nw, yu can have the first mnth free.
    M: Excuse me. Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.
    (Text 1)
    W: Gerge is really the sprt y type. He likes t play tennis, g swimming and climb muntains.
    M: But he likes nthing better than fishing.
    (Text 2)
    W: Yu wn’t be able t get t the airprt in time t catch that plane at six ’clck.
    M: I realize that nw. I’ll have t get my ticket changed.
    (Text 3)
    W: Hw will yu pay the bill?
    M: Actually, I haven’t taken the card with me tday and I’ve als left my phne at hme. S I’d better pay in cash.
    (Text 4)
    M: Hey, Mary. I was delayed at the garage fr 20 minutes, but nw I’m driving n the way and will pick yu up in abut 20 minutes.
    W: OK, that means yu will arrive at my huse at 8:00.
    (Text 5)
    W: Henry, hw d yu like ur university?
    M: I just lve it. We have such beautiful and cmfrtable buildings.
    W: Yes, we have a new labratry, t.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    (Text 6)
    M: S, yu have finished cllege. Have yu fund any jbs?
    W: I will start a new jb next Mnday, at an architect’s ffice.
    M: Ah, yur degree in math shuld be useful there. Yu are als gd at art, aren’t yu?
    W: Sme peple said that. I will be wrking fr an American cmpany, s I will have t use English as well.
    M: Wnderful news. Can I buy yu lunch tmrrw t celebrate?
    W: There is smething wrng with my tth, s I have t g t hspital. But yes, lunch wuld be great.
    M: That’s great.
    (Text 7)
    W: I say, aren’t yu Bb Partridge? We were at schl tgether, I think.
    M: All right, I’m Bb Partridge, but what’s yur name, please?
    W: Dn’t yu remember me? I’m Nancy Nightingale. I’m the ne wh sat at the back f the classrm. My grandparents are yur next-dr neighbrs.
    M: Nw I remember yu.
    W: It must have been ten years since we last met in Lndn. And nw we run int each ther in Paris!
    M: It’s my first visit here fr wrk. Oh, meet my wife, Rsita. She cmes frm Rme.
    (Text 8)
    M: What are yu wrking n, Susie?
    W: I’m wrking n a prject.
    M: Can I lend yu a hand?
    W: N. But I need sme tape. D yu have any?
    M: Yes, I d.
    W: Great, thanks. I need t finish this tmrrw.
    M: Yu’re very busy this week.
    W: I am. I als have visitrs cming. I need t prepare fr them.
    M: Ww, yu are t busy.
    W: I knw. I need t be mre rganized.
    M: Me t. I have quite a lt f things t d as well.
    W: D yu feel things becme uncntrllable smetimes?
    M: Yeah, smetimes.
    W: I d, t. But it’s imprtant t stay in cntrl.
    (Text 9)
    W: What kind f music d yu like?
    M: I like dance music. Yu knw, I always listen t it. Yu prefer classical music, dn’t yu?
    W: Yes, I d. I ften listen t Mzart in the evening after a hard day at wrk.
    M: I must say that I like several pieces f classical music. It’s certainly mre cmfrtable t listen t than dance music.
    W: Classical music is suppsed t be gd fr yur brain. Research suggests that it makes yur brain mre active.
    M: Really? Perhaps I shuld listen t classical music mre ften.
    W: Yes. That’s why I listen t it in the evenings. I usually play it as backgrund music while I’m cking r ding ther husewrk.
    M: I shuld fllw yur lead and increase my brain pwer. Well, hw can I get classical music?
    W: Yu can find plenty f recrdings n the Internet. Yu can dwnlad them if yu wuld like.
    M: That’s a gd idea.
    (Text 10)
    W: Clr affects ur mds, s think carefully abut what clrs yu use in yur huse. Yu culd paint yur living rm walls green, fr example, because green helps yu t feel peaceful and calm. But dn’t paint them red unless yu want t be in a bad md every time yu’re there.
    Thinking f painting yur bedrm blue? Great idea! Blue will help yu t cncentrate and feel calm. Yu shuld use anther clr as well, because t much blue will make yu sad. Add sme yellw t keep things cheery.
    What abut the kitchen? Well, hw abut painting the kitchen purple if yu want t create delicius fd? Orange is a gd chice t. It’ll make yu feel energetic. Why nt paint the bathrm white t help yu rganize yur thughts while taking a relaxing bath? Stay away frm black, thugh, unless yu want t scare yur guests!
    Basically, it all depends n hw yu want t feel! Fr mre infrmatin and advice frm a prfessinal clr expert, call 8745632.

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