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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What did the man d ver the weekend?
    A. He went fr a hike.B. He visited a museum.C. He played a vide game.
    2. What time shuld the bank pen?
    A. At 8:30 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 9:30 am.
    3. Where will the husewarming party prbably be held?
    A. In the living rm.B. In the backyard.C. In the garage.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A bk.B. An authr.C. A film.
    5. What d we knw abut Mandy?
    A. She values her friends.
    B. She always priritizes her wrk.
    C. She balances wrk and life well.
    6. What did the man d in the new café?
    A. He drank tea.B. He read a bk.C. He met a friend.
    7. What's the new café like?
    A. Lively and crwded.B. Large and bright.C. Hmely with free Wi-Fi.
    8. Where is the secret garden lcated?
    A. On the first flr f the library.
    B. On tp f the science building.
    C. On the ppsite f the sprts center.
    9. Why did the wman g t the secret garden?
    A. T relax.B. T enjy the city view.
    C. T prepare fr a speech.
    10. What did the wman majr in when she was in university?
    A. Literary analysis.B. Literary criticism.C. Cmparative literature.
    11. What prject did the wman describe as challenging?
    A. Starting a magazine.
    B. Editing a bk f selectins.
    C. Organizing a literary cmpetitin.
    12. Hw des the wman keep up with the new trends in literature?
    A. By attending nline festivals.
    B. By teaching literature curses.
    C. By fllwing literary jurnals.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary.B. Prfessr and assistant.
    C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    14. Where des the cnversatin mst likely take place?
    A. In a studi.B. At schl.C. In a gym.
    15. What is Charles Davis?
    A. A bdybuilder.B. A fitness trainer.C. A radi hst.
    16. What did the wman learn frm playing ftball?
    A. Hw t team up.B. Hw t keep fit.C. Hw t stay fcused.
    17. What des Charles think f early sprts experiences?
    A. They imprve scial skills.
    B. They build lifelng habits.
    C. They enhance career prspects.
    18. On what ccasin is this speech given?
    A. A parents' meeting.B. A graduatin event.C. A teacher's retirement party.
    19. Hw des the speaker feel abut Waldrf's educatin?
    A. He's satisfied with it.
    B. He thinks it's just s-s.
    C. He's disappinted at it.
    20. Wh is an assistant?
    A. Bena.B. Jessica.C. Ellen.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Best Writing Cntests
    The Hudsn Prize
    Genres (体裁): Essay, Fictin, Nn-fictin, Petry, and Shrt Stry
    Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Hudsn Prize fr an unpublished cllectin f pems r prse (散文). The prize is pen t new, emerging, and established writers.
    Entry fee: $28
    Deadline: March 31, 2025
    Anthlgy Travel Writing Cmpetitin
    Genres: Essay, Nn-fictin, and Travel
    The Anthlgy Travel Writing Cmpetitin is pen t riginal and previusly unpublished travel articles in the English language by writers f any natinality, living anywhere in the wrld. Max 1,000 wrds.
    Entry fee: $16
    Deadline: Nvember 30, 2024
    HG Wells Shrt Stry Cmpetitin
    Genres: Fantasy. Fictin, Science Fictin, and Shrt Stry
    There are tw different cmpetitins in 2024: ne fr thse 21 and under, and ne fr thse ver 21. The cmpetitin fr thse 21 and under is free t enter and has a prize f £1,000 fr the winning entry. All shrtlisted entries shuld be unpublished previusly and will als be published in a quality, prfessinally published paperback cllectin.
    Entry fee: $12
    Deadline: July 08,2024
    Annual Petry Cntest
    Genre: Petry
    Each year Third Wednesday awards three $100 prizes in its annual petry cntest. Fr this year's cntest, entries will be accepted frm Nvember 1, 2024 thrugh February 28, 2025. We will accept cntest entries f up t three previusly unpublished pems f any style and subject matter. There is n limit n length.
    Entry fee: $6
    Deadline: February 28, 2025
    21. When will the cmpetitin with the highest entry fee end?
    A. On Jul. 08, 2024.B. On Nv. 30, 2024.
    C. On Feb. 28, 2025.D. On Mar. 31, 2025.
    22. Which f the fllwing cmpetitins is gruped by age?
    A. The Hudsn Prize.B. Annual Petry Cntest.
    C. HG Wells Shrt Stry Cmpetitin.D. Anthlgy Travel Writing Cmpetitin.
    23. What d the fur cmpetitins have in cmmn?
    A. Entries in all languages are welcme.
    B. Entries must never be in print previusly.
    C. They all accept wrks f different genres.
    D. Cash prizes and publicatin will be ffered.
    I live in a small twn in Yunnan Prvince, n the histric Tea Hrse Rad. My family has lived there fr many generatins. I remember when I was very yung, ld peple tld me abut the hrse caravan (马队) traders wh had traveled that path fr centuries, carrying tea, silks, etc. t markets as far away as India. S, when I first heard that Paul Salpek was ging t walk the entire glbe n his wn tw feet withut any mdern transprtatin, I was blwn away. I culdn't imagine that there culd still be such an unusual persn in the wrld.
    It was even mre surprising when ne day in May f 2021, I fund myself meeting Paul at a ndle shp. It was his first time in China. Paul talked t me with great excitement abut the histry and discvery in my regin f China. He spke f the Shu-Yandu Da (the Sichuan t India trading rute), the Suthern Silk Rad, the Tea Hrse Rad, and the 17th-century Chinese explrer Xu Xiake. Paul cnsidered him a her and in a sense a Chinese pineer f slw turism.
    Then I made my biggest decisin f 2021: I wuld accmpany Paul fr hundreds f miles n his walk tward my hme f Yunnan. On September 28, 2021, we finally set ut. Our days were simple: walk, eat, sleep, and repeat. I ate when I was hungry, walked after I ate, and slept when I gt tired.
    As I accmpanied Paul t walk n ancient paths thrugh great muntains, I seemed t hear the distant sund f hrse bells lst in time. Tgether, we were amazed by the bidiversity (生物多样性) f the Galigng Muntains and mved by lng-past stries that had happened there. I walked frm Yusan village t a lakeside twn in Yunnan called Eryuan—just a warm-up trip int China fr Paul. But after nly 410,000 paces. I reached a real appreciatin fr my hme.
    24. Hw did the authr feel when he first heard f Paul's stry?
    A. Amazed.B. Inspired.C. Dubtful.D. Uncaring.
    25. Which f the fllwing can best describe Paul?
    A. An advcate f Chinese traditins.
    B. A supprter f slw travel experiences.
    C. A writer dcumenting his glbal jurney.
    D. A histrian specializing in ancient trade rutes.
    26. What might the authr have gained frm his walk?
    A. Mastery f mdern transprtatin.
    B. A deeper cnnectin with his family.
    C. Rediscvery f the wrld arund him.
    D. Insights int ancient trading practices.
    27. What might be the best title fr the text?
    A. Lking fr a Way HmeB. Traveling Arund Yunnan
    C. Explring the Tea Hrse RadD. Walking with a Mdern Explrer
    It's easy nt t think much abut the intelligence f insects. Tiny creatures with even tinier brains—hw smart can they be? But as bilgists begin t rethink hw animals think, even insects are being seen in a new light. Nw a new study frm the University f Bristl finds that Helicnius butterflies are capable f spatial (空间的) learning. The results prvide the first experimental evidence f spatial learning in any butterfly species.
    We have knwn abut spatial learning in insects. but mstly in ant and bee species that live scially in a shared nest. Hwever, as nted by the University, the new research suggests that cmplex learning skills, such as the use f spatial infrmatin, may be mre prevalent in insects than previusly thught.
    The team set up three spatial learning experiments in Helicnius butterflies. They started small, testing t see if the butterflies culd learn the lcatin f a fd reward in a ne-square-meter area cntaining 16 artificial flwers. Then they increased the spatial dimensin t see whether Helicnius culd learn t cnnect fd with either the left r right side f a three-square-meter tw-armed maze (迷宫). Finally, they increased the distances again using large utdr cages t see if the butterflies culd learn the lcatin f fd in a 60-meter-wide T-maze. The butterflies were successful in all three experiments.
    Next, the researchers plan t mainly lk int Helicnius' relative capability f spatial learning as ppsed t clsely related species that dn't feed n pllen (花粉). "This wuld help t shw hw the develpment f enhanced cgnitive (认知的) abilities can be shaped by an animal's eclgy," explains the University. The team als plans t study just hw Helicnius manages t find its way thrugh the wrld. It is believed that visual clues play an imprtant rle in this—but they may als rely n ther clues, such as the sun.
    28. What des the new study find?
    A. Spatial learning is rare in scial insects.
    B. Insects' brains determine their intelligence.
    C. A butterfly species exhibits spatial learning ability.
    D. Butterflies share life-related behavirs with ants and bees.
    29. What des the underlined wrd "prevalent" in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Cmmnly fund.B. Effectively taught.
    C. Difficult t study.D. Unusual t develp.
    30. In which aspect d the three spatial learning experiments differ frm each ther?
    A. The types f flwers used.B. The design f the maze structure.
    C. The cmplexity f the fd rewards.D. The spatial extent f each experiment.
    31. What might the fllw-up study f Helicnius butterflies fcus n?
    A. The significance f Helicnius' visual develpment.
    B. The impact f pllen n Helicnius butterflies' intelligence.
    C. The develpment f different butterflies' cgnitive abilities.
    D. The cgnitin cmparisn between Helicnius and ther species.
    The cean is a rich and seemingly lawless frntier. It's a watery wild west, irresistible t humans hping t rb (掠夺) its many riches. That is the pint thrughut The High Seas: Greed, Pwer and the Battle fr the Unclaimed Ocean, a fast-paced and thrughly reprted bk by science jurnalist Olive Heffernan.
    The bk begins by ging rapidly thrugh the waves f histry that brught us t tday.Then Heffernan devtes a chapter each t different ways peple are increasingly ccupying internatinal waters, an expansin called the Blue Acceleratin. Sme are hunting fr new fishing grunds. Others are searching fr new medicines in the DNA f deep-sea living things. Still thers are explring hw t bst the cean's carbn uptake t help slw climate change. Even the space industry wants a piece f the cean—t create watery graveyards (墓地) fr useless spacecraft.
    The descriptin frm ne cean ambitin t anther emphasizes ne f the bk's biggest takeaways: We've established an unstable new type f cean ecsystem, and it is ging t be incredibly difficult—maybe impssible—t balance all the pririties while als prtecting cean health and bidiversity.
    Cnflicting desires t rb the sea and prtect it shw up ver and ver again. "Natins urging cnservatin in ne area may push fr increasing explratin in anther," Heffernan writes. The Eurpean Unin in 2021, fr example, ffered prizes t its fishing bats t range farther ffshre, even as it cmmitted t sustainable fishing. Natins prmising t prtect sea life and fighting climate change may be the same cuntries that supprt deep-sea mining, which may be harmful t life n the cean flr. "The prblem." Heffernan says, "isn't that the high seas are withut any rules. Rather, rganizatins and bdies each use their wn rulebk."
    By the final chapter—"Hpe fr the high seas"—it's hard t knw what anyne culd actually d t help save the cean. "We're at a crucial crssrads." Heffernan writes. "We can cntinue ging ever deeper and further ffshre in ur search fr new surces f wealth, r we can strike a mre sustainable balance. "she added.
    32. What might the Blue Acceleratin refer t?
    A. The extensive explratin f ceans.
    B. The negative influence f climate change.
    C. The rapid expansin f ceanic research.
    D. The increased cmpetitin in space industry.
    33. What might be the reasn fr "cnflicting desires" accrding t Heffernan?
    A. The greed f human nature.B. The absence f cean laws.
    C. The lack f a cnsistent cean plicy.D. The gap in technlgical develpment.
    34. What can we knw abut Heffernan?
    A. She dubts internatinal cperatin.
    B. She cares abut the eclgical cnsequences.
    C. She is ptimistic abut technlgical advancements.
    D. She is certain f the success f cean explratin.
    35. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.
    C. A research paper.D. A plicy prpsal.
    Even when yu have a garden, yu can still take a break frm time t time! Here are sme tips t help make sure yur garden crps survive when yu g away in summer fr a little while.
    36 Autmated watering systems might be the first thing that crwds int yur mind. They usually wrk at set times t keep yur plants frm thirst. But in smaller spaces yu might cnsider different slutins like adding watering glbes and water bttles placed upside dwn in beds r planters. 37 Wrk ut rugh (粗略的) water needs fr specific plants and add clth, if necessary, t absrb water frm a cntainer int the sil at the base f plants. With calculatin and enugh watering slutins, mst f yur plants will survive.
    In dry areas, it can be beneficial t reduce the amunt f water yur crps will require while yu are away. 38 This culd ptentially help yu gain a little mre time. Think abut hw yu can still ensure enugh daylight fr crps while als prviding sme shade fr them during the httest part f the day.
    Pests (害虫) culd als be an issue if yu are nt there. Taking an integrated pest management apprach is the best plicy. 39 Remember, bidiversity is key and yu need sme pests t be present in rder t attract the things that eat them and keep their numbers dwn. 40 Cvering crps with netting r rw cvers culd prevent a majr crp disaster, s adding additinal prtectin culd be a gd idea.
    A. Wrk with nature, rather than fight it.
    B. Yu might als water the plants mre befre yu leave.
    C. Water will ften be the biggest cncern in yur absence.
    D. Shade specific parts f yur garden t reduce wetness lss.
    E. Cmbine plants and add cmpanin plants fr beneficial interactins.
    F. These allw water t be released slwly t prvide water fr yur plants.
    G. Smetimes, hwever, barriers may be required t keep crps safe frm pests.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I tk my cat, Rag, int Dr MacFarland's clinic fr his illness. Rag was 41 f being in this strange place. He screamed all the way. Putting the cat carrier dwn in the crner. I began t 42 the necessary paperwrk.
    Then suddenly it gt 43 . N mre crying. I raised my head, listening 44 . Still, silence. A sudden 45 rushed ver me as I realized that the frnt dr t Dr MacFarland's clinic was still pen. I thught Rag must have 46 utside! Immediately, I 47 the pen and turned t rush ut f the dr. I hadn't taken mre than tw steps when I stpped shrt—attracted by the 48 befre me.
    Rag, still in his carrier, had his pink nse pressed up against the bars. He was exchanging greetings with anther cat wh culd nly get arund by 49 his back legs behind him. Obviusly, that cat tried t 50 Rag's fears in a way nly anther cat wuld knw. It was clear that the little interactin had made a big 51 in his md. Rag calmed dwn. I culdn't help but feel a sense f 52 .
    Later, I 53 the receptinist abut the cat. She 54 Slick's stry. A rad accident left him half paralyzed (瘫痪). Then the receptinist smiled and said, "When he recvered with their help, Slick, 55, became a help arund the place."
    As we left the clinic. I lked back at Slick. He was cmfrting anther scared cat.
    41. A. tiredB. capableC. ashamedD. frightened
    42. A. fill utB. thrw awayC. check inD. pick n
    43. A. nisyB. quietC. crwdedD. busy
    44. A. desperatelyB. clselyC. casuallyD. angrily
    45. A. excitementB. jyC. guiltD. fear
    46. A. escapedB. steppedC. disappearedD. played
    47. A. heldB. adjustedC. drppedD. selected
    48. A. trackB. visinC. sceneD. image
    49. A. stretchingB. draggingC. liftingD. shaking
    50. A. hideB. easeC. breakD. prcess
    51. A. decisinB. mvementC. differenceD. prmise
    52. A. reliefB. satisfactinC. justiceD. lss
    53. A. taughtB. warnedC. remindedD. inquired
    54. A. createdB. annuncedC. unfldedD. rewrte
    55. A. n purpseB. n dutyC. in depthD. in turn
    Experiencing Chinese festivals first-hand in China is an 56 (impress) adventure. Each festival ffers unique activities and atmspheres, perfect fr cultural immersin (沉浸) and language practice. Fr instance, it will be an experience f a lifetime fr peple 57 (witness) the Spring Festival in Beijing r Shanghai. The streets cme alive with decratins, lin dances, and the sund f firecrackers. It's an ideal 58 (set) t practice Mandarin by interacting with 59 (lcal) during this happy time.
    It's best when the Dragn Bat Festival is experienced by the water, 60 the bat races are exciting t watch. Cities like Hng Kng and Hangzhu ffer sme f the mst wnderful races. Here, yu can pick 61 sprts-related vcabulary and even try traditinal festival fds.
    Visiting rural areas during the Chinese Qingming Festival prvides nt nly a deeper understanding f ancestral rituals (仪式) but als a chance t learn abut histrical and cultural aspects that 62 (ignre) quite ften in urban envirnments.
    Fr thse interested in traditins 63 (cnnect) with cking r fd, the Laba and Winter Slstice festivals ffer a lt f traditinal fds. Engaging with the lcal peple 64 (frequent) during these times prvides an excellent pprtunity t learn fd-related Mandarin phrases.
    Remember, each festival has its wn charm and ffers 65 unique way t deepen yur understanding f Chinese culture and language.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    It was 8:00 am, and Amy pulled her car up beside a quiet park. While her kids, the student mviemakers, jumped ut f the car and started unlading equipment t make a film in the park, she sat in the driver's seat, reading a bk.
    She suddenly felt a little sad. These kids used t need a parent's advice, help and caring. Nw, as lder teenagers, they were making their wn decisins. She was just their driver. Anything else that she might be able t give t them was unwelcme and nt required.
    Emptied f its mvie-related cntents, the car nly had bags f snacks and water and sme persnal items left. Amy's jb, as the driver, was t stay within calling distance with the keys s that if anything was needed she culd pen the car. Amy gt ut f the car, lking arund fr a place t sit dwn t finish reading her bk in the fresh air.
    It was early, but the sun was already beating dwn, and Amy didn't want t sit in the heat. She fund a park bench (长椅) against a wall, in the shade. She nticed that a man was sitting n ne end, but there was plenty f rm fr at least tw mre peple.
    When she was slwly walking in the man's directin, the man nticed her. He thught she prbably was just having a walk arund and wuldn't cme t sit by him. He had just spent the night n the bench. Besides dirty clthes and hair, he had a smell f bdy sweat. He knew he was an unwelcme persn. Usually peple wuldn't even lk at him, let alne sit by him.
    "What if the lady asks me t leave and sits here by herself?" the man wndered. It was a ht day, and it wasn't easy fr him t find anther place t sit ut f the sun. Mrever, he hadn't eaten any fd fr s lng that he didn't have much strength t mve arund.
    Dear Jhn,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Sn, Amy stpped by the bench and sat n the ther end.____________________________________________
    Gathering his curage, the man asked Any, "Madam, I'm s hungry. Culd yu give me a hand?"_____________
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 ABCAB 6-10 CCBCA
    11-15 BCCAB 16-20 ABBAB
    第二部分 阅读
    21.D 细节理解题。对比四个写作比赛的Entry fee可知,The Hudsn Prize的参赛费用最高,再根据其Deadline部分中的“March 31, 2025”可知,这项比赛的截止日期在2025年3月31日。由此可知,参赛费用最高的比赛是在2025年3月31日截止。故选D。
    22.C 细节理解题。根据HG Wells Shrt Stry Cmpetitin中的“There are tw different cmpetitins in 2024: ne frt hse 21 and under, and ne fr thse ver 21.”可知,HG Wells Shrt Stry Cmpetitin这个比赛是按照年龄分组的。故选C。
    23.B 细节理解题。根据The Hudsn Prize中的“fr an unpublished cllectin f pems r prse”,Anthlgy Travel Writing Cmpetitin的“pen t riginal and previusly unpublished travel articles”,HG Wells Shrt Stry Cmpetitin中的“All shrtlisted entries shuld be unpublished previusly”和Annual Petry Cntest中的“We will accept cntest entries f up t three previusly unpublished pems”可知,这四个比赛均要求参赛作品之前没有公开发表过。故选B。
    24.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“when I first heard... I was blwn away. I culdn't imagine that there culd still be such an unusual persn in the wrld.”可知,作者一开始听到Paul的故事时感到很吃惊。故选A。
    25.B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Paul Salpek was ging t walk the entire glbe n his wn tw feet withut any mdern transprtatin”和第二段中的“Paul cnsidered him a her and in a sense a Chinese pineer f slw turism.”可知,Paul徒步环游世界,不依赖现代交通方式,展现了一种慢旅行方式。他认为17世纪中国的探险家徐霞客是英雄,在某种意义上是中国慢旅行的开拓者。由此可推断出,Paul是慢旅游的支持者。故选B。
    26.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者陪Paul一起翻山越岭走到家乡,路上感受到了高黎贡山的生物多样性,被曾经发生在那里的故事打动,这四十一万步的旅程让作者对自己的家乡有了深刻的感悟,对其充满了深深的赞赏之情。由此可推断出,他可能重新发现了他身边的世界。故选C。
    27.D 主旨大意题。全文主要讲述了作者与现代探险者Paul Salpek一起行走的经历,以及这次行走给作者带来的深刻感受。由此可归纳出,D项(与现代探险者同行)可以准确地概括作者的经历和文章的主旨,是本文的最佳标题。故选D。
    28.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Nw a new study frm the University f Bristl finds that Helicnius butterflies are capable f spatial learning. The results prvide the first experimental evidence f spatial learning in any butterfly species.”可知,布里斯托大学的新研究发现袖蝶属蝴蝶具有空间学习能力,这是首次在实验中证明蝴蝶具有空间学习能力。由此可知,新的研究结果证明一种蝴蝶表现出空间学习能力。故选C。
    29.A 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“We have knwn abut spatial learning in insects, but mstly in ant and bee species that live scially in a shared nest.”可知,我们已经知道昆虫具有空间学习能力,但有这种能力的昆虫主要是群居在同一个巢穴中的蚂蚁和蜜蜂。又根据下句中的“Hwever”可知,两句之间构成转折关系。由此可推断出,此句指“复杂的学习技能,例如空间信息的使用,在昆虫当中可能比以前认为的更普遍”,prevalent意为“普遍的”,cmmnly fund与其意思相近。故选A。
    30.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They started small ... in a ne-square-meter area”,“Then they increased the spatial dimensin t see ... a three-square-meter tw-armed maze”,“Finally, they increased the distances ... in a 60-meter-wide T-maze”可知,文中提到了三个实验,第一个实验在一平方米的区域内进行,第二个实验在三平方米的两臂迷宫中测试,而第三个实验在60米宽的T形迷宫中进行,实验的空间尺寸逐渐增大。由此可知,三个实验的主要区别在于空间范围的不同。故选D。
    31.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,下一步研究人员计划主要研究袖蝶属蝴蝶与其他密切相关的物种在空间学习能力上的差异,特别是那些不以花粉为食的物种。这将有助于揭示动物的认知能力是如何被其生态环境所塑造。由此可推断出,后续研究将集中在袖蝶属蝴蝶和其他相关物种之间的认知能力之间的比较。故选D。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇书评。文章主要介绍了由科学记者Olive Heffernan 所著的The High Seas: Greed, Pwer and the Battle fr the Unclaimed Ocean一书中所介绍的主题、内容等以及Heffernan对海洋未来情况的担忧。
    32.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“different ways peple are increasingly ccupying internatinal waters, an
    expansin called the Blue Acceleratin”可知,人们用不同的方式不断占领国际水域,这种扩张方式就被称作“蓝色加速”。且下文列举了寻找新的渔场、在深海生物的DNA中寻找新药、探索如何提高海洋的碳吸收量以帮助减缓气候变化等方式。由此可推断出,“蓝色加速”指的是人类对海洋的广泛探索。故选A。
    33.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“'The prblem,' Heffernan says, 'isn't that the high seas are withut any rules. Rather, rganizatins and bdies each use their wn rulebk.'”可知,Heffernan指出问题不在于公海没有任何规则,而是各个组织和机构都使用自己的规则。由此可推断出,冲突欲望的根本原因在于缺乏一贯的全球海洋政策,导致不同国家和组织在海洋利用和保护方面采取不同的规则和措施。故选C。
    34.B 推理判断题。根据文章中的描述,特别是第四段中的“Cnflicting desires t rb the sea and prtect it shw up ver and ver again.”,“Natins prmising t prtect sea life and fighting climate change may be the same cuntries that supprt deep-sea mining, which may be harmful t life n the cean flr.”和最后一段中的“We're at a crucial crssrads,' Heffernan writes...”可知,Heffernan在书中提到了人们对海洋资源需求的不断增长,以及这些需求与保护海洋健康和生物多样性之间的冲突。在最后一章中,Heffernan写到,我们正处于一个关键的十字路口,我们可以继续更加深入地、更加远离近海岸去寻找新的财富来源,或者我们可以达成一个更加可持续的平衡方式去探索海洋资源。由此可推断出,Heffernan担忧海洋过度开采带来的生态失衡的后果。故选B。
    35.B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文概述了Olive Heffernan所著的The High Seas: Greed, Pwer, and the Battle fr the Unclaimed Ocean一书的主题、内容和核心信息,包括人们对海洋资源的不断增长的,,由此产生的冲突以及保护海洋健康和生物多样性的挑战。文章符合书评的结构特点。故选B。
    36.C 下文介绍了自动浇水系统可以帮助你在固定时间浇水,防止植物干枯,而在较小的空间你可以考虑安装倒置的洒水球和水瓶来解决浇水的问题。由此可知,C项(水通常是你离开时最关心的问题。)可承接下文,引出下文对浇水措施的介绍。故选C。
    37.F 根据上文的“But in smaller spaces yu might cnsider different slutins like adding watering glbes and water bttles placed upside dwn in beds r planters.(但在较小的空间里,你可能会考虑不同的解决方案,比如在苗床或花盆里添加倒置的洒水球和水瓶。)”可知,F项(这些方法可以让水慢慢释放出来,给你的植物提供水分。)可承接上文。选项中的These指代上文中提到的different slutins。故选F。
    38.D 设空处上文提到,在干旱地区,当你不在的时候,减少作物的需水量是有益处的。设空处下文提到,这可能会帮助你赢得更多的时间。想一想,在一天中最热的时候,你如何既能为作物提供充足的阳光,又能为它们提供一些阴凉。由此可推断出,设空处应与“shade”相关,D项(遮蔽菜园的特定区域,以减少湿度损失。)可承接上下文,符合语境。故选D。
    39.A 本段介绍害虫对菜园造成的威胁。空前指出综合性的虫害处理方法是最好的措施,且空后提到“记住,生物多样性是关键,你需要一些害虫来吸引其他会吃它们的生物,并减少害虫的数量。”由此可知,A项(与大自然合作,而不是与之抗争。)可承接下文,符合语境。故选A。
    40.G 设空处上文提到利用与自然协作的方式来抵抗虫害,设空处下文提到用网状物或者拱棚覆盖来防止作物受害。由此可知,G项(然而有时,需要设置屏障物来确保作物不受病虫害。)与上文构成转折关系,且可承接下文。故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用
    41.D 考查形容词。根据空后的“in this strange place”和下文的“He screamed all the way.”“Rag's fears in a way”可知,Rag害怕(frightened)待在陌生的地方。故选D。
    42.A 考查动词短语。根据句意可知,此处指作者把猫笼放在角落后,开始填写(fill ut)必要的文件。故选A。
    43.B 考查形容词。根据下文的“N mre crying.”和“Still, silence.”可知,突然周边变得安静(quiet)了。故选B。
    44.B 考查副词。根据上文的“I raised my head”可知,作者抬起头是要仔细地(clsely)倾听。故选B。
    45.D 考查名词。根据上文的“Still, silence.”和下文的“I realized that the frnt dr t Dr MacFarland's clinic was still pen.”可知,当意识到诊所的门还开着,作者感到了一阵恐惧(fear)。故选D。
    46.A 考查动词。根据下文的“Immediately, I 47 the pen and turned t rush ut f the dr.”可知,作者立刻放下笔并转身冲向门外。由此可推断出,作者认为Rag逃跑了(escape)。故选A。
    47.C 考查动词。根据下文的“turned t rush ut f the dr”可知,作者立刻放下了(drp)笔。故选C。
    48.C 考查名词。根据下文描述Rag和另一只猫互动的情景可知,作者被眼前的场景(scene)吸引了。故选C。
    49.B 考查动词。根据空后的“his back legs behind him”和下文的“A rad accident left him half paralyzed.”可知,一次车祸造成Slick半身不遂,因此他只能拖着(drag)后腿走路。故选B。
    50.B 考查动词。根据空后的“Rag's fears...”和下文的“Rag calmed dwn.”可知,这只猫在用一种只有另一只猫知道的方式来缓解(ease)Rag的恐惧。故选B。
    51.C 考查名词。根据下文的“Rag calmed dwn.”可知,Rag平静了下来,表明这种互动对他的情绪有很大影响。make a difference 意为“有作用,有影响”。故选C。
    52.A 考查名词。Rag平静下来后,作者不禁感到一阵宽慰(relief)。故选A。
    53.D 考查动词。根据下文的“the receptinist abut the cat. She 54 Slick's stry.”可知,作者询问了(inquire)接待员关于Slick的情况。故选D。
    54.C 考查动词。根据上下文语境可知,接待员向作者讲述了(unfld) Slick的故事。unfld意为“展开;透露”。故选C。
    55.D 考查介词短语。根据上文的“When he recvered with their help”和下文的“became a help arund the place”可知,Slick获得诊所的帮助后,反过来(in turn)成了诊所的一个帮手。故选D。
    56. impressive 57. t witness 58. setting 59. lcals 60. where
    61. up 62. are ignred 63. cnnected 64. frequently 65.a
    56. impressive 考查词性转换。修饰名词adventure应用impress的形容词形式。故填impressive。
    57. t witness 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,it在句中作形式主语,此处应用动词不定式在句中作真正的主语。故填t witness。
    58. setting 考查性转换。此处表示“一个练习普通话的理想地点”。表示“地点,环境”,应用动词set的名词形式setting。故填setting。
    59.lcals 考查名词复数。此处lcal为名词,表示“当地人”,且数量为多个,应用其复数形式。故填lcals。60.where 考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导一个非限制性定语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where。故填where。
    61.up 考查副词。根据句意可知,此处表示“学会与体育相关的词汇”,短语动词pick up意为“学会”。故填up。
    62.are ignred 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。根据句意可知,aspects 与ignre之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;且主语为复数,描述客观事实应用一般现在时。故填are ignred。
    63.cnnected 考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,此处指“与烹饪或食物相关的传统”,cnnect与traditins之间为被动关系,应用其过去分词形式作后置定语。故填cnnected。
    64.frequently 考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰动名词短语engaging with the lcal peple。故填frequently。
    65.a 考查冠词。修饰名词way应用不定冠词表示泛指,且unique的读音以辅音音素开头。故填a。
    第四部分 写作
    Dear Jhn,
    As yu're abut t be n yur jurney back hme, I want t express my heartfelt thanks fr all the knwledge and skills yu've shared with us here.
    T shw my appreciatin, I have prepared a handmade gift that represents the rich culture f China. It's a traditinal Chinese paper-cutting artwrk, which I believe will serve as a beautiful reminder f yur memrable experience in ur cuntry. I will arrange fr the gift t be delivered t yur residence via express delivery service. Please be prepared t accept the package in the cming days.
    I hpe yu'll like it and wish yu a pleasant trip back.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Sn, Amy stpped by the bench and sat n the ther end. She fund that the man was lking at her strangely. She lked at him and quickly nticed his messy clthes and hair, and she was sn faced with a strng and unpleasant smell f bdy sweat. The man appeared embarrassed, thinking, "If she asks me t leave, I'll leave." T his surprise, Amy just smiled at him. They bth sat there quietly. Amy was reading while the man was watching the filming. Finally, the man was s hungry that he felt he wuld faint sn.
    Gathering his curage, the man asked Amy, "Madam. I'm s hungry. Culd yu give me a hand?" Amy replied, "Wait a minute." Then, she rushed t her car and came back with fd and water. The man thanked Amy sincerely and then enjyed the delicius fd. As she was abut t leave, Amy gave the man sme mney. Tuched, the man said t Amy, "Usually, peple wn't even lk at me, let alne sit by me and give me mney. Thank yu fr treating me like a human being." Amy smiled, glad that her small actin brught an unlucky persn jy and warmth.
    Text 1
    W: Hi, Jhn. Hw was yur weekend?
    M: Great! I had planned t visit the natinal museum r play a vide game. But the weather cleared up s I went hiking with sme friends.
    W: Sunds fun.
    Text 2
    M: Excuse me, can yu tell me where the nearest bank is?
    W: Sure, it's just arund the crner, next t the pst ffice.
    M: Thanks. D yu knw if it's pen nw?
    W: Well, it's already 9:30 am. It's suppsed t pen half an hur ag.
    Text 3
    W: I think the living rm is perfect fr ur husewarming party.
    M: But it's nt big enugh. What abut the backyard? It has a better atmsphere fr gatherings. Oh, it might rain.
    W: In that case, the garage can be mre suitable.
    Text 4
    W: Have yu read the latest nvel by Emily St. Jhn?
    M: Nt yet, but I've heard it has been adapted fr a film. Is it as gd as what peple say?
    W: Definitely wrth a read. The characters are s well-develped.
    Text 5
    W: Have yu seen Mandy lately?
    M: N. I guess she's busy with her wrk. Wrk always cmes first t her. She hardly has time fr friends.
    W: She really needs t balance wrk and life.
    Text 6
    W: Hey, Mike, d yu knw there is a new café pening up dwntwn?
    M: Yes, I met my friend there yesterday. The cffee is amazing!
    W: Really? Hw's the atmsphere?
    M: It's really cmfrtable, and it's equipped with free wireless Internet access. It's nt large but perfect fr wrking r just relaxing.
    W: That sunds great. D they have any gd snacks r desserts?
    M: Abslutely! I tried their cheesecake, and it tasted delicius. Yu shuld definitely check it ut.
    W: I will. Thanks fr yur recmmendatin.
    Text 7
    W: Hi, Alex. Did yu hear abut the secret garden in ur schl?
    M: Yes. Is it n the first flr f the sprts center?
    W: N, n tp f the science building, just ppsite the library.
    M: That sunds incredible! I've been lking fr a cmfrtable spt t relax. Hw did yu knw the place?
    W: I went there by chance while lking fr a quiet place t practise. Yu knw, I'm ging t give a speech at the next class meeting. It's amazing up there, with all kinds f plants and a great view f the city.
    M: Did yu meet anyne there?
    W: Yes, I met a few students wh were starting a gardening club. They were really friendly and invited me t jin.
    M: That's awesme. Maybe I can visit it sme time.
    Text 8
    W: Gd afternn, Prfessr Smith. This is Sarah Jnes. I'm calling abut the assistant psitin.
    M: Gd afternn, Sarah. Thank yu fr reaching ut. Let's begin with yur educatin backgrund.
    W: I have a degree in English Literature frm Princetn University, where I specialized in literary analysis.
    M: Have yu paid any attentin t literary criticism and cmparative literature?
    W: Nt in the university. But after graduatin, I've wrked as an editrial assistant at New Directin Publishing fr
    tw years, where I met sme experts n that.
    M: That's valuable experience. Can yu describe a tugh prject yu wrked n and hw yu handled it?
    W: Certainly. I was nce asked t lead a team t gather wrks f sme new writers and make them int a bk. We
    faced tight deadlines and varying writing styles, but I managed the prject by rganizing regular meetings and setting clear guidelines fr submissins.
    M: Great. Hw d yu stay updated with the latest develpments in literature?
    W: I regularly attend literary festivals, participate in nline curses, and fllw literary jurnals.
    M: Excellent. Thank yu, Sarah. We'll be in tuch fr further steps.
    W: Thank yu, Prfessr Smith.
    Text 9
    W: Gd mrning, everyne! Tday we have a special guest, Charles Davis, a well-knwn fitness cach. Welcme, Charles!
    M: Gd mrning, thanks fr having me!
    W: I used t play ftball as a kid. What abut yu?
    M: Oh, I lved basketball! I usually played after schl. It was such a big part f my life as a student.
    W: Fr me, ftball taught me abut teamwrk and discipline. Hw d yu think basketball influenced yu?
    M: Sprts can teach s many life skills. Basketball definitely helped me stay fcused, and staying fcused, in turn, helped me perfrm well in the classrm. Plus, it was a fantastic way t keep fit and make friends.
    W: D yu think thse early sprts experiences shape ur adult lives significantly?
    M: Yes, I believe they d. The habits we develp, like regular exercise and wrking with thers, carry ver int adulthd. And as a fitness cach, I see hw thse early influences encurage a healthier lifestyle.
    W: That's inspiring t hear. Thank yu fr sharing yur insights.
    M: My pleasure!
    Text 10
    M: Gd mrning, graduating class f 2024. Thanks fr giving me the hnr t speak. First, I'd like t say thanks t all the teachers at Waldrf Academy. Thank yu fr yur care and attentin. All the Waldrf curses value cmmunity as well as readiness and patience. We as parents chse this educatin because we want ur children t d meaningful wrk and t learn t be happy frm within. Hw lucky we are t get t experience this educatin thrugh ur children's eyes!
    In particular, I'd like t extend my thanks t Jessica, an assistant t my daughter's class. Yu gave help t science teachers Bena Bruce and Ellen Whites, and cared abut children's daily life. Thanks fr all yu've dne.
    In clsing, let me ffer my best wishes t all f yu, ur kids. T each f yu, we appreciate yu and we see yu, and it's been a true jy t watch yu grw up. Best wishes t yu as yu mve nt the next stage in yur life.

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