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    忧郁的日子 a ____ day
    忘恩负义 a ____ dg
    嫉妒 ____ with envy
    Pre-reading—A game abut clur idims
    ReadingA. The pwer f clurs Millie has fund an article abut the relatinship between clurs and mds in a magazine. Here is the article. Find ut what the different clurs represent and hw they influence us.
    Clurs and mdsSme peple believe that clurs can influence ur mds. ① Yu may wnder whether it is true. ② In fact, clurs can change ur mds and make us feel happy r sad, energetic r sleepy. This article explains what clurs can d and what characteristics they represent.
    Calm clurs Have yu ever walked int a rm and felt relaxed? It culd be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm clur. It brings peace t ur mind and bdy. Blue can als represent sadness, s yu may say “I’m feeling blue” when yu are feeling sad. ③ White is anther calm clur. It is als the clur f purity. Many wmen like t wear white n their wedding day.
    Warm clurs Sme clurs, such as range and yellw, can make yu feel warm. Peple in cld areas prefer warm clurs in their hmes t create a warm and cmfrtable feeling. ④ Orange represents jy. It can cheer yu up when yu are feeling sad. ⑤ Yellw is the clur f the sun, s it can remind yu f a warm sunny day. ⑥ Yellw is als the clur f wisdm. Sme peple prefer this clur when they hpe fr success.
    Energetic clurs When yu feel tired r weak, yu shuld wear energetic clurs like green. Green can give yu energy, as it is the clur f nature and represents new life. ⑦ Hwever, it is als the clur f envy, cheer sb. up=make sb. Happy s we may say smene is “green with envy”.
    Strng clurs If yu require strength in either bdy r mind, red may be f sme help t yu. ⑧ Red is the clur f heat. It represents pwer and strng feelings. Wearing red can als make it easier t take actin. ⑨ This may help when yu are having difficulty making a decisin. ⑩
    B. What d the different clurs represent?B1. Millie is nt sure abut the meanings f sme wrds in the article. Help her wrk ut what the wrds mean. Circle the crrect letters. 1. T influence smene means ________.a. t give smene a present b. t make smene change c. t ask smene fr help
    2. When yu feel relaxed, yu are _______.a. calm and nt nervus b. t tired t mve c. happy and cheerful 3. T prefer means _______. a. t hate smethingb. t talk abut smething ften c. t like ne thing mre than anther
    4. T create means ________. a. t grw b. t prduce c. t find 5. At a wedding, a man and a wman ________.a. get int truble b. get married c. fight with each ther 6. T cheer smene up means ________. a. t make smene calmerb. t make smene sadder c. t make smene happier
    7. T remind smene f smething means t help smene ____.a. remember r think abut smething b. frget smething c. feel sure abut smething 8. T require means _______. a. t repair b. t think c. t need
    B2. Millie wants t remember what the different clurs represent. Help her match the clurs n the left with what they represent n the right.1. blue a. wisdm 2. white b. new life 3. range c. pwer 4. yellw d. purity 5. green e. jy 6. red f. peace
    B3. Millie is thinking abut her friends. Help her decide which clur is suitable fr each f them. Use the infrmatin n pages 22 and 23 t help yu.1. The best clur fr Lisa is _________. It is the clur f _________ and it represents pwer.2. Daniel likes the clur _________ because it can help him _________ dwn when he is angry.
    3. Sandy shuld use the clur _________ mre. It can _________ her up when she feels sad.4. Paul’s clur shuld be _________. He wrks hard and hpes fr _________.5. Kitty likes spring. Her favurite clur is _________ because it is the clur f _________.
    B4. There is als a shrt questinnaire in the magazine. Fill in the questinnaire with yur wn infrmatin t see if yur favurite clur matches yur characteristics.My favurite clur is _________. It represents _________. I like it because _________. I am __________. Des yur favurite clur match yur characteristics? Yes N
    What jb d yu want t d?_______________________________________________D yu think yur persnality is suitable fr the jb?_______________________________________________
    C2. Wrk in pairs. Write a shrt descriptin f yur partner’s persnality. Then discuss with yur partner whether r nt yu agree with each ther.Yur partner’s persnality:________________________________________________
    influence /'ɪnflʊəns/ vt. 影响, 与affect 同义。e.g. What the teacher said influenced me a lt.老师所说的话对我影响很大。Vilent films have a bad influence n the children.暴力影片对孩子有坏的影响。
    Sme peple believe that clurs can influence ur mds.
    考题1:[柳州] Cnfucius’s ideas still _________ (影响) us greatly.
    whether /'weðə(r) /cnj. 不管……(还是); 或者……(或者); 是否e.g. Whether the news is true r nt, yu shuld be prepared.不管这消息是真是假, 你都应该做好准备。
    Yu may wnder whether it is true.
    whether 作“不管……(还是);或者……(或者)”讲时,引导让步状语从句,常与r nt 搭配。
    拓展:whether 作“是否”讲引导宾语从句。e.g. I wnder whether he likes cllecting ld cins.我想知道他是否喜欢收藏古币。
    考题2:[黔东南] Judy is an utging girl. She shws everything n her face, _______ she is happy r nt.A. whether B. until C. unless D. althugh
    sadness /'sædnəs/ n. 悲哀, 忧伤e.g. We shuld share happiness and sadness with ur friends.我们应该与我们的朋友分享快乐和忧愁。
    Blue can als represent sadness, ...
    sadness 是由形容词 sad+-ness 构成的。形容词+-ness 构成名词。e.g. ill adj. → illness(n.疾病)happy adj. → happiness(n.幸福)kind adj. → kindness(n.体贴)
    拓展:sadness 的相关词:
    e.g. He felt very sad after he heard the sad news.他听了这个悲伤的消息后感到非常伤心。He cried sadly when he heard the news.听到那个消息他哭得很伤心。
    考题3:There is an expressin f _________ (sad) n Linda’s face! What happened t her?
    prefer /prɪ'fɜː(r) / vt. 宁愿选择, 更喜欢prefer 作动词, 相当于, 意为“宁愿选择;更喜欢”。不能用于进行时态。
    Peple in cld areas prefer warm clurs in their hmes t create a warm and cmfrtable feeling.
    e.g. He cmes frm Shanghai, s he prefers rice.他来自上海, 因此他更喜欢米饭。I prefer ging by bike. 我更喜欢骑单车去。Kelly prefers t study in a ttally silent rm.凯利更喜欢在完全安静的房间里学习。I prefer yu t spare sme time t cme t ur art exhibitin next week. 我宁愿你们下周抽出点时间来我们的美术展。
    拓展:(1) prefer (ding) sth. t (ding) sth. 喜欢……多于……;宁愿……而不愿……e.g. He prefers English t Chinese. 比起汉语他更喜欢英语。I prefer taking a walk t watching the bring prgramme.我宁愿去散步也不愿看无聊的节目。
    (2) prefer t d sth. rather than d sth. 宁愿做……也不愿做……e.g. I prefer t wrk during the day and g t schl at night, rather than g n hliday t the seaside. 我宁愿白天工作, 晚上上学, 也不愿到海边度假。
    ① prefer sth. 更喜欢某物② prefer ding sth. 更喜欢做某事③ prefer (nt) t d sth. 更喜欢(不) 做某事④ prefer sb. t d sth. 宁愿某人做某事
    考题4:[扬州] Peple in cld areas ______ warm clurs t calm clurs in their hmes.A. prtect B. prefer C. prnunce D. practise
    【分析】本题用固定搭配法。prefer “相比……更喜欢……”为固定搭配。
    create /kri'eɪt/ v. 创造, 创建;造成, 引起
    辨析:create 与invent
    creatin n. 创造;作品creative adj. 有创造力的 creatr n. 创造者
    e.g. It wants t create a healthier envirnment fr wrkers and students. 它想要为工人和学生创造一个更健康的环境。Edisn failed 10, 000 times befre he invented the light bulb.爱迪生在发明灯泡之前失败了一万次。
    考题5:[海州区二模] Ancient Chinese peple ______ tea eggs during the Start f Summer.A. explained B. created C. imagined D. described
    (高频) cheer up 使振作起来e.g. I tried t cheer him up by inviting him alng fr dinner.我请他过来吃晚餐, 试图让他快乐起来。
    It can cheer yu up when yu are feeling sad.
    cheer up 是“动词+ 副词”型短语,如果宾语是名词,宾语放在cheer 和up 中间或放在up 后都可以;如果宾语是代词,那么宾语只能放在cheer 和up 的中间。
    考题6:[朝阳] —What are yu ging t d this weekend?—I am ging t visit the sick kids in the hspital and ______ them ______ as a vlunteer.A. wake; up B. cheer; up C. give; up D. pick; up
    remind /rɪ'maɪnd/ v. 提醒;使想起e.g. Our teacher ften reminds us t prtect ur envirnment.我们老师经常提醒我们要保护我们的环境。These phts remind me f my childhd.这些照片使我想起了我的童年时代。
    Yellw is the clur f the sun, s it can remind yu f a warm sunny day.
    ① remind sb. (nt) t d sth. 提醒某人(不要) 做某事② remind sb. f sth. 使某人想起某事③ remind sb.+that 从句 提醒某人……
    考题7:[达州] 电影中的这个人物形象常常使他想起他的爷爷。The character in the mvie ften __________ him ______ his grandfather.
    reminds f
    as /æz;əz/ cnj. 因为e.g. As the wage f the jb was lw, there were few applicants fr it. 因为这份工作工资低, 没有什么人申请它。I can’t cme tnight, as I’m ging t a cncert.今晚我不能来, 因为我要去听音乐会。
    Green can give yu energy, as it is the clur f nature and represents new life.
    考题8:_______ rain has fallen, the air is cler.A. And B. But C. As D. Or
    require /rɪ'kwaɪə(r) / vt. 需要, 要求, 与need 同义。e.g. The little cat requires a lt f care and attentin.这只小猫需要悉心照料。The clthes require washing. = The clthes require t be washed. 这些衣服需要洗。
    If yu require strength in either bdy r mind, red may be f sme help t yu.
    This requires us t learn what it means t help friends and hw t help them in right ways. 这就要求我们学会帮助朋友意味着什么, 以及如何用正确的方式帮助他们。
    ① require sth. 需要某物② require ding = require t be dne ……需要做③ require sb. t d sth. 要求某人做某事
    考题9:—Safety rules fr teenagers require _____ strictly, especially fr us junir high schl students.—Yes. Safety cmes first.A. being fllwed B. fllwing C. t fllw D. fllw
    make it +adj. +(fr sb.) t d sth. (对某人来说) 使得做某事怎么样e.g. The cmplex steps make it hard t hand dwn the flk art.复杂的步骤让民间艺术很难流传下来。
    Wearing red can als make it easier t take actin.
    I find it a bit difficult t learn English well, but I wn’t give up. 我发现学好英语有点难, 但我不会放弃。We think it imprtant fr us t learn English well.我们认为对我们来说学好英语很重要。
    ① find it+adj. + (fr sb.) t d sth.(对某人来说) 发现做某事怎么样② think it +adj. + (fr sb.) t d sth.(对某人来说) 认为做某事怎么样
    考题10:[达州] Mr. Black 使我们能够在他的课堂上通过有趣的方式轻松地学习物理。Mr. Black makes _________ _________ fr us t learn physics easily and in an interesting way in his class.
    【分析】本题用固定搭配法。本题是“make it+adj.+fr sb.+t d sth.” 结构, it 作形式宾语, 动词不定式是真正的宾语;使某人能够做某事:make it pssible fr sb. t d sth.。
    it pssible
    have difficulty (in) ding sth. 做某事有困难该短语相当于have truble / prblems ding sth.。difficulty 前也可用much、great、a lt f、n、little 等修饰, 表示程度。have difficulty with sth. 意为“在某方面有困难”。
    This may help when yu are having difficulty making a decisin.
    e.g. Can yu help me? I have sme difficulty in rganizing the shw. 你能帮我吗?我组织演出有些困难。He tld me he had great difficulty with his maths.他告诉我他学数学很困难。
    with difficulty 困难地,吃力地withut difficulty 毫不费力地
    考题11:[绥化] If yu have difficulty ______ ut the prblem, yu can ask the teacher fr help.A. wrk B. wrking C. t wrk
    make a decisin 作决定e.g. I think he has made a right decisin.我认为他已经作了一个正确的决定。One imprtant thing f ur grwth is t make decisins t help ur friends and learn t supprt each ther. 我们成长中很重要的一件事就是作决定帮助我们的朋友, 并学会互相支持。
    We’re happy that my father decides t give up smking.我爸爸决定戒烟了, 我们都很高兴。She decided nt t attend the party.她决定不参加这次聚会了。
    make a decisin t d sth.= make up ne’s mind t d sth.= decide t d sth.
    考题12:[牡丹江、鸡西] —Jack, will yur family mve t Shanghai?—Yes. My parents have made the ______.A. prblem B. challenge C. decisin
    考题13:[郴州] —Let’s g t the mvies this weekend.—Srry, but my parents and I have decided ______ t Dngjiang Lake fr camping.A. g B. ging C. t g

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