外研版(2019)高中英语必修一Unit4 单元分析教学计划
Unit 4 Friends forever 单元内容分析与教学目标单元课程内容整体分析与教学目标整体解读1. 本单元主题解读 本单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,涉及的主题语境内容是良好的人际关系与社会交往,具体而言就是人与人之间的友谊。本单元语篇类型丰富,包括诗歌、议论文、网络论坛帖子、对话和小说等。从一首关于友谊的诗歌开始,本单元依次呈现了诗歌《友谊地久天长》的历史、网络交友、与朋友相处、友谊的关键词、帮助朋友、友谊与法律等学习内容,从多角度诠释了与朋友相关的话题,旨在引发学生对友谊的价值、友谊的真谛、友谊与法律的关系等方面的思考,从而使学生掌握正确的交友原则,以正确的方式结交朋友,珍惜朋友间的友谊,最终形成正确的价值观,培养其自尊、自信、自强的良好品格,并在一定程度上了解中外文化对友谊的探讨和歌颂。2. 本单元教学内容概览本单元涉及的具体学习内容有:3. 指向核心素养的单元整体教学目标 在本单元学习结束后,学生能够:语言能力:能够理解与友谊相关的语篇内容,听懂并谈论与友谊相关的话题,使用新学语言描述朋友间的相处与情感,恰当运用定语从句对目标内容进行修饰、说明,根据故事情节的发展合理续写结尾。文化意识:能够了解中外文化中关于友谊的观点和态度,丰富对友谊的认知,形成正确的人生观、价值观、交友观和跨文化意识,并在生活中珍惜友谊、正确交友。思维品质:能够正确判断语篇中人物的观点和态度,辨析人们对友谊的定义,评判网络、社交媒体环境下人们的交友观念,辨析友谊与法律间的关系,在深入理解语篇内容的同时联系自身实际,实现知识与思维能力的迁移。学习能力:通过人际交往话题------友谊的多模态语篇学习,了解如何表述友谊的价值和交友原则。能够通过多形式的友谊话题相关英语知识的获取,反思并塑造有关友谊的情绪情感价值观;能够运用单元所展开的友谊话题知识,反思自我,能准确表达友谊相关的个人观点和态度。分课时教学目标及教学设计第一课时:听说导入课(P37)第二课时:阅读课 (P38-40)第三课时:语法课(P41)第四课时:听说课(P42-43)第五、六课时:读写结合课(P44-47)第七课时:口语课(P48)Starting Out诗歌视频&文本赞美友谊Understanding ideas语篇Click For A Friend?文本信息时代交友方式的改变以及网络交友优缺点Using language语法:限制性定语从句描述人或物词汇学习名词友谊听力对话有关维系友谊的建议及解决问题的日常表达Developing ideas语篇After Twenty Years文本名著阅读及读后续写Presenting ideas讨论/辩论&写作朋友是多好,还是少且精好Starting out板块教学设计课型Listening + Viewing主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块有两个活动,活动1呈现了一首诗歌,阐述了友谊的重要意义和作用;活动2给出了一段视频,视频用孔子对友谊的论述引出一首关于友谊的著名英文诗歌《友谊地久天长》。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.读懂一篇颂扬友谊的英语诗歌,理解诗歌所要表达的友谊的重要性;2.对英文诗歌的诗节、韵律、韵脚有初步的认识,通过听录音和诵读,体会英文诗歌的音韵美;3.观看视频,了解视频内容,拓展诗歌《友谊地久天长》的有关背景知识,感受“友谊”在中西方文化中的重要地位;4.对“友谊”的含义有初步的思考,并用英语描述个人对于友谊的观点;5.积累描写友谊的中英文名人名言和诗歌。教学重点引导学生读懂诗歌,了解英文诗歌的基本知识,理解诗歌所表达的情感。教学难点引导学生感受和理解诗歌所传递的情感,思考“朋友”的含义。Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Warm up Ask students to think of famous quotes, sayings, poems or songs about friend. Think and answer the question.To recall students' knowledge about friends.Activity 2Read and answerAsk students to read the poem and answer the following questions:What is the poem about?Why friendship is important to us according to the poem?What else can friends do?Who would you send this poem to and why? Tell the class about him/her.Read the poem, and answer the questions.To let students have a basic understanding of friendship.Activity 3Listen and read aloudAsk students to listen to the poem carefully and think about the verses, rhyme and rhythm of the poem.1. Listen to the poem and answer the questions;2. Listen and repeat;3. Read the poem aloud by themselves.To direct students to learn some basic knowledge of English poems.Activity 4Watch a video and answerPlays the video and asks students to think about the questions:Which poem is mentioned in the video?What idea does the poem mainly express?What’re the English words for “Auld Lang Syne”? What does it mean?Who wrote the poem?How did the poet create the poem?How did the poem become the song we are familiar with today? How was the song widely known to Chinese people?What’s the situation of the poem today?1. Watch the video and take some notes about the questions.2. Watch the video again and answer the questions.To let students have a further understanding of friendship through the video.Activity 5Listen and sing1. Play the mp3 and ask students to listen to it.2. Ask students to sing the song together.1. Listen to the song carefully.2. Sing the song.1. To let students have a further understanding of friendship through sing the song.2. To draw Ss’ interests in learning English.Activity 6Free talkAsk students to think and present their understanding on friendship.Think and talk.To let students share their opinions on friendship.Understanding ideas板块教学设计课型Reading主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块的课文是一篇论说文,讨论的是网络的发展使交友方式和朋友间的沟通方式都发生了巨大的变化。我们能够随时随地与朋友保持联系,也能够通过网络交到志趣相投的朋友;但与此同时,网络交友也有不少弊端,比如,我们无法确定对方的信息真实与否,因此在网络这种虚拟空间交友存在着一定的风险。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.读懂一篇有关信息时代网络交友的议论文,判断作者对网络交友的态度,并获取相关支撑信息;2.分析语篇结构及内在逻辑关系,了解英语论说文的文体特征; 3.认识到网络交友的利弊,正确看待网络交友,提高思辨能力,并能用英语表达自己的观点。教学重点引导学生读懂语篇,理解作者意图、课文结构及内在逻辑关系;引导学生了解论说文的文体特征。教学难点引导学生理解语篇结构并通过思维导图梳理文中的重要信息;引导学生辩证地认识并评价网络交友的现象。Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Review and talk Ask students to some famous quotes and think the question:Why do we need friends?Think and answer the question.To review the topic and lead in.Activity 2Think and talk1. Ask students to answer the two questions:What were the ways of making friends in the past?What are the ways of making friends nowadays?2. Ask students to tick their answers.3. Ask students to have discussions in groups and find out the most popular answers.4. Choose one or two groups to share their results with the class.1. Students answer the two questions.2. Students tick the answers individually.3. Students work in groups and find out the most popular answers.4. One or two groups present their results to the class.1. To conclude the students’ ways of making friends.2. To connect the passage with the students’ life.3. To arouse the students’ curiosity about the topic.Activity 3Read and answer1. Ask students to read the passage quickly and answer the two questions:What does click refer to in the title?Why is there a question mark in the title?2. Ask students to read the passage again and find the author’s opinions about online friendship.3. Ask students to choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage.1. Read the passage and answer the questions.2. Read and underline the descriptions of the author’s opinions about online friendship. Then, draw a conclusion.3. Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage.To get the main idea of the passage. To figure out the author’s opinions about online friendship.To figure out the author’s purpose in writing the passage.Activity 4Read and draw1. Ask students to complete the diagrams with expressions from the passage and then draw a mind map according to the diagram.2. Guide Ss to analyze the structure of the passage.1. Complete the diagrams and draw a mind map2. Share their mind map with the class.To figure out the structure with some details of the passage.Activity 5Think and shareAsk students to think about and answer the questions:Why does the author say “But this doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater”? Do you know of any similar sayings in Chinese?What’re your ideas on the advantages and disadvantages of making friends online?Discuss and share their ideas.1. To focus on the difficult points in the passage.2. To help students make reasonable judgments about making friends online.Activity 6SummarizeAsk students to use correct words to complete the summary of this passage.Finish the summary of the passage.Review the whole passage.Using language板块教学设计课型Grammar主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块分为三部分,为语法、词汇和听说的综合活动。语法部分包括对定语从句的感知发现、规律总结和真实语境运用,其中两个小语篇的话题分别为“我的朋友”和“社团招新”,前者描述了和朋友相处的细节,后者以网络论坛的形式介绍了远足社团,欢迎志同道合的朋友加入。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.使用工具书并自学相关定语从句的语法知识,分组总结相关定语从句的形式和基本用法; 2.在语境中理解和使用关系代词that, which,who, whom, whose等引导的限制性定语从句; 3.运用所学限制性定语从句的语法知识,以“举行讲座”为题,写一个宣传贴,介绍本次讲座的人物、主题等相关信息,要求用到关系代词引导的定语从句至少五句。教学重点引导学生了解限定性定语从句的基本特征并在真实语境中运用。教学难点引导学生在真实语境中运用定语从句。Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Self-study and self-assess1. Go through the grammar part on P73-74 of the reference book and discuss in groups:What’s the definition of attributive clause?What’s the form of attributive clause? What’s the function of the relative pronouns in attributive clause?2. Check Ss’ learning results.3. Ask Ss to do self-assessment.1. Self-study the grammar part on P73-74 of the reference book amd then discuss the questions.2. Draw a conclusion.3. Finish the exercises.1. To find out the structure, function and linking words of the attributive clauses.2. To get familiar with the attributive clauses.Activity 2Think and answerTeacher asks students to read the sentences in the first box and pay special attention to the words in bold. Then ask students Questions 1–2.Teacher asks students to compare the sentences in the second box with those in the first box. Then ask students Questions 3–5.Teacher instructs students to look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage and underline the sentences.Students observe the two sentences in the first box and answer Questions 1–2.Students compare sentences in the second box with those in the first box and answer Questions 3–5.Students look for more sentences with attributive clauses in the reading passage and underline them.To compare oral English and written English.Activity 3PracticeTeacher asks students to read the passage and get the main idea of the passage. Teacher asks students to read the underlined sentences carefully and rewrite them.Teacher checks the answers with the class.Teacher asks students to fill in the blanks of the post.Teacher asks students to read the post and get its main idea.Teacher checks the answers with the class.Students read the passage and get its main idea.Students read and rewrite the underlined sentences.Students check the answers with the teacher.Students fill in the blanks.Students read the post and get its main idea.Students check the answers with the teacher.1. To apply the attributive clauses in a context.2. To consolidate the application of the attributive clauses in a real context.Activity 4Create and writeTeacher asks students to use at least 5 sentences of attributive clause to write a notice to advertise for a lecture.Students write the notice.To enhance Ss’ writing skills.Using language板块教学设计课型Listening + speaking主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析词汇部分以“友谊汤”食谱的形式呈现了有关友谊的可贵行为和品质的词汇,帮助学生描述、评价朋友的行为和品质;听说部分呈现了两位朋友间的一段对话,引导学生帮助朋友排忧解难。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.掌握与友情相关的词汇,着重内化词义、发音和拼写方面等;2.恰当地使用描述朋友行为和品质的词汇描述朋友,讨论朋友的行为和品质; 3.根据题目内容,听前预测对话内容,并在听的过程中获取特定信息;4.体会英语中朋友间给予建议与解决问题的表达,并运用这些表达,针对自己在交友过程中的问题,寻求建议与帮助;5.再次认识到友谊的重要性,明确朋友间应该相互帮助,并思考更多与朋友相处的方法,形成健康的人际关系。教学重点1. 引导学生掌握并恰当地使用描述朋友行为和品质的词汇描述朋友,讨论朋友的行为和品质;2. 引导学生初步认识到友谊的重要性,思考与朋友相处的方法,形成健康的人际关系。教学难点引导学生认识到友谊的重要性,思考与朋友相处的方法,形成健康的人际关系。Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Enjoy and talk1. Play the mp3 to let Ss enjoy a song and think the question:What is a good friend?What kind of friend do you like?If friendship can be made as a bowl of soup, what ingredients would you like to add into it?1. Listen to the song carefully.2. Think and talk about the questions.To further understand the definition of a good friend and accumulate relative words.Activity 2Read and match1. Teacher asks students to read the recipe and work out the meaning of the words in bold.2. Teacher asks students to read the dictionary entries and pay attention to their features. 3. Teacher asks students to match the words in bold in Activity 4 to the dictionary entries.4. Teacher invites some students to share the answers with the class.1. Students read the recipe and work out the meaning of the words in bold.2. Students read the dictionary entries and pay attention to their features. 3. Students match the words in bold in Activity 4 to the dictionary entries.4. Some students share the answers with the class.To further understand the relative words in Activity 4.Activity 3Brainstorm and talk1. Ask Ss to brainstorm more ingredients for the “Friendship soup”. 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk about the keywords of their “Friendship soup” and why they choose such ingredients. 1. Brainstorm or look up the dictionary to get more words describing friendship.2. Share with partners their “friendship soup”. To enlarge and review the vocabulary about the topic of friendship. Activity 4Read and answer1. Ask Ss to read Did You Know and answer the question:Why people may become good friends?2. Ask Ss to think and answer:How do you get well along with your friends?1. Read Did You Know and answer the question.2. Think and talk about the way they get well along with their friends.To arouse Ss’ interests and lead in the topic.Activity 5Read and predictGuide Ss to read the sentence in Activity 7. Then predict and number the events in the correct order. Read the sentence, get to know what happened and predict the correct order.To train the skills of prediction before listening.Activity 6Listen and numberPlay the audio and asks students to check their answer.Students think about the keywords of their own “Friendship soup”.Students work in pairs and create their own recipe.Different pairs show their recipes to the class.To train the skills of grasping the main idea of a conversation through listening.Activity 7 Listen and complete1. Play the audio again and asks students to complete the table.2. Check the answers with the class.Students read the sentences and find out the purpose of the activity.Students listen to the audio and number the events in the correct order.Students check the answer with the teacher.To learn to understand the details of the listening material.Activity 8Read and find1. Ask students to read the sentences in Learning to learn find out :What’s the good way to make a suggestion to our friends?2. Teacher asks students to talk about how Andy and Clara give suggestions.Students listen to the audio again and complete the table.Students check the answers with the teacher.Students talk about how Andy and Clara give suggestions, and pay attention to “Learning to learn”.To learn the ways of giving suggestions.Activity 9Make a conversation1. Divide students into pairs and asks them to read the materials on Page 82 and Page 85 respectively and ask students to work in pairs and make the conversation according to the different materials.2. Invite several pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class.3. Ask Ss to think about a problem with friends and have a similar conversationStudents work in pairs and read the materials on Page 82 and Page 85 respectively.Students work in pairs and make the conversation according to the different materials.Several pairs act out their conversations in front of the class.To apply the expressions of giving suggestions.Developing ideas板块教学设计(建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading + Writing主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析本板块的课文节选自著名短篇小说家欧·亨利的作品《二十年之后》,小说讲述了两位好友相约二十年后见面的故事,所节选的内容呈现了主人公在约定的时间和地点等待重逢的场景;读写部分的范文是在该短篇小说结局的基础上续写的结尾。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.了解作者和小说的创作背景;2.阅读并理解故事的背景、人物、情节发展,了解欧·亨利小说的结尾特点;3.欣赏文章的语言,分析主要人物的性格特点;4.辩证思考情与法之间的关系,树立正确的友情观,学会遵守承诺和遵守法律;5.基于小说的语言风格、人物特点和情节发展的逻辑,发挥想象,进行读后续写。教学重点带领学生理清故事情节,把握小说的基本特征;引导学生深入理解友谊的内涵和意义,树立正确的友情观。教学难点引导学生根据小说线索续写小说结尾;引导学生辩证思考情与法之间的关系,树立正确的友情观。Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityActivity 1Warm upShow Ss some pictures and ask them to guess who the man is and the name of his stories.Guess the man and his works.Arouse Ss’ interestsActivity 2Read and find1. Ask Ss to read the introduction to O. Henry and find the writing theme of his stories, the characteristics of his works and the name of his famous stories.2. Present more information about the writer and the background information of the story “After Twenty Years”.1. Read the introduction and find the answer.2. Read the information and get to know the background information about the story.Broaden Ss’ knowledge about O. Henry and accumulate literary knowledge.Activity 3Skim and answer1. Guide Ss to read aloud the introduction part of the story together.2. Ask Ss to skim the passage and answer the following question:Why is the man standing outside the shop?1. Read aloud the introduction part of the story together.2. Read the passage and answer the question.To have a general understanding of this passage.Activity 4Read and draw1. Ask Ss to read again, find out the key elements of a novel and draw a mind map of the story between Jimmy and the man. 2. Invite Ss to present their mind map.3. Present the teacher’s mind map.1. Read the passage again and draw a mind map.2. Share the mind map with the class.3. Compare the mind map with the teacher’s.To grasp the plot and character relationships of the story.Activity 5Predict the ending and find1. Ask Ss to work in groups to predict a logical and acceptable ending to the story and then share in class.2. Ask Ss to read the note from the original ending and find out what actually happened.1. Discuss with the group members the ending of the story and then share.2. Read the original ending and find out what actually happened.1. To predict the development of the plot and stimulate imagination.2. To enhance students’ understanding of the ending.Activity 6Analyze and infer1. Ask Ss to read the whole story, find out the sentences that describe Jimmy and the man and infer their personality.2. Invite some Ss to share their ideas.1. Read the whole story, underline the sentences that describe Jimmy and the man and infer their personality.To analyze the characters and learn to infer.Activity 7Think & ShareGuide Ss to think the questions and then share their ideas.1) What’s the theme of the story?2) How do you think Bob would react when he read the note?3) Do you think that Jimmy did the right thing? Why or why not?Think and answer the questions.To be familiar with the theme and experience the feelings of the characters.Activity 8ReviewGuide Ss to review the storyline, the ending, the theme, the settings and the characters of the story.Retell the storyline, the ending, the theme, the settings and the characters of the story.To recall the memory of the story. Activity 9Read and answer1. Ask Ss to read Bob’s story after he was released from jail in Activity 5 and answer the questions in Activity 5.2. Ask Ss to read the ending in Activity 5 again and find the expressions that describe he settings, characters and actions.1. Read the passage in Activity 5 and answer the related question.2. Read again and underline the expressions that describe he settings, characters and actions.1. To appreciate the style of O. Henry’s novel ending and enhance the literary quality.2. To find out the key elements of a novel and prepare for the following writing.Activity 10Think and writeAsk Ss to come up with their own ending to Jimmy and Bob’s story, twenty years after Bob was arrested.Come up with their own ending and write it down.To practice the writing skill.Activity 11Peer ReviewInvite some Ss to share their work with their partner and polish it. Share the writing with partners and polish.To make the story better.Presenting ideas板块教学设计课型Speaking主题语境人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析Presenting ideas板块呈现了两种关于友谊的观点,旨在引导学生对友谊这一话题有更加深入的理解,形成正确的友情观。教学目标在本板块学习结束时,学生能够:1.对友谊这一话题有更深入的理解,形成自己的友谊观;2.了解英语辩论的基本方法,并能运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论,阐述自己对友谊的理解并举例证明。教学重点引导学生通过学习,对友谊有更深入的理解;引导学生了解英语辩论的基本方法,并能运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论。教学难点引导学生运用恰当的表达方式进行辩论;引导学生升华对友谊的认识,让学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。教学策略任务型教学法、交际教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teacher’s activityStudents’ activityPresenting ideasActivity 1Teacher asks students to read the two points of view about friendship.Teacher divides the class into groups and asks them to discuss the two points of view.Teacher asks students to decide which point of view they agree with independently.Students read the two points of view about friendship.Students discuss the two points of view in groups.Students decide which point of view they agree with independently.To help students further understand the meaning of friendship.Activity 2Teacher asks students who support the same point of view to form four-person teams and decide their roles.Teacher asks students to think of reasons to support the team’s opinion.Teacher asks students to prepare for the debate.Students who support the same point of view form four-person teams and decide their roles.Students think of reasons to support the team’s opinion.Students prepare for the debate.To guide students to think deeply about the meaning of friendship and get the basic knowledge of a debate.Activity 3Teacher asks each team to choose a team with the opposite opinion.Teacher asks students to hold a debate.Teacher makes comments and evaluation.Each team chooses a team with the opposite opinion.Students hold a debate.To encourage students to express their opinions, and help them correctly understand the unit theme.